The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 27, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 28
$15.00 TO $40.00 PER ACRE
iH5,ooo ncres its tlic I)e Chutes Valley.
fo,ooo acres now under 250 miles of completed canals,
Most fertile Mill, nhuudatil nntl never failing water, lorl
otin climate 310 KUiiKlilny days per yeot clienp lumber and fuel,
worlili of writer tower, fisli, game, anil beautiful tiiotititniii scen
ery, combine to make uu Ideal country to LIVK in.
An for MAKINU A I.IVINU, man after mnn of our scttlcrn
Is producing this year from iheae clienp landa front jfoo.oo to
jt 1 00.00 nu acre In clover, alfalfa, oat, wheat and barley crop.
Vegetable Mint fruit crops have yielded from iioo 00 an acre up.
i.pft varieties of grains, yjami, fruilH and vegetable raised and'
ripened on the laud, Clover 8 tons per acre, alfalfa 7 tons, oats
80 bushels, potatoes 300 buidiclK, nueetcorti 180 bushels roasting
car, strawberries tl.o gallons, and other crop In Similar pro
Have you got your tract of land yet? If not, why not?
Get a hustle on and get it how, while you can get your pkk.
Jciumber thia la Carey Act laud.
You get the land absolutely Tree directly from the State
of Oregon.
l'or particulars write today for Booklet G.
Descliuics Irrigation & Power Company
Clias. P. .Richardson, Manager Sales Department
Room 2(W, No. ft Wnll St., Spoknnc, Wnsli.
Will UcUuiltby D. I.& P.
Co. North of Bend.
River To lie Dninmod by a Stone
Wall 10 I'cct High nntl Water Di
verted through New Ditch.
A Complete Stock of
At Hem!,
Rough, Surfaced and Moulded
At Bend,
All AVIdths, Lengths and Thicknesses
(1 rndes
inch common
Delivered at
Low Cost
Anywhere on
The Lnnds of
(le D. I. & P.
Co., or
Tlic C. S. I. Co.
Central Oregon
Development Company
The Bulletin Sets the Pice.
A large )lccc or development
work that will Iw undertaken by
the I). I. & V CowIUiln the next
few month i the eottatrttction of
another latge main canal to water
about 85,000 acre of Inud lying on
the north of the company's wsgrc
tfatiqii. The point of diverilou for
this new waterway will be about n
mile north of Bend, and the cnnal,
when completed, will be 28 miles
in length. It will rtui iu a north
easterly direction following quite
cloaely the I'rinevitle road and will
empty into the old river bed.
I'or the past week or 10 day a
crew of surveyor tinder Kngineer
King have beu waking surveys
along the river, locating a suitable
diversion point and a site for ada'm.
The method by which the water,
will be taken from the river will be
different from that heretofore em
ployed by the tug irrigation com
pany. No flume will be used. In
stead, a darn .0 feet high will be
built acroaa the river. This will
raise the water to such a height
that it can be diverted directly into
the canal. The first cost of the
dam will be quite expensive but it
will be time foe all time with prac
tically no coat for maintenance,
while a board flume is a constant
money-eating concern and requires
ewuMeraWe sums etch year to keep
it in repair. The place where the
dam will be built lies close to the
north Hoe of Sec. 59. Tp. 17. R. 12.
The new canal wjll water practi
cally all that part of the segrega
tion lying between the Deschutes
river aud the old river bed north of
the Prinaville road.
Ahlde from furnishing'tlie means
for diverting water for the new
cnnal, the dam will also provide a
flue power site. A power plant
will undoubtedly be built there
shortly after the dam is completed.
Being situated so close to Bend n
plant at the dnm could cosily sup
ply the town with electric light-and
power, aud could f uriiUu the energy
for many of those mill, and factor
ies that will some day be built at
Bend and vicinity.
Superintendent Rcdfiold said that
work on the chuu and canal will in
all probability be commenced early
next spring- Other work now in
progress will keep all the men busy
up to that time that the company
can secure.
Work on the Stove Flume.
Lumber for the stave flume that
is to carry water across the old riv
er bed in the Powell Buttcs section
is being hauled ns rapidly as teams
can be procured. Superintendent
Rcdficld says it is almost impossible
to get teams to move this lumber,
The company has 350,000 feet to
be hauled from the Higlitowcr-
Smith mill to the site of the flume
nnd are naviurr 48 a thousand to
move it, blit men and teams are so
scarce that very little has yet beeu
hauled out.
The fTume proper is being manu
factured nt Tncomn, On Sept. 10
sections of this flume filling two
carloads werehipped from Tacoma
A big shipment of iron, such ns
bolts, hoops, etc., iu all 48,000 lb.,
is also euroutc for Shaniko. A
soon as this material can be gotten
on the ground n crew wilLbc put at
work building the big stnve flume.
Mr. Rcdficld said Ire exacted to
move a crew there about tlie 15th
of next mouth.
Present System Will (le Abandonee
for One More Comfortable.
On next Tuesday, October 1, the
Bend, Madras & Shaniko Stage Co.
will cense to run its stages and the
bushiest, wilt be taken over by J.
II. Wennndy, who will operate a
double i::. -ry and stage. Under
thh arrangement travel into this
Motion will be much more satisfac
tory, as the passenger can employ
whatever means of travel he desires
as to time. A large stable has been
built at Shaniko. There teams
nnd rigs will be always on hand as
well as at this end of the line.
Supposing there was otic passen
ger wishing to come through. He
can get a good rig at Shaniko,
drive through to Mend, leave the
team at the barn here aud his both
er and expense is ended. If there
are several passengers a hack will
be furnished and they can drive
through, taking as much time as
needed. If a driver is desired, one
will be provided. The fare will be
the sume as now, $8.50, with round
trip privileges. Passengers who
are in a hurry can come right
through. A light hack stage serv
ice will be provided, leaving
Shaniko soon after the arrival of
the train and reaching Bend the
next day. This same service will
also be furnished from Bend to
Shaniko when desired. Horses will
be kept along the line at relay sta
tions In order to make thi service
Under tut new arrangement there
will be a much better express serv
ice. Outfits to carry express alone
will be put on and hereafter express
will uot be laid over on u xount 0
the stage being overloaded with pas
sengers. Perishable express will
be brought through daily; all other
clashes every two days.
The regular stage service has uot
given entire satisfaction. The all
night ride nnd half of the next day
was too tiresome a trip for most
people. It had n bad effect on
prospective settlers. Travel- here
after will be in comfortable buggies
and hacks and the passenger can
take as much time as he wishes.
The expense will be much less also
as when there arc no passengers
there will be no need to scud out
The new concern will be known
as tne ueuu-siiatiiKo nvcry cc
Stage Co. V. P. Kelly will be in
charge nt Shaniko aud J. II.
Wenaudy, the proprietor of the
new company, nt Hcnd.
Novel Protection against Coyotes.
Theodore Rieger, who has a fine
ranch five mile3 south of Madras,
is engaged quite extensively in the
chicken business, aud while iu town
Tuesday Mrs. Rieger told of a sim
ple device by which they have been
able to-keep off the coyotes, the
most destructive enemy the chicken
industry has in this section. The
coyotes had become quite bold and
killed a number of chickens iu the
yard in vhich they were euclosed.
Mr. Rieger then stretched a small
twine string around the yard, eight
or 10 inches above the ground, and
the string has proved as effectual a
barrier to the coyotes as a stone
wall would have been. They will
venture us far as the string, but
will uot cross It, Pioneer,
Exhibits at Redmond Out
do Previous Show.
Second Annual Meeting of Deschutes
Valley Fair Association Gives UvN
dencc of a Fertile Soil.
KitDJioxo, Sept. 23.--The sec
ond annual Deschutes Valley Pair
has gone into history. At this
time a full list of awards is not pro
curable so this week notes only will
be given leaving the list of premi
ums until later. The outcome fully
justtfitd the writer's choice of a
motto for the fair of bigger, better
and busier than ever. Ail classes
of stock and farm products were
better represented than last year by
from 25 to joo per cent.
The three, general horticultural
exhibits were a revelation to every
body even after the excellent ex
hibit made by the Cove orchard
last year. Needless to say that Mr
IJocgli carried off the blue this veer
Having the exhibits boused in
stead of in tents as last year -was
a decided improvement and we con
sider the bobrd lucky in bavin?
been able to secure the building that
was used. .
riic. secretary as usual was over
worked. We predict that auother
year superintendents except in the
farm products department will have
to do tlieir own clerical work leav
ing the secretary to make entrie
for that department and the super
intendent to arrange the exhibits.
The Lone Pine Trading Com
pany sent up their big black Per-
cheron stallion aud a 1050 pound
yearling colt both of which carried
off blue ribbons.
Professor Kent's work in judging
both stock and farm products was
highly appreciated both by exhib
itors and the general public as well
as his address on Friday evening.
We all hope to meet the professor
again. He took occasion during
his lecture, advising us to keep our
dairy industry growing, to compli
ment us upon the quality of the
cows he was called upon to judge,
dnd the good ones were not all
there cither.
The weather man lias been our
ally for the time of the fair, dealing
us out nu almost ideal article.
Considering the late spring and
early autumn frosts nnd the decid
edly cool summer we were much
surprised nt the showing of toma
toes, pumpkins and other tender
aud long season vegetables that
was made.
Visitors, were 'present from all
sections, from the Bend couutry of
Oregon to the Big Bend country of
Washington. North, east, south
aud west were all well represented.
Of course nt the break up we
watched the culinary department
nnd got a new line on some of the
good cooks. Wc felt like saying,
"How would you like to be the
news man?" The judges hardly
tasted the pies nnd cakes else where
they awarded a blue ribbon they
would have given two or three of
Among many other things that
deserve especial mention are the
butter exhibits. Any one of them
looked good enough to cat and
continued looking so until the close.
V I Redmond s general exhibit
of farm products of over 60 vari
eties called forth a great deal of
complimentary comment and would
have attracted attention in any fair.
E. C. Pakk
New Traction Outfit Expected to Be at
, Madras This Week.
The big traction engine to be
used by the Central Oregou Trans
portation & Forwawliug Company
arrived In Shaaikd Tuesday after
noon, and ns soon as it can be tin.
loaded nnd set up, the trial trip out
will be made. The six cars to be
used have been at Shaniko for
n week or more and n r c
already set up. but the enginb was
delayed at Gold Hill by some acci
dent to the car upon which it was
On the trial trip out from Shan
iko about 50 tons of freight will be
hauled. It was intended nt first to
make the trip out with an empty
train, bttt.nfter the expert engineer
sent here by the Holt company to
run the train had gone over the
roads, it was decided to bring a
load of freight, as he was quite con
fident that no difficulty would be
encountered in operating the trnin
over the road from Shaniko to this
Quite a lot of grain has already
iKcn stored here for shipment to
Shaniko by the new freighting com
pany and the Indications arc th::
they will have all they can handle
from the time they begin hauling.
The members of the freightiuir com
pany arc quite anxious to get the
big outfit going, as their best season
for hauling over the Shaniko road
is slipping by. The new grade in
Cow can von has been complete!.
and everything is in readiness lor
the immediate operation of the
train, as soon as the engine is set
up at Shaniko. It is expected that
toe first trip out will be made bv
the end of this week. Pioneer.
Later Thursday evening the re
port reached Bend that the outfit
had reached Cow canyon and was
stalled there, the big cngiue having
blown out a flue
.Music and Readings .Much Enjoyed by
nn Appreciative Audience.
The tnutioat and literary program gi
en at the church tt Friday evening at
a decided hicccm awl furnUbcd a very
pleaant evening's entertainment to
tbotc la attendance. Tbclnnlinjj fnttm-
wt BJturflly Via Iva Wetu's s.o'.m
seiectbos. alias Went has Ukcu twi
year tnattuetton on the violm at 'h
Male tintver4ty and has niutero! th-
iifficuUiea of that inatruttirru to Ml H a
degree a to give much promiio for her
fatare a a taletite I maticiau. Iter selec
tions from Rubinstein, Mascani, and
other Waaler were listaned t with
much appreciation and enjoyment, anl
sue was obliged to respond to many en
cores. Mrs. V. K. Querm, Jr , arcom-
paiued MIm Wast on the j.isno.
Rev. Mitchell gave several readings
from DieVetu, which were rendered 11
bis aaual pteaainK manner. Miss Marion
Wlest was 00 the program for a vocsl
sow wit was unable 10 respond on ac
count of a severe cold. J. IC. Sawlull
kindly took her pUce and sang ' Sing
Me to Sleep," by Greene, and responded
to two encore.
Such eatcrtaiameiiU as hut Friday's
are altogether too rare in Uend. The
tpleut is here and the public should 'jc
givetr more opportunity to enjoy tt.
Inspector Mcyendorff at Madras.
M. A. Mcyendorf, a special agent
of the General Land Office, spent
last Friday and Saturday in Mad
ras aud vicinity, inspecting n num
ber of entries iu this locality, and
looking into land matters generally.
Mr. MeyendortTweut to Bend sev
eral weeks ago with the party of
state and lederal omcials who were
inspecting the irrigation projects ot
that section, since which time he
has been investigating land matters
iu this county. Iu addition to his
investigation of laud entries, he has
also been investigating several
cases ot illegal fencing of public
land. Mr. MeyeudoriT left Satur
day afternoon for Portland, but ex
pects to return to this locality later
in the fall. Pioneer.
Arguments Heard.
Yesterday arguments were heard
before Judge Uradshaw at The
Dalles iu the injunction suitbrought
agalust the IJeud Mercantile Com
pany by the Central Oregou Bank
ing & Trust Co. Judge E. B. King,
of King, Gueriu & Kollock, ap
peared as attorney for the bank. At
trie time ot going to press the de
cision of the court had not been re
ceived iu Bead,