The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 13, 1907, Image 7

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l."Ti,J. ,-V"
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1u '
Contniflimi lllooil INiIhoii lini 1roti;ht iiiorcnufTcrltiir, misery nml litiuilln
toil lulu lliowotlil tliuit nil other ihitcnnca cotuliliictl ; Uierc h lnirilly nny
limit to Iti jiowcrn for evil. It I tlio lilncW-st nml vilest of nil illsorilers,
mccking tlio llvt'iiof those tiiifotttiimto ciioiij:Ii to contract It nut! often lielnj;
tiiuiitinlltcil to Innocent ofrNjirliif;, n lilljlitiiiif lecncyof citifTcrlnir nml nhniiic.
liMlilKlily coiitui:l.)im lit tliutrouMi) that ltitioc.cnt tiersonii tuny contract it
I'V USitU'' till! Iklliltt tntiln U'lla (i,(t..t 1. ..I f.f xtfillilitir of i. tin In ...1......
IiIocmI the ttcnclictoun vIiiih linn tiikcn
miv n very deceptive one. Only those
..... ii v inu mue noro r nicer, wiiu u tismiiiy iniiktii tin impeninmu lit-:, ol
lliu millet Inir whlcli li to follow. It comes in the form of tilicrulwl inoulli
fiii "V """'Kl'tly copper colored tijioti, iiwolliit jilnmlit in the t;roin,
I'illlnr nlr, olkiihiveBoiennml tikerHoii the hotly, nml in nevueensefl tli
liiiKer iiallii1roHiir, llielmnirt Imxuiiiu dinenned, the m-rvoun nystcm iimiiat
luretl nml thcmillerer Iwcotucn nil ohjectof pity to Ills fellow mail. Kspccl
iilly It thctmichctiiiin tmtiirocif Coiitnirlutm lilood J'olsoti, nliou-ii when the
J'llwteil tiKnoiietiileavoni to comlmt the poison with mercury nml txitruili.
ilieeiiiiueiHli will chive nwnyiill outwntd uyiiiptoiitM of the ttouhlen for
(i while, nml the victim in elect ivul into the belief Hint lie if cured. When,
litmcvcr.tho treiituient in leftolf lie fi mint lint the jkImiiiim only Ik-ch driven
inBlici iiiui uieiiiiMHi mm tlio disease teiippcnrs, iiml tiHiially ill worse form
Ijwnime thrtc attune mluernlrt lutvu not only to icmove the virus from
the blood but have the entire tiystcitt licciuisc of their destructive
nctioii. J.N..S Is he only tenlnutl certnlu cure for ContnKioimJIIootl I'ol.
Bon. It Ji nude if n combluiitiuit of ln-iiliuir lilooil-putifyitiir tools, lictlij
nml lmrki, the Ik-,1 in Kutute'n itent laboratory of forent nml field. Wc
oiler u icwutd of f for iioof Hint tt. tt. H. contnliis n particle of mineral
S in nny form. tt. H. . j;ocs down to the
Rh 4C Actyliottomof the trouble nml by clemislnij
"fc7 "sk"? "ic I'IimmI of every particle of the virus nml
v"jj. vTJ ruldlnjj rich, henlthfulfunJitlcn to this vital
53'W 'WBrG fluid, forever cures thin nowerful disorder.
, ,, . ... cverr-ccii ni;nln, nnel ousnriiii; ii protected,
ii '"r "r "PW'n' i CoubiKlotin Wood l'olson, which fully ex.
pliiltm the ilillcreiit,:ceif the trouble, nml outlines n complete home treat,
incut for nil nulicrcrnof thin trouble. No charge is made for this book, nml
II you wish niiec ul tueHcnl ndvlcc nlwut case or nny of its itymtitotu. out
physicians will be tflml to furnish that, tew, without Imrt'c,
rue swift srecinc CO., atlahta, ga,
SMrlllMM Slrrl r I'lrrlrlrllr.
"I'tw dmrimHK ijinthtii)- uf iniu urr
wlikli l UAt& MiiN fnmi tlm miiKiti
fclHlt llkf Hnrliir. itiif out or till'
IiIIIk of MoImiim nml 'iViiiiriuMii nml
liomnl rrimi tlm ititi it of IVutmyl
anU. Ims riiMi tli Kil"Kl"t mitt
iMlnrnliik'Ist to insVi ntnrilliur priillc
ttM. Vnt nt IIhih tiaiv piuw ni fnr
ta ay Hint u aru nrtMcliliiK an
nrn n lie ii Irmi iiMjr rnnU nnniiii; tin
rarrr mrtali tvitiiM of Hit -mvlly
Ktcm Jaini-rt J. Hill, tin- rullrnnil iiuik
usU stMt ilt'rlp(ar nf tin' Ntrtlii't,
who was onr of ttu first to rmllir t ti
Taat det'inlta of urn tit tli Hurlir
niticr. tioH nmilo ttm iiniti"-y ttint
trlii-i nltlilu n tislf rrntury iimm! of
tha rlchrr urr tW will tm nlisualnl
and that wc majr tw liillnl to go nut
lit of Aiiii-rlc fur imicti of tlw raw
matnrlal for mir nnrttrr arxt fur
at.H TfM-lialral World Mucatlne.
TUr t.l II llu ( Tlm I.
Ttiry with holding ilomi tlio parlor
ofn tuC'llti'r.
"Wottn'ii," Im' niimrkol to the ilrar
Ctrl tijr Uta slitc, "aru nut (ooil llsteU'
'l'tm ilmr clrl mid nuttilng.
Ami tin' ili'ur Klrl'a mutlirr, mIio
lu4m; an ii'lnitliii: atmit at tln
knlwlf. nut lu a lKialtlun to cuti
traitkt lilin.
Atnur Ilia.
ltilfl;tla, bat ju iiantil lb tab
"Vr, ! naifif.1 hr Nstw Jan. tmt
krr MKtttrr Jrfm Vrrnnka An(illna,
ami tUl'i iirnbaMjr wbat tit (nwr llttU
tiiliif ilt U oarM-ncI"
llaril Sluili". ,
Tbo I'altirr ItMunutwr, mj on, that
now )ii ar llituufti cullr jour hard
t aluljr Iti; I in,
'Ilia Hon Yr. fallifr. t ilipa I'll
l in in l.fln lil'lrnir ll llui" tallica
ihiw.- Vunkrr Ktati-niaii
Tlio Kind Von 1Iiim Ahviiytt
turn or ('Iiiih, ii. Mi-teller, nun
lierMimil HtnicrviNiou tor over ;nr ji'iim. Allow
to tliu'idvo you in till. C'ouiitorloltH, Iniltntloiu
'.IiinI-iih-kooiI" uro but ICxpi'rlnifiitH, anil ciuliuitxi
lii'iiltlt of Children KxtiorU'iioo tii;uliiNt l'.ipt'rliiici
Cnitorlu N ii Imrmli'jiH mibntltitlo for Cimtor Oil, lnro
iiorlc, Drops nml Hoollilnir Hjrups, It 1h ricnsimt. It
contiiliiH neltlicr Opium, Morplihio not other Narcotic)
MibslHiicMU Km auro In ItH K"nnitci. It destroyn "Vorinn
nml itlluyit I'ovcrislint'NH. It curcH Dlurrbcuu mid "Wind
Colic. It ndlovt'H 'red bluer Troubles, rttroH CoiiNtlputlou
nml l'Miitiilcuc'V. It UNHlmlhitcH tlm Food, rc'KUliitcs tlio
Htoiuncb nml llowolN, KiyK liwiltliy mill nut unit uleoi.
Tlio Chlldron'H l'linuccu Tlio Ulutlifr'tj Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Soars tlio
"" "-"' ay raf
In Use For Over 30 Years.
toot. Not only li It'n tiowcr'al tiolnon
who lmvcjlcurucil liy lilttcrcxtiericiicf
.So thoiouchly docs H. tt. tt. demise the
circulation that no nielli of the disease nrc
William KlHMrprrl, of Ht. I)Ul, lina
lUTpiitiil rnut hutxta to patent a wcrvt
plowing iiivHhnI for tha euru of laltl
"A -mitn euro for halilm-aa," aald
Air KmwpfaJ tli othir day. "acwniUl
uiaka a man ri-rj rlclu Why, lna
k'ruw rich on faka cum. It ta amaa
iiC U rvallr la, what fakira auma of
thrM cura aro. Tat Ultra's nvuuv
In thaui,"
Mr. Kuorpfal cTa a loud, scornful
"in tlirJr profltaMa crook ilnwi
tlity ramllMl ma," ha aald. "of tin
IhlrU sou uf tha old aceriitrlc. far
hapa you hate hranl tha slur 7 Wall,
an old Mrriitrlc dlrd, aruj laft his
fortuna i-jtially to hla lhr aeua. Hut
tha will coutaliitsl a Strang pruvlao.
Kscti hair was to plsei 1100 U tha
eulBn luuurtllstal hafora tl luUr
MA faw day aftar tha Intannrnt tha
thrra young mall liiwt and UlacuawO
Hi ijumr prorlau and tta aiwcutlun.
"Wrll," aald tha oldst aoll, "my
cimx'lanc la claar. t put my hundred
lu tha coffin In clrau lnnr uotr,'
"ily runaclvnca la clrar, too,' aald
tha cund oo. '1 put In uiy hundrvd
In gold.'
"'I, ton, hsre nothing to rprocli
inytrlf with,' said tha third son. '1
had no caah at th tlmv, though; ao
I wruto out a cluvk fur $300 In ior
ilror fsthar'a iiauip, plscvd It lu tlm
cxittln and took In cliauga tha $100 In
eurraiicy that I found thcrti."
Notlilna" t'uiuir About It.
Mra, Malsroi- Did you lirar about
that jKHir man' accident nlill aliavln't
It n an awful cat'a lliroi.
Mra, llroMiie (laughing) An awful
Mra, Malspron- Ol It ain't do Isughln'
msltar lla cut hla jocular Tela. Tin
Calhollc Klsiiilard and Tlmo.
llouclit Iiiih borno tlio nIkmiw
huh neon inniio tttulnr him
no ouu
i unci
r the
Signaturo of
LAX CllltlflTIANH.
Ily Hov. J. 0. Davis.
I, thiTi'forc, tin prlwiiiirof thu Imt
U'wii'h ;chi that ye wufli worthy of tlm
(c,b1Ioii wlicrttwllli j it aru calliil
l:plii'lalis Iv. I.
Tin' cicHli'nt lilntlrHUM' to tlm aprinul
of tin. 'In IhIIiiii rcllKlun Is not tlm nt
ttK'ka of Us (ijifii euHliloa, hut tlm tax
Slid uflfii vlololln liNiif Ita (irofi'saiil
sdlieri-iils 'I'lin ClirUtlnn rellk'loii U u
mil to lift', not to tlm merit Intidliitunl
ftii'tilniirn of n n Hti'iu of phlloHifjiliy,
lumriiT iHMUitlful nml luijilrlii ltn
lesihluua mil) Im'. The fnlth of tlio
Christian In Ji-mih Chrlat muat ho
slioun hy hla living In n Olirlntlitu mam
III Hih wry enrly ilnya of his mlnla
try our hli-sil Inrd In Id iIohii ci-rtnlu
fiiiidsiiieutnl prlnclplea which worn to
gmiTii tin IIvihi of Ilia dl4'lplra. They
aru to llvo lu tlio world, jet nut to bo of
the world i iarllil' iiiltiiloilui'HH Is to Imi
fsr fruiii tlitnu; they urn to vk flmt
the klneiliiin of hiMion and Ida rlghto
iPilnii-. Thi'lr rellKloll la to pennentit
tin whuli' life, imi to Ut put on for vr
tain tin) a unit wMKolia and then laid
nulitf It nIhiuIiI timko ltalf felt In tlm
Inniiu'. the MurkslMip, thu iiltkv, tilt' fac
tor) , tlm wIhkiI. V.wry relatlou of llf
iiiuK fwl Its sam-tlfylng tnueJi. They
are to In- "tlm light of tlio world" by
tlmlr I'lHiiipIti to gutilii men's ftvt
aright limy are to Iw "tlm Mlt of tlio
earth." tthow fuiKtluu la to purify
lilnl awi-Hi'li hocli'ly.
WlM'ii thirii without imii many wtw
prufeM and mil thimiiwltci Ohrlatlnua
Ihliut In atiparriit tUari'gard of Ux-lr
tKiitlfln. I It womlerful Umt thty
turn an ay?
Surely nerer more tlmn to-ctay hsro
rrwn lulled tlm exlHirtntluu of the apos
tle. "I iwwxc1!! )ou that yn walk wor
thy of the rotation wImtiiwIUi yo arv
ca Ili-t-
ln aiwllirr t4scn Ht. Paul eivr"""
In a wnnl llif wholi meaning of tli
(.'hrlatlau ti.-atlon; Umy arv "oalleil to
m tiitnta"- that la, they aru dtn'otil to
Thl railing ta nut nvlril fur Hk
mtniiaratlTrly few wtiu III every ago of
the rlmrvti aland out cotrnjilcuoualy,
ttnrrrlng abore thlr fellowa llko lofty
mountain ivaka; It la for orery Chrta
tltina, however huiublo and alinole ho
may U'. (Inly here and ther omi at
talua to the height rcachi! liy thoau
rare aoiila to whum thu church dvllgttta
to give the title "aalnt, but nil are otn
llgateil to ins k n tlm effort to du tut. Tlm
example after which tlmy pntterned
their Urea Is the pitteru for all, He
who gavu them Ptrervsth to gain tho
imlght stands rvady to strengthen all
wlm will recvlve ami u the gracu He
If we would walk worthy of our vo
cation we will not wait for opinrtu-
nlty to do aouie gnHt thing, but we will
endi'iior to do our duty each day as
It corncii to us. Thime hinnely, every.
day dutlea ttiat so often mvmi lrks-uno
inny ! Klorlllcil If Uiey aru Imikiil
uin, ns In reality tlmy are, na Uv
plug stones to heaven. Wo will ivitleut-
ly acciit the trial that U'M't us. Wo
will endeavor stendfaatly to overcoini
the tomptntlon uf thu world, the fWi
and the devil. Wu will mik to llvo
alwny as In the sight of tho Ijnl and
do all things for tils glory.
Uy Ilev. Henry V, Cope.
Torgettlng the things which aru be
hind, and HtrvtclilitK forward to tho
things which nru tefore." I'lilll. III.,
The regret Is vnlu that looks not to
rtHxuistrucllcm. The Ivhi cxvi1"'01! "'
sorrow for yesterday's; wrongdulug Is
senicv for to-duy's right. It Is a good
thing to look Iwcck, but only that wo
may push forward, There Is no con-
solution for tho Individual, mi Mtcr-
meiit for society, lu the govl ttwt goes
not iK'yoml reivutiiiKv.
Them nro ninny wlw are eating out
their own heiirts with bitter repenting-
of past follies. The cheer Is driven
frxnn every day by tlio memory of old
wrongdoing they fairly nro Imunted
by n fcnraouio past. Perlmps, ns n plain
matter of fact, their alus nro not as
gross ns Uioy khmiiJ tmiigliuitlou has
magiillleil them. Hut dwelling on them,
jmrlng over them, tlwy have iwrnlywd
their own possUillltloa of prcociit Im
It Is truo tlmt no mnu can undo his
past. It la true, na mniiy know lu bit-
ternesa and pnlu of aplrlt, that con
m'lenw nml memory constantly plerco
tho henrta with tho thorns that havo
grown from past mowing. Hut Is thero
folly greater than that of tho man or
uouiin who penults regret for falling
to prevent nny nttempt nt rising agalnl
Every dny Is a uow any. Kvory mo
msy maks nv Winnings. All clw In
lost when Vim In lout; Hie light fiides
from tlio tyw nod Uiu soul sihin hi
Jx-rlsli within the mini when Im reuses
to believe that he can make yet ouu
inorw Winning Hiviven re)'Uv wIh-ii
wo wei-ji over our own waiiderlng, but
greater far Is tha Joy when we nrlso
ami m-t our fairs towanl liorm again.
lu tlm race of life many things may
tiring a man dimn, hut he slomt Is n-
Hililhle for It If he Is txrffi down ami
out We, tlm cimi'M'tlturs, may be eier
riiuly to cry "Failure." Imt somehow
we know that eternal Juatlcu will pro-ImiiiM-e
in, lerdlet till tho coUrsn bo
dune, and eternal low eier Is yearning
lu etifh fallen one ugitln 111111 his
fi'l slid pressing forward In the race.
In the in'hool of life we rimy learn
to forget the illfllcultlvs of the tasks
once sit-t Is'fore us, and even tint tlla-gran-
when we fulled at tlitin In tlm Joy
of the strength that nil tlm struggle of
tni'i'tliig nnd Mattering tlies" tasks has
glicii. How foollah would he Imj who
sIhmiIiI refuw to taekle tlm larger proli
lems of life licauso the little old statu
on which Im worked his sums lu achool
Is blurred with tivir marks.
And so with our sorrows. Too msny
n rr living lu the shsdow of clouds long
Mril Carrying lu their hearts tlw
glixmi of days goim by, they rob to-dsy
of It Miiurngu and to mornrw of Its glad
cunndeiir,-. Their backs are mxm brok-
I'll vcIhi do not know hoi" to drop Niine
Then' Is n great dlfferelme bntwecu
the friigraut meiniry of days that In
til fir pHMllig aeonied moat bitter, bc
tWKli thoim rnlsta thnnlgh whlcli loietl
face mulle out of dmth's shadows and
the carefully prcscned palls and trai
plnga of our wk'.
So. too, do we Imbltter our preant
with the cherUlilug of alights and In
JuhcIcii, iiiflllre nnd enmity, UMiught or
done to us In days paL Memory and
history easily become a eliamber of hor
rors, a pit wIhti' dwell only foul and
iiobome thlng and to-tlBy's pleasure
ami tomorrow 'a promlso alike are lost
In contivnplatlon of yesterday's pain
Gd Is ahead as well as J.')ilnd. The
unhersd Is not heArthfc, a pltltes ma
chine where jaiK faults forever pro
cludo the Mlblllty of futur iwrti"
tlon. The ever upbringing Uoiv lu thu
human brmat Is but Uiu 'lx of the
Infinite, wuilng us to now endeavors,
cnlllug men to srlw and go to UMr
Tlmy go forward wtio look forwnnl.
Tlm tt live aru tho lived that sek
ever the Iwat. We wp tt not only to
ouraelvea that we He not prxme In the
dust: we owe It to all others to tmgtri
again. What right hare we to block
the way of theme who would iuvmi on.
with our pnwtrate forma, or to cool
tiivlr ardor with our groaning regrets?
The imi st haa tta liumtia; but they
only are learning them who aru rush
ing forward failures muat be ns fin
ger posts to future successes. Itcgrvt-
ting the past, set It right as far as you
may, then redeem venter-day by right
doing to-day nnd right determination
for to-mornrw. ami you sliall flmt every
force of good facing with you and
strengthening heart and hand for better
Short Meter Sermons.
Our lives nrv Uw lips of tho Jlost
Only n coward will hldo N-hlnd his
Your.HUiwrlorlty does not depend on
jour xdctal.
Self Is the only thing that really can
break love tie.
Hellglon Is tho touch of tho Infinite
on nil our affair.
An IioucKt meowigi' never baa trouble
(hiding hearers.
It takes more tlmn soft solder to ce
ment souls togetlier.
It takes more thnu tiendncho cures to
set the heart right.
Tlm onl)- worthy high llvln Is that
which purs tlm iiul on top,
A cross dlstiosltlou Is no cvldcncu of
bearing tho dlvlno cross.
No grcrtt diH-ds nro done without Uio
doing of ninny little detail.
No mnu Increnm-s his own good repu
tation by stenltng another's.
When man boasts of Ids couragu
ho Is giving It nbac-nt trvntment.
I'reneh the pleasures of piety nnd pco
plo willingly will bear Its pains.
Society has Its temptations, but they
nro us nothing to thoso of solitude,
Tho Imnri that feeds on pride must
Imro tunny nil ncho lu Its stomnch.
An conscience) Ihwhich ntrvnliled tlio
critical faculties often becomo nctlvc.
Thenv's no ndvnntago In muklng men
weary with a hcrmon Inviting thorn to
Mnny Udnk they enn overcomo sin by
shooting glittering genemlltles nt tho
You might ho n walking theological
seminary and still bo traveling on tho
wrong rond.
You will never net-BUiulo tlio world to your religion when you look
as though It ruudo j-ou sick.
fleuator Tllhnan tells n story on him.
"It as to how he was Identlfliil by a
!ost ofllce money-order clerk when he
first orrlvwl at the Cspltnl City.
Aftor being In tint city n few days he
droptiod In at the post ofllce to cash n
"Do you know nny one hern wlw
could Identify your nskrd the clerk.
"Well, no," the sonntor answered. "Is
that necessary I am IU-u Tillman, of
South Carolina.
Tho clerk smllwl, then asked the s-n
stor If ha didn't have some letters or
pa(Kira that would in a to him known to
the tott ofMre authorities.
The senator had put on a new suit
fjjst morning, and Juid negUvt'il to
transfer tils letters, but Im hail his
" book with hlra. Digging down
In his trousers pocket, he drew forth
his wallet and proceeded to search for
sn article of Identification, but could
find nothing but a small photograph of
"This will do, I suppose." he said,
handing It to the money order clerk.
"Wliy, surel That's you all right,"
remarked the man behind the counter,
handing over tlm cash. Mpplncott's.
Uotbtn will find Hn. WlntloWi Bnnthlag
Irrup tba lit f raf-lr to on tut llialr chlWraa
uilocUaUlhlug rlod.
Jtailla at m (iraaa VVIdoTT.
Tou don't know what lore Is until
you'r had a spat and ktaied tha trsrs
Thare'a no ticcea In tbe world like
the nicer of th eucctttful debutant. I
Home girls know that ttvr mra are
proof sgslnit Ui IIht that thlnts frotn
wrll-xrpc teem.
RC. Vito" riaar and an wcrrooi D(m
wnnautatlr nml br Or. KJltr-t Ur.u
iimm IlMlom. Hod fur KllV.K II lrll bolU. nj
C'leTer Srhrnc.
'Ht Dfw nlar la aurr to malr a Ml"
said th xijmUr sctrras. "It glrra me
sn opriortuDlty to dltplay twenty new
'Sly!" ficlalmed her friend. "How
raatiy acta"
'Onlr four, but In one of them th
icene Is at the drrmmikfr'a." The Cath
lie Standard and Time.
gmmVt InC Your Shoes
Allfn't Fool )'. A powdrr. It tnikn tlf h
ornowibcx-t trmlij HUa eritain curt! lot
wraitng, callous and hot, Urr-1, arhlnr InC
KM It all lirurrtila. 1'rlre 3Se. Trufr-aek-ajerniJlr.1
rHt.. Addroa AUnB.Olated,
Lcltojr, Kw Yolk,
Tli youngral mrmbrr of lb family
lad taken enthualaatlcally to pyrography.
Hbe had juat executed a di-lgn rpr
irntlng a llttl girt playing with th cat
is front of an oM-faahloned fireplace.
"It U well done, Hertha," aald her
nother. Inspecting It; "but you bat
nanajed somehow to mak tb little girl
look acamL"
"That's all right, msuims," sniwered
Oertba, "A burnt child dread th Or."
Chicago Tribune.
Coal Uml I'robtrna.
The most dlfllcult part of tbe coal
duat problem is to discover what ele
ments mtut necvaaarlly bo present In
a coal to make tho dust dangerous.
Somo experiments hare been carried
on with this end In view, but tho re
sults obtained havo not been particu
larly enlightening.
Mica Axle Grease
Hat lubricant for axles In the
world lonj; wearing and very sd
besive. Makes s heavy laid draw lie a
I!(,bt one. Saves half the weir on
wsgon and turn, and increases tbe
earning capacity of your outfit.
AiV yoer deiler for Mica Axil
I STANDARD cVt-x-"'1
I OIL CO. &ffQj
A boarding sn.t ilsjr school for roung men and toys Aeerrxlltr-l to
Vtan'orl, tlrrkrlrr, lurnell An. lieu t ami all state universities and
agrlrutlu at co Irjes Train rlpal has lis.lJS years' exixncnr lu
liiitlsnil Make rrsetvatloui uoiv. I or llluttratetl cata.ogu and
oihvr literaturv address
J. W. Kill, M. D Principal and Proprielor, PORTUND, OREGOM
$3.00 & $3.50 SHOES tSVSo'Slo
aJJO HT Sinn ( Tp rty one who can proy V. L.
mmJpMKMm9 Oouoiaa tloca not meho A moll
S3nAiait3 )"" Mut'm SS A $ mhomiB
nuivssi a (fAcji anyr ottnu manufacturer,
T1IK llKASON W. J IKiuglaa shoes araworn by mora twoplo
In all walks of llfo than any other make, Is tvraiua of their
eirel'siit slyl. aajr-ntttng, auj surlor raring qusllttes.
llio solROllou of Itialaatherj ai.u ottrr materials vrraihpatt
of tlis sUo. and eiery itHU of the making Is looked after l
!'!u",,.0"ml,ltsrgaiitittonofsurliitnileiil forrnienand
sklllixl slioriinkers, who recelTe tha highest wanes paid III tho
slioe Industry, and whoaa workmanship eaiinoi K. eioelUI.
HI could take you Im my lsrco faotorles at llrtx'kton.Mass.,
and show you how caret ullr W. I., llouuliu slux-s sm mail. ....
would then uiulerslaud why thoy hold Ihetr shai, Ul nettur, af -aS1
wear loneorandaraof errlervsluailiuiiaiir nilir mii ' "lirrwlB t
)Tsifn?JKVR" "' fa ,OcvfJorrf Shpaa aannot bo oouaUmd at any prleo.
CAUTION I 1 ha sanuln ham V. U lloult nama and prloo sUiuxl on lottoiuV lakn
y nuusjiiui. s jour umior lor . u.
For Thin
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested CO years ! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Aycr's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parilla; ihcstronccst Sarsapa
rilla; the Sarsaparllla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility,
list mi IMi i mn4 bM mMltln nnnot
IK bt0k(lM) llr I. IikciIt tnd th
twtueoiiirtt, for Hi b,tut,lbl f-
ll,;a ihMM 111, laitltf Amtt f Artr",
tin, whll ukiiiK l' Stir.rl l. Tht flttr
lllialek j ifytnA.kuA .ul taa Lowtlt.
K4tfrT C ArrCa .LowU,3Uaa,
AleM BtftBuUCtaMr f
7 nmswix.
cuaar riaouu
KiprrC llrmnrallavtl.
IVm-loiK Mr. Lightweight Smith Is
falling ol In his golf.
I'er.-y Ye whn he Is at home h ban
to play croquet with hi aunt. Ilrook
Irn KnzU.
Howaiid n. nrnTow Atirw ari chmi,
IulTillr. I'MorMo Spriinn prki Oold,
Mlr.r,Ui,llli'. J.MlTtr.TlriitoM.taciZlMer
Copfr,t. CnlW lrit. MAUlunTlopl
rail pnim lift ntoaar Htatloiw Contrt4 imS Un
Mrvwtif k .iUcluU. lffa4l C'axUmat Cw
Portland Oregon
POflTlANO, oasooH
Quality is our motto. We olucaU for aoccvaa.
and mmA tach student to a position won eom
pUot rasnr mora call for Talp tta w caa
ami. IodhUasJ InsUiKtlon lasana rapid proc
rsaa. AU modra mrthod of bockkrplAT ar
Uuxbt; also racU calculatloaa, eomroaJach
coianMrcisl law, oft wwk, vt. OtarUWr la
our shorthand r, rapU. Ur&i. Bat4rBl
eataJoava. Uuiaas oma aaj panmaasli fraa.
C. Gee Wo
Tt WrU-KKwa
Rcctand Hstb
H m-! a l!f ir. 'y U rxt M hiU. and In thai
mvrt.u-rvr4 srklll la th vorki Lit n
ro Mtrcury, I'ol sons or Drue Ud-ll Cur
Wllbout Urcrstlon. or Without tba Aid
ol aKnil.
ThrwRhum4ltm,Unrou5'ftaVi Ncrncc DU-
Vf aIOmCnt 1-tT-T. IMCffy iivwmi. w vbi
Manhood. FtrruOt WiibsfU ani All rt ,rt3 DUuitl
Jut Prccltcd Irwn Pchlnc. Chln-Sff , Sutm
nil KaTllaaVf;
If you cannot call writs lor irmpton bUnk aadctrcu
lu. Incloa 4 csnis In itamri.
1621 F 't Si . C-r. Morrison,
FoclUni, Oirton
Ptsu Mrii.-n Th Psrsr.
r. ft. u.
Ha. 36-07
TIII1N wrttlns: tu ailrcrtlsora visa
nisniloil (ins iapr.
iniuzihs snocs, ir n cannot sumily you, sml
PlKflE traW