The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 13, 1907, Image 4

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tivcryone Who Visits the Redmond
Fair Will Uc Well Taken Care
Of Ladles Uuarnntcc It.
Kkdmonu, Sept. S. Don't fotitet to
cwm to tbc Dcachntrt Valley fair. We
ttiulcretaml Hint the UilliV Aid Pociety
i waking attention r7ort to wc th-it
jccowitmalation art wtore plrtttlfnl thU
tar than lat, and w ttiow that every
thittg they tune undertaken so fur they
uae ml through to n uccrful finish
tint the truth in we were nil up in the air
tt year, uot knowing what to eptot.
IHir lair it how well catabliabvd mti
tndou and we know belter what kmtt o(
patronage to etpeel. The prrmiam lulu
are out and if ytm dwn't Ret on any
other way ak R. C. Imtucle. the ere-
tarv, for one
Ketntmber the datea, Sept. 19. Jo, it
Joe McCtar I at home again from
1 harrcaUng Opal fralrie. He looks a
though ft agreed with him pretty well.
A. V. Martian 1ms rented bis farm to
I Ceo. II. lhiren of Falla City, Tillamook
county. Mr. Daren is on the ground
I now and his family of seven or eight is
' on the way. Sotre more young folks in
jor neighborhood will be appreciated.
1'. I.. Kicker came hack front San
Francisco arriving iu Kelmond eter
day after an absence of a year.
j Word received here from E. L. Iver-
fcon of White Salmon. Washington, state
that his daughter, who was with us for
lome time a rear ago. was married in
July-to Mr. Hugh Stewart of North Ya
kima, ilr. Irerson will hare some more
clearing do on bis eighty west of town
umI says that as toon as there is a defi
nite prospect for a railroad here, be i
touting in to live. There will 1 a gooc'
many others come in about that time,
I'rank MeCaScry is up at bis Sisters
faint' sttperittteiMiini; the construction of
a dlttli to wulur his desert land claim.
' I d. XetMSe moved to Rend Friday.
Mrs. J. here for a time yet.
' ilr. IlewtH has eotne in from Portland
toil is occspyiMg his forty south of Ed
ward Lockyear
R. A. Sbenck has bought just south of
i M. Kbr and has gone to clearing.
Mile Covert now has charge of the
barn in sonnactiost with the Hotel Red
mond .
Fruit of all kinds, and the beat of
Ihose kinds is to be had in town from
'arms at IVmell Buttts, Tetherow Dridgc
ml the Cove, In toother year we will
tdd and from our own more immediate
Mr. Norwood left here fur his home in
JIcMinnvllle, we believe, a week ago.
B. A. Kendall and Walter CdWspie are
cruising out some timber claims on
f.risxly Butte.
Carl Ithrct says he has us beaten on
carrots, but Carl knows lw to prove it
to a Missourian. .
A change Ur stage schedule mskeRed
moml a junction jioint now for the Trine-WUe-Redmottd
and the Kadmond-iHsters
Uko and brings our mail to us a few
hours earlier. We aH ajtprcciate a slight
caange for the better.
Ii. C. Park
The National Porosis and the
Lumber Supply.
A point in the industrial progress f
the I'nitcd States has now been reached
white lcclounetit of the rotintry U
tnsile, not in the face of the forest tmt
with its essential aid. The old proces
of clMiitini: the aunuh of titular in n
region and then seeking new field is
practically oxer. Alttuily the lumU-r
tiuUntrj i turning back on tit tracks. A
tptality of timber is ei;crl tought in
the kike Mates which a few euts ago
win ignored as utterly worthtem, and 111
the Smith the whole pine region t being
gone over in a close wit re h for the 1I
held trine, a tree once leiel but now
bought up at price much higher than
IIhhc formerly paid for the munificent
iinuer 01 ii,e xirgiii lorvots.
A putilication jiit mued In the De
partment of Agriculture, entitled "Na
tional l'nrv: anil the l.umtivr Supply, '
defines thr important part which "the
National I oietls arc tletined to play in
he economic development of the coun
try. Abuses have grown up under tlie
'a which pruxide fur the dWiwaitioM of
public laml, U'-tablv the wgregation of
Urge holding of timbertatnl for p,cu
intixe purposes. Timber from the Nix-
tiousl Forests is now purchased by the
tlHiusund board feet, and payment i
made upon the actual sea e of the log
hen ei-t Two ioltat and a half per
thousand feet is comp.iralixely low a
I resent charges go, but since the cut
range I rem 5,0011 to i,ix feet per acre,
the government "eeeive from five to
twentv times ss much for the timber a
it did under the timber and stone .vet.
lnblic opinion now demands, not that
the government should die of it re
maining timbcrlands as rapidlv as pos
sible ami Ic4c it to private enterprise to
exploit the forext hatilr. but that what
remains of the National Porcot should
be more ronserxatix-ely ued. The rov
vrnment ha been forced into the lember
nines solely in order that a supple of
forest products may be guaranteed to
future generations.
Prol it!v 6s per cent of the total ttind
f marchantable limber within the Pur
ets i located ou the Pacific Coa.i
there for a long time the ftormou tun-
ply of privately owneil timtwr will satis
fy most of the diinand. , This more ac
ceMtbte prixate tiinlie: surround the
Porett a the mratof an apple urroun.l
the core. It has been entirelv eaten
awa in many places, while in others it
is locked up by speculator. The thing
to remember, then, i that thu imtmiw
body of p.ibhc timber is there as a great
reserve against the time when pnxate
timberlands xvill be depletel, snd forutc
as a weapon against monopoly.
1 ne nrst enect ol Niional Porest up
on trices , tMrticularlr where there i
! Problems That Confront The Irrigator. jA 0 ACT'Il i llf AC
- J1RW aLr W'aNta & M 'F VVL
The Loss of Water.
Smnticl l'orticr, irrigation eusi
ttevr in cltnrv'c of the Pacific th.-
I'lie annttnl cost to the farmers in
jjiplvuiK vi much xx.iter itobalilv
exceeds J..tmn.xKX) Notx. if we
tnot, .iiieukiiiK before att itrieation mhiic that .jo tiet cent ol Huh wat-
convetittuti, said. er, which ciwts so Iir;o sum each
"The loss of irrigation water is ' vcr. 15 lost by evaluation, it is
becoming an oM theme iu a teuton J ctiuivnlfttt to an annual tux of f
xxhete the jirnctice of irriRaliou is
comparatively new. of the umttv
UHttiml tcources of the We..t. wat
er ranks fust in tmiwrwnie It is
eatlv becoming more tlilficult to
obiuitt, ami of higher value. So
lone;, therefore, ns water is needed
to overcome the nrkltty of au other-
UIA llrflft Sttt tn IL.X.IUHHUmI uu
is likely to continue one of the l""' ' Minic
chief jiroblctns of western ajtricul
Hue. ''I'lic investigation of the vatiotif
was in which witter is wasted has
led tts into a new field of inquiry
We have found, tmtieularlv tit the
warmer portions ol California, that
the greatest lost of irrig.ttto witter
is front moist soil into dry air
There would ctm to be no etui ui
tolls ou wulr on its way to the
olant. To Mich an extent is this
true that the amounts actually util
ised by vegetation frequently bear
but a small percentage to the vol- j
Utiles diverted. Kor .- .-n- i.nnin.
ers inohe whir-h u .1, ...-. ,i.'"urface evatK.ratiou ami txruttts
beadKate. 30 are liable to be lost in ! Ut W 1 sofl uc deep
Dereoiatioii iiinr Mm fi-l.t iu , huiuu
reached. Then hi applying the re
maining 70 incUea, if the surface ih
ter acre 011 every note that is itit-
"In concluMon I desire to recom
mend the practice of wititet irrlia
ttott as a mean of checking evlr
ation. Many of the oicliardistH of
the a.uita Clara Vallcv. in Califor
the rainy
months ol I'ebrtiirv, March and
April, and bv iiilyitiu it tuchea.
of wettr over the surface in addi
tion to the 1 ft inches derived from
rainfall they manage to kiow excel
lent crops of deciduous fi nils with
out resorting to ittmrncr unguium
Some may Hunk that noil irrigated
in March will become verv dry in
June, but the dry soil is confined t
the lop foot Beneath there i
moisture which deeply-tooted plants
have nodillkulty lit sccuiiiiir Tin-
practice of applying a heavy irriga
tion during rainv weather, or when
the top laxcr of soil is moist, lessen
Valley Fair
Big-get2-, Better
and Busier
Than Ever.
SEPT. 19- SO - 21
still a great deal of available timber, is
to raise the price of outside stumpsge
lowjm m kiuhi virnr dv MillKlrawing
the excess mi pply of low-rivid limlxr
from the market. But later, as the kMp-
Jdv of timber dn indies ami xatue sre
orcasl upward by speculattxe holdings,
the effect of the Forests will be to check
the advance of prices.
In the virgin forr.t. growth is just
uvui IWMK.TU ny uecay. f.i toe West
ern forests, however, natural deteriora
tion is greatly augmented by forest tires.
The fires usually do must barm bx dam
aging merchantable timber, but, great as
this injury n.. xaatlv more actual lot m
forest wealth retults from the yearly
unming wver 01 ine trass and under-
growth of the forest, ('.round fires do
uneven the greater part will flow
into low places and be partially
wasted, white the hnjh places way
remain dry. In tlm way probably
not more man 50 out of the 70 in
ches reach the land it is intended
to water. Now bnvui moistened
the soil with these 50 inchest, the
chances are that 40 per cent will
paM otT into the air without bene
thing; iu the least degree the plants
which it was intended to nourish.
Thus of the too inches diverted
only jo may fulfill a uceful pur-
"The lots of water by evapora
tion injuriously affects both the
western farmer who irrigated nd
the one who cultivates the dry
bench. All other taxes paid by
the farmer are small in rommrisoti
with the one levied bv the attnos-
pucrc in rooDing the soil of its
(lend Men tlaxe Runaway.
Ivlrocr Xiswougcr and Fred Hmm
nell hod quite an excitina exper-
' tettce in a riinawav U'ntHa.itin
afternoon while out in the timber.
One of the horses had a sore neck and
as they were driving; down (juile a
steep hill the animal became rather
unruly, due to the pain cmi.d bx
the action of the collar as the horse
descended the hill. In the midst
of this trouble oncof the biu broke,
which naturally pulled the horses
to one ide out of the road, and
down the hill they went at n good
clip. At the foot of the hill the
buggy struck a log and both men
were thrown out. The horses ran
only a short distance when the)
straddled a ttee and stopped, i'lic
only damage done was that thelur
nts was broken iu several thc
Placing: and arranging of exhibits, Thursday.
Farmers' and Squaw Races, Friday.
Prof. V. I.. Kent, of the Oregon AgficnUuril College will .1, -liver
an address at the Farmers' Institute Friday evening and will ..,
act M judge for all I.ucstock and Poultry.
There will be plenty of amuseiiiciits and minor sports. suh a
foot rAcw, fat men's race, egg race, U' sud gnU races. eU , U-1I1
Friday and Saturday.
Baseball Tournament
Open to Crook County . will begin Fndav. September joth Put .,
$50 00 to winning team. All npplictioin to play should k-in Sew ..
tary's hands not later thau September uth.
Come and bo convinced thnt
Largest Fair in Crook County.
this it tho Best and
R. C 1MMELE, Secretary.
much-needed moisture. The tnag-1 ! tue circle on the buggy
ultude of this loss which is borne
iv the irrtitors is enormous Ik
txxeen seed time and harvest 01
each year there is sufficient water
spread over the West t. coxer all of
not consume the large tree., but thex I New Hnjlaiid a Ick,: deep In s
destroy set dliug. outright aud nij .re l!(cc.10IlH ,illk .,, r , .,,
o,in i,M. u, ii.., .C li.'.i. ssc. ions tuts xvatir ss st 11 rt.i
cay. Pinall), the forest door, rumposrd ,,ol' -eap. in others it ii xcry dear
of a mold of needles, twigs, and mosre 1
is nurneti away.
Far beyond the present influence of
the National forests upon the lumber
supply wilt be their importance 111 the
future. The United Stairs is m.w faring
a shortage in the stock of axailable tim
ber. The yield from the National 1 or
broken. Both men were ratlnr
badly shaken up and bruised l
the fracas, but received 110 serious
I or Sale.
H-cu rxe. x-. i4 i.iiwtiii
Trail Crossing. Crooked River. -
Tuinaio Items.
tmixua. Sept. 1 1 Jens Hasselburg
susxnI through Tamalo this morning,
lie reports that his oat crop is xery
' The people of these parts and the Sis
ters country are on tie rajjKed edfje in re
gar J togenini a machine to thresh their
rrain es there k no'iiicliiiic in si;ht as
Jet.' A good macliiut xxould pay hand
finely if the right man would come in
'.his country xrith one.
1 Mr. aud Mrs J. I). Gibson and Mr.
toit were doing business iu Ucnd yester
day.1 "Mr. Gibson hasjjmte a lotof grain
f Uaresf yet. t
J Lpy. Tnvencr prsicUed qufte on in
tereitlng scrmou al Tumalo last Sunddfy.
'fc tx-ill preach hcxe tain next Sunday
3t3)p.'m. , 1 '
l'4 nnml:c of people frxSur these ' parts
iM?Korjelo the Valley to pick hops and
jrlale twtk-frUit, x 1 i
1 c && sorry to note thal"Jes!.e Ilir
Jrr's wife'is xery sick' at her father's
Sortie. Mr. G. M. Couch, fworr.iles north-
ast of f duislo. We hope to hear of her
-.peady rtfcOxery.
"e ate'i'ax'inKSonie warm weather for
September. It is hard orjiarvcst hands
but godd growinK weathciH " ' S
& Ay1.' Wimcr & Sons at e alJout llirouVi
., . .fl'IV" , , I , it IV ' e'
xeiia cciuiik uu" uioun'ti u ja-gc crop 01
.rraitr. A'kcy are xvell plecsed with the
iVoinoetsof a lidbd'yield oTffntiV'aiui
iiBxt question xxill l" to j;et t
IHa-tiriT ... .. ..a. sftmmimmmtmn m
esU will aid gieatly to bridge oxer the
iteriodin xxhich mature timber will be
lacking, a period which xxill hut rum
me time tne olt trees arfuone until tin-
young trees sre Jarg enough to Ul.e
their places.
The definite results, tturtforr. r thr
sale of timber from the 'uresis will be
to sustain the lumber business, to main
tain a stesxly range of timber values and
so dicouroge sprculatiou, and, far more
iinpcrtaut still, u jmiU to furtlier the
uniuteriutJti 1 ilnt mini nt r,l iln- it. ...
hnduktriis dtpuident on wood
sg3Js3wr"' i-jeazznraagasgflrtBsr-Taxrrr
Prineville Fair Postoosied!
1i?e Central Ore
gon Banking (3b
Trust Company
Capital 523, 000.00
Transacts a Oeueral Bunk
ing Business.
Acts as Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
Issued, Drafts and Bauk
Money Orders on all Foreign
fntcrest on Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
John Stehll, President
J. U. Siwhill, Vice-President end
Cashier '
kKmj. OffEpO'
The Ci.ntk.m. OKKr.o.s I.ivk Stckk an'd
Aoricit.ti ka. A.ssocrTlr. has jiost
iwned the date of its fair to be held at t
Prineville, from Oct. 15 f6-i7-is-fo. '07 to
Oct.' 2425-26-28-29, '07
Five Big llty's Rcmenilier ilie Change df Dales
Big Purses
"" "' immiMim in tmm mm I
Numerous Exhibits from all Parts
of Crook County
1 . SMI
The Wsrgest Fair Ever Held in Central Orefe
You Cannot Afford Lo Miss It.
'aw 1.
Xl . 14 H " Jit
, ta . '...jA SS1A1
ii varaasai:
The New Idea
Woman's Magazine
Both, One Year for Only $ 1 ,?5
Tlie New Idea Woman's MnD07ino conlaini over 100 page each
month of fashions, drcsimaking, needlework and liouicliold helps.
Eadi number is beautifully illuUrated nml rnni.ilm n',n fll. .,,..-
fovliion plates, some in color.
' These two' p'ublicnlioiis furnish reading for cVory membct of the
Description of Mnnch front Which
Much of Itcnd'a fruit Comes.
William UoeRli's fruit rnticli. the
,. I,,
s.uve uicunrti, 11 one ol rite most
remarkable little ranches in Crook
county. Hidden down iu Crooked
River Bore, between precipitous
walls rcachinj; up nearly i too feet,
ones find thought upon drlvlnc
down the grade nml discovering the
little ranch rtestliut; below is" How
d'd they ever find it." And yet, it
one 01 the oldest ranches iu that
portion of the coftbty. There are
only about fiacres of it, not count
hiK the pasture ihtids covcritiL' tfe
precipitous sitlca of the gorge, arid
of that i j acrea :'i nrc in orchard.
And some Ukwty the kind of jait
orchard it i.o may be gathcrpti ffom
the,fct that thisA-car inohi.thnu
MZ9f? worth of frlUt will bc,i:nld off
of tjt eleven acrcni That
is pVpiIiiced, for With his i
a - 't t. - JLa-
Jty to get MilTicieut lieli thm jenr
in gathering nttd ninrkutiug tbc
fruit, n large amount of it will no
to waste. Mr. Unm-li iuij.i . .
for the place, and the principal
value i.s i tl,u , , acres of orchard,
so he paid nearly a thousand dol
lars an ourc for ,it.
Mr. I!ocili tti!irL-itt4 tnnii nr 1.1 ..
fruit nt I'rinuvillc nml 11.....1 it..
does not make regular trips to
MnilraH because this market is mii
Plied by nearer fruit grower; but
He hells considerable fruit ,,t thu
utmA n,WOpi? fmm,l,,s l0('"y'
His "Yellow Criiivfnnl" i'
lr rlr .. .; l''"-l".1
-! "wi nun tor hi.e, 111111 ty
nnd flavor they are not excelled bv
fuiy grown iu the slate Pioneer.
1 'h McOiHvrnyi'jiaswil through,
town Tuesday with fl load of ft,
which he, hd procured ro. u o'
chard on Crooked Kiver.
f1rSA1t(' t
A- 4 l i,
aIWgTTljlSipj''gJl 'Si 1 3 n nnw ' " -. - .
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