NEWS OF THE WEEK Iii a Condensed Form lor Busy Readers. Our OPTIMISM PREDOMINATES. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS V Returns of Ilia Lou Important but Not Leas Interesting Event of Ih Past Week. Jerome linn en I If I it grand jury to In tkl trnciliin trutt olllcinls, OhiimiIihIomit Ijhiii In In 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 o Into rebating on Wtsteni iiillruula. Tim case against tint Standard Oil company n( Ohio will bo tiled mxiii. Kilroinn men'tlli-M nrn Ixtlng nilnilil III Hun I'lniiolaco to alnum out tlio plague. 'Ilin International llnrvetr com pany h Just mld a (trio of . 16. 000 to Toiaa for being a t runt. William II. Tnft. secretary of war, wm mjnWy entrrtilned while Iii I'oit. land on Ilia May In the Philippine. Oiiverilllieut officials at Washington Mlitvio tint haw of I,IX)0,OOU to the Jaiiuit imii fall en ii m-vor lxt nxxiien-l. A Wlaionaln woman aflrr lielng In rumi III yeara convicted of murder, has Imtii foiiml iniKvunt Mini ri'littiwol Twelve xoua With killed ami aa many morn Injured In tlm wrcok of nil ipre train on the Itiuk lalnml nt Norla, lovtn. I'lcktioikrtM on n Hu'k lalnml ttnlu liiJ.S'ebmnkn roblnxl iiiiiny sleeping !' aciig rn and nflnr a tight with th run duotor iiicaxxl, A monument to Win. McKlnloy liaa Im-uii dedicated nt IIuIInIu, N. Y. Tim moral if!rt of thochangn In tlm jxilti'o admlnlatrntioii of Han Francisco la Mimrrnl. A group of American rnpltnllata with Tlionma F. Itynli n tlm head la mid to ! preparing a t)owritr Irnat. Tin French llmt hna bombarded tlm .MiHirlah fanatic stronghold of Maiagnti mid alimwl completely destroyed tho town. l-ewls Hliiyveftint Chaiilrr, of Now York, la mentioned na llryan'a running mate in tlm unit presidential CMIll ut Ikci. Trnlnwrccketa drew spike from the inIIi of tho llaltlmorn Ohio 20 mllrs east of Pittsburg . A freight train waa wtcokid hut no oiio hurt. Roosevelt la not rntiatled with re mill sallied at Tlm llnctnt and mav rail a txnce emigre of hla nwn to riiibraoo tlio ninliaraadnni nt Washington. An llllnola womnn f ruing for di vorce on tho ginuml tlint aim mnrilcd tlm wrong brother. The two men nro twlna nml alio couldn't tell tlnm nixwl. Attorney General llonnnrta dmle lio will resign, Congnxiaman Itnrton In to run for tnnynr of Cleveland, Ohio Inquiry Into the luinU-r I ml m try liaa Ihm-ii Ix-guu hy Federal aulhoritle. Harrluian la jierfecllng plana toonn tinun hla routrol of tho llllnola Central. Antwerp la In tlm hnnda of n mnli of trlkera nml tho inllltla ha boon railed out. Merchants Throughout Country Find Good Times Prevail. Now Ycik, Hunt. .'I. Iteiimrkiiblo for their optlmlNiii mio tlm it-piles fioin more tliiin 11,000 rntall ineiilmntx, Job Ixiru nml Imnkora regarding tliobnsliier outlook of tho country, which mo print ed ttxlny In tlm Dry Utxxla Economist They ahow that there la no evidence cf business depression, tlinl on tlm wholo tho rotnllera nro purchasing un heavily UN they did Inst year, Hlid that nil mu looking for continuation of proapvilty. Them la not tho slightest evidence of tlm p7almlsm that linn pervaded Wall street. Where there la n trade deprea alou, It la duo to coildltloua, a), for Imitation, In Han Francisco, wheru ou ncooonl of tlm Inlx.r ttutlhlra, tho inerchatitM have not purchased aa liwv Hy tut heretofore, In other placoo the tiirtchanU for tlm moil jmrt atnto thnt It la Ixcniire prlri-n are ao hlh thnt they look for n lower level mid are put- chaalliK for tho lllllneillate demand only. Five iueatloni weio niikixl by the Kiiinomlat of Km tulM'rlliera In inaklnn the cauvatt of tho hualmwa coiiditlom. They nro: "What mo tho crop conditions of yoiu fiectlon? "(low nro tho faimrra flxivl flnnu-uinllyT "la lalxir well employel or othoiwliii In your city and vicinity T "IM you olmervo tiny randltlou which would caupe you lerlonaly to apprehend any decline from prmwit prtxiiwrltyT "Have you ImmikIiI aa freely aa Inat ye. i at thla time''" III rlapaifyuiK the repllef , the atntra nml territories weie nlactil In five Kleat dlvlalona. In nil of thrae on tho whole the profpectfl for paxl croa are hrl(ht and, where Iherrop nro lighter than heretofore, the higher prici-a more thnn roiup4'nnate. In all aectiona there api-nra to ! n anarcity of nvnllnhle latHir, white illiuaually IiIkIi pi Ice a nro Ih'Iiix -ald. "All'a well," In the nmmnry which tho IV.'onumlat inaVra of tho altuation In the entile country. l NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL I i i QLASS IS CONVICTED. NEW ELECTHIC POWEH. HI Hraoni were killed mid SO In juren In n wnvk on the Cmindinn l'n clllc. All niiHTuhlat hna hern nrreativl In Milan who wrui throiitcnliiK tho Italliin klllK'M 1 1 lo. The 1'rpiich troop Imvo ilniwn tho Moors Into a trnp nml liitllcted n criiah- liK detent. JiiiIko Jjiwlor rofimra to qurujli Han Vritnciaco Krnft Indictment! nml the trUIn of aovoml rltiKleiidcra will noon coinmunco. , As n remilt of n trolley mr rolllalnn In tho outkalrta of HoheneoUuty, N. Y., two peraona woio killed nml U mirU oualy injured, Tinlllc on Toxna ronda U tied up by wmihouta. Tho Jnpnnoiiu iiiithoritlei nro cxoltuK Inc Chiiieao noollen, A Fitiicii'Cnniidlnu roclproolty treuly linn lwoii ulmoat couoliidod, ll(KKlii! lotUm nro innUlng llfo inla omblu for Mr, lluwioll Hjiko. I'ronldont ItooeovoU will nlm IiIh next blow nt tho luinbor truat, Two moii woio killed at Denver In n uuto raco durliiK Iiibor day oolubw tlon. Ohlnn has ordoiotl JapanoHO troops to withdraw from the Northerly rt ol 3ore. Hopubllcnn loadora profor not to tln kor with tlio tarlfl until niter the 1008 olootlon, Striking telegraph opornton In Chi oago Imvo n plan whloh they think In mire to win the flght for them. Italian Invanlor I'romlaaa to Ravolu tlonlio the World. New Yoik, Hept, 3 Confident thnt ho la tho dlrooverer of mi electrical do vle that la to lovolutlonlte tho world Induatrlally and oconoiulrally, Itiillle Itova, nn elivtihal ruitlnier, liaa como from Cnrlncla, lUity, for tho pur(KMt) of demnnttrntliiK before Amrrlca'a Ixtt exMrtN whnt hit Invention will do. It conalaU of n ptnall lottery nml tranaforinlnK apHirntua, which, ho rnyi, will run tho Indent dynnmoa without the iiik) ot ileum or other en ergy. Iloaaya It may Ui nppliixl to Incomotlvui, rtenmahlpa, lllitlrii nnd hrutliiK planU or nnythlnit where eloc trlcal etiency la employed, llocalla hla Invention the "auto vlbro electricn roricouto." In a statement ho anya: "In bulldinu n Are one flrat murt liavo a match. I hnvo dlxoveiixl the match of electricity, and with It itnrt the file thnt ouutllltlert to bum. In other wonla, with n luUtnnco thnt nvuy Ito obtalnetl anywhere for n Itvr rent I originate tlm force thnt fiMa thodynnmo In motion ami ccntlnuea It In action. I mu not relying upon theory, but have undo many tenia in Italy thiouirh whloh I IncieiiKxl tho ordinary force uiAiilfnld without tho nld of ateam or nny other power except whnt I obtained from my amall Uittery. I nm ubIuk the uln'tilclty which cxlita In nil of imttiro'H nlemonta mid which has hlth orto Ikhiii wnattvl." LAIIN-AMtHICAN COMMEHCE Total Mat Morn Than Doubled Dur InR I'att Ton Year. WnahltiKton, Hept. .AccordlriK to olllclal IlKUiea, tho trade of tlio Dulled Hlutea with tho UHii-Amerlcan coun. trie In the hVnl yeor Junt imdixl nkkco initixl more than IDOO.UOO.OOU, aRulnnt 1!.'M.XK1()(J0 In 1807. In Utln.Amer loin countrleii nro iuclmlixl llrltlrh lloiiiluiita, llrltiah mid Dutch (lulana, nml tho Weat Indian itlanda under llrltirh, Dutch mid DanclMi control. Tho Importa from the "Mine countries In 10IJ7 rtinoiuitiv) to t.lnO.OOO.OOU. nKiilimt Il6o.000.000 In 1H07, hnvilijt tliim it little motH than doubled duilnx the hcnde, whlln tho exporta thereto niriieKnUl tWD.OOO.OOO In 1007 aKnlnat IHU.OOO.OOO In 1H07, ImvliiK n little more than tlebled dill Iiik tho decade. From tho Utln Weit Indira ami tho Freurh Wrat Indian xmaloim the ItiijMirtu In 1007 were IliM, 000,000, nicnln.t U't.000.000 In IH07, mid Die exxitta Uiereto in 1007 H!i,000,000 HKlnt 117,000,000 In 1H07. limpnrlti tho trnde of 1007 with thnt of 1001), n Kninof over IL'0,000,000 In exx)fin I nhowu, i-oiiikx1 nlnioot iiclualvely of inanufiwturel nrticlen, which form nenrly tl tr cent of the oxx)ibi Ui CuU, Ikiii t 70 t cent of tluxxi to Mr i ico. and nlxiut Ho tT cent oi iinxie io (.entral ami NmiIIi Ameri ca, while (mm all of the countrlea In liieatlon. the linporta conaltt chlrlly of fixxtntiillaaud umnufactilirra' liiatrrinla. Ornat ErRlneorlng Feat. WnahliiKlon. rU-pt. f. A iexirt liaa juat reaclnil the HUtn department of whnt l drclnreil to be tho urcntcut en KlnixrltiK work of the kind ever nt triuptixl on the Knrox-an continent. It la to Ixi n canal under tho Hove mountain to roumvt the port of Mar aelllen mole directly with tho river itlilue. Conaular Clerk M II. Kirk, of I'aria, rexirta that tho inlnltter of public work In Franco mid tho couna-1 KPlieinl of hriiliieH Imvo ncelltly renoit ix the expenditure of over 116,000,000 lor I lie rotirtruclion of the tunnel canal, which la to Ixi four nml one half mlht loiiKi 7.1 lift wide and 43 feci alwvo tho water level to the vaulted room. It will 1m completely lighted by electri city and MirafiN n anuill railroad iun. lilliK aloiit; the aide. Evant' Fleet Htarta North. Wathlnnton, Hept. 6. Admiral Kv. ana hna taken hla bl battleahlp llixt onncrtitai noitiiwanl Itotn Hampton Komia. u umlerxtixxl nt tho Navy department thnt the Meet will mako no harte In K"lni; north, but will eniraco In dillla mid vnrloua klnda of licet and etiadron inaneuvera on the crulae. Tho fall turret practice it to Uxln next Monday and thla will lx tho laat on porluulty tho IiIk ahlpa will Unve liavo to tctt their mint U'fnro they drop nn clior In Maxilnlena Uiy, on tho Writ crn coait of tho continent LANt'd NOMTHWESTERN TOUK Will Hear Rate Catea in Portland. Spokane and Seattle. WahliiKton, Hept. (i. Intoratnto Coininirte CominixlonT Ivine will Ikj In Portland Hepteinbor 10 U hear aryu nielli on com Ola Into! tlio Orciton Hall ronil comtrilaaton nnirint tho Chicago A Alton nml varioua oilier roa'da, Uio com inlnalon nlh-Klni; that tho rato on do mitiireil alcohol dipped from CIiIcoko nml Mlaaouil river xlntn la oxceaalvo. lleforo rcflchlriK Portland Mr. Ivine will henr alKimifnta at Hrxikane, Hep to m lo r 0, on complaint of the city of Hpokano awilnat the Northern Pacific, Grout Northern end O. It. A N,, allrg Inn that their rato on ahect ateel from l'itUhurK to Hpokano li exceaalve and out of pioortlon V tho rato from Pitta- Ijuik to Heattle. On Hoptember 13 Mr. Initio will hear arituineiiU at Heattlo in aeveral catca npilnat tho Northorn I'a clllc, in which it li allcecd that Ite rate on ahliiidea from Avon and Kdee- comb, Wath., to polnta in Mlnneaota and Tixa aro unreasonable. UNCLE SAM FIOHr8 PLAQUE. Roieburjc National Utnk Llcented WaahliiKton, Hcpt. tl. The controller of the currency liaa approved tho appli cation of A. V. Maetera, C W. l'urkx, I. Abraham, J. F. linker, N. Hlco and K. V. Hoover to orpmlxo the Koaebuit; National Uink, with capltnl atock of inO.OOO. F. P. lllll hna been apolnU txi a Kunril In the tafdide national (or cat, Oregon, and Thmnaa Monroe to a almllar poxltlon In the Imnnhn national forcxt Mr. Olive C. Hwenulnir hna lnnrn npolutxl n cloik, tenionirlly, In tho Cnacnde foreat. Rooiavelt Orders the Public Health Service to Aid San Francltco. Wathlnitton, Sept. 7. Ily direction of President Itooaevelt, tho public health ami inarlno hoapltal trrvlco hae iimuiiikI cliarxo of tneaaure to (tamp out the plague In Han Francieco. Thla atcp m taken tixlay by reueat of Mayor Taylor, of Han F'rancIa:o. who aibled that tho city would do all that la lOMihie tcwarila iirovldlnu funds to carry on tho woik. Acting promptly on tokTanhic In atiuctious from Oyster liar. Hunrcon tleneral Wyman lutuxl tho neceaiarr ordrni and advlxxl the mayor of Hah Franclaco that tho corpi of the service ollicen alrmdy on duty there would Im auKinented and that additional lueaturea would lx taken to prevent the rpread of tho di tense. Cannot Qlvo Tents to Sick. Waahlngton, HepL 3. The War de partment luu dtclded to grant the re (jo oil of the mayor of Han Francieco for tent to accommodate, the patlenta In city hcapitaU who aie to be removed from tlie bulldlngato rnluce the chance of extending the lavage of tho plague. Acting Hvcretary Oliver m urged to comply with the application by Bur geon Ocneial Wyman, but failed to find any legal authority for the gift of the tenia. He reppllod, however that he would sell tho city of Han Francltco any number of the tent necee-ary. So far no anawor liaa been received to hi offer. Jury Finds Him Guilty of Bribing Ban Francisco 8ur4rvlsor. Ban Franclaco, Aug. 31. After de liberating about 16 minute, the Jury in tho coho of J)uls Glaaa, vice proil lont of the Pacific Htate Telephone A Telegraph coinpnny, laat night returned a verdict finding him Kiillty of bribing supervisors. Only one formal ballot was taken, the Jurors being unanimous on an informal ballet. Aaalstiint District Attorney Ileney mado Uio clorlng argumont and spoke for nn hour and a half, during which time ho took occasion to reverely con demn the modern methods of some cor- orations In doing buslncts and charged that they were undermining the govern ment. The SMision waa held in one of the smaller halls and only a limited number of spectators rotild bo accom modated. A thourand rxonlo waited outside the building and listened to the word of Mr. Honor, who could be heard through the open windows. Judge Lawlor concluded his charge at 0.36 o'clock and the courtroom waa then cleared. Ten (minutes after the order waa given the Jury was deliberat ing and within 16 minutos Foreman Flood announced the verdict of guilty. Mr. Delmai was not preeent, bnt Mr, Mcl'ike, bis associate, moved for a stay of ludgmenL Next Wednesday morning waa fixed as the time for panting sentence. Assistant District Attorney John O'Oara spoke for half an hour and concluded the opening argument for the people in tho Ulaaa bribery trial in tlie morning. He was followed by T. C. Cooyan for the defease, who spoke for two hours. The burden of Mr. Coogan'a argu ment waa, as in the former trial, the utter lack of direct evidence connecting Glats with the commitslon of the crime charged, namely, the bribing of Huiiervisor Lonergan. IRRIGATIONS MEET Fifteenth Annual Session Con venes In Sacramento. LARGE NUMBER OF DELEGATES Indications Point to Much Good Be ing Accomplished at the Big California Gathering. 8MA8HED IN RUINS. Mooney Is Reinstated. Hn FninclHco, Hept. .'!. Ono of tho tint net of tho Tuylot board of police oommlrsionois waa to relnatnto Ctaptnln of Police Mooney. Captain Mooney was dismissed by tho HchmiU hoard (or vrltlolrliiK tho method of cx-Chlof Dl- mm nml tlio then hoard of commlsiilon era. Mr. Mooney nddrramnl his com pany on tho ncccxHlty for greater alert norri In tho aiippieaalon of vice. Ho w ii mod the men thnt tho friendship of chief of jxillco and jxillco commltidou. ora would not mvo those that hojound dorollct in nny mutter of duty. Great Church In Danger. London, Hept. 3, Tho couimlttco of architects appointed to Inqulro Into fit, Paul's cnthcdrnl hau IsBiied n report whloh declares thnt, whllo tho cathed ral Is In no Immediate dttiigericlnbomto preouutlona aro neeessury to prcsorvo It from illtftutor. Cholera Slaying Chinese. Shanghai, Sept. 3 Tho epldomlo of cholera among Chinese In lowor Yang- Tso porta Is spreading. About 200 persons died In tho streets of Cuba, In the province- of Ngan-IIwol and Klu Klang, province of Klangsl. No Fees for Return Certificates. Wnahlngtcn, Hept. 3, Commissioner Hargcnt has ordeiod Immigration otll- clala to inform resilient Chlncao who Intend to visit China with the inten tion of returning to tho United States, that tho immigration otliolalH will mako out return ceitlllcatea firo of chnigo as u pint ol their duties. Tho order Is Is sued as n result of Sargent's discovering whllo in Halt IjiUo recently that tlio Chinese Iwlleved letutn certillcates must be made by a lawyer, and thoy pjild f6 to fi0 therefor. Colonel Hal ford Retires. Washington, Hept. 0. Lieutenant Colonel Klljuh W. Hullord, pydeprt ment, U, H. A was relieved today, having reached tlm stu'utory Hgo of 04 yiMiia, Colonel lliilfonl waa ntlaohisl to heiidiiunrtoiH of tho ilojmrtmtnt of California, at Hjiii Frtmetxco, and was ono of tho moot wldoly known otllcern in tho pay corps of tho army. Ho was private mxirehiry to tho Into Viesldent hdnjaiulti llmrlson from 1883 to 1803. Northwest Postal Changes. Washington, Sept. 4. Nells A. Jen son has been appointed regular. Thomas Jolmneon sulwtitute, rural cmrlcr, route -'. nt I'.uumoiaw. Waali. ltobert rat- rick hna been appointed postmaster at Newciutio, Wash,, vho KII Manning, roslgncd, Straus Fixes Dato of Return. Washington, Boot. 3, Becrotnrv Straus, who lain Yollowttonepark, has written that ho expects to reiuino de partment duty Septcmbor 12. after dis- oueslng his Intended Inspection trip with President Itootevelt. Has Scent of Lumber Trust. Washington, Hept. 6. An Investiga tion of the lumber Industry la being di rected by Herbert Knox Hmith, cctn mirslonet of tho bureau of corporations, which may dovelop tufheient informa tion to warrant the government's pro ceeding agalntt the lumber truit. At preent tho inquiry la proceeding in Winconsln and Michigan and in tho Southern static. It Is along purely economic lines to develop the amount of standing timber. After tho source of supply Is BHCoitnlned, Mr. Smith w III Impilro Into tho cost of production. Filipinos In Island Service. Washington, Hept. 3. Twenty-two of tho young FUIdIiios who wore edu cated In tho United States liavo arrived at Manila to undertake a period ol ser vice for the government ixjual to tho thno spent In this country acquiring an education at government expense. Those having been graduated ficm the normal, engineering and agricultural courses will bo given employment under Uio Philippine board of education and the law graduates will bo given other employment. Old Rumor Killed Again. Washington, Sept. 0. Rumors orig inating In Portland to tho offeot that headquarters of tho department of tho Columbia were to bo removed from Vancouver barrack to Seattle are flatly ill nor edited by Adjutant General Alns worth, tho ono man above all othors who keeps posted ou suoh matters. When the attention of Senator Itourno was culled to thla rumor ho took it at oneo to General Alnsworth, and secured from him a Hut denial. Fifteen Passengers Killed In Trolley Car Wreck In Illinois. Mattoon, III., Sept. 2. Fifteen per sons were killed and about 60 Injured in a head-on collision between an inter- urban exnrets train consisting of a motor car train and a traction car on the Mattoon A Charleiton electric lino this morning. The crash occurred on a sharp curve one mile west of Charles ton. Confuiion of orders received over the telephone Is said to have been the cause of the accident. The cars approached each other at a high rate of speed and the Impact waa so terrific that the motor cai was teleecoped by tho trac tion car. There was no warning and few passengers had time to escape by jumping. Tho passengers, neatly all of whom weio on the way to the fair at Cliarl re- ton, were crushed or maimed where thoy rat In the ca,rs. Some who es caped and who were able to speak say Uio rvene at the wreck was gruesome. The dead and dying were jammed to gether In a mass, somo shrieking witb iiain and children crying for their mothers, who were thought to bo among the dead. FRENCH IN CORNER. Philippine Wood for Lead Pencils Washington, Sept. 4. It Is learned t'om Manila that samples of Philip pine woods bolioved to bo available for making lead pencils have been sent to Now York to be tested. Lead pencil woods have become so Bcurco that if tho Philippine woods are satisfactory it will creato a largo market therefor. The samples shipped to Now York aro o roil lauan and balbnlbocan. New Chief for Creeks. Washington, Sept. 0. Tho president today authorized the secretary of the interior to appoint Subchlef Mety lin ger, of the Greek Indians, to succeed General Pleasant Porter as chief of the tribe. Moors Suddenly Surround Troops by Feint of Retreat. Chmi Illanca, Sept. 2. During tlie fighting between tlie French forced and tho Moors yesterday near the French camp, the Moors at Dot retreated and it was believed that tho engagement was over, when suddenly tho onomy reappeared in great force in two direc tions. Tho Spahl and irregular Alger ian cavalry found themselves almost surrounded but formed a equate and slowly fell back until reinforced. In tho meantlmo the trench ships show ered shells among tlie hills, scattering the enemy. The engagement lasted three hours. The line of battle extended over two miles, and it is estimated that about 12,000 Moors we'0 engaged. Tho loss of tho latter is not known, but It Is be lieved to have been heavy, aa the French officers counted tho bodies ef 20 Moots in one roadway. The French loss was 15 killed or wounded. The cruisers Glolre and Guardon to day bombarded tlio beaoh beyond Casa lllance, whoio the force of Moorish cav alry gathered, but soon dispersed it. Governor Offered Bribe. Chicago, Sept. 2, A dispatch to tho Tribune from Indianapolis says: Win Held T. Durbin, governor of Indalna from 1001 to 1905, made the sensation al statement last night that soon after his inauguration as, governor attempts were mado to bribe him to turn over William A. Taylot, Kentucky's refugee governor, to the authorities ot tho stato tor trial on tho ohargo ot conspiracy to araaeelnato Govornor Qoebol.' Tho offer to ox-Governor Durbin, according to his own statement, waa $03,000 in cash. Sacramento, Cal., 8ept. 3. That the Fifteenth National Irrigation congress will bo the moat sncceesful In the his tory of the great work that attracts tho attention of the entire world was the unanimous verdict of thourands of dele gates and visitors who gathered yester day to attend the opening sessions. Ihe large number of delceatca and tho enthusiasm displayed Indicate that much Is to be accomplished daring the congress. The gathering Is not only national, bat International In character, as there were seated on the platform of the gaily decorated convention hall rep resentatives of foreign countries, Includ ing Germany, China and Mexico. President Roosevelt had his personal representative, G I fiord Pinchot, chief government forester; Vice President Fairbanks wss a guest of honor; there were fcur governors of states, senators, congressmen and other distinguished visitors. From the time Executive Officer Beard called the great gathering to order and introduced Govornor Chamberlain, of Oregon, president of tho National Irrigation congress, words of welcome and praise for the great work of saving the forests, storing the floods, reclaiming the deserts and mak ing homes on the land, marked the pro ceedings. The addreetoa of the speak ers and the message of President Roose velt were received with hearty approv al. Governor Glllett's address of wel come was a glowing tribute to the re sources of California, and be turned over the entire state to the visitors. Mr. Chamberlain, in commenting on the tint session, remarked that the p recent congress shows more Interest in the work In hand tban any other con greas he ever attended, and added that during the week questions of intense Importance will be discussed. The Irrigation Palace has a seating accommodations for about 3,600 peo ple, and in addition to delegates a large number of spectators are provided for. The interior of the building presents a festive appearance with streamers ct varied hues. Over the speakers' plat form aro the wcrds: "Science bids the desert drink." On the walls In a conspicuous man ner tho Washington delegation called attention to tho desire ol Walla Walla to have the next congress held there. The congress opened with the "Irri gation Ode," which was rendered by the 200 members of the Ogdcn Taber nacle choir, an organization comprising 120 men and 80 women. Mayor M. R. Beard of Sacramento then delivered the addiess of welcome on behalf of the city and was followed by Governor James N. Gillette, who welcomed tho delegates to the state. Roth officials expressed the pleasure of the people in having the visitors with thorn and spoke ot the Importance ot the work of the congress. Governor Chamberlain followed in behalf ot the congress. NEXT D08E IS FOR CHINT. Witness Fees Paid John D. Chicago, Sept. 2. The witness fees and mileage claimed by John D. Rook eteller for his appearance before Judge Landls some weeks slnoe, have been paid. A check tor (83 waa mailed to his home In Cleveland. Japan Ind'gnant at Hostile Actions of Flowery Empire. Tokio, Sept. 3. The unconclliatory attitude of the Chinese government to ward Japan is gradually Increasing, anil it is now verging on tho anti-Japanese. There la indignation here at the sudden change ot tiont ty China. The situa tion at Pekln Is attracting the atten tion ot public thinkers. It is felt that for the s.1 ko of tranquility in the Far East tho present conditions should not be maintained. In some uarters it Is thought that It is abeolntely necessary to Impress China with tho unreasonableness ot heio present attitude, and send for that purpose a foremost statesman to repre sent Japan at Pekln. Attempt to Wreck Bridge. Darby, Penn., Sopt. 3. A bold at tempt was mado by some unknown person this morning to blow up with dynamite a brldgo ot tho Baltimore A Ohio railroad, crossing Quarry street abovo Darby. The terrltlo explosion was heard all over Darby, and tho greatest excitement prevailed. The woodwork was blown In all directions and considerable damsgo was done. The authorities of the railroad are bus ily engaged running out several clews. which they hopo will lead them to ap prehend the dynamiters. Revolution Near In Argentine. JJueuos Ayres, Sept. 3. News of ser ious unrest in the province of Corel entes has reached here. Armed bands have appeared on the frontier and re volution is sab! to be imminent.