The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1907, Image 7

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Oerpiiat TaaUtatiisOa.
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation
There nro mntiy nilments
directly dependent upon con
tipntion, such ns biliouincti,
ditcolored nnd pimpled skin,
innctivo liver, dyipcpiln, over
worked kidney nnd hendnche
Remove constipation nnd ull
of tliMu iiilntrnLs tlisuppeur.
MAN-A-LIN can be relied
J upon to produce n gcntlo nc-
tion of the bowels, making
pilU nnd drastic cathartics cn
tircly unnecessary.
A dose or two of Mnn-n-lln
l. udvisablc In slight febrile
atttitks, la grippe, colds and
lonqiuit miiDan iw the would to cost 12,000,000.
,n',l'''''i'mmwmmam0?minmmmmBmmmmwrimvt tTm"m&& mm
1'itojixTKi) kti;i:i, haii.hoad iihiixiijto chohh i:aht
fligth. 17,(XK) feet, or eoiialdi rnhly note! feature of (lie nrcli Is tho inrUi-
er three mllea. Weight of steel used d f creel loll, which will lie carried
In construction, oii-r NMk.w) loiiK, 'I'd. through without lint nnalstnuco of iitijr
imao worn in llif Wlioiu ifin feci or
ifli coal, nproiiintely, fl7,un,iji)0.
The, nrn Interesting fnets nl.iiit dm
largest steel t Induct In till world,
which tint I'cmiaylviiula Itiillronil pro
im to erect In New York. itn In
lniinvt Uhik Istniid with the Hron.
I.nst IIIvit will Ihi apnimcd hy nn arch
lrldgi or about i.ono rv sjmi'i, liM-lf
the Inrgctit of It t)Mi rut known. A
Hi length The utvh will Ik) liullt out
In two linlti-N slmultnucoualy from
each abutment,
Tin' bridge, linn been designed lo miiH
Mirt 11 weight iiilnlciit to loading the
ttltolu of the four truck from end to
end with tniliiK itniitKN.pil of heavy
freight locuiiiulltea, mnl mi -tiff In thu
nrcli Mint under thin ciioriiMius load Hut
deflection nt the center wuuhL l only
three Inches. It In cxtluifitod (hut the
bridge 111 11 Ui iiill In two nul one-half
jc'irs. Willi thu completion of Ihu
structure New York will for tho first
lime Aim llwlf In posscrwlou of nil nil
rail route between .Nuw Kugland and
thu South nml AVc-t.. Through trains
fnmi HimIoii inny then run lo New
.York, I'hlladclphln, Wnshlngton, New
Orleans, eh Imp) or any other Southern
or Wcwtern elly without Icntlng tho
rails. .
yJicn the Mood is j)urc, fresh nnd healthy, tho skin will be aoft, nmooUi
ana free front blemishes, but when Home ncid liuinor Ukc3 root in the circu
lation JW presence Is i:tanlfctcd Ly a sUtn crtintloti or disease. These
Jiumorfl Ret into tho blool, j;cnernlly Jjccauie of an Inactive or nluKKlah
conditioner Uie rncinbcrfl cf the body whoso duty it Is to collect nnd irry
off tho waste nnd rciusc innttcrof thonystcm. This unhealthy jnntter is Jcft
to Hour niid fcrnicnt aud fooii fie circulation becomes charred with the ncid
i""""" " """'i lomrow 011 mc Jiumors nnu ncjds tlirounh tho
pores and clant.3 cf Ihc BLln, prwluclntf Itectna, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Ha t JUicum nnd nl.In crtipt.ons cf various kinds. Ikzem.-i nnncars. usually
witu n sliffht rcdnees of the tL.n followc!
llV nttftfltlod frr.m (tif1t ft .
flows a sticky fluid thatdrlcs and forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
1 1 1 generally on mc uacK, urcasi, lace, anns nnd legs, though other parts
of the body may beaffectol. In Tetter the shin dries, craefcs nnd bleeds;
the ncid in tho blood cries uo the natural oils of t!i ttln wMri. . i.,.it
to Veen it soft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition and nivJnir it a
hard, leathery appearance. Actio mates its appearance on the face in the
Z.uff.ri with Koroma for forty if1. olf PimPlc nnd black heads, whilo
r.oi'.ncr to Buiiaa;3 comes in r-caiy patciics on lillcr-
cnt parts of the body One of the worst
our tn until Z trld H
auffarod Intensely- vrlth tha Itch
H. H.
iniDi7 lriin nut nin. . . - - -- xvaww
inraniiljurninci ptntuic wouia forms of alcin trouble is Salt Rheum:
form from Which thxra llnanl a (fa .....!- ... fi -I -... .. . '
iitlokr fluid! enutawonfa conn on "' i in 01 niiacjc is ine BCaip,
tba akin tmiwtien acratotod off Bomciimes caustn? baldness, roison Oak
pfuVfc YZSSK S5bV thCS 'J?'1 J vy re alto dlsasrceablc types of skin
ion veara I wu M.micid, but oiscasc. The humor producing the troublo
S?i""L"'i'!?9nd.i lies dormant in the blood through ff,
ioc Durii inero nma nnrar LHMtn
J Finding Gtandlalhsr
TlMa Talila lur CUIUra.
"1 ws walklnc on rrnnilrinla
nui In Wathhutou ana day at hl(h
uhi whtn a nl(fi;pr' loouirO un on iujt
liurlton tvmliif raptitljr toward in,"
aid a wlkuowru tirgrn cointttlan.
"lie waa wearing ttie uioit outlandltti
utnt 1 trrr tawr on a hunuti hflnj,
011 or off th fiUf. Ill" troLK-n wtra
rrajrtl ud torn atwra uU ahotoi.
U worn a mink tvlorist woolen atilrt,
a etllulold collar nnd a tattered aack
eoat Uu hla head waa a aomurwro
which lookisl aa If lotnnil doga had
been trying to pull It to plrori. Hut
(ha crowning effort waa a uw and f tti
luacutatt full dra ret. II had pull
d hark III coat and adored hlci
thumtia Into tho annholra of that vnt.
Aa ho cniiia tallliiK beforu tho wind
M certainly waa thu mott comical fig
ure I rut anw. I couldn't rvalit the
teinptrttlun to atop liliu.
"Ixik hero,' I aald, 'what do you
mean hy appearlui; at thla tliua of day
In aurli a drMj Uou't you know that
you'ru du tropr"
"' what-what'a thatr
"Don't you know that you'ra 0
tropr I rcponted, 'that It lan't rinla
alhla to appear III full dreaa bafora (I
o'clock In Ilia teiilnwV
"l'hu dnrky drww hlmtclf up Tery
'Ixxik lionli,' he aald. 'I'll tin re you
to kiiuw that I don't 'low liolnxly to
ninlttt tlnm tahlra for my clous.'"
Kanina City Tluuvi.
Ilirli Warb.
"I am afraid you don't like work."
MVra I do," anawarnl l'loddlug IUte,
"I hare ao much rraiiert for work that
whtn I a plrca of It to u 'uncled to
I allua frtl Ilka turuhi' It ortr to aotne
hoity tlM that woiililu't b aa likely lo
Biwll ll I would " Vhlmton Htar.
Buy Hair
at Auction?
At any rate, you seem to be
ceiling rid of It on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
g-o-n-cl" Stop the auction
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, It
chcckafalllnghalr,and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
" Mj hair ram col to hadlr I naatlr loat II
all. f ha-t ""fS '"'"'I t",' !;' Jlflr
Vlfor I lliouilil I would ilia It a Irl.l. I did
in audit coinpUttlj lo'.4 lha falling, and
iiiada in lialr irow jarr lapldly, Maht II.
KI.i, Noilhn.lJ.M.iJ,
Mo4 br J. 0. Ajor Co., Lg wall,
"Ti'll too agnlu, daddy, tln utory if
thu Utile girl who loat her wny In the
Wheat, and atept out of doora nil lllght
wltlMiut Iter liiudder,"
Tho apoaker waa n little girl herwelf.
Intltig much aollvd and tMgrlmrd
uuliuiet hy one at ring. whll the oth
er hand grnul the fluguni of n tit 1 1,
uugnliily limn walking hy her aide.
And ttm llttlo girl," continued tho
uinii oUvtlently, "wnlkrd round and
round the wheat field hut cuUld not find
her way tmt, for nil tint whent wna
Inller than ahe, nnd turner ur much alio
atiMat on tip tiH, ahe Couldn't orer,
AiMlMiy nnd hy, he lay down tn rmt
where- n linrreat iihiiini hnd built Ita
ntt. Hhe waa 1 1 nit and hungry, and
oh, a. i lonely. Hut t lit winds blew
through the grnlu, humming n lullaby,
and the little girl grew alerpler and
alrepler," "Alxt aleepler," nddetl tlwi
rhllil. "Thni. Illnea. Tell It right,
"And at) when the rrnpera rniuv In
the morning," ixt7tlnuc, the uinii. "and
tho dreaded kuttea crept nearer und
lienrer to the little girl, every thing
tried to ante her. Thu blinulea nibbled
her tcHYt. the little Iinrteat liiouao pulled
lnr Imlr, nnd the little blnU Hew on
top of one of the llowera unit nniig nnd
anug and MligA
"And then," wtld lllnlleglrl with
mueh eielteinciil "Ia'I mo tlnlh It.
dnddy. Tho limn who drtiro tho n'nper
pit ilon ii from hla aent to find the bird'
neat, nml found the llttlo baby girl fnat
naleep, nnd carried her to her nuidder
coin'," aittd tho child auddeuly, lHk
tug up In her father'", fatv. "Of eonr)
her mudder tlld cry, dnddy, nnd tho lit
tle glrl'a tlndily iiiiut hno cried too,
you know. Wouldn't you cry If lllrdlu
glrl na loat In thu wheatV
Thu limn nnd child had left tho wheat
Held far li'hlud und euturvd on the
grniuy kmUl Umi which thu old farm-
llOIIHO ttH)d. ,
It wna n verltitblo tumblo-down with
n "leiiuto" nt Ihu end, hut It had Wxn
thu homo of thu llttlo k'lrl'a griindfnther
nnd hrr grent griindfnther, nnd David
t'hadwlck lontl It n few men lorwl
Hero ho had brought his young wife,
ihul lived a porfrct dreain of hnpplnoa
until alio died, Ion v lug her tiuibnnd tho
legacy of puny lby girl,
"l'oor David." tho nelghbora anld.
"What will ho do nowl"
Ho hnd nlwnya U-cu "jwor Datld" to
them, for ho wna uullko moat men,
practical, nldo ntrnku for their own In.
tcrvit, nnd biulnttu like. Iintend ho
wn n dronmer, uiiuavtl to tho world's
tvaja; a innu nwkwurd with clumay
mniinera, but with n pHt'a hunrt, ten.
iter, gt'iitlu nnd tnio. llln fiieu wna
anted from ikihIIIto pliituueaa by u pair
of wondorful o)ih, Inrgp, dark nnd
David aetMiKMl to bo born under nn
unlucky star, for nothing prolmred In
hla lunula. If thoru wore jioor crops,
hla were pooror thnu his iiclghtora. If
alckncHS enmo nniong tho stock, David
Uliudwlrk lost moru thnu nny ono clue.
Huccvh uorur scorned to como near
Twolvo yenrs panned nwny. Illrdlo-
glrl hnd Ion ngo dropped hor iot
iinnic, nnd was known iih I'liolio Clmd-
wick, Through tho genoroslty of n rol
ntlvo, alio hnd been sent to achool, nnd
now I'ur oducntloniilulahod, alio wns hor
own uitstrcss nt tho old homo, nnd tho
Idol of hor father, 8hu In return wns
dorotcd to him, nnd could km no fault
In him., A llttlo slow crluips, but Hint
to ronllin Hint ruin wna slowly coming
Um Iheiii.
Mini knew Hint her father wns loxlng
money year by yenr, mid Hint oiier or
latar the dear old ho'iieatead lnut gu.
Hhe tried In vnlu to maku her fnther
It, hut hn would not, or ahnll we
any could not.
Then tho "day mine when I'hebo met
John I'utunm, a hsndaomo young fel
low, and n runnier boarder In Hie
Dnrld had no fnlth In him, nnd op.
im-iI Ihv rnptdly giuwltig frleudahlp,
I low It entue about, ouo cannot tell, but
John Hrundcd I'liebtt to g tn the city
with him nnd t ntnrrleil, nwntrltig her
that after their marriage, her father
ahould hate n home with them. 1'lutbo
lored hr father nnd John o much,
that she felt alio wns doing Hit best for
nil parties.
If anything waa wanted to break
Dnrld'a heart It waa th.
KrOm the dny he lenrnisl the newa,
ho neter meuttouett Phetrn't name. let
ter after letter canto telling of her hap.
pluean; of the homo they hnd mado far
Nme time. lie la lusted," he wild con
ndenthilly, Iwklng up In Darld'a face.
Dnrld i.K.k (he child up the altar
ate, and shown! him where tlio little
bo; a anng each Huuday In their ens.
socks anil aurjillifn.
Winter to break out and torment tho
sufferer with the return of Spring. The best
trcaimcni lor nu sun diseases 13 S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids nnd removes tho
humors so that the skin instead of bcinjj
irritated nnd diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
Applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
while they soothe the itching caused by
Akin nfTt?ctlnn4. ran tim.-r r-,,m 1 1, lmt.1i.
occausc they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation
and forces out every particle of foreign matter nnd restores the blood to ita
snr ratnrn or th trotibla.
. ... o.u.z:vAa,
f iJk
A wmk
VIiIam and Valor.
"It takes n wise man to know when
to change his 'in I nil," saldone states
man. "Yes." nnswered the other, "nml a
bravo one to own up to It when It Is
nccoinpllshcd." Washington Star.
St. Vitot Ttanra aaa an Itfrrooa Xt.a
"I All OOl.NU TO M.NU IIIU aourriMc"
nwny nnd liegglng him to shnro It, biU
David nctrr know. He burnt tho let'
tors unopened lest thu now a they con
tained should bring him khnmo na well
na Morrow.
When tho spring enme nround the old
farm una let, for thu first time In tho
memory of living iiihii. nnd David
Chndtvlck went hla way, no ono know
where. When I'liel. with her young
husband, did ruttint for the forgiveness
they could not get by letter ho wna
It wns ono of tho hotteat dnya of tho
yenr. Tho only cool plneo to lm found
waa In the largo cathedral, nnd many
pwpls wnndored In, Uth to prny and
to look at tho wondorful nltnr nnd pic
ture. David Chadwtck wns ono of
thorn, for hero It waa ho hnd hidden
himself na sexton when tho crash cairio
nnd ho hnd left tho old homo.
David loved to listen to tho voices of
tho boy choristers, nnd tho deep toned
notes or tho orgnn. The dim lights nnd
shadows, drifting to nnd fro on tho old
cnrvlugi, reminded hint of tho cloud
nhndows In tho whent flchU ut homo.
And so ho wns ever In thu church, dust,
lug. cleaning nnd musing; over treated
kindly by tho church pcoplo nnd author.
"No. no, Mnry, I don't wnnt to alt
down nnd say my prayers. I want to
go about nnd see everything."
David woko up from n dny dream to
11 nd n curly hit I red twy of 0, strug
gling on tho sent behind htm, aa ho
vainly trlod to froo hlmsulf from tho
uurvo who held him down.
"Lot him stay with me," said Dnvld
kindly, "I'll tako enro of him. Como
my lad, nnd I will show you the orgnn
nml tho pictures," nnd tho child went
with him, whllo tho nurso nettled com
fortnbly down to hor prayors.
".My nnuio Is llonnlo, nml my grand-
father Is n lllshop," anld tho llttlo fel
I'arlor Ilaalr.
Mr. ICyboih. alio was In search of a
late copy of a mcDthly nngailne, abaent
mindrtlly strpie4 Into the parlor.
He waa Jut In time to are tba young
msn hsatlly remove bis arm from lbs
U-rk of Hie chair la which Mhu Kilty
was ailtjng.
"I'rmaedl Ot nisnce!" he mtittrmL
or rtanra aaa an nrroaa Dlaaa i ,. ,.,, , i ,. i. .u ....
trmanaotlr catnl br Ir. KUWa llrral ' i i-inius ui iuvu iu aminj
llj.rr. lxidrrKHKKI)lrlaltM4UaiMl ' room.
For Mr. Kyboh remrmbrrnl that ha
wn a young man btmslf many years
.r. llx j,.r. Kapdfor KHKK lllrtal tU aoJ
IraaUaa. l)t. IL 1LKIU. iU Ml AKli UU KiUal-a,
Tb lllla and Ihr lltiip,,
"What are Hie retniltltes of a suc
cessful musical comedy?"
"Oh, about a dozen song bits."
"And twice that many attractive
misses." Washington Herald.
Motbart will find alrt. WlniloWa Boothlot
imp tba U at ramedr I" cm lur tbtlr chlldrsa
luring tba Ualblng psrlod.
Odd Culaeldeare.
Not many years since a pastor tn
New York Slnto read In his puljilt this
portion of n hymn:
Well, the delightful diy will come
When my dear fxird sbslt tske ine. home.
And 'I shall see his face
Just then he was stricken with paral
ysis nud died In a few moments. Thir
ty-three years before In the same pul
pit another pastor was reading the
very same stnnu when he, too, was
stricken and died. Scran Honk.
' , gj, '' a a"
Ocloca Colar tlaawhcr.
342'i WathtntlaaSI. Portland Orcsaa.
Portland Orrgon
ltl1IIllA'd itlftafw
ixilnlmout wn irreni uiieo iiiii tim i i, .normal, tmro condition, thereby pcrmancntlv curintr everv form of nV?n
wna hardly old enough to sing. If ffectIon. Hook; on Skin Diseases and any medical ndvicc desired scat frc
"Hut I'll mu lie growrd." bo nddM r """ "" o. o. is loraaicnr. an iirst class drug stores.
with a sigh nnd nn nflerthought. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATtANTA, CA,
men iiatui snoweii mm the picture
of thu Infant Jesus on His Mother's
knee, and Itentile remsrked ns he look
ed ht It,, "He nln'i got po fnddir like
me, msjlie, but his muddeT lovcn him,"
Then David knew the child had lost
his father, nml he wtld "uiudder" Just
ss Hlrdle-glrl had dotui years ngo, when
they had walked lu thu wrutlehU 'to
gether. He could almost fancy It was
Hlrdle-glrl that whs clasping his hand
now, mi renl did the loiuj forgotten In
cident return, until the sound of Mary's
voice brought him back from the Innd
of dreams.
"Now, Master Ilennlc, we must go nt
once. Mntntim will want- you. Hay
good-bye to the kind gentleman nnd
coma along."
"Hood-bye, Mr, Story Man; If I como
again to-morrow, will you show mo
more things)"
David promlM-d, nml the next day,
and for n number of days the proceed
ings uero repented, for It gate Mary n
chance lo chnt w;li her mtiny friends
whom alio met at church.
It wns a great dny nt the cathedral.
Continuation ix-rvloe wns to tie held nud
ninny Hlshops of renow n were to spunk.
Put Id waa very buy until Inte. Then
hn thought he would go Into the body
or tho great church, nud listen him
self to the wonderful singing and beau
tiful services,
Ho wns looking around for a sent,
wlien Hcnulo'n voice ttblMered out
from one of the ews:
"Sir, Story Man, here's lots of room
with us, IKi come." nnd, taking Da
vld's wrinkled hand In his, ho drew him
In the jew which wns occupied by a
lady nnd tho child.
After llonnlo had pointed out to Da
vld one of the Hlshopa ns liU "grnnd.
fndder," ho stuck his llttlo hand lu that
of his new found friend nnd settled
down quietly to listen to the singing.
It was a long service, nnd Dnvld and
llonnlo wearied long before It was over,
but they sat It out bravely, hand lu
haud, while Ilenulo'a mother, her thick
veil lowered, watched them long nud
When the great cathedral doors were
opened, and the vast congregation dis
persed she led tho way to a quiet part
of the church, followed by ltennlo nnd
David. Then sho turned nnd faced
them, raising tho hwrvy crcpo fold of
tho veil from her face,
"Father, don't you know me)" was
all she said.
Tho fow remaining pcoplo saw n
atrnngo sight, for after Rating In her
fttco Intently for n few moments tho but hint from high quarters that In
old man fell on her shoulder weeping futurs ths walks of the courtiers must
Tho old homestead Is once again Da
7or Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Alwars Bought !
Boaratho --- ,ST. H ELEN'S H ALL
r . j m " - " - i - -
xvt auixa
fliM SavJ ffrl
KBiinct loiry
Bla-Ul lltaiUaf
mum. lUat
room 1 r
pi 8l
4f IrOWblataaun-
t'.i,. Bfil a4
will MM mil Of
I aalaitak aaalklad
Trr laa eac aad roa lll aanrto wttkoat tfeua.
11 aot ktp tt ), aaal rraiald Icr IDo.
auoia KKtxt, us ciij. at. tr-Uj, n. r.
An Uaarrt Opinion.
"What we want to do," said the mor
alist, "U to strive for tho uplifting of
our fellotnnnn."
"That is easy," said tho dying ma
chine Inventor. "The dlfllcutty Is to
keep him from dropping back to earth
with a rudo jar." Washington SUr.
Tba Ward Ellqaall.
TIi very high sounding word stl
quttt had a vary humblt origin, for
ttlquetts aisaat simply a label. It re
calvad Its present slgnldratloa from
tba fact that a Scotch gardener who
A Glila' Srhool ol tb bUbeit clan. Collajt
ttOattinttil, Mualc Art Kloculloa, Ujuv
naaluta. fall term ojna tapttuibar 11
vlil'u and ho wandors uUutt tho ilclds
ronrLANO, oniooN
Qualltr la oar motto. Wa aJuaU for aoccaaa.
Si wl aiAak.1 a Ala aln.lAaft a. m hA-af f . hBk A
1lil AaaV i. .. f . a, alt ssaa M.U aitaJUaTUk, M a WBMVM. WOJ4 &
Loula XIY. waa much annoyed at the Pt?t7Tf T 'J. U'P "
courtUrs walking over his newly made , bmU "" lnKt tara. npkl pros
paths, and at Isngth had labsls placed ," An moJwn ahai bookkeapla sra
to Indleata wbsre they might pass. At , Uuh,s J ,u calcuUtiona, eomapoodanca.
first these labels were not attended to, ! commarcUl law, offlca work, ate. CUrtier Is
our ahoithanj jy, rapid, tclbl. DaauUfa
catalosua, bualDnaa forma and paamsaahla fraa.
b within ths "tlquettos" or labels
was promptly attended to. To keep
within ths etiquettes becams the eor.
was aftorward widened.
waa all. low by way of an Introduction. "And I
I'hobo was too young to remedy got auothor grondfadder way oil In tho
things at tho farm, but hot too young country, and I niu going to find him
telling wonder stories na of old. but ! rsct thine. The meanltur of thonhrase
.a .... ...... I ----
tney nro torn to n uttia boy now.
Many Improvements have taken plnco
In tho house and farm nt tho sugges
tion of Hcnnle's mother, Tho old man
Is deeply Interested In thoin all, for
ho wants llonnlo to bo n farmor, as hla
great grent grandfather was before
him, only ho adds, "I hopo ho'll make
a betterarmer than I did."
And llonnlo Is oh, no Ixiptvy, for ha
has "found his uddor grandfudder In
tho couutry." Wnvcrley Magatlue,
P. N.U.
No. 33-07
TyilKN wrltlnr to advertlsars ploAao
TT uionllun thla jtapar. I
5l.fMa Sir .Kfa ftHfkCC BHTIN
.w. j m -www. ,. acv THE W
Fallows In Mlatortuus,
"Well," growled tho first man at tho
Flvo O'Clock ten, "If It wero not for
my wlfo I wouldn't ho hero."
"No, hang It I and neither would I If
It wore not for my wlfo. I'm tha
hostess huaband." Philadelphia Press.
"" THE KAMILV. AT ALL pnincn aVa
tJ1? KK-VS9.W:- "S1" hl "sworn by more roPU
la all waUa ot Ufa tbao any otber make, la Watua of ttctr
aioaUanl slyls. uy-aitlng, and aurlor wearing quallilea.
Tha aalactlou ot IbsloatUera snd other materials for each pait
pf Ilia aUoa, aitd orary detail ot tba inaklug I lookad stur by
aklllM aboawakara, wbo reoalta tba blgheit waeaa palj In tba
sboa Indiiatry. sad wbow workmanalilT cannot b eiealted.
.. ,. ... ju iuiu m j largo laotortra at liroekton.Man..
!S?.n ? tftt How f rS,u,.1 JoM sboesHeiitads, joi
would thou undsrslaiut wby tbey hol.ftbelr abaw, Slader.
waarlonceranJataof irntr .l.i.ii,.n ... .'"-,'
ar make.
"T ."""' f.BBamna is uoldHont
iv, it. iwuiim alauii nla naiua and nrlea m, ), Uiin .;. ,
iu QirJtitu iiiAluvW4v
IT.C.T.SrSfrf. ??.".?" t'lfil aity faelaa
and lafsrior shoM. Tk. No Sub.U.'uVa: ", 1 bv.r.Rr.7.0".''?Ah Wloa
lflf. Calalan atauXrM, W.ilUUtlLAM- Mr.kTLW..