The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1907, Image 6

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- A
On emerging from the Pasco, lha rap
kIai went ahead, followed at respectful
distance by Martial the Tlgrero, who en
tered (ho Calle del Pajaro, and about the
middle of the street saw the capatat'a
horse, hrld by an Ill-looking fellow, who
gated curiously at him. Don Martial
topped before the door. dismounted,
threw hi bridle to the fellow, and, with
out saying a word to Mm, resolutely en
tered the bouee.
lie then found himself In utter dark
rtnos but after groping hit war, pushed
forward. After crossing the saguan, he
entered a squar yard with tereral door ;
one of thee door waa open, and a man
was standing on the threshold. It waa
The titer flayer went up to him: the
other walked on. The capatai took htm
by the band and whispered. "Come with
Hi guide led him through aereral
room, took him up a ftlcht of stair, and
opening a door conducted him Into a room
faintly lighted by a lamp.
"Now," aald Carnero, after elo-ilng the
door, from which the Tlgrero noticed that
be removed the key, "sit down and let ue
talk, for we are In safety. I muit rite
you a few word, in explanation of the
mysterious way In which I brought you
"I am listening to you," the Tlgrero
"We are In the mantlon of General Don
Febastlsn Guerrero," the capatai then re
marked. "Whatr the Tlgrero exclaimed, with
a it art of uneasiness.
"Iteassure youraelf, no one saw you en
ter, and your presence here la quite un
known, for the ilmple reason that I
brought you In ray private entrance."
"I do not understand you."
"And yet It Is very easy to explain. For
reason too long; to tell yon, and which
b, . would interest you out aiignuy, aunug
Don Sebastian s absence a Governor of
Honors I had a prlrate passage made. Kr
erybody ear myself la Ignorant of the ex
istence of this communication, which,"
be added, with a glowing smile, "may at
a titra moment be of great utility. The
room In which we-now are forms part of
the suite I occupy, In which the general
baa nerer yet set foot."
"Hut suppose you were to be sent for,
through the general happening to want
'Certainly, but I bare foreseen that:
It Is my system nerer to leare anything
to chance. Although It has uerer hap
pened yet, no one can enter here without
my being informed soon enough to Ret
rid of aty person who may be with me."
"That is capitally arranged, and t am
happy to see that you are a man of pru
dence." Trudence Is, as you know, lienor, the
mother of safety. Knough on that bead.
If you bare, no objection. man, whose
name It Is unnecessary to mention, but to
whom, aa I bare already had the honor of
telling you, I am deroted body and soul,
sent you to me to obtain the Information
you require, and which be suppose me
able to give."
"Senor," tb Tlgrero answered, "I
thank you heartily, for you know aa well
as I do what perils are connected with
the carrying out of tbeae plant."
"What you are saying Is true, but It
will be better, I fancy, for the present,
for me to assume to be Ignorant of them."
"Ye, yes, my position Is so precarious,
the struggle I am engaged In I so wild,
that, although I am supported by sincere
friends, I must be prudent. Tell me,
then, what you know aa to the fate of the
unfortunate Dona Anita da Torres. Is
aba really dead?"
"Do you know what happened In the
cavern after your fall down tb preci
pice r
"Alas! no; my Ignorance Is complete."
Carnero reflected for a moment.
"Listen, Don Martial; but I must tell
yon a long story. Are you ready to
bear Itr
"Yes," the other answered, without
hesitation, "for there are many thing I
am Ignorant of, which I ought to know.
Bo speak without further delay."
"At the time when the facta occurred
X am about to tell you I waa llrlng at
the Hacienda )! Palmar. Hence I waa
only witness to a portion of the facta;
the rest I know from hearsay. When
the Comanchea came, guided by tb white
tnen, Don Sylva de Torre waa lying
mortally wounded, holding In bis Htlffened
arms his daughter Anita, who bad sud
denly gone mad. Don Sebastian Guerrrero
waa tbe only relation left to the hapless
young lady, and hence she waa taken to
his hacienda."
"WUtr Don Martial exclaimed In sur
prise. "Don Sebastian Is a relation to
JDona Anltar
"Did you not know that?"
"I bad not tbe slightest Idea of It."
"Well, this la how the relationship
exists : Don Sebastian married a niece of
Don Sylra's. so you see tbe were close
ly connected. Still, for reasons! uerer
'thoroughly made known, a few years after
the general's marriage a dispute broke out
which led to a total suspension pt Inti
macy between the families."
Tbe Tlgrero shook bis bead, "Qo on,"
be said. "How did tbe general receive
"lis was not at tbe hacienda at tbe
tbso t bt an express was sent off to blm.
Tb sMMfal cams post basts, seemed
neatly swred, fare orders for her to be
jtJadfjr treated, appointed several women
WWitettlMISasaStf T ' ' ' "'
to wait on her, and returned to his post
at Sonora."
"Summoned by the French Inraston. 1
presume you are alluding to that)"
"Yes, Almost Immediately after thee
events the general returned to the Palmar
He was no longer the same man. The
horrible death of hit daughter rendered
him gloomier and handier. For a whole
week he remained shut up In his apart
ments; but. at last, one day h sent for
me to luqulre at to what had happened
at the hacienda during his aboence. I
had but little to tell blm. The general
let me say all I had to say, and when
I ended, he, too, remained silent for some
time. At length, raiting hit bead, he
looked at "me for a moment angrily."
"What are you doing there I" he asked.
"I am waiting." I answered, "for the
orders It may please your excellency to
glre me."
He looked at me for a few moments as
It trying to read my rery thoughts, and
then laid his hand on my arm. "Carnero,"
be said to me, "you bare been a long
time In my serrlce, but take care Ieit I
should hare to dismiss you. You do not
like," he said, "serranta who are too In
telligent and too clear sighted; and now
lead me to Dona Anlta'a apartments.
I obeyed with hanging head; the gen
eral remained an hour with the young
lady, and I nerer knew what was said
between them. It Is true that now and
then I heard the general speaking loudly
and angrily, and tVna Anita weeping,
and apparently making some entirety to
him; but that was all. When the general
came out he waa rery pale. Tbe morrow
at daybreak we set out for Mexico, and
Dona Anita folio ed us In a palanquin.
As soon a we reached our Journey's end
Dona Anita was carried to the Convent
of the Ilcrnardine. where the good sitter
received brr wltb tears of sorrowful sym
pathy. Tb general, owing to tbe Influ
ence he enjoyed, easily succeeded In get
ting himself appointed guardian to the
young lady and Immediately assumed the
management of her estate, which, as you
doubtte are aware, are considerable."
"I know it," said the Tlgrero, wltb a
"All these matters settled the capatai
continued. "Tbe general returned to So
nora to arrange hi affairs, and band
over tbe government to tb person who
started for his post some days previous
ly. I will riot, tell what happened then,
aa you know it."
The Tlgrero ratted his bead. "Is that
really alir be asked.
"Yes," the rapatax answered.
"On your honor" Don Martial added,
looking fixedly at blm.
Carnero hesitated. "Well, no," be said
at last.
Don Martial watched the various
movement of tbe rapatax. Seeing at last
that he did not see-m Inclined to make the
confession be was so Impatiently await
ing, be touched him slightly. Carnero
started aa it suddenly branded wltb a
hot Iron.
"What you have to reveal to m mnst
be Tery terrible." the Tlgrero at length
said in a low voice.
"So terrible, my friend." tbe capatai
answered, "that though alone wltb you
In this room I fear to tell It you."
The Tlgrero shook bis bead sadly.
"Speak, my friend," be said In a gentle
voice, "I bare suffered such agony during
the last few months that all the spring
of my soul have been crushed by the fatal
pressure of despair."
"Yes, you are a man carved In granite.
I know that you have struggled triumph,
antly against lost fortune, but, believe
me, Don Martial, there are suffering a
thousandfold more atrocious than death."
"The pity you testify for me la only
weakness. I cannot die before I bare ac
complished tbe task to which I bare de
voted my wretched existence. I bar
sworn, at tbe peril of my life, to protect
the girl who was betrothed to me,"
"Carry out your oath, then, Don Mar
tini, for th poor child waa nerer In
greater peril than now."
"What do you mean? For bearen's
nam explain yourself," tb Tlgrero said
"I mean that Don Sebastian covets tbe
wealth of bis ward. I mean that remorse
lessly and shamelessly laying aside all hu
man aspect, forgetting that the unfortu
nate girl the law has confided to him la
Insane, he coldly Intend to become ber
"Go on, go on I what frightful erheme
can thlt man bare formed"
"Oil!" tbe capatai continued with sav
age Irony; "tbe plan Is simple, honest,
and highly praised by some persons."
"Kxplaln yourself."
"Well, know all, then; General Don
Sebastian Guerrero Intends to marry bl
"Marry bis ward, be I" Don Martial ex
claimed. "Yes I You little know this man," the
capatai repeated wltb a Uugb. "with tbe
Implacable will, thla wild beast with a
human face, who pitilessly breaks tvery
one who dares to resist him. He Is re
sol rtd to marry bl ward In order to strip
ber of ber fortune, and be will do so, I
tell you. We bare cow reached the point
I hare been aiming at so long. Now
listen to e. I told you, I think, that on
ber arrival In Mexico Dona Anita was
taken by Don Sebastian to the Convent
of tha Ilernardlnes."
Ym, I fancy I can remember you
say log; so.'
ilf' nni-y'ejii,''w.iiliii''Wi''w neii"i.n"
"flood I Dona Anita was. received with
open arm by the good nun. The young
lady, on again finding herself among the
companion of her childhood, treated with
kind and Intelligent cure, gradually felt
calmness returning to her mlml, her grief
gave way tn a gentle melancholy , her
Ideas overthrown by a frightful cat astro
phe, regained their balance. In short, the
marine which had spread Its Mack wings
over her brain was driven away by th
soft caresses of the nun.
"So, then," IVjh Martial exclaimed, "she
has regained her reason
"I will not venture to assert that, for
the 'Is still Insane In the opinion of every
body." "Hut In that case "
"In that case, as all the world tllcre
It, It mutt be so until the contrary t
"Hut how did you learn all these de
tails" "In the most simple manner. My mas
ter, Don Sebastian, has sent me several
time to the convent with messages, nnd
chance decreed that I recognised in th
Sister porter a relation of mine. Th
worthy woman. In ber delight, and per
haps, too, to make np for the long silence
she Is compelled to maintain, tells in
whenever she see m all that I said and
done tn the convent, and there la a good
deed to learn from the conversation of a
nun. She take a great interest In me,
and at 1 ant fond of her, too, I listen to
her with pleasure."
"Oh, go on I (Jo on !"
"Well, this time 1 hare nearly finished.
It apifir. from what my Mat Ion tells
me, that the nuns and th Mother Su
perior are utterly opposed to the general'
plan of marriage."
"Oh, the holy women I" the Tlgrero ex
claimed with simple Joy.
"Are they not" the capatai said with
a laugh. "This Is probably the reason
why they keep o secret the return of
their boarder to her seme, for they
doubtlen hope that, so long as the poor
girl Is mail, the general will not dare
contract the union he Is meditating. I'n-
fortunately they do not knaw the man
with whom the bare to deal and tbe
ferocious ambition that devour him; an
ambition for the gratification of which
he wilt recoil from no crime, howerer
atrocious It may be."
"Alas!" the Tlgrero said, despairingly;
"you see, my friend, that 1 am lost."
"Wslt, wait, my good sir; your situa
tion, perhaps. Is not so desperate aa you
Imagine It. Yesterday I went to the con
vent, the Mother .Superior, to wbom I
had the honor ot speaking, confided tn dm
under the seal of secrecy for she know
that, although I am a servant ot Don Se
bastian, 1 take a deep Interest In Dona
Anita, and would be glad to see her happy
that the young lady has exprewd an In
tention to confess.
"Hence)" Don Martial quickly Inter
rupted him.
"Well, the Mother Superior atked m
to bring ber a print or mouk In whoa
I had confidence."
"You understand, my friend."
"Ye, ye !"
"And to take him to the convent."
"And," Don Martial asked In a chok
ing voice, "bare you found this confess
"I believe so," the capatai answered
with a smile.
"At what lime are you to take this con
fessor to the convent)"
"Very good, and I presume you bar
arranged a place to meet him"
"I should think to; be is to meet m
at tbe Parian."
"I am certain that be will he punc
tual !"
"And so am I, nnd now, enor, do you
consider that you hare lost your tlm In
Helming to me)"
"On the contrary," Don Martial re
plied, a he offered him hi lis ml with a
smile, "I ronslder you a first-rate band
at telling a story."
They went out of lb room. The Tlg
rero mounted bis horse snd followed I'll-
loto, while the raisttax re-entered th
hout. After numberless turning nad
windings, Ihe rider and the footman at
length entered a wide street.
Ill I Ihe SecumU Mouterllla," said
tbe peon, "and that gentleman," be added,
pointing to a borsetaan who was coming
toward them, "la lb very Don Antonio
you are looking for,"
"You are sure of It)" the Tlgrero atk
ed. "I know blm well."
"If that It the case, accept this plas-tre.-niy
friend, atid go home, for I no
longer need your sorvlce."
Tb peon retired. During the conver
sation tbe newcomer bad balled In some
"TIs I, Don Antonio." tbe Tlgrero
shouted to him. "Com on without fear
I arn a friend."
"Oh, oh! It I very late to meet a
friend In the street," Don Antonio an
swered, though lie adranced without hes
itation, after laying bis band upon hit
weapon to guard against a surprise.
"I am Martial, the Tlgrero."
"Ob, that la different; what do you
want? A lodging, eh) I will bare you
led to my bouse hy a tenant, and there
leare you till to-morrow, a I am In a
"Agreed; Lut allow me on word."
"Where I Don Valentin)"
"Do you want to tee him)"
"Then come with me at once, for 1 am
going to Valtntlne)"
(To be continued.)
sn-r -i ii ii, H inn ;
Anoumlr of Disease.
"Doctor," aald tho patient, aftor the
great specialist had sounded and sent
United and catechised htm, "what
make me so nervous"
"You've lost your norve" responded
tho HpocIalUt, dcinomitratlox, howerer,
hy his alio of his fee, that he retained
his own, Philadelphia Ledger.
A m Plum of Vntno.
Fruit grower are njnln Indebted to
t.ttthor Iturtmnk of California for a
tow turluty of plum, which In exceed
ugly promising. 'I lie illustration show
Ik variety nt nhout ono-quartor It nat
I nil slxe. Mr. tlurbntik ay tlio varie
ty, which lu has named Miracle, la a
tybrlil tecdllng, with the French prune
u one of It -wrenl. Tho variety la
iraotlcnlly eccdlcen, tho atone being n
imnll kernel near the stem end of tha
Tho Miracle Is dark In color with the
icnvy blue bloom -m fnmlllar In the
D.tiimm clnn-y Thr fli'sh I yellow with
I imi-plUli tliwro nnd l iwtvt nnd Juicy
villi tho hlKhit tlnrur. Tho variety
in not yrt been fully tested outsldo of
Villfornla, hut Mr. Hnrlmnk pxnk fa
vorably of Its nblllty to atntid th inorv
Titc ru.w rt.uu.
rigorous cllmatn to the North, and If
It doea. It wilt be a decided acquisition
to tho already long Hat of good aorta
brought Into being hy Mr, llurbank.
1 1 rtl v. lUrlli it KlaorlMs;,
At the West Virginia Kx perl men t
Station a few year ago a trt waa
madn of hoard floor versus earth doors
for laying liens. The test romuwmvd
Nor. 'J I, nrul continued during the win.
tor for a full period cf-flvo month. It
was rather exccti-d that the board
floor would prove uerlor to earth
floor, hut such was not the case. There
were thirty-six lions of throo breeds
on each kind of floor, and th hens on
the earth fhxir laid nearly SO per cent
more eggs than those on the board
floor. It was found that tbe earth floor
was warmer during cold weather, and
this alone might can tlx difference In
result. Tho only sickness of any kind
during tho test was a caso of roup In
each tot.
A tiled ?.
A. O. Gross nnd II. A. Itny walked
across Illinois last fall from the Indi
ana line to tho Mississippi Hirer, tak
ing a hint census n they went. In a
strip of country 1W) fret whlo and UK!
lulled long they found 4.MX) bints of U'l
different kind. "Two-third of tint
Mrds counted were Kngllsh sparrows,
and about one-sixth of tho remainder
crow Muckhlrd. Tho next moat abund
ant" specie were meadow larks, row
birds, crows, horned larks and mourn
lux dim-s, ranging In the order nnmed
from about 10 tier cent to U ikt cent
'of the wbalu number of native birds
teen." Hartford Cotirnnt.
A rulnl In arattlaar.
The effect of the stock uion the acton
la shown In a report recently eent out
hy tho French Academy of Science.
Two pear trees of the same variety,
standing aldu hy aide, one grafted on
n pvar recdllng and the other on n
quince, toro fruit for a number of
years. That from the pear stock was
green, whllo that from the quince stock
was a golden yellow, with u roso hljisli
on the side toward tho sun. The latter
nlo weighed a third more per sjiecl
men, was more dense In both fruit and
Juice, and was richer In both acid and
l'arin Notes,
Ono robin can plife more cherries
than two boys, any day.
Mood weds must not only look good,
but ho well bred.
Formers' cxhnnge nro bccoinlmc
qulto popular and many such associa
tion are In oiK-ratlon and are greatly
Improving tlto marketing: of farm pro
In Denmark 70,000 fnrnior live on
thirty to ninety acres And 100,000 fann
ers make a living on munller farms.
Thoto long, rapid growing sprouts or
suckers which grow up besldo the trunk
of fruit trvt's are sapping food from Uio
roots. Cut thorn down.
A horso that doos not naturally car
ry a high head cannot be made to do
so gracefully hy high chocking. Tho
elevation of the heud depends on Uiu
slope of shoulder, which when abrupt
prevents tho neck from being thrown
r m
Aisrlntlturul liilrcra In flennM.y rv
oelu. from VI wnU to ft day and
-tuiiiti'ii (mm ?rt v'cuti to (10 ivntu.
If miimon will hit out it milk onn
Unit will ntil rust .thou cltoii roneon
ald onto, Ik hihI hi run will U wol
canol by tho diiryumii.
A fnrnior oponitliiu mi oUomlto
fnrm In luwn lni iittostod hi fultlt
In tvmont IhmIi by liii)liii: oiintiRh of
thoili to iiiiiKo (on uillo of fomv Tho
fonco iroMiHlthii lut-f and Is uinlcrpili'i;
a rapid (munition, miroly.
Pciutturod nlooliol U now im'IIIuk nt
SIT tvnta per gallon by tho Iwrrt'l and
tit from -t to Wi ivnts nt rvtitll. Tin
II rt roiislgunioivt under th nw htw
waa from tho dlstlllorl of Poorla, III.,
nVl conslstiM of WMI barrel.
Mlomnrh Worm In Sheep.
Tho ay tuptouia of Infestation hy hHmii
arh worms In shivp Mm briefly noted
In n Kororumi'iit bulletin. In prevent
lot; the Infestation of Inml with stout
noli worms two general plans arc iistinl
ly npplUithlo. Tho owes may ho kept
In a haro lot from which the himlm may
cowo to lion Infested pasture for grat
lug. Tho danger of Infestation Is thus
reduced to a minimum. Again, wher
cter practicable, the danger of Infesln
Hon from stomnch worm Is largely
eliminated If the taint route In tho fall
rather than In the spring
Hrlef Holes are Klreii on the direct
rotnedlet for stomach worms. Including
ronl-tar, crroeote, bluostouo and ka
AH!', toe ll"s.
Wherever alfalfa can In raised, the
liest, as welt as tho chret, pork and
bacon can bo produced, for alfalfa (Ire
growth to the tnucle, making the lean
meat that I tho best and sells tlw best
And whllo growing tn the alfalfa field
tho hogs get the exorcise needed for
healthy development. The alfalfa can
ho raised In tery many (tortious of Tex
a and wherever It will grow It may be
made a highly profitable crop and on
that wilt get out of tho twin Industry
Its biggest possible rcmilla.
rhlekvn tar Market,
rhlcfconn sell In Ihe market at a
high a figure, compared with beef and
mutton, a ordinarily, If they are In
good hm ami condition, Fancy fowtt
for breeder command aa high figure
oa heretofore, whciievrr first-claim iprcl
men change hands, ami every one who
can turn out a better trio or two next
fall than can hla neighbors will find a
ready market for them at even the ad
vnuced price.
foe Smuklnar Mal,
A writer In tho Dakota Former giro
this account of hi simple plan for
smoking meat:
"After the meat tins been In the brine
aUnit two week I take It out, put It
In o tub of cold water one day nnd
night, ami It I then ready tu smoke.
Tnke a box nhout four feet high and
two or three feet wide, and knock both
rlJkN or mmokk not.
end out. Dig a hole nlnjtlt 2lj feet
deep ami two feet square; then dig n
trench the length of a store pl(Hi and
eight I nclie dicp. Dig n small jiolo nt
opjMnltti end from the large hole, put In
an old Joint of stove ple nnd cover
over with dirt, then put box orer the
small hole and hank up with dirt Put
a tin over large hole; nil old Joint ot
pipe, uncoupled nnd flattened out, will
do. Make a flro out of corncob ami
you have a smoke box equal to any
smoke house."
Iln Adopt I'uopl,
A remarkable s'toctaclo came to light
recently at the rcsldencii of J, It, Itob
Inon of Atidonrled, noar llailctowu,
Pa. It consist of n half dozen pup
pies being mntronlzcd hw a clucking
hen. It nppcars that tho mother of
tho dog descried her offspring, where
uiKin tho Jien, with trim motherly In.
at I net, took them under her protecting
I'eaehaa Wllliout I'uss,
A Mnrylnud fruit grower tin succeed
ed In raising n crop of penebe with
skins nrr devoid of the annoying fuzx
as Is an npplu. Noxt year he proposes
to ralso iioai'hes with a skin that can
be removed llko that of an orango,
Fresh from Hi Nmokshouse,
Tho Georgia farmer who hauled Into
town tho other day a wagon load of
homoinado hams and sold the lot for
$150 cash provided u valuable hint for
agriculturists throughout the country.
Any good farmer knows how to ralso
and "euro" hams, and tho town paliito
Is Inclined to Itch for the home-grown
product slnco Mr, Sinclair' "Jungle"
hook told us how the pncklng-houna
ham J or woahandlod. Hurrah for
tne hsmiet, the old-fashioned hamlet
that hung In the smokehouse. Carlln-
vine wwocrat.
Protestor Elliott, of W, B. 0 Con
tribute to Cyclopedia.
It Is well known Hint Prut. U II.
Ibtlley, ol Cornell unlreiilty, has lierii
working lor three yrnra past on nu ox.
tcuslvi' imhllnitlnii to Iki known as Tim
American Cjrrlotodl ot Agriculture,
Tlili la tn ho published III sotersl vol.
limes and It Is oxpeuted that it will lm
accepted liv the reading public M the
itandsrd reference work on rural a flairs.
It lis lieeit man year slnco such a
work hat heeii attempted and nothing
ol such an extensive nature, lias cvrr
been undertaken Mom In America,
Profoeinr Ibtlley In called to hi aid
the heat knoftii wrltrrs on agriculture,
throughout the entire ctmutry, who
have written up tlm various subject on
whloh Uiejr were rvcogultcd a author!
ties. Th entire work may to referred
to a Uio combined efforts ot the agrl
cultural itoclalltts of America and
when ptibllahed will no doubt find a
ii I see In the library ot most progressive
II Is significant thai when It rame to
the very Important subject ot wheat
that Professor ltalley recognised th
grettl Northwest and It place as one ot
the trading wheat producing region hy
railing on Protestor K. K, Klllott, head
of the Agrloutlural department at the
State eollegn ot Washington, to prepare
this iiiusl Important article. Tills ha
been dune by 1'ruf . Klllotl and Uio maU
trr It now In th hsmlt of the publish
er. The article In ipietllon mntliU ot
bout ten thouiaiid words, with numer
ous Illustration, and would, be suit),
clrnt In ltilt to mike quit t taxik It
ptibllthed separately. It rorrra tha
entire subject of wheat production In
America and at th tame time atten
tion It particularly called to the gnat
region of the Nurthwet where the pro
duction and quality of thlt cereal hare
placed It In th I re'renl. Our wheat
growers aie to ti congiattilated In the
(set that the article In question Ins
ten prepared by en so familiar with
th subject and who I doing so much
to advance th Industry throng the
work being don hy his department at
the state experiment ttallon snd at the
vsrioilt cereal ttatlont rtlthllthed In
tho itatn as well s through the wheat
producers oigsnltatlon which was Ini
tiated by blm.
Washington Stats Colltg Conduction
ExUntlr Experiments,
The problem ot "dry farming" now
before the fanner cl the semi-arid re
gion of Ihe Paclllo Northwest has been
taken up by th Kiperiment fitatlon ol
Washington, and It I hotie-l to work -out
a mrthod of fanning lor these re
gion which will lurrrase their crop
bearing capacity. The present oe ra
tions ol experimentation are largely
relative to the phytlr ot solli, and are
In charge of Pi of n, or II. II. Kerry, soil
phytlcltt ot Ihe Ktate collrge. bl
imslng title problem, Mr. Ilcriy aUtrdt
"Among the questions which wt
mutt answer are- What I the best
method ot oontervlng toll moisture!
What I Uie value of (Hiking the f uin
inei fallow early In Ihe spring before it
can l)o plotted) What I the valtioof
tho itib-surface packer) If the cron
suffer from drouth, It It because there
Is not sufficient moltliire In the soil, or
is It because the plant cannot take th
molsturo fioni the soil)
In the former rase we must endeavor
to devise a cultural method to conserve
moisture; and In the latter case, we
mutt develop a itraln ot plant that
can take moisture from th soil, which
I a plant breeding problem."
Fhjr Thrive In Polk County.
Fig a largs and ifectly developed
as Ukm ratted In the mott favored por
tion ot California arn grown at the town
home ol Mr, K, K. Lucas, In Mon
mouth, Specimens of Ihe fruit weta
brought to Dnllai by Mr. Martha Co
per, who had been vltltlng In the not
mat echco! town, The fig were ot de
licious flavor ami were far tuperlor to
the California hull usually lound In
the Oregon markets,
Mrs. Lucas' tree Ii seven yean old,
the rutting having been brought from
California In 1000. The tree Ii making
a luxuilntit growth and has alteady
reached a height of 12 feet. Three
crops, of fruit are borne each year. The
specimen brought to Dalits hy Mrs.
Cosnur Included ripe and green fruit
ot the second crop and Imlf grown ftult
of tho third crop. The tree has been
In bearing four years.
Qood Money In Peach Crop,
Hlilnmcnts ot carlv Ciawtonl tuianhe
rotn itotcbtuK this year will sggrrgato
a loi a i oi nearly i'u.uoo huxiu. This Is
the ettlmato given by K. P. Drew, who
Is handling tho shipments of tho local
fruitgrowers' association, whoso mem
bershlp embrace nearly all ot the
pcooh growers In that vicinity.
Growers havo real I cod good price for
their product, Poaches of aveiaire alio
and quality brought torn 05 to 80 cenU
per nox, while tho.e of higher giad
brought as high as tX.'lt, nar lvix.
After deducting transportation charges,
llieto prices left the growers a neat
margin ot profit. , Most ot Uie (rult
was marketed In Portland,
In th south.rn M, run,. ,- .,
garden an becoming featurts of all tb
new buildings.