The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1907, Image 4

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    -n -fr
- ' --
! "For every man a square deal,
ess and no more."
- v. .
i.-nt s fi'l ria i
One fear.. .. ... ............... I1.50
6lK tHOnthl.rtMHHMHttlMMHlWmMMHHltaM
Three roonthi.. ..... ......... ..............-. j
'lnrrtMr In (Arancc.)
Itml o
Blr. Meailo Items.
: The great little Kddie !iu come ami
fconc, anil, as far Jn I can leatn, left Hotti
ng behind him but plain old comtnoti
dut a whole lot of it ami our cople
are wondering more than eer what hi
'- lews arc on the railroad question. To
be sure the Orcgoniau tell u f a pleas
int interview it had with him, hut he
malt no promiscv and his rrtilrouil is
till a tiling of the futures
Now if Redmond lift.1 hot loetl so bus
liamlin lemons to tlie-ti) I. p. Co. and
liad cone in itli llcajhui n Rtwd
'.txcimml-rcailcr bete, we might now
Know something dednite i! the great
man's real thoughts for fccrtainlv this
worry iug over a railroad is maLIng some
wf us look old, to say nothing of the jolts
and jars vc get from reading all sorts of
Muff about it. Jim Hill come next,
for after Jim, lUrriinan is first.
' Mr. and Mrs. Kuov. who have been
lilting in Rosland ami xieinity, paj.vMl
'.hrough on their way home.
Neil Smith paid us a ivit this week,
"ilia ston Glulstone has gone for a visit to
Superior, Wis,
Some very tall rye raited on the
Meadows this summer. We arc torry
Vie did not semi a 'Sample iH it to the
Xedraotid and I'lfeieijille fair
' lolni Srm?re has ,onc to Siltcr I.ake
.'ur a-iewvlars and he dWn t go alone.
FrJtn the amount of timber ' cruisers
roarjil hcrc.-aud all going to the same
Mrrection, one1 would think tbHt there
Vise a "Scotty" mine out tl-ere xime-
Ue.e. . -It
i Tlis'wcfctfre .- is soMeligfilfat one hate
.tf'thUif tle approach of winter, and
MohxJiWrttedWg the many prophecies of
J hnri wivrr wc have not dleil a winter
,ft. f
2uite'ie) around here arc suffering
"roni whit : been' diagnosed "ax the
lelepbotTc knee. It H 'caafeH from'ltind-
ing at the telcplioHe' rubbcrinc. hiiM you
Cet weak in the knees; and I think that
".he telephone ear will be one of tl-e new
Uscases. as it is quite uaftauant t rub
ber when there is aa electric storaa -ml
they Atr iy It makes yor ear fed so
Irea.lfiU. Rcbbbrnkck.
s tomorrow, rcrhapa It will be our
one of these years.
Walter ttlllespic Kml wite: wlib' ll,ve
been in The j)allcs I'll Mill ililihUt! are
expcctnl home very soon,
W, Ik l.amh has bten hauling lumber
for Mumlt's nc tvtfn and Charlie is now
putting It dp.
Mrs. Mtr.liftc etitertatueit the Ladies'
Aid Society bn Thursday.
Messrsi Stanley, O'llrien anil other
HarrtnWh railroad officials Itttssed
throilgh'Wrc eu route for Klamat't l'alls
to meet Mr. Ilarriman himself.
li. C. 1'VRK.
(Continued from page t )
and four tlos gathered around the
camp fire, pipes were lit and then
they listened to the yams that "Hill"
Vaudcrvert and tile other veteran
hunters told of the beats, cougars,
deer, and wild enfs that uhey had
chased and killed. The two Har-
ninan boys simply had the time of
their lives and already plan to come
oacK next year. 1 hey were simply
enraptured with the sport Thcv
planned on the rifles and horses
they would have for next year's
chase and made arrangements with
Mr. Vandervcrt to uo to the lodce
High Altitudes And Their Rein
Hon To Fruit.
.. t.,: . . . ,
ji 1C11L.111 oay, get two uounus
that they would snd him, and
train them up tuto "bcur dogs."
Dr. I.yle, who. it is said, has
traveled the world over, says the
Bend country is destined, to become
(Written bvLMMVlctt and published
Whcn.ponsidtrinrr the fact that
what li noft'prupbscd tti be ejedted I
into "iKscnuics uouiuv, urcon Qn
district fifty by nlnty mites), hs
increased its population from ,122
to 1,925 and its assessed valuation
from to -,000,000, mostly
during the la3t three years, it is
easy to understand the primitive
condition of the fruit industry on
the Deschutes at the present time.
and the rapid development that can
be expected in the future.
On account of the lava ledges
and the Juniper trees, the in
its original condition is not attrac
tive to tht average observer, but
when cleared the large proportion
of tillable laud becomes nt once
The soil, being principally cou
poned of decomposed basalt, pumice
and volcduic ash, contains only a
smau per ecu: ot mtmus, uut is
rich in potash, limc.magnoia, ferric
oxide, and alumina While the
surface is generally of a loose, satulv
nature, the submatorial is mostly
composed of broken lava, the vol'
canic formation bciuc from 50 to
too feet deep.
The elevation varies" from 5.000
tect to ?,700 feet nbovt the sea level
from south to north, ami the cli
mate accordingly. On the higher
elevations killing trosts ate apt to
occur at any tunc, while on the
cue of the greatest health resorts in I owcr elevations from Suaw Creek
.... ..W..U i. v,uuuuiutl.i iuuirntl1f .Miimlf.4 k'lritr 111, .am.
C Said, lexenint frnm frrv i frnm four In
1 five months. Throughout the en
tire region 1 11c .summer nigiits arc
cool and pleasant.
Owing to the limited acreage
tuat could be brought under irriga
will make it such a place, h
were the dbttndauce of sunshine,
the pure water, the healthful atmos
phere, and the4ait2tude, just right to
be invigoratior: vet not so high as
to cause UnducfutfL-tic to the ailing.
. , . . -----. P' IIU41 IVHIU I
Arounu ttcaap tire one night. He tion bv the early settler, very little
turned to Co!. Holabtrd, who al- in, fmit Cl,ilure m ,w accom.
vyays praises Pelican Bay, and said-j pish by iliui. Cred,,( bowev.ri
' Lolqncl. the Klamath country , i, j,,,. ,6 the Mrlr nlpr far i,fr,.
can noi compare witu tuis. mere
Turaalo Items.
Tiiulo, Spt. 4. TTk wether 1mm
: n vry wet Use past week.
Res. Tarener k sUyiiag at Tbm1o
.hw wwk. He Made a trip to Bead ye-
urday. "
Mr. Joa of Sitter stepped here tost
night, returning from Read m tmesac.
iveraloforjrWtor hare gone to
the Valley for an outing and hep pkk
iag. Among tbcM were rr'. 1'alHam's
family. Mr. Sfaocosatvr's foanly and
Ir. Swisher's.
C. L. Wimer asade a trip to Head Sua
day. John Edwards was in Taaulo Monday
on business.
Ceo. W. Wimer vS: Sow are tM) lnwd.
ing their grain ami getting ready for
threshing. They will afresh about lea
acres of oats, wheat and rye.
The JUrrioun ImatiHg rly patted
through here oe day last werk Tbe
arc now hunting north of Sultrs. They
liave a hunter e4oy.l to show them
the game. While pasting through Tun:
ido th frightened a eult. belonging to
lieu. W. Wimer .V im. mto the barlxd
wire and cut hnn pretty Uadlt
Redmond Items.
Rmumono, Sept. i.- gentle ram
nude it look mighty good. or wo eight
and li-horsc freighting outu to pull in
to Redmond this evening. We saw a
pitch of alfalfa tluC Ta's biipg l.unicl
into the cock t $nr it .'rom );ltlnig wet
A. J. Booth auAlilfu started 'or Wil
lamette valley points yesterday Vc did
not hear whether or not thy ad any
IMUciigers. v
J. R. Woods and Wni. Voung bpth ex
ect to start soon for Valley puluts.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Vj. 'ffCotftjor hae
Jiiowl to Bend uhcrc,'H ic-! rork Ukesl
him. It look llkea?isy f M now for
I. . . ... ... al. .'f. I
ii,.,.t,..M.f a, mat iih( r,r l... ' '
l.WMM W. MW..M. -. .wv.vM
On his last triaitb .Shiiii o" C. W.
IMuiua had the iu!sfa:tune to 1c a horse
nit of one of his teunis.
The Oat harvest In this ueigibo'rbood
still continues and will for wb nne.
t C R. McLallln and fuMA iUi'Mr.
I'inis M'od, start for ever the mouu-l
you can not show us such a climate,
such scenery, nor such sport as wc
had today."
Tuesday noon camp was broken
and the automobiles, with the liar
rimau party, proceeded to Prine
ville and from there to Sbaniko.
At Sbaniko they took the train for
Salt Lake City where tbey will
meet Mr. Harriman and will return
to the Hast.
Range In excellent Condition.
Guy It. Ingram, forest supervis
or, returned to Silver Lake Wednes
day from his tour of inspection.
Mr. Ingram reports that the grass
on both the Fremont and Goose
Lake roerves is excellent, and far
beyond bis expectatiaiis. All kinds
of stock on the reserve" are lat. He
says almost without exception the
people are assisting him m every
way to build up the reserve.. He
also says that the Fremont reserve
will stand more stock to graze there
on next )car, than this.
Saloon License Notice.
llH.VK. Or . Sent lar
To the Honorable Mayor aud Common
Council of the ClH of Iteud.
Gentlemen: The undersigned Seve.t
Ocbiug, hereby applies for a licensr from
the City of Bend to sell spirituous vinous
sml malt liquors and fermented cider in
the holding situated on lot 9 of block 10
ui incuty 01 licml lor a period of three
months from the 10th day of September.
1907. Repectfully,
HalA iBaplR
i stl'tBHaKS-
r H t YBi
.fl & "". -x I
ciently deraonstrtting the suitability
of both soil and climate for fruit
purposes, and the few stnall or
chards planted by them arc so loca
ted as to prove the entire -district
lying under the irrigation systems
exceptionally wet! adapted for fruit.
Not only do these orchards tx ar an
abundant crop almost annually,
but the qualilv and the flavor of
the fruit are of
Ikginuing o.t ilend, elevation
3640 feet, we Fitd a patch of cur
rants and roosebjerries Micccfn!l
cultivated by Willi 11a Staats for
more tiifcti is jears. and a
small rtpplc orchard noted for apple
free from all blemishes or dir-cas
on the Collins place. TwfHty mites
northeast, at Powell Iluttes, are the
orchards of Messrs. Casey and Har
vey producing rood crops of apples.
nflrtmc nllffnc tlfi-!r hmrriom mnA
i'w "-' .... ..... v, . . . . ,....--, .
other bitiall fruiLs. Kilrteen wiles noticed is the small pen.ent.1
north trout Iknd, at ietbcrow
bridge, apples, peaches, plums aud
prunes have been successfully raised
for more than 20 years, while 18
miles farther north, along the
Matoles River, apples, apricots,
cherries, peaches, ptars, plums.
prunes, strawberries, blackberries,
etc., itlchidin? cvmi walnuts aud
pecans, have been frown with such
regularity from year to year, as to
guarantee1 annual crops in the
future almost a certainty.
With th; application of water to
the dtMl durinc the last few years,
a new cendjtion has been brought
about that will not only cause the
district in question to become
densely populated, but will also
compel the settler to ulilic every
available foot of laud li the most
profitable manner. With this in
view, the new setlfer is already en
gaged in plantin, fruit as rapidlv
as circumstances will permit, aud it
is saic in say mere are aircouy sev
eral new orchards, any of which
exceed Ihc total acreage of all the
old orchards referred to That this
ivorl: vill cdntinifc'ttare vigorously
from year to1 year U fully rvideuced
bVprcseiit 'p'sna' fof a number of
lafge orc!':rJs fcr commercial pur-
OMLJ ut- &:itlcr if may be said
mat ue is nieuiKcnt. un to date.
arid fully realizes ti6 importance of
HWu'i'n'u progressive and success
ful co'mntttiity.' With this in view,
settlers' cr'ani'aHdns' have ieii
rafaqrfeg tkfa
fFmble, bosest,
if'Sh erode sew
Ntoii S&ifii? ffichlnt Co.'
oerfected in diTcleil, localities.
where fllT 'sybiects' r.trtaininc in
I their mCtWJr''wclfare tfrc, freely dis
cussed, of whibfi fruit Is by1 no meatis
a minor (Subject. ThatThe com
taercialjorftrds Hfllrbz planted
with thc"TGUe'r 'qui! ty,W. fruit. !
ana carcdiJcrr.ndiirSclentiTib'i
ods, istireotcEicc'rc:
'-Aj fti'efe wki no'VL-AVJVWl' )..
tjon befcre the summer cf 1904,
with the exception of two orchards
plained by Messrs. Hcckcr ntut
Miltz'g nt I.nidlnw, no fruit of any
kind was planted under the ncjv
conditions prior to the fall of toot
The results obtained within the
short period of two years surely arc
most wonderful, and clearly loretcll
that this will become one of the
principal fruit districts of the world.
Owing touts high elevation, the
fruit pruhlems are prohibly the
most difficult in the vicinity 1 of
lleiul, but on account of the earlier
use of water arc more advanced,
aud it is to tills vieiuitv thut we will
principally refer. As trtttal, straw
berries were the fust to produce a
profitable crop, and nn experiment
ot two .seasons has fullv demon
strated that the' Chirk' Seedling
greatly surpasses alt other varieties
tried in this viciiMtv. This berrv
has proved itself not only to Ik
hardy, but to begin benriug'iUuucc,
prolific in the production of Ituit,
bears a profitable crop the second
year, ntd during 1006 had n stcoud
crop growing aud maturing ut the
end of the .stolons during Srtctu-
ocr ami ucioixr, uiclriiit crop
lasting uboul .six weeks In quality
they Mirpawtl the Clark .Seesllinas
shippesl to lleud from any Columbia
River iHiints, and readily sohl fur
jo cents per potitMt. An important
item is that the berry rai-cd ut
Hcnd is not ready for market until
the Columbia and Willamette Val
ley lerries arc out of the market,
llollt currants and gooseberries be
gin to bear the first ear and pro
dtice a profitftble crop the sseoud
year ufter slantinj The varieties
first planted of the are the Down
ing gooseberry and cherry currants,
but higher grades, such us Red
Cross and White Grape currants
and the Pearl and Chautatiuua
gooseberries. be been planted
later and show that they are well
adapted for thin vicinity. Hoth red
and black cap raspberries begin to
bear the first year, and show the
remarkable phenomena of having
fruit on the new canes. This latter
freak of nature is particularly no
ticeable in the Cumberland black
cap, which, while exceedingly pro
lific in growing strong, stocky
canes, will not only produce an
abundant crop on new canes, but
will continue to bloom ami produce
even a.'ler the first lierrles begin to
ripen. Derrberntw lrc irood fmlt
the second year after iilnutlni?.
while all kinds of blackberries did
not jirow cane until the second
)! ii incsc uic proiiiKlicss 111
growing cane- has bern in the fol '
lowing order: Met scrcau. Katbbriin
Evergr.en, I.awtoM. Iuric. Maui
moth; Logan caMs being .idvatutd
about the same as the R ith'mrn
bhK'kberries In refrrcn , t or
cbard fruiu, the rtrmc.iul tlirn
I tKr.entjc ol
lots in trees the rapid grontu .utd
1 lie early tendency to !-.ur Oi,
account of the distance frum rail
roads, the trees are usually received .
in poor condition, but even then the)
lots is small compared with trets ,
u4au:ed in guod condition in 1 1st
em beet ion . There arc numerous
instances of apples, jdums, and
f'irunes growing from five to six
ret in one season, aud a pear tree
in Mr. A. II. Grant's vard crciv
eizlit feet during the second season
after planting. A cherry, tree in
MS Mutzig's orchard tiud -a plum
t,'e1n.Mr Drake's yard Wre fruit
cue ear after planting, while pears
in Mr. Grant's yard were in bloom
erftially ss early
Having" before us the successful
results of the early settlers, the
favorable indication under the new
conditions, the large acreage lhat
ibis district covers, the certain pros
pects of other important! develop
inei.ts that will build un marLets
and trade centers, aud the positive
asuranrc of early and direct trans
IKKtatkMi facihtfes in thtShear future
with the prfneipal marVcCs of the
world, we hurely feel fully justified
in the faith that we hac in refer
ence to tue tutiire iruit prospects
for this district. , . .
The Deschutes
...Valley Fair
alaaBBliai aaaaM aaaaaaM
. Bigger, Better
and Busier
Than Ever;
SEPT. 19- SO- 21
Placing aud arranging of exhibits, Thursday.
Farmers' nnd Squaw Races,' Friday,
Prof. F. I Kent, of the Oregon Agricultural College,
liver an address at thc Farmers' IiUtitutc Friday evening and
act as judge for all Livestock and Poultry.
There will l jdenty of amusements nud minor 3xirt,
r,oot races, fat men s race, egg race, boys' and girls' racwj,
Friday and Saturday.
will tie.
will uUo
kucIi ai
etc., both
Baseball Tourhamehl
will begin Friday. September aoth. Purse.
All applications to play should Im in Sccro
0eu to Crook County,
530 00 to winning team.
tary's hands not later than September ltli.
Como ond bp convinced that this is tho Best
Largest tfair in Crook County.
Ri . IMMELP, Secretary!
i m
A Bargain
The New Idea
Woman's Magazine
Both, Otte Year for Only $1.75 n
The New fctefoman's Magazine cbntainriDVcr 100 pagei eadf
caonlii ot faihions,.t?rjs(ioVing, ncedlewofjc,jatl houhold hql.os. "
. E6)' numbct beautifully illusUateJ and contains nino full-page
fathion plates, tomo fti colpr. ,.'..
Thstc two publication furnhh reading for every tnemlcr of the
- .... k
Thl ytu written; at the time
vwumj iiuitiun wbi being gitalctl.
Don't read your neighbor's Uul
letin. .SiiKsc,rn)e for it votirself.
Sixty Uiurclto tfte Aere.
The report camV' iaJ -hfat night
from W. A Lee's Vtadce.1 whert.
threshing "j5i W,,proiVeiA,that his
barley f!ekflyf5tded"f J. bushels to
the acre. '."bH'iff rHtfteit'yield so
mcth (far reportiiS dthcnjciT 'M barley
croptuis Eciison a '"unusually
good. oqe,TT- Mud wjj, Pioaer. .
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
:ult that
a )tt
tad all Id Ut WuU
a cmoiKI; jnibUu ajnl
to Un Iwawt ,, ,1"
vft. ,
u & . . tMi ". .
" TMWIaJw WOMUt- --,
liT f"? aiM ' ,J
l colored fliurel "JO n
aadOnaoa. -'
k . H , Trtd . , ; 5Z.75
AUfor::. ..:.:-i.5o1
Mlto FLOOD MD(r,SAN niAiidaco
AWaafled'Afftllr. .
1li.e n'bWhc'affair, t-e tiiarims- bf
rwrfMh' Was' held drrIoudav last'
JwiUvery likely add r few more
gray hairs to Judge Pram's crani
um before he unravels the case. Aa
it looks to a inin up n tree. Frank
' itonlce is n man whoic relationship
j to the thicc women who claim liia
baby boy, nnd to the boy himself,
I appears to be somewhat debatable.
I He claims the bpy on his, nud if the
i women are telling the truth, Frank
is his wifc'si iteiwon. bis nir
grandfather, iind; jiii own father!
1 here is just a bare possibility that
some of the parties to this arc
mistaken. Priuevillc Review.
AtyVWiJ'of Qecic. J
Myriads' of i',ecsc arc now fcedliitf'
on the grain fields lu'thc proximity
of the lake aiKl sw'nfiip. In some
fields they Mc Tlon coiisidcrn.blc
dmnB8.U rsTJjd,,tca,n for killing
geese, flaca"ahd swarf'Is now open'
iu UWcoWhty rU 'tUdse hunter.
who htt,'c sccuVeci'u,'fc'tise and can
itct a pcrru.t fa fiuuf, ,he fie,(l9
nrc Ii.iij fr&i 4.tftut T,lVlir,,j
afc MfaT'O) b- fat rsud fne- .r-Wa