X'- II "TW1 NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form lor Bosy Readers. Oar flAPPENINGS OF TWO COOTINEFfTS A Rotuma of tha Let Important but Not Lass Interesting Events of tho Past Wsatu A Chlosgo JaW leader In ncouard of K fling. Central Americana welcome I(oot volt and Dim as xwiiimktir. Thn government may aak forn ru'elv. rshlp for tlio llnrrliiinu rtxida. A railroad It irajrctil from tlm northern nrt of Nebioaka lo tho gulf. Senator Warren, of Wyoming, aya tlin Writ want to runoinltmlii l(oo. volt. All railroad In tlio Northwest are granting n nlno-honr day In mnchluo I0. A grrator mill of hnmearokcr to tlio Nnrthwriit la jiniltctixl for HoptemlKT Hum oor IWoro, KlcvUtr ronijianlr In Minnesota owned by farmer nto lo t mrrgtd for mutual piolrotlon. The Kovornmont will nerd ISi.OQO ton of owl lo rrry tlio lailtlnhlp fleet into ramno wniw. Prlnco Wllholm, heir to tlm Hwcdlih throne, la thoroughly enjoying hi vial! to tlio United Mate. Tim kalacr la anxious to Iiavo lili only daughter wed Prlnco f.roxld, non of Prince llrnry, of Hattrnhcrg. Pcrtland commrrolnl IxxIIm ami tlm Oregon rrprcnoiitatltea In congress aro woiklng to have tlm battleship licet v lit I'orlUml. Tim new aullnn of Morocco In mak ing ninny changes In liU foreign mini, ten. A Uro numlwr of prbiontr Iiavo also im-oii uitomlol. Jil Angeles couiicllmrn are consider- a ineasiiro which would provide nt tlio Invasion of Indigent tuber- r itlenta shipped from ontildo In liopolriM condition. INOHKABE ARMY PAY. Congress Likely lo Approve Plan at Noxt Session. Washington, Aug. 'it. Incrrato In pay of tlio nrjny, hut no Increase In IU ku 11 tlm i-omprumlao which ha been reached between tlio president ami Hndor In congress who control loglsln tlon. Tlio president Inui k I ven IiIh (marly npjiroviil to tlio pinna of thn gen mnl shift of tho army whloli Iticludtxl both Incrimacn, but nfUir consultations nnd conference, It haa Uh.ii decided Hint It will ho ImtXMiilhlo bi tlo moro at Ihf noxt noaalon of oongre than to secure an Incrcsto In wy for Iho army. Immediately iiMin convening bills will bo Introduced In tho senate by Mr. Dlok, of Ohio, and In theliouaaby Hep rotontatlvo Capron, of llhodo Ialaml, carrying out tho agreement which Us txwn rrnohed, Thrao bllla will provide for in III- orrsae of 10 wr crnt In tho nslary of lieutenant gnreiial, 15. twr cont n- cnaao for innjorx and brlgado goimrnW, 20 Kir cent for colonel, lieutenant col- onola ami liujora, T por cont Incroaao lor captain ami llcutcnanta and 30 wr com incnmao lor noiKMiminlri onwi olllcoiaand prlvatoa. It la thouyht thai inch a rnpMiiro will lcnmo law II waa dealnxl by War iliitiin-nt oMIclala that congriva ihould nuthorUo an Inrrearo In Iho itrrnuthof tho army, not imi much by IncirrmliiK Ita trcnuth numnrlcally at tltla (line, hut by provld I K tor rrititlon of now nKlwcnU to bo kIvcii akolcton orKnliatlcn In time of IK'acc. -Jl.JL-.lt JJ.1Z NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL WHOLE FLEET TO COME. iEPi aTrw eUon Marrla. mllllonairo nicker of -Chicago, la dttid, V'our nil la were btirnol to death In a llro at Oklahoma City. Tlio .Moor have again attacked tho Ircnoh, but woro defeated, Coala I tlon haa ritahlbOicd n ipiaran tlno agalnat all vnwola from Cuban jMllU. Tlm Welta-KarKo Kirracotnny l moTlnu Into Ita now U'-a lory ImlldliiK t I'ottland. Cnnnon raya that ho la not a crnidl slato for prraldcnt; thai ho haa moro linHjrtnt work to do. Many battlrahlM of tho Atlantic float rnnnot ontvr 1'iiKot Hound Imvsuki tho water U too iltnip to anchor In, In nu addroaa at Iam Ani;olra K. Iahll, of tho JmnoH foiclxn olltco, raid talk of war txitwcon Japan and the Unltwl filatea laildkulou. Thrro la no Nltu of yielding In tho tolenrnpliora' atilke I(t)xntii nay tiMiiy of thn atrlke breaker aro about to doMirl and oln tho nam already out. Mulay HaflK I leading n Krcnt anny of Moot against tho Frnoh. A Gorman haa perflated n now air chip which Klvoa koxI aucixwa, Ycnrauola Is doflant agalnit America nnd Kooaovolt may rail on conuim to net. An American ludito In China takca Chinamen's won! aitalntt Uiat of Amer icans. Tho Union Paolflo Is attain oxporl niontinii wltli motor cars at Its Omaha tiliopa. Oarllold Is hnck In Wanhlnuton from a 10.ro0.mllu trip, principally through mo Moai. Jio liruj planned many ro forms. Thoro is a small Briny of delcctlvm In Itorlln wulchlnir noted nnarohlstant- xominiK tho conurofa. Hmiim Clold mnn Is ono of tho dolcKatca from tho ijniiou tjtnica, Tho Chlcaao, l'oprla A Ht. I-oula tall rood has tukon oft part of Ita trains arid will run other a mlxod pMBHciiKor and frohxht on account of tho two-con t pae ncngor ralo law. aixtaon Ualtlaahlpa to Ball for Pacific In Decamber, aahliiirlon, Auk. 27. Tho torpedo iiniuia which win ku Ui tlio 1'nclno roatt when the lttlrhlHi nail In Do ci'intwr oonalata ol elKht vraela, tho Hull. Truxton, Whipple, Ilopklna, Wnnlan, Klewart, Iiwrenco and Me DonoiiKh. Whether all will bo fit fur the voyajro la doubtful. Tho flotilla will l commanded by I.letilenant II I. Ono, who commanded thn )o to China four year axo. Jim numlNir of l)attlchl which will go to the I'aclflo I 10, not six. a atatiol In dlinlchea by an error In tranimltalori. f)hlia already on tho Paclflo will lnorraao Ijila runnier to 10. Tlio olllclal (talemeiit of Iho prtil dent alUr hla roufeienco with acting recretary of tho Navy deiutnitnl, Hear Admiral llmnron, chief of thn bureau of navigation, and Hear Admiral Kvana, who will command tho licet, la a fol low: "Tho conference Iwlwrecn the pieal dent and tlm ihrco nillcera of the navy waa called to divide detail In connec tion with tho Atlantic fleet koIiik to tho raolfla. "The fleet will conalat of 10 battlo- ship. It will rlnit aoum tlmn In I)e remlwr. Tlio rourao of the Ilet will Ihi IhrouKh the Ktialt of Mattel Ian aid up tlm I'aclllo roaat to Han Kranclico. "Tho fleet alao will, In nil prolthil. tr, vllt 1'uget aotiud. The epical Ion of the mulo'by whlrh It will return lo tho Atlantic has not aa yet been doclded." PKEPArlK TO MOVE DIG FLEET. Prasldnnl Orders Navy Deparlment lo Complete All Details. WaahliiKlon, Atiir. 27. Prealdenf, ItrxKovelt has laaued olllclal orders to tho Navy department lo arrango all do talla of tlm forthcoming crulro of Ad miral ItobiVy I). KvaiiH battlcMitp fleet lo the I'aolflo. This ordor haa U-vn l aued with Initructlona that each bureau brad will bo dlroctod to takoup Its par ticular Hue of work In aider that tho 10 battleihlpa may bo In prime condl tlon to atatt from Hampton Itoadi ahoul 8eplcmler 1. The bureau chief will undoubtedly boexocU'l to mako ratlmaUta and to- twit on tholr line to the department. It has Ixn itlmntod roughly that the coni supply icceaoary tor tho billet, In addition to tlio amounta I lug rent lo the raolflc, will bo something over 100,000 Ion. 1'rovlalon and aupplle will bo ar rariKod for, and all jiocalblo attention will Ihi til ven that everything bo In rradlners when Admiral Kvans take command early In Dtranilwr. THIALB CAN QO ON. Deli SAYS WEbT NOT WORftYINa HAVE NO COAL FOH EXPORT. A tmln on tho Southern railway was wrockod near Ohnrlottavlllo, Vo., and 21 por iions Injured. livery car ovor turned and groat lost of llio waa only n vol tod by Uio alow spooil at which tho train was rtmnlng. Tho Chlncso leRatlon at Pnrls don leu that Iho dowagor emprois la acrlonaly ill. Japanoso Iiavo sttod the city of Ban Ifranoleoo lor $3,676 damauoa on no- wum, oi wo reauurant wrcoaou uy a Hob. American Companies Obliged to fte fuse European Orders. Philadelphia, Aug. 27. Hccniuo of Ita Inability to All tho order, tho Phlla- dolphi Itcodlng 0il A Iron company waa compoiicti to neclino a contract for 26,000 Ions of anthracite, tho order for whloli was tendered by a ronreontatlo of tho Auatro-lluntrurlan chamber of comincrco, Tho propoeod purchaser was willing to nay the regular prlco for placing tho coal on hoard vowels either hero or In New York. Another order for 200,000 tons of hi tumlnnu coal, wnnted by tho Italian government, Is alao tlng offered tc the Inrttcet i-olt coal oertora of tho Unit ed citato, with littlo piotpoctot Its be ing taken, became of tlio great expomo In delivering It to Its declination. Tho great dmuand for coal by foielsn govcrntueut Is attributed to tho In- oiraacd coal conaumptlon by tholr war- niilixi. All natlvo coal la Iwlng used for this piirnoao, and tho supply la hot equal to tho demand. On Ver,a of Another Strike. Chicago, Aug. 27. Chicago Is on tha vorgo of another pooklng houao tim tors' strlko, with the cuitomary attend ant rioting and dlaordor, Whon tho iiieatlon of wugo Hottlcmont camo up a week or moro ago. u committee of arbi tration wad iipiKilnutd and tho matter was ronalilercu aett;ol. ihooominlt too. however, haa buen unahlo to agree and lit tonlglit'u moetlug tho off or of tho paokerH to Incrcano tho pay of tho mon ono ior cent win rejected. They domain! ono and n half nil around and othoroonocdsloni. Dots Not Know Wall Street Says Secretary WiUon Warhlnglon. Auk. 31 Keetctarr of Agriculture James Wilaon has returned to WaihinKtou altor an alieence of cevcrul week in tlm West, bringing glowing account from that K-ctlon of tho country, "The Weal la not worrying over fu ture tmnlci or bird times, but I neud lug money lo Ihe Kait right now," he aald. "Tho jH'Oplo out there do not know Wall atrret ex lata except as they reud about It In tho newarmrwrs. The grain rropa aro generally good tbr year, and lera Weatcrn mnnoy li going into Canada than Ittat year. Thoro la aoinn fear of another coal famine dur ing Ihe coming winter." 8Hklng of iwlltlca, Mr. Wilton nald. "Kverylwdy I talkcl to out Weat was favoiahlo to Itoorovclt, and will Inalat upon tho nomination and election next yinr of a man who will carry out hi oiitirtt." Womin lo Aid Uncle Sam. Washington. Aug. 31 With -the appointment temixrarily to tho imml- Kruuou aorvico oi .iiiim iieirn il. Ilillllr, of Now York, who recently has been connected with the Travolera' Aid aocb cty, Iho goveinmout will bend Itt ener glea toward tho detection of thosydoin lxd "white slavo" tralllc, Iwlleied to exitta in Iho United Htatei. Thua tar, the Immliirntlon service has licrn unahlo to make any headway agnlnat thoovil. Mlra Ilullla haa rep rctcnted to Commlaaloner General Sar gent, head of the Immigration her vice, thai she will bo ablo lo gain tho evi dence nco aary, not only to cheok tho Importation ot women and girls foi immoral purpose, but to bring to jua lico tho men who aro getting rich through tho Infamous buslnraf , Officials Know No Reason tor In Oreron Cases. Washington, Aug. 20. Si far as olll clal Washington I aware, there is no known reason wiy the Oregon land fraud trials should not bo immediately resumed, nor Is there any known reaaon why they cannot be concluded before December 1, It Is the expectation of tho ofllcUls here Dial District Attorney Ilrlatol will soon begin the prosecution. Tho Hermann caao will wait until P. J. Heney can drop his graft work at fJanJKraiiclaco, for It was ho who work 1 UR,thla caeonnd It U his desire to conduct tho protecutlon in nenon. All others, It la bollovod, will be conducted uy .Mr. ilrlatol. Thero has been some delay, because Mr. Heney had In his possession aomo facts and evidence re quired by the government prowutor, but Mr. Heney some tlmn since prom ised l forward this matter to Mr. Ilrla tonl, and it Is ptraurned all neccenary data is now In the hands of tho district attorney. lioth tho Dcrtrnont of Juitlco and tho Interior department aro anxious thai all endlng land caret in Oregon shall bo cleared up without further do-lay. CHANGE LOOKED FOR. Telegraph Operators Expect Peace Overtures Soon, Chlcsgo, Aug. 20. A crisis will bo reached In tho telegraphers' alrlko within tho next few days, according to the expectations of Chicago operators. Announcement to tills offect waa made today by Frank I.Ikes, chairman of tho local strike committee, at a meeting. ir. j,nos uocuneu to uibcioao tally ills reasons for making this statement, but from other aourcca It waa Icurnod that tho operators are expecting that some sort of an offer will bo received from the companies within a short time. .'n view of the determined stand DID NOTMIDERY Ileard It First From Grand Jury, Siys President Scott. NO ADTUORITr GIVEN TO GLASS Help Japs Oolnj to Csnada. Toklo, Aug. 20. Tho clause of tho emigration prelection law. making thins carry rralgrnutJi subject to olllclal per- mimiuii, wriicu nas niinerio rccn llm Itcd to wrsol destined for Hawaii or Booth America, will be mado tooporatc in regard lo similar ship! declined fur Canada on and after tho flrtt of Sep tember. Tills will Iiavo no effect in reducing Hip number of emigrants who arc already under certain retrlctlom but Is aimed principally toward assur ing the safety and Interests of officially rvcognlxed emigrant. Examine Officers for Promotion. WaahlnKton, Aug. 30. Tho follow ing hoard of officer is appointed to meet at Fort Lawton. Wash . for tho examination of such ninccrs as may bo orucrcu ncroro u lo uctermlno tnolr Ht nras for promotion: Major W. Y. Stamper, Third Infantry; Captain II. A. Hmith, Third infantry; Captain John W. Jlarker, Third Inlantrj; Flrtt Lieutenant Jeeao It. Harris, atalatant surgeon; First Lieutenant John lloaloy, asilatant surgeon. ' Not Coming to Portland. WaahlnKton, Aug. 30. It is not thr present Intention to tend tho battleship llcol lo Portland because naval officers fear thero Is not sufficient depth of water on tho lr, but practically the whofo fleet will visit Puaet l?ound. Tho ships will anchor oppoaito Seattlo. Ileejiuaa of the oxtrvmo depth at Ta coma, no stop will bo made thero. taken by both corporation atnln.i dealing with tho strikers collectively, this report was viewed with skepticism in many quarter!. It Is said that many of the striken would bo willing to return to work up on the promise (list thoy bo given free nso of typewriters and a modoraU wage Increase. Itccognltlon of tho union, it Is declared would not be InslsUd upon. mo aiaietnci oi -Mr. Like concern ing a poealblo crlsU was made during a ditpute concerning tho advirablllty of noiuing a strikers' meeting toincrrow. Heney Pursues Purpose to Fasten Responsibility for Buying San Francisco Supervisors. DOQS SMUGGLE IN OPIUM. Japan Olamas America. Toklo, Aug. 27. It la reported that tho Investigations mado on tho part of Japan concerning tho Prlbyloff Incident of Juno 10 show that tho Japnnoeo flahormon offered no roalstanco whnt- ovor and that tho firing by tho Amorl can guards waa unprovoked. The Washington government haa been no tified to Uiat ofioot. nnd Toklo Is now Kwnltlns a ronlv. The nubllo Is watrh- ling the affair with keen Interest. Consuls Qel Promotion. Washington, Aug. 28. Church llowo, of Ncbratks, consul general at Montreal, has been appointed consul at Manchester, England. Albert H. Mo nuotx, of Aritona, consul at llabia, Ilrntll, haa boon appointed consul gen eral of tho district of Central and South Amorlra, at a salary of $5,000. Tho following othop. consular appointments havo been mado: Augustus K. Imrram. of California, couaular clerk nt Cnllao, to lw consul theie: Iirln A. Uthron. California, transform! from Urleml to CatdlfT; Ilea Haniia, California, con mil at Iquiquo; Thomas W. Vootter. Now Mexico, consul at Haltlllo; Jacob I.. -onnor, lowa, consul at SIgon; Jamed V. Long, Pennsylvania, consul ut Venice. Give Settlers Their Patents. 'Washington, Aug. 20. Tho Interior dopnrtmout Is revoking tlio orders of Heoretary Ililohcock siunoudlmr thou. sandaof public land entries in tho Wuat, and rut soon ns ikmbIIiIo nil en- tries whero proof Is completo and againtt which no charges aro ponding will bo patsod to patent. Hundreds of thoiuuiuds of acrea were tied up by Mr Hltohcock'a ordora of suspcntlon, nnd thero Is not u single, word of ovldenco In tho files of tho department to Justify this action In tho groat majority of cuso. Northwest Postal Affairs Washington. Aug. 30. Warhlmrton postmasters appointed. Hover, Thomas li. Ury, vice II. A. Hover, resigned; Pacific lleach, Arthur O'NIcholat, vice Jsmea (1. Aveiy, reolgned. Itural routes 1 and 2 havo U-en ordered es tablished NovemU'r 1 at Adams, Uma tilla county, Oregon, serving 700 poo ploaud 162 famlllos. Prepares Way for Big Fleet. Washington, Aug. 28. Captain Usher, of the cruiser St. Louts, reporta sailiriK yettorday from Acapulco, Mex ico, for San Dlcgo, Cal., on hit way to Han Ftancleco. Ho has licen quietly looking Into the resources of various South American porta In anticipation ot tho cmlse ot tho battleship fleet noxt winter. Confer on Standard Cfcso. Oyster Hay, Aug. 20. Frank H Kel logg, special counted for tlio govern ment, conferred with tho president to day, supposedly on the detail of the suit to dissolve the Standard Oil com pany, of Now Jersey, tho hearing of which comes up in New York Septem ber a. Customs Official! Make Unique Dis covery Near Blaine, Wain. Buittle, Aug. 20. One of the moat clever methods of smuggling silk and opium Into the United States from Ilrltlth Columbia yet known haa been discorcrcd by customs officers at Hlaln, Wash., on tho International boundary line. Trained dogs were used to carry on the bnslnest'and the custom a officers bollove that hundreds of rounds of the contraband drug have been brouiht into mis country in that manner. As a result of the discovery by the officers Thomas Smith is in custody awaiting iriai on a cnarge or amuggiing. The first Inkling that dogs were used for smuggling camo a few days ago when Officer Lano, of the Hellingham station, shot a dog which he taw run ning through Uie thick timber near Ulalno. Thocanlnowas loaded down with a leather saddle in which was found three pounds ot opium and a packago of silk. Where the dog camo from and wheio he was going were mysteries which tho officials at once began to ferret out. Tho officers took a coon dos with thm to tho boundary line where the first caninol was seen. For three daya they waited before anothe- dog camo along with a peck saddle on its back. This time there wero three doga loaded down with tho drug. The men let them pats, and then, with tho aid of the coon dog, they traced them to an old ahsck near Wain. The officers afterwards arrested Smith on a charco of smuggling. Ban Francisco, Aug. 27. President Henry T. Scott, of tho Paclflo Tele phone A Telegraph company, was re called to the stand when tho Glass bribery case waa resumed yesterday. Under naeatlonlnz by Assistant Dis trict Attorney Henoy. Mt. Scott testi- odd Uiat prior to the earthquake and fire of 1006 F. A. Pickcrnoll, atalatant to tho president of the American Bell Telenhono company, took no active hand In tho conduct cf the Paclflo SUtea corporation, but Immediately thereafter he set about the formation of plans for rebuilding Ihe wrecked plant. The purpose of this testimony wat, on' the part of the prosecution, to ambuth any prospective defense to shunt the bribery blame onto tho shoulders of Mr. Picornell. Mr. Scott, answering a scries of ques tions designed to clinch in tho Jury'a minds the araerted fact that General Manager Glass waa In complete con trol of tlio company during the alleged bribery period, said that be (Scott) be tween the date of his election to tho presidency and his return from the East, In the latter half of March. 100G. signed no company checks, authorized none, gave no auuiorlty to uiata or Halsoy to expend any money, and gave no company instructions to any one. Mr. Scott said T. V. Halsey had no stated position with the company, but that ho is drawing a salary ot $175 per month. Mr. Scott declared that he gained from tho grand Jury the first knowledco of the issuance of 150.000 worth of checks. NO ARBITRATION, THEY SAY. JUDGE 8EARS DEAD. Mako 8ure Tafl Oan Qo Through, Washington, Aug. 28. In anticipa tion of Socictary Taft'a Isto arrival at Vladivostok tho gunboat Chattanoga has put Into that port to mnko sure that It will bo posslblo for Mr. Tuft to onter thnt port on a gunboat or similar ship ns lato ob tho inlddlo ot next November. Mra. Kirk Gats Appointment. Washington, Aug. 28 Mrs. Ella 11. Kirk, of St. Jjhns. haa been annoibted assistant matron nt the Hoopa Valloy. Cal , Indian school. Panther for Pacific Repair Ship. Now York, Aug. 28. Tho transform ing of tho auxiliary cruiser Panther Into a repair ship to accompany tho Atlantic Hoot to tho I'aclflo has begun, Tho Panther will have a completo forg ing room, foundry nnd machine ahop. Build More Hugo Ships, Now York, Aug. 20. Tho TJmos. to day says; Tho next naval appropria tion bill presented to congress will re commend that two ami perhaps four battcshlps of at least 2Q.000 and per haps 25,000 tons lie authorised. Banks to Make Statement. Washington, Aug. 28, Tho control ler ot the ourrecny has called for a statement of the condition ot national hunka at tlio oloae ot business on Aug ust 23, Bucketshop Man Are Indicted. Washington, Aug. 30. The grand Jury has indicted fivo brokers on a charge of conducting bucket shops. Member of Slate Circuit Court for Multnomah County. Portland, Aug. 20. Judgo Alfml F. Scars, Jr., of tho State CIrlult court, ono or tlm foremost Jurists of Oregon, died of apoplexy at his residence, 690 bast Madlton street, shortlv before 4 o'clock yeetorday morning. Death was altogether unexpected, for not the slightest warning to mcnitxrs of the family foretold the end. The funeral will bo held Tuesday Judge Sears waa in his usual health Saturday. He wat about the city, and to many ot his friends and associates teemed in the beat of spirits. He re tired about 10 o'clock Saturday night, rather earlier than usual, and Tt was not until Mra. Scars stepped Into his room at 4 o'clock to se It ho was sleep ing won, uiat tt was known ho had pawed away. Dr. A. J. Glesy waa immediately calico, nut Uio judge waa pa it all med ical aid. He had ceased breathing when found by Mra. Soars, nnd the opinion ot the phytic Ian is Uiat he had died but a short time before. No scund was heard from his room, and this leads to tho boliot that the cud was peaceful and painless. Bank Notes From tha Sea. Berlin, Aug. 20. A packago of bank notes of tho National Provincial bank ot England recently was washed up on tho beaah of (ho Island of Foebr, oft the Bchlcswig-Holttcln coast, and found by a workman on his way to his fac tory. It is supposed, aa no mvnor has appeared to claim them, that they be longed to a passenger on the III fated Berlin, whloli went down of! tho Hook of Holland. Tho notes havo been de posited In the aafo keeping ot the iv Hoc. If unclaimed In nine m"nlhi they will be handed over to the tinder. Sultan's Brother on Throne, Tangier, Aug. 20. A courier from Morocco City confirms the reports that the' Bultan'a brother waa proclaimed sultan August 10, and assumed tin throne. The new sultan declares hit- intention of appointing another brothei kallf ot Fes, and then Proceed to taki command ot the Moorish forces besleg bag Oaea Blanca. Small and the Telegraph Companies Agree on One Point. New York. Aug. 27. President Small declared today that arbitration of the telegraphers' strike was at present out ot the question, and added that the strikers were prepared to remain out two months. He raid the executlvo board ot the American Federation ot Labor would ahoitly conalder the Fede ration's relation to Uie strike. Small asserted that the companies' conditions were worse tlmn whon Uie strike began, and that half ot the Western Uinon force here failed to report for work after Friday, when double pay was abolished. Superintendent Brooks, of Uie West ern Union, said: "Our company will have nothlns lo do with Small or his union. Whilo wo aro willing to consider individual cases of the men who struck under pressure, the agitators who engineered this situation will not .bo rc-emnloved under any circumstances." NO HOPE FOR CANTEEN General Grant Says Congress Sees Mistake, But Fears Cranks. Philadelphia, Aug. 27. "Tho antl canteen, law ought to be repealed, but thero is little prospect Uiat congress will do anything with It for a good while," said General Frederick D. Grant, in an Interview at Willow Grovo park. "Politicians do not care to antagonise Uio extreme Prohibition element. Congress sees, I think, that It haa mado a mistake, but it is a hard thing to go back now." Tho general made this statement la answer to an inquiry as to what ha thought would bo the outcome ot tha agitation for Uie repeal of Uie law abol ishing Uie canteen in tho army. Develop Mexican Oil Land. New York, Aug. 27. Arrangements have been completed for the organisa tion of a 150,000,000 American syndi cate, according to an announcement published today, whioh plans to do volop several million acres of oil lands In Mexico. It it tho purposo to ship the product to Central and South America, also to Europe and Africa. In competition with the Standard Oil company. Tho syndicate will tako ovor tlio filoxlian Petroleum company, 4hich owns approximately 1,000,000 teres ol land. Canada Would Check Brown Flood. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 27. Tho Domln on government is negotiating wth span to restrlot Uio number of Japan ao Immigrants coming into Canada. The existing arrangement provides tor ho yearly admission ot 600 from fapan, bat this number is multiplied, nany times by arrivals from Honolulu. It Is proposed to limit the number to 500 from any port,