Mi.wy) V t fn, fcfuivb ifc-WnKli J TWW r"- WW 9HS9wnv SH0liI3KaffCL ' I BUY PROPERTY IN BEND r' N ORDINANCI! TO PRUVUNT CUR TAIN ANIMALS ANIJ FOWI.SKUN NINO AT LARCH. TO PROVIDK FOR TUB IMl'Ol'NDINr, AND sLK OP THE SAMB. AND TO AP IMINT A POC.'DMASTER. He it Ordained by the Common Couh i ' of the City of Bend. htc. I. No horses, mules, cattle, -'Rep. swine, goat, chickens, geese, iK-kk, or any domestic animals or fowls 'u!l be allowed to run at Urge or to be 1 erded in any of the streets, alky, varks. or public place in the City of liend, exrept when the wme are beinj( driven through tt-? ttreets. Sec. 3. Any sur- ' animal or fowls found runninK at ' ,e within the limits of this city may :ken up by the Kundmatcr, v .eutjon the pound inaiter shall gu nee to the person uwnitiK such n .ds or fowls, or to hu legal represent, , and sliall deliver the same to the aloresaid owner or legal representative only up-jti payment of one f.l.00) dollar per bead fur animals and twenty-five (0.35) cents apiece for fowls. If not claimed on the day of notification, i lie above rates sliall be the fixed charge ;r day, plus the actual coat of keeping. I' within twenty-four 4) liours after I'.ification, the owner or li. legal rep 1 -mutative refuse or neglects to redeem He said animals or fowls they sliall be hold at public out ry to the highest bid der for cosh. Sec 3. The c' marshal or night watch shall be . ofticio pound master, and shall conduct all sales of animals or fowls and shall have authority to guar antee debts incurreil in Keeping the same which debts slia't ill all rases l paid i ! the geiic nd of the city. - 1. Al' ' -ipts from the iui . . 01 Mile c. anii'uls or fowls as . ..embciore provided sliall be distrib uted as fol!ows 1st. The city shall recover all money expended in keeping unimals or fowls impounded and in advt-uilug the same. 3d. The poundmaw-r shall receive the per diem charge set forth in Sec. 3 of this ordinance. .vl. All surplus from sales shall be turned into the general fund of the city. Sec. 5. In case no one claims the ani mals or fowls found running at large, tlie'jwutidinaster shall insert 111 the news paper published in the City of llend, liavIiiL' the lamest paid circulation, a notice of the same for two consecutive weekly issues next following the taking up of said animals or fouls. Anyone claiming the aforesaid animals or fowls after such publication sliall be required to pay the cost of such notice in addi tion to the costs emimeratid in Sec. 3 of tills ordinance. In case 110 claimant ap jarn, the same shall be sold at public eatery and the receipts distributed tu provided in Sec. 4 of this ordinance. Bee. 6. All sales of animals or fowls provided for in this ordinance shall take j wee in front of the jxstofficc in the City pf Bcud. Sec. 7. Persons living in unfrequent ed or sparsely inbaUUed portions of the city and owning domestic fowls may ap t.iv n ilia Common Council for nermis- sjou to allow the some to iuu at large. The Spokane of Oregon Mr. Stanley of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company assures us that work will be commenced on the Corvallis & Eastern extension into Central Oregon within three months. The time to buy property is now. The Central Oregon Development Co I'pon such permission being granted by a majority vote of the Council, it sliall not be unlaw ful for the aforesaid persons to allow said fowls to run at Urge. Pro vided, however, that, notwithstanding such permission has been given, if any person within the limits of the city shall notify the marshal that the aforesaid fowls are damaging his property, tbe marshal shall order the owner ol such fowls to take up tbe same, ami after twenty-four 04) hours following such order all the provisions of this ordinance shall be in full force and effect against tbe person mentioned at tbe beginning of this section. Approved August 31, 1907. A. I.. Coonwu.uK, Mayor. Attest: II. C. Km.ic. Recorder. Read first time August 31, 1907. Ilules stispenueu. ami passed August 31, 1907, Notice. The undersigned company has this day filed in the office of the Nssretary of aiaic 01 inc state 01 uregou ami 111 ttte office of the County Chrk of Crook County, Oregon, Suppkntentary Artif'es 01 incorporation; providing, in mldittoii to the original wers of the under sinned, that it shall liave uower to fur nish for sale or hire water to he used for Irrigation and power purposes. Pink Pokxst Rhcimatioh Co., Hy V. O. Minor. Secretary. Dated Bend, Oregon, August 33, 1917. The po3toflice news stand is car rying a tfooif line of fruit these days. It now has watermelons, bananas, branges, and apples. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. rASSIWGliK TKAI.S TIMIt CAKD. Houth bouud North , Uiil , HO. I. 1 IIAlbY ! CAM, NO. IMILV STATIONS. . CAM. LEAVE r.u. ASKIVS A.M. I W 1 I 44 4 17 J 1 40 41 J3 J 04 3 'J J 44 4 uo 'i 4 ....... nior.s -Clbaoiia -8tukt ".-WaKO....... ...,, .....Klondykc -Suniniit .... . Hay Canyon Junction.. ..McDonald.....,. .....DcMom ...... loro -Jrkluvlltr. .. Craaa VaUey -Ilourbon -.Kent .. . . -Wilcox .. KHANIKO II JO II 19 II l II u 10 45 10 4 10 34 10 11 10 0$ 911 9 37 .3 8 40 30 B UO LKAVK AKKIVB Uslly ftSKeconatctionsst Blisniko for Anltl opt, rriueullc, Iknd, llu.m, bllvtr Lake, Lake view, Mitchell, Iayvillc, Antonr. Aahwooil, Cu you City. John Vy City, and I'omII. K. U, WOODBKKKY, C. 1 LYTLIi,. bupcrlnttndtnt, 1', SildVA. tilUBlKOi I. , BEND, Ttmtr LbJ. Act June j. I:'. IN'OTICK FOIt l'UIIMCATION. V. S. U4 Oflkr. The ImUm. OrM. IWiwhr ia, ivu .Vatlcr 1 krty ilrr that ta cawpttancc Uh he pmriatatM of Ike Act of CeartiM ot Jmik 1. i7S, enuilsd. "Ah set for Ike 6 of lunbcr link in Ik Halo U CallkwaU. Ie. W''l ! Wsthtaatou Territory." eatenofd ta sit tar panne land Mate by mi of Aaeart 4. iSai, Makatl K Nmi nf rrlanrlll. roaaly or Ctuk. Mil of IHrgaa. haa tkM day Slrrt lu tk nttc k aWora alala awal No jW. lor Ik mrrkaw of lb iiSwV arlawK aad iwa, ofa i, to if a, r 10 w aa Aad will oner proof to akow ikal ike teal aaaghl U motv nlHUtlot It Umber or atoae tkaa nr rataltaral paniaias. aad tu nUUMi Ma claiai 10 aaat laad kcwra Ik Coaotjr Clerk at lurUle, Otegoa. oa Ikt talk day of October. 1097. Ha mbm M wMttMf. Mfbarl Moiriaoil, f. N llaatar, Joba Mom, alt of html, Orvgoa, aad Wartaa Ook, rViaevtlhr . Oneoa. Aar aad all awo Satmia adaoraety .h aboar duutkoit utadt are reaueasad to ale tktr dalnw la tha 4 oh or bafart Ikt latk day ot Octobar, iyJ. C. W. MOOKK. Heitatn. KOTICfS FOR PUBLICATION. Itrtaifat of lb latattor, Iad Oflke at Tbe IloUoai (Hteoa, Jly 11. 190? Notice I kenby (tH that Htary Ht4ge of Had. Oreaoa. has Mail ttotka of bla iHlaaUoB to make (MaaTtaaawtaUun (Hoof la aapwart of bs claim, via. Ilcanaliaal ttatfy Hu M4aS mao jaiy iv. ftnr iwinawn ana una t aaat 4 of m i, la is , r it e, w in AtallhataaM Mmf wlttlws4r Iwfwt II. C. KUla V. g. Cuasailoloaat. at kU of tot In tatad, Ottfttt.au aaoktatbor 14, if7 lit Malta iIm following mMr to move hit coatlaaoaa rtakltate apsci aad caltiratloa of lb aaial C. CaMwaU, W Kay Wilklnaoa, alt of Jatad, Orgoa. soaf C W. JlOOkl!, Kcgi.lcr IcOTIoiTTOH PUIOATrON. " lMrlwcutof Ihe liittilur IjiiJ OOlte at The Iall', Orrgon. Augual 1, nr NoUec it htrtby giren that Cora A l'trguwin ot Html, Oirpon, has fitnl notice of her lutnillon In make riHaltowmulattu jtroof In uipiKMt of her ctalm, ris HpmMlfju! liutry No, 1461 made May A, I'M. fur Ihe wMtwW, tw nwk; (if a 3. fl'i'l MXncH ofarcrt, Ijj 1 a, r ue, w 111 AndlhatMld Wo"f will h made trr II. C KUu, U. h. CHiillHtr, at lii-ar'tfire In lit ml, Orrgan, on rtclmlxrr 14, iy"7- She namta Ihe following wltnetM-t o ptore htr continuous rMmre uii. and ciiltlvallmi of, Ihe laud, vii John l'erguaon, Oatouxxl T Callllwn. Arthur!), lily, William Arnold, alt of ay-aij C. W. MOOKI!, Mrgi.'er. aNOTIClfPOIt PUDLICATION. I)Irtnitut of the Interior Land Office at The Dallca, Orrgoii, July l, Ivor. Notice it hcrthy given that Neil Kiuitli oflleud. Oreeon. hai filed notice- of hi intention 10 inane uuaicoinmuiaiion prool 111 tixiil 01 .. .:,-- .-. : : ma ciaiin. vii; noincaicaii jfniry .o. 17,170 made Apiil 14, 1'ij, for l.ota j and 4 of arc 19, Ipiot, ril e, and Ihe cje)f ofaec 14, lu 19 a, riot, wra I Aud that aaid Droof will he made before II C liUla, V. ri. Comaiiuloneat hit office lu licnd, Oregon, on beptemUr 14, 1907 lleuaiucalhe followliiv wltnraaea to nrov lilt coutlnuoua residence upon, and culllvallou of, the land, via I'rrd A. bbonqucal, William 1' Vandcrvcrt, Cort II. Allen, Utoigt Uatct, , N Iluuter, all of iitud, Oregon, S9-SIJ C, W. MOOKJi, UtgUUr, OREGON srzxMCTatxr.wssn TtmWr ttnd.Act Jnne j, lH NOTICK FOR 1MJI1MCATI0N. V. M. lAi 0c. Thr IMIn. Ilca. Jaac 4, . Notice ta nfby given that la coaipUaMe wllk lb laTOtfaaaaa of ibe Act of Coagnaa of iuat , TS, rotitiad. "Aa act U Ikj aaWof tlaibrf Isada la tbettaleaof Caltanwla. irf. Ntvada. aad Waaklafton Tetritory,' aa ftnd4 t all tbe public laad tUtt by Act of Aagatt 4. la. Prrd W Wltxm of r'rlaevtlt. coaaty of Crook, alat ol Ortfot. baa oa June 5. loot. l la Ikla odicr kia Ma Matrwat Tin 411a far Ik awekaat of lot . awHaW ad wMaM of ate 1, ta lv a. r ilf.irM nd will offer proof I" ahow that Ibtland aoagbl M awn valaablt fur Ma llwbtr of aloae tkaa lor agraraltural par boaoa, aad to eaiab IMi hM ctalM IomM bad tfor- II C. Ittua. t'. ft. Coatatlirtoarr al ki oe at Mtad.OfoaoN, oa the nib day of hepttaibtr, !. Ileaaaitas vllnriin towpk N llHHlar, WUMaw II. (Haala. Mary H. Kyan. A It. Orant. all of head. Oreaoa. Any aad aO puton cUlmlflg advetKly lb abate deaeHWia bad ate IMueMril ta tilt Ibetr daiata la tbat oak h or btfoic lk aaki I4tk day at Bepinaber, 1117. jllS-ai C. W. MOOKK, Kfft.tcr. TlmU-r Mrtl, Act ol Juiff j. iSyS NOTICK I'OIl .Unr.ICAT'.CN. V. . Utod oflke, Tbt IlatUa. Olejoii, Jua , i'vj Notice ta btitby given that In ouMplMii wMh Ikt pfovVaontoflbe Acti.f C"iirra of June i, 1S7S. ratlllnl "An art for ih tale of timber lanf latbtatalaaorcalifurnia.Oieguu, Nevada ami WathingtoH Terruory. 'at esteadrd lo all I lie raldle band state by act oTAnguit 4. tayj, M.t.0fCH"jk ef Bfiid, rounly nf Crunk. alafSTofbOrfgnii. Aad will ofler cour 10 tlow liatl2tlit,Unl oogbl'ta ium vsluabl' for Itt IlinUr'or. ttnilt Bar dalm to aatd Und U fof II Ck IJllStL , ComiHl.Unr, at hltoinc lu llendr OrtrgonT on the 14th daybfrWolemlMI. iyv . 4Ht M bh uautetM wllliru W H Nlchsl, t'ttuk nuilerworth, Altxrt I I.ucai. Joarph N Jluntet. William II Maala, alloflleiiil. iiicaon -, . Any and all iwiaona claiMimg advtncly (be alnve-deacribor land are rr'iuralrd lu hie their tlalmain thUolfKc on ur btfoic Mid Mill day ol Septeiubci, 1; JIihij C W 1IO0KI', KegUter NOTJCI! TO KlinTliHATIQN OP I'l'DMC IjihI to Htlltemeiil and J'ntry Depatt men! ol the Inlarlor, lltncral Ijind (lifter. VVaah Ingloii, II. C , June I j, fti. Notice la hereby given that Die public lamia 111 the following de Ktlbtd areaa, leuiKiratlly willidrawn on July Ji. I'J, fur foreatry HirtMei and adjoining the 'rcliiont National Porrat. Orrvoil. and not oih erwltc wltlxirawi'i, rcaertrd or nptiroiiilaleii, will by authority of the Hrcrelary ol the Interior be rcatowl In Ihe public domain 011 hcpleiubcr . ivn. and become aiiMert In aelllrmeni oil and after thai dale, but not lu entry, filing or aclrc nun 1111111 on ami nurr icioocr . r17, umier the uiual reatricllona at Ihe United Htatea Ind niAic at The Dultrt, Oicl-oii lu Towiithlp nineteen (19, Kaliue ten (in), the aouthweat ipiaiter of Heillon elecn (II). liiTowiulilplwrn ly (jo), Mange ten (lo), hecU'iiit out (I), two (1), inrccfjj, eleven tu;, twelve 117;, inirieeu (141. fourteen (14I, twenty three (j), twenty four (14) and tlilrly-alx (yi), lu Towutlilp twenty (), Mamie eleven (11). nVrtUnia one ( ) to twenty-two (11), both lucluilve, the aoiilheatt iuartcr of Hec linn twenly-llve (13)1 Hiclioua twculy-aevcu (17) tothlily.four (u). both Inclusive, and Hrclinu Ihlrty-tu (V.): In Towinlilii twenty (jo). Kanue twelve (11). theaouthwea(uartcrofH(ctlou acv eu (7), all of Itection alxtreu (16), the weat half of bectiou aeveutcrii (17), ricrlloua tlfhtctu (18), iiiiictern (19), twenty 110, Ihe weat half of Htc- 17 t'I' inc weat nan 01 r it. bectloua twenty nine I tlou tweiily-one e ii 1, thirty vJ and thtaoulhweit quarter of Hrctioii lhiriy-oiici,all bouth and 1'Jit, Willaiurlle Meriduiu, Oregon Warning it hereby given that no peraou will be prrmlitcd lo gain or extr rite any rliiht whatever under any actllciiicut or occupation begun prior tu Hcntcmbcr as, 1907, and all audi acttlcuicnt it hereby forbidden, 1'KkU Uknxktt, Acting CominuMlouer of the Oenersl Land Office, Approved Juuu W. Wiisojr, Actlog (jccicUry of the juttrlor. aaa on January 14 n. uini ig inaioiae nvr worn auiemeut No if;! fiir tht punliaieef ihe HaeWaHdaWnfiVi.f -iatip i1r eT" Tlwker Mad. Act J. i:.4 notici-: roi: immimcatiok. V. !. Uad iiHev. Tk Iwlut. iMtraoa, Juoe 4. Nolle U ktf eby glvn that la rtneatbUM u lb ptovtaaain of Ik Aft of v.oav ft Job X a7 ratnaM, "An on air ia oi utaon Maaa la Ik 4aoof talliuraui. Orveoa, Nevada aad Watblaftaa Ttftltuvy." atleadd to all Ikt public laad airte by AH af Aaaett 4. , CbHwy K. karaey of Hrad. toaaty of Cruos. aute of nrraoa, bat oa AupI 10, na. Hied In Ikla I'SV bla awora aateaaeat No . lor tbt tmrrbaa ur ltajaud taadawgawtt uf arc 1, Ip if a. r i w at Aad will oner Moof l ako Ikal Ibr taad ouf fcl la wot valuable for lit tlwbrr at ekrat Ibaa tar aerlcaltarat wiaow, sad ta tMabuab hit cislM to aatd taad brfcrt M. C KUla. t. t. Cowaiti ilanir M at otHce ta tantd tbt Ijlkdayof Aatiwat, war. lit nuia4 wHataata Slvrbatl 1 Marti itti. iHorpa n iMBvtr, wiiaaM 11 muu, 1 PattelMtr. ail uf Kend, ortgou. Joba a, r Any aad all attnt tsalranur sdvttMty lb abavtraWacTlbtd laad tie raoataitd lo Mr tbnt ctalm In tbat oSSce aa or bribte aaat bMb day af Aaenat, aavy. JM ot C. W. MOOHH. Hgitfr. NOTICK F0 uTuiTuCATFoN." Hoaailmeataflb latrrior, Mad Office at TKt Dattav Orefaa, jMMjbr?. Nailer la hrrrby given Ikal Lavlaa Jaaa. gnardUn oflbatalata of John It. Joaat. Ifttaat, uf ITiurvillc. Of eg on. hat ftlrd aoifc-a of bet l trutlon lu nuke Nvt-year proof la eupport nf bat claim. 111 lloMiralrad Kalry No iisjS wad Hepl iyior Ihralt Hn',evK aelj aadawlf aw 1 of arc , lp 1111, lauit tu r , w m aad Dial aald uruuf will It made IwfWt itw cuaaly tltrk.al I'lliirvlllr, Otetfoa. on Aaeaats 1907 Hhr utmraat wilntaanlwurov htaeoallaaoa rrai'lrm upt.H. ami cultivation of Ik laad, via I1 niidrvrrl, l.tor ge MalMoi Had. Otcgoa 1 liarlea Mnutgomery and I'raHela 11 Maya of I'rtucMllr orrgon jfa C W lo., MaeUltr. OTiClflfpU limi4U?ATlON Ixuarluieiit of Ibr Interior, ' Mad Olflce at The ImMm, Oregon, ."'V ,-,. lunej, 1057 tltcelthrrOA piven that Chaitaa A ktaH iHtrrmnhjolleiid.iirrKoii. bat Slcl nutlet of hi'ittlenUpn 16 make linal hreyrar proof In Minnort'bThia rUim. vn llom4tad llanvHa 9WinejAugMat,J, i'i furllnawl, of ac 17. lp If, fur, win, And llmladll proof will t inu.lc Ulnt II, (. lillll, U-rKCorninratkinrr at hit (illliv lu Und. oretoe. airfAntntit 11. nm. Ilr iikinralhnfultawiiiK HitnrMealu kivc hla roiiuiiiiuaa ivkhi!) iiimjii ami rillllvatloil 01 tliclmi'Uto-wIll lvW W II Hltryof Ikml, Or gun. I'rauk'n "i. ' t'iruuii ja Jawra K lieuhAin n utniiaw urcgon wimiin htnatt of llend. Orruvn II. lljno . rr C W MOOKI Krglalcr Tlicirtoneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Telegrams l'orwardcd to Any 1'nrl Mof the World. s ;dirct Telephone .'Cottiiminlcntluti with l'orllnndi rrincvllle mid nil racHic'Conlt cltfts. PiibllJ Py Stntlons In Hank Huldlstf 4t lluiu, at Laid law and I'owdl Unties, SIcsseiiKer service to any tiart of Crook Coiiity0rttl of Crooked River, OI'I'ICIAI. DIKKCrOKY. MNtTltll "TATHf vtto-fstadoaA H.,4,H l-avwtary af .,..... areittary af Tnaai ,. isttury W ItMcrtat . .. SrUry af r... Wf1atr of Neva- secretary of Cisjuim ..., Poalalaatat 0rTt. ...... Allaraty Otawrsi ... .. tWatlauyaa'Adiranaltare. Clbarbja W. rMlbaakt .Oearft a CarutvM .....taaata R, UartoM -.. W. M.Tsl -C. ). tsjuaaartt .Oeatf Van L- Meyer ... .WlMsM N- Mexdy WlfeM TATK HemaiK ...... crtuty afasate, Oearat Jt CboasbrrUt Y. W. areata V .... .n0.A.att 1 .... ,A. M. Craalurd ' ......;. II. Aebtraaaa TrtaaafafM M Alloraey tVraerat , .,. aaat. Pabtle Utatnattaaj. w. . UMklwsy laatty and Cead Qmmmttm.. ..). W. BaUty U. iMi.vsra IC..W. sa I J. .)' ICHiMoa aa fWW afWapeM a ttsMt - - J W. K. Wlla Ifc A.M00M ft. Mtaa U. Italky HVKHTI! JBIWCWJ, IMMTUCT if w. ... ....w. t Atiotiny.. ..,.,. .-TOjlaak Mtattr CfWWK CflOKTV J -...mm.. .-.. W. A nrll l .........M.Wiaa IMowa aatritf . ,.. ....M,..,HWMMiM-,MMW Ittuafc; rikiaa f' "" -..-.m...-......W. I' bIM "'". HnamHini.waHi.Ji (I, lat 11111 Mlisel ibtpl,.,nw-,namMn.....ua 11. imiwbklto Ha",af . mm.'m,Vi, H. McParisd Camrnlaalsao,.,,.,., m I II. TIIHCflUKTH. CuettiT Cof ar - llul itaudar lu lit, third .Monday In ItttadaH. rawiAt a cmHr-.s(M Slomtay In ttvrh amaik, CtMMlS4ioai.a CtMiar - lint WedaaJy lu Jaimary, Jlarsti, lsy. jaty, aefltaibtr and NoviMlir. iiHNiiKeniMi, iiiamicr Nu. i. Direclnrt,. Cleik . .., Trachrtt.. rHtldl .. ((awlwllll NKhol .I..MM...M.NMM.M.I SSSMtltsVa ,.C. k. Iwnaotl OIM UMlh I. Hi 111. I'. I', bmlll OIUaJImkMIWl ktkt HMIHtNtHaill bnillh leal OITV ill' IHtKII '..tOMM....M..MI..aAl 1) Mayor Hrcunlcr Trtaaurrr....... flood will It II. C Kill aa.lM). Ml'" ra.atViMwtii I 4 H. llrn-oll AMrriiKii . ohli II. wctltiiuy II M mIiiuHi' f ilpUtl Si tl t.xitlil U.ii.Oiitii II YOU mi. mil INhTHl'CT yon. Kttbscrilic tmtv- It dives the News All of it. ? i ! s m