The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 23, 1907, Image 7

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    f Banking by Mail
On aavlng itn)olti nl a ilolUr
cr moro, roiiiixiiiifln.! twtm
Utiryyrar. HI lint rut
to open a Having Account with
by Mail II you liked unit
door, bend (or our freo book
1st, " by Mull." and
learn full partlculara. AddtvM
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth And WnnhlnKton ntn.
An AiinliiMilml I'uaalr,
IIMiliid tlm lirMicu of )onr wme It n
lltllo onvlly In iliu skull, tli origin of
which npiH-iim to he unknown. It
probably was a gland, consUlIng of
two tiny loin-, j,,ii., toKi.iur, mid In
named ttir. Holla tmvlcn, Physiologists
Mlevo Hint lh I the remain of a
Ixth ammo, whhh . of J,,.!!,.,,!
nni 10 (ir nnieiiiiutlaii ancestors,
tuil whether It enabled iiimi to sou In
'io dark In ilii)N before llicy iohwmih
tire or helped Uhmii to rind their way
through trnrklenri forcslN iih wIM
beasts enn todsy r what oilier pur-
! It limy imvii rerrml wo tin not
know and probably iu.,r ,tH kllow
Unthirt will nnd lira Mnil..w flonthlDf
Viuillm I) at latunlr luuat lur Italrcbll4re.i
lurluilidH.u1iiirl.t7 ""'"'"
"Who Im that happy, contented-look.
I"K cbap7"
"H hi n rlmp who married a girl
Milium nu wh n IliiK ciMik."
"And who U tlm jiarcrly-Btrlckcti,
sad looking ehstt Inlklnir In lilmv
"That's n man who married n gr bo.
jeaiiiMi aim was n llnv dreakor."-Hous-.
Ion I'uaL
lillrHMKlllltf t'lrtMlllialMHFM,
i "What brought you here" asked the
"That " rrplp I the prisoner, pointing
ti n poll fiiiin, "but I vn drunk."
Ilounton I'll' I.
When the
Hair Falls
roil I'HINTINf.
Portland Oregon
1 1 mi i i in rut riAiir !
Then It's lime to actl No time
10 uudy, 10 read, lo cxpcrl
meni I You want to nave vour
lialr, nnd save It quickly, tool
oo make uo your mnd this
very minute that If your hair
ever comes out you will use
Aycr's Hair Vlcor. It makes
the ccalp healthy. The lialr
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. It'o nature's way.
Th tMt kind ol a tonllmonlhl
"Hold lor or lxtr ytntt."
UtAt4 u ru..ui'iii,im
Cw O cauur pcctouu
flnfatl Intiv.rr
h n-lli llllilii
I- . .If. i lug
l.. )! DIM
"'--.'rr'' " .' -ir WKTrASt
a, r. AHHimoNO. lu M.rniNcirAu
Quill U wr e(la. W. mim4U ti irui
I uwt ! Mtk XMilntl to rMI-n hn CMTH
ttral -man man rlU fr Up than w. can
MMl InJItUul Inilrutllun In.tifM rapU tn.
11 fMa. All mntwa iMtkult o UwVVr4n aca
' Tlaiihl; alo rapLI caUvUllona, mrTMpMkl.M,
toanmarrUI law, eflU ml, (a, ChailUr la
tor KatOa,! ,, rapU. IU. Ilaautlfyl
iiUWm, liualaaM furma an-! pwumimMp fraa.
'1 krttr It doa aim atrt .iJ . a.
i MA10U) IQMX&I. Ill L.XJh At. . B,h)r T.
Afiltlt'Mi I cllha IiIiIimI rla.i, Colltl
lnlf,lli.i( t Miiiic Art riotullun. 0ui.
natluM I all l tm i'(-n lyplimhl II
'll Ak of lllarrrllon.
fVnnlor Dllllniclinm, dlm'tiailnir Im
tnljjnillon In New York, iumt? uo of
tint plirnN, "tin nc of dlniTrtlon."
"What U tint flL'o of illwrvlloii Kon.
tor)" nakiil onp of lili Aiidltom.
"I nhould By," rftiirnnl Hiiinlur Dll
HiiKlinm, nulling, "that the nn of dl
cri'tlon l ri'itrliisl licn a young man
minimi from lil iimuttd tlio rich nil
li-ctlon of altrpw nnd dnncliiB girl.'
photnerapti nnd iilitllut-a I ho por
trait of Ida rich Imcliclor uncle."
IIOWAlin K, JICnTO.f -A...;rr an Ch,mi,t
jm tr. UaJ. II , iiata. WUtr.ttr . nab, , Claaer
tatter. II. riuy. imu Yj .ilit,n.ii. ...1
iMMiTTlii frnr tmtti
tmiMO oi.n tnnm iiiounirs to us
Dtf Ta4ag n.cwhra
dm n. r. MMiGiir.
141i WaaKlatUa U. I'afllai4, Orttaa
rail prira Hat MKIaaaiHralfaa. Cwalral aal Vtw
MrawvtaMUattMl. lUl.i.ucal C'aitwoala Kv
Uoaal Uaak.
Iter'a Kllgaalta.
Queen Alexandria of Knsland la
atrlct on aurh xilnla of rtlgtlctto aa
make It a tironcli of dt(X)rum, for ln
atanrc. tu Imthl anything but now and
uiiummI coin, freuli from tvo mint, to
the rnnort of the llrltlah aorcrrlcn.
To tiwik" Ioto to her ntajnaty la pUD.
lahnble, by tha law of llrltaln. with
doatii,, of cuurve, one happen
to bo the klne.
tul In Trnln lll.iml.liliia . ton.
nerflon UuleUIr t !.
Thcro an thrco iiu-HumI fnllmvi.t in
tlio nuillciitlon of th IcIciiIioikj lo ..(...
rlc rnllwny dlKpiiiclilni; (1 Klxcl M
(piotio RiihatntlotiN In iKKitha phuvd at
Imltnhlo H)lntH nlonic tint line (2)
Jmk xen nt jwlitt to uhlch nrlnlili
telephone enrrlcd In tho c-nr jnriy lw
fitinic nnd coiiiktIkI for tiMiiiwirary
"". I.'l) I'tirlnhlo tnleiihoim i't liiini:
ujxiii tlio front of the enr, the roatlbiilo
platform of which norrt nn n boolh,
nnd ntlitchiiH-nt nindo by nVxIbht wire
lo Jntka nt uiiiiivruiu jwloa alons th
On aomc rnllnnr lln. anuf'TWiui!
oil Mtcnillln', the method of mniMTt
Inif n telcphonit n tlio car ullh llin
HlM) I not 111' incnnii of n Ini'k nt tlio
ald! of otw of tho iwIom. hut by n long
Hicnuer rol rnrrylnic tho wln-a, which
mar o booked uiwn tho iiinln Hiki nnv
Tho tflpjihnnri umil on ehtrle rail
rtmd ayftteina muit idm tranmnliMlou
which I clear and loud, nnd niiiNt 1' of
fJlxtt not liable to l. placed out of r
vlctj by tho Jar of wntlnuou tmnHjwr
latlon on a ir.
Application of tho tehiihonn In trnln
ll'Nitctiliia on electric rnlltviiya haa rv
aiill In a mark.ij economy of lith
plant ana operation and that tho ahll
Ity of the ailperltltelldent to Im In
formed aa to the jKwdllon of the rarloua
cara ami to communlpnto with their
ojMratnni kIvc n creator acrrleo effl
Cleney to tlie road
Tho telephone of jjrent aerrlre In
eerere anowatorma by naaon of tlx
facility which It afford for Infonna
tlon Ut ! iflrcn tho train dlptrhor
fl to tho condition of t!n mail In m...
I of inUIiaji the telejihono afford meaw
for quick clearance of tlK track by the
j fncllltlt-i of obtaining wrecking car or
njwir uaua. In cae of accident not
only can medical help l KiiniMiicI
for tlm Injured but mean can ho taken
to procure information rvlatlre to do
tall of Uio oomrrunoo which may be of
trent Iminrtance In antxTtulnlug thf
liability of the company.
Mineral IVenttb of (ho "nnlh.
Alwut otie-twvcnth of tlio mineral
production of tha enllro country wtnra
from tho Hoiilhem Btnlea, Of hltti
mlnoiia coal, tho moat raluahla mineral,
the Kouth prwliicen oito-fourtli, and of
Iron about one ninth. Ita total coal
reaoiirrea amount to nearly COOjmjO.
WXJ.VjO ton, or moro than one-fourth
of our ctttlmnted coal rt-Herre.
Of mineral thwnlcnl material tlio
Koiltll ilinlki moro than orio-biiir.
ehlclly phwplwte rock, nil of whloli li
jiroatu-ca in riorlda, TeniMstiieo nnd
South Carolina, and nearly one-third
of tha rnlnarflt filrnfrifu fit tirflnft
atonea tho whole country produce only
su.'.um worUi, with the Kouth fur
nlxhltiK It fair aharo.
Tho nhowInK In Iron ore reaenea I i
quite a jrood : n aafe minimum I
3.(X1,000,OW ton, or nearlr ntip-lhlnl
of tho nation' total. Of workable Iron
ore the Kouth contains otm nmt nnn.
half tlmea aa much aa Uio fatnou
Luke SutK-rlor dlatrlct. and thl doc
not Include the deep lying touthcrn
On a of value of proluct tho
Kouth furnUhe more than two-aor-enth
of our oil and moro Uinn (ma.
sixth of our n a. New Vork Sun.
It Hnan't Now york.
A ccntlcinan who had ocrntlnn in
ro to an Inland New Knglaud vl!Iae
ten tnilea trout a ra ronil wan tnt at
the ktatlon by an old fellow who took-:
ed a If he mlRht hate Juitt awukened
nfler o Itlp Van Winkle aleeji, llu
liorac and bticiry wer In keening with
Uielr owner" ancient nppoarnncc.
"Ileru c air nt lat." Mild the drlr '
er, when ther finally came to three
botiaca and a blackntnltlra hop.
"Thl lan't much of n place, I Jtr
aid the depreaaod trancer. tooklm.
"Oh, you don't eo all o' It from '
here." wo the reply. "Thar'a two
more houe our behind that hill thar,
an' a cooper' ahop Joat nrountl that
bend In the road thar. Come to hum h !
em all (oKetber an' Ifa conald'ahlo o '
n placo tint o' cotirne It ain't New
xorlc" otaan Home Companlou.
jyW5Cf "wLc tSSS amt'l
faatLnaW AMt. HHII VI
mm si!
1 StwIfevsPBHBiEii
!ta Kit f art mar's.',
ZribA a - u
U Zirs?L$
im gHKuT
rTrr -wtrl
r. ft u.
Na. JJ-07
"lyilKN willtnc In atrrtliara ilaa.a
TI lnantlaH llila iaar.
S3.00 & $3.50 SHOES TSiVoo
OA-hhoch roil evrur MiMiitn or-ri ,
HOW 0 nil r!?or W'" a mhom
T1IK IILAMtV W U liatu .h.. ai.wntn I , n ra 1 t a
In all alif t III. Una aujr vlh.r maka, U U auia i II Mr
aia.u-11 ai,l rait aula, ao.l iurir aaai iiq at i aa.
na mI..i ,.i ( ( II,. ii,,, ai,a.!..r wataiiaut rca?iiatl
W Ih. !.... ai.l .if f, it.iail or Ita inaku la i La.1 all.! It
ll"'"i-iBi ta .rgai .all nnfa mnl-. il.nla f r-rrrnai.!
. V """"'"i w" ' taa-ana ma ni(lia.l vara. l. In 111
liW-R HTlur IWfl f M
aa.ia lixlualrr. ai I i. a
IfliX'UMIaka mr
-: - - --" ' ."i " 'a" ; 'ii-. pi 111 ai n laaa
.,... . i. ,. ,, iia iciaa auia ala inula. ( u
wwukl Lan unJaralai I ail., ih.v I. mil.). .t.. n
?'"" i ' 'laralilallia.i ar . maaa '
MX PJ'I"'B9 mndtn Hold llondShomm omnnot b maumllmil ml mny or lam.
....... t ...-.., ,.a..1uaul . , , Vy u,aiaiaii tial a ai.trali.ia.
, rHtr M,M iimlnt,il,, lalaJ.vr.aiWri W,lnnii UI.Ax, llrJakiua.; !,..
CITp at Vitna riaara aaa all Nlrrmia naaaa
110 Prmaaellf rarad kr llr. Kllna'a llral
h.r.aluaMtar r-ivlfu. rllKK 1 trial tll. nj
Uaallaa. llr. IL iLKILM,it,U ARb KU ItiUal-a.
Carrllaa Tttnra.
"Did you want to hire a boy?" ak
ed Uie applicant at a muile itorr.
"Vo," Mid the maiiaKer. "What
mtialcal ability hare you I"
"None." j
"Can you ercu carry a tunoT"
Then you'll do. Wo want you to
nurry uioa, plioitoitraphle neord down
to tho aUlpjrfnc dejiartment." ICauua
t-ity Tiuif.
Ilia I. ark uf t.uilraar,
"I.lllle Niy," aike, I he cenil rolce.1
matron, "how ilora It hanuan thai
don't ratrh any of Itiraa Qh but tha
auianrai oura
"It happen, ma'am," ananered Torn
my, chokln back a aob, "Vatur th
olbrr Iwy ain't afraid to He like btaira.
blame their tilrtur'a. an' 1 am."
': ""- --" -4 IT II Til r IT I I W aaaa? iTTT VTI-'7iTT' lVTulT I
i. m m wcrrrwm m
Un the hlomndo nnd liawxh of
I'roniolcs DifjcstioaCliecrfiil
nossamlllchi.Conlalnsndilifr Onlum.Morpliliu' nor Mineral.
InyUui SJ'
Lmm Si
YaraW Sutvr
ApwH-ct Hcmcdy forroasllpa-lloUi.Sour.Sloiimcli.Dlniiliooa
ncsb nmlLoBS or Slli:i.
at-aaaaiaja-aaaaaa) aataaawaaaaasa
FacSlmilo Sl.naluro of
Tlio ICIiul You Ilnvo Ahvnj-s Uotisht, nntl which litis been
In mho for over 00 yearn, I1113 liorno tho isljrnatnro of
rf niul Iiiib hooamnilo under ltln por-
fjjCVZjh B0,lul Hiinonlslon flluco Its fnnuicy.
"7Z, '-wc Alhnvnoonotoilocolvoyoulii this.
All Counterfoil, ImltntloiiM aii(lt.Tii!tt.iin-K"lMaro buC
lCziittrliaciitH that trltlo with ami oiHlniiRcr tho health of
liinuita mid Children Expcrlouco ncalnat llxiiorhueut.
Caatorln Ih a linmilcM milistltuto for Castor OH, Pnro
(rorlo, I)roiH niul Boothlnjr SyrupH. It 1 IMcaMiitt. It
contaliiH nolther Opium, itrnrphlno nor other Karcotlo
"iiliHtaiu'o. Krt mro Ih lti (,'uurantco. It dcntroyH AVomw
fltitl nllay.s rovorlshnciH, It curcM DIarrhivn and AVIntl
CollOa It rollcnoH Toothlnu; Trouhlfls, cures Coiiftlpattou
nnd rintnloncy. It iisNliullatoM tho Food, regulates tho
Hfoiimch mid JtowolM, kIvIiiu; healthy and natural uloop.
'Jlio Children's rauaccii Tho DIother's Frloud.
Bokra tho SIgnnturo of
I'ann4 lla Wr llanar.
Tlio mory of a pot h. captured
wuen a pup by a JlBliUtouac-kii-per on
tlio coaat of Knsland. I siren In "t4.m
lulaconcea of a fStNirtaniau." Tho young
real wa fod, ami allow eJ to bare lh
ratiKe of tho kltcU-n. and the member!
of the bouacbold became gristly at
tachod to It
It would make Ita way dally ilown
10 iim water, ana pat many hour
awlnnnlng atwut, It Mtiinid more or
la food In that way. but alway re
turned to Ita placo lu the kitchen at
llllndnem nnally came to tho ma,
with old age, but It continued Ita Jour
ney to the m, and returned Iwmo ai
regularly a before.
A old age lucrvnifd, It an
noyanco by Ita jHvullar cry for food
Rnd lla lewHiiiil ability to get nliout. At
la the family decided they lnunt wrt
wiiii 11, aim not within- to kill it. thov
arranged with a aHheruian to carry It
wen off aoiu twenty mllea-and drop
It Into tho wa. They expei-tei! ttint It
would come to a natural death In that
element. Hut on the second day It ap-I-ariil
again at Ita ncvutomed place.
Atiotlier effort waa made to -l rid
of It by arranging with a sailing e.
ael to take It reroral hundreil mllea out
to aon and then drtio It In. This wa
ilone, nnd Home time im.Miil away with
out any mgii of the nhI. Hut avin
daja nfter It deiiarturo tlio Lltehon
maid, who slept near the door of the
kitchen, fancied during tlie night alio
had heard the plalutlxe crj- of the aeal :
and tho next morning Ita emaciated
body wan found on the threshold.
A Kail a re.
Not long ago a man appeared at tlie
cnpliol am! had hla card taken In to
Senator Hal ley. Tlie Senator did not
rwognlxo the name, but. In accordance
with hi umial courteay, came out to
where tho alrnnger waa waiting.
It took only a few mlnutett' comer
aatlon to develop the fact that the In
dividual a Imply desired to make a
"touch." It waa the regulation "Heen
unfortunate, Mb, and dealre to get
back to my own country. ah."
"What Is your buidne, colonel 7"
tho Senator Inquired. The rusty frock
coat and black hat seemed to warrant
the title.
"Why. I am n gentleman. Senator,"
the stranger replied, pompously.
"Oh, I see." the Senator said, rdeaa
nntly. "Have you Instituted bankrupt
cy proceedings yetV 1'hlladulphla Heo
oro. Tlie 1'rlie Cow.
Take for jourvelf a well bred cow.
get her on full feed, crura and feed
nnd stuff and cram her for, say, n j ear.
Go to the trouble of washing and cur
ninz and scrubbing and oomMur- hi-
twice day, get down on your hunk
era, my friend, sandpaper her hoofa,
groom her legs, polish her horns and
brush her tall, and by the time show
season comes around you should havo
a very creditable looking show cow.
Sheridan (Mo.) Advance.
A uguit Is the month of internal
catarrh. The mucous mem
branes, especially of the bowels,
are very Ihblo to congestion,
causing summer complaint, and
catarrh of the bowels and other
internal organs. Peruana Is an
excellent remedy for alt these
mT.ff Haf- IV"
exact copy or wiappcr.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
TrualliiK Ilia I'Hrlnrr.
Tlio Carroll all cotiDdeutlr bellorn
tliat Hielr Hilly, agel to. Is destined
for future distinction. IVrhniw they
aro right; at any rnlo, ho Is not lack-
in: in tnat Mgneuy in choosing "as.
clatiti In enterprise" snld to bo essen
tial to tucivsa.
Ijist rCunnner Hlllr waa seen walking
lowly along Hio hotel ptaua, tlwutrht
fully scanning tho faceej' of cuesls
seated there, riaally ho etopp,l at
tho chair of an old lady with wbwu
ho wbh on friendly terms.
"Say, Mrs. Jones, can you crack
nutal" ho Inqulrwl. hla iianda In hl
Whr. im dearr. I'm rorv aAm. 1...1
I can't," milled Mra. Jones, nnolom.ti.
cally, "You know 1'vo loat moat of
my teeth."
"That'a what I thought." nnlil iinir
relaxing from nnxletj- to hla sunny
smile, nnd extendlmr hla two iimuh
confidently. "Sny, will you keen tbeo
nuts hero for mo whllo I go get tho
rest of 'wnr
ho llaarl
Ther went In to dinner together, rr.
wa very bashful, and she tried In val-i
to draw him out Fluallr she
ti talk books, and be became respon
sive. "And Hugo?" sho asked. "Do
j 011 like his ityler
"Oh. ye." he replied. "I find him
Inteuioly Interesting. I've read a num
ber of his books."
Then she asked, "Haie you read
'Ninety-three' V
"No. I've or onlr read throo t
didn't know he bad written so many."
M'lltr Joarnnllara.
Jacob A. Illls, the author and Jour
nalist, was talking about witty newa
aer headlines.
"Aa witty a headline as I know,'
said be. "was written by a youth of la
In a San Francisco newspaper offictx.
There was a bill up to prohibit the aula
of alcoholic drinks within four mile or
tho I'nlverslty of California, and this
bill the youth headed:
"An Act to I'romoto IVdeslrlanlsm
Among Our Studeuts."
CfltArTll 1 not Tnrr1it mm ln41eaiei?A.a .f 41.. i
.nf. it- 1- i.i 'Ti .I,":-"T"':'f."" '",. vie, atouju seem 10 maw
. .,f .1 "",wt uiacuowwmcu me enure circulation nnd the greater
Thtetctrt!l0 ll' Wlt to 60ur nna ' uricTc Id In the syS
h, r m CU .,00d throuCu circulation distributed to 7$
IhiMr the,E'stc'?- These hnnuritlea la the blood hrltatc nnd Inflama
if n J5T!UMi,n.ewnc3 nna, "ssu" of y. nnd the concUnff
ri 1 1 " ' " uiwu goes 10 nu pans ot uie txxly the ca
tarrlial poison nffecta nil parts of the system. The head has atftrht, nli
feellntr, nose continually stopped up, pains nbove the eyes sllirht feved
comes nnd goes, the stomach Is upset nntl the cnUrc system dlnTered3
aa ft (Taj1 ..! t.. at 1. f . .H . W t a ast
j. naa oatarra tor about flftosn ""sk" "i u"3 "iscase. it 13 a vrasie or
I uian
7 HAItl
aea v iVTiSlJ? "ui . " , . TOV,U wc i"u. nnn can, uicrcioiej
th09ntl bouianrr J3,0 othlnB now than tcmporuVlly rclIeVc!
SiltiStSSSSSSk Hic..ii,scomf0ft ' e.tranMe. .To cure
biooa muse be
'stem cleansed
-xnis '
aswolltodaTnaanyuan. I think y-""'"" jicrmnncnuy lae
iSti,2!uiJV?Si,Vi0M0 Bn? "wrouEiuypuriliednndthosy
Oil Second Thuuuht,
"Don't you remember, von sntii vn
would drown youmolf If I didn't tnnrrv
"yea, 1 rowcuiber; lww foolish I
"Do you consider tliat It waa fool.
"Vea: I should haro tbrontoiwvi tr.
ui vii u iiuwii li vuu mil iiinrrtr tiia " i
Houston Tost
purely Vegetable
better for thrbVood tians. a. "a. .1 n11 .poisons, nnd nt the "same time
&il5o.thInk' W.a&&oV- ttenelnndlutup. NoUdnc; equals
Iiapoer, Mtoh. "" i fa. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks the
inscase nc us ncail, rjoc3 down to the Very
ionium ot me irouoiennu nake3 a complete)
auu i.iuuS cure. o. cj, , removes every
particle of the cntirrhal poison from the
mwu, juuKinff una vital Bircam pure, Ireslt
ntxrl liaflll..a Tt . a 9 i
..un iiiuiy, iwa mo luuamea mem-,
hranca begin to heal, the head Is loosened
.. . ,, nnucIeared.thohawl.In'rnndBpUtlnircease.
SrWP4Sl.9arpcr'thoCOVftUuUotti3builtuP vlcorousSS
n f q c q V.i ." 7. ' '. . "'.c u"cnns wiw v.atarru oegtn uie
nd VeXnS U.3r? ?tatT,aent.of 5' case nnd our physlclais will
Without chirks aq MPf anit efa yu 6PecIal 'ac,cal dvic
wuaouc charge. 6. S. s. Is for sale nt all iirst class druir store.