The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 23, 1907, Image 3

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In a Condensed Form lor
Dosy Readers.
A Rosume of tho Less Important but
Not Lett Interest!; Events
of the Past Week.
The shsli ul I'onila In without (limit
or power.
Chicago' imputation I now eatlmat
hI nt y,a07,lK)O.
Folk ntiil Johaon urn being boomed
by Western Democrats for tlin presi
dency. Tlio Pennsylvania 1-glslatlve mm
inltt-e tecoiiiineml rrltiiltml protwii
Hon of tlio cnpltol grader.
President 1'jtrlliiK, of tlio Milwaukee
railroad, any hi comuiy will not (
tnbllili n stenmer lino to tho Orient.
Illll lis received 0,000 letter from
Nuirthwent lumbermen urging hlpi not
to nhaligd tlio pifenl Great Northern
liimlior rate.
Two live were lost, five, poison In
Juied nml 7nU,(H)0 wnitli of proiwrly
destroyed In a Urn whloh nwepl tlio
leli rcwirl nl Old Oreluud, .Maine,
Dlipntulint from I'okln funvnat a
gloomy for China, owing to the
iinielllod atato of polities. A mnater
inllnlli Healed to prevent tlio lli Inte
gration ul tlio empire.
A .prii inventor ciaima to navo a
inaohlno to solid telegraph meiini(e
without tho two of an pxcrl 0eralr.
A eollly itilpm typewriter l uard
nilil tlir iiirMaKn li rrcoivrd at tho othot
vnil by another tyjwwrltor
Miwh uncaslneaa I foil for Kuropean
in Miiro.
Haywood waa given A roualng recep
(Ion In Chicago.
lUith telegraph mid telephone wire
aro tlrxl up In Montana.
Tlio wlilow of Stanford Whl to la to
marry her lato huitmnil' partner.
Miintnna haa lii(traod tlio taxable
value of the railroad, whleii now total
The continual tlo-up of telegraph
lines may rroull In government control
Jf not ownerahlp.
A freight train hit n Coney lalaml
trolley oar mul tlnoo jienHin wnro
killed ami 10 Injured.
Geologist aro srarohlrig the volcnnlo
field of Ahuikn for diamond. Indians
nro fiom tltno to time found with thcio
prooloiii" atone.
Hhnghal dWpatclie nay tho dowager
omprc of Clilim hna dctrnnlnol to
ahdloato at tho next Chlneau Now Year
nml linntl over authority to tliuttHipriur.
01.1 ami trusted olflolala of tho H. P.
aro iralgiilng to go to oilier rid.
Atlornoy general of Nohrsaka la going
-altor tho loinhor trust of that state.
Iloth side agree that tho tolrgiaph
r'a Irlko will ho a iIrIiI to a finish.
A Jap spy wn arrested vhllo sketch
Intl tho fort at OloiiKpo, Philippines.
All striking operator nro Immediate
ly dircharged ami told to call for tholr
Itlrhnnl Mnnsflold, tlio noted actor,
is oloaoly nttoudod hy a specialist on
nervous iII-cum-h. Ho Is uppnri'iitly not
District Attorney Joromo haa secured
confessions (mm member of tho Now
"York Illiick llmul society which will
eulllt'o to lrrnk up tho organisation,
Natloiinl Hcorotury Qulok. of tlio
Itnllwiiy Toli'itrnphors, rnya tnoro Is no
trtilli in the iooit that til men would
rofuso to handlo commvrolul moisavo.
Hocrotory Taft will visit Yollonrtono
I'nrk HeptotnlHir 1 to 3, nml then pro
cood to l'oitlnud, Hmttlo mid Tacomn,
nml will will thoncoforthorhlllppliu.
(lormany I eoiilpplnx n coinploU
balloouscorM for nor roguloruruiy.
Tho l'roncli lnliilntur of wnr wo lit
milted and then' uiMAtilted by mi liiwino
Htomnors of rival oompanlcs nro rac
liiK from HiNittlo to Alaska to got SS,
000 worth of ImslncM.
Baoniinonto Is boltiK oomplotoly cor
urod wltli oloctrlo llnlito mid dlspluy
for tho Irrlxutlon congrco.
A mombor of the Now York Muck
Ilnnd Hooloty has kIvoii tho polloo all
tho UeUilU of his Initiation,
Ono of tho Koroan tlolcgatcs to Tho
Iluguo lias Loon aontonood to ilontli mid
Uio other two to llfo Imprisonment.
It Is reportod that thero will bo
strong opposition In congress to Uie
eondlnu of h float of warships to Uie
Oollermakera on tht Bouthern Paolfls
Pennsylvania Olllrens Aro In Constant
Droait of Assassination.
rittsliurK, Auk. 13 -Tho wholo
mill district of Wvatorn I'oiiitiiylvit
11 1 u lum liwii rount'il to uctlon by tho
outriiKi'H I'hiiritvd to tho mtirdorotis
llluck llnml Hocluty. Tho (roitn of
Now Cnstlo nml lllllivlllo nro bulriK
tuilrollnd by Troop 1) of tho Htiito
Coiiitttbulury. Horn thmi U) sun
pecta, InclmlliiK four known lumler,
nro In Jittt nt Now Cnntto. Tho Htato
Contiibulnry wn onlurod out by
(lownor IMwIn Htunrt on potltlon
of cltltoii, who nro nfrnld to lonvo
tholr homos, fonrltiK nttiick.
Kvldonco I tiolriK socurod by I'ln
kurtou (lutvctlvua vniployod by tho
Unltud Mute Htuol Compnny. Tho
dotocttvc nro workluif nmoriK tho
Itnllun mid n fnst n ovldonco I
necurml auapoct nro rounded up by
tlio ituto troop. Tlio police or Al
li'Ktieiiy City todny mmlo tho moat
Important capture during- tho cru
ni)w iiKalnsl tlio Illnck Hnnd, In
which tliu ofllclal of Now York,
i'hlladehitilu, Itoclieatvr mid other
cltle nro co-opurntliiK.
tilatnmi Itucco I In Jnll. nccuaed
of ilmhlnc tho throat of Mr. Mnry
II, Ilasuako al her homo, when alio
refused to ttvo up money demnnded
liy Ml in ami nnotlier Itnllnu. for
whom tlio police nro looklui. Tho
wuinun liu positively Identllled Itnc
co n tliw man who Hlnahuil hut
thronl with n rnsor. while hi ac
complice hiil J n cap over her fnoo,
Itucco wu Identified ua ona of tho
niaaasln of Domliilo Mnrnttln, a
woalthy Italian lured from homo nt
night mid allot to death, after re
ceiving lltack Hand letter that
threatened death unle he xnvo up
IG.000 Itucco wn Idonll'lod by
Ba in tic I McKeo, who wltneiaed tlio
murdor from hi homo. Hncco lived
In Now York, from where the throat
enlliK Inttnra cnlno to Marnttlo. The
police ballovo ho wn lent hero a
the nirnnt of tho tocloty to nsal
natn the wualthy Italian,
Mlchauto (lovlnltc, a wealthy own
er of fruit ilnnd In JMtUbtirK and
AlloKhutiy market, tin npiealed to
thu pollco for protection. During
tho laat week ho ha received lettnr
from New York, Uindon, I'hlladel
phln ami Itnchiwler, demandlnic 16,
000. under threat of death. All worn
written In red Ink and aligned "Mag
hinco" Ho I living In constant fear
of asnlnatlon.
Harrlman Talks About lha Thraatened
Coal 8horta;o,
Omaha, Neb., Aug 13. H. It.
Harrlman and his two son atteuded
church at Trinity Ilplicopal Catho
drnl horo Sunday during n break In
tho W'oatwnrd vnontlon trip which
tho railroad magnate I making In
hi special train, Tho Harrlman
party wn accompanied from Chi
cugo to Uiuuhn by I'rtnildent Horn
hnu, of tho llllnol Ceiitrnl.
Mr. Hnrrlmnn gno out a long In
torvlew Hundny nfternoon. Many of
hi ttntemonta hnd, however, been
in ml o before. Ho declined to com
ment upon recent court action
ngalnit corporation,
In nntwor to questions, Mr, Hnr
rlmnn said:
"I think wn slinll hnvo n conl
shnrtngo this winter, dun to tho gen
ernl Incromo In tho conumptlon of
conl by ronson of tho grent expan
sion of nil lines of lndutrlcn nil
over tho country, nml nlio to tho fnct
thnt noma mine nro not nblo to turn
out n much nit they might bcciiuio
of n Inck of labor, nnd thon thcro I
tho ahortngo of freight enra to bo
reckonod with. And to this enr
tdiortngo I wnnt to any n word In
roply to tho general chnrga thnt tho
rnllronds nro wholly to blntno for
enr shnrtngo, Tho chnrgo la unjust
In ninny respect. Numerous causes
conspire to bring nbout n ahortngo
or congestion In enrs where tho peo
ple Know nothing, mm tnoy nro
cnuaea for which tho rnllronds nro
not rosponslblo nnd ennnot nvotd,"
A. P. Slrlka Not General.
Chlcngo, Aug. 13, Tho Associated
1'renti oporntorn In Chlcngo, Now
York nnd other lenaod wlro points In
tho West nnd South struck nt 7:30
Inst night, Tho operntors In Mlnno
npoll, Duliith, Mllwnukoo, Indlnn
npoll, Detroit mid Qlovelnnd ro
mntned nt tholr post. Tho strlko
wns nrjnlnnt tho wishes of doncrnl
Socrotnry ltussell, of tho Tologrnph
era' Union, who, with n majority of
tho nporntorR doslrcd 34 hours na
Mr, Stono hnd oxprcssod hU willing
ncss to ondoavor to arrlvo nt nn un
Gompors Will Take, a Hand,
Detroit, Aug. 13, President
Sitmuol Gompors spoko nt tho Kp
worth I.ongiio Chiuitnuqun nt Colfnx
this nftornoon nnd hurried to Dou
Moines nnd took tho train for Chl
cngo. Ho declined to discuss tho
toIogrnphorB' strlko oxcopt thnt ho
would bo in Chlcngo sovornl days,
Southern Pacific Will "Competa."
El Hono, Tox., Aug. 13. Tho
Southern Pnclflo tins dollvored nn
ultimatum to tho I'holps-Dodgo In
toroats thnt If Its proposition to buy
tho Nacotnrl road from Nncoxnrl to
Douglas, Arlr., is not nccoptml by
Boptomber 1 tho Houtnern Pnclflo
wl" Pnn"tr"ftt njr,t"Bl ""
Spanish War Valerans Plan to Storm
Next Congreis.
Wnshlngton, Aug. H. Tho light to
roatoro the cantvon itt army xxit I to
bo rcoH!iied w Ills renewed vigor next
winter, 1'larm liavo been perfected for
making a strong uppnl to congrrsi to
wlpo from tho atntuUi Ixwk tho mitt
canteen leglslntion. All prominent
ollleer of the nrmy In their reporta to
tho dortment making augKcatlons for
the Improvement of the army urgo tho
re-(vttahllhment of thottintecn,
Aildo from tho great mas of thco
iCorlr, which may not bo considered
to exiirea a dUlntereatcd opinion, (ho
Spanish War vcUran aro trndlnK
thoiuands of letter In bohnlf of tho
canteen. Tlio veteran Inst year ojMjned
a (nmriilgu which wn vigorously proa
ecuOsl until congriw refilled to amend
the Inw. They liavo prrpnrcal once
KhIii to mako a 11 gli I nnd expect to
win tht time with the argument that
the W. 0. T. U the liquor dealers'
ruMclatlon and direputablo resort
hnvo combined to prevent the re
etitnhllahmerit of tho enntren,
Whn souio of tho literature which
ha ta'cn prcparel Is clrcolated the W.
0. T. ('., which forced congrea to
abolish the cantorti, will put on IU
armor and enter tho Hat In repudiation
of soma of tho charge concerning tl o
Intrroft which are alleged to le work
ing with It. The veterans aeem deter
rnlnrnl to Join laaiio, and lively times
may le exoctoil when congrena meet
In Itoomber.
Attorney Qansral Oonaparto Will
Cash or Oust Company,
New York, Aug. 13 Attorney
Oenornl Ilonnparto, who visited
President Itoosnvolt at Oyster Hay.
atopped for a brief period In this
city before going to his homo In Hal
tlmoro. Whllo horo ho talked fully
or tils conference with tho President
and Intimated that next month
might bring further developments of
Importance In tho campaign agalnat
alleged lawbreaklng corporations.
"I do not wlah to make nny secret
of the fact that tho talk between tho
Prealdent and myself wa In refer
ence to tho flno Imposed by Judge
Ijindl agalnt tho Standard Oil
Company of ludlaua," said Mr. lion-
apnrto. "Wo discussed thnt, also
what step should bo taken as n result
of tho Investigation of tho Interstnto
Commerce Commission on tho Har
rlman railroad sjstom. Whnt will
bo dono In regard to both thoso ques
tion I cannot tell nt tho present
"Will tho Standard Oil Company
of Indiana bo forced to pny tho fine
If Ita npponl fallsT"
"Thnt Is n question, tho nnswor to
which onn only bo found In tho fu
turo," wild Mr. Ilonnparto smiling.
"Tho President nud I tnlked over
tho amount of tho lino Imposed by
tho courts nnd wo both sympathized
very much with tho compnny," mill
ed tho Attorney-Geucrnl, nud his
smllo broadened.
"Hut how rnn tho Stnndnrd Oil
Compnny of Indiana pny n flno of
over 139.000,000 on n cnpltnl of only
$1,000,0007" ho wns askod.
"If tho decision Just obtnlned la
ntllruied by tho Court of Appeals,
thon wo will go nftor our money nnd
get It In loma way," nnaworod Mr.
Ilonnpnrto. "It Is trtio thnt a stono
tins no uioou," no mined, "bul n
stono mny bo ground up."
Powder Trust's Flna Work.
Washington, Aug 13. It wns
atnted nt tho Dopnrtmont of Justice
thnt nn nmonded bill hnd boon filed
by tho government In tho powder
trust enso nt Wilmington, Del , al
leging thnt bIiico tho preparation of
tho government' petition on or
nbout July 7 List, tho K. I. Dunont
do Nemours Powder Compnny of
Dolnwnro trnnsfored n lngo part of
Its unsold finished poducts nnd raw
materials nnd things necessary to
tho oporntlon of Its business to tho
K, I, Dupont do Nemours Powdor
Compnny of Now Jorsny.
Standard Hit In Manila,
Mnnlln. Aug. 13, Tho Attorney
General has boon Instructed by tho
Dopnrtmont of Justlco nt Wanning
ton to tlio suit ngnlnst tho Stnndnrd
Oil Compnny to rccovor 140,000 Im
port duty on nn old clnltn dnttng
bnck to tho tlmo whon tho military
turnod ovor tho government to tho
civil nuthorltteo, Tho nmount ropro-
atniita tlirt jilfTni-niinn tmtwnnn tlin
Dlngloy rates nnd tho prosont tariff.
Captain Fox In Command.
Washington, Aug. 10, Captain 0.
V.. Vox has been assigned to tho com
mand of tho orulsor South Dakota,
whloh, with the California, Tennessee
nnd Washington will comprlso tho now
Paclflo orulsor squadron,
Redding, Man Recommended,
Washington, Aug. 17. -Sonatori
Perkins and Flint liavo rocominonded
that Judge Edward Swconr. of lied
ding, bo appointed superintendent of
tho mint at San Francisco to auccoed
Prosecution Will Continue Until Great
Oil Trust Is No More.
Wnahlngton, Aug, 10. Wlioro Is
tho next "trust-bunting" blow to be
struck? That Is tho question that has
Ix'on rnlc-l by tho resumption of activ
ity nt tho department of Justice today.
Attorney General Ilonnparto haa cut in
upon his vacation to como hack hero
and sot certain things In action. Ho
will remain In Washington for two
weeks beforo resuming his quest of
recreation. During tho period of hi
stay something Important is likely to
break looao.
Mystery surrounds all prospective
developments. Tho attorney general
acts and talks liken man who Is anx
ious to do eomothlng drastic to forco
auti'truet offender to book In Homo
manner that will serve a hotter pur
poeo than tho Imposing of linos.
That thcro nro other anti-trust pro
ceeding (lain thoao lately In the lime
light to recoivo attention in tho near
futuro wan strongly Intimated today.
No details will bo given out, however,
until matters hnvo reached a focus. As
to Standard Oil, it wns hinted that tho
Ones already Impored Aro but n begin
ning, and that before tho government
la through with Uie potent of all traits
the giant eorjioratlon may bo mulcted
of millions and Uiat tho Ijtndl Imposi
tion will bo tnado to seem a mero baga
It wns also Indicated that suit to dis
solve tho Standard Oil corporation, In
stituted at St. IjcuIs, Is to bo prosecut
ed with particular vigor. What form
the eflort of tho government to break
op the Standard eventually may take
Is not re italn but It is said that some
moTo Is In contemplation that will be
tnoro eflectha than the receivership
Idea evohed with reepect to certain
other trualr, and upon which tho do
tiartrncnt of Justice Is inclined to pride
Itself greatly.
There Is tittle doubt that Uie admin
iatmtlon hns net to work to knock the
Standard Oil company out of existence,
If audi ronaummatlon be poaalblo.
Bonaparte to Hold Conference
Monday on Alton Case.
Vahingtcn, Aug. 1. Attorney
General Ilonnparto announces that he
will confer hero Monday with present
and former United States District at
torneys who were at Chicago on the
question of tho protniso mado to the
Chicago A Alton railroad of Immunity
from prosecution for rebating to the
standard Oil company. Uonaparto
stated he liad not promised immunity
to anybody, but Added that the promlso
was made with the eognitanco of ox
Attorney Gcnorul Mcody.
Asked what action might bo nntlcl
pt( I agnlnst Harrlman besides tho
Now York proceedings to compel him
to answer tho questions of tho Inter-
stato Commerce commleslon, Itonaparte
replied that lie was considering tho re
port of tho commission mid had mt yet
arrived at n decision.
Immunity Bath for Alton.
Washington, Aug. 16. -It became
known today thnt tho Chimgo A Alton
rond wns given an Immunity bath for
its part in connection with Illegal ro
tates for wliloli tho Standmd Oil com
pany waa recently convicted and lined
szu.stu.000. As a reason, it is nrob-
ablo that the cases nguln't tho Alton,
which might liavo carried with them
fines nmouutlng to -oveinl millions of
dollars, will bo dropped.
Call Harrlman Into Court.
Now York, Aug. H. United 8tntea
District Attorney Stlmson today filed
In the Circuit court In tnis city a peti
tion that K. H. Harrlman and Otto II.
Kuhti, tho latter of the firm of Kuhn.
Loot) & Co., bo summoned into court to
show why they Bhould not nnawcr to
certain questions romtlng to tho con
trol of tho Chlcngo A Alton several
months ngo.
Bonsparto Back to Work.
Washington, Aug,. 14. Attornoy
General Ilonnparto returned today from
his vacation ut Leuuox, Mars. Ho was
unwilling to dlsou-H tho report thnt ho
hnd returned to begin criminal nroso-
cutlon In tho Harrlman nnd Standard
Oil cases, but, Bpenklug genernllr. ho
Bald tho department stands ready to
tiring criminal uotlon when there seems
R C001 dianco to convict.
New Northwest Postmasters.
Washington, Aug. 9. Postmnators
Orogon Pqkogntnn, Goorgo W,
Mclntyro, vlco G. D. Wnltora, ro
Washington Hnll, William A.
Goor, vice O. D. Angard, roslgnod;
Illngen, Melrln Wethoroll, vlco 8. G.
Hadloy, resigned.
Presidio Will Now Salute.
Washington, Aug, 16. The War de
partment haa designated the presidio of
uan rrancisco&a uie saluting station
If Operators' Demands Are Refused
Oeneral blrlke Will Follow.
Chicago, Aug. 11, Tho strlko of
the union commercial telegraph op
erators wilt bo universal throughout
Uio United States and Canada within
24 hours, according to National Sec
retary Ilussoll, of tho telegraphers'
organization. This statement wns
mndu by Mr. Itussell nfter be hnd
been Informed of tho nctlon tnken
by tho men In Now York, who, nt a
mooting there today, decided to bold
a walkout In nboyanco until the lat
ter pnrt of tho week.
"This strlko movement, said Mr.
Itussell, "haa coma to a point whore
thero can bo no backing down. The
twlegrnpbera bavo been trodden on
long enough by tho companies, and
now that wo bavo tho opportunity
wo aro going to uae all our strength
to enforce our demands. For sovcral
weeks President Small and myself
have boon holding tho telegraphers
back, and hnvo boen advising concil
iation: but tber bavo taken matters
in their own hands and we aro going
to stand by them. No union mnn will
bo nllowod to work with anyono not
belonging to our organlxatlon, and
thla mcana that tomorrow morning.
whon tho business of tho week be
gins, the strlko will become univer
sal. Wo cannot go halt way In this
matter now. Tho strlko has been
precipitated by the men themselves.
without tho sanction of tho national
officers, but wo aro now working In
unison and anything that tho offi
cials of tho various unions through
out tho country have dona in calling
strike meots with our hearty co-
This announcement was made by
Mr Ilussoll at a mass meeting of the
striking telegraphers held In Brand's
ball Sunday afternoon. Tho ball
seated 1,500 persons, nnd so great
was tho demand for accommodations
that several hundred of the striking
operators woro unable to gain admit
tance to the building and remained
on tho strcota In tho vicinity until
some of the early arrivals had left
the hall.
Tho Order of Hallway Telegraph
ers was represented at tho meeting
by Notional Secretary Quick. Mr.
Quick Informed tho (trlker that his
organization wo at their disposal,
both morally and financially. "Wo
havo 1,000,000 In our own treas
ury," said ho, "and It Is at your dis
posal. Your fight Is ours, and we
will stand with you until the end."
Ilofore the mass meeting tho 330
union telegraphers employed by com
panies ualng leased wires was held.
At this gathering brokers, nows
agonclea and commercial organiza
tions, Including tho big packing
house, were represented. A resolu
tion wna adopted declaring that this
clnss of labor was underpaid' and that
tho various firms would bo askod to
sign a wage schedule and also to
employ nono but union telegraphers.
It was decided to let the private
wire men prcparo and present their
own schedules to their employers.
Tho brokor-mon will prosont their
schedulo at 10 o'clock Monday morn
ing. Tho broker-men will ask for a
minimum of $30 ft week.
Tho men employed by tho press as
sociations presented their request at
7:30 o clock Sunday night, and tho
employers will bo given 34 hours to
comply with It. Tho schodule pre
sented calls for 135 a weok for six
nights' work, and 70 cents an hour
overtime, eight hours to constltuto a
day's work, with half an hour for
lunch. Tho operators employed by
the news companies and newspapers
In tho day tlmo will ask for $30 a
week and CO cents an hour overtime,
eight hours to constltuto a day's
work, and the rogular lunch. Thcso
roquests wero presented to every
nowsgathorlng organization In the
Unltod States and Canada Sunday
evening, and 24 hours will bo al
lowed for an answer. If at tho end
of tho tlmo the domnnds hnvo not
met with a favornblo response, tho
mon wilt report to tho union oftlclnla,
and thoy say a strlko will be ordered.
In regard to tho newspaper end of
tho controversy Secretary Russol Is
sued tho following stnteraont:
To nil publishers. United States
and Canada: Tho Commercial Tolo-
graphors' Union does not deslro In
any way whatever to hnmpcr tho
newspapers of tho country. Wo nro
fighting for our rights, howevor, and
believing thnt tho tolegraph opera
tors omployed In this servlco aro un
derpaid, wo hnvo nuthorlzcd our men
to present n schodule to tholr em
ployers nsklng for what wo consider
rcasonnblo rccomponso for tholr
labors. It theso dorannds aro not
met by tho various novrs gnthertng
organizations within a specified tlmo
tho mon will bo ordered to quit
Hiss Roosevelt's Name,
Chlcngo, Aug. 12. Tho nnmo of
Prosldont Roosevelt wan grooted
with joors and hisses and tho alms of
tho Western Kodcrntlon of Miners
cheorod to tho echo nt tho roceptlon
tondored William D, Haywood, tho
contrnl flguro In tho rocent Dolso
trial by tho Moyor-Hnywood defonso
commlttco at Lima Park today. Self
styled "undcslrnblo cltlxonB" cried
for Haywood .Pottlbono and Moyor
and hooted and hissed tho nnroos of
Roosevolt, Govornor Henry A .nuch-
tol and the Colorado state officials
and mlneowners.
Bathing Season In New York,
Now York. Aug. 12. Bloten
drownings wore reported in the Im
mediate vlelnlty of New York ywter-
Telegraph Systems ol Csanlry
Almost Paralyzed.
Strike IsJOptlonsl With Local Unions,
but Ssctloned by National Offi
cers When Called.
Portland, Aug. 13. Tho tele
graphers' strlko Is now general
throughout the country. Following;
Is a general summary of tho situa
tion today:
Commercial operators Strlko has
extended with great rapidity
throughout tho Unltod Statos and
telegraph business Is everywhere
paralyzed or badly crippled. Doth
Western Union and Postal Tologrnph
Companies appear to bo equally af
Press Operators At 7:30 p. m.,
Now York tlmo, Associated Press
operators left their keys over tho en
tire system, refusing to give General
Manager Stono time to refer to tho
board of directors of tho Associated
Press their demand for higher wagea
and limitation of hours.
Hallway Telegraphers L. W.
Quick, grand secretary and treasurer
of the Ordor of Railway Telegraph
ers, Issues ordor directing railroad
telegraphers not to. handlo commer
cial message.
Practically the cntlro telegraphic
business of tho country Is tied up as
the result of tho strike Inaugurated
In most of tho largo cities by tho
operators of tho Western Union Tele
graph Company and tho Postal Tele
graph Company, and ono or two
other telegraph companies of minor
Tho, strlko now Involves not only
tho commercial telegraphers, but
also the operators of tho Associated
Press In all the largo cities of the
country, savo a few In New England
and the Middle West. The strike of
the Associated Press men carao at
tho end of a day of negotiations be
tween Goncral Manager Melville E.
Stono nnd officials of tho telegraph
ers' union In Now York. Owing to
the radical demands of tho operators.
General Manager Stono asked for 24
hours In which to ndvlso with tho
members of the Hoard of Directors
of tho association.
This request apparently was ac
ceptable to General Secretary Rus
sell, of the Telegraphers' Union, and
to a largo number of Associated
Press operators who realized Its rea
sonableness, but a number of radi
cals on tho Texas circuit would not
consent to a postponement of actios
on tho part of the Associated Preea
and quit their keys. This action waa
followed largely throughout tho
A serious phase of tho strlko de
veloped yesterday afternoon and dur
lag tho night whon It was discovered"
that railroad telegraphers In many
places were tampering with tho wires
at relay points, liy withdrawing;
"plugs" from the switchboards and
grounding tho wires communication
on a number of circuits was Inter
rupted and In somo Instances entire
ly shut off.
From tho developments of yostor
day and last night It seems certain
that the Order of Railway Tele
graphers will support the commercial
telegraphers in their strike, and It la
not Improbablo that the railway tele
graphers' organization will becomo
moro deeply Involved In the strike
Bhould It bo of longthy duration.
Whllo tho strlko nt this time baa
the anpearanco and to somo extent
tho effoct of a general strike, such la
not tho case. A largo number of
commercial operators nro still at
their keys and will not go out until
Instructed to do so by President
In Portland the oporators of tho
Westorn Union and Postal Tclograpb.
Companies struck last night. Tho
Western Union men wcro called out
by President Drnnln of tho local
union at 7:21 o'clock. Tho Postal
oporators loft their keys at 7:44
o'clock, noth strikers wero very or
dorly. Tho racssengor boys struck
last night at 11 o'clock after holding
n meeting at which thoy formulated
a demand for a consldorablo lncreasa
In pay.
Fatal Floods in Japan.
Victoria, D. C Aug. 13. Heavy
loss of llfo Is reorted from Central
Japan because of floods. According
to advices recolved by tho steamer
Athonlnn several hundred were
killed In all and many Injured. A
score of lives woro also lost on Kox-
ushlna, an Island of Zu, by an earth
quake which destroyed many houses
nnd sent tho Islanders to tho hilts In
a panic. At Taklgawa the ground
subsided 20 feet and A largo number
wero killed and Injured. Tho Jap
anese government sent reliefs sup
plies. American Boat Wins.
Rochester. N. Y., Aug. 13. The,
American defender of the Canadian
cup Seneca defeated the Canadian
challenger Adele today In the seeoaal
-Maw V on atrlV
so sjro on strike
f fT-j.-wrauae-