The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 16, 1907, Image 8

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V V 'i
v. ,
1 ' BUY
Timber Land, "one., i;i.
V. S. Lam! Ooli ""he 1.: -, Oregon.
Urer ' r'4, leaf.
Notice h aereb- '!- i mi Incompliance wrth
llwpfmrMMMaf..- ' ' - AtmafJaMi
i7, eatttled. " mi IV ll--. aricof ttmberlaad
i tie utca of Celttori. . eaaii. Km, and
Washington Territory. atnded to all the
.i Mic land atata be net of Aug 4, Cam.
i-ir-'" ro- if Crook, Mae of Oregon,
hi. clay f.- . i. it office hie ro tate-
'" 7 far pacghait of Ihe aHtvrK
' "if and "hf'eX nfiee i.r loew m
Ami wilt offer proof la bor thai the
land aooghl 1 out varonhl far It limber or
Moot than lor agrtcaliurat purpoea, and to
etubliah bit dalm to ai1 land before the
Coxntr Clerkat lTtBvtUe.'-gn. on the lath
day or October. 107.
lit naiuca wninMt Mihel Morriten,
J N llnnler, John Mw. all of Hend, Oregon,
aud Wan en Croak, ITttttnlU, Oregon
nv and all peraes claiming edveriy
he above deaoibed laudl arc requettrd to file
their dalm in tht office oa or befere the aaid loth
day of October, vpj.
a4 C W. MOOKK. Kegtrfer.
Urpartracnt of the Interior,
Land Office at The DaUr. Oregon,
Notice it hereby gtren that
Henry Hedge
U Bend. Oregon, ha tied notice of M intention
lu riake Bnarcommetaliea proof ia upprt f
hit cUtn, Wi Hommtead Hotry Kb. 14eti
made July it, 190. lor the !lM and lot t and
4 of ore 1,1 p it a, 1 11 r, w m
Andlhat aald proof w)U be tuade before II C
mil. V 6. Comnluioncr, at hi office In bend,
uregou on epeuiber 14 iy7
Hr name the followiag vvitaeate to prove hi
ivMtauott reaaleuee uuni and cultivation of the
land, via Jow4i II I7M L M. McHcatteld.
nomueIC Caldwell. W Kay WUUaaon, all of
Mead Oregon,
ao i C W MO0K1!, Kagitttr
Department of the Inttrtor
Land Oflea at The IMlle, Oi egon
AwgtMt 1. Ivor
Nutict it hereby given that
Cera A FergUMM
I imd. Orraon. na filed hoik of her intaultoa
I make final loutumtatioa pri f in avppart of
hr claim, vii ll(wua4ad Unlrv No HjAi
made May J, twi, for the Mrfeawlf . twjf iiw'of
MC4,au4Sfue!4 of ec 6, tpil, r ic, w m
And that wi.l proof will be wade befcre II C.
VUk V b Coiamlitiontr at M olbt In Ilfiw,
orc.u, u bcptesilxir 14. 1VT
She nam the fullowhig Kllntu to prove
hrr conllnuou retdcK upon, and wltlratloH
of, ihe laud, via lolm I'argUMO, Oatewood T.
Ollllian, Arthur 0. 10y, vfilnn Arnokl, all of
Bend urtgwi
ay-til r w ! ikk, KegU'er.
"noticefo!: in i.ucaios7
fHpartnx . ofil 1
JndOB! 14II.1'
Notice i hereby given Hi.
illea, Oregon,
H. I'M-
Neil Si : 1
u( Hrnd. Oregon, ru 'ila-l .11. (hit intwitiou
uinVt fjpalcummuitlo.i i,, . lu aupport of
ril Claim, vi: iiiiti 1 nvy .i. 4ro
wade April 14. I9j, fur Lot j and 4 of ate 1;,
p 191, rne,(iudlhceiWo n, tp 19 a,
oe. win
And that aald proof will 1
in le Ufore II C
:,. i' rt Coniuiiwioner . . I
''- in Jicna.
1 'rvun 011 neiHcinbcr U 1
lie uaiuca Ihe followliiif .if- 'o prove liia
coutluuou rcaidcuce upon a ivation of,
the land, vii frcd A. bliom, . 1 Wlllam 1'
Vaudtrrcrt, Cort 11. Alien turv tt, . N.
Jiuiitcr, ill of Jleod, Orrgui
trUj CM A.O.. A tttsU'.tr.
The Spokane of Oregon
Mr. Stanley of tire Deschutes Irrigation
& Power Company assures us that work
will be commenced on the Corvallis &
Eastern extension into Central Oregon
within three months.
The time to buy property is now.
The Central Oregon. Development Co,
Timber Land Act June J. iy.
U. 8. Land Oatee, The UaUea. Oregon,
June 4. iJ.
S'otke I hereby green that In eonpttaace ieNh
the pretlorn of the Aet of Congreat of June J,
l7. eattllad. "An act for th.- ale of timber Ua
in the atate of California Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathlaujtoa T'rntory a ralendad to all the
paMlcUMdaUleabyAct of Angaat 4, tV
hredW WIImk
of prineellhr, cntaty of Crook, title of Otfaon,
ha on Jane . ia. filed in I hi omer hb imorn
Mautnenl Nu 41MV fur the purchaae of bd t,
M.aeH and wHl of are 1, tp K a, r 11 e, w m
And will oaVr proof to allow that the land
ought I wore valuable for IU Umber or atoae
than lor agricultural Mryoaea, and to eataV
!ih M euilm to aald Uad before II. C KM,
V s CommitMooer at hleoffice at hVend.Ofeaaa,
on Ihe 14th day of rwptember, 107.
He samea a vetta lOMpb N lluntar,
William II Htaat, Mary M. Kyan, A II. Oram,
all of Mend, Oregon
Any and all ttm ctabnlng adreraeiy
the aboee described Uad arc retincato! la (br
their dainw in tai ofliee on or before the 4d
Mlti day of rtcptcmber, iv
jiia-Mj C. W. MOOKK. KegMer.
Timber Land, AH June J, Ir4.
B. 8. Land OMee. The Dllra, Oregon.
June 4, PW-
Kotke i hereby gircn that In eomprUnee with
the provWoa ui the Act of CongroM of June t,
tl ontilled, "An act for the nle of timber bntb
iBIheMateeofCaUforMb), Oreaon, Nevada and
WathlngtoH Territory." a ratendad to all Ihe
public land ttelc by Act of AngiMt 4, lA??,
Hoieae A McCana
of Jlead, county of Crook Hale f Ofegon, ha
on July 17 ly filed in till omce hr aworn
Utement No juukforthc purvbate of the uwU
oitec if, tp 19 r lie, wm
And will utttr proof to abow that the land
ought I more valneble for it timber or atona
thaS for agricultural norpetca, and to eaubluh
her claim to eM land before II C. KW. I
b ComubMioaer, at hU offica In Hend, Oregon,
on Ihe lilh day of Auguvt, 1407.
Mtenameaa wMnauaa: Karneat A firiAn,
Hobnau W. MurrlU, buthof Mend, Oregon.
Any and all . peraoa cUimiug adeerwly Ihe
aboee-dewrttwd landaare roqueatad to nk their
cUint in IhU uflke on or before aaidiuh day
w, '-,, 7Vf.
iU-M C. W. MOOKK. Krtler
Timber Land, Act of June 1, iH,
I', n. Land Oftce, The Dallei. OrVnon,
June 6, 19V7
Ngtice i hereby given that in compliance wUh
the provMon oftb Act of Counrea of June t,
lira, entitled "An act for the mI of timber land!
In the htate of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waahington Territory," a extended to all ilx
1-uWlc IjiihI blatea by act of AuguH 4, itor,
McllM C Coon
of fluid, county of Crook, itatc of Oregou,
ha on January 14. iyo7, filed in Hit office her
iworn latenient no. mi for the purchase of Ihe
7ejj mm n";j ui ec jj, lu jya, r 13 e, w 111
Aud will olfer proof to ahow that the laud
ought ia more valuable for It Umber jir tlune
than for agricultural tiurbote, awl to Ttalilii
her claim to aabt laud berore If C IHU, IT. H.
Coiuinliaiouer, at hi office iirllcnd, Oregon, ou
IheHtfi day ofKcptcinbtr, 1907.
bhe name a witnet V. H Nlcliul, I'raiik
nulterworth, Albert C Luca. Joacph N. Hunter,
Wiillaui II KtaaU, all of liend. Oregon
Any and oil pcraoui claiming advertely the
almvelcecribed land are rrueted in fil tliir
claim in Hi I cfCcc 1111 or before aald 14H1 day ol
beptcuiber, ijw
jlll-l3 C W MOOKK, KegUtcr
Kead The Bulletin's Irrigation
r.ityytjgasagpazggJiijMiiirwfiiwiiiiii1, i i 'iiijjiytjmmiJizsysszgntiJHUH
Department of lb Interior,
Land OCvae at The Italian, Oregon.
June a. n
Netlcc ia hereby given that Levi C H'nilteil ol
Kead, Oregon, beaaled notice of hi Inteatmn to
make Baal k.vyvar
al a.vyvar proof In vnppori of hmfln the vlalea i Callfurnia Oregon, Hevoda, and
i llouieatead I'.ulrv No. WHt,mde vtaabingtoHTeriMuey, ' aaeatemaed l all lb.
7 ion, fortheaetfof are 11. tp ill. r 11 nraik laad atate by Act of Augvut 4. rem.
claim, via in
Marrh it loo
e, w m, ana that vtd patiof will be mad bpfure
H C Mil. ' Commlaatoner, l ha omoa ia
Head, orafoa. on AanraM ijth, iov
Ha aaiue I be foltowiag witaee to prove hla
coallauKU foklenc upon, and udllvetloM of,
the lead. vt
WiWam II ataata, Joaeph S Uunter. Ivannia
J Whined, all of Brad. Oregon: John Hbja.Tr
iMatera. Oregon Prank OU, of Redmond, Ore-
C. W MOOKK, Kcgmer
Department of Ihe Interior,
Lead Office at Lakevtew, Oregon,
Jaly 1. mf.
Native 1 hereby given lhat J. ft Dorraaee
Aamr ornaaeneiii
Dorranee, of I'linevflle, Otv
uan. ha nleil 11 mice ol hi intentiot
IntenliMi l make
nt of hi claim. vt
anal five-year proof In anppntt of h4 claim,
llameaiead Knley Nwvii7 made July ja, vl,
ferthcaKiw!(,wKM tec 11 and ncXnwK
h il I11 V r wm.
And utat aald neuuf will be " --' - Lainre the
clerk af Crook muntv. Oreaan. at hi office at
I'rlnevtlle. Oreroa.OM Uw UHh day nf Antft,
lie name lac fottowiar wMnawva In prove bl
aoHtiMHoaa leeitteuec apiti,
nam .runivaiton vf
lae lann, vw vv . 11
Hoiliutoavead. W
C. Hot
IrWatbead, Joaeph Taaanrl, fteofge Anne,
ad of
KMUad, Oregon, Jama Mack of Hend, Oregon
lyJ J. V, U'ATfiON. Weil.Jer.
' Ijind to Meiilemcnt bnd Nuirv HeiMtt
ot the Interior, Oeneial fjtiM ogtre Wea
ington. I). C
1 June 11. iw7 Notice i hereby
given that Ihe nubile Una in the following d
KTiMed area, lemiorarlty withdrawn Vm July
i. iuii. for forestry purpoe anilf adjoining the
Pfemuol Nallonal 'oret, Oregon, ami not oth
erwise wlibdrawH. reMrvnl or appwiMlalaU,
will by awbiirity of the Secretary of Ihe iHterior
be reolored to the public domain on b4I4embr
a, lyer, and become anbivrt Pi aettlemeut on ami
after that bie, but not to entry, filing or aelet
tbm 1 irll on and after October , lyo. under
Iheuaual retlriction at the I'nlied fitat IjI
Office at The Halt, Oregon In Towruttip
nineteen (i), Kaliuc ten (10), the MiulhweM
qaattar orbeetiori eleven (11). inTuwiulilplweu
ly(i), Kane ten (i), hectlntuae (1), two (),
three ()), eleven (11) twelve (u. tlilrteeti (11).
fourteen (14), twenty three (), twenty four i)
and tblityu (joi. 111 uwiihlti twenty (ki),
Mange eleven (11), tiectloMoite (i)lo twetily two
(Ml, both incluaiee, Ihe toulheatOiilarirr of
twenty Ave (Ml. nvctlon twenty aeveu tri)
10 1 flirty'
.four (u). Iiolh llirlilelve and lection
t6), In Towiiibiii twenty Itu), Range
ill, ine
t Kiutliweat iiaarler f Mectlou aev
eti (7), all of becliOH aiiteeu (1'.) the wut half of
iwu MrvvriUeii n;l, neeiion clgutceii d").
11 meter 11 19J, twenty
I. the weat half of Sec
tlotl twaiilv one (ill. kWt.luiii Iwenlv.nliie iaul.
Itilrty vo and the wiutliwrat quarter uf nectioii
tlilltyHHiefji) all Kuulli and Kail, WIIUuielTr
mcriuian. uregon warning I lircuy given
that no Hereon will be tjerinllleil to inln or mr-
ciK any right wliatcitr under auy ettleiiiiit or
wwuiiaiioH uegun Drior to MHrawr v, 1007,
and all .auch 'Itfewcnt I hereby forbidden.
1'aiiii liktrtUTT Acting Commnlfdntr ilf the
Oencral Land Oae Aimrovnl JraiV. W.
WilaoN, Acting hecrHary ortlie lutvrPir.
Now Scliool Mouse at (list,
C. C. liennct of vn. n busi
ness visitor this ,vcck and says they
will have their- iltw acliool house
completed for the begiimiiii; of
schosl this foil. TJiey will have
six months school and will pay
good wages, Laidlaw Chronicle,
Timber lod Act June . 1:7
U. n. Uad iMaee, The IMbn. Oreaim,
Jane , lovj
Notasr U hereby given that in eaanpllanr nMh
the pravtetua oftbe Art of Catigrrwi of Jane i.
Hr. ealHIprl -Aa art fn' Ihe mleof llmbrrhnda
Chauneey 1 Harney
f Hend.
of Crook,
atatr nf Oregon.
baa urn AumHt 10
ty filed
in ihu mev hu
worn liilvment No t for lb parehaav af
Lot i aad 4 and l"wK "f e . tp it , r i
And oil! affrr proof to abow that Ihe land
MMcbl t more valuable lor IU Umber or atone
Knaa ISr agrtcallaral partawe, and to eUUMi
lUclatmioMid Uad before H C MU. U.
Commllmer at hi ogate la. arn.1 Oregon, an
Ihe 1 lib day of Aaguot, ioso.
die uaate a atoaui Mkbwl J Moirtwi,
lewah N. Hunter, UlUiam II Kuala, Than
Paratlmrr. all of Head, Otegou, John
aUiee. nieaun
Any and It lerMii eUlmlug advetarly Ihe
above-dcMtiaxdUnd are imted to file their
cbtiuM in IMI ofaty oh or befiitc Mid lath day af
Aug eat. pit
jlv V. C H. MOORH. tUihlrr.
IlrpaAment of the Interior,
Land OOtcc at The Itarlea. Oregon,
June j, ie.
Notire i hereby given that Lavlna Jone.
guardian oftbe eatalc of John It Jonea. InHine.
of llinevilie, (Hegou, ha filed mdbv of her la
leatum id make five-year proof In aupport uf hi
rtalnu l HomevieaJ Knlry Nu 114 made
i iV'or lhebj He, K ne and nwW
wy;ofee i Ip tut, rang 10 e , w m and
that ld woof will lie made before Ihe cwinly
clerk, at iTineville) orvm, on Augnatv, t'fl
ihe name awilnea to irtoee hia conllnuou
1 evidence upon and cultivation of the land, via
VV IS Vandeveit, Oaoege Rale of Mend. Oregon
Ckarla Montgomery, and Piaueia n Hayn uf
Prineville, Oregon.
J Mi C. W. Moore. HegMrr.
llepaitHurnl oftbe Interior,
Land ome at The Hall, Oivuon,
I unci, I'rj
Notice i hereby given that Chart A. Man
lairrongh, of lrtiHl.7neMwi, ha filed nolke of
hUngtentioHtu make Sual five year proof lu
tituioet .if bi etalui vie lliimiMlaail KHllv Na
y inaile Augturt 1, iyi, for the wf of Me I7,
Ip 17 , r , w m,
And that aabl uroof will be mad befxe II. 0
riitll, LI H CtoiHiuiMloiier, at hi office In Kenil,
IHrttllU. on AUfllMt I I. IO07
Hr iiaine the fidlowing wllneaaea to HOe hi
coiiiiuudii reiwieucc uimjh, aan etiiiivMiiou 01
Uitlaml. to-wit Ovbl VV II Klley uriteml. Ore
gun I'ranki.lawof Kediuond. oregoni June
K lieiiliam ol 1. annate uregoii winniu u
IHaai ol Hend Oiegou
lij u v vv Aiuwnr itegwicr
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams 1'orwanloil to Any l'drt
of the World.
Telephone Communication
with I'ortloml, 1'rliievlllc mid nil
l'aciflc Coait cities.
Public Pay Stations
in Dank IiuMimk at Ili-iul, lit I.nld
law niul 1'Qtvcll llutti'i,
JlesiteiiKcr service to imy art of
Crook Count t toutli of Crooked
Preableai. . . .
.Ctetrfo W. imjra.ahi
gJWaWlfJf ! TfffoavBJf ,. 1
a4jCf4afy tm lattatflflV
fWctrury W War . ...
mtury of J-y ..., .
nmtury fCiwimr. .
nNa4tVaMM4f ilMlflHv.
lOftWy tUlllfrt, a.
ftfittrtttW ( A KptHft mtm
. W M.Tari
C. J. kaaajaattg
Oatar Mraam
Oonegr Van U Mean
. . .wmiam II. Maady
. ... .. -Ji
rleerttery nfbiale
Trrenurer .. .
Oeaege K. Owiabaimln
I'. w.
..- - n. a
Alwruajr itetHtat .
. . A. M Cn(ar.
Kupt PabUr IminaMtan.
btale Printer M ,
Hairy aud lo4 CaHumt.Hier,
U. H. Kenattn
.J. II,
. Atk!ta
.. J. vv
-j mmme.jr.
tl' i
A. )lMHe
. Haaa
CI. IlaUay
Ju-Ue ..-. ........ VV. I, Mradahaw
AIMney .,... ... Prank Menefc
JIWftnlHWW,ll.M,W.llmi.lWW,l,..MlM, .... W A 4ll
Clerk.,, y ..w... mwwW'aiien Hfown
likerlff. .-....... frank I Uin
Tieamtrr. ......-.,.. . . .. w t King
AaHor.....M....nm.. J. I) Lapollelie
MbM. bM.t..,.. ., .!,.,.. C. II IriHwtil.iir
anfveyor.. ...,. .............w. u. Mcl'art .nd
CanituUaionrr i B- " llayley
(i, I ail-mi,
Till, COUHTh.
CiaceiT CtMfHT Wt Monday In atai llilr.l
Maoday In Otfaber. ''
P4HWTliCuHT-Hrt Monday In aaeli mouth
CuHMtaaMWauii' Cntiar - Iliai UcOiitalay
In January, M.rrh, tlay, July, HeptrmUr
aud Navanibvr. Hihtmmt Na 11.
(W. K
aha fiteldl
I, hflitlle
K Nieliot
...mfiw mim. , , c. H Henaun
(Ml4 llnlli I.. Keul
.... .(ill.. V.l'.awith
Mayor. ..
.Ji. I,. (!o.irlHI
II. C l-lll
l' u.
C. H, llruauii
I John II. W,
1 1! j'-i-m
l' 0. Minor
Mlllaid 'rrltdtlt
" -23P - ' .'I
INSTKliCT you. riulwcrllie uow-
It Gives the News
All of it.
Columbia Southern
rvaaKbi.i.a raAix riwx i 41
M.i C'fA'rifA.MC?
w 1 I IUI1J,
I a ....
fa ..Wagaa..
in :.:. imsasj&r
tmjgaaa ...
it I" ?Mf
I "iSSH:
aiivn - , , lvl
)on City, Jha Imy Uly. and P.-.H
r? ivtm h " WhUiKltR
' 1. TJj i. . 1'
f and I' A. nhauik..
Snoi(r him
amu Union Pacific
Sail Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
UOinil tttufiiimiu lu.i. ....... ... 1 ... 1
,... I II --r V WV IV CVII lOnillll'l
nni 1 Son Prnnclsco every live il,is
..e.uvr.iiiiiiiu ,r01, nl .,arts 01
he United vStntcH, Caiun a and
r.ttiope. '
1'or parllcularM, call on ornddresH
The DolJcs, Of.