Sc PUnELY VEGETABLE attain, It c-onUlnfl no ttotnxh At Culrutu AM-y Ih life. Heuilan.l. ttbatOMa ha ImH fuUMil wllkll ( tv nl la 41 (rum th fourth ceulur of Cbrlitlan M. Par a twin by I'etru fluarnarlua, Irtl l(t (VlV) (Itrtt ! rnvnt Ir III IMt4a . wlilU tm ij Nlritulu iIkjI flc(.J CJIO. ,wrlrnin nml AMrtrin rslll ri nt IhU VrjUm ta ui In (lit iltrrl sicnl of lb m xfowlnf Imtutlr ttiU ir m ner Ufar. (rtur Innjuut Ull rtlit In vtt AuilrtlntU. Horn lrlt ttt o ffllnit it ! lLt It l tluiutt .dint t (K)lfii Untune. Ttie Court Hit jtatt at hnl tnbor. iii'lt c't n cliiiu to learn a trade, r man. Ilurglar JiiiIcp, couldn't I Iv ir UimJ lo liarn It tr er corriioDd co cuurauT Tuck. llr lllvvn A, llneon Tlii avrii;u c of iiernona rfitnt In Nrw Vnrk City ta 2-JH ira and otiv out of Arc la a woman. l.'sWrt- 1 atitiMMi tlio nee liable to lUrn by tbu woman brlnw" tbe attT- away down Yonkrra .Stnteatnan. ul CaHrlulva Koelrty Iifr Wbat I la Hit r a r rt 04it that I am print to marry Col. i i4xii ) Why, I don't fn know him I Matronly Krlrtiil That t'M" nolle I, my ilrar. 1 have Uofl marrlrj lo -. l'rtiiarvtn for llilrlrfii yrara, J 1 Jon't know him urn tI. I'lraaiil fur Clrnc, rii aliarp, nftrallnc voir of th nig wowaii'a UMJther rant out ou th II nljtht air. 'Marie, rom In th both thla mlnuttl in't I told jou " 'Mamma," Inlrrruplcd an rqually iri voire, airarln( to com from nanhrr on lb front poreb, "thla liu't ,-k I Thla la ClarlK '" aaraflHaWMBaaaBaWBSaflHRaVBBHHa Tlio Kind You lluvn AlwnyM JIotiRht lui.i bnrno tho nlgim turo or CluiM. II. l-'lrdclior, and lms boon inndo under hlit tiorMonnl Hiipervlnlon 1'or over tt) jcnrH. Allow no onn to dotmlvo you lit tliU. CoiintorfoltM, IniltntloiiH nud "iIiiHtMiMi;nod" nro butl'xporliiu'iitM, nml oiidunccr tho Itvultli of Chlldron Kxpurlunuo nciilnNt lCzporlmt'iit What is CASTORSA OiiNtorliv Ih ii Iiitrmloa nubatltuto for Castor OH, Lnry Aorlt Drops nud Hnnttiluir HyrupH. It Ih I'leannnt. It contulnit nulthur Ojiluin, JMonililno nor other Niucotlo HiiiiHtitucc. tiH uuo ih tin t'linruiuoo. it ttoHiroyH voruts nnd nllnyH Fov voriHiii Oollc. It rellovcH Toothing TroutdcH, ouro.i Oouatlpiitlou nud Flaliilimcy. It iissliullateH tho Food, rojjulatoH tlio Htontiiidi nud IJowolH, clviiitf Jienuiiy anil natiirui uicop. Tlio Clilldrpu'H l'anaccit Tho IMotlier'H Friend. Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought Soars tho Signnturo of In Use For Over 30 Years. RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE 3RUBBED .A.WATT It h perfectly unturnl to nib tlio npot tlmt lnirtn, nnl when tlio jntinclen, rvttt, Jolntn ntul Ihmici nre throbbing nud twitching with tlio jiIiii of licuinnllitii the milicrcr l-i not to turn to tlio liniment bottle, or nomo other itcnml nppllciitlon, lu ntt clloit to j;et icllcf from thu discuse, by jirodiiclni: imtcr-iriilutloii on tlio llesh. Much treatment will quiet thu jialit tcmpo rlly, hut cun havo no direct ctirutlva eliert on the real dlsonso Ik-cmisc It C!t nut teach tlio Mood, whero tlio causa lit l-ientcd. Uhcmuifitlam lit mora nit nkltt deep It It moled nml grounded In the Mood nml can only 1x3 ached by constitutional tieutiiictit IT CANNOT KUIIJii.l) AWAY. Iictiimitiiini 1 duo to nit execaa of uric ncld in the Mood, brought nlxnit by n ncctiiiiuliitloit ill Iho nyntctit of rcfusu matter vtlihh thu nntiiral nvciiuc.1 ' bodily waste, the Jkiweln mid Kidney, havo fullcil to carry oil. Thin (nan matter, romlnir In contact villi tlio dlfleient ncldit of tlio Imdy, forma le ncld which in utiaotbcd into thu Mood nml distributed to nil part of tlio dy, nnd Uicumntlsiii i;rti poisenslon of the iiystciit. The nchci nml palmi c only nyniptums, nnd though they may 1 wattcrcd or tcllcvcd for n time .' mi if. ico treatment, they will reappear nt the fimt exposure to cold or impucKi, or nflcr nit nttaclc of itidtcotttiou or other irregularity. JUictimn uitcati never be jwrnianctitly cutcd while the circulation remnlnn aattiratcd ith lirltutliij;, pnlu-producim; titio ncld jhhou, Thu dlscate will olilft nit tntiHcle to nuncio or Joint to Joint, nettling on thu nerveit, causing flaiuniatloii nnd nwclllnjr nnd nucft terrible pnlna that the nervotifi nystcui oltcti tdiattcrcd, tho health iimlcnnlned, nnd pcrhapn thu jwtlcnt becomes formed nnd irlpplcil for life. 8. 8. 8. thoroughly ilcnusen the Mood ntul novMtcit the circulation by iieuliulUliu; the ncldst nnd cxptlllni; nil foreign dlcrioui the system. It wauus nnd iuvii:orulet the blood no that Intitcad o( u weak, mmr i.ttcnm, constantly deposit inir ncrid nml corrosive mutter In thu mus cles, nerval, Joint nud Ikjiiwi, the lxxly is fed nnd nourished by tlih, hcalth-nustnlnlniy Jilooil which completely nud permanently cures Khcuiuatiam, 8. 8. 8. 11 comtKwed of both purifying nnd tonic propcitlcs lint what in needed in every cnic of Itlictt ll ,11 ,., .11..- ...I.,...! l.....ll..l !... I.. ...mill, ihiwiliniliii ll'f jnuuiiii ! is,,,v, iiiiuiui lllf;ii.i4llHl, uufc dc entirely of iiurifyiuir, healing extract"! nnd Juice of root, lierb nnd ikn. If you nre nttneriiifc from Rheumatism do not venatc valuable titua t'ltiK to rub u blood disease? nway, but begin the use. of 8. 8. 8. nnd writa nhutit your ensa ntul mir physlclaui will j;lvc you nny information or Vice dditcdftccotcharKo nnd will ncud our n)cclaltrefttie on Khcumatistu. TilC SWIFT SPHCIFIO CO., ATLANTA, CA,. Kir llniry HkihiU'I, h) nti a t'nlofi Itt ramllilalii for rarllawrnl. It Dm au thor uf thU hull: Tin- lWatln tr iIhi of lb Mtioralt la an arid awamti," llir l.luill. Illsca The l)waoua nro rery rtclu alve, I illnleritnn.1. Dlittr Yi. Iiwhitl. Why, thry eren tmr wire aertHii on their doora ntul wliuliiHa k thi'lr l!li' can't K'vt out mt aoelato with tlio die of their nelshhora. ' llurmti." The hlatory of many rare may r rwnl In Ita battle cry. Tin. "HmimI!" uf tlio JnpalipHo, tlitf "liKhashlmllalil" of th IrUh, ami our own "Hurrah I" have found their orlfilu far hack In hUtiiry. Although many nuthnrltlea have do rlarrtl tlmt the word "hurrah" la a de velopment of I hn Juwlali "llnnAunah," thu coiiN-nmu of oilnlun now that It la n corruption of th nuelont hattlo cry of thu wild N'iriHHiien, "Tur ale!" meanltiK, "Thor aid un!" Konm-rly the vMnt waa aix-lltt "lltiHa" ami pro nounevd "Hurray." In on fonn or another It la uacd by aliuoat every nation. Iaa i:l Wlnil." Mlaa Akiio .Slack, amctary of ttio International W. C T. U., told on th Merlon, a ah wa ntiout to aatl for Mvenool. n teinjieranco atory: "A little to, olio eveulux at dinner, Knzcd nt Ida father' far a Ion while, nut then mM: "'Papa, what makea your now ai dreadfnl nnl' "Tin eaat wind of eollr,, the fath er altered with crmT haate. M'ma that Juk of tHT. and don't talk ao much.' "Then, fnun tins other end of tho ta ble, (ho boy' mother aald aweotly; ' "'Yea, Tommy, pnai jour father the mat wind, and be careful not to aplll any on the table cloth." inoNH. It citron Dlurrlioju uul Wind -...-N "Why la Joiien urowliiK n henrdV "Oh, I Ix-llrvo lila wife made him a pri-MUit of riiiiio Ilea." I'uneli. "lo you think wo ahould let tvoiuen votit" 'Certainly. Why not? We let them earn money nil other way." I.lfe. "Bo ahe'a nlont to be married ni;ulu. Do you know who la ttw Imky until V "Yea, the dead one." IJetrolt Tree lrea, Tho Man - Nono of their relatlvi-n will Hitik lu them aline their elooo llleiil. Thu (lrl 'i'liey oitiiht to b U very happy couple, puck. "I notice your daughter tlamiit with audi cruceful, free inutemeutK.' "i'liey nlu't free; alio tukea rre'lur paid lea Mill." llultlmorv Aiiierti'iiu. l.lltlo (ilrl (after n domestic aceiie with lier mother) Tho Unit thins for II to do, niittmiia, la to nKreu(to n av uratloii. TruuiMtlaiitkTulea. Duff Itowell Ullewa lu the eternal fltue of thlupi. Cuff That' o; ho wouldn't run for n ear If he hud a wiilkliiK ult on. To ii Topic. "Willie dret-ii," raid tb teoclwr, "jou may ileflu the word nuNnory." "Mouwry," Mid Willie, "la wlwt n forKet with." Philadelphia llewrd. "Do you favor any artlular acUool or muak-r Jinked the Indy. "Ye, lu deed," replied thu younj: man who llvtvt lu a Hut. "I favor tho plauiiwlmo eliool." PiKk. Hector (altunllis a atrnmevr the ohureli luonunwutaj .My grandfather lu alinit lu thU cliurvh for eighty )eira. Htntiutor la he IIvJiib? Vohtf er Htatettfimu. Alra, NelhUn Ar you nwafo tlmt jour new hired girl U n Kxiiminibilllitl Mra. Mettdowcrawi My paidutMa, nol Kim toM me ho u n HaptUt Old eni;o Dally New a. I.lttle (Ilrl (ifllliiK of tho anrdeii of Wen) Ye, Mummy, Adam nud Kvu lived very happily theru till tint Kvll One came In tho form of n mtrvaut. Cauadlnii Courier. Flrt Mttle (Ilrl When you grow up nrv )ou colug to mhertUu lor .a huIiniiil Kiwnd I.lttle (Ilrl No; I'm Klii to U a widow. They don't have to. lUrjr'a Wtvkly. Mother-In Law llaa the jouus man who Mini my life yeaterday culled Uiii jou jelr Kmln Iw Yea, In deed, he baa already ntado hla molo- Slu. -l-lieneii'ie iiwt'iiw. Clara You may not believe It, but I aald "No" to K'Veli different men during the (Mat winter. Maude Oh, I don't doubt It. What wero iBey i)ll Inc. ChlcBRO Dally New. 4 Mlatretw Why tlon't jou Udl thJ eal Cook- .Surv, I've no clock lu tho kltrhen to p li. Mlatrena Oh, yea, jou have. Cook What punt la It j It' ten minute raat. Philadelphia In ijulrer. "May I nU your father for jour hand to-nlKlit, MIm Ketehemr' "ain't you wait until toimirimv nlht, (ieorKO? I think Clmrll Chuuipley la iMlnu to nak lilm to-nltflit." Cleveland l'lulu Dealer. AnxloiiH HouKowlfo (atartled by n ernah lu the rotmi below) Thewl An other of my beat Hirvvlalu tunvu Kouo. Hindmud Never mind, dir; tt tins fttopped tho cook'a aliiBlnt. Port laud Onironlau. Volcu from tho parlor Mary Ann, dhl you Ret the milk for tho children and rido lu beparate bottle? Mary Ann -Yes, ma'am. Tho voleo Havo l-Mdo'H milk lerllliel. Mary Aim Vw, iiui'nm. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Oock (who ha already wearied tho pieaU with many hour) Now I vl(t altiB you oiio moru aoui; and then go home. Uttly t'anton me, but do you nttach mucJi luiportnnco to tho order of your proumiiill-irl'lUwiido ttlnettur.' "Do you think you will leurn to llku rn to Ilk "I du1 your titled win In-lawi" "I du't know," answered Mr. uuinrox. "i iviift milto tell whero to ilaeo him In my uxiH-uso ncvoiuit, Ho I neither a recro ntlon nor nil luwstuieiit." Washing ton titar. Mr. Bcmpplngtou (In tlio mldat of her reading) Here Is nu Itom which anya that full-Krown rhluoccrosea wat l'J.000 apiece, Mr, Berapplugtou (meanly) Kli-ynh I And iBii't It n pity that women can't wear them ou their' huUT 8mnrt Set. llualou ISowaliux", Now Yorker (In Ilortton) I say thore, boy I Muvo you nn extra t" Iloston NowbIioj' I Imvo nn especial edition Issued nt 13 o'clock meridian, slrl Yonlters Stntesmnu. Wutch nny man Ionic enough, nnd you will boo him make u mighty bud break. JMy Hair is ocraggly Do you like h? Then why be contented with It? Hove In lip 7 Olt. no I .Incf mil nn I Aycf'B Hair Vlcor and hove lone, thick hair; soft, even hair; beauilful hoir, without a slnclo gray line In It. Have a little pride. Keep young just 0 as lone as you can. fk, t,4l. A Ut4tTJ.C,AfrOo-.lAw,Uf. yn aim nuaEuimri r I yers nux encur pfXTotu. On i:arrpttnn. Mra. Wlckler Dear we I bow nil the rcceaaarlea of life have tone up. Vlcklcr No; they haven't all con up. Mr. Wlckler Well, I ahould Ilk you to meutlon one UiIdb that haan't cone up. Wlckler Certainly. My aalary. lb Idatrnted Ijltit IIuk nnd Mualrnt Tone. The cniwctty of iloca to dlatlnulah tnualeal totiea haa Itii made tho aub Ject of elaborattt exterlmeuta by Dr. Otto Kallaeber. of Iterlln, nnd tho re sult havo lint betii lulled In th prwcetllnira of tlie Iterlln Aendctny of Pcleucr. lr. KaiiMmer irniniM lila t1o2 to pick up and eat moraela of meat 'et before them only when a cer tain note wit a anunded. CITP at. Vitaa Duir tail !t SmMi DtooM lllo prrmaMBIIr Nm) br ' KHna'i lr.u J.. f.f iuau-t.r. HalHt Ut KHKt. HtllW twlU. iM Imilw lr. IL I LKIIat, IA, HI AttU lU. I'liBal'a. Iluw lb Hull Wiiu ml Up, "Yaaa, de beauty nn' chivalry ob moketown minded In the ballroom." "Mingled, yo' nny?' "Mingled till 'lout 'leren o'clock. Den. dey mixed." Houiton (Tcxaa) CJnynlcIe. Wot Cohimlttlnir Illniarlr. "Da vou Anil mr ilmiptitira fnlr lm. provlnr, Mr. Bculcbtrr" aakrd itra. Up more. "Imnmrlni-V aiiLI ih nmtemmti nf Tocal tralnlnc. "Why, my drar madam, ll'a r not th aam vole at all." Mothtra will find Un. Wlotlow Roottilar IrtupthaUilrsinrilr touofoMhtrchU4ra luilua tha Uathluj ill. CIrp ail That, mWIk ta that acody-leoklng man over theie?" Tliat'a nurrougha. He' a real mas ter at eonatriictlng abort atorlea." "Oh, an author, eh?" "No. 1 mean ho can think up nny number of wnya of telling you bo's broke." Philadelphia I'rvia. Watrr r.-em an ariemn wrll at Oatend which ha been waatnl for fifty year haa now bevn dlaeovereil to powa tnedlclnnl qualltlr almlhtr 'n thu wntrn of Vichy. Shak Into Vour Mxm AlUn'a Foot at. A Tutr. It tsaiaa tltht ornralioalirloair lilt a rritaln rotator I w MlRf. rallom . hei, tlroJ, arblnc l U foM Lr all KriircUu. l'rlf J. Trial pa- ternIU.l KHITK. AddrcM Atlon B. OltailcJ, Litoy,.-aw join. A ntallucllun, "So you nre one of tho men who went wca't to crow up with tho coun try." "No," answered tho prosperous and aereno "I am one of tho men who went went to nhow tho country how to grow up properly." Washing ton $tar. Its Hail Knotiiih. "Hero'a a note," said tho jiostal clerk, "from a man complaining that bis mall lan't dellveretl regularly." "What'a hla namcV askwl tho hclef. "VladovoledoweiK.'howskl." "JluhJ With that name you'd think ho had all tho letter ho needed." Philadelphia 1'rc.ta. Grease Helps the Wirfjon up the Iim Tho load seems lighter Wagon and team wear longer You make mora money, and havo tnoro time to make money, when wheels arc. greased w ItU mica Me Grease Tho longest wearing and most satisfactory lubricant In the world. STANDARD OIL CO. tm aftrl ! am flftrt yri 14 aiwl odU) r ttntlf mi Imlr , v.rf r'af. I(l lo I w.k A,r' IUIi Viror it(oi4 th cilinl enlr to mr l.tlr t iiw it.r li feet arrr t... ... t ..... M I IV II.MK..1.. llnuLI.. I Axle if IIEIIK'O A H'EATIIEIl flirAIlP. Illult )lrlroriiliiKlxl atnmllnK or III" llrrrn Trrn I'rtiK. l'eiv nnlmala hnr aurrhed tho nt larka made by N-lewe iicm tli"lr repu tation A weather prophrta. The gn-en frojf Ih n cjmplnion exrHlun. He la, lo lf Mire, it vrimkhg prophet, but plen ty of i"flp!f atlll pin their faith to him. liven ar -entli1e n Jounial aa Kymona' MetitjroloKleat Mnraztne ban n kind ! wonl to any of the little fellow. J Here la a picture of the frog'a ladder 1 widen la provided for thla weallier prophet In (lermany nnd Switzerland. In many hourea the trug la kept lu n 1 bottle half flllttl with water and pro- tioti wiin n iniiuer, iiihi ine linn Hi low la carefully wntehett na to hla le havlor In uncertain cmdltlon of tho ntmorphere. A number of weather max ima arc bnwil uiKin Ida (future nnd no thlty. If he remnlnn on one of the low- . eat atepa of the Inddor It la considered a aure alrji that ImiiI weather ta com- ' !... I... .....v.a .- ....... .1... ..'.IfcM H.t.t I illffc. li ti-' t-im'im-J. jiiiiii i.Ji' nni.'i niiu ream umiii me f.i'T" noove u line woaiu er mny le eijxTted, nnd the higher he alt on the utejn the finer the weather I aura to be. He la nlto aup0H-tl to awistt wrxTiicn l-Kornrr. give warning of bad wenUier by croak ing loudly before n storm. The magazine anya that there la real ly aome reason to believe that the green tree frog la somewhat experienced na regards climatic conditions and act ac cordingly, In fine weather he skip about among tho brnnebes of treen, when at liberty, catching illirs. At th approach of winter he seeks the water a.nd flnda hlinK-lf n bed In tho mud un til the following spring rails him out to resume Ida war on tho dies. Now the frog on the ladder without doubt watches the weather conditions keenly nnd rises to look out for fllea when Uie circumstances teem favorable. ' On the other hand, when the weather ! cold and damp bo la reminded of win-1 ter and Instluctlvely retires to bury his , sorrow In tho Imaginary mud which bo sees at the bottom of his prlKou. NOT A SAFE MAN TO WED, vAVvvAlv'vv Tlio notions In regard to courtship and mnrrtago held by Tibbie, the young Scotchwoman who presided over tho Jnmeaon kitchen, were a never-ending source of nmutkiucnt to her mUtresa. "I've taken mo mind off Archie Mne Itchlnn, ma'am," Tibbie nnnounced one tiny, referring to n young carjenter who had haunted her domain for koiuo week. "He's no the man for me. I can see that weel." "What haa poor Archie done?" neked Mrs. JnniPHon, her heart fllletl with Joy at tho knowledge ttuit alio was not to low her domestic treasure, as she bad feared. "U'h what be hna nn done, ma'am," responded Tibbie, briskly. "I put n few testa to him. I tuhl, 'Archie, If ye had a wife, nn come home souio day to find she'd gono gadding with her kin and left tho booo In disorder what'd you dor And be looked nt me with that foollBh wnllo o' his, nu' said he, 'I'd pul It to rights mysel'.' "Again I tried him with churchgolng. Bald I, 'Archie, If yo had n wlfo that some Snwbcth morning would up nn' tell yo tdio was too tired to bldo tho thoughts o' sitting under tho minister, what'd jxu doV An again ho mnlled fooll&h nt me, an' aald, 'I'd go nu lis ten for two.' "And At last I tried him with the vanities o' thla world. 1 aald, 'Archie, If yo had a wife tlmt would tako aouio o' your hnrd-earued money nu' ajK'nd It for gay rlhboiw nu kickshaws to put on herself", what'd you UoV An' he atullcd broader than over, nn' nays he, 'I'd tako my pleasure lookln' at her wl' 'em on her.' "So thon I up nn' told him he's beat bo looking elaewtaoro for n wife. "You'd bo a fearfu' pleasant man to wed, I aald to him, 'but wwli easy going ways would pa. train n lau like mo.' "The nnawcr to overy one o' the threa questlona ahoult! 'a' been, 'I'd tako a Btlck to her,' an' you know It I "So now wo vo parted, ma'am." England baa 80,000 persona with a sluglo leg or arm. I; NOT A SAFE MAN TO WED. ; Baiing fnii! "WE PAY INTEREST On rsTings depoaita of a. dollar or more, compounded tvrlco every year. It I lost m eaay to open a Havings Account with , ub by Ma I as If yon lived noit door. 6cnd for our free book let, "Banking by Stall." and learn full particulars. Addreaa Oregon Trust Sc Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth nnd Washington Sta. Uvllln; Out (rom Vadrr, From th i!;iih of her Inner conscloto nt Mra. Slip?r had evolved a hideous) mnnter In the shape of a bnman being; but dMlilate of all th moral attrlbutets of humanity. "Still." ahe reflected, "no fair minded person can accuse me of btlng a natnra fakrr. I am not charting nature with having any Lind In th production of ttil monstrosity." In elaborating the story, bowtrrr, sho cleverly dodgd all responlblIlty by pot 'ms tbt entire blaae on a brlpttsi nd ' aauapecting studtnt of the can: f F.ankrmtein. tiCUiHi tn ! knit UtaEKl Cthtif Kit! Qt'clir WiiKlhTssil u$mWdmMm SnTnTMtlJ3ial;l BRING VOIK TOOTH TROUBLES TO US Ulr Going tlfcc Oil. B. C WRIU1T. 342' Wathlncton St. Partland. Ortfw ENGRAVING Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATXEN Portland Oregoa ST. HELEN'S HALL rOHTlANO. OREGON A GlrU' Fthool of th hlbet etatf. ColUjU l Jflittant. Muilc. Art. Elocution. Ojm nulum. 'all l tta on frumtr is. SEND TOR CATALOGUE TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS rORTVANO, OHCOOM A. P. ARHSTRONO, U U T niNCIPAL. Qualltr ta our motto. W cdueat for aoccta and Mod each atudtnt to a poaltlon vbea rod peUnt many mora calla for kalp than cas meet. laJlTUual Lutructlon toaun rarU prao raa. All modern nwthola of bookkcpln ar taught; alo rapid ealcuUtlona, eomooo4rDt commercial law. offle work. ate. CKartUr la our ahorthand caar. rapU. lIbl. Ba.uttrul caUkwu. bulnea forma and paamanihtp frw C. Gee Wo Th Wall-Known R.JUUa CHINESE Rod and Htib DOCTOR Haa mJ a Ufa atudy ci roola and hate, and In thai ituJr JIcoTrd and la tlvlns to tha world hla won iatlulramadlaa. .So AUrcury. lolona or Of us a Ud-tta Curaa Without Operation, or Without th Aid ol aKnll. H suwanUe lo Cur Calanh, Ailhma. latpc. Throat. Khumtlm, Nitroutnati, Nerrouc DabU- Ity. Stomach, Uar. Kldnay Troublea: alaa Loa Manhood. r'nulWlneji.TdAJIrtt4U0Ui A SURE CANCER CURE Juat Received from Peklnr. Cbtaa Sal. Suna and Reliable. IF YOU ARE AFL1CTED. DONT DELAY. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. , II you cannot call, writ lor lymrton blank and drca- Ur. Inclot 4 certs In itamps. CONSULTATION FREE THE C, CEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1621 Flrit St., Ccr. Morrlaon. rornana, union Plena Mention Thla Paper. P. N.U. Nc 32- 07 TVJUKN wrltlna; to ndeaitlear pto I TV meullan tbl paper. I afltJH wnsmri