The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 16, 1907, Image 6

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The ann roe; It beams played on the
trembling yellow leaves of the trees, and
tinged them with n thousand shade of
old and purple. The birds, coilljr nestled
In the bushes, struck up their matin
carol: the awakening of nature was as
aplrnilld and Imposing as It U In alt
mountainous countries.
The leader of the caravan left his tent
and gavj ordera to strike the camp. The
leut was at once folded up, the mules
sxere loaded, ami, so soon a the horses
were saddled, the party atarted without
sxalting for the morning meal, for they
Krnerally breakfasted at the 11 o'clock
Tbe caravan adranced alone the roa3
from Santa Fe to the United States, at
a itpeed unusual under such circum
stance. When he left the camp, the chief of
the caravan spurred his horse and joined
the Indian, who was marching alone In
front, examining the bushes and apparent
ly performing all the duties of au expe
rienced guide. Curumllla. though he
heard 'the hnrrled paces of the Mexican's
borse, did not turn round, but continued
trotting along on his sorry mule.
"Indian." said the caravan chief In
Spanish. "I with to speak with you on an
Important subject : be good enough to put
ol your usual silence for a while and
answer like an honest man. You engag
ed with me at Santa Fe to lead me, for
the sum of four ounces, safely to the
frontier of Upper Mexico. Since you
hare been In my service I must allow
that I hare only had reason to praise
your prudence; but we an? at tbts mo
ment In the heart of the Ilocky Moun
tains, that la to say, we hare reached
the most dangerous part of our Journey.
Two tlaya ago you lifted the trail of
Crow Indians, very formidable enemies
of caravans, and I want to consult with
yon as to the means to employ to foil
the snares In which these Indians will
try to catch u."
The Indian felt In a hag of striped
calico thrown orer his shoulder, and pro
duced a greasy paper, which he opened
and offered the Mexican.
"What Is thtsj" the Utter asked. "Ob,
yea, certainly; your engagement. Well,
what has this to do with the questtou I
asked you?"
Curumllla, still Impassive, laid his fin
Sera on the paper, at the last paragraph
of the engagement.
-Well, what then?" the Mexican ex
claimed Ill-humoredly, "it Mld there,
It U true, that I must trust entirely to
you, and leare you at liberty to act as
you please for the common welfare. What
pro res to me that you are acting for our
common welfare, and that you are not a
;At (his word traitor, so distinctly ut
tered by the Mexican, Curumllla gate a
tiger glance at the speaker, while hit
-whole body was agitated by a convulsive
'tremor: he uttered two or three Incom
prehensible guttural exclamations, and
ere the Mexican could suspect his Inten
tions be was seized round the waist, lifted
from the saddle, and hurled on the
around, where h lay stunned. Curu
mllla leaped from his mule, drew from
Ills belt four gold ounces, hurled them at
the Mexican, and then bounding orer the
precipice that bordered th road, disap
peared. The situation was becoming most crit
ical for the chief of the caravan; he
found himself abandoned without a guide,
ta unknown regions, doubtless watched by
hidden foes, and exposed at any moment
to an attack.
Tbe inarch was continued; no suspi
cious sign was discovered ; and the Mex
icans were Justified In believing that,
with the exception of the time they would
bo compelled to lose, the flight of the
Indian would entail no disagreeable con
sequence. Singularly enough, Carnero seemed
rather pleased than annoyed at the dis
appearance of the guide. Far from com
plaining or deploring the delay In the con
tinuance of the journey be laughed at
what had happened and made an Infini
tude of more or less witty Jests about
It, which considerably annoyed bis mas
ter, whose joy was merely on the surface,
and who, In his heart, cursed the mishap
which kept them In the mountains and
eaposed them to the Insults of the, plun
derers. "X'ray, what do you And so agreeable
In what has happened that you nre or
effect to be so merry, No Carnero?" be
t length asked.
"Forgive tue, ml amo," the capataz an
swered, "but you know the proverb,
What can't be cured must be endured.' "
"Hum J" nald the master.
"And besides," the capataz added, as
be stooped down, "bAwever bad our po
sition may be, Is It not better to pretend
to consider It good?"
A little beforo 11 a. m. the caravan
readied the terrace, and it was with a
feeling of Joy, which they did not at
tempt to conceal, that the peons recog
nised the strength of the position,
"We shall stop here for the present,"
the Mexican said, "Unload the mules,
oad light the fires. Immediately after
breakfast we will begin entrenching our
dves." The peons) obeyed with the speed of
tarn who have made a long journey and
sue beginning to feel hungry; the fires
were lighted in an instant, and a few mo
menta later tbe peons vigorously at
tacked their maize tortillas, their tocina
a4 their ceclaa those indispensable ele-1 it
,4 -
menta of erery Mexican, meal. When
the hunger of his men was appeased the
chief rose,
".Now," be said, "to work."
The position which the leader of the
caravan fancied he had been the first to
discover, and where he hsd made up his
mind to halt, waa admirably selected to
establish an Intrenched camp. The Im
mense roladero homing at a prodigious
height above the precipices, and guarded
on the right and left by enormous masses
of rock, offered such conditions of secur
ity that the peons regained all their merry
carelessness, and regarded the mysterious
mglit of the guide as an accident of nol
real Importance.
It was, hence, with well promising ar
dor that they rose on receiving their
chiefs command and prepared under hi
directions to dig the trench which was
Intended to protect them from a sur
prise. This trench wns to be bordered
by a line of tatt stakes, running across
the open space between the rocks, which
gare thi sole access to the terrace.
At the moment when the lender pro
ceded with several peons armed with picks
and spades toward the entrance, with the'
probable Intention of marking the exart
spot where the trench was to be dug, ths
capatax approached, and said with a re
spectful bow:
"Ml amo, I have an Important commu
nication to make to you."
Ills master turned ami looked at him
with Ill-concealed distrust.
"An Important communication to mak
to ineT" be repeated. ,
"Whit Is It? Speak, but be brief."
"I have discovered a grotto."
"What?" his master exclaimed. In sur
prise. "Yes, excellency."
"There." he said, stretching out his
arm : "behind that mats of rocks."
A suspicious look flashed from behind
bis master's eyelashes.
"Well, we will enter It together. Ketch
seme torches of ocote wood, and show
us the way. Ily tbe by, do not forget to
bring weapons, for we know not what
men or. bist we may find In caverns
thus opening on a high road."
Tbe Mexican selected six of his peons,
on whose courage he thought be could
rely, onlered them to take their muskets,
and, bidding the others keep a good watch,
but not begin anything until he returne.1,
be made a signal to the capntai that he
was ready to follow him. Carnero had
followed' tbs arrangements mail by bis
master with an evil eye, but probably did
not deem It prudent to risk any remark,
for he silently bowed his bead, and walk
ed toward tbe pile of rocks that masked
tbe entrance of the grotto.
These granite blocks, piled one on top
of the other, did not appear, however to
have been brought there by accident, but,
on tbe contrary, tbey appeared to have
belonged In some early am) remote age to
a clumsy but substantial edifice.
"It would not be prudtnt," said the
chief, "to venture without precautions
Into this cavern. Prepare your nrms, mu
chaebol, and keep your eye open ; at tbe
slightest suspicious sound, or th small
est object that appears, fire. Capatax,
light the torches."
The latter obeyed without a word; the
leader of tbe caravan assured himself at
a glance that bis order had been prop
eily carried out; then taking his pistols
from his belt, he cocked them, took one
In each hand, and said to Carnero:
"Take the lead. It is only Just that
you should do the honors of this place
which you so unexpectedly discovered.
Forward, you others, and be on jour
The eight men went Into the cavern at
tbe heels of the capatax, who raised tho
torches above bis head, doubtless in order
to cast a greater light.
They thus reached a rather large hall,
Into wblrh several passages opened. All
at once the leader stopped and listened.
"Listen," be said to the capataz, "do
you not hear something?"
The latter bent his body slightly for
ward and remained motionless for some
"I do," he nald, drawing himself up,
"it sounds like distant thunder."
"Is it not? or, perhaps, the rolling of
subterranean waters."
"I can swear that you are right. It
would be a piece of luck for us to find
water In the cave, for it would add great
ly to our security, a we should not be
obliged to lead our horses, perhaps, a long
distance to drink. '
"I will assure myself at onco of the
truth. The noise proceeds from that Das-
sage, so let us follow It. As for our
men, they can wait here; we have nothing
to fear now, for If the pirates or the
Indian are ambushed to surprise us, they
would not have waited so Ions before
doing so, and hence tbe assistance of our
peons is unnecessary,"
The capatax shook his head doubtfully,
"Hum," be said, "the Indians are very
clever. I believe It would be more pru
dent to let tbe peon accompany us."
"Nonsense," said bl master, "It 1 un
necessary; we are two resolute and well
armed men; we hare nothing to fear, I
tell you."
Tbey then entered the passage. It was
very narrow, and ran downward a steep
Tn further tbey proceeded the
more distinct tbe sound of rrater became :
was evident that at a very short dls-
tance from the spot where they weiw, per
haps hilt a few steps, (hero ran one of
those subterranean streams so frequently
round in natural caverns,
5ll at once, without, being warned, by
tne siigntest sound, the leader of tbe cara
lan felt himself seised round lie waist,
his torch siintched roughly from his hand,
and extinguished amlnst a rock, and him
self thrown down and securely tumml, be
lore ne was ante to attempt the slightest
resistance, so suddvn and well calculated
had the attack been. Camera had been
thrown down at the mine time as his
master, and bound.
"Cowards, (Ninons!" the Mexican yell
ed, "show yourselves, at least, so that I
may know tilth whom I hate to deal."
"Silence I (Jen. IVm Sebastian Ouer
rero, resign yourself to your fate, for you
have fallen Into the power of men who
will not liberate you."
Oen. Ouerrero made a movement of Im
potent rage, but he was silent; he per
ceived that the originators of the snare
or which he was a victim were Implaca
ble enemies.
When his conqueror had born hlra
to the halt, where his ien were dis
armed and guarded, he saw, by the light
of the torch that faintly Illumined the
hall, that among the men who surrounded
him few wore tho Mexican costume. It
was true, and they had their faces hidden
by a piece of black crape, forming a
species of mask, and so welj fsstcnVd
round their necks, that It Avos entirely
Impossible to recognise them.
"What do these men want with me?"
he muttered, as he let his head fall on
his chest sadly.
"Patience!" said the man who had al
ready spoken, "you will soon know."
There was a short' delay, during which
the conqueror appeared to b consulting
together In a low mice; while doing so,
an Indian chief, who was no other than
the Jester, entered the twill. The reneml
and the capatax were then again picked
up by the redkln, and at a sign from
one 'of the masked men, transported on
to the roladero.
One hundred and fifty to two hundred
Indians, mostly armed with guns, and
ranged In good order round the terrace,
the center of which remained free, faced
the cavern, having among them the dis
armed Mexicans, the baggage, horses and
The tent still stood In the middle of
what was to have been the encampment;
but the curtain was raised, and a horse
man was standing in front of It, as If to
ueiend tne entrance.
At the moment when the party emerged
from the rave and appeared on th ter
race, tbe horsemen draon up at th en
trance of the defile opened out to the
right and left, leaving a tvuur far a
small troop of men dressed In hunter"
garb, and whom it wns easy to recognise
as whlto men; two ladies, mounted on
ambling mules, were In the midst of them.
This troops of strangers was composed
of eight persons altogether, leading with
them two baggage mule. As th men
were disarmed, and walked on foot amid
some fifty Indian horsemen, they had, In
at) probability, been surprised by a party
of redskins.
The two ladres. one of whom was of
a certain rv wblltv the other appeared
scarce 18. anSTwTio might be supposed
loeIy related, through tbe resemblance
of their featurrs, were treat"! with an
exquisite politeness they were far from
expecting by the Indians, nnd conducted
tn the tent. The curtain was then low
ered, to conceal them- from the glance
of Ike Indians.
The newcomers, at a slrnal rtrom their
conductors, ranged themselves with' the
other prisoners J they were powerful men
whom the Indians had probably, not given
a (banco to defend; otherwise ihey look
ed as If they would sooner be killed than
Two masked men look their seats on
th granite blocks, and the Indians who
carried the general laid him on tbe ground
In front of this specie of tribunal. The
rson who seemed to be the president of
this sinister assembly gave a sign, the
prisoner's bonds at once fell off, and he
found himself once more able to move
hi limbs.
The general drew himself up, crossed
his hands nn bis chest, threw his body
tsck haughtily, raised his head and look
ed at his Judgo with a glance of with
ering contempt.
"What do you want with me, bandits?"
he said; "enough of this; these Insolent
maneuvers will not alarm me."
Silence!" the president said, coldly;
"It Is not your place to speak thus."
Then he remarked to the Jester, who
was standing a few (nice from him :
"llrlng up tho other prisoners, old and
new; everybody must hear what Is going
to be mid."
Tbe Jester gave a slgnol to the war
riors; some of tbem dismounted, ap
proached the prisoner nnd, after loosen
ing the cord that bound the capataz, they
leu mm, as wen as tne (won and pris
oner of the second caravan, in front
of the tribunal. Then, at a signal from
the Jester, the horsemen closed up round
tbe white men.
(To be continued.)
Hardest of All Metal.
Tnntalum has been hammered Into
sheets, which nro extremely hard, Mr
William Crook.), F. It. R, utntcs Hint
"n hole had to be bored through n pinto
of thin mo tul nnd a diamond ilrll) wns
used, rcvojvlng nt tho ditto of 15,000 rev
olutions per minute. This whirling
force wns continued ceasolcasly for
threo days and night, whon It waa
found that only a small depression.' 25
mm. deep had been drilled, nnd it wns
it moot point which had Buffered tbe
more damage tho diamond or tho tan
talum." It Is only a waste of time to look
at the ashes after yon bare burned
the money.
?rv&?3!Z&rJSS -rim old joke nlit eating "hot dog"
S ii in tiirr lesl,
The Illustration Mioivsonoof the most
destructive of the summer Insect posts,
which uttuek Uth fruit ntut orna
mental trees. It Is known n the yob
low-Jiu-ck caterpillar. and I" usually
found In numls-m nlong the branches
of trees, fettling on the foliage until
the limb Is entirely denuded, when they
migrate to miotlier lltiiK Tho female
!flta the eggs mi tho lenf of the
tree! where they nro usually hutched
during July, nnd the young Insect be
gin fcedluit on the leaves.
Tho full-Kroivn moth Is shown tn tho
upor part of the Illustration. The
mterplthir I ntmt two Ineh.s long,
ulth'n dull yellow band Just tuiek of
the blnek bend. This jiest Is familiar
to most farmers, for It may bo found
In nearly every ,vtlon of tlio country.
Tilt ttunw CATUiriiian.
A good way to rid the tree of them
Is by spraying with .jwrl green, tint
If till Is not desirable Uvmiro of fruit
on tho trns, n torch mnde of cloth or
small rag ami snturnttsl with kerosene
may bo npplled'to the lufestwtl limb
ami tho Insect destroyed lu this man
More lluuU Lesrulusr I'sr
"ItiKik learning" for farmer lia
liccn a tiling to laugh nt In tlio past.
It uil to le thought Unit nil ntmaiinc
and one or tuo patent oilleo ntrts
wero all n man needed to make hi in
eomjietcnt to "run n farm." Wo nre
getting post that day, and doing It at a
pretty fast puce, In our times. Think
of the re)rt Just published by the
crsmmhvtloncrii hiukMiiIiiI a couple of
yerira ago In tho State of Louisiana to
Investigate crop mss, with wrtlnilnr
reference to tho boll weevil nnd tho ter
rible Injury It lia tiroiight to tho ot
tou crop. For two year those tiimml
skincrs have I till studying and exiKir
Imvntiiig on the Ktato fnriim In tho
Itcd river region, uiid now they send
wonl out to tluuworld tlfnt they Imvu
mctctslisl In growing eoltou tlmt can
not 16 hurt by tlio lll wyivll. Just
how tliey have done this we must wait
to leant. (Tlio great fact I that they
Imvu done' It. Think what till will
mean lu money to tlin'fii nners of the
cotton growing Stalest Nor will the
beucflt of their work stop I here. Other
peoplo than tho cotton growers are In
terested In cotton. Wo nil have mo
for the plant and lis products. From
tlio !xir man down lu the most obscure
quarter of tho city to tho millionaire
lu hla beautiful liome, wo all need cot
ton In hdiiio form or othur. And "book
fanning" cut tho cloud which lias
dung over tlio men who grow tho plant
and lets tho nunslilno out all over tho
' Csetl as SIncU I'oo.l.
The Now Mexico KxiHirlmcnt Sta
tion has I h tied a very creditable bulle
tin dealing with tho composition uud
foiling value of tho prickly sar and
other cacti.' The npltica of tho cacti
aro removed by singeing with a torch.
The protein content lu tho ntr-dry ma
terial ranges from '1 to 10 per cent,
tlio fruit being tlio richest part. Tho
cacti compnro favorably with many
forage phint. Heretofore tlio groat
lllllculty In the way of utilizing cacti
ns forago Iiiih been the spines, but
since thoy can bo removed by tho torch
a largo nmount of cheap forago la mndo
nvallablo to tho stockmen of (ho arid
The Collie Itosr.
The Intelligence of tho colllo Is bo
Keyed by many to cotilo oh near to hu
man thought aa that of nny nnlmnl,
and It la poiMlblo to teach them no
many things that Homo very remarka
ble storlit) aro told about them.
They aro for this ronaon tho great
sheep dog, and no Scotch border would
attempt to got along without bis col
lies, with which ho Urea nlono far off
on tho bills, says tho Circle.
And that In saying nothing of their
beauty and charm as companion.
v Iti Oi
iri .i-i t S 11 M ..Oje-l
.LswJrlV. y f A.
1 VJr iiyvrtf
Is no Joke In (Icrmnny any more, for
nn less than 7,Uo canines of various
breed wore slaughtered and oaten by
the subjects of Kaiser William last
jcitr. according to a report from (Vimul
(lisirgo N. Ifft nt Annnls-rg. The eat
ing of horse meat seem to Nt ij-llt"
general In Oermnny, for no less than
tW,Hl line wero slaughtered f't
human food lu tpod.
"Ilorsellesh Is iery generally ndier
Used In tho Herman miners." say
Consul ifft, "esWlally lu those In
large Industrial centers, nnd most tler
lunu cities Imvu nt least one market
wulch make It a specialty, clatmlng
fbr It n higher percentage of nourish
ment than that of lef, leal, mutton
or istrk. Neither Is It unusual to find
adierClsements of dog meat or for the
purchase of dogs for slaughter, lu thu
elty of Cassel nvently the tolloc, In
searching for n lost dog, illscoicnsl n
private slaughter house and arrested
the proprietors, who wero iipjKirently
making n regular luisluc of stealing
and killing dog."
In the city of ClieuuilU alone, Con
sul Ifft rejMirts, UW ilons iii-rc slaugh
tered for human food In Itssl, this U
lug nn Incnsiso of elghty-clglit out tbe
previous )onr.
f'stilisife Ititl,
The disease known to the cabbage
grower as black rot, or stem rot, has
ciuiie Into prominence within the Inst
few yoirs, and Is mIiI to lie a serbms
hindrance to cnbbago growing In sev
eral State. Fnim n nvwit fanners'
bulletin prejHinil by tlio chief of the
division of vegetable isitholocy, It -pisirs
that no way Is known of curing
tin dlsctiso or of entirely ridding a
locality of It when oIKV It I well es
tablished. The wholn subject of treat
ment mny 1st summed up In one word
pteventltig. Tho disease ! not con
fined to the cabbage, but attack a nil in
ler of sjsvle belonging to tho mustard
family. The planting of other cnijx
for a long scries of year I said to
le the only satisfactory wny to get rid
of tbl dlseasn of the cabbage when It
ha onco become ncrlouc
lleilae Trimmer,
Tho trimming of a hedge I properly
the work of an cxcrt, many year of
practical rxs'rleikit Mug required Is-
fore llrst class
work can to accom
plished, A a rule
exsrt hedge trim
mers' employ a cut
ler having Iml n
sing In pair of
blades. A Virginia
man tlwught that
n trimmer could bo
devised which
would simplify the
trimming ami as-
IIMsiK inimiiu.
sunt greater accuracy. Accordingly ho
designed thu Implement shown lu the
Illustration. It comprises a pair of
knives, containing uuuieroii cutting
teeth. The knives nro attached to piv
oted handle, one kulfo moving over
the other. When tho latter am grasp
ed, one In each hand, considerable
Mwcr can bo applied to tho cutter,
whereby over n foot of tho hedgu can
be trimmed In n rIiirIo nit. It would
bo IuiikmhIIiIc, with this tool, to trim
too much In spots, forming an uneven
surface to tlio hedge. Tho ext renin
length of tho blndea Insure nn oven
cut throughout.
Keei Ilusi frtmi Tunis,
To keep Iron and steel goods from
niMt, state tho Mechanical World, dis
solve half nn ounce of camphor In one
pound of hog's lard; take off tho scum,
mix as much black lead a will give the
mixture nn Iron color, Iran and steel
good niblsxl over this mixture nnd
left wltli It on twenty-four hours, nnd
then dried with a Illicit cloth, will keep
clean for month.
An old flonuan who doctor cnttlo
prescrllica a drench of two tnb!cioon.
fills of ojNom salts, two tablesiiooufuls
of linseed oil, ouo tablcHjtoonful of
black iioppcr nnd one tablesjioonful of
turpentine, Ho puts tlio medicine In n
quart bottle and 1111. It with warm
water. In nbout fifteen minutes tho
tloatlng Is gone.
Unseen Workers,
Karthwormn hnvo a spwlal duty nnd
tbey perform It tho iiumberleaii mill
ion of thorn scattered far and wide,
unseen and o oliHCtire. Thoy have cre
ated nil tho loam and all thu arable
hind of tlio whole globe.
They pas through tholr bodies tho
fallen leave nnd decaying vegoUiblo
matter nnd by tholr labor rendering
cultivation nnd harvesting possible.
When one kills an earthworm, an
agricultural laborer of tho most re
spectable class I destroyed.
hkhkvi: in nuN m'ots.
,1 Went Almttt 1'itiiirlle Theory si
In filinrl Crops,
In the bottom of It heart n good
part of the financial community cher
ishes the siispb Ion that lluaiu'lal irises,
especially when caused or iieiiiiiipanlist
by bud liariests, Imvtt sonietliUU to du
with "sun sit." sais the New York
Post. The argument I that these year
of Intense olnr activity count miiiio
ivhere near once lu ten year niul so
do panic i that "uu iit" very prob
nbly cause abnormal season on our
otiu plmiet and that abnormal season
cause crop failure and trouble lu tho
stuck exchange, Notsidy would need tn
take till seriously but for the fact that
thirty-two year ago a very eminent
ICugllsh economist frankly assorted III
ttellcf lu the theory. Prof. Jevolls wa
so confident of lt applicability ""it In
IhTft he predicted a Kurvpoan iwnlo
for IH7P, Isfaiiso the "unsjHit activity"
would then 1st again aH.iroarlilug n
Hut Ihiw ntsmt the farts? The year
IS.1? was one of sun .it maximum and
also a year of commercial jhhiIc. Siiii
sjMts were iery actlie In lh7l, INT'J
and Pt'II and we know wit At hspjx'in!
In the markets. In Phm a violent
maximum was reached; l!urMi had it
sbsk exchange panic H petf nnd thu
Pulled States olio In IVI. 'Iliere was
a famous " jir" In MM nnd,
what Is more to the Hiut. we are sllll
lu a srtsl of solar activity ami iIIk
ordenil markets.
So far. this Is all my well; hot b't
us be tbortHigh. Tbe panic of ISA? ws
one of the worst iw tbe list, and pv't?
esnee In a (vrhsl of m tit mlnimilio.
In IVid, whew OfM of the worst of Kug
lainr HHauchtl erls. ocrnrrrsl, siar
acthlly was St tbe luwswt kvwl In a
lUvsde. A )Hfkd of still jit nilnluiuiii
In-gaii In IV4I ami rswtlnoe.1 into lbt
"HartHg yrsir." IMH UvlOentiy. sou
sfols do not alitay nave tbe ssioo
Prof. Jeimtt Ibought that the edect
was brought lHit tbnmgn rro(i fail
ure. The astrHHiittHir tell hs, how
el er, that far a there I any wrc
sjMimlence, "cuhl )ers, rains and In
umtatjon aiqsiir t rrrejmd to
IIioni when the sun Is quiet; dry and
wsnu year to ej'K-hs of great solar
activity," Now a dry year may ruin
crops a well as a cokl year; but a a
matter of reetird among panic year.
1SA7 produced an abttmlniit KurtHNMii
bariest. IN7a yloMisI a "buiier cnp"
lu the Uiiltnt State, with HTi a gtMst
sivoud, ami PvSl was a year of untmr
sllclnl wheat pnsliirtlon all over tho
world. Ami what Is to be Mid of 11711
and 1M7, when tbe world ralnt
"bumper envps" In tbe western Item I-
sphere and bt most of the harvest lu
the eastern?
Ilsnss War In Wklrb This SIrsiiM
Tniilral I'Unl Is iIUr,,
Ttie breadfruit tree Is a ttatltit of
Southern Asia, the West I miles, (ho
south Pacific Islands nnd the Indian
srehlHsKo, lu flptwaranrtt It
hies someivhat the itlhl rltestinil. It
grow to the height of forty or llfty
fis-t nnd ha dark green lenies, many
of then, tuo feet In leiigih, which nro
deeply dltlibil Into ptdntisl biUs.
Hidden aiiHitig the great hsues tho
lirefldfnilt grow, mj the llnltlmoro
Sun, It Is iuarly spherical, often
weigh four or inoro ixiiinds and ha u
thick yellow rlml. This fnilt I tho
chief fissl of the South Sa Islander.
ei ii ... ....
. uy si'iiiiini en i n meal Wltlmllt It.
1'ho entnlile tiart lies Ndueifi the rlml
nnd the core mid when fully rli I
yellow mid Juicy, The fnilt Is Is-tter
Is-foro It ha fully, nnd tho
native gnlher It while thu pulp I
Heforo It I ready for tehto uo It
must 1st roasted, when It look like
wheat bread nnd I l-ith silatnbto and
nulrltloii. Usually fnilt I cut In
In threo or four slice and roasted or
bakisl in an oven.
Fnsueutly the eople of n vlllagn
Join In making a huge oven, In which
several hundred breadfnill may 1st
bakisl nt ono time. Thus they nro all
atlppllci! with bread without Ita cost
lug any of them much labor. PreKirttl
lu this way the bread keep for
Tho brendfnilt I In senson eight
month of tho year. When tho season
finally draw to n clow tho last fruit
nro gathered and mmte Into a Hour
pnslo called "maliel." This paste will
keep for month ami made Im,, la
wmpiH-d In leave and baked, just a
Ilrend la not tho only nmdm-i r i.
breadfruU tree. From It cement, cloth,
tlndor and lumber are also obtained.
A glutinous, milky Juho ooze from tho
tnink of the tree, which make iiu ox.
rollout cement when boiled with TOcon.
nut oil. From the llbrou inner bark it
kind of coarso cloth I made, nnd tho
big lenvea make good towels. The lum
ber I iiseil for building Iioiircs ,wi
many other punioses. lleshle nil this.
" " "" urn useu a tlndor
Whon flre nro kindled.
Hunnlug for oilleo cost nii..A.i ..
J much a ruuulng uu nutomobllo,
- U
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