The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 16, 1907, Image 5

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When you want a cool drink coll
he corner drug storu.
I. l. Welder Ikih h fine line of
vail samples. Look them
ivtr. 7f
Klcrrill Ims n line llnr of men's
mlii nil the luteil shancs mid
twin. ,
Clover mid timothy wsture nt
iWSmcntore place. Iuitilie of I.,
jfcltirk. 33-2.
Ky. J. reiiRm was a culler In
Jend Tuesday from hit ranch ml
olnliiK Koilaiul.
Blrs Chan. Urlcksou was In Ilcnd
first of the wmk from their
Hear Creek much.
Kirn. O. S. Crocker In' expected
tome in n lew day fiouianoxWiid
wvisil ut Portland.
E'hu theme for Rev. Tuvciicr's
lerinon next Sunday cvtuliiR will
SJ-'I.ivliiu Kplstlci."
Hloiucumdc ice uiunm iilwti) on
mud tit the rorucr druj; store; nl
.m'H Ircih, always Rood,
ft'lit fust of the woek G. I..
Ioore bought Ho ncrcn of ditch
and lyitttc ner I'ltot Jlulfe.
R W. Dcllolt or Coulee City,
Msh : I" ,lc"'1 looklni: nfter
illness interests In this vicinity.
C. W. Merrill linn just gotten. In
iTOhlpmciit of the popular UldtidKC
.cwiiiK machine. Step in utid ex
iinlnc them.
SWss Anne M. I.aiiK, formerly re
vcr nt The Dalle land office, I
visiting thin week with Mr. mid
Trs. A M. Drake.
Vaii addition to Bend's xulutlon
xxnrrcil last week in the birth of n
Tnc ioound boy, born to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Cottor.
IjfThc tKistofllcc news .stand is car
ryniK n Hood line o( fruit these
lay. It now has watermelons,
'Jaiianas, oroides, and apples.
R icnl estate transfer this week
w the sale of the 11. J. Overturf
House on Hawthorn nvcutie to C.
F?Kedfield. Comldctotlon,, $1,000.
Hrhc Misses Miitllc and Ida Sid-
ijcr left last Monduy for their home j
!7fi.rmiiitt. Wli . nfinr n nlcasmitl
vwit in IlciicI with their slater, Mrs.
.JIC. Lucas.
Kl'lie hitter part of last wetk, C.
.Sfl Redficld and family moved from
Redmond to Ilcnd and arc now oc
.Tpyini; the Overturf house on
Hawthorn avenue.
Attorney Ouerlu drew up the
necessary papers this week for the
iHcoriionUioi of the Central Oregon
Realty Companyi capital $5,000,
!cccssorri to C. I). Ilrown & Co.
lltenry Tweet and Ovid Ulley
killed a wild cat last Sunday on the
aorth end of Awbrcy bittte. 'fhey
effused It up a jnnljicr, (kupckcd it
out with n club, mid flurily Rojusrcd
Sftn a pile of rock where they soou
dispatched it. 1
Rc. M. Mttdd of I.aldlatv came to
tfcnd Tuesday to pilot the Rovernor
wd his patty over the segrcKiitlon
af the Columbia .Southern company
m the following day. ifcwas oc
sonipantcd by lito brother.avho is
vThitinj; hint from North Yakima,
louitu it little objection to being
"ado by tlic people at Gist la the
JSoveriiilicut's Intention give
l&eill hereafter only 0 tw!es.n-wcck
Rull service. They have been re
jwivitiK their mtiil throe timed a
wetk, but the Houuriitiieut's recent
Mil for bids for carrying the malls
Stipulates a twice it-week service.
John Overturf hns bought n tract
Mjlntid a short distance from I,lu
coin, Neb t on 1111 Interurban filie
fielding from Lincoln to, Omaha.
Kc will in: lid 11 residence there in a
fkort tlin mid expects to remain
fiterc at least a year. It Is cfliite
probable lie yill 'tlik.o u course . In
i"ftt thft tnte university at tin
Waich This Space
The Atin Who Sells furniture
The very bast of cool, rcfreshitiK
ice ctcnin sodas at the corner drug
The postoflicu, news stand will
ojien up a fine line of bric-a-brac
this weuk.
For rUit-clas work In wall pa
pering mid painting see N. I.
Welder, Ilcnd, 6r. I7f
W. A. iMckinvoit of KcUo,
Wash., was T11 Bcuil the first of the
week looking over ditch laud.
Step in and look over the new
line of men's hats at Merrill'. I Ic
has a fine selection mid can satisfy
your wants in that line.
Ranch for Sale 40 ncrcs, 36 irri
gable and .10 in cultivation; about
ili miles from Ileud. inquire of
C. I). Urown & Co. or J. II. Hcau,
Ileud, Oregon.
C. M. Redficld has beor) appoint
ed a delegate by Governor Chain
bcrlalti to the Natioual.-Irrigmioii
Congress, which convenes at Sac
ramento next month. ,
Hugh O' brought In., ft. lot
ofswectcoru from his homestead
this week and begins to think that
with his crops and young "mort
gage lifter," he is becoming quite
a furnicr.
The deep well at the ihldwin
ranch it now down about joo feet.
The drill, after leaving the surface
soil, has liccm.gohw through solid
lava the entire distance. As yet
there is 110 trace of wator.
Mm. J. K. Kollock of Portland
arrived Monday as a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Iv.
Gucrin, Jr. Mrs. Kollock Js the
wife of. Mr. (lucrln's partner. in,thc
law firm of King, Gucrin & Kol
lock. ,. '.,
There will Ixs a moctlrig df the
members of the First DapthHchllrcli
of Ileud, Oregon, held du Friday at
8130 p. in., August 16, 1907, to
consider, among other things, the
means of financing said church.
K. Ui.t.ts, Clerk,
'i'he Pioneer Telegraph &"fre
phone Company has bought -the
tocal exchange at Priucvillcrtim
the Pacific Telephone (t Telegraph
Company, and will 'putt Ina new
switch board; nt'lda coiliplctc new
and modei u systctii throughout the
t, - - . -f' 1 ,.
Our Seii!iAi(i!iial
Is Mow ii Progress.
Neither coi;t nor values WJ11 bo consideYed.
iStrictly Cask .
f "
-Vv fr TJH
Meeting of the library association
in library room tonight at Ao'ciock.
Hverybody Interred should come.
Governor Chamberlain and Kit-
giuccr Whistler were- the guests of
Mer. Stanley and Stearns at the
Club Houses while in lkud.
Dr. C. I,. Nichols and wife of
Portland arrived in Rend yesterday
afternoon mid will be the puests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse I. Stearns.
United States District Attorney
Hristol, Special Agent Mcycndorf,
and Special Inspector Ncuhauseii
arc stopping at the Hotel lkud
while in town.
Wednesday evening, the knights
of Pythias, after aUmlnCstering the
second degree to J. U. Sav(bill, en
joyed a fine' banquet at thq, Hotel
Ucnd. Is S. Static, n long-.tlme
Knight, was the gjient of honor.
H.J. Overturf hns tendered his
resignation to tlic towtishc, people
to take effect on September, 1. Mr.
Overturf expects to leave 13cnrt and
locate elsewhere. Henry Tweet
has been put in charge of the saw
mill, j t
J. Wesley Ladd, wife andddugh
t'tr bf Portland will arrive jn. Ilcnd
the. latter part of the month for a
vtsl. of several weeks with Mr, and
Mrs.y.W, 15. Gucrin. Mr, Udd is
one of. the firm of Ladd & Co., Portland.
J. IS. Sawhlll, the Ileud bauker,
was in town last Tuesday, on his
way to Portland. Mr. Sawhill says
that Ileud is forgingaliead and
that the rcstablishtncut at that
place of the headqua'rtcrs of the
big irrigation company witli their
large monthly piyroll, will stimu
late business of all kinds in the
community. Madras Pioneer.
Many ' csuuix;ts arc tpassing
through, lieud this year forinp-rivcr
points, the nliihbcr excelling by
iar'.jhat.of any previous year. No
better place can, Ik: found (or a few
weeks recreation than nlong the
Deschutes river and at the many
bca'titiful lakes at Its headwaters.
The people realize this and come
fqr thany miles to this favored sec
tion, Tumnlo Itemi
Yumai.0, Aug. 14. Kpr.,one( it (00
bunj- cultiiig hay iiml griyiii .ill thokc
IMl)'UtoccuKoflh1ll;.' ."",
Charles Spiinliour mid 1' V. S wither
. n "!! Tlvui'J
i, Mf'
4... Clearaiice M$
were doing huilut'M In Itcnit Momlty,
Mr Kpnltiliriiir writ n caller on tlic ilcn
tltt uhl lr in llenil. lie tnfuriiifil ut
lie luil n lot of Uclli cxlractt'l mid In
(in! it U) have the job done cail he hail
tliedcnlUt adniinitlcr chlnroforttl. but
the chloroform made htm feel to funny
that he couldn't ttop talking lor aDoui
1 wo hourt.
Mr. unit Mrt. 1' 1'. .Smith Merc caller
nt Tumalo yetttrdiiy.. Mr. Sinilh re
orla the mill at Melvlu't running nnd
doing well but lil only trouble i to get
n full crew of men.
Mr. Koicli of llarritburg wat at T11111
nln Saturday nnd undny Mr. Koarli
oulit a (tact ot ftml near Tumnlo, He
Ifht not teen it for tcveu yeart and wiyt
tin- country don't look natural. Mc
cnthit on us to allow him hit laud at he
watn't cufxctlnK to find to much change
in the country.
U. V. Wlrtt of, ntutl wat a caller at
Tumali jettctdny. Mr. Wiett it very
much encouVngcd with the Hue crop of
alfalfa, grain nnd hcrrict which he it
raiting on hit flnc'farm near Ilcnd. Arnold of Clovcrdalc potted
thrmt(;lt licrcrf jitcrday on hit way up
the nttchutet on it hunting trip. I.eo
tayt he only iiitendt to get bit limit of
old hucict nnd wilt only kill one elk, but
will Iiavc no limit to the heart he kills.
I.coktiowt how to handle lilt gun and
will make It hot for big name.
Picnic Party of Redmond People Vltlts
Cllne Falls Other News Notes.
UKDMONP, Aug. to Yesterday a gooJ
tixed cuinpaii) , many of whom had ncv
er tci'ti tllnc falli, took a picnic lunch
and tptcad it at the weit end of the
bridge nuder the trcet. 'Thotc present
were Mr. hhjl Mrt. Dnvidton, Denton,
Kendall, (Jttet, Clllctpie, l'trk, Mitt
Oavidton, Mr. McI'.wIiir, betides finite
number ul tlic younger 'generation.
After dinner accrl of the company
walked down to tile Clitic Pallt Tower
Company' power house ft litre they were
shown Uroi-nd by ilr Moore; 'who wan
In charge. They stto f,oi a Hiie close
view uf the fttU, trlllch U worth walking
good way lo tit. ,t?lnglitjj wiltliidulKei!
In Itter in tjie, aftefaioon. Ilefbre lav
Ihr Mr. McKwing took a inapthot of the
party. ' '
Another party hatfconsupebcrtc Deiid
on a camping .trip. It Irtclud'eJ Mr. and
Mrt. Chris, litifct, MT.TJncywid family,
Roy Covert, Mrs. Hliret'c titter and per
haps othert. '
Slept were completed at the regular
ScttJcn'Atsocittlon meeting Saturday
night for ifTimtluj: with the Oregon
Pcvclopiiient league. . .
Dan McCarty It In iMeerille today for
l'.hret Ilrot.
In the absence of Cashier Vic O'Con
nor, who hat goiie to Portland, and
AtMstant General Manager and Chief
Hngiueer C. M. Redficld, who it in Ilcnd
or tomew here else, the local I). I. & V.
office it in crfargc of Mr. GaulU l"
Mr. liclplng in the ttore
during Chris lihrxl's absence.
Mr, nnd Mrs. ,11, A. KendiM hare been
making n trip of several days to the
Ileud country ami visiting wine or the
larger ranches Un their return they
express' tliemtiWc nt 'better tattnficd
tluu cur with tticirl(eetIon'.
The premium list for the 'Central Ore
gon I.iv'e jtock rind Agricultural Asso
ciation it nt hand. "V arc pleased to
note a goiicfoi'Viiervc in the numlicr
of premium offered. ' i'
We heard in tdwi ycttc'fijNy thit Gov
ernor Chamberlain mid partjf were tak
ing dinntr t O'Ncil and would be
throtiKll here in the nftenioon, but we
CHtne home and did not tee them.
The new- ttlct agent of the D. I. & P.
Co. mutt lie scattering some literature in
SpoVnue anyway. Wc rcceied three
letters of inquiry the past week, from
persons there who are Interested in this
section i)d who .vtjiut tu knri-f -more of
Redmond, the hib of llie irrigated sec
tion of Central Oiegoii. "', "
Competition in thq Dctch'ujst Valleyi
Pair Atsoclnttoii will be ppcu to tlli
world in nil devVtm6iitt, Matter will
toon be ready tor niuitihg aud special
aumniuceme,nt of important features
will Ik; made. throngl thA couuty press,
Another,, very enjoyable party wot
glvcuat tlejl, I' Jones liome Wednes
day in hpuorof Mrs. and Mis J onus of
Pncblo,, Colorado, Another one in town
on Tueidny will close the series,
. C. Taih?.
Saloon License Notice. ,",
. ; '1 Ilnxn, Or., Aug. rsj no;.
To Oie Honorable Mayor iud ttourmon
Countjl of the City of Ilcnd. . ,
Gentlemen; TJie.underslsued.. A1. H.
listebulct, hereby applies for , lictnse
froiri'the City of Ucnd to sell spirituous,
vinous mid malt lUpiors and fermented
eidoj- in the tuiildlng situateifu lot 7,
bli;k. 11 of the City of Ucnd, for a period
Of truce imftitiw from "iheninliily ot
August, 1907. etpectfullv,
A, 1), IJstKBHNKT.
The Fiiest of Lmeri Stationery...
Have you examined our fine line of linen stationery? If
you have not you should do so at once. It surpasses by
far anything in Its line ever shown In Ilcnd. It includes
both envelopes and paper In Scotch Fabric, Clostcr Linen,
Whitney's I'crumcd Notes, etc., etc. All packed In dainty boxes.
We also have Library Paste, Inks of all kinds, Mu
cilage, Pens, Pencils and School Tablets.
Fine Line of Fresh Confectionery Just Arrived.
rr. ,-; r, rr-
Our prescription counter is in charge of an ex
perienced registered pharmacist.
Headquarters for
Fishing Tackle
Cental Oregon Realty Company
(Successor to C. D. Ilrown & Co.)
Central Oregon Real Estate I
Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty j
f Wc buy or sell your land no matter where situated. We can sup-
ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for
Sll0 Xnd
Hotel BfeNP
New House, New Furniture,
"i. Always. Reserved
- .
ll .
& F.
GSfflAissiftn and . lorwarim
4 merchant:' . i
TsHanik. ;
Large, CcmmoiHii WarefiMse. CeIjtiRoatsIiciM
IVonipt attention vali to those who 'JZ t
fm-or me with thefr pttrontge
new DmV f aq3b.
From BEND to SHANIKO and All Inferior Points
New and Uptor(Jate qffl.v.. 1
special Aiieniion 10 i raveling ivicn
The Most Scenic Route lr Central Oregon 4r
, . , , , v Best Eating ouseon Any Stage Lfne
' Fdf Rates o land Locators and Timber Men, arV'-ss
Sallowncss Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dirk iVin becomet (ncuutlnff
wlieu ildu-jtely toft, unilertrd
with the radiant glow which Indl
cataheaIihy.aciJveUn. Robert
ine kcepi the tkln refine J in quality,
anjktliiuilates the tiny capilUriMto
Muiultwullinmettealike. Robert
inc h (Vrtiiu protection against tan,
juibu;tt anJ freckle i( applied be
lij'. etnosurc to tun or wind.
Srti' a Ii like an imperceptible heen
' uf I ttirnulating and pfeicrvlng a
'"' " delicate, hittroibeauty,
Are you a subscriber?
nnvliftlslfirsl il
' 3
v A '
IWUOIMNtt.U 1 IUIM. v.ji J
Reasonable Rrttcs. GoodJlRobmsTg
for Transiesr'fwde. t t
Xhexa' atwt iu Xtin BulUtlo.
-7 3
ii ' I 1
. - 11 "
- . 1 . -
.-. . ' -r
L. 1 AV