The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 16, 1907, Image 4

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"For every man a squab: ileal, no
less nnd no more."
W ! I H,, III ' III
One yrr ....... .. $i-
8 x month. .. MIMwJ"-
T se mmth..-.-...--......-.-. -J
InmrtaMy n ailniM.)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1907.
Outfit Now on Way tq. Madras from
San PrancUco.
Leo Lnl'oltcttc of l'rincvillc was
u town Monday evening on his
w to Shoniko, foyS the Madras
lo: ccr. St. Lal;ollctte is one ol
the promoters of Uie transportation
enterprise being organised to carry
:rc:ght between this place and
hatiiko. He says tUat tlie equip
ment for the rcid train lias been
purchased bud vill be shipped in at
ouce, and tas- company, expects to
begin operations within three
I. V. Collins, another member of
the company, has bttn personally
investigating the operation of sim
.lar road trains in California, and
lie say&Jbcrp is fo question about
the successful operation of thettrac-j"'-
meine and train ever the roads
Lumen Madias ar.d Shar.ike. Mr
Collins is now retutnius with the
big freighting outfit, consisting of a
70-horsc power engine and six large
wagons capable of carrying 10 tons
' , .- -
Soda ,S?rinjn, Lakc..Weadpw and
Mountains Furnish Ideal Retreat.
, johnny Edwards was ia, Eend
ftuijd.aj- with, a -ample of water tak
$C,.fcon three soda springs, recently
fouadf.aear Spark's lake. The
water ,rom these springs is heavily
charged with.soda and those who
tasted 1 U prpqounce it as fine water
pf thai; chaster as can be found,
fully equal to the walcr from the
famous Cascadia springs. ..
These springs lie in a moat ideal
location, only a short distance from
a beautiful little lake and meadow
known as Spark's lake and mead
ow, and situated between Bachelor
mountain and lueThrec Sisters.
A short distance front the lake is a
glacier lying near the top of the
mountain fishing is good in the
numerous streams and lakes in that
immediate vicinity, ducks, geese,
and deer abound, and all in all it is
one of the cost idea., places .for a
kummer resort that could be found,
where one cau go and live the sim
ple life for a few weeks.
( This pleasant little spot lies with
in the forest reserve. Mr. Ed
wards has made the. . necessary ap
plication aud -expects to open a re
sort there nert summer. He will
build a commodious log hotel build
ing and will look after the comfort
and welfare of those campers add
Tfe CerftfS! Ore-
gdrt Banking (&
Trust Company
, Capital S23,X)0C 00
Transacts a U:cral flunk
ing Business.
Acts as Administrator, Ex
ecutor or Trustee of Estates
!r.sues Drafts and "' Bank-
Money Orders on ell foreign
Interest on -Time Deposits
Safe Deposit Boxes.
Fire Insurance.
Join. Stdl. President
J h. Saw hill, Vicc-rrewrttiu an
BHSD, y ' -ORfcW
tourists who patronize the resort.
A road will be opened from the
lake to connect with the road near
l;rank West's ranch.
(Continued from page I.)
should co-operate with those who
are developing this region nnd that
we buy out the knockers ami ship
them out of the country. He also
took up a brief di.-cussion of the
ucw contract entered into with the
D. I & P Co. and ably defended
that instrument.
United States District Attorney
Bristol was hIso asked to spook
i He responded with a few brief re
marks stating the object ot tncir
visit, asked t-r the assistance of the
people, explained why homestead
and other papers of the private cit
hen arc often delcd on account of
the complicated system of govern
ment bureaus, and of the red tape,
and asked for the patience and co
operation of the people, lie re
gretted the tendency on the people's
part to consider the government
and its officials as enemies of the
individual and said their entire con
cern was to do the business well re
quired of them by the people.
Mr. Stanley, of the 1). I. & I
Co., was the next speaker. He
described briefly the work done by
the company, mentioned points for
future development ,011 the segrega
tion and made the people glad by
stating that he was confident rail
road construction would be iu prog
ies ou ttis siJs of the mountains
uthtu three mouths.
The Laldlaw .Meetings.
Wednesday aftcrnooti Governor
Chamberlain and the government
officials met the settlers at Laidlaw
to discuss matters relative to the
trouble with the Columbia South
ern company. The meeting devel
oped into a very spirited affair and
it is said excitement ran high. An
other meeting will be held today.
A report ts prevalent, although un
confirmed, that action will be be
gun to oust the Columbia Southern
company from the project.
L. II. McCann draws Flno Wheat and
Timothy on His Homestead.
L. H. McCann brought some fine
samples of grain and hay to town
this week from his homestead in
19-12. .Last December Mr. Mc
Cann seeded some Cox wheat
which has made a fine growth,
stands higher than. ,a man's waist
and is heavy with large heads filled
with big plump kernels of grain.
Two-year-old timothy stood 4J4
feet high with heads seven inches
long. Rye stands over' six feet
There is nothing remarkable iu
this except th; fact that this grain
and hay were grown without a drop
of irrigation water. These crops
were put in without any particular
attention paid to the principles of
dry farming, tt demonstrates that
much of this section that has been
considered worthless pine lands
will bear large crops of grain under
modern method! of dry farming,
such as the Campbell system. Mr.
McCann is thoroughly convinced
of this.
Combined Han ester In Crook County.
Tom Taylor.started up his com
bined harvester the first of the
week, and for tbc-ueisl 30 days he
expects to have' a busy season, with
the harvest. The machine bought
by Mr. Taylor, is the first com
bined'' to be brought into this sec
tion, and ma;!:s the beginning of
harvcstiug L; that r.ietlod 111 this
wheat bell. This machine requires
26 head of horses to operate it. In
the older wheat sections of the state
most of the harvesting is dons with
combined harvesters, niorc than
250 of them being in operation in
Umatilla county this year. Madras
The Halt Used for Deschutes Trout.
The trout are so big in the upper
Deschutes that fishermen find a
young pup a very good bait, a kit
ten may be Used to advantage, and
for smaller fish a., mouse uilj be
fouml- most elective.- Pondon
1 I '
Problems That Confront The Irrigator, ill
When to Irrigate.
In order to determine just when
crops need water nnd when to ap
ply it so that they will ubt suffer
from drought, nor be injured by too
frequent or too gcncrniii applica
tions, requires u knowledge mitt ex
perience that can be gained only by
practice and n close observation of
various crops under irrigation. It
is the experience of ninny practical
irrigators that if an unlimited sup
ply of water is available crops more
Itequeutly stiller from overirrign
tion than from drought. It is dif
ficult lo determine when the devel
opment of the crop is first arrested
on account of a lack of moisture it
the soil. Some experimenters main
tain that this poiut can lie more def
initely determined by an examina
tion of the soil than by the appear
ance of tlie plant, at the latter
dows evidence of the checK 111 its
growth some days after it has oc-cum-il.
Usually it is then too late
to present serious Ions, as the crop
rarely recovers from such treatment,
and seldom teaches the develop
ment it would have attained if it
had been irriguted at the. proper
Plants will usually indicate by a
change iu color or by their general
appearance whether they need wat
er or when they have been over
irrigated. Most field cropi turn to
a darker green when in need of
water, and the leaves and stems
show a tendency to droop or curl.
The lower leaves assume a pale yel
low. A crisp or dead .apjwatauce
in the lower leaves is one of the
best indications that a plant needs
water. Gran which has suffered
from drought may mature, but the
straw mill be small and short and
the kernels will be shrunken and
inferior iu quality. Alfalfa and
similar crops have the appearance
of cured hay. Where field crops
arc overirrigated the color of the
foliage becomes a yellowish green
and the plauts have a sickly ap
pearance. These indications vary
with the quality of the soil, so that
it is impossible to lay down fixed
rules to govern the number or fre
quency of irrigations. Only close
observation for a number of years
on tbe same farm will enable a per
son to tell by tbe appearance of the
plants whether they need water or
not '
The amount of moisture in tbe
soil may be determined with suffi
cient accuracy for the needs of the
plant by examining a sample taken
a few inches from the surface of the
ground. If it clings together when
molded in a ball and shows the
print of the fingers, there is mois
ture enough present. If the earth
fills apart when tbe hand is open
ed irrigation is needed. As stated
above, this point is passed some
days before the plant shows indica
tions of suffering.
Cultivation after Irrigation.
When it is possible, cultivation
should follow each irrigation as
soon as the ground is dry enough
to be worked. If all crops could
be cultivated in this way the
amount of water which would have
to be applied would be greatly re
duced. The duty of water is uni
formly small for corn, potatoes,
orchards and other crops which can
be easily cultivated. If tbe ground
cannot be cultivated after it has
been irrigated, the surface will
often bake. This is injurious to
some kinds of plant growth, and
evaporation is thereby greatly in
creased, making another irrigation
necessary much sooner than it
would otherwise be. Partners' Bul
letin No. 158.
Sortie of the Things
Broadcasting or Drilling Urnlll,
There is n tendency nitiong some
of tlie farmers of the state lo still
adhere to the old-tifnc method of
broadcasting grain instead of seed
ing with a drill. In one of the
counties of the state recently visited
by the writer, the live question
among the farmets seemed to be.
"Shall I hariow my field cuce or
twice after sowing my seed broad
cast," some of the farmers claiming
that one harrowing was U'ttcr than
two and others claiming the reverse.
If ou must sow broadcast, burrow
the laud twice, the second nt right
angles to the first time. The lcst
advice, however, is, not to sow
broadcast at nil, a it is a poor
method of seeding for tlft following
reasons- (t) More seed is required
to lw sown per Acre i (2) The seed
is not put in at a uniform depth,
some will be too deep while some
will remain bit top of the. ground;
(3) It requires more work, hence is
more expetiilvci t.p Seed is not
evenly distributed over the ground,
iu some places it will be thick and
in some places thin. The drill coats
but little and is que of the farmers'
best friends from the st.tudoittt of
economy mid profit. It distributes
the seed evenly in the ground. The
scetl is put iu at a uniform depth
and can he put iu cither shallow or
deep, so that the unximum per
cent of the seed will grow, thus re
quiring less seed to be sown per
The okl broadcast seeding has
gone out of date and all up to date
farmers have discarded it and have
adopted the drill. Those who con
tinue to use the old method will be
left far behind, not only financially
but also in progress and advance
ment. At the Juab county arid farm is
a good illustration of broadcast
seeding There, side by side, ate
two plats, one sown broadcast and
one with a drill at the rate of three
pecks per acre! bolh were sown up
on the same date. and have received
the sama treatment- Upon the
drilled plat is a good stand that will
produce .to bushels per acre, while
upon the broadcast plat not a half
stand ts to lc seen, so that it will
do well to produce 10 bushels per
acre. These experiments speak
louder than words that broadcasting
grain is a losing business for the
farmer. Desert Parmer, Ttah.
lie an Inhibitor.
There is not a small farmer in the
irrigated West who cannot send a
sample of the products of field, gar
den or orchard to the Interstate Im
position of Irrigation Products and
Forestry Products which opens in
Sacramento September 2. The cost
of forwarding, enteriug and install
ing will be merely nominal. Every
facility will be extended to intend
ing exhibitors. Kntcring and in
stalling of exhibits will be attended
to by the local management free of
charge, when desired by distant ex
hibitors. A magmficeut trophy
and cash prize list holds out rare
inducements for individual displays.
Pull particulars can be had by ap
plying to National Irrigation head
quarters, Sacramento.
Subscribe for The Bulletin.
- ' 'I
l'lre Inturtner. MIc Inuirtncr. fturcljr DonJi
Kill KiUlr, Canrrjriarini
ruiNnvn.LK. ohhoon
We Have in Stock
Canned Goods
Teas & Coffees
y .-
Remember This One Thing
When in need of ncnl, clean,
plain and up-to-date commer
cial printing, that
The Bulletin Job Office
Prints just that kind-no other.
It will please us lo have an op
portunity to show you what we
can do. You will he pleased,
When You Read k Newspaper
Why not read a newsy newspaper one that
gives all tbe news' The Ilullctiti has that repu
tation. And furthermore, it intends to live up to its
It not only reports the news faithfully tswh
week, but it also has an irrigation department iu
which much information is given of value to the
man who irrigates. If you ttudy these articles
it may save you many dollars on a year's crop.
Can You Afford to Be Without Tho Bulletin?
wd irteU. iLo CiUmw 51-50
tad ill tl ttt Wt . ijm,
town am cetwrnr JlwaL
OWOlLlj fvllKAilM lUuUj AA f n
to lh irair iattfuu cl lb WU
We . jut
120 colottj pluto,),, J n7r,
Tad , . . $2.75
All for. ;;,..;. $1.50
Ctt out Uiu Jcrtukiotat
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JAMES, aoop pipe , jan nuNOSCO
1'rcsh fruit h the tUnv to cat
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I news stand cau supply yo-i with'
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pon't featt your neighbor's Jul
Istis. Subscribe for it yourself.
ly b-yfng tUU
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high t r Je sew
np nuchiur,
CTrnnffrn, r-... r. . ..m.-
National Stwin Machine Go
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