NEWS OF THE WEEKi (b n Condensed Form lor Our f Busy Readers, iAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS i Roiumo of tlio Lost Important but ; Not Loss Intorostlnp; Events '. of tho Past Wssk. Jllollrriiiskors on tlio Southern I'uolflo Inoa nro on strike, 'Negrros lu Culm hnvo organised nti tliliipondoiit pmly ft" llirlr own luiiultt. JJTi'ii Jtiriirhavii now been ieuunl In lie llsliwy brllxry cm nt Haii 1'rnn lico. Heveml jwrsotis were killed nml much ifojieity iloetrovod by tornadoes In igwn nml .Mlutieriota. lcms driven (nun rover by forest Irrs Imroilml lint town n( HUimllnli, Hi lilk,'nii, (or mvernl liniiri. Pry start for tlio NoMh Mln nml ijs wife nml clil ilrrn inko up tit'lr osldoiiro on I jiglo Islam', oft t'm o nut I Mnliiit, to await lili return. I 1 -lilt I J Kinimrr, of tliu I'a'lflo Hlate) Vephouo company, plead not utility o tlm rhnigit of contempt otcotut lp eliislng t teallfy nilimt liul (Hum. A tumpiiaiy Injunction hat In-eii ranted by tint Fedtrnl rami rmtrnln ng llm Inlur union (loin Ixiyeotllng tin telephone company In llclonu, lanUiiui, whom a strike in on. Four nnsrchlst worn wounded by hn mvlilotltul explosion of h ImiiiiI) nt iIbImIII, i Ainbnrnniliir Kon, from Itusils, mcU In American humor nml reads ery (uiui)' jwpf-r bacmi tint. Woven Chlneea who Imil Jut fawn muggled across tlio Itlo (Irnmlo rlior oii captuted nt Kl Paim, Tumi. A Hrtlvmlor warship fully armed mul rnvlsloued lint willed (ink Han Fian- lo mnl another will soon follow. .Many employe on lh Panama rniml nt gutting married, lrniiio tlm gov tnmont piovlil( separate homes fur isrrled mon. A Chlno'o Isnndipiinu of Pottavltle, '., lias legally adopted n w hits hoy, Itli tho content of tlio boy's inolhiT fid grandmother. Turkish tioop mo devastating IVr ill village nml killing mnl enslaving in Inhabitant. Twelve girls were trrlnl nwny from onu village. Tim United States ninUimmlar lo untrln, Charier) H, Francis, mnl Kr put llaml n Ablxttt, of Now York, ere entertained ul luncheon, by Ptcrfi )t Itooovelt. Tho Aiiiertain Tolmceo company lint jelnted on It" common it ck the regit t iiaMerly dividend of Ulj percent ml an ixtn dividend of 7i ht rout, rnln t " roHulnr nml ft put rent ox n nt tlio lHt previous declaration, ho (llvliliiinl li payable KojiltinLor 2, Mull Cnltie I Mlnvcd to Ihi tlio choot norollnl In tho Morhl. An oiplonlim of flroiUmp In I'rui mi initio kllknl IB men mnl lnjurtl II 'horn. l'nclflo Coii't IninlxTiiion will Unlit io pioH(l ntlvmica In lumbur rulon MliMlMlpl vullny x)lnt. Onu liiiiiilril unruly inoinbora of tho oIMnl, Irolnnil, xllco force Imvo lcon (lltxl niul MO tuoro will follow. A Oormiin tirlnoMn who ytointlt ly ntflln iillvor pinto from Kuropmn itnld hn boon uxonntntcd 0 tho ouml of Ininnlty. I'ivo hundred bmkommi nml n nuin ir of romliiotorii on tho Colonnlo mtlmrn mllronil Imvo ntruok (or nn lorrnxi ol 2 contu nn hour. ThroC'flfths of the output of tho grout olkxirii illnmonil mltiiti In Houth Af. in In taken by Atuorlrnn iIioiIch rind loca nro ti'iullly rUhi. Itotn, tho flnlitlnn lender cf tho I'uU nca lu tho Inlmul ot Iytc, linn Immmi iiIoiicimI to df n Hi. Ono coinpmilon m Dontoiicoil to liiiprlMoiuncnt for llfo ul (our othora wcro kIvoii .15 ymu. io trinl ot l'mmtlno Allien, tho chief tho l'uliijiuied, will tuko plnco tlila iHik, Nntlonnllita hnvo n fo majority In io uowly-olootod l'lilllplno miaoiubly. Ourinony cured inontnl nml iiorvoim KokH nml druiikiirda by puttlnir. them Bloody employment. Tho mllroftdi nml tho Stool trust nro runglliiK over tho queetlon of broken Ho, omli blnmliiR tho other. llleh Ainorlenna onn not rsonpa tnxca cHtuhlUhlnR roHldcnccM lu Knithind. toy will Ihi aubjeot to taxation under o Kntillah Inwa. A blast of 6,000 tons ot IiIrIi oiplo vo wna flrod In breaking up n inouu. In ot One innrblo In Italy. It dls dgod 600,000 tons. REPORT ON STANDARD OIL CO. Oomrnlttlon on Corporation Bays It Ui Worst of Mathous. WnsliliiKtou, Auk. 6. Hltttilflcnnt revolutions nro iniiito puhllc In n ro port Hiiliiulttuit to I'rotthliiiit IlooHO' volt by llurliort Knox Hntltli, Com inlimlonor of CorporutloiiH, vuiivnrn Iiik tho iitiorntlons of tho Htiunhiril Oil Cointuiiiy. lu n previous report tho wnys nml niutliodH of tlio Hi ii tula rd woru ox plnlnud. Tho presold report suts forth tho results of those methods mid tho ofTout thy huvu hud on tliu consumptloti of oil mnl ou tho profits of tho Htniidnnl Oil Compuny. Com iiilssloner Hinlth snys: '.'Tlio Hlumliird Oil Company Is ro sponsible for tho course of prices of potrolwum nml Its products during the Inst 2R )mrs, Tim Htniulnrd tins conslstiintly used Its power to raise the price or oil during the Inst ton years, not only absolutely but also relatively to tho cost of crude oil," The Htandard hns claimed that It has reduced the prlco of oil; that It lias been n benefit to the consumer; nml that only n great combination like the Htandard could hare fur nlshed oil nt the prices that liar prevailed. "Kach ono of these claims," snys Commissioner Hmlth, "Is disproved ny tins report." Tho Increnso In annual profits ol tho lltniidnrd Oil Company from I HUC to IV04 wns over $27,000,000. The report sn)s: "The totnt dividends rccctrod by the Htandard from 1883 to I HOC were f &5I.V22.I2, (bus averaging 24 IS per cent n yenr. The dividends however, were much less than the totnl earnings. It Is substantially certain that the entire net writings of the Htandard from 1882 to 11' were at least 1 7'JO, 000,00 mid 70s. slbly much more. "These enormous profits have been bused on nn Investment worth nt the time of Its original acquisition not more tlmn f 75,000,000." The report of Commissioner Hmlth shows that the Htandard Oil Com IKiny Is responsible for petroleum prices for the past quarter of n cen tury hi'cnuso this company bas con trolled tho Industry. The report shows the price history of oil tiro- ducts slnco 18CC, or practically since the beginning of the Industry. This gives nn opportunity to compare the course of prices during the earlier competitive period with tho course of prices during tho later mnnonolls tic period. It nlso shows that price would hnvo boon lower during this inter perioii uniier normal competi tive conditions nnd In the absence of any such overshadowing combination ns hns actually existed. These prices show directly the of feet that tho existence of this com bination his had upon the rnnsuruor and nlso the results that Imvo ac crued to the combination Itself by way of profits. Just conclusion can thus be drawn of tho wny the Htnlid nrd Oil has used Its grent Industrial power. SECOND HEARINQ DEQUN. Federal Courts Continue tnvettlcatlon o( Standard. Chicago. Aug. C. Tho prepara tions lor the second federal Investi gations of tho relations between the Htnndard Oil Company of Indiana mid the Chicago & Alton Itallrnnd, ordered by Judge I.andls of tha United Htnto District Court on Sat urdny, will begin tomorrow. The cnll for the stieelnl grand Jury will bo Issued and United Htntes District At torney Hints will go over nil tho evi dence presented nt tho recent trial of tho Htandard Oil Company, which resulted in conviction nml a fine or 129,240,000. and will select the wit uesses to bo subpoenaed. It de veloped Hint the reason for hasto In this Investigation Is Hint tho stntuto of limitations Is running against the government, and because of It tho Chicago & Alton will escape ro-ln illctment on between 80 nnd 100 counts of the 1.4C2 on which the Htnndard Oil Compnny was con vlclod. This statute of limitations bars prosecution on offenses committed moro than throo years before Indict ment. Many ot tho shipments on which tho Htandard Oil Company was convicted of ncceptlng rebates occurred betweou Hoptember, 1903, nnd August, 1904, When tho grapd Jury convenes on August 14, n tow dnya will milllco to present tho ovl donco against tho Alton. Tho Jury will consider Infractions of tho 101 kins I.nw occurring from August, 1004, until March, 100G. Transport Orssks Down. Hnn Francisco, Aug. 0 Tho trans port Wnrran, which loft Baturdny with 11 largo contingent nt troops nnd passongers, wan compollod by n breakdown of machinery to put back Rho had hardly got outside tho bay when tho olllcera In tho onglno-room noticed that her machinery wna not working nB It ought. Chief Kuglnnor Donnolly, of tho Army Transport Do pnrtment. mmla nn exhaustive ex amination ot tho Wnrron'a machin ery nnd Is In hopes (tint now con donser tubes can bo Instnlled by Tuesday. John D, la Not Worried. Clovolnnd, 0 Aug. 6. John D. Itoc.kofo.llor gives no Indication In nubile, nt least, Hint tho doclslon ot Judgo Lnndle, fining the Btnndnrd Oil Company tho limit, affected him In tho slightest. As Mr ns nppenr- nnocs go, tho magnate has not given tho matter a thought. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL fi --' - 1 , 8AILOHU WAN I NEW UNIFOHM. Naval Commlltos Considering Entlro Change of Costume, New York. Aug, 0.- Tho Jack turn of the United Htntes navy have iiimln such 11 mighty protest against the time-honored headgear mid blouse they wear ashore and on dress occa sions aboard ship that the nnvy de partment has appointed n committee to decide on changes In the uniform. Captain Hugo Osterhnus, commander ot the battleship Connecticut, Is chairman of this committee. Captain Osterhaus has sent out 11 statement to the captnlns of nil warships In tho North Atlantic squadron and to the commander ot every ship In the ser vice, asking for suggestions, The enlisted men are desirous ot obtaining coats mid visor cans. Many of them want the wldo flaring trous ers cnnngeii into the ordinary pat tern. Jl ill tlio cuter grievance relates to the blouses mid tliu old-fashioned pancake caps. These caps nro said by all seamen to be absolutely useless on a windy day, ns they cannot bo kept on tho bead. They afford no shade to the eyes mid seem to exist merely an it relic of the Past, The protest over the blouse Is con sldered well justified In the navy. In tho first plnco the seamen object to the wide collar, which blows up around their ears on windy days. They want shorter neckerchiefs mid coats hut like those of marines. Hhould the sailors' demands be grunted, It would be the first tlmo In the history of the American nnvy Hint seamen have worn couts. USUAL DEFICIT FOR JULY. Out U. S. Revenue From All Sources Shows Large Increase. Washington, Aug1. 7. Tho com parative monthly statement of tho government's receipts and expendi tures shows that tor the month of July, 1907, tho total receipts wcro ID5,90G,C5 and tho disbursements 106,813,345, leaving u deficit for the month of about 111.000.000. This deficit Is explained by tho fnct that nt tho beginning of each fiscal year nearly nil the appropriations mndo by the lust session ot congress bo come nvnllnble nnd Inrgo sums nro Immediately withdrawn from the treasury, It Is a rule, with hardly an exception, that each July shows n deficit. A year ngo It was above I1C3.500.000. Tho receipts from customs lust month nmnunted to $28,S2C,44S: which Is nearly $2,700,000 In excess ol July, 1906. Internal revenuo 122,- K 10,304, I nc r e no I73S.O0O. Mis cellaneous 14,229,712, Increase 110, 000. Tha expenditures for July, 1907, aggregate almost axactly $1,000,000 moro than for July, 190C, tho re ductions being balanced by nearly 14,000,000 Increase account con struction or I'nnnmn canal. Nsvy Department Loarns Lesson. WaihliiAton, Aug. C Acting Sec retary of tho Nnvy Nowborry linn ncted upon tho findings and recom mendations of tho board which In vestigated tho ncehlant on tho bat tleship Georgia on July 1C last, re sulting In tho death of ton officers nnd sailors nnd the Injury of n num ber of others. The report Includes nil of tho testimony tnken by the board. Almost nil of tho findings nnd rec ommendations, most of which hnvo heretofore been published, wero ap proved by Mr. Nowbrry, who hnn or dered them put Into effect. Tho Navy Department is now convinced that the ran so of tho nccldent wns beyond question n "llnrolmck," which It re gards as n welcome conclusion, be cause It Is believed that such llnro backs can bo dealt with safely by ad ditional precautions. Middles on Torpedo. Boats. Washington, Aug. 7, Orders Issu ing from tho Nnvy Department show that 11 number ot midshipmen hnvo boon placed nn torpedo-bont duty. This marks n new policy In tho Nnvy, showing Hint tho Nnvy Is deficient na compared with foreign navies In torpedo-boat work. Thero nro CO tor-podo-hoats of various types In our Nnvy, yet only 10 of thorn nro In nc tlvu service. This hns boon caused by 'tho Bhortngo ot olllccrs, re sulting from tho heavy dommuls tor such olllccrs for tho nuw battleships going Into commission. Cultivate Land In Forest Reserve. Washington, Aug. 0. J. O. Han nuin, .of Portland, Or., has beon grunted n penult to culttvnto 180llnllwny Trnlnmon, In an endeavor acres In tho Cascade National forest (north), applied for by him undor tho net or Juno 11, 1P0G, nnd to erect a house nnd othor buildings. It ho so desires, for tha purposo or be ginning his Improvements beroro tho land la formally listed for tiling nt tho United States Land Ofllco, No Protest Frcm Japan, Washington. Aug. 7. No nrotost bus beon received rrotn tho Japanese , government against tho plan to sond tho Atlnntlo battleship fleet to tho PacUlo nnd nono Is expected. It Is pointed out there that no basis exists for protest or complaint, as the fleet Is to remain In American waters, MUST IIENDcll ACCOUNT. New Suit by Receiver Earl Against Sugar Trust. Trenton, N. J., Aug. 8 A bill In equity which culls upon tho American HttKiir Ilcllnlng company to give an Re counting of Us bin 1 11 ocf (or tlio past (cur yesrs was filed before Chsncellor Mngre today ou belinlt of George II. K111I, Jr., receiver of the I'cnnsylvnnls fjugnr Kenning company, of l'hllsdi 1 phis. The suit, It Is raid, Is tho only ono of the kind over filed In this coun try, mid tho step taken by the Pennsyl vania company may bo tho means of opening nn entire now field (or Investi gating truU. The suit is separate from that lor f30,0OO,000 damages which Mr. Karl instituted ogalntt the American Hugar Hctlnlng company, of Now Voile. Mr. Karl holds that In procuring tho controlling Interest lu the Pennsylvania company In 1003, the company became a trustee (or the concern and Is respon sible to It for an accounting, although the American company never operated the opposition company's plants. FIR8T TESTIMONY. Hesrln-j of Standard Oil Case Deglns September 3. 8t. Louis, Aug. 10. The (hit testl inony in the government's suit to dis solve the Htandmd Oil company and kindred comtfinIcs on the ground that they constitute a trust will be taken In tho poatolllce building In New York on September 3. Kx-Judgo Franklin Fr rise, ol Bt. I)uis, who was appoint! d sptcisi examiner to near listlmony, has Issued an order for tho (list testimony ss abovo and copies were mailed today lo all the attorneys on both sidca. Frank 11. Kellogg, of Ht. Loots, and O. 1). Morrlcon, ot Chicago, special counrol lor tho government, requested juugo rirriss to issue tho order. Judge Ferriss hns not been Informed what witnesses will bo called at tho hearing. Tho taking of testimony will mark tho actual beginning of tho govern ment's fight to overthrow tho Standard Oil company and the ,0 or more tub sldlary rorporatlcns allied with It. Tlio suit was 11 1 I'd In fit. Louis early In the year, and all preliminary matters have been cleared away. GOVERNMENT WINS FIQHT. Right to Water Under Indian Treaty la Upheld. Helena, Mont., Aug. S. Federal Judgo C, K. Wolvcrton, ot Oregon, who has had under consideration for somo months tho case ot tho govern meat against tho Conrad Investment Company, Involving tho right to tho use of the waters of HIrch Creek, the middle of which marks tho southern boundary ot tho lllackfoot Reserva tion, In his opinion which was re ceived today, decided for tho com plnltmnt. Tho government nsserted tho right to tho uso of tho wntera among other things under n treaty with tho Indians, whllo tho chief con tontlon ot tho defendant wns that, ho having compiled with the act or con gross of 1S91 relating to right ot way over public land for Irrigation ditches and cannls, tho government could not go back of that. W. O. Conrad, of Helena, Is tho owner of tho company, which has ox- ponded largo sums In reclaiming thousands of acres or land Just south or tho Hlnckfoot reservation. Tho mnln canal Is over 90 miles long nnd (bore nre many moro miles of later als. It Is not known whethor tho case will be appealed or not. Protect O. R. & N. Roadway. Washington, Aug. S. Authority has been grantod to tho engineer In charge of tho Umatilla Irrigation project in Oregon to construct a wastowiiy on tho storago feed on tho canal nbout Ihreo-fourths of n mile below tho town or Kcho, Tho point nt which Hits structure will bo built controls tho operation ot tho cannl throughout n section about four miles long whero tho cannl very closely parallels tho O. It. & N. rail road. This section hns been con sidered ns threatening tho safety ot tho railroad. Trying to Settle Strike, Washington, Aug. 9. Charles P. Nolll, commissioner or labor, Is In telegraphic communication with P. II. Morrlssey, grand mnstor. and othor olllccrs of tho Brotherhood of to bring about n peaceful eottlemont of tho strike ot swltchtnon employed by tho Colorado & Southern Hnllwny Company, and to prevent, If posslblo, tho onforcomont or n gonoral Btrlko ordor calling out nil tho trainmen omployod by tho road. s New Northwest Postmasters. Washington, Aus. 9. Postmastors nppolnted; Orogon Pokognma, aeorgo w. Mclntyro, vlco O. D. waiters, re- Blgnod. Washington Hall, William A. Ooor, vlco O. P.. Angard. roslgnod; Pdngon, Mohin Wothoroll, vlco S. O, llladloy, toslgood. FINED 820,240,000. Great Moropoly Is No Better Than Counterfeiters or Robbers. Chicago, Aug. C Judgo Koncsaw M, Lnndls Saturday In tho United Htntes District Court fined tho Htnnd ard Oil Company, or Indiana $29, 240,000 for violations or the law against accepting rebates from rail roads. Tho fine Is tho largest over assossed against any Individual or any corporation In the history or American Jurisprudence. Tha case will bo carried to tho higher courts by the defendant company. The penalty Imposed ou the com pany Is tho maximum pormlttcd un der tho law and It was announced at tha end of a long opinion, In which the methods and practices of the Standard Oil Company wcro merci lessly scored. Tho Judge, In fact, de clared In his ophilon that the offi cials of tho Standard Oil Company who wcro responsible for tho prac tices of which tho corporation was found guilty, wcro no better than counterfeiters and thieves, his exact Iiinguago being: "Wo rsny as woll look at this sit uation squarely. Tho men who thus deliberately violated this law wound society moro deeply than docs he who counterfeits tho coin or steals letters from tho mall. Tho nominal defendant Is tho Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana, a million-dollar cor poration. Tho Htandard Oil Company of New Jersey, whoso capital Is $100,000,000, Is tho real defendant. This Is for tho reason that, If a body of mon organize a largo corporation under tho laws of ono stato for tho purpoio of carrying on business throughout tho United States and for the accomplishment of that purpose absorb tho stock or other corpora tions, such corporations so absorbed havo thenceforth but a nominal existence. They cannot Initiate or oxecuto any Inherent business policy, their elimination In this respoct be ing a prime consideration for their absorption. So, when atter this pro cess has taken place, a crlmo Is com mitted In tho nnmo of such smaller corporation, the law will not consid er that tho latter corporation Is tho real offender. And whero tho only possible motive of tho crlmo Is the enhancement of dividends and tho only punishment nuthorlzcd Is a fine, great caution must be oxerclscd lest tho fixing of ft small amount encour ago the defendant to further viola tions by esteeming tho penalty to bo In tho naturo of a license. "Tho defendant argues that to hold It for 1,462 offenses would bo a violation of tho constitutional pro hibition against tho Imposition or excessive fines ,nnd It Is urged that congress could never havo Intended to confer upon tho court such power. It Is the view or tho court that for tho law to tako from ono or Its cor porate creatures as a penalty for tho commission of a dividend-producing crlmo less than one-third of Its net revenues accrued during tho period of violation falls far short ot tho Im position of an oxccsslve fine, and surely to do this would not bo tho exercise of ns much real power as Is employed when a scntenco Is Im posed taking from n human Doing ono day of his liberty. it Is tho iudemont and sentence ot tho court thnt tho defendant, tho Standard Oil Company, pay a flno or $29,240,000." Under tho seven Indictments still ponding against tho Stnndard OU Company, an additional flno amount ing to $88,440,000 may bo leviea against tho company, How to Make Public Pay. How tho Stnndard Oil Company can exact payment from tho public: Flno Imposed by Judgo Landls, $29, 240.000: attorneys' fees (estimated) $200,000; total flno and costs $31, 600,000. Prcsont prlco (average grado) kerosono per gallon, 12 cents. Proposed prlco, same, 13 cents. Gallons refined kerosono to ono barrel crudo petroleum, 15. Number gallons to bo sold at in- croaso of 1 cent per gallon ovor pres ent quotations to rolmburso Standard Oil, 3,160,000. Number barrols crude! potroleum, 210,000,000. In crease In dollars, $31,500,000. Cap ital stock Standard Oil Company of Now Jersey, $100,000,000. Capital stock Standard Oil Company or In diana, $1,000,000. Woalth of John D. Rockefeller In excess of $1,000, 000,000. (Kind figures not known to himself.) Rockefeller's Interest In Standard Oil (27 25 por cont total capitalization), $27,400,000. Figures based on ono barrol crudo petroleum producing 36 per cont kerosono and by-products. paraQln,' lubricating oils, etc. Flogged In Public View. Hnzolton, Pn Aug. 5. Louis Samobolla, accused ol wiro-beatlng, was publicly flogged by Alderman McKolvoy, boforo whom ho had bocn brought for a hearing. Aftor tho testimony had beon given. Alderman McKelvey solzcd tho man by tho col lar, draggod him Into tho street, pulled tho coat from his back and then handcuffed him to a post. Tho crowd divined his Intention, and a man took off his belt and gnvo it to McKelvey. Tho aldorman Is young and strong, and tho flogging was vig orous. Coin Design His Last Work. Now York, .Aug. S) Through a lottor from President Roosevolt, mado public. It wns learnod that AuRUstus St. Qnudens, tho famous American saulptor, who died, had de signed tho now gold coins which are now bolng completed. This design Is nrobablr the last completed work that left the hands ot the saulptor, RAILROAmUTLAW Openly Defies Authorities ol me State ol Alabama. MILITIA NAY BE CALLED UPON Governor Will Take Possession of tha Road by Armed Force If Neces sary to Enforce Laws. Birmingham, Ala,, Aug. 6. It Is not unlikely that troops will bo or dered out within a fow days to tako possession of tho lino ot tho South ern Railway, tho cancellation of whose llcenso to operate In tho stato Is calmly Ignored by tbo company. A four-hours' conferenco hold hero this afternoon between Governor Comer, Attorney-Con. Garbcr and prominent nttorncys. Including two cx-Chlcf Justices ot tha Supremo Court, Is believed to havo rosulted In a determination to make wholesale arrests or officials ot tho Southern road If that company does not re cede from Its prcsont position. A stato official close to tbo Gov ernor mado the statement that Gov ernor Comer was going to uso evory power at bis command to uiako tbo Southern Hallway obey tho laws ot Alabama. "If tbo railroad carries out Its threat to stop all business lnsldo tho stato and confine Itself to only In terstate business," said this official. "then tho Governor will order out tho stato troops and tako possession of tho railroad, which bas already placed Itself In tho attltudo of a mob, defying the rightful authority ot the state. This action would bo followed up by an extra session of tho legisla ture, at which a law would bo enact ed whereby tho railroad would bo placed In tbo hands of a receiver la less than CO days." STANDARD CANNOT ESCAPE. Only Two Pretexts, and Neither Ono Will Hold. Washington, Aug. 6. Two ave nues of posslblo escape are open to tho Standard Oil Company, but whether ono or both aro taken tho government will bo found strongly Intrenched, confident ot repeating tho victory It scored In Judgo Lan dls' court. The trust may appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals on a writ of error, or to tho Supremo Court of tho United States on con stitutional grounds. Ono nppcal will not conflict with tho othor, and no further appeal lies In cither case. The Circuit Court of Appeals has final Jurisdiction in quostlons of er ror affecting the law in tho case, and so far as Judge Landls' official acts In tho construction of tho law aro concerned, tho Supremo Court or tho united States can only consider ono question. Undor nrtlclo S of tho Constitu tion, "excesstro ball shall not bo re quired, nor oxccsslvo fines Imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." In tho opinion ot offi cials ot tho Department ot Justice, tbo caso can reach tho Supremo Court on tho ground that the $29,- 240,000 flno Is excessive, because tho Standard Oil Company ot In dlann, tho defendant, has capital Btock ot only $1,000,000 and assets of only $10,000,000. Tho astuto lawyers employed by tho trust may find other constitutional questions to rniso In tbo Supromo Court, Tho government Is ready to meet such an Issue nnd Is confident ot victory. It will reply that the Stand ard Oil Company of Indiana Is, as Judgo Landls has construed, tho Standard OU Company ot Now Jor soy, tho great Standard trust, In fact, and that tbo fine imposed upon tbo trust must bo measured by tho re sources of tho trust, and not ono ot tha subsidiary, dummy branches. 11 y tho Depnrtmont of Justico at tention Is called to tho common prac tice In criminal courts ot imposing fines upon vagrants, when tho inabil ity of tho culprit to pay tho flno Is known to the court. But such sen tences havo never beon construed as excessive fines. Moro Land Frauds. Los Angolcs, Aug. 6. Tho sudden doparturo ot United States District Attorney Oscar Lawlor for Portland and Senttlo Is considered significant, when tnken In connection with tho rccont disclosure of extensive land frauds In tho Imperial Valloy. When ho loft tho city Mr. Lawlor said ho was called by Important business, but would not give any Information as to Its nature. As tho Investigation Is continuod it Is believed tho names of promlnont capitalists will bo called with those dosort land entries. Captured dap Poachers. Victoria, I). O., Aug. 0. Advices havo been received here ot an at tempted soaltng raid by the Japanoso sealing schooners Kalko Maru and Midori Maru on tho seal rookeries at Coopor Islands, guarded by Hue Elans. The schooner Kalke Mara has returned to Mlynko, Hlckusu provlnco, Japan, and roported three ot her sealing; boats and 13 men eap- jtured by Russians,