The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1907, Image 8

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1 v
,. -
Timber Land, Act June j, t;S.
U. 8. bid OfSce. The Dalles, Oregon.
December o, 1905.
Notice i hereby (inn that In compliance with
le rtrevtsions orthe Art r,T Canptni of lunn
the provisions ofihe Act f Congress of June
. ste, entitled. "An act for the salcof tiffibcrlan
tr, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber landa
I, t h ttaa T "- ., ..J- a
' Washington Territory. aa extended to all tlir
puUle land state by act of August 4, iSqj,
Kobert K. Simpson
rf FrloevHte, retiaty of Crook, state of Oregon,
w irii Mr Htm in mis bikt nts "worn Stale
iaent '. $. for the purchase or the nHw.
aeKawx; and .) ofteci.tpn a. mc m
And wt efkr proof lo shew that the
laad sought la nor vlMbl for 1U tluib-r or
tone than tor sgrtculiaral Dttrpotea. end to
tntabUsh Ms eUlm to ut land before Ike
Oaootr Clerk at frincviUc, Oregon on the lath
y October, 107. ,
He names at wltncetet- Mk-ba-t Menken,
. J. X. Hunter, John Meat, all of Ilend. Orrcon,
Mat Warrcti Croaks, 1-rhtcvttlc. Orci-on.
Amy and all persons Claiming adversely
lie above described landl are requested to tie
Meiretalms la thil office on or before the aald lath
eajr of October, 190;.
M C. W. MOORIt, Jtrglster.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Notice k hereby given that
Henry Hedge
of Bend. Oreipon. hat nlad noiia afhu lnt,.itiA
to aaeVe SuarcoM mutation woof In support of
. vi.ii", ti- iiDwnimi nniry no. um
nude July it, 1505, lor the sfcuw J, mi 1 lou and
4 of tec j, tp lit a, r 11 e, w m
And that aald proefwlllbe made before H. C.
IBIU, V. S. Commissioner, at his of fee In Ilend,
Oregon, on heptembtr 14. 19117
. lie names the fettowlugwitnekseeleproec hit
ratUbiuottt realdence upon and cultivation of the
lend, vj Jowph II O'NkJ. J- M. McReynoMi.
Iwtauel C Caldwell, W. Ray UtlUitaon, all of
JJtwl, Oregou.
U C W. MU0K1'. Reglater.
Iepartnicn t of ,Se In.i t
Land Ofilee M .'lie Vi I v, Oregon,
Aueiu' t 100;.
Notice la hereby giren Ui t
Cora A I'crguaon
cil Utnd, Oregon, baa filed notice f r intention
tutnake final coiamutatlou proof ., aupport of
. uer ciaun, vi jiomeateaa jii iy No n.yii
f inade May j", 1903, for the wSaw', ateinwK of
KK J, uuu c;juc)t ui ate , ip It , r IJ C, W in
And that aald proof will I made before II C.
HI1U. U. a. Coinmiaaioner, at hit uAcc III Ilend,
Oregon, 011 bcplember 14, 1907
Hlie naroca the following wilneaa to prove
her continuous realdence uun. ami rultlMtlnn
of, the land, vii John i'erguaon, (.auwood T.
Calllhan, Arthur G lily, Willlani Arnold, all of
Seou, uirfuu.
ito-uj C W MOOkK. i:egler.
Department of the Interior
I.anil omce at The Iulltt, Oregon,
Ju'y 11, Iv7i
Notice It hereby eheu thai
uf Ilewl, Oregon, hat filed retire f lila lutcnlloii
to make fiuaicommuUtluu proof in aupport of
hla claim, via: Homestead liutry No. 11,470
made April 14, 1W. for Lota 3 and 4 of see 19,
ipi9a, riie.aud thecHte.'t ofaec 14, tp 19
r 10 c, w in
' i'l that said proof wIV tude before II. r
n Commlatlouei 1 Ilia otnc iu Ilend,
,! ou heptembtr 14, 1907,
lie lurnci the following wllueaaca to prove hk
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
the land, via: Fred A. Sbonqueal, William V.
Vandervert, Cort B. Allen, Otorge liatea, J, N,
blunter, all of Send, Orcgen,
iH C, W. MOOXJ:, UciOalcr,
The Central Oregon Development Co,
Timber Land, Act June j. iljj.
U 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
June 4, 1907
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions flhe Act of Congrew of June J.
UTs, entitled, "An act for th.- sale of timber land J
In the UU of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
... . . ii."7. raienoeii 10 ail inc
public land states by Art of August 4, 1J91,
Fred W. Wilton
of Prlneville. county of Crook, stale of Orreeti,
has on Junes, iws. filed In this iiv, hi. .
statement No 4ij6 for the burchsse of lot 1.
swj,'ne)f and wjitejf ofsee 1, tp t s, r II r, w m
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable fcr lit limber or stone
., 0,'J,t"c"H,,,,. pirpet. ami to estab
lish his claim louKiWl before II C. ltUH.
U. h bis eMce at Ilend, Oregon,
on the itlh day of .September. 1907.
'! names at wltmtses toseph N Hunter.
all of Ilend, Oregon.
Any and all rtrrians lfti,nint. bJv
;be described landsare rrnursleil to file
uniMim. in ints otneeenor oeu
:fore the MM
Mm 0.7 ei Mptemoer, iy;
Jlu-sif- C. Ht
MOOKK. Keglitcr.
Timber Ind, Act June j, lift,
U. S. Land Office. The Dtllet, Oregon.
June 4, 107.
Notice It hereby given that la camplUiMe with
the provWont oTibe Art of CoagreaVof June 3.
I7 entitled, "An art for the sal. of timber land.
WV.yy.nTr"uT'-" tdatl to ail Ibe
public land nates by Art of August 4, ,,
I'torence A. McCaun
of Ilend, eonnly of Crook, state of Oregon, lias
on July 17. If,, filed In this omce her sworn
statement No ayAfortlw purchase of Use uww
ofsec ii, IP19S, r ire. wm
And will offer woof lo show that the land
touithlitraore valli.1.1, f.r Ii. .11 ....;.'
than f agrlciilliiral purptHca, ail to staWlsh
"'"'" '" "aw Willi IMIUIC II C ItllW, I'
. Commissioner, at hit ofSn- ! nl n...:.
on the ijh day of August, is7. ' '
(SheiuMesas witnesses' Harnett A. Orlffin
Holraaa W Morrill, lthof lieud, Oregon.
Any and all fetaons ttaiiulng adversely the
above-dtscrlbeil lands are requetted lo file their
ori'u" it "" on or tfi"e mM ' i,b U'
iM-'l C V. MOORIt. Heglster.
Timber Land, Act of June 3, iJrfl,
V. 8, Land Office, The Dallca. Oregon,
Notice la hereby given that In complllSce with
thenrovlsiOHtofthr Actnf rem.,., . ,.r ....- .
8tS. eiltlllnl "All art f..r ih. ..ll ,. ",".
,,!',,h,e.bUlrfCA"for"l"'"'i Nevada, and
Washington Territory." as eatended lo all the
1'ubllc Land butts by act of August 4, ityj,
Melissa C Coons
And will offer tironf tn .hnw ii,. .1.. i..i
souzht la more laluahle for Its n,iw., . .......
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land before II. C. Hills, v. h
Commissioner, at Ills ntfir l fi..l ,1.-. :
theulhdaofpipumur, Vw ' B "' ""
She names as witness. W 8. Nlchol, Prank
Dutterworlh, Albert C, Lucas. Joseph N. Hunter.
William II. ritaala, all ol'lleml, Oregon. "ua'"'
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
"ve -deacrlbed'lande are repeated to file their
.iu.imui.viu vu wr ueiorc aam 14m day ol
Ueptcmbcr, 1907 ' '
JIU-S13 C W MOOKK, Ucglslcr.
Read The Bulletln'o Irrigation
of Ilend, counly of Crook, stale of Oregon,
has on January 10. 1907, filetl In this office he
sworn ataleinent No. 1773 for the purchase of the
Ijtnetf and HnwM ofsec 31, Ip y s. r 11 e. w m
Spokane of Oregon
Mr. Stanley of the Deschutes Irrigation
& Power Company assures us that work
will be commenced on the Corvallis &
Eastern extension into Central Oregon
within three months.
The time to buy property is now.
Derailment of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
June t, 1907
Nblke Is hereby tlreo that IvIC Whittr.1 of
Iwnd. Oregon, has filed nullee of hit iNlrntlon lo
" nnai nve-jear pnwr In support of hit
eUlm, via llomeitra.l Untrv No lasio. msn
March 17, lu. for the neU of sec 11. tp ll a, r 11
e, w hi and that ukl proof wilt be made belbre
II. C HUH, V H commiuleurr, at hit ornee In
Mend, Oregon, am Augtttt ijlh. loirf
He mme-i the nttowhtg witnestet to prove Mt
cvmtlnuwM leiiilenee uposi. and cultivation of,
the land, rli
. ?!l,,'."..wVi"t,,,, w "Hler. Kugenlt
J WMlM.aUofHend. Orerm. Jahn Mmm. of
Waters, Oregwo, rawk tiU, of ftedmowl, utv
C W MOOKK, Hegtwer
Department af the Intaitor,
Land Oltce at Lakcelew. Oiepm,
July , ',,
Notke Is herabv vIvmi lhat 1 n .,,.
Adr ofKainuel II. Dotrauee, of I'rlMevtlle, Ore-
fw"i " hoi lee 01 ms iniesniON la iMtl"
Sua I five-year prmf ih mptxHt rf kts claim, v4t
Homestead I'nlry No ii 17 Made JhIv as, 17,
fortbesHswrf.awIi-seSt sec 11 awf nV Unify
sc 11, 111 n s, r 9 c wm.
And that sai.1 proof will be Made before the
dark 0 Crook rouaty, Oregon, at hit office at
PrinevtUc, Oiegeo, oh Use latlt day of Augitri,
names the foUowlHe sIIuum t t ku
cwirlwtoua lesWeoee npcrn. and .eulth attorn of
the iMd. vU W. H HQUlMfttteaM. W C llol
"ftsbead, Joe Taggail, ftwit Aune, art of
"""w. uigi, jama inaeic 01 uciHl, Oi
I. N. WATON. KeiMer.
11 Lands lo Settlement and Kulrr Ifpart
ment ol the Interior. Oeneral IaxuX Offcee. lviah
Ington. D. C . lutie 11. mo M.tu 1. k..i.
giveu that the puMIcUihIi In Hie following de
seriM.I area., temporarily wUhdiawn oil July
J'-IW. for forestry purposes and adjoining the
I'remont Nalloual I'oiesl, Oregon, ami not oth
erwise wiiiMrawM, rrserve.1 or appruMlaled.
will by autliorlty of the Hecrrtary ol I lie Interior
lie restored lo Ike public domain en ticpleiuber
, lose, and become subject la mlllemeul on and
after Dial date, lull not 10 entry, filing or selec-
IU.H until on and alter October M. 1907, under
llsaa iiki. .1 mt i m I -a il aa 1. a .'. -
... u.,M, imimnmi si uie uniicn Maiea i,and
Office at The Dalka, Orruou Iu Towntliip
hlMa4aatt m,. fj. a... T. a 1. .a . T
""' i ars-aiiigrt ITII I0t (1C IKJUIIIWffftl
rttuitcroriitrctlonrkretidt), .nTowiuhlplwrii.
Ylh K-rikjr leu (10J, te-ru.uiimc (i), two U).
Jr(3),Uvrn (n), twclvr Hi), tJiirtcrn (ij),
lOiirtrrtl ttl tsavrnlaa ftirasat l..a..lo.f.i.,. ..I
a at "f - mis lJi inviii'iuiil 1(41
and Ihlrly-su (ys), 111 Township twenty o),
Kauvecleveu (11) Sect lout one (1) to twenty-two
lit), bolli inclusive, the southeast tiuarter of 8ec
liun 1 twenty-fire (ijj. Hectlous twenty seven (i;l
tplhlrty-four Itt). Ulli Inclusive, ami hedion
thirty 1361, in Township twenty (w), Kauge
I welt c ft 21. the aoiilliw ,iim,rr ..r.,1,... ...
e f7), all ufnecllon sliteeu (16), the west half of
ncctlou seventeen (171, Mecilout elghleen (id),
nmeiecn llJ twenty (, the west half of sc
tloiHwreiity-one (nj, nectlona twenty nine 1 19),
thirty jo) and the southwest quarter of Hectloii
lhlrtyiic (i'i. all houlli and l!atl, Wlllumrtlc
Meridian, Oregon Warning la hereby given
that 110 nersoii will I., ,,., itt..i 1,. ....1.. A.
cite any tight whatever under any settlement or
, f.ia. I.. ...... a. .!.. .1.....?.. .
v,mt,u,i uv.uii it, ,t,r in n.
to rkideiiilier H, 1907,
t Is hetcbir fottlddeii.
Commissioner of the
Approved. IruMB W,
nun ail sucn settlement
Fumi Dhniuktt, Acting
a '.. . ..I -
i.ruerai iaiuI Oltce. Aunrovetl. Imsit
.1.....W A...I . -.. . I
.. lux-! nt-wiiu nerrciary 01 ine interior.
Rolled Uarloy for; Sale.
In the Jolmson biiildliiir on Wnll
street at Betii, fitf
Don't read your neighbor's Uul
letlii. Subscrilie lor it yourself.
Hd that speaks much will
much mistaken. Pranklin.
Timber Land, Act June i. lt;J
V. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Octeen,
June (, K7.
Notice It herchr given thai In cwnplunt wltb
IheprovUIOHtuflhe Actof CunervM of June 1
tsr. entitled. ' Ah art far the MteofllmbrrMMt
Intheslstesof California, Oregon, ttevada, ami
WashlautonTemlory," aecvtriidrtl to alt tlrf
pnblk land ttalee by Act of Auguil 4. Iy,
Chauneey X llatnty
of Head, ctmnty ut Irouk. state at Ocaro.
hat on Aueust in. iv. filed In litis oAkr ki
tworn staiemenl No jj. mr the wrehaM of
lrta jarnl 4 and swKhwM ofsec a, Ip 19 s, r lie
r ih
Ahd wilt affer swf l shaw lhal Ike Isad
stwieht Is more valuable fur Us Umber or stone
than for ejrttciiltaHal iHtiMMet, and to establish
hU claim tu said land Ufote II. C KHls, U.
Cowmmltutr. at hu office In Heml. Ofegusi, ai
Ike itlhamsrAuiiiul ,u
I He itaMte as wilHesses Michael 1 Mairiian.
SrpJt N. Ilualer. William II Usaala, Thamtat
mlHlrr, all af Kend, Oiegon. John IMosa.
ers. oreeoti
Any and all persons claiming- adversely the
above dasertbe.1 lands are reajnasinj MAW llteir
etalms In I bit attke ast or bafif said uth day of
'tTw'ti WfVft
C W. MOOKIt, HegMer.
Depailmenl af Ike Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles. Of rgati,
Jane j, 197.
Notlee it hereby given that Mvtna Jonee,
gilaltllau of Ute estate of John I!. lone. InsaM,
of Prlueville. Oreeon. has filed siafleeuf ker Ih.
of Priaevillc, Oregon, has filed i
lentsosi lo make five year proof in mppott of hla
claim, via llnmestrad Kalry No iits taade
pi 3, 't for the e nww. K neh. nd wwW
'M of tec. M Ih. sua . ratine ta e . w in sud
that said iieoof will be made before the cwinty
r.v at 1-vlM.Mrillj, rfta..MM. u s.iuu. .....
Mbe names at witnesses to prove hUoontinrnttM
resmeuce U(mmi. andcutllvalloiiorihe land, via
W e Vandevert. (leorce llatea of Ilend. Oievmi
Charles Montgomery, and I'raMM H myn of
rrineviue. ifiegotl.
1 C W Moore. Kegtster.
DejiaitHitiit uf the Inlersar,
Ijsii'l Dinec at The Dallea, Oregon,
lunej. i'w.
Notice Is hereby elveii that Charles A. Ulan, of ItriH), iirtwHi, has filed nollee of
hit Intention lo mate final five-year proof In
soltuort of hltrlsllil. vis HomrstMil ltulrv Nil
om mule August 3, iyoi, for I lie awlf of sec 17,
Ipl7a, r lie, w m,
Aud that aaul broof will lie made befiire II. IV
Hlllt. V H. Commissioner, at lilt mllce Ih Ilend,
Oregon, on Annual 11. luat.
He lis 111 ta (he following wllueatea to prove lilt
yt.t,i,Myii ,,ii.-r HIKJII. Klt eillllVatlOII f,
IhelAinl to-wit dvid w II Hllry -.rileml.Miie
K011 I'rauk Olassof Koliiioml, iHegoti; ianiss
it Jleiilism i,r Luidlaw, Oiccoii. Willi tut j,
hlaalt of lit ml, Ortguii
l's9 C W MOOHI' Urgltler
The Pioneer Telegraph
and Telephone Company
Telegrams J'onvnniert lo Any I'nrt
of the World.
Telephone Coniniiiiilcutlon
with l'ortlnntl, I'rliieville ami all
Pacific Coast cities.
Public Pay Stations
In Honk IlulflhiK nt Ilcnil, at I,ntl.
luw and 1'awell Jluttcn.
MeeiiKer icrvice to any pari of
-tuva. -.uuiuy I.OUII1 01 UroOKCU
rnesklent. , .
Iwertlary afltlalr.....
tseeielary of Treastsry .
tteerelary f Inltlwr.
I eeetery af War .
rWteUlyaf Navy ...
tiacf ttary of Commute,
.. Thesaet HmweviK
..Cbsiles W PatrbaaU
KM4M hawt
.lletgc K CtjeMeam
. . .lames K OaitaM
- W. H. Tan
C. J. ttttMiraMe
.IMae Heasm
rastuiastef lewel... .. . !), vi L. Meyt
Atloraey (ItMMeal Wtam II. Mtasfe
aeeeeury of AgrsmrtMc . . . . .m, w,
Q-etMie H. ---
Veretary of sHale. .. . r .
Trtwswiee .... .. o ateet
Altorney IHweetU ... w e..llt
Huist- lwaitt iNitrnetton. . .j. n Artatasaw
sale Ittnlef w ,
Daley awl rd IkwwMtwe,,. . j. sy f
V. . 8eemiHS.MM .. C Kalta
I) bourn. Jr
Cowctw( j l" Hg),,
mipreme Judge ....
Jle ...
Altar iiry....,
..........w W. L.Waslshaw
-m-...m.I'ibwV, Meittiac
Jutlge .
wflea e.s.aa
. W A Dell
.Waiesi Heown
... I'rauk hlkins
-' W 71 Kinj
...-m.m...... immJ. iM tialkrti.
.-.i.-..m. C. It, DtHWltkhe
Asses sm-..MM,,
It4l0l Hupl,
i.W. U. McPaU,i
I Meatnt
Tllll COUItTfl.
CiicniTCaa.rr. lltM Monday Iu May. lhli.1
MoHttay In (Wober.
riTH.CJVHT-HHt Monday ii esveh isuHitl,
CtiUMisaidtiiDia' CtH'xr
l'ltal WWnewUy
Jt). HepletHber
In January, March, May,
and November.
IIbkii Hciioot, liitrmcr No 1,
lllrrdort 1 iJ!u-!MU
"' J A: ' Owlwll.
I '. is. Akchal
J . 1. l(lfMl
C, rl llcHtou
( Jjl Kttlilt,. Ktld
...A. I fbjoihrllii,
II C. Illtlt
I' O Minor
H. C. Caldwell
C H, liens111
Atdrrmcii .
John II, Weiiainly
saitiltllll 1 rilllflf
1 j i. linnii
1 if rt-r..; "
INSTRUCT you. Si.Ucrll.e iioi- '"'
It Olves the News
All of it,
Columbia Soulhcrn
rAf-allNnilM THAIN TIMK CAItll.
ms. 1
I suvn
Mt. I
. jftaV.
1 e
- - .ntMsvM.
- Wee.
.. .MrtK(avUle
.. ..steass Vat ey
"fHVss' ,
- . Kem
4 at
aa.i'Sl"lt!r?,r, ' """' ' '
I -'X Jtma, Hay 1 iiy. .m Kum4J
lanik 1 t Aeaf
il- . la.
D Wlx.liHHKN.
V and pa.
itltlr,i l.ttt,
Hkstill 1HS
ahd Union Pacific
Salt Lake
- Denver
Kansas City
New York
n.i? p M llcn,"m twccit I'ortluiil
ni jaii I'rancihco every iv day J
lie United Stntca, unl
I'or particulurH, coll on oruddrcs
II (vsUytfl
-. IKULANI), Agt,,
The Dalit., Or,