The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1907, Image 7

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    Is Pc-ru-na Useful
for Catarrh?
(j Should a Hit of tho lnrjrcdlontt of l?o
runa bo juumlttcil to any medical ex
port, ofwhntovorrchool or nationality,
ho would bo obllod to admit without
I doubted value in chronia catarrhal dU
"eaacj, and had ttocd tho test of many
yoari' experience in tho treatment oi
inch disoiucs. TUT.IIE CAN OK NO
EVLR. reninalicomnoscdofthomoit
filcaclout and universally used horbal
remodlci for catarrh. Every Iwrrotllcnt
iff l'oruna lias a reputation of iU own
lu tho euro oitoruo pitaio orcntarrli.
U Feruna brlnira to the homo tho COM'
. SCHOOLS OF MEDICWE in tho treat-
jiscnt of catarrhal tlUcatct; br..ijt to
the home tho tclontiflo skill and ksowl
ndoof the modern pharmacist; and hut
H but not leait.ur.nrrt to tho homo tho vast
'and varied oxporienoo of Dr. Hnrtnmn,
UUuoujoofCrttnrrlt remedies, and In tlie
'keatment or catarrhal dlieaies.
The fact It, chronio catarrh it a dii
Mie which it vory jirovalent. Mauy
thotuand people know they have
-hronlo catarrh. They liavo viilted
doctors over and over again, and been
told Uiflt their cato ii ono of chronic
eetarrlL, It may bo of the note, throat,
jtanpt, itomach or omo other internal
firman. Thero ii no doubt at to tho ni
Ytro of the disease. Tho only trouble
'k the remedy, Thlt doctor hat tried to
'"ore thorn. That doctor hat tried to
t iretcrlbo for them.
" Dr. Hartman't idea, it that a catarrh
remedy can be mado on a lanjo icnlc,
M ho it making It; that It can bo made
.koneitly, of tho purest drugs and o.
otho" itrlcteit uniformity. IIu idea it
;Uiatt.iltremtdycan uotupplIeddloct
tly to tho pcoplo, and no more bo charged
, for It than it neceuary for the
hnndllnjrof It,
'5 No other hooiehold remedy to unl
penally advertised carriet upon the
o label tho principal active constituent
, .ihowlnff that Feruna invitet tho full
finipcctlon of tho critic.
lluaband-Ilut. nir dear, If Mm.
rKoittlixir tola you In strict cotiflde&co
TfOu tnounw't iii inn.
Wife Oh, very well; If you don't
Mr to hear It I can toll It to aoinc-
Wody Uv, I iUhmo. Ctitcaxo Now.
Alter Ik riooae.
"I hear that you taught a home In
tho unhurt, Marker)" liilurrogated the
Itjr friend.
Yia," atgliud Marker, at ho took a
firmer grin on tti lawn mower ami
Vsakrt of teed.
Ami I also heard that It It rich!
H tu date. Why, tliey aay It evcti hai
lmut. in."
No, subniarlno cellar. They arc
Wider writer mut of tho tltim."
l"Oiielialf tho world," irinarkod the
Han with thu quotation Imhlt, "dorati'l
Itaow how tho other hnlf Uvea."
"And It may nli ho stated without
mmrturliiR tho truth," rejoined thu
twlKo guy, "that tlirco-foiirtha of It
ocsirt know how It lives It-wlf."
Ind Slleiatm of pit Actor.
An actor without fund mnunged In
lomn way to get a socond class ticket
on n line of steamer rtniuliijt bottvren
He.iltlii nnd Hon Kranrlacu, Tho voy
ago Mwfen these two jdnts cutisiimiot
tho Mti-r imrt of tlueo days and In
lew of thu fact that III finance with
nt low olib ho wived tho question In
thlt uayt
Tint llmt day out ho slept nil day to
keep from eating, nnd remained up all
nltiht to kivi from sleeping. Tho seo
inl day ho took physical culture eiitr
dries. On tho third day he could not
Mmid tho strain nny longer nnd went
down In tho dining room nnd ordered
tho hct meal on hoard tho Urn I.
Whllu rating thin metil ho could aeo
In hit mind's co a plcturo uf n cell In
the Imttllo In Han l'raiulwo. Afler
nnlihliiK hi mrnl ho nald to the wait
r r "Mow much do I own youl"
NothltiK," replied tho waiter, "your
niettli waru Included In your tlckot."
Ubmt 1'rlln.T,
"fleorcp, dear," wld yuuns Mm. Mar.
rynt, "I cot n reclim for a fruit enko
today that will kcrjt for n juir."
"Oh," rvpllcil tho huhand, "you
oucht to kw(i It loiicer than that."
"What? ICwji fruit cako loncer "
"No, the rccli. Mlnlny It tomo-
wheru," I'hlladelphla I'rem,
llrnmtril at I)rr1fr.
An nrmy l-oiulotl hnn Jint brrn
Krantetl to J, Tom I In, of Nnttlnchnlii,
Kuulaiid, who I now 81, and hit med-
ala, cranial for KuvnitojKjl, havo Uii
It M-eim that ho w Inrnlldrit honi
from tho Crimea ami ttranted a inoiith'
furloueh, While anjoyluir tit r-t Imi
wn utrlckpti with typhoid ferer. but,
U'Iiir unihta to rad or write, did not
nniualut Hip ofllrrr of lilt rrclmeiit
with hl mUforltiiio or ak a friend to
do no. Tho contvMtielico wai tint wlinl
hU furloui;h oxplnsl ho wn tutted at
a dewrler, ami whllu on hit way to re
join wat arreiteil,
At Aldrrxhot ho wa tried by court
martial and M'ntruct'd to bo branded
with tho letter HIV
Kit Cltnur Ml All.
"That ilarlel I realty a trrrlhlo
bora. Ha talked laat ill c lit fot houn
lid only atopited to couch."
"Well, I aupjo you could get a
word In edgewaya thenV
"Itather not, for while ho waa cough.
Ing ho luado alg?u with hi hand that
he wm golnj on afterward." Not
TIm 1 ln,
"They're puttlnit out an awful lot of
rood aotist thou days" tald Mr. Htay.
"VJ" ijuerled Mli I'atlcnce Oo .ne,
with a yawn.
"V; thorn' a new march ng
that' great. It' Hue to march to"
"Indeed 1 I with I had It I'd play
It for you." Philadelphia l'rcu.
llrr I'rrrh.
"Did ho proxu to her on hit
"No, hut alio accepted htm on thm."
Ilouttou I'oat.
rirlo rrlitc.
"My town," aaltt tha flrt trareler,
"I Oreatur New York."
"(3lad to know you," cried the other;
"I'm from Chlcajro, too,"
"I nay ray town U Greater Now
"01 I thought yini tald greater than
New York." Catholic Staudard am)
T.try rati of tho Ixxlv la tlcncndent on tho blood for nourlnhmcnt nnd
". .a'V... ....-. - .. ..
ajtrcnKin. When this uio atream is liowinjr iJirourja tho system la a stata oi
purity and rlchucaa vo arc tuaurcd oi perfect and tiulntcmipted health;
Vn...MMU J.M. V M.VW. .4. ..,.. M " MM. M 1, M .. V M.Vt.dV. .1 MV.4, WIIVi,M,
the Ixxly la fctl on weak, Impure or polluted blood, tho pytteiu ia deprived of
its BtrcnKth. dlseaso genua collect, and tho trouble is manifested in various
.ways, l'uttuliir cmntloua. pimples, rashea and tha dilTcrcnt skin ntTcctiona
ehow that tho blood la iu a feverish, and diseased conuulou as n result of too
much acid or the rtreaenco. of eotno Irritating humor. Sores nnd Ulcers are
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter lit tho blood, and Rheumatism, Ca
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious lllood Folson, etc., nra all decp'Seated blood
illsordcrs that will continuu to p;rov worse as lonir as tho oIson remains.
(These Impurities nnd poisons find their way into tha blood in various ways.
Often nBlURirlsh, Inactive condition of tho system, nnd torpid etato of tho
Bveuues of bodily waste, leaves tho refuse and wnsto matters to sour and
form ttrlcaud other nclds, which nra taken up by tho blood nnd distributed
throughout tho circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseased is
nnothcr causa for tho poisoning of tha blood ; wo nlso breathe tho genua nnd
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, nnd when tlicao get into tho blood in
Bufllclcnt quantity it becomes n carrier of dlseano instead of health. Soma
Are so unfortunate ns to inherit bad blood, perhaps tho dregs of somo old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them nnd they are
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood ia tho eourco of nil dis
case, nnd until this vital fluid in cleansed nnd purified tho body is euro to
puffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. 8. ia tho best
remedy ever discovered. It goes down into tho circulation and removes any
and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, nnd completely
ana permanently cures dioou diseases oi
every kind. Tho nctlott of S, fl. 8, is so
thorough that hereditary taints aro removed
nnd weak, diseased blood made strong and
healthy so that dlseaso cannot remaiu, It
cures Uhcumatlstn, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores
nnd Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious
lllood Poison, etc.. nnd does not leave the
ellghtcst trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. Tho whole volume of
blood is renewed nnd cleansed after n counso of 8. 8. 8. It is nlso nature's
crcatcst tonic, inado entirely of roots, herbs and barks, nnd is absolutely
harmless to any part of tho system. 8, 8, 8. is for sale nt nil first class
frug stores, hook on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write.
'? me swift spanno oo., Atlanta, ga
, Mwm PflV3iAt overt
-Cliirlntiall l'oL
-! t-M-4 4-t-at' J
AumiBt Valentino Kautz wa born In
Uprlngrti, Iladt-iu (Ivrmnuy, but wna to the United litnlen by hi
Mir'iita when he waa
but an Infant. Mo
win not yet SO year
of ago when he
wired a a private
III tho toluiitevr In
tho Moxtrnn war,
winning for hlmtelf
ucti distinction that
ho wa after hi
dlcchark'o from tho
a nny a;polnted to
tho United Btatf
Military Academy,
where ho grndiiated
Atiiiarv kaiht. i isx. Ue iorut
In the Northwit In tho Territories of
Wnhlngtou and Oregon until tho Civil
Knutz N-rrerl through the Nnlnular
ranialim until Jimt heforo South Moun
tain, when Ik wa apxjlntisl rtilonel of
tho BAtind Ohio Cavalry. Ill regl-
incut wa ordered to Camp Chaw,
Ohio, there to remount and refit; and
thero Knutx remained until April,
INkt, wIhmi ho led a cavalry brigade
Into Kentucky.
In July, IftW, tho famous raider,
John MurtPiu, menaced the tnliahltanta
of Ohio. Kaut provontol tho famoua
chief from cromlim tho Ohio nnd en
cni;ei In Ida enpturo and pumult. It
wna afler till a that Knutc wna train
ferred to Virginia, whert), on the Oth
of June, IMtl, ho entered I'etenhurg
with a Miiall rnvalry ciimmand. Ho
le.1 tho advance of the WIIhoii raid,
which cut Ihe ruada leading from Itlch
mend to Uie muith,
All Nntlona llwlhrr Ilrnrath Uio
IliMit uf I'Miuoua lloalrlrlr.
Tho old Midway never held a moru
varied iMtigrva uf untloim than can bu
mvii nlmoitt uny day ut the big hotel Iu
Now York.
Tlierv I ono great Mil nveiiuo hav
telry In particular which It ulwaya
crowdetl with a medley of nation and
colors, Ita corrldora aru throngxtl with
all aorta and conditions of pervoua ut
nl most nil bourn of tho day mid night.
A ono wnlka up Mh aronuo ono mvt
Hung to tho clour blue New York air a
barbaric tlag which proclaims tho prus
eiieo within of aomo oantern itoteututo,
or ono rwogulics n Kuropm banner
that denotes tho visit of n great ivr
Bonn BO, Tho lobules glvo further ovl
dencu of tho preuoiieu of guotitu from
tho four corners of the earth, Bays tho
Nuw llroadwuy Miigu-lne. Tho Japan
vta secretary movva suavuly through tin
elbowing mob; a man of tho orient oyes
tho crowd with a curious look, half of
I nt omit, half of aiuuiod coutuuipt,
whllo ho nwatta tho carrlngo which la
to bear him to see tho sights of tho
wonderful, uoltv city, Thoro aro worn,
on, well dressed, uxlmllng soft, dollcuto
perfumes, rustling gently In fura nnd
velvets, lining tho ulr with u tinkle of
talk mid laughter llko nlelh ImiIIh; they
aro hurrying to n morning hiuslcalo In
this pink-hung room, or to u locturo on
beauty, or on Ilson, or on the Vixlantlo
phlloRopli' In that Louise Quluso nprt
Or It Is night. Thero Is .a great po
litical bauquot In tho great ball room.
Its hundred feet of noor room Is tilled
with tahlc. Tho two tier of boxen
atxivc bloimoiii with women llko flower
,huiig baliTinteii. Ily and by tlw celling,
painted tiy lllmthlleld, and tho lunette
by Will Iiw, an noftened ami otcurel
III a pale hat of nnxike. The rlcvatora
that aMtvnd to thlt room are full of all
Nirt of r-ople. Every tyjw of Amer
ican politician la bonic aloft. Etery
typo of lltlclan'a wife may K wen
then1. Ilerv la a little woman In an
old-faahlotied cape who want to hear
her husband's jtch; here I a bare
uliouldend Mnuty hung with ropcn of
jx-arl ami dratN-d, emplro-wim. In all.
very fntln and chltTuii, who want to
advertUv tier hiKhaixra wife. A they
enter tho lift a tall wcaternrr. with tho
tomhnero hat uf notion In hi luind,
turn to glance at tluin; an oriental
vlaltor favor thero with a bold stare
out of full, dark eye; a New Yorker
hurrying to n late bualneaii Appoint
ment with a man from Chicago doe
not even vouchsafe them a second
I euppoie It did make you
feel mean.
Dubbt Well, I should sayl Why, I
felt like a plugged nickel.
Cutting Ah I but what a blearing It
I that we never fcol quite as bad a
wo look. Philadelphia I'rett.
Too Inrormnl.
Johnny Tht doctor My Uncle Hum
phrey ha Itrlglit'a lla.
Ill Marnma 'I1i door may call It
that If he plenf. my dear, but you
could My Mr llrlrlit' ,ll.
liothnn wilt nod Un. WloiloW BMithIa
I7ruilhb ilrameor totiiioriiiircJiiwij
luring lb Untiling jtrlwl.
T(nt n Ctrrummlnner.
"Didn't tht thunder itorm dbturb you ,
laat nlgbt?" I
'Thunder itormT I didn't know there
wa one."
"You didn't? Where on earth do yon
"Nowhere on earth. I aleep within
three feet of an elevated railway track."
Itrntnn for luppreaelon.
"The Mikado' wa suppressed In
fondon out of deference to the feelings
of tho Japanese; wasn't that allly J"
"Oh, I don't know; perhapa a bunch
of amateurs went playing It." Houston
Thn I'nllirtln Carrrr at John Slovr,
lhi KnKlUh Anllqnarr.
John Stow, tho celebrated Kngllsli
antlijunr)'. was a reimirknhlo man. Ho
wna born of pour iMirenta about IKS
nnd brought up to the tallpr's trade.
For forty years his life was rmsced
among needles nud thread, but In tho
few leisure hours which his trade al
lowed him hu hnd always Uvn n fond
tinnier of legend, ehronlclea, hlitorles
and all that told of the times that
were past. Ily audi rending ho grew
to bo so attached tu old memoirs that
when about forty years of ago ho
threw down his needle, devoted him
Mr to collecting tlh-ni ami follow cd
his new profetw-dou with the faith and
enthusiasm of an npostle. .Short of
miMlim, he made long Journeys nfoot
to hunt oer nud ranmick colleges and
monasteries, and, no mutter how worn
nnd torn might ho tho nigs of old pa
lcra which Im found, he kept all, re
viewing, connecting, copying, compar
ing, annotating, with truly wonderful
ability and good scute. Arrived at
fourscore years nnd no longer capable
of earning a livelihood, he npplled to
tho king, and James I coim'iitlug to
his petition, granted to the man who
had saved treasures of memoirs for
English history tho favor of wearing a
beggar's garb ami asklug alms at
church doors. In this abject state, for
gotten and despised, ho died two years
A Uutr ou llrlraeal
I'iuiI Morton declares that ho was
not Joking when, nt a gathering of In
Kuniuco men In I'hlladelphla, ho advo
cated a tax uiKin the Incomes which
American helrcwes so often take out of
this country by their mnrrlago to for-tuno-huntlng
member of tho European
nobility. There la something In til ar
gument, certnlnly. Why, when wo pro
tect American Industry from tho com
petition of cheap foreign labor, should
wo allow tho rewards of that Industry
to bo turned over In bulk (and with
tho iiccompaiilinont of a pretty Amer
ican girl) to mi alien who never did
n day's work or sorwd any useful pur
mso pi tho world's economy? Why not
Imposa on export duty on heiresses?
It seems xnilUblo which Is doubtless
ono of Mr, Mortou'a reasons for pro
posing It,
Ab a rule, It Is easier to help n man,
and make him n friend, than It Is to
Injuro hliu, and mako him an cnamy.
St. Vim nu' oa aJI Jtrrrrmt Dt-WM
llo rtniBotlr nrxl or or. Knurs iireu
llii I iHintr. hmm! tut K1IKK II IrUI IvHtU and
trtaUM. In. It ILKIIim, Ab BU, 1'Ulara.
A Ilond of Sr-nP"!"'.
While tho new maid tidied the room
tho buoy woman kept on writing.
"Do you make that all out of your
own bead?" asked Jane.
"Yes," ssld the busy woman.
"My," said Jsno admiringly, "you
must have brains!"
"Ilralnsl" slched the woman de-
! spondently. "Oh, Jtne, I haven't an
ounce of brains."
For a moment Jane rrgarded her
with sincere commiseration.
"Oh, well." sbo ssld presently,
"don't mind what I say. I ain't very
smart myclf." New York I'rcss.
Jail at Complaint.
"Your complaint, madam," said old
Dr. Oruffly, "I very serious"
"There now!" trluoiphsntly cried
the fussy woman, "I knew It "
"Yes, madam, your complaint I
chronic and there Isn't the slightest
ailment to excuse It" I'hlladelphla
Press. "
TtrM of Fletloa.
Married Man I want to get a book
for my wife.
Clerk Something In the way of Ac
tion? "No; I've given her lots of that but
sne uocm i ivcin 10 care tor ut loo
kers Statesman.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears tho
Ttto Kind.
"Political sueeeas," remarked one
statesman, "depends a great deal on
your platform."
"Yes," answered the other; "the par
ty platform of artistic success and the
lecture platform for financial success."
-Washington Star.
Phyalclsn Your boy will poll through
all right. lie has a wonderful coustl
Mr. Tyte-rhlst I am glad to hear It,
doctor. In making out your bill, of
course, you will not make me pay for
what hit romtitutloa baa dous In pulling
bun through.
Invautlnu Worth Money-.
"Havo you Inrcuted anything recent
ly?" "Yea," answered the sensational
scientist "I have Invented a new way
to get to the north pole."
"Is It good for anything?"
"Certainly. It Is good for ten pages
In a inagiislne." Washington Star.
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do It?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be vou do not know Aycr's
8 Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction! May the acquaint
ance result !n a heavy growth
ofrlch,thlck,BlossyhaIr! And
we Know you'll never be gray.
-1 think thai Ayat'i llalr V1r Ii the moil
wonilatlul halrgtewar that waa aver niaaa. I
have uiail It tor aoma tltna anil I ran truth
fully 7 that I ant i taatlr lUaitd ltn It. I
ehaaifullf retwinii it a tpiewiM I'rcpa
ttlou.M-Mia Y- IlaucK, WajUod. Midi,
Xftsl br J. O. Aytr Co,, Xowlt, Um,
mi tuu.ugurt:
aoklng fiy Mai!
On rsvlogt depoelbi ol a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every yetr. It Is Juat as eaty
to open a Bavins Account with
us by Ma.l as K yon lived next
tloor. Fend for our freo book
let, "Banking by Mall," and
learn lull particular. AddresJ
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
A loaJon mclnun luui etahluhed
tht "wlrelesa" Id tia buuae snd aommons
bis servant to hl r.r-n-t? by mean of It.
H0WAKD J5. DBinoS -Aatajw vi Chemlrt.
a4TUU. Coiora4A prtrai oM,
MlTr,Ia.liiow.WUr,lii(olj,tO( .Zlaaor
Ceppr,tl. e ankle t-a. MUlninriefaaal
rJllrrwllltaaloaa?tllratia4b Conlrc4 ami t, m
t4tawrfkaollltl. luftMotal Caxtwojoa Uf
Ct'rrtii Hat QJtttt W.-IUClTifcl
Utlafc Cains tlacolwra.
342 Waahleftaa St. Partlanrf, Ores M
Portland Oregon
iaalaVaaaalrKX a"V VVtaBaaaaaaaaaaaaat
aaasStafcfc-itaa aaaaaEaaaaaUaa-aHahMaJsiy
CimUm Zc1m i trrt
rum sMraMUUr for ork
U UtviMKiliwwt, trnlU
In tut4 ftftkaiax iooia.
imtmnrm Ur Muck
rlU Mill oar nrhl
rr wutiL a U Jrillvrtf
rmsirswt tUiv tn
O03tTAHT. 111-4-4 Uw
itM ii., rnu&i. Or.
UM tvsl rnSorda
roaf art to ry
rtson, t4tp.aN
roum s.dtr
.a(C Aif
ClftUs 4
Will aUft Mil Cr
t v fko Uttu
Tn thnn (Mrts ! trill ntnr I
Ii net tvrp tf d,)t, cal prii4 for 39,
nxxout louxas, sti xhxu A?., ttUj x T.
roHtiAjso. ontcoN
A Olilr Fehool ot the bthet rlMt. Colin I.
ate Ji ar ttucnl. Muilr Alt. Kloeutlon. Oia.
iiailuta. tail term, orn September 1.
Quality la our notto. Wa olucate tor aucca,
and itnl each atuJtnt to a poalUon whan, com
petant nany mora call tor htlp than wa cmq
meet. IndlrUual lutruetlon Inaura rjU pmc
rtaa. AU medarn mthoJ ot bxJikalnc: i
Uusht; alio rapU calcuUtlona, eonraiwodanca.
oommciclal law, o(Bc wwk, ate Chattier ia
our ahorthanJ aajr, raoU. legible. Baautlful
caUlotiue, twulowa forma and peanuuuhtp tre.
Vnn vk. fAlinu.1... .KV..... ....... ....
Ii om Icailtnii tutlncaanien ami Hrmi. and im
Kelt worthy jour carelul rtaJln. The llt
ay eoatatn luit the propoaltlou you ar loot.
tag tor.
The only traeta on the maiiet where you eaa
contract to aelt your nop. Teu ttalna a day,
Abumlancoof water lrlM IUO0O cat aeta .
eaa y payoieuta com In or wtlte lor portico
Spokane, Wublotton.
110 Star idi
f. N.U.
Ne, 31-07
TT7HKN wrlllas; to aJTertUara.plf
Bianlloa tlile paper.
an iiJ