uj. pl' Jf. !'. LOCAL BITS. All the latest mnKiuIncs at the fjH)toflkc news stand. 1 7lf When you wunt a cool drink call W. the corner ilniB store. I Mrs. Cll. Allen returned Sun- May from n trip to Portland. I J. K. Sawhill and A. M. Drake ffrc In Portland this Week on btisl IICS'I. N, 1. Welder liart a fine line of Wall tir stunnlcs. Look tliutn ivcr. 17" PTIic theme of Rev. Mitchell's scr- 4"n next Sunday evening will le, gjiiHilelity." IKlloiuciuadc ice cream always on Mud ut the corner ilrun store; nl- .ways frcnlj, always Rood. WL II, Crant will soon tear out jjhe partition in tits More room, en- ilarcitit; it considerably in order to ccomiuodatc his increased stock of Soods. Rmi'li for Sale .jo arres, 36 irri gable and 50 in cultivation; about uh tulles from Hcnd. Inquire of .Cf I). Ilrowu &. Co. or J. II. I!ean ud, Oregon. ai-33 ). A, Ytc has a field of barley lUtfro well Unites that competent jTiur.eH say will thresh 60 bushels to one acrc.N Aim tin uuiicr ury larui ing. Who said tliat Central Oregon Avon a Iwrcn desert? I. C. Hills was n I'riucvitle visi tor yesterday 011 telephone busiuevt. IMr. Rills is always 011 the lookout jfor improvements in the system, xjml keeps constantly on the u" be itwicn Hcnd and Hums to which (iwlnt the line is now building. Ijtevlcw. MC. C Close, who came here from y or Ih Dakota last spring has tic cided to move to Hood Uivcr, the doctors recommending the chance 5ti aciDiiut of his wife's health. t Close dislikes very much to c his ranch hire and says he hopes Mrs. Close's health will be so yntch improved in a few mouths that he wilt lie able to return. Milo Covert, who has a farm close to Redmond, has some flut clover and alfalfa for a 'first crop. Hl firti cutting of clover stood Vtry tliu k. and nearly as high as his head when cut about the first wiek Mjutii', and has reached a-heKhl MJliuc feet again. Ills second KTtiiiK of alfalfa is also coming, on jjjjkndidly, being syi lect high now. Dan II mIi) has made urrsng lnejits v'.i.-reby he takes C. A. Chnpiuau's tows to the Iltising liH'stead on thu Tumello and he and Mis. Ilelbititf will engage in the butter industry, marketing tilt jw'uct in llend. About two lnonths Inter they will move tosown Sntl will sell both milk and butter. Mr. Hi i-ing nlso leased the two Wiiiv,' full-blood Poland China saws ol Mr. Chapman. The Hullctiu man lips been living the best of the lniid tills week. Sonday A. II. Grant picsentcd in with u fine larp.e mess of his- us red rasplicrrlea ftrown iu Mr. ant's own garden here in town, d Inter L. 1). Wicst . presented mil with a quart of thosu high ijfaub cuuiberlunu blackcap nihi- tries. These berries, both red d black, ijrcw with the Rend itntry brand on them and con- nuicnuv arc 01 1 lie nest. Durlni; the first half of the week itc 1111 extensive fire was burning the timber on the ridge south of Ufe old Hightower ,& Smith paw ffill. Tuesday W. 11. Sellers wit Slmcf'McrrM niul W. It, Wilkin-' n out there tout otjt this fire If jSssiblc. The ilcli were undoiibt ly greatly1 U6lped iq ' their work p the rniif 6f Wednesday night uid Thursday, It was reported (tat the fire did quite it little v dafci kfc. It'Jfl tftipprjjcu to have besu &rtcd by llithtufugr. n- Waich This Space POR TIt NEXT HAROAIN ANNOUNCEM 11NT-IT WIM, COM It SOON-OP J. I. WEST The Mnn Who Sells -'urn 1 1 lire mm The very lw.it of cool, refreshing ice cream sodas at the corner drug store. Por first-class work iu wall pa pcring and painting tec N. I'. Welder, Rend, Or. I7lf Rresh fruit is the thing to cat these hot day and the postofTicc news stand can supply you with apples, peaches, bananas, etc. There arc some excellent oats growin;; on the Rrank Glass place south of Redmond. The crop stands thick and high with well filled heads 30 inches long. Tom Sharp, who was iu l'riuc' villc Tuesday, said he had killed a rattler on his ranch 10 miles west of town that measured seven feet two inches iu length and sported 37 nice, crcatn-tlutcd rattles. Wc nrc patiently waiting for him to bring that suakc into town so that wc can get a photograph. Review. C. M. King, the I). I. & V. Co. engineer iu charge bf n crew of sur veyors working south of Rend on the river, was iu town Tuesday and Wednesday after provisions and to attend to other business matters. IIu reports that his crew found a large patch of wild strawberries one evening when returning to camp from work and the lurries. wtrc so plentiful that it took the crew about an hour to strip the jilants of the crop, the ground be ing literally red with large, luscious berries. Rour arrivals Tuesday morning wre Judge J. W. Robinson of Olympia, Wash.; W. L. Adams of Ilmpiiam, Wash.; O. V. Uurrows, also of Iloqulain, and thu hutcr's brother, V. J. Hurrows, of Sr. I.ouU. They have bcun driving through this country by private conveyance, liaviujc stopped at Rrjucville, Cline Ralls and the Sitters, and contain- plate quite an extended triplhrough this vicinity and southward. They expressed themselves as much plmcd with the country they have seen so far. I.. 1. Wicst o Rend is in the city today 6I1 business. Mr. Wicst Is jubihint over tjie shorp advance in the price of property in his city since the irrigation company nil now need its intention of removing its headquarters back there. He ' ys Our Semiannual . .. Clearance Sale Is Now m Progress. Neither) cost nof values will be considered. WTTISSIT. StricO$ Cask 'vv- n-v yj3irrrrrvr vmmv iw ij has considerable property there, and during the week past its value has increased amazingly. I'rinc villc Review. A most unusual thing for this region at this time of the year was the licuvy rain that set iu early Wednesday night and kept steadily falling that night, all day Thurs day and a pa it of Thursday night. The precipitation was .84 inch. The special school election cillcd for last Monday was not held, it having been overlooked by those who had it iu charge. An election to choo.se a director to succeed Dr. W. S. Nichol ' is now called for Monday, the 19th. John McCormick, a rancher near I.aidlaw, was in town during the week and reports crops in his sec tion as looking very well and mak ing rapid progress toward a liouuti ful harvest. One interesting fea ture of which Mr. McCormick spoke is the presence of dew on crops where in previous years there was none. He remarked, that on his field of rye, high above the irri gating ditches and where there has lnjeit no water artificially applied this season, the dew is so heavy each morning that "you could wash your hands iu it." Which shows that irrigation is filling the air with a great amount of mois ture. William Rauman of San Rernar dir.o, Cal., was iu Rend the first of the week. Mr. Rauman comes from the Imperial Valley, where ir rigation is practiced on n large scale, and was here to look over this section and report to a number of his neighbors nt home who arc 'contemplating moving here If they decide to do so there will be quite a colony settle here from that Section, The Impcial Valley is a very fertile country and grows crops the year aiouud, but it K so excessively hot during the summer that these people desire to move to a more moderate climate. Mr. Rauman stated that the thermom eter often registers' 1 30 during the hot sedsou there. If Mr. Rauman and his friends want a delightful cjimaic where there is extreme neither iu winter nor summer they should by all means move to the Rend country. . J rtMKWMkQMPANy.-. - SSv5395esx2 Mr and Mrs, V. P. Smith arc visitors iu town today. Two wagon loads of b. I. & I' Co. office fixtures came up from Redmond yesterday. Temperatures of the 'past week have been somewhat cooler. Last Friday registered 86, Saturday 85, Sunday 81, Monday 86, Tuesday 86, Wednesday 83, Thursday 70. Those loud explosions heard at frequent Intervals this morning- was not a bombardment by the Japs, only J. N, Hunter blasting out rock on his lots preparatory to building that new residence. The Madras country was visited last week by a severe rain aud hail stdrm that did much damacc to grain crops. The storm covered a- narrow strip of country about 15 miles long, The grain in the path of the storm was about half threshed out Hailstoucs fell as lurec as walnuts A FINF SUCTION. Visit to llaswcll-fJucrln Ranch Takes One Into Prosperous Community. A llullctin representative took a huiricd trip to the Haswcll-Oucriu ranch Sunday afternoon and spent a couple of very pleasant hours looking over that fine ranch aud the adjacent country. It was his first visit to that immediate vicinity and he was surprised to sec the amount of development that has taken place. To one who had never been there it was also a sur prise to sec the large, scope of level. land that stretches through that section. The Haswcll-Oucriu ranch, with W. R. Wilson as foreman and local manager, comprises 400 acres, of which about 90 acres arc now in cultivation. The larger part of these 90 acres are included in an oat field, which makes a fine show ing and will give n good yield. The crop Js not yet far enough ad vanced to enable one to make any reliable estimate as to thp yield, but it tvecrtain to be a good one. The oats stand about about waist .high, with good sized heads form ing1. They were seeded June 8. Mr. Wilson seeded in with the oats clover and timothy, which is making a good start and which will make a fine fipld of hay next year. Iu one part of the field alfalfa was set (led with the oats on Tunc 8 and a sample of this brought to town measures 20 inches of growth nbove ground with n good strong tap root. The work of clearing additional acreage on this ranch Is going' steadily forward. This new land will be under cultivation, next year. Adjoining the Haswell-Gucrin place is the ranch of C, M. Red field, which is rented by Mr. Wil cox'. Jlere also was n heavy stand of oats which Mr. Wilcox expected to cut this week. The Redfield place has a prosperous look, is well kept up, the ditcjies arc iu good condition and everything has n pleasing appearance. Also adjoining the Haswcll- Guerin ranch is the large Johnston holding. This fine place, with its large buildings, woven wire fcuce surrounding the entire ranch and with a large acreage into crop cer tainly looked fiue from a distance, but the writer did. not have time to give it as close a visit as he would like to have done. Rancjiers nre busy at work throughout that entire section and are showiug what the country can raise awl what a strong contrast is furnished between the plains of barrcu sagebrush aud prosperous homes, yvith fields of grain. Subscribe for The Bullctiu. 1 ' '1 J. ii: 'HANBR AYjSf RACTfiR oi TITLES NOTARY rUBMC ir Iuifu. Lite Iniurucc, Surety Soa, Kl Kittle, Convc yauclug ViUNVII.U,, ORKOON JiiJm The Best Candies Ever,.. We have a large Shipmcrit of candies on the Way to Bend and expect It In arrive.dai!y. The goods Include some of the finest chocolates that have ever been brought to town, if Sod lv.ive a sweet totqth satisfy .your longing at our stCie. Bananas, Oranges and Cherries alio on hand. Our prescription counter is in charge 'of ah ex perienced registered pharmacist. n7h1rKckicf0r THE SCOFIELD DRUQ CO. C. D. BROWN feND, - DUALKRS IK Centra! Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty If. We buy or sell your land no matter where situated. Wc can sup ply you with any class of land at any time. Call on us or write for further particulars. IUrdkk, Shop and Hatiis is Hon: 1. Hotel Bend HUQH O'KANE, Prop. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED HOTEL'JNIBEND. SAMPLE ROOM New House, New Furniture, k Always Reserved &. F; qtiNERAL Commission and forwarding MERCHANT. . . SltANIKO, - OR.'-OON Large, CoaimoiJiosj Yaretaue. " CoasiiiHacttSelkikl Prompt attention paid to thott vriio "Z favor ine with Uieir patronage t NEW DAILY STAGE From BEND to SHANIKQ and All Interior Points New and Up-to-date Outfit Special Attention to TraVeling Men The Alost Scenic Route in Central Oregon. Best Edting Houses on Any Stage Line PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO EXPRESS and BAGGAGE FAST FREIGHT A SPECIALTY For Rates to Land Locators and Timber Men, address BOND, A1A&RAS es SHANIKO STAQE CO., Beud, Or. Sallowness Transformed to Duskv Bentihr iA ihrk tn bccomti fajcfimkjr wlicn Jfliiptety 10ft, underlpread mm iiicfiuuni cioir much inUi rjtei aheahhy. active ikln. Rotert ?c Kecru the iLin rt fined In Aualitv. tlceiit ports f rtc from clocgia-njta 'a saa niinunies tne tiny opjIUriet to contribute the color rwclichirmi tn Mni m pionaeananrunctike. Robert. Ve 11 certain protection igiinit tn, sunburn ami itccUa if applied be- & txi 1 VS,U rc ,0 ,un or ini V wvu iikc an imnercentible ihi ,K?1,e.omkil1arfjlcc'onnjBe wiielditiHjuUting md trceryiBC '"?! it Wiuoui beauty. Mrmt rvr ,u mnjr ArtfltumtUif . 1 ' u '' 11 V v vyiT ' srtBQiiEi ill" 'rt! Axe you a subccriW? (2b COMPANY OREGON ALL KINDS OV Corner IJoxd AND Oregon Streets IN -ICONNEG TtON. - " Jk - Reasonable Rates. Good;Roomsn for Transient Tm4,e i- nam MOODY -'" ? wm mwmzmmm FRANK ?!EISTiLC' tNCHAVER At cLCCTROTYPEHl IIM U10-1 l COLA J VI li I I I TMTITV MR PRIi & Tiuse'a ntwa iu ?ba BalUUBi