The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1907, Image 3

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fin a Condonscd Form for Our
Busy Readers,
A Resume of Iho Lit Important but
Not Less Intorostlng; EvonU
of the Past Weak.
liny wool was given a great roeepllon
lit Hull Uke.
(Inventor llnnley dcolnie that Indi
ra tin, In solid (or Fniitmnka.
France Im Invited Himlu to join In
rfiii siedltloii glnat Morccro.
Julm ItniDft proioCN n British ptiro
'owl law to Unlit American packer.
A band of Now Yolk Chinese mndo
Ejrld on Ikwton C'lillieo, killing Unco.
Union Pacific will encourngo coaI
Mining li)' Independent cotiinli's now
Unit It hits loit much ol 1 1 con I Intnl.
Initiation work In California, Ari-
oim mill Nevada will Im cut flam lo
000,000 Inst year to f 800,000 lliU year.
Tlio Alabama tecirlnry ol alntii hn
Oivlarcvl the (iniicIiIso ol tlio Southern
mllrcnd lurfcltrd lor lueaklng late
law. Four American k'IiooI teachers who
)mva Jnt returned from lite Philippine
Srln AiU nml Kurcpo any wherever thry
manned. In Imlln or olhcr British po-
KiomIoiii, JNtiimo were busily engaged
1111 limning laments 01 luriiiR-nuuin miu
Corran sotdlor rovoltrd ngnlnat
llbmidiuent nml fought Jnpaneo In
Heoul, hut woro quelled.
Chontn hm iiihiIo n powerful
upoech tor n tiorinaiiont arbitration
oiurt nl Tlio Hague.
Franco. Hnaln and Italy nro to
no ml an army to Morocco to put down
tho uprising.
Hooaovelt will positively not allow
lilmaolf to ho renominated for an-
other term hut will support Taft.
Tim Oklahoma Itunuhllcnn convou-
tlou ha tiomlnateil Frank Prnnu for
John Sharp William ha ilefeate.l
Oovernur Vnrdotnnn for tho Demo-
Vrntlc nomination for mutator from
Congressman Jenkins oppose tho
Unto rlRht iloctrluo nml predict
Ivll war If It I enforced.
Ilnywood will tour tho Wtmt nml
iuldri'M nil union of thu minor'
Dnrrnw nnd Rlchardon, attorney
In tho defense of Haywood, oniinol
Wreo nnd one or the other will with
Slrnw before tho 1'tittthone nnd Moyor
fenae nro callud.
A strike ha boon averted In the
Northern 1'nclflo ihop at BL I'aul.
A wreck on tho Illlnol Contrnl
nmr Milan, Tonn., resulted In four
Tho Goorgln leglslnturo ha paod
nnd tho coventor will sign n prohi
bition law,
Tho mayor nnd prominent citizen
of n Mexican town have boon nrrcst
vd for smuggling.
Thn earnings of tho ntool trut for
tho quarter ending Juno 30 reached
over IIC.000,000.
Nohraikn rnllroad any niseis-
monta on their property I higher
than on fur in land.
Mr. Thnw hn henn ronortod a
iiropnrlng to ro on tho stage, but ho
utuphntlcally dunlc It,
Tho cornerstone of tho Cnrnogle
nonce oulncu wn laid nt Tho Hague
with treat coromouloa.
Two inoro womon hnvo boen klllod
in Now York nnd their bodlu mull
latod. Tho city la greatly excited.
An Insana man hns boon captured
iiunr Ofc, iiiuirivn, juu., wuu ti uw,
UvInK wild for year nnd who cat
Kruas like uu nulmnl.
Tho San FrnncUco & l'ortland
Htcamihlp Comiinny has nlvon 77 n
tho correct number of Uvea lost In
tho wrecking of tho Columbia.
A revolt n fow mllos from Ban
tlaim, Cuba, wai quickly put down.
Two Juror Hay they bollova Hay
wood U guilty but yielded to tho ma
jority. Oovornor Folk hns romovod n
Kuiibiib City pollco commlanloncr to
utop Kraftlntt.
a rent Ilrltnln nnd Qormnny hnvo
ngreod on nn International prlio
court nt Tho JInguo.
Honoy In confident of convicting
Olnrnj on tho aocond trial nnd will not
dopond upon Zlmmor nt all,
Domonstratlonii nro bolng hold In
many places In HaywoolTB honor and
nlroady thoro lu talk of running him
(or protldont.
A crniy man wrooked a Great
Northorn pnBuonKor trnln coar Harvo,
Mont., bocnuBo tho Almighty told him
to do It. Quo man wnb klllod and
overal Injured,
Protldont of Wonlarn Federation of
Miner Out of Jail,
llohio, Idaho, July 30, Charleu II.
Moyer, proldnt of tho Wimturit Fed
eriitlon of .Miner and co-defeitdnnt
with William U. Ilnywood, nctjulttcil
of tho murder of uvdovornor Htoun-
onbfrKi wn ordered roluimod on
125,000 bull yimterday by Juduo
Wood, who prenlded nt (ho Ilnywood
trial. Tho attorney for tho federa
tion expected to have tho bond ready
for filing hint night, but the arrange
ment had not boon wholly com
pleted nt n Into hour nnd Moyor ro
ilgnod hliimelf to nnother night in
Jail, He will probably bo relead
today nnd will lenvo within 2 hour
for hi homo In Denver.
No application for bnll win mudo
In the cam of Oeorgo A. I'vltlboitu,
tho third of tho alleged coitRplratom,
hut a motion wn mndu for a npnody
trial nnd hi enno wn ordered ul
down for Tuemlay, October 1.
Conael Intlmatrd that they might
apply for bond for 1'eltlbono Inter,
but It I not boltuvod that tho Mate'
attorney will coiiMent. It hn been
jenerally mated that thorn I morn
Incriminating ovldonco agalnit l'ottl
bono than any of tlio other, whllo
It ha been generally conceded that
the cau agaliut Moyer I tho weak
est of tho three. Tho defenn In tho
Ilnywood cao ediultted that thero
wero n number of thing for l'ottl
bonu to explain n to hi nnoclatlon
with Harry Orchard nnd thu lending
of money to him, hut thoy ald It
would be time enough to deal with
theao matter when I'ottlbono him
Rulf wn placed on trial.
Uriln Suddinly Unhinged by Storm
of Criticism.
Han Frnnclnco, July 30. Thn
brain of Itobert llnwio, third oftlcer
of tho loat itentnor Columbia, ittc-
cumbed lnt night to tho nbuio, rldl-
culo nnd contempt which' hn been
heaped upon him ever ilncn tho In
vestigation of tho dliniiter hn been
lu nroKre. Holding tho nawnnnor
article containing criticism of hi
action lubiequunt to tho craih In
hi hand, n brain fiber mapped nnd
ho wn mad.
The Ignominy heaped upon him
wa more than ho could bear. After
brooding for ovornl day over the
charge which had beon mado ngnlmt
him, hi Intellect lout that keen ml
Jtiitmenl that nature provide bo
twnon thought nnd net, nnd hi mind
reeled off Into Imnnlty.
1 la who had spoilt tho evonlng at
hi room. ISS Fair Oak itrcet, Sec-
oud Orilcor lllchtird Agorup wn with
htm, Hnwio had ipent an Hour or
more rending tho ceniurc which had
beon printed ngaltut him. With n
cry lllto n wild nnlinnl ho clenched
tho clipping In hi hand nnd leaped
to hi foot. Agerup looked nt hint
nnd llnwio looked nt hi frlond, but
did not too him. HI rye wero
Tho pollco wero called nnd Itawio
wn taken to tho detention ward nt
tho Central Ktnergency lloipltnl.
Qovirnment Wound Railroad Se
verely In Pocketbook.
Chicago, July 30.Wotorn rnll
road nro near nn opon hrenk with
tho l'oBtolUco Department over tho
trnntpnrtatlon of mnlli, owing to n
number of recent order. Tho latest
cuino of grluvnnco I tho Impoaltlon
of heavy fine on nearly nil tho rond
for delay In delivering tho mall. To
comlder tho iltuntlnn railroad men
hold nn Importnnt conference today,
Ono of them declared that tho
fine levied by tho government
ngnnt hla rond In ono qunrtcr
amounted to $40,000. A almllnr
condition nn othor rond wn re
ported. Tho flnoe woro nsicsicd un
der n now rulo which wont Into ef
fect In July, 100G.
Tho road nro amazed to find that
they nro In danger of losing 15 nor
cont of their mull pay unless they ro-
vlso schedule nnd plnco their mall
trnln upon running llmo which thoy
know thoy can mnlntnln In nil eon
eons nnd In nil kinds of wenther.
Tho now rule; tho rond nay, Is
oppressive nnd unjust. It provldcH
that If tho malls nro Into ton times on
any route during a porlad of 90 days,
tho rond shall bo nssoasod 1G per
cont of tho pay of that routo for tho
Wrecks Due to Owner.
8nn Frnnclsco, July 30. Tho re
sponsibility of tho cnmpnnloa which
by Iron-clad schodules, compol tholr
innntois of ships to go nt n spood
tholr own confidences toll thorn Is
unsnfo, wns tho fenturo of tho Co
lutnbln wrock testimony, tnkon bo
foro Cnptnln Uormlnghnm yostordny,
Hccond Omcor Agerup's toatlmony
eatabllahod mora clearly than had
boon dono boforO tho fact thnt cap
tains a ro compelled to run tholr ships
nt full spood along a dangerous coast
In foggy wenthor In n courso nnvl
gntod by many vossols.
dspsnose Qsrrlson In Core.
Seoul, July 80, All tho rolnforco
monts of tho Twelfth Ilrlgndo hnvo
lnndod. Tho rosarrlsonlng of Coren
by Japanoso troops, npoordlng to tho
now nlnn of organisation, will be
completed by tomorrow evening,
I jI
ItecemTiendatlon on Mining; Land In
Forost Meterve.
Wnlilngton, Aug. 2 Tho Forest
Hervlco hn recommended thnt n
patent Inane on tho todo mining
olnlins of J. C, Lewis In tho Itoguo
Itlver mining district In Hlsklyou,
Forest Hexervo, Oregon. Theao
claims uro being extensively devel
oped nnd valuable mineral depotlta
Hnvo been discovered. Tho claim
form two groups known ns thu "Den
ton" nnd tho "J. C. I.."
Lnrgn expenditures hnvo boon
made for tho development of the
properties nnd there is evidence of
mineral dopoiltn such n would scorn
to Indicate that tho land hossessc
mlncrnl lu paying qunntltle. Hoc
ommendatlon that patent Issue Is In
accordance with tho policy of tho
forest service to oncourago tho devel
opment of mineral resource lu for
est reserve.
France Lifts Embargo.
Pari, July 31 What has been
characterized a thu obstacle In tho
wuy of continuation of negotiation
between Franco nnd tho United
Htnte In regard to tho tariff hn
been removed, for Franco has noti
fied tho United States that sho ha
extended from August 1 to October
1, 1907, tho decreo providing far tho
collection of tho minimum duty on
coffeo brought from Porto Klco,
Franro make clear that sho con
siders this extension purely an net of
courtesy and good-will, nnd nn evid
ence ot her hope thnt tho negotia
tion upon tho proposition submitted
through M. Juornnd, tho French
Ambassador at Washington, will re
sult In nn agreement. Tho negotia
tions will now proceed between Am
bassador Whlto nnd tho Foreign Of
fice. Stop Immigration Leaks,
San Diego, Cat., Aug. 2. Tho
Federnl Government, through tho
department of Commerce and tabor
has taken further definite steps for
tho control nnd supervision of Immi
gration from thu South. Chief In
spector Kngelcko ha mado n public
notlco from Washington designating
three special places where person
desiring to enter thu United States
must mako application before tho
United State Immigration Inspec
tors. Tito threo points nro Tin
Junnn, Cnmpo nnd Celexlo nnd In tho
future nil nlleu Including Moxlcnns,
who cross tho llnu nt other places
nnd without having gono through
tho necessary formalities, will bo
liable to nrroat and deportation na
being unlawfully In tho United
Proclaim Dominion Treaty.
Washington. July 30. Tho Presi
dent slmcd tho proclamation notify
ing tho public of tho conclusion or
tho Dominican tronty. Similar action
was tnkeu today In Santo Domingo
by President Caceros. Preatdont
Itoosevolt'a proclamation recites thnt
n treaty "providing for tho nsslstnnco
of tho United States lu tho collection
nnd application of tho customs rov
onues of tho Dominican Itepubllc was
concluded nnd signed by tholr respec
tive plunlpotentlnres February b.
1907, (heroin Is recited tho text ot
tho trenty which Is proclaimed) to
tho end that tho snmo nnd every nr
tlcln thorcot mny bo observed and
porformod with good fnlth."
Explosion on Ounbost.
Washington, Aug. 1. A dispatch
received nt tho Navy Department to-
day from Commandor Iloush, of tho
(Junuorti Wilmington, nt unnngnni,
says n holler tubo of tho vossol burst
yesterday wiiiio tho vossol wns nl
Nanking. Throo mon wero scalded,
ono of whom, Flromnn Philip Hind,
subsequently died. Tho othor two
wero not seriously burned. Hind
wns n natlvo of Mnrylnnd, nnd en
tered tho Navy Mny 10, 1894. Unoffi
cial reports ot several deaths from
smallpox upon tho Wilmington hnvo
reached tho Navy Department.
Bourne Takes Vacation
Washington, July 30 Senator
Ilourno left Washington today for n
brief vacation nt Door Pnrk. Md.
This Is tho first tlmo tho Senator hns
boon out of Washington slnco ho ar
rived last Decombor. Tho protracted
hot spoil hns mndo Washington very
uncomfortnblo nnd tho Sonator de
cided to tnko n short rest lu n nearby
cool resort.
Dlshop Takes Libraries to Colon.
Washington, Aug. 2. John It.
Hlshop, secretary of tho Isthmian
Cunnl Commission, sailed from Now
York for tho Isthmus yoatordny
Tho Commission hits purchased
through him libraries for tho four
recreation buildings thnt hnvo boon
completed nnd thrown open for tho
uso ot tho employes ot tho Commis
sion, Sanford Will Report to Bonaparte.
Washington, July 30, Assistant
Attornoy-aonoral Sanford loft this
nftornoan for Lonox, Mobs,, to pro
eont to Attornoy-Oenornl Ilonnparta,
who Is spondlng bis summor vncntlon
thoro, tho results ot his Investigation
ot tho North Carolina railroad rnto
controversy, Mr, Sanford refusod to
mako any BtatoinonL
mimehalb in FOitEsra.
Oeologlcal Survey to Investigate De
posit In National Reserves,
Washington, Aug. 1. In connec
tion with Its other work In thu Wot
ern state, tho United Stutcs Geolog
ical Survey ha undertaken tho In
vestigation of geologic condition
within tho National forests. It hns
been tho consistent aim of tho offi
cers of tho Forest Sorvlco to foster
tho fullest posslblo development of
mining within tho nreas Included In
tho National forest.. Many fraudu
lent entries hnvo, howovcr, been dis
covered, which cover non-mluernl
Innd or deposits that by no possibil
ity could bo dovoloped Into paying
mines, and It Is clonrly to the bono
fit of legitimate mining enterprise
thnt tlio "wildcat" mining companies
bo provented from obtaining title to
tho lnnd claimed.
With theso aim In vlaw, tho geol
ogists of tho Survoy nro to Investi
gate the land of tho National for
ests. They will net under tho gen
eral Instruction of tho Director of
the Survey, nnd under tho pcraonnl
supervision of tho goologlst In cbnrgo
of metalliferous deposits. Tho stand
nrds, methods nnd wide oxporlcnco
'of tho ecological Survoy wilt rendor
the result of these Investigations of
I great practical value, both to tho
Forest Hervlco nnd to tho minors,
and the reports of tho geologists will
enable tho Forester to make recom
mendations to tho Commissioner of
tho General Lnnd Offlco on tho char
acter of tho minora! locations. Thus
tho pulley of tho Survey will bo to
requlro Its geologists to nsslst In
every way tho clalmnnt who I nctlng
In good fnlth, ns well ns to help tho
officers of tho Forost Service In tholr
task of protecting tho mining Indus
try nnd nil othor Interests which
benefit by tho proper administration
ot tho National forosts.
Washington Labor Man Ask President
to Rush Land Fraud Case.
Washington, Aug. 1. Organized
labor In Washington has gone on tho
warpath for tho scalp of Sonator
Ilorah. of Idaho, counsol for tho state
, In tho prosecution of W. D. Hay
wood. Tho following resolution was
adopted by tho Central Labor Union
with practically no opposition:
"Whereas, Senator Ilornh, of Ida
ho, Is now under Indictment for com
plicity In tho timber land frauds
ngulnst tho United States Govern
ment; therefore bo It
I "Resolved, Thnt tho Central Labor
Union petition nnd roqulro tho Pres
ident of tho United 8tntcs to sccuro
or permit tho Attornoy General to
Issuo nn order for nrrcst In such
enscs nnd provldo speedy trial, thnt
tho stigma of Indictment mny bo re
moved from tho nnmo of a Senator ot
tho United Stntes, nnd that bo may
provo whether ho Is a dcstrablo citi
zen or not."
It was nlso decided to send a telo
grnm ot congratulation to Haywood.
"Katy" Road Called to Time.
Washington, July 30. Recently In
fot mat Ion waa received by the Inter
state Commerce commission that cer
tain wcftein nnd southwestern iallrrds
were engage! in alleged violations of
tho rate law by laitilnu pantcs to per
sona not ontltleU to them undor the
law. In tlio case ot tho Missouri,
Kansas & Toxas railway, tho informa
tion was f p-clllc that tlio agents of that
system wero Issuing pasree to so-called
I"boniumen." An order thoieforo baa
been promulgated by the commission
requiring the olucluls of tho system to
nnawor the charges mado and to rtato
tho giound on which such action was
Nationalists Have Won,
Manila, Altg. 1. Tho Independent
factions who united In tho campaign
under thn nnmo of Nationalists, ap
pear to hnvo won tho gouoral oloc
tlon of delegates to. tho first Philip
pine Assembly, hold throughout the
Islands today. Incomploto roturns
from 50 out ot SO districts show that
81 Nationalist woro elected, 10 Pro
gressives, 8 Independent candidates
nnd 1 Catholic, In Manila tho Na-
ttlonnllats won by a largo majority In
both districts, Domlnndor Gotnei
I claims tho election In tho first dis
trict In tho city,
Salvador Llfta Molssant Embargo
Washington, July 31. Informa
tion hns beon recolvod thnt tho gov
ernment of Salvador has ralaod the
embargo upon tho estates of the
Molssant brothora in thnt country.
I Tho Statu Department has not yot
altogether determined Its final
course In tho ninttor.
Naval Cruisers Arrive,
Washington, July 30. Roar-Ad-mlrnl
Dayton, commanding tho Paci
fic Hoot, linn tnforrnod tho Navy De
partment thnt tho armored cruUern
West Virginia nnd Colorado arrived
nt Cavlto yostorday for tho naval
Railway Mall Men Named.
Washington, July 31. D. P. John
son nnd John O. Mackcy, both ot
Portland, hnvo beon appolntod rail
way mall clerks.
Thousands Will Be Needed to Market
Present Crop.
Chicago, July 30, Tho western
rnllroad nro facing tho problom of
assembling thousand of cars at var
ious polnta during tho next 30 days
for tho purpoao of transporting tho
crops to mnrkot. Nearly ovory big
railway systom baa recolvod detailed
reports from Its agents In ovory part
of tho west, northwest and southwost
regarding crop condition, probable
yield and tho prospect for futuro bus
iness. From theso statements esti
mates nro mndo of the number of
cars which will be needed to tako
cara of tho various crop movomenta
along too lino of each road. Tbe
ngonts are required to give somo call-
tnato of tbe time wbon tho different
crop will bogln to znovo and how
great tho early movement will be.
Thl I dono mo that tho railroads
may avoid, If possible, taking car
out of other sorvlco and rushing
thorn to tho west, there to remain
Idlo for days awaiting loads.
It Is hollered from tho reports re
ceived thus far that tho early crop
movement this year will be heavy
and therefore an unusually largo
number of cars will have to be as
sembled. Somo Idea of the task that
confronts tho railroads can bo gath
ered from tho Northwestern' report
of tho situation. On a new lino of
that company In tho west thcro will
bo needed 100 boxcars alono to
transport n potato crop which will bo
shipped from three new towns.
Officials of the Northwestern Insist
that tholr rodd will ko In botter
shapo to hnndlo this year's crop tknn
It was last year's. A great amount
of now equipment has been added
and business In othor directions
promises to bo less Imperative than
last year. The company Is nlso mak
ing an effort to have a larger porccn
tago of lta own cars opon Its rails
this year, with this purpose in
view, fowor Northwestern cars will
bo loaded to go off tholr own rails.
Burlington officials stated inai
they havo just now a surplus of box
cars and aro accordingly assembling
many cars to tako care of their aharo
ot tho Nobraskn crop. They expect
tho wheat to begin to move between
July 2S nnd August 1, and dcclaro
thnt before tbe flrat date arrives ibey
will bo In good shape to handle all
that will bo offered.
It Is probable that a conference of
traffic officials will be held soon to
talk over the crop movement and to
mako plans for co-operation of West
orn roads with respect to prompt
handling of foreign cars and their
prompt return to the homo lines.
Tho railroads dcslro to mako this
a record year for prompt and expedi
tious handling of tho western crop.
Mysterious Explosion Shatter New
York Tenement House
Now York. July 30. An explosion
accompanied by flro, shattered an
Bast Sldo tenement late Sunday
night, and within tho crumbling
wall 14 persons wont down to death,
while twlso as many wero probably
fatally Injured.
Tho wrecked building was at 223
Cbrlatlo street, whero a six-story
tenement roso above the grocery
store basement. Tbe explosion Is as
yot unaccounted for and tore out tho
front ot tho building, nnd tho flro
that followed caught tho 20 families,
numbering 100 persons, whllo most
ot thorn wero sound asleep.
Fourteen dead bodies havo been
recovered. Ot tho Injured, many
Jumped from tho windows, others
woro caught by falling timbers,
many, halt suffocated by smoke,
were dragged from tho hallways,
whllo othcra received their wounds
during the panic and mad fight
among each other for an oxlt.
Tho tenement was occupied chiefly
by Italians. A passerby waa attracted
by the explosion which apparently
occurred In the basement. As ho
turnod toward tho building tho whole
fsont with Its flimsy flro escapes feu
Into tho street, nnd from the sagging
floors a score ot the half nwakenod
persons dropped Into tho street.
Mauy of theso woro badly hurt, but
thoy provod to bo tho moro fortunato
of tho tonants for another moment
nnd tho building was wrapped In
flames, and tho crlos ot persons burn
ing to donth ront tho air. In tho
wild excitement that followed many
woro Injured.
All Will Resign.
San Frnnclsco, July 30. It la bo
lloved thnt by tomorrow night tho 16
supervisors appointed by Mayor Tay
lor will bo formnlly seated. The
present plan Is to havo ono mombor
of the boodllng board resign nt n
tlmo In ordor thnt there may bo a
majority to pnss tho resolution ot
formal recognition ot each ot tho
now members ns ho takes hla sent.
In this manner it Is planned to pro
coed until each ot tho 16 resignations
havo beon formally accented nnd
Mayor Taylor's, list has beon formal
ly appointed, and rexognuea.
Again Enlisting Negroes.
Houston, Texas, July 30,' Tho
army recruiting station here today
recelvod Instructions to enlist for the
colored cavalry especially desirable
negroos, the first enlistment ot ne
groes since the Brownsville affair.
Dramatic Event Anng Police e!
New York City.
Man Who Fled Balore Loaded Re
volver Punished and Made Text
of Speech by Chief.
Now York, Aug. 1. A remarkable
sccno, closely paralleling that mem
orable ono In Paris when Cap
tain Alfred Dreyfus was publicly dis
graced before tho Fronch army, was
enacted In tho trial room at police
headquarters. For tho first tlmo la
more than 30 years a patrolman bad
been adjudged guilty of cowardice.
He Is Stephen S. Walib, who, accord
ing to tbe charge mado against him
last week, fled from an armed man
who had shot and killed a woman.
The keen Interest with which the
unusual case was followed roso to a
point of dramatic Intensity when Po
lice Commlsaloner Bingham, who bad
presided personally at tbe trial, an
nounced that tho charge against the
unfortunate man had been proved.
Then the Commissioner turned to In
spector Richard Walsh, In whoso dis
trict Stephen Walsh was a patrol
man, but who Is no relatlvo ot tho
dismissed man, and directed the In
spector to strip Walsh ot his shield
and uniform buttons so that ho
might not even leavo tho trial room
with tho emblems of his former posi
tion as a policeman in good stand
ing on his person. The crowd looked
on In wonder and excitement as tho
Inspector advanced to perform his
unpleasant work.
The dismissed man stood still and
offered no resistance ns the shield
waa unpinned from his breast, but
when tho Inspector started to detach
the buttons ot tho uniform Stephen
Walsh stepped back and appealed to
his attorney against any further hu
miliation being put upon htm In the
presence of his former comrades.
Commissioner Bingham, who was
laboring under great excitement,
then Interposed and directed the In
spector to conduct his former fmb
ordlnato to tho steps of the police
building and eject him. Stephen
Wnlah offered no resistance and west
with tho Inspector to tho outer door
way, whero he was formally directed
to leavo tho building. Thronghout
tho unusual proceeding Stephen
Walsh malntctncd his composure.
Soldier Is Arrested for Complicity In
Northern Pacific Robbery.
Astoria, Ore., Aug. 1. An enlisted
man, giving his namo as Henry J.
Oruber is under arrest at Fort Ste
vens on a chargo ot being Implicated
In the robbery ot a Northern Pacific
train In Montana last May In which
Engineer Clow was killed. Gruber
Is but 20 years of ago and came to
Fort Stevens on July 22, from Butto.
Mont., whero he had enlisted a few
days before.
That Gruber Is tho man'a correct
namo is considered certain for the
reason that he gave his fathcr'u nnmo
on tho descriptive Hat tho same as on
tho "D and A" enrd when ho en
listed. Ho was placed under arrest
at 10 o'clock yesterday morning In
accordance with tolegraphlo Instruc
tions received from the commanding
oftlcer at Vancouver Barracks, who
directed that tho prlsonor be held
until an officer arrives for him. Gru
ber la kept In tho guardhouso heav
ily Ironed.
Would Move Head Camp.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1. At thl
morning's session ot tho head camp
convention ot Woodmen ot tho
World. Charles A. Reynolds, of Se
attle, sprung a surprise In tho shape
ot a motion to change headquarters
from Denver to Senttle. Ho told ot
tho dissatisfaction that has beon cur
rout among members on the Coast by
reason ot kcoplng tho head camp In
Colorado, whllo tho scene ot the
groatest activity of tho Woodmen is
located on tho Coast. Tho stato of
Washington, Orogon and California
havo nearly two-thirds ot tho entire
membership ot the order.
Refusea to Try Powers.
Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 1. Judgo
Robblns vacated the bench today In
tho Caleb Powors murdor trial fol
lowing tho tiling ot an affidavit al
leging prejudice. Tho action ot
Judgo Robblns waa unexpected by
tho prosecution nnd was a surprise,
to tho defense Judgo Robblns took
up each allegation of Powers nnd de
ntod specifically that they wore truo,
and snld It wns too late to mar his
record ns Judgo by sitting In a case
when ho wns nccusod ot unfairness.
The trial has boen Indefinitely post
poned. Murdered by Moors.
Tangier, Aug, 1. On tho pretext
that they wero displeased with tho
harbor works, three tribes today at
tacked Casa Blanca, ono ot the chief
seaports ot Morocco, and massacred
the native guards and bovou Euro
peans. Tho othor Europeans In the
city, together with a number ot
Jews, took refuge on a German ship.