The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 09, 1907, Image 2

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Movement o! Fleet to Pacific
Hay Brlnf War.
With Battleships In Pacific They Will
Becomo Bold anil Jepan Will
Surely Retaliate.
Washington, Aug. 3. Thero vtu
much Jubilation on the patt ol naval
ofttcers today over tho specific and tin
qualified announcement at Oyster Hay
that tho battleships of tho Atlantic fleet
will bo sent to tho Pacific. Until this
statement was mado by authority of
President ltocrevelt there was a grow
ing feeling on tho part ol naval otlkMni
that theeo vessels would not bo sent
around Capo Horn.
Ono of tho most substantial ofliccrs
of tho navy believes that tho fending of
the) battleships to tho California const
will cause, so much Itrltation tint war
between the United States and Japan
will bo tho reeult. They are already
figuring on promotions, as history has
shown that advancement In the naval
service la much mow rapid during war
than in piace.
All naval officers aro forhlddcn to
discuss International questions for pub
lication, but privately they do not heal-
. t .1w.l.o tliaf thntf )vtlve that as
soon as tho Atlantic fleet starts on its
long voyage to the i'acitic me jspaneso
government will send one of its fleets
to the coast of California or to tho At
lantic coast.
They declare that tho presenco of tho
l-i.l.1.1. nf A.ltntral Prang on the
mivci,i-a v. . --
Pacific will cause tho people In that
part Ol tno counwy w ww """
Md In their attacks on tho Japanese.
Tills, they sy, will cause irritation,
which they fear will lead to serious
Southern Pacific Will Inaugurate New
Express Service.
Portland, Aug. 3. Harrlman offl
..t.i. hnth In Portland and Ban Fran
cisco, are seriously considering placing
a special mall and oxprcs irain on mo
Portland'San Francbxo run. It Is ex
n.t idol .liviilnn will bo reached
in a few days. Railroad officials are
Inclined to think tho additional service
Is assured, altboughjthe train will have
to bo officially ordered by General Man
ager Calvin fiom the San Francisco
The proposed new train will be re
served exclusively ior iiaduiihk uiu
and express, and la being considered aa
an expedient ior relieving oxiswok cuii
gested conditions, which, it Is said, are
TMnnmllilH lsraelv for the unsatisfac
tory passenger service on this branch
ol tiie rsouuiern raciuc. mis rprcmi
will K.rrv nn nuunncer.!
The express business on this line has
increased to an extent iuat u is impuo
ii.Ia in hnlln It with the facilities
f ),t m nnw movlilod In the nusenser
trains and at the ssrue time make
achodulo time with these train. Ily
n-mhlnlno hnth the cxnresj and mail
business and handling it with a special
train, the rallrosd otllclila figure that
u possible to operate, us pasgen-
Mr trains nn udlftlllle tllllH. since it is
the discharging acd recolving of ex
press Uiat Invariably delays trains.
EIrht Iniured In Elevator.
Cincinnati, Aug. 3. A peculiar
accident on nn elevator in mo
Tower building, at Eighth and Syca
more streets, last evening, seriously
Injured eight persons. Tho car was
running by electricity ana a uroKeii
connection in a switchboard extln ihn llchta and took from tho
operator tho power to control tho
car. As a result tno crown rcacuuu
the bottom In safety, although in
darkness, and then, by a sudden ro
nmrni nf nnwpr. the elevator went to
the top of tho shaft so rapidly that
tho balancing weignts woro tnrown
off nnd In falling struck several pas
Flres'Rsge In Foothills.
Visalla. Cal., Aug. 3. A disss
trous flro has raged all day along
the foothills ten miles east of this
city. Tho territory devastated win
probably amount to 76 or 100
square miles. Tho cntlro population
is fighting tho flro and reports re
ceived aro very meager. From hero
tho flames could be seen into at
night, climbing tho low-lylng hills,
apparently still beyond control. A
number of barns and outbuildings
havo been consumed, as well as
many stacks of hay nnd grain, be
sides thousands or ncres oi whu iwu.
Blnd"Mcaee Over for Perjury,
noise, Idnho, Aug. 3. Dr. I. L.
McGoe. of Wallace was bound ovor
by Probate Judgo Leonard Thurs
day to nnswor tho chargo of per
jury lodged against him becnuso of
certain testimony given by him In
Brutal Murder of Women and Clrli
tn Metropolis Continues.
New York. Aug. 2. "Tho grave-
yard," ns tho foreign populated
neighborhood on First avenue, be
tween Thirteenth nnd Fourteenth
streets Is known locally, gavo up to
day n fresh crime, rivaling In atroc
ity tho mysterious butcheries of last
week. Tho latest discovered victim
was nn S-yenr-old girl, nnd. like tho
two young women murdered, ahe had
been shockingly mistreated before
death nnd tho body mutilated when
life wns extinct.
Tho threo murders wero strikingly
similar, I.nst Thursday night n
woman was strangled In n Twenty
second street bonrdlnghouso; tho
next morning tno oouy oi a sun un
identified woman, who had been
twil-.t tn ilnnth. vn fnuml In nn
nrcaway In Kast Nineteenth street.
Katie Prltschlcr, ilaughter or a res
taurant waiter, disappeared n week
ago today and was killed that night.
M 1 1 I . 1 n .ft l..aafj tl. fj t aa a S dhi1
A nuuuu jiiacvu nuuui itiu iiiimifc mm
drawn so tightly that it cut the
itih. nhnweil how she died. Her
body wns found today.
It tho brutality of tho murders
can bo qualified, that of tho Prltsch
ier girl ranks first. She was as
saulted, murdered and then hor life
less form was horribly muiiiateu.
Good Progress Made In Selecting
Jury to Try Halsey.
San Francisco. Aug. 2. Compara
tively rapid progress was mado yes
terday In tho trial of Theodoro V.
Halsey for the alleged bribery of
Supervisor Loncrgan. Halsey, as
former ngent of tho Pacific States
Telephone ft Telegraph Company, Is
the second or the public utilities cor
poration men to bo brought to tho
bar by tho bribery graft prosecution
nnd tho Indictment on which ho went
to trial Is tho first of 13 similar ones
that havo been returned against him.
Forty-elsht veniremen wero ox-
n mined during the day. and of thoso
nlno withstood tho qualification tests
nnd were accepted, subject to per
emptory challenge by cither side, ten
peremptorles resting with tho de-
fenso nnd five with the prosecution
District Attorney Langdon con
ducted tho examinations for tho pros
ecution. Ho Is sunnortcd by Special
Counsel Hiram Johnson nnd Assist
ant District Attorney William lloff
Cook. Uert Schlesslnger examined
for the defense With him at tho
counsel tablo in HaUey's hehnlt are
Dolphin M. Delmas and Henry H.
McPlke. If Judgo Lawlor overrules
tho objection of tho defense to the
commencement of Louis Glass' new
trial next Monday and requires It to
go on nt that time, Mr, Delmns will
probably withdraw temporarily from
tho Halsey caso In order to take part
in tho defenso of Glass.
Toreado Destroys Town,
Victoria. Kan., Aug. 2 All efforts
to reach Marquette, reported to havo
been destroyed by a tornado last
night, have failed. The Missouri Pa
cific Hallway telegraph operator nt
Marquette was notifying tho agent at
Gcncseo, west of there, that the de
pot was almost destroyed by wind,
and that threo Inches of water stood
in tho depot, when tho wlro failed.
McPherson, southeast of Marquette,
was reached by telephone. That placu
had heard tho report but could not
communlcato with Marquette. All
other wires aro down. Mnrquetto
was destroyed by a tornado In 1905,
27 persons being killed nnd over n
hundred and fifty injured.
Rates to West Lowered.
Chicago, Aug. 2. Reductions in
Interstnto fares from all tho promi
nent places In tho Kast to tho prin
cipal points west of Chicago nnd St.
Louis will bo mado August C by the
Eastern railroads, special permission
to do so having been granted by tho
Interstate Commerce Commlsalon.
Becauso of tho reductions in Inter
stnto fares made by tho Western
railroads, owing to tho passago of
2-cent fare laws by many states, pas
sengers from Eastern nnd Western
points havo been abio to save from
$1 to $C by buying a ticket over
Eastern roads only to their Western
terminals and then rebuylng over a
Western line to their destination.
Buy Meat In Australia.
Victoria, II. C, Aug. 2. Major O.
Long, dispatched to Australia nnd
Now Zealand by the nrltlsh army
council to inspect the packing houses
of tho antipodes with n view to se
curing supplies of tinned meats for
the Hrltlsh army, arrived by the
steamer Manuka today, on his wny
to England, via Chicago, where bo
will look over tho packing houses.
He said tho supplies In futuro would
bo taken in greater quantities from
Australia. Major Long said tho bus
iness In Australia was conducted
under wholesale conditions.
Trunk With Money Lost.
'Wutertown, Wis., Aug. 2. A
trunk containing securities to tho
valuo of $200,000 has been found
horo and Is now on Its way to tho
rightful owner An expressman at
Chicago shipped for Otto Holnecken,
a teacher of this city, tho trunk con
taining tho bonds and loft Mr. Hcln
ecken's trunk at Chicago. Mr, Holn
ecken notified tho express company
which mado the exebango with groat
Wallowa Anxious to Contest Honors
With Town of Enterprise.
Wnllowa Tho Wallowa Commer
cial Club has voted uimnlmously for
tho bttclimlnir of a county seat fight.
John McDonald. S. T. Combs and Dr.
G. W. Gregg woro appointed n com
mittee on finance, while C. T. Mo-
Danlcl. Mayor J. P. Morelock nnd
Councilman Edgar Marvin will nr
ranee for tho circulation of petitions
to securo tho vote next June. The
meeting was well attended and tho
promise of support from Joseph wns
officially announced.
Tho county seat Is now at Lnter
nrlso nnd much dissatisfaction has
been manifest for tho past year. Tho
county owns no public buildings nnd
Is practically In tho position or a now
county. Tho vote to bo taKcn next
June will dccldo the location of tho
county seat definitely, nnd every ef
fort posslblo will bo put forth on
each sldo.
Tho nsplrntlons of Wnllowa havo
long been growing and havo at
lungth takou form. Tho struggle
was provoked by tho action of resi
dents of Enterprise n week ago In
attempting to get tho county court
to build a courthouse. Their offer
was a site und $6,000 cash bonus
. n t"'. nnn rnurthotise. Tho
county court tabled tho proposal in
definitely, pending tno ncuou ui
voters nt tho next election. Tho
.i,.,nnth nf ihn tun towns Is almost
evonly divided with a largo element
in tho county ns yet very uuceriaiu.
Railroad Laborers Scarce.
Huntington Work on tho North
west Railroad is progressing slowly
owing to tho scarcity of men, who
prefer to work In tho hnrvest fields,
greatly to tho Inconvcnt-nco of tho
railroad contractors. Work will be
gin next week of Inylnjr rails and
putting In culverts of iron pipes in
tho large gulches leading from tho
mountain sides. This means a great
saving of tlmo and money to the con
tractors, who now havo to hnul their
supplies 40 and B0 miles by wogon.
Trsmps Infest LaQrsnde.
T . r!,..n.ln Thn lOVIl IS OVCmtn
with hoboes nnd mnny thefts, some
of considerable magnitude, havo been
committed. Nineteen tramps wero
run out a couple of days ago, among
whom wns C. J. Dent, locally known
as "the Portland Prince." Ho hns
often been In tho city Jail nnd boasts
of having "douo up" a Portland of
ficer. Survey Route to Lskevlew. Pntia A crew of survey
ors under Chief Englncor Journey
I... nltxhmt rnmn lust OOlt Of this
city and has begun work on a rail
road survey to i.ageviow. i no-engineers
say tho purposo of tho svir
vv ! tn ilMnrmlno n routo from this
city Into Lako county. Tho men aro
In tho employ of tho Southern Paci
fic Company.
Clackamas Furm Brings 810,000.
Oregon City Robert J. Ilrown.
ono of tho potnto kings of Now Era,
has sold his 270-noro farm 1H mllos
oast of Now Era. to O. K. Pottrntx.
of Marlon county, for 1 16,000, or
nearly t CO per ncro, nnd tho pur
chaser has taken Immediate posses
sion. Mr. Ilrown will remain In
Clackamas county and purchase a
smaller farm.
Trains to Wallow Soon,
Elgin It Is conservatively esti
mated by cnglneors who lmvo been
over tho grndo that trains will bo
running frrim Klein to WllllOWn OVer
tho Wallowa oxtenslon of tho O. It.
& N. In CO days. Tho grado is prac
tically completed nnd tho work of
lnvlntr tho track is being rushed with
all possiblo speed.
Short Crop About Lebanon.
Lebanon Tho first threshers In
Linn county started up a few doys
ago on this yenr's crop of grain. Tbo
yield will not bo up to tho average.
Tho hay crop In Linn county la also
short this yenr and tho provnlllng
prlco for good hay is higher than
for years.
Bids for New Mall Route.
Raker City Postmostor Ijtchncr
has received orders from Washing
ton Instructing him to advertlso for
bids for a stago lino to oporato from
Baker City to Unity nnd Horoford,
on Burnt River, a dlstauco of about
40 miles.
Hesvy Hay and Grain Yields.
La Grando Tho Amalgamated
Sugar Company has bogun harvest-
lni Mm linv nnd drain on its differ
ent farms. They havo 225 men nnd
7b teams at worx. ino crop yieiua
aro heavy.
Dates for Clsckamas Fair.
Oregon City Tho first county fair
to bo held In Clackamas county will
tnko placd at Oladstono Par Wed
nesday, Thursday and Frldo, Octo
ber 9, 10 ana n.
New Buildings for Corvallls.
Salem At a special meeting of
the State Hoard of Education, tho
comma ior mo ihiiiuiiik oi hio '"
Meclinnlea' Hull In connection with
lhe Agricultural College nt CorvHllls
was nwnriU'il to A. r. reieriMiii, i
Portland, for $37,303, and for the
stonm-heatlug plant for the saiiio
ImlltlliiK to Gardner, Kendall ft Co ,
of Portland, for $3,BSR TIhhm were
tho lowest bids offered. Kueh suc
cessful bidder must furnish n bond
In tho sum of 60 per cent of the
amount of the respective contracts
mill tho tuillilliiK must be completed
and ready for occupancy nn or be
fore February I of next yenr.
Land 8les Drop.
Snle'm The Intnl amount of col
lections for tho sale of school, Mil"
and swamp land, Interest on eertlfl
ratlin i-ir . iii Hut Hiiiio Laud De
partment for the month of July, ns
shown by tho stntoment issued i
Clerk G. G. Ilrown, of the Ktnto Und
Hoard, wok $17,786.37. which Is a
considerable falling off from the
volume of business conducted last
month, when the receipts reached n
total of over $100,000. This latter,
however, was due to the transactions
Incident to the cancellation ana re
purchasing of certificates resulting
from tho land fraud investigations.
Railroad Not to BUme.
Bnlom According to tho roply of
Superintendent L. it. Fields, Inclos
Iul; n statement from Station Agent
William Murrtman, of Portland, an
swering tho complaint of J. A. Mc
Donntd, of McMlnnvllle, who repre
sented to tho Itnltroad Commission
thnt ho was unnblo to Ret n carload
of sand shipped from Portland to Mc
Mlnnvllle, tho blamo for tho nonnr
rival of tho car was dun to the Cen
tral Sand Company, or rortianu.
who failed to load tho car dollvercd
them for tho sand, which, nt last re
ports, was standing empty on tho
siding. '
Fund for Maintenance Only.
Cnlnm AKnrnnv.diinrrnl CrnW
ford has given nn opinion to the
State Hoard of Normal School Ho
gents that the appropriation for nor-
mull rnntit nnlv tin nitientlcd for
mnlntenanco nnd repairs, nnd no part
of tho money could bo unused ior
tho construction of now buildings.
This Is fur tho especial benefit of
lir.. Iilnni Mnlbnv. nf thn Ashland
nnrmnl, who urged tho Immedlato
need of some new buildings to ae-
commodato thn growth und domnnus
of that Institution.
S200 an Acre fo- Farm.
Oreiinn City Forty thousand dol
lars has been paid for the Oswego
farm of Albert Walling and Presley
Jarrlsch. Tho placo Is practically
all under cultivation and embraces
about 200 ncrofl. bringing an average
nf S200 nor ncro. This Is liolloved
to be tho largest price ever iwld for
Clackamas County farm property
Wheat Club, 80c; bluestcm, 82c;
valley, 80o: red, Bc.
Oats No. 1 white, $25; gray,
ltarlnvFM!. I21.K0i7i22 rxir ton:
brewing, nominal; rolTeJ, $21.60
24. GO.
Corn Whole, $28; cracked, $20 per
Hav Valler timothy, No. 1, $17
18rrlon: Eastern Oregon timothy,
$2l23s clover, $9; client, $010;
uniln hay. $Uftl0: alfalfa, $13M.
Ilutter Fancy crcamory, 27iCJ3fc
per pound.
Poultry Average old hens, 12tf3
l!c per pound; mixed chickens, 12o;
spring chickens, lflftc; old roosters,
80c: dressed chickens, 10 17c; tur
keys, live. 12016c; tuikoys, drrsnnj,
choice, nominal; gceae, llvo, 8ftllo;
ducks. BCTHc.
F.ggs French ranch, candled, 220
23a ner dozen.
FrulU Cherries, 8l2Hoa pound;
apples, $1.60 2.2ft per box; Hnltxen-
bergs, $3.60 per box; cantaloupe,
$2.60(33.60 rer crate: peaches, 00e3
$1.25 per crate: raspberries, $1.LV
1,60 per crato; bluckbcrrli), 67c
per pound; lounnborrles, $1 pof cmtoj
aprlcolfl, $1.60(3)2 per crate.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.76 per sack;
rarroU), $2 per sack; beets, $2 per
sack; aspatogus, lOo per pound; beans,
36o per pound; cabbage, 2J$o per
pound; celery, $1.26 per dozen; com,
2536c per dozen; cucumbers, 60r$l
per Ikx; lettuce, head, 26o per doien;
onions, 1620o per dozen; peas, 46o
per pound; radishes, 20a per dozen ;
tomatoes, $11.26 per crate.
Potatoes New, lK'-'c H" poK1"''
Veal Dressed, 68o per ;ouiid.
Beef Dressed bulls, 3K4o per
pound; cows, 00$c country steers,
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 80o per
pound; ordinary, 67cj spring lambs,
Poric Drecsed, 08o per pound.
Hops C7JiiO per pound, according
to quality.
Wool Eastorn Oregon, average best,
1622o nor pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 20022c, according to fine
ness; mohair choice, zixgsoo a pound
Desire to Msko Fast Time Cause of
Many Wrscks,
..... 1.......1.M.. iul rt - -The tea
tlmony of tho officers of the steani
schooner Han reuro, uewiw v..
John - llcriiihiKimiu today, ;"";
strnted clearly that tho hat; t of
Coast skippers, said to ue iv, .....
universal, of running their vessels
at full speed regardless of the fog,
was mainly respuuslhlo for the wreck
of tho Columbia ami Its terrible cou-
.equenee-. ,
fillet .Mine ii. niiuiipvt
wns In charge of the San P'lro l
tho time of tho collision, testified
that, when he first hoard the fog sig
nals of tho Columbia, he did not slow
down ntid that, when the passenger
teasel loomed out of the fog, t was
too late in do anything but try to
make tho collision as slight as pus-
SIUIW. . . I.I II.
He appears to liavo acieu mm -
patch and good Judgment when ho
...... i .i... i'..l,....1.ln ' (nil nt tlial
KU.IIllMI III" .ii. -- "V
time, according to his testimony, tho
. . .... ... .I..... . Iii.hI .
snips were uoi mum mnn -length
apart, nnd not much was pos-
..... M.t ...... n,. Hut. I,, 1,11 lA
siuie. mem w uu -
starboard. Ho therefore blew the
danger signal, four short blasts, or
,i..r.i.i tlui ii MB I ms stonned and threw
the helm hard itport. Ho did not or
. .. .. ....... t... .
iter tno engines ruii-raru, . -plained,
because he hoped to throw
the San Pedro around so as to strike
a glancing blow, and In order to do
tills It wns necessary m nowii
dent way on her. The Han Pedro had
been inaKing nuout cigni kuoip, iiu
waa iimhullW Illnklnit flVU WllOll tlO
struck the Columbia.
Bond for Ball Furnished After Lorg
Walt for Cash.
llolso, Idnho, July 31. After n de
lay of nearly 30 hours. Charles II.
Moycr, president of the Western Fed
eration of Miners, was released from
the Ada county Jail at a lata hour
last night on n bond of 2S.0OO signed
by Timothy Regan and Thomas J.
J ono of Holse.
Moyer will lenvo for Salt Lako to
night In company with William D.
Haywood, who on Sunday was ac
quitted of tho murder of ex-Governor
Stounenberg. After a stop of
a few hours In Salt UUe City, they
will proceed to Denver, tho head
quarters of thn federation.
It was proposed to file a cash bond
In tho sum of $26,000, but the
money did not arrive In time, nnd
rather than allow Moycr to remain
another night in Jail, his attorneys
decided, after nit, to let a personal
bond suttlco.
Stovo Adams who was expected to
bo an Important wltnoss nt tho trial,
but who was not called by either
side, was taken back to Wallace to
await n second trial on the charge
of murder thero. Ills first trial re-
suited In n disagreement.
Formal application wns turtiln in
tho District Court to havo George A.
Pettlbonu admitted to ball. The mo
tion wns submitted without argu
ment, nnd was promptly denied by
Judgo Wood.
Steals March on Uncle Sam at The
Hague Conference
Tho Hague, July 31. Tho Hrltlsh
delegation Is working on n proposi
Hon. which, when It Is presented, will
enuso considerable surprise. As al
ready cabled, tho representatives of
tho United States lmvo been prlvnto
ly discussing with other leading dole
Kates tho advisability of the United
Htntes presenting n proposition for
tho norlodlcni meeting of tnn corner
once, this proposition suggesting that
it should meet qulnqucunially Juno
2, beginning In 1013.
The British dologntton went ahead
of tho Americans, having already
communicated in tho strictest secrecy
to ohly a fow dologntcs Its proposi
tion on tho sarno suiiieci, cstaiiiisn
Ing that tho conforonco should sit
sontonlnlly, but that two years lie
foro tho mooting special representa
tives of Groat Britain, France, (Ior
many, thn Unltod States, Russia,
Italy, Austria and Japan should meet
to propuro tho work for tho confor
onco, pro-arranging everything con
nected with Its organization nnd tho
matters to bo tukou under advlso-
'New Line Across Rockies.
Helenn, Mont., July 31. Tho
Northern Pacific has let a contract
tn Hhopnrd, Kloms & Company for
the building nf n now line over tho
Rocky Mountains west (rum this city,
presumably for tho purposo of head
ing off tho Chicago, Milwaukee ft St
Paul, which evidently purposes tap
ulnu Helena on Its lino from Lom
bard to Qarrlson. Tho routo ovor
tho mountulns will bo by way of Mc
Donald Pass, and will result in tho
nhnndonmont of Mullan Tunnel, tho
longest on tho Northern Pacific sys
tem. Train Robber Caught.
Hutto, Mont., July 31. George
Towor wns nrrosted today for tho
holdup of tho North Coast Limited
in March and tho murder of Clow,
tho englncor. Towers gives no occu
pation. Ho la nbout 28 yoarn of ago
Tho landlady of a lodging houso
Identified him ns n lodger who
brought Into hor houso tho night be
fore tho miirdor a vnllso in which
was found tho giant powder which
was to havo boon usod In blowing
pon the express sale.
Jury Deliberated l Hours, If
Two for Conviction,
Shakes Hands With Courts!, lh.nkil
Each Juror, and Goes tu tit
His Muthsr.
Holse, July 3D. Into tho hriitt
sunshine of n beautiful lliimliiy niuio.
lug, Into the stillness of n city drusir
with the lasy slumber of a suiiiKitr
Sunday, William II. Haywood, Ut
defendant In olio of tho- ini t iiotij
trials Involving conspiracy and mur
der that tho country has ever knos.
walked )twterday n free innii, scislt.
ted of me murder ui roriiur Uot
orimr Frank Hteunenberg.
The probability of it verdict of it
qulttal In the case of the secretary
treasurer and nekiiuwIedKid lfJtr
of the Western Federation of Minus
had been freely piodlrted situs Hat
unlay, when Judge Fremont Weed
read his charge.
It was also freely predicted Hist la
the event of Haywood's arquKUl tU
state would abandon tho proieculloa
of his associates, Charles II Mom,
the president of tho Federation, si)
(leorgo A- rettllHiuo, of Dvaw
Statement from counsel and froa
Governor Gooding Issued today !li
pel (his view of the situation
It was after being out for 21 hosrsi
that (ho Jury, which at first had beta
divided eight for acquittal, twu fr
eonvlcllun and two blank, and tkta
siHUiird deadlocked nt 10 for scisK
tal tn twu for conviction, finally ese
to an agreement shortly af'rr tU
first faint streak nf the coming ihr
sIiowimI gray nhovo the giant hills
which bourn! Holse to the north s4
east. Tho weary old bailiff, who Ui
kept an all-night vigil before th
door of tho Jury-room, was strtl4
Into action by an Imperative kooek
from within. Kvents moved rsHJIf
enough after this, nod hardly at Ut
the prinelpal actors In thn trial bid
been gathered Into tho courtroom st
a few moments before N ocl(.
when thn white envelope was lisndul
by the foreman to tho Judge and u
lorn open and the verdict read,
Vote Stood Svn to Flv for Con
viction New Trlsl Soon,
San Francisco. July 28 --After 1
ballots, in which there was smslM
variation from the original UadU.
of the bod seven for convlrt
and five for acquittal, thn Jury I'
the Louis Glass bribery case was dll-H
charged this afternoon by Jud.e
There was no disagreement as M
tho payment of a bribe, but it ,
contended by the men who voted lot
acquittal that tho crime had not btei
positively fastened upon Glass, j
The retrial of the case has betzl
set for August 6.
Tomorrow morning, Theodore 'M
llnlsey, who acted ns tho briber)
agent of the Paclflo Telephone Co
pany, will be placed on trial. Tst
prosecution anticipates no trouble Is
convicting Halsey, nnd has openi
stated that If necessary he wilt NH
granted immunity If ho will lake tci
stand nnd toll tho truth.
Tho prosecution will Inso no tlaH
In plarlng Glass on trial attain I
.Imiiier, whose testimony would coa-Jl
vict (miss in two m notes. nerslts i
his refusal to answer questions eo
tho witness stand, ho will ho puofl
isned to tho extent of tho California,
law, which allows Imprisonment for
six months for each such refusal ilf
this process Zlmmer can bo given
total of nearly flvo years In prison
Denies Ha Attscked Hansen,
Ban Frnnclscn. July 20. Third Of
fleer Hawse, of tho wrecked steamer
Columbia, hns mado n statement In
which ho denies tho chnrKos rnsdo
ngalnst him, Referring to Captain
Hanson, ha saw; "I nnver did crit
icize his conduct, but simply rondo
my report to tho United States In
spectors of hulls and boilers, In ac
cordance with tho facts, nnd ven
tured thn onlntnn thnt hml tho 8n
Pedro nllowod mo to discharge H-
survlvors from tho boat, I wouia
lmvo hud a clumcu to roscuo more.
Kill Brutal Husbands
Chicago, III., July 20. Tho Mill"
of husbands who beat their wires
....... .. .i.. ... .... ...... ..... .1. ill In
nun lliivuviliud lljr JUIIgO lUllim '"
the Cnursn nf n illvnrv. anil trlPll If
lorn mm yesterday, indignant ni
woman's inscription or tno inum"
trootment to which slio had bc
snbjoctod by tho man who clnlmed io
bo "hor iniistor," nnd nrousod W
statements that his nbuso had 'is'"
pliico In tho presenco of men wtio
would not intorfero, Judgo Tmn
doelnrod thnt In vxtromo cases vlo
lonco Nhniild tin mnt wiili vlolonCC,
no mutter what tho consoquoticea.
Now Assassination' Plot Found. A
St. Petersburg, July 27. -Tho poj
llco todny unonrthod n plot to nsssi;(
slnoto tho Mlnlstor of War, asnorsM
Roodlgor, Sovornl mombors of tM ,j
military organization of tho HocU'k
uevoiutionuts wero arrested.
tJie uaywoou trim.