The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1907, Image 7

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anking by Mail
On savings deposits ol dollar
or mora, compounded twlw
nvary year. 11 Is just n fr
to oprni ft Havings Aero ti tit with
in by Mall ft II you lived next
door. Frmd for our froo book
let, "Hanking by Mall," and
leftrn lull particulars. Addrue-
Oregon Trust fie
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth nnd Waahlncton flta.
uking vouh loom inountrs to us
UstMa doing risawliar.
J43 WathlniUn St. rlleiwl. Oreiea
r "
ronitAhD. ORrbor
A Olrl.' ftrbool of th li Illicit clais. CilUt
ale dtraitraent. Muale AH. Klueullon. (Jim
neatnra. rail term toj-ena September IS.
Write Us
Portland Oregon
Th Kitey Oman I" tt standard,
rffljrlaxlf knowi Ilia 4lr to be Ditl
cliu, tleh ol tun ami durable.
Katey I'arlnr Organs reus III pile
(lam IM to 90 The nil ilinwu
lsnylNl pile ts ! have
I'arkeid anil I'lilpatfii Collage tliiiani,
Vl-tor Talklmi Mai-hltiea, ami twenty
different inakaa i'l I'laiiiH Meiftwar,
Knalxi. I'al.te, Ludwlg, Cimnttr. kings
bury, Variant, Vtvlilnglen ami litany
Wllla (or catalogue end rrlra list.
You ran buy Just aa ehraib'Uiall a lir
visiting una ol nur alures, I'o tut ami
address jour letter to 0. 1. Johnson,
Sherman, Glay & Co,
Opposite loitofflca
C. Gee Wo
Tti Wall-Known
Roctsnd lUib
Hat msde a Ilia study cl locti and tiaibs, and In that
study dlsoorsred and la (Wine W the world hit wort
dailulitmt4li. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used-He Cur
Without Operation, or Without tba AM
ol a Knife.
II guarantee to Cura Calanh, Ailhma, Lnnr,
Throat, Khaunulltm, Nsrrouansae. Narvouo Dsul-
lir, Stomach, LWsr, Kldnsy Troubles) alao Loat
Manhood. KmlWaknaiandAllr'rlelUliaaaia
Juat KeceUed from Peking. China-Sale, Sura
PIIU Hfiinvtvi
II you cannot call, writ (or symt ton blank and circu
lar. Inclose 4 cents In tamps.
I62 ptral St.. Cor. Morrison,
Portland, On ton
Plsais Mention Thta Pspsr.
I iituiniCiitiiiiuiiiini I
17. rc
S3 a
Lily- Mnrrhigo limy bo it fnlltiro, but
I mil Koli'K li lluilar noiim niiiti irovu It
In iin. Tim Niw York Itliii.
Kilo (to fellow Hnlt'lUT nt Itillalcnlu)
Wlml do juii tblnU (if IiIh vxwiltlonl
lli I'm In Tutor of It. I'uik'Ii.
"Mian Hmllli linn written it irlilm
liotvl, luiHii't aliur" "Vun." "Wlmt li
tint prolili'iu)" "How (it iiinku It .ll."
"I.lfo In ri liliri'rtiilii," nlw milil, MI
know It," bo n-iillitl. "U-t'ra jivt mnr
rlisl, Ono of tut limy rtlo within n fnw
ji'itrn." CblfiiKo ItfctinMlvrnlil.
Wljiuft Why tin you nhvnya n'nril
lilin wlllt Ktiilcliu) WitKK -Wi'll,
vry tliiut I wu him ho hnii n (Uffor
rut iilnliri'lln. I'lilluck'lplilit Iteconl.
Tifichttr Mliw llmlitvr, wlmt tin you
titnlfriilniiil by "lliu prlvllreiil (.lnH,"
I'tMif Tlw Ixililliy clnaa. Tbry enn EO
out III tint mimmIi ulico In n wlilto. C'lll'
en co Trlbiint.
Hultor I bnto Ihv honor to nak fur
your ilnuslili'r'N ilowry. Irnlo I'u I
Im-k your iMtl'iloll, air) Kllltor-Kxrtiac
ma ; of cotiriM) I meruit jour iliiuuliter'a
hnmUVIo I'our lllri1.
".Mnrlr, If Jiiiniit itak j on to mrtrry
hint toiilitht, tell til tn to NiMxtk to me."
"And If hu ilK-u'l, iimiimiiir Toll
him 1 unlit to af(ik to him." Worn
nn'a IIoiiio OiiiiiKinlim.
New ly wttl-'-My wlfo only nllow tun
thrti) hooka) lit the rloaet to tiiniif my
witnlroUt on. Oli'lliiii'r Uon't norry.
Ilofore you'rtt Uttt mnrrlml lone one
hook will bo rnotiKh for nil jour ward-roln',-
Htrny Hlorliti.
"lllleuliiH ruiyii tllitt when lie ent to
ftch(ul ho hiii ono of Iho brlulilrat boy
lit till clnaa," "Vm," nuanuroil tho
Itortluj; mnii, "thnt'a where o ninny
of ti fnll down Ki'ttlni; out of tho
cIam." WnaliliiKtou Htnr.
Mr. Wholeanlo My Uiy, I Iiojh you
anvo ftviinothlux out of your wi-ekly rml
nry of X Hoy V-a, air; I no ft
a week. Mr. WIkiIi-niIo All I I knew
I na iuijIhk you (oo iiiurhi After this
I'll etvoyou twol II(t)ii rout.
Tiun n)n," rutunrkiil tho helrttw,
"thitt you'ro a nioru forluno hunter."
"Well, now, my ilenr," replied tho
ItniHil follow, "thnt'ft more or le true.
Your fnro U your fortune, nml Ihut'it
wlmt ntirnclit me." rhllndeljihln Hoc
"Oooti myl" eelnlim. little Tom
my, henrliitf n rhureh drenn for tho Drat
time, "whttfit IhiiU" "Hhl" nliUvrel
hta mother, "Ihnt'it tho ortfitn." "(IohI
iii'm! It iiiuat Ihi nil nwful hit; monkey
Hint kooh with Hint." riilhidelihlii
Mnglatrnto (to prlaoner) What, you
hero nuullll I hrtilli't wen jou lately,
nml lioitaM tou were refonnttl. How Id
It Hint )ott tmte iiriiIii conu bnek to
your oiii wnyitj i-riaoner tiecnuw) i
nui only juat out of prison, nlr. llou
"IK-nrj" nie, John, hem' nnothor jnwr
feller rtmiied oter by ono o' thomi 'ero
nutymobubbleitl" 'That nln't iiothlu',
mother. They do uny iih In ItiKiHhln
IhouanudM o' poor folk nnt kllleil In
Iho Mrtvtit nlonu o' thin Vro nulovttr.
ryj" Tho llyatnnder.
Cynic (HnvnKely) They ny Iho fnh.
lunnblo mother of todny rivnuulrex her
hnhy only by bmkluit nt tho mirm.
Ktmhlonnblo Mother (uninoved) -How
extraordinarily clever, when ono
chnngeH nurK'u iw often I I ulwnyit tell
ourH by thu mull cart. Ixmilon Tld.
"I took out llfo limumucu In order
to (Hit rtomuthliiK by for it nilny dny,"
"VeM," mmwered tho cynlciil cltlten
who hm Ikvii followliiK tho Hfn limur
nuco luveatlRiitlou, "but you know how
llttlu cunnclouco hoiiio pooplo have iilmut
nnothor mnw' tiuibrolln." WiiMliliigtua
Kind ridy (to llttlo twy with big
nwclllug lit his chwk) Poor llttlu
chap, ho hm ovldeully Kut u had gum.
IkiII, Hero are two ou; doon your
tooth ncho Imdly? Llttlu Hoy (rumor
lug tho "gunilKill") Oh, no, iiin'nm: I
wns Jiut inicltlng a big pleco of tufry.-
Nom IUIrit.
Tho young widow of nil old lumtmiul
liiBcrlbetl tho following wonln upon hor
dour 'depnrtwVH tomb) "To tho mem
ory of Muthurln lleztniuot, who left
tliU valo of team nt tho ugo of IK)
yonrn, 11 month nnd 20 dityii, deeply
grlorcd nt having to lenvo bohlud him
tho moat charming nnd faithful of
wives." l'elo Melo.
"Whoro nro you off to In such n hur
ry?" "To tho doctor for my hunbiiuil."
"Whiit'H up with hlmV" "llu toll mo
hu linn got hepntltlH, dyHpepalu, rheti.
niatlBin, onterltlM, giutrltltt, nppendl.
clttrt, nu(ihrlllit mid eorebro-tipluiil-iiiru.
Ingltlm" "Holy turroru! Whcro did ho
got nil thnt." "Why, n mnii Induced
him to buy n medical dictionary, nnd
ho' Just begun reading It." lirookiyii
Cltlten. i
For that
There Is one thine that will
cure It Aycr'o Hair Vluor.
It Is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you healthy hair, no dan plmplcs.nocrupilons.
Tli tiat kind ot a testimonial
"HuM for ovor atxty jranri."
M4trJ O f, Hut, B
ai. iM.aMi.tittr.ra r r
cuunr rtcTcxui.
III- t.miiKirl.iin.
"What brfially wrathrr you bnre h(rl"
tirlalmtd I he atrnmrr.
"Vea, do aqnirtliiiM," nld (lie na
tive. "W ara (ortuiutr juat now, bow.
ever, In having aurcraalon of flna daya."
Tint daya? Why, It mini nrarly all
Hi tlino."
"Wbt of tint? They're warm ralna,
aren't tbeyr
Skat Into Yar SIims
Allrn'a root Ka A potidtr. It maiea tlnt
or lw alioa lr aa.f It la at, rt tain rur lor
awrallriK, ratluua aud lint, llrl. hliur ImI.
hoi. I tr all Dmreltla. I'rlra 3M. lil.f re-
Lo mallet KlllftT. Addrta Alltu B, Olmatol,
llojraw York.
flood Xfrnaairv.
Illckft That oet you Introduced in
to laat night fteema to bo a wry goner
oui, open-handed follow,
Wlcki Yen. All hla tnnncU hara
fifteen llnca. Somervlllo Journal.
tlTt " Vit naer. ana all WrrrM I)taM
rl IN rmakBilr VurM tr lr. KlioVa
..'... ltwf.r. fur VliitK tllrtai t-Mtt. ar
tnatlM. I). 1l IL Kliar, 11, Ml arch ou, ruiul-.
AVhr NntT
"Thli bill," aald the umn of tba boua,
ancrlly looklnc It over, "I two or three
time a large It ottsht to be."
"No, air," Inalalrd the paper hanrer.
"That bill I eiartly what It ought to
be, and eiactly what It would have been
If you bad had the room decorated
ptoprrly and In accordance with th
achrjii I aubinltted to you, air. It Isn't
my fault I hat you turned It down and
made me debase uiy art by doing a com.
inontdac job. Hy the beard ot tb
rrophet. air, I ought lo have charged you
four price for having to do auch a piece
ot botchwark aa thlal"
Tor, lo, baa not a paper hanger a
good a right a any other man to be th
poaaeaaor of the artistic tcmrramcnt
Help the Horse NX
tf ...1.. i ...A.t TtLJ
ataul the stable than Mica
ask liiraae 1111 n iiiitr on i l(rvjl
the .i.loillra tefoto you "hook -fafcJO
up" -It will help the hone, ami
ixiuc lu loaa nome quicker.
rjn ar(f txtter than any
olhrr arrate Coata th ail
wllb a liaril, smooth surtace of
I powilcml t&lra which mlucee
lilcllon Ak the itralrr lor
Means cash In 7ur pocktt. teeauaa com.
fortsMe ruH mean iiwre will, mora rreara
amt mora luontjr Asa (or l.lll'a Ileal Kir
Killer, It fusts less and does more. Paid
hf dralsra. gt., US cls.i gsls., It.W). Mad
hr diss. II. 1.111 Co., UsatlW, IVrtland,
Man s'ranfUro
NOTICK The billowing announcement, are
liora leading buslneaa men amt flruia, and ar
ll worthy our carelul reading, Iho Hat
may contain juat the proioaitlon you ar look.
lug lor.
The only traota on th market wher you can
contract to mil your crop. Ten trains a day,
Abundanco( water, 1'rUo tiw.00 r acro
eaay aymenta-om In or writ lor vatltou-
Spokane, Wr-ihlniton,
110 Bttvea
Th'i Dcmocrnla of Oklahoma linvo '
lifted na ono of Iho Ulilttil Klnltnt Hen
atorn to reprexont Okliihoiiui, 'J'lioina
I'. Oore, of Lnwlon. who la totitlly
blind. Ilia tiomltiHtlon la wpial to .in
elHtlmi. TliU In tho (ltat time In tho
hlxtnry of (bo ('lilted Ktilea that n
blind iiiflii him ever lieeti twiut to tho
Heiinle, iih Mr (Joro will lo when at.ite.
ImcmI In no timpl lulled under thu present
pruHMed (rtitlttitlun.
Mr, Ooru hn Ihhmi In politic nil Ida
life, beginning iih n imge lu tho Mli
alualppl Honnte when bo waa but 11
TiiouAa p. uobc
yctir old. It linn during that time thnt
ho lMt Ida eyotdght by mi accident
with mi nrrow rt- Tlirec ywn pro
Iroualy he hnd loat hla left eye, n piny
innte, In a moment of piiHlon. atrlklng
hltn with n atone.
Mr. Cmi la but .10 yearn of ngc. He
Uvea nt lflWton, hna p wife nnd four
children, nnd la n lawjer by profea
alou. Hla memory la n wonder. When
Ida fnlher prepared to mtid him to n
blind ncliool, he refuel to go, aaylng
thnt achoola for tho blind did not fur
nlali him tho liooka mid oprurtunlty ho
di-alred. Ho ho went to the public
achoola nnd college, getting through by
rcaKou of lit nctite memory.
Wntery IJyen. Itellef mny be obtain
od by bathing the eyea teeru tlmea n
dny with n wnah coiiHlKtlng of ten
grulna of pure lurax nuj two outnva
of enmphor witter.
Itheuuintle Kniv. Try allryliito of
aoda, llvo drums; tlucturo of mix Tout
lot, three ilruina, nnd iM-onco of pepsin
enough to innke four ounce. Tho doKj
for nu ttdult U utiu tiirHoonfuI every
two or thrvo hourn.
Hujor.luousi llnlr. A growth of !inlr
la annoying to n girl who wear, abort
rdcvvcti, DepllntorU'H it re dangerous and
electro) nU, tho only euro cure, la nu
rH'iudvo trentmeut. To inlnlinlro thu
tnmblit dnrl: hairs may U bloticbod.
Witxti tho linns with a weak tvaltiUou of
ntutnonlii and water. Then iur n lit
tin poro-ldo of hydrngi'ii In tho wnter
nnd npply with a piece of lluon. Tho
blenching procia will have to bo re
lented from time to time, but peroxide
la harmless to tho akin.
Nnaal Catarrh. In tho trentment of
this pcrblalctit and often tntractablo dl'
order, good results lme been obtained
by tho Internal ndmluUtrotlou llvo or
slz tlmea each dny of onc-luilf teasioou
fill doao- In one-lMtlf ounce of water of
n mixture of ono ounce of spccltlc echlu
neon nnd two ounces of ktllllngln. Tho
latter lutenaltlea tho nctlou of echlnn
con In Its Inilueiico upon tho tnucoud
tmrfncvH, Tincture of goleemlum, two
tlroiM every hour during tho day, push
ed to n physiological iolnt, will nlort n
catarrhal cold. Three grulna of wtlley
lato of Htroutluiu, ndded to each i1ok,
reinforces It If rhcuuintlsm Is suspocted.
Nouralgla, If the ueuralgltt Is In tho
right aide of tho face the left hand
should bo placed In u bantu of water ita
hot as can lie boru; or If neuralgia Is
In tho loft Bldo of the fitcv, then tho
right bund should bo placed In' tho Lot
water. It Is ntwortcd tlutt In this way
relief may bo obtained In less than live
minute. The two nerves which haro
tho greatest number of tactile endings
nro tho tlfth nnd tho medium nerve,
An tho libera of these two nervea cross
nny Impulse convoyed to tho left hand
will affect tho right side of the face,
or If applied to the right hand will
affect the left stdo ot tho face. Thlt.
Is ou account ot tho crossing of tho
Other people's happiness gives a pes
Mmlst a UoadncUo, .
-,-ha vik tifft,.
Conbglous Utood Poison has brought more suffering, misery and humila
tlon into the world than all other diseases combined ; there Is hardly any
limit to its jkwctb (or evil. It is the blackest and vilest of all disorders,
wrecking the Uvea of thosfi unfortunate enough to contract it and often being
transmitted to innocent offspring, n blighting legacy of otiffcring and shame.
So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it
by using the came table ware, toilet Articles or clothing of one in whose
blood the treacherous virus 1ms taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison
but a very deceptive one. Only thottc who have learned by bitter experience
know by the little core or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of
the suffering which is to follow. It comes in the form ol ulcerated mouth
and throat, unsightly copper colored spots, swollen glands in the groin,
falling hair, offensive sores nnd ulcers on the body, nnd in severe cases the
finger nails drop off, the bones become dUAucd, the nervous oystcru is shat
tered and the sufferer becomes art object of p.ty to his fellow man. Especi
ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious Mood Poison, shown when tho
infected ricrion endeavors to combat the p isoa with mercury nnd potash.
These minerals will drive away all outward symptom3 of the troubles for
a while, nnd the victim is deceived into the belief that he is cured. When,
howcvcr.thc treatment is leftoff hefindsthat the poison has only been driven
deeper into the blood and the disease reappears, and usually in worse form,
because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from
the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive
action. S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poi
son. It is madcof a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs
and barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and field. We
offer a reward of for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral
S. S. 3.
PURELY VEGETABLE circulation that no signs of the disease ore.
ever seen again, and offspring is protected.
Write for our Special book on Contagious Mood Poison, which fully ex
plains the different ctagesof the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat
ment for all suffcrcrsof this trouble. No charge is made for this book, and
if you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, out
physicians Will be glad to furnrsh that, too, without barge,
Sfime .Valaral lllatoew.
P. A. Whitney, of Meetcctaee, Wyo.,
a rich rancher. Is greatly Interested In
all charities that help children. In a
recent visit to New York be told a
story about a llttlo alum urchin whom
be hnd tent on a month's vacation Into
tho country.
"Tho lad was ao Ignorant," he said,
"that he thought we got mash from
mushrooms nnd milk from tho milk
weed. One morning a' woman pointed
to a horse In a Held and aald :
"'Look nt the borae. Jimmy.'
"That'a a cow,' the boy contra
dicted. "'No,' aald tbo lady, 'It's a borae.'
"Taln't. It's a cow.-aaU the boy.
'Hortca haa wagon to 'cm." New
York Trlbum.
Puollnar as Wolf.
' A boy 12 years old, tbo son of a
pioneer In Montana, observed a wolf
sneaking about ono day Inst Januiry.
Ho took a sheep skin and spread It
over n low hush In such a way that It
ren-mblcd tho live anlmnl, nnd after a
time the wolf innde a daub for It
He detected tho fraud at once, and
Instead of galloping away with the
pelt, which would haro tnndo a good
dlnuer for him. bo dropped It and
sneaked off with hla tall between his
legs. Ho realized that he had been
rondo tho victim of a joke, and he felt
the same as n. boy who bad been April
iSft i
IVomolcs DittonOtfftf
ness and totrontJin $ kv
Opiimiiorphlnc rttrrcnLI
nu 1 it AHUU i lb".
l I.
Apcrfcct Remedy forCurt-V-
Worms jPomnlslonsJmmiT
1SU Spum of
(zttmfc j
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
52- j
e-at:. ii it t m
K-Jla PliJakiimJKBliJBBSSs
BJK. Guaranteed under the Foodajt
in any lorm. a. li. b. goes down lo tne
aery bottom of the trouble and by cleansing
the blood of every particle of the virus and
adding rich, healthful (jualitics to this vital
fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder.
Rn Minrmif-tilv rlrv-4 53 rt 51. rli-ilna ttiia
One Vt'bo Sltaaeil It.
"Did the man act afraid wben he)
was lynched?"
"How do I know7 I am one of th
lending" nnd prominent citizens of
thla community, sir."
That's what I thought, nnd the pa
pers said that tho most prominent citi
zens took part In the lynching."
Houston Pott.
Mothers win find Mr, WlnaIowa Boothia
iyniptbeb.trme4v to on lot thtlr children
luring tb utblug irlo4. (
Ought lo Know Ilovr.
Tbe animal trainer harlux been taken
audd-nly 111, hi wife reported for duty ia
bis Mead.
"Have you ever had any experience la
thl line?" asked the owner of tb cl renal
and menagerie, with too doubt.
"Not just exactly In thl line." aha
sahl. "but my husband matsea the beasta
all right, doesn't be?"
"He certainly does."
"Well, you ought to see how easy I
manage hn." ,
Conrlnrrtl Ulna,
Police Justice What Is tbe char
against this man?
Officer LoaGn' In the park, y'r honor,
an' refusln to move on. lie pretended
to be asleep an' dreamln. That's why
I pinched 'im.
P. N.U.
N. 30- 07
yilKX wrltlnr to advertiser pleas
inonin.n una paper.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ifA tall
jar VI sae
fr 4i