The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1907, Image 3

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J III a Condensed Form lor Our
Busy Renders,
A Roiumo of tlio Lest Important but
Not Lets Interesting EvonU
of the Pant Weak.
Striking coal miners In Minnesota
nrn to return ti work.
Hull I.iiUii messenger boys hnvo
wun iholr Ktrlkti for nlturtntto Hun
days off.
Mayor Tnylor, of Unit Francisco,
tine nppolnti'it n now board of sup
ervisors, Valuable historical papors hnvo
boon stolon from thulr archive In
Tint Kiiveriiiumit snys thoro I no
danger of n n m I fumlnu this winter
llku tlmf of Inst.
North Cnrollnn ticket agent tmro
limit linllcli'il for violating tbo atnlo
ml I rim it rntu law.
Tim nppronohlng election In tlio
Phlllppltit U arousing I'Ut llttlo !
tiirtHil ninoiiK tho native.
New York U terrified by the con.
Untied MiHMult on yiiiiiu: girl which
tho pollen seem ii ti nb 1 1) to Mop.
A Chicago wntiuui hna been r
realml lio linn for ywirn been aecur
ttiK Imlili from mi railed "hospital"
Hiul tliun suiting thorn nroitml town.
WIiIIh thn czar was rovluwltig
troop nwtr llm pnlnro onn regiment
of hU guard mutlnliMl iiml refused to
Ink mrt In maneuver iiiiUhm ii cr
tnln comtniiinlor was removed.
Hahndor litut nked Mexico to act as
initiator with Nicaragua.
W. J. Iltjnn lui saved n woman
from Mug run over by mi auto.
Meat records throughout the Middle
states Iiavp broken nil foiuirr records
fur thin miiniiitii.
New P.diuliutgh, suburb of Ottawa,
Out., Im been swept by fire.
iiiaUmI loss, 1.100,000.
Thn fun. Inn in Hi. Klliahoth district,
Jatnalrn, l growing wursc. Ten thou.
Band jicoplc nro iuld to Imi starving.
Tho effort of the Wabash rnilioad to
establish 2-rent pnscngcr jste nil
through tho Hunt has Urn blocked by
other lOAlllt.
Japan hnn completed a t rooty taking
full rnntrul ol Cotoa aihI tho minister
of foreign affair say China may share
thn jiiiio Into.
II. II. Rogers, hrail of tho Randan!
Oil, ha Iwoti Mtrnok down by hrat ami
hi doctor have ordcrrd complete rest
na the only hopo of recovery.
Throe Imllau girt arc guarJIng tho
graves of thulr ancestor In Kaiisat
;ity, Kan. The government him or'
dored tho boilii-A removed nml tlio IhiiiI
A steamer hna Just nrtlved nt Van-
comer, II. 0., with 1,177 Jnimtirse
front Honolulu. Thn Canadian Pnclflo
railroad wnnts 6,000 coolie lor con
ut Miction work.
Tho Corcan emporor has confirmed
tho rojiort that ho Im abdicated.
Mih. UumoII Kako Ima ulvmt 1100,000
to tho HyittOtno, N. Y., unlvcnlty.
flcriniiny will opixwo nt Tho Maiuo
tiny nioumont townnladlMrmninont.
Jnixtn hna lust ttlol to llont I20.000,
000 of rnllronil Iwmla In KiikIuiuI. but
Gcrinnu inllltury ofllcoh) nte oxwrU
montlnir with iivoiyaiircoaful illrlulblo
Tho iKKiplo of Itnmln lltn irfnaliiK to
renUtor for tho uloctiona, nil thoy rcco
nlio II to bo n farce.
A hitlMoti IwIoiikIiik to tho Itonicvolt
family tioiil tho Krunch iimbuiwulor
.mid lum Ihh'H bnnlHheil.
Tito ritioitnt ol ballota In tho innyor.
nlty flKlit In Now York luui bi-on fiirtlior
ilclnyod by MoOlullim'a luwyofii.
Tho pronooutlnK uttornoy of Mleale.
lppl Imi Hiietl tho Htnnilanl Oil coin
jmny for $1,400,000 for vlolutlon of the
jtntl-trmt law.
Amorlcnn nml Jnpnnoeo bluojuaketi
In Frnnoo nto to b( kopt npnrt for four
of iv Unlit. Jloth uouutrlcH hnvo ()uud
conit In Fronoh watoia.
MachlnUta mo preparing to atrlko on
ll rnllrouda,
Two Han FrnnelHco boys ore umlfcr
nrreat for plnolnn dynamlto en pa on
titroot enr trnoka.
Tho llnywooil trial at Itolso will coat
cIcho to $260,000, InoludliiK tho ex.
pounce of both sides,
Allor, Uio Haywood wltnoan ohnrKod
with porjury, hna been bound over to
imwor In tho District court.
Chicago labor unions will not parade
thli yoar on Labor day, This liai boon
ono of tho foaturos horotoforo,
It Uuro Haywood Had Hand In Bleu
nonuora; Murder.
lloli, July 22. Jnmoa II, llnwloy,
lenillng countiil for tho atiito of Idaho,
pioaniitliiK tho llmtof tho iirntiini'iiU to
thn Jury In thtieiiro iigalimt William 1).
IInywiMxl, ipoko for niurly plght hotiri,
dlatrlhutcd over tlini' aoralotiH ol court,
Iaoii wht'ii tho foirniMiu aMlon Hnliir
day lind axtniiiliol far boyond tho cu
toiimry tlmo limit, ovmy (Milt In tho
courtroom whh imi:iiiiIoi and renin Imil
ao until tho ItiHt word wim okiii.
Noun llnloniil moro nttrutlvoly to the
nrgninmit tlinu llnywooil, tho dufviul.
ant, mill none allowed Ir emotion.
From tlmo to time ho took coplinia
note In n nmnll Inxik and frivUiiitly
niado ugKintloiiH to ono or other of hi"
coiiutol, povoii ol whom wcru In court
Thtouuhout thn day Mr. Ilnwley tiMil
an alinott couvrriatlonal tonci. Tho
annlyula of titlinotiy In contradiction
of Orchaid'a atory conclmlixl frequently
with tho dcmincUtlon of wltnraa nflur
wltmm na u wilful perjuror or guilty of
uulutviitlonnt falielirxxl. When ho
hiul apokcu flvo and a half hoiirr, Mr,
llawley reacheil Caldwell, whero nt tho
cloAa of tho year HUfi thn irenratlona
for tho murdor of HIpiiiiciiIktr wero
nfoot, Ilia viflco now found n aympa.
thctlo nolo nnd, he told of tho loat
miuiiouta of tho ex'govnrnor the court,
rouin wnt liuahed and the jury lenml
forward to catch tho apcaker'a oery
Mr. Ilawley'a rn'roratlon wat iinprra.
"'vpa 'rbeie wa no Attempt at Any
tllghTof oratory, but only n atrotiK
nolo of deep alnriulty and great (til.
nratmf( when ho pkAiloI lor In hont-ai
liidgment from honed turn ofldaho.
Mr. Ilawluy aald hodld not charge
that n majority or even that many of
tho Wealern Federation of Mlnera wero
crltulnnU, but that thn evil diva of
tho clllren And of tho renin of tho or
ganliAthm had brought diacredlt on
tho rank and lllo. Thn tlmo lind In
dreil come, ho aald, when right think
Ing men iliould rim nnd tnako war upon
tlio rvll Influence that wrro tho cur-o
of all labor orgnnlratlona.
On tho adjournment of court until
Monday morning, Mr. llawley waa
howuriil with congratulatloni.
Michigan Excurilon Train Hlti Freight
at HlRh tJpeed.
FaIoiii, Mich., July 22. Thirly-ono
Ix-opln nro dead and moro than 70 in
nred, many of them orlmmly, an tho
reattlt of a head-on colllamt batunlay Ik.
tween tliU village and Plymouth, whon
n I'vro Marquette excurilon train bound
from Ionia to Detroit craihed Into it
wcwthouud frolgltl train In n cut lu-altil
At a f harp curvo of the l'ero Mniiiiutto
ralliond aImiiI n nillo ciit of Halein.
Thn Menger train of eleven cara,
carrying tho l'ri Marnuetto nlioii em.
ployed of Ionia and their fainlllea to
the .Michigan niotrooin lor tholr an
mini 1'iciirnloii, wan running at high
hhh1, prolaihly 60 inllea an hour, down
n aleeji grade. It ttruok the lighter
l(.omotlv of tho (might train with
mcli teirlblo fotce na to turn tlio ftolght
englno completely nruund.
Only a few of the freight trnin'a can
wein anwiihed, mid it took only n fow
houis' work to removo all trncea of
thorn from tlio neono, Hut behind tho
two wrecked locomotlvea rlvcara of tho
paMcngor train lay pilcl in u hopolees
Four of tho pnaengor coacluvi re
inninod on tho track but illghtly dam
aged, nnd were uied to convey tho dead
and Injured to Ionia; one conch waa
entirely undamaged, with only Ita for.
ward ttucka off tho ralla. Tho two
coicIim next nlivad of tills woru tolo.
ncopwl. Tho next enr forwurd atood a).
moat on end after tho wreck.
IteaiHiiiMlbllity ia put iqunro uiwtt
tho otew of tho ftolght train by ollloinl
of tlio road. Thoiio who arrived nt tho
neono of tho wreck noon uftor tho nccl
dent mcured from tho arow of the
ftolght tho order under which it was
running, and which clearly showed tho
poaltlon of tho pnsiongcr train, nnd
that tho freight had oncroarheU umn
tho other train's running tlmo. Tho
collision occurred at 0:1!) o'clock, and
tlie ftolght tialn should hnvo lonchod
Halein at 0;10 to bo within Ihoiroidora,
Rlotira; In Seoul.
Toklo, July 22, Into ndvlcea from
Keoul say that tho rioting is growing in
magnitude. Attampts to burn tho
railway station nnd polloo building
wero frustrated by prompt notion,
Tho powder nmgitxiuo of tho Corean
government la strongly guarded by Jap.
iui ceo troops at tho roqucst of tho mln
later of war. Motors uro shooting
wildly out of windows nnd two Japan
on o nro toported to havo boon killed.
Murderous nsenuUa nro ftoqucnt and
tlio olty la verging ulmoet on n rolgn of
Russia Deglni New Railroad.
Kortohlnsk, Asiatic- l.usslu, July 23.
Work wns formally begun today on
tho construction of tf.o flreb lootion of
tlio Atnurla railroad, which la destlnod
to glvo Itusaln n line to Vladivostok on
tlroly through Itusslan territory. Tho
nurnoso of tills line nt nrosont is nurolv
stnvUglcai. It is admitted that it can
boprofltnblo commoiolnlly only after
many yoara,
i -. . r , , i
Excavation f'roceodlng Woll and Death
flats Lowered,
Washington, July 27. Tho deUtlled
rcjwrt of tho o'lerntlonsof tho Isthmian
Canal comtnlsslou on tho Isthmus for
Juno lost has been received. Kxrnva
tlon in tho Culobra division was 024,
6R0 cubic yards, against 000,305 cubic
yard during May, and Is more than
three limes the amount titken out In
Juno, 1000. Tho tetmrt says that with
110,000 yards per shovel as the maxi
mum output during tlio dry season 10,
000 yatds per shovol cannot be conald
erixl n serious falling off when tlio ox
ceralvo rainfall (13.34 Inchos) for Juno
Is taken Into account. Tho excavation
at Qatun niiiounlnl lo 76,013 cubic
yanli and In tho canal prism HI, 362
culilo yards wa dredgvl.
Tho repott of tho department of
tabor headitiarU)ri shows tho total
working force on Juno 20 a 23,327.
This Is cxolmivo of tho force employed
by tho I'annma railroad. The chief
mnltnry olllrur reports tliat out of 4,
300 whlto American employe there
wero only four deaths during thn month
and that out of about 05,000 white
other than Aufurlrans there wero but
16 deaths. Out of about 20,000 colot
wl employes there wero 772 death,
making a total of 01 deaths In June
against 00 In Muy. Taking all deaths
of employe togetlior, only 12 deaths
In Juno wero duo to what ato consider
oil climatic dlseaaea malaria and dys
enteryand nono of thefco occurred
among tho American whlto employe.
Enlarg,, Not Abandon It.
Washington, July 27. The annual
tumor tliat Vancouver hntrocks f re to
be removed to Kealtlo ha Just leen re
vived. When the attention of Senator
Itourne was called to It, ho lock it up
with tho War department nnd llnds tliat
there Is no thought of abandoning Van.
couver Utrracks or of reducing its garri
son. On the couttary, the adjutant
general ndvltea the senator that It luis
Uen decldeit to Inctease tho garrison by
add tig ono Imttery of field artillery with
n cotrerjpondlug Incrciso in tho accom
modations cf the post. Thus Is tho
tumor burled for another 12 month.
Navy Ceaplaln Under Fire.
Washington. July 26. Chaplain
II. W. Jones of tho battle-ship Minne
sota, la to bo tried by court martini
on chargea of scandalous conduct to
tho destruction of good morals, nnd
falsehood, preferred by tho Acting
Secretary of tho Navy. Under tho
chargo of scandalous conduct thoro
nro 17 Hpiwiti-Mlon. consisting
mainly of nil -gallons of tho utter
nnro of worthlo. -.hecks. Undor tho
falsehood ehnrgo It Is alleged that
Jones misrepresented tho fncts re
garding n noto which had bcon given
by him.
Appointments From Washington.
Washington, July 25. Major Hany
I Hawthorne, Coast Artillery corn,
Is tclleved from duty at tho Atmy War
college In this city and will pioceed to
Vancouver batnicks for duty. Caplnlu
James W. McAndrew, Third Infantry,
is relieved from duty as quartermaster
at Seattle Juntos T. Tuggnrt has been
ttppolntcd poBtinnstor at Yaya, Wnsh
tngton. Tho comptroller of tho cur
roucy today npptoved tho application
to organise tho United Elated National
bank, of . Soattlo, with n capital of
Creates Forest Reservo In Alaska.
Washington, July 26. Tho president
today Blgnod a proclamation creating
tho Chugutch forest reservo In Alaska,
embracing 858,000 no res of forest laud
south of tho main dlvldo of tho Chu
gutch inoiinUitni nnd between Copper
rlvorond tho west coast of J'rlnco WIN
llanj soiiud.
Copper Output of Northwest.
Washington, July 20, Tho geolog.
leal survey eetlmato ol copper produc
tlon for 1000, which Is subject to ro
vision, show Oregon, 545,860 pounds;
Washington, 200,823 pound; Idaho,
8,678,040 pounds; Alaska, 8,065,040
Land OtHce Appointments.
Washington, July 25. Thomas F.
Hallowlno, of Senttlo, has boon sp
twin tod stenographer in tho land oillce
at ItoHolmrg, and W. M, Wulker, of
Wifoonsln, as olork In tho land olllco nt
Ilurns, Oregon,
Rural Osrrlers at Kerby,
WnBhtngton, July 20. Oharlos O.
Howard has bcon appointed rogular,
Jantos H, Howard substitute rural
carrier, routo 1 at Kelly, Ore,
Land Department Will Not Overlook
. Any Illegal Fencing;.
Wellington, July 23. In a sUte
ment Irsueil today, Acting Hwretary of
tho Interior Woodruff says prompt ac
tion will Ik tiikon wherever cases of
Illegal fencing of public lands ore dis
covered but that Inspectors and special
land agonts aro especially occupiwl Ibis
summer with ptovotitlng fraudulent ac
qulroinent of public land. Tho state
ment follows:
"My attention has tccn called to
attlcles In several Western paper to
tho effect that the department of tho
Interior will not prosecute any Illegal
fencing this year. It would be unfort
unato that such An Idon should get
abroud, but it Is not truo, and If any
depended upon it, theyjmlght get Into
serious trouble. I might explain that
tho special agent of" tho general land
olllco and (ho special Inspectors of tho
Interior department will bo especially
occupied during the sumtnertwlth thv
moro paramount and immediate duty
of protecting tho public land being ac
quired contiaty to tho law. For that
reason few of them can bo detailed to
search specially for Illegal fencing."
Mala Secretaries Only for Male Du
reau Chief.
Washington, July 25, Tho women
cleika ol tho Agricultural department
can not hereafter act as private secre
taries for the male chiefs of divisions
or bureau. This dictum, hatsh as It
may seem, stands as tho law in tliat
department. Bvcictary Wilson lias li
med it and ho rays ho means business,
lly tho terms of his order, no woman
cletk under him shall in future act as
private secretary or confidential clerk
to n tnalo chief of division or bureau In
the dorUnent. Tito order Is tho di
rect result of tlio Holme cotton scand
al core, in which Mr, llertha Uurch
figured so prominently, testifying in
this city two weeks ago In the trial of
Holmes. On account of her position In
thn ofllco of (ho chief statistician of tho
department sho became an expert In
crop figures and now she is conducting
n statistical bureau of her own In New
York city.
Work on International Line,
lAutlcr, Wash., July 23. Tho mon
uments between tho United States and
Iltltlsh Columbia ato being numbered.
Tho camps from llrltish Columbia and
tho United States having united are at
presont stopping In Laurivr, having
pitched tholr tents at this placo for
a fow days, prior to starting over tho
eastern lino. C. H. Sinclair repre
sents the United States tide and Mr.
Oglovlo tho llrltish Columbia sldo, both
men having been sent by the govern
incnts of their respective countries.
Change Motive Power?
Washington, July 25. Tho Forest
sotvlco today Issued a permit to allow
the Northern railroad to erect two dams
and two iower plants in tho Yakima
division of the Washington forost re
sorva tor tho purpose of generating elec
tricity by utilising tho water power on
which It had filed. This Is taken to
mean that the Great Northern Is pro.
paring to substituto oloctrloity for
steam on part of its road, this cuango
having been hinted at by represents.
lived of the Qrat Northern boforo tho
Interstate Commerce coinotlcslon.
Sells Relic of Wooden Navy,
Washington. July 20. Acting
S.ecrotnry Nowborry nccoptod tho bid
of C. K, Iloudrow, of San Frunclsco,
who offered 19.200 for thu old wood
en sloop of war Marlon, now lying
at tho navy yard, Mario Island, ro.
contly stricken front tho naval reg
ister na unfit for naval purposes.
Tho Marlon was built by tho gov
orntnont In 1871-1875 at Klttery,
Mo,, nnd has rondorod credltablo sor
vlco In all parts of tho world.
Dissaving Station Contract Let.
Washington, July 25, Tho contract
was today awarded to Mclnnos A Har
rington, of Soattlo for tho otcctlon of a
llfosavlng station In Waddah island at
the ontranco to tho Straits of Fuoa.
Tho contract prico is $12,200.
School Land District Approved.
Washington, July 36. List No.
20, of Indemnity school land selec
tions, stnto ot Washington, In the
North Yakima land district for 21,
006 acres was approvod by the Sec
retary of tho Interior today.
ISxenvntlMi lit Jtomo being conducted
on tlio l'fllatliio hill havu shown a cu
rloua and liiterestlng circumstance.
Thu Necropolis has been found to con
tain remains or thu ninth, eighth, sixth
and fourth centuries bforo Christ. All
frogmenta of tho nvu-ntb and fifth cen
turies uru lacking and arcfcieologlat
aru engaged In a closo study of tho field
In order to find the reason.
Nearly nl bats harti tho faculty of
hlbemnUuff. Their hibernation, how
ever, la not jwrfect that Is to nay,
that when the warm days occur In the
mlddto of winter they wake up, to
gether with the Insects which ore their
food. Htlll, their l a true hiberna
tion tronoB, differing from sleep, with
xerr loyr rate of pulse, heart action
and rwrplratlon. Probably they would
endure bnmeralon In water for an hour
or two without drowning, as other
hlbcrnators havo been found tj do.
8a ja BecrcU ry Jamca Wilson of tb
Department of Agriculture: "For
year the department has bci distrib
uting camphor-tree seed and thousands
of tree aro now growing throughout
tho south and Pacific coast Bute.
Two year ago a serious effort was
made to darelop tho manufacture of
camphor from theao trees. Satisfac
tory results havo been secured and a
large manufacturing concern Is now
building up a camphor grore of 2,000
acres In Florida, from which It hope
to mako carspltor. Ttil Arm uses rooro
than $500,000 worth of camphor erery
In a recent lecture on Victor Hugo,
Jean Illchepln declared that when a
lyric poet tblnka of a word there comes
Into hla mind, together with tho crowd
of associations that tho word awakens
for other ieoile, a great number of
words that rhyme with tho one first
thought of. Each of these brings Its
own associations of Ideas, and thus tho
poet'a mental Tlslon of wonla Is TaiUy
richer than that of persons who. think
of them only In their ordinary Individ
ual meanings. Monsieur Rlchepln, him
self a poet, believes also that the sound
and accent of words are always vividly
present lit the poet's mind.
It Is exvcted Utat before the end
of tho present year electric traction
will have been applied on all the trains,
both freight and paMenger, of the Im
portant railroad between Altona and
Kiel, In Prussia. The road I more
than GO miles In length, and the re
sults flowing from Its electrization will
guide the government In dealing with
the mod of traction on the other rail
roads of the Prussian system. In tho
meantlmo a great generating station
has been Installed for the production
of tho electric power usoJ In tow lug
boats on tho Teltow Canal, ono of the
most Important waterways of Prussia.
All over tlio world tho bison has be
come a comparatively rare animal, only
kept In existence by government pro
tection. Russia pcce two races of
bison, which recent writers avr oru
eascntlally Identical, although one Is
found In tho northwest and the other
along tho extrvmo southern limits of
Russia In Kurope. The southern Is
tho celebrated bison of the Caucasus,
and nt present tlio Grand Duko Sorgo
Mlkallovltch alono po4scscs the right
to hunt It. a privilege which ho may
extend to his chosen friends. Rut
Instead of killing tho animals, tho
grand duke carefully guards them.
The bison Is naturally on Inhabitant
of tlu platm, but has taken refuge
In tho mountains from tho pursuit ot
Little Countrr AVeckrrs.
Itlshop Frederick nurgeus, of 1-ong
Island, was praising the beneficent
work of those associations tliat send
tho pale llttlo children of tho slums to
tho country overy summer for a week
or two.
"Quaint Indeed aro the comments on
tho country which those children mako
at their first gllmpsoof It," said Itlshop
Rurgess. "Ono child, found paring with
iwiMlonnto Interest at n lot of hens,
was asked If ho had never seen chick
ens before.
"'Oh, yes, Ivo seen 'em before,' ho
answered, 'but only after they wux
"There was another little chap," con
tinued lllshop Hurgoas, "who refused
to bo a country weeker. Ho would stay
lit tho city. No country for him.
"'Rut wjiyt thoy asked hltu.
"'HecAUSo they havo thrashln' ma
chines out there,' said he, 'and It's bad
enough here, whero It's dono by hand.' "
VmI Continent ot Luuir Aao.
A Rio do Janeiro man of sclenco an
nounces that recent discoveries of rep
tilian and vegetable fossils tu tho coal
fields ot Urnrll go to confirm tho bo
lief In "tho oxlstenco during tho por-
mocarbonlforous period ot tho vast con
tlnent which Suoss, who formulated
tho hypothesis of Its existence, called
tho continent ot Oondwana, and which
waa composed ot South America, South
Africa, southern India, Australia and
tho Antarctic1 Unas."
Darrow Abuses Hlneowners and
Haywood's lawyer Occupies Day by
Torrsnt of Invective Charges
Attempt to Kill Unions.
Boise, Idaho, July 25. Tho career
of Krank Steunenbcrg, the murdered
ex-governor of Idaho, was discussed
at some length by Clarence Darrow
yesterday In the courso ot his plea la
bebair or William D. Haywood. Justi
fying tho articles published In tho
Miners' Magazine, the official or (can
of tho Western Federation of Miners,
tho Chicago lawyer said tho action
of Steunenbcrg In asking for United
States troops to quell riot and tbo
establishment of martial law In 1899
was unjustlflablo and had properly
stirred up Immenso feeling In labor
circles against the governor.
Mr. narrow's argument, unfin
ished when court adjourned, devel
oped Into on appeal for labor as
QKOlnst canltal. and a denunciation
of all opposed to tbo unions. Ho hold
an audience startled and open-
mouthed as one after another tho
sentiments poured from his lips. His
attack on Orchard was expected, and
in this respect ho fulfilled and sur
passed tbo limit ot sensation. Tbreo
hours wero given to Orchard, and It
was only when vituperation, physi
cal forco and words wero spent that
Mr. Darrow now turned to James II.
Tho Stato ot Idaho camo In for a
largo share of Mr. Darrow'a denun
ciation for tho part It has played In
the prosecution. Culture, education
and wealth each In turn were de
scribed as constituting a combination
against which tho worklngmen, tho
uneducated and tho poor must over
bo opposed. Mr. Darrow sneered at
tho universities as purveyors ot cul
ture. "And what is a cultured man."
bo cried, "but a cruol tyrant al
ways T"
Reaching tho climax of his denun
ciation In sympathy for tho working
class and hatred for tho rich, ho as
sailed tho Constitution of tho coun
try, nnd cried:
"Tho Constitution! The Constitu
tion. It Is hero only to destroy tbo
laws mado for tho benefit ot the
Mr. Darrow's defenso of labor
unions nnd ot union men was pas
sionate and his eulogy ot tho West
ern Federation eloquent. Lovingly
he touched on tho beauty ot solf-sac-rtflco
found In tho "strugglo for hu
manity whero only tho worklngman
Is found," and then, with the bitter
est sarcasm, his volco pitched to tho
highest noto and urma unralsed, h
heaped abuso upon the selfish rich
nnd upon tho administration of tho
Stato ot Idaho.
Sixty Five Complete Voysgo on Elder
From Scene of Wreck.
Portland. July 25. With 65 sur
vivors ot the Ill-fated Columbia
aboard, tho steamer Georgo W. Elder
reached port at 6:30 o'clock yester
day afternoon, after a slow and un
eventful voyage from tho sceno ot
this grim tragedy ot tho sea of last
Sunday morning. Two thousand
people thronged tho narrow landing
placo at Martin's. dock to meet theso
fortunatcs who wero snatchdd from
tho Juws ot death. Many wero thoro
on tho happy mission ot greeting rel
atives who had escaped. Others wont
to mako Inquiry for some loved ono
unuccounted for.
Tbnt tho wreck was attended by
many scenes ot bravery and that tho
loss ot life was reduced to a mini
mum considering tho rapidity with
which the Columbia settled, Is tho
general verdict. In the fact of tho
endless number ot miraculous os-
capes from drowning. It is clear that
courago was at hand In plenty among
nasaonKora and crow. Women ana
children displayed admirable courag
ns woll ns tho mon, and thoro woro
few instauces of rank cowardice.
Japan Tightens Her Grip.
Toklo, July 25. Advices datod
Seoul, midnight, say that a now con
vention betwoon Japan and Cores,
has boon concluded. Tho text ot tho
convention will not bo published un
til Saturday, but It Is reported to
consist ot sovon articles. Its main
foatura Is that It Invests the Resident-General
with completo control
ot the Internal administration ot
Coroa nnd appoints Japanese officials
to tho coronn government, it is
rumorod that tho terms woro muca
castor than woroapprohondod.
Remove American Flag;
Ottawa, Out.. July 24. Two
Amorlcan flags yesterday wero used
with the Union Jack and other deco
rations In connection with a carnival.
A committee ot citizens orderod the
stars and stripes removed. Thu re
ception committee thought It best to
do this rather than have any troubls
over the matter.