The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 02, 1907, Image 2

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'Twxqaxrrr g.raaasaaamaMfca
San Pedro Officers Say Disaster
Could Have Been Averted.
Seventy-Two Are Unaccounted for
nd Chances of Being Found
Alivs Are Small.
Eureka, Cal., Jnly 23. Arrival yea
tctday o( the steamer Gcorgo W. Elder
with tho battered steam schooner San
Pedro In tOTV, brought the first uowa o(
a marlno disaster which will rank
among tho wont ot tho Pacitlc coast.
Tho San Pedro drovo full speed Into
the item of tho steamer Columbia,
bound from San Francisco to Portland,
tearing a great path In her side, and
causing her to sink within eight min
utes near Shelter cove, about 12:30
o'clock Sunday morning.
Tho diet reports Justified the belief
that at least halt ot the 250 persons on
board tho Columbia had perished, bht
hourly tho total shrinks. Tho bent ad
vices now ate that 177 escaped death
when tho vowel went to tho bottom.
One hundred and teven of tho Colum
bia's passengers and 37 of her crew
have been brought to this port by tho
steamer Geo. Y. Elder, which towed
the colliding schooner San Pedro from
tho scene ot the disaster to Eureka. A
late message from Shelter cove says
that three more lifeboats have been
picked up, ono of them containing 18
persons, another 15 and the third not
Two hours after the wreck tho fog
lifted and a cold wind commenced to
blow. Tho people In the boats suffered
0. Swanson, a sailor of the San Fed
ro, was at the wheel Saturday night
when the fatal collision occurred. In
his report to the sailors' agont, John
Erlckson, the blamo is laid upon the
shoulders ot tho Columbia's officers.
Other members of the crow ot the San
Pedro substantiate the story ot Swan
ton. He says that tho crder was given
to him when the lookout sighted thn
Columbia to put the wheel hard apoit.
Three points a pott carried the San
Pedro seaward apparently out of tho
way of the approaching Teasel, whoso
name at that time was not known.
Short toots from the whistles of both
vessels warned tho skippers. The Co
lumbia was on tho ccast aide, the San
Pedro on the sea side. Apparently
both vessels were proceeding ut full
speed. If all had gone well, the San
Pedro would have cleared the Colum
bia, but it la evident that an order,
"put tho wheel hard a-starboard," was
given on the Columbia. This sent her
directly across tho bow ot the steam
schooner. 'Whether or not the speed of
either vetsol was slackened is imma
terial, for the crash of the vetsels was
terrific. Tho Columbia, an iron vessel,
boro tho brunt ot tho impact, and her
iron plates cracked, and a gash seven
feet across tho forward hatch allowed
the water free ingress at great velocity.
Among the survivors rescued and car
ried north to this ort by the George
W. Elder are men and women from a
score of slates, not a few from the At
lantic seaboard and tho Middle West.
Among these are a number of tchool
teachers, who were varying with a sea
voyage their home trip from the an
nual convention ot the National Educa
tional association at Los Angeles.
A segregation of the Columbia's pas
senger list shown that In her cabins she
carried 78 men and 00 women and
girls; in tier steerage SO men and one
woman, a total ot 180. Discrepancies,
however, between the full list furnished
the puner on railing and some of tho
names given by the survivors who have
reached hero indicate that the total
number of passengers may havo been
greater. Sixteen ot the names given
here are not found on the steamship
company's certified list. Adding to the
180 accredited passcngeia tho 60 or CO
members of the Columbia's crew gives
a total of 240 lives Jeopardized in the
midnight collision. It is known that
at least 40 women were saved.
Plot Against Czar Is Nipped.
St. Petersburg, July 23. The police
today arrested on the street a student
long suspected of belonging to tho mili
tary organization of the Social II evo
lutionists. On searching them, tho po
lice found plans of both the Tsarskoe
Solo and Petcrhof palaces, maps of tho
bt. Peter ana bt. Paul lor tress, and the
fortress at Cronstodt, and a paper
showing the disposition of tho troops
in the St. Petersburg barracks. The
police believe that they havo nipped in
he bud another attempt on the life of
the emperor.
Takes Sting Out of Rata Law.
Asheville, Tenn., July 23, Federal
Judge Pritchnrd today discharged Tick
et Agents Wood and Wilson, of the
Southern railway, on habeas corpus
proceedings and' doclared tho penalty
clause of the new rate bill unconstitu
tional. t
Borah Fervently Disclaims Thought
of Immunity,
ltolse, Idaho, July 20, Tho caso ot
the Stato of Idaho agnlnst William I).
Haywood, charged with tho murder ot
rrank btomienborg, a former governor
ot tho state, will lest with judge and
jury by tonight. Claronco Darrow,
after speaking for 11 hours, concluded
tho ilual plea for Haywood's lite at
4:20 n. m., and at 7 o'clock last even
ing United States Senator Itotnli opened
tho closing argument for tho prosecu
tion. Ho will speak for three sessions,
or about seven hours. Judge Fremont
Wood will instruct and charge the jury
on Saturday morning.
Mr. ltornh's spotx'hjwas a sensation.
From time to tlmo he turned on coun
sel for the defense, fierce denunciation
pouring from his lips, and at times
brought protests irom Mr. Ilichardson
and Mr. Darrow, but with biasing eyes
And hot wotds ho silenced every effort
to break tho rush of wotds. The cli
max was leached, when in behalf ot
tho stato ot Idaho, its people, its gover
nor and himself ho disclaimed all in
tention or desire to give immunity to
Orchard. Finally, his face pale and
voice nuUcrlng with emotion, the sen
ator raised his arm and said:
"If I should ever join In or give ap
proval to immunity to this man
hope tho great God may wither my
right arm in the socket."
Mr. llorah declared tho staio did not
want Haywood convicted of any crime
for which Orchard or I'ettlbono or
Mover or Slmpkins or anybody clso was
responsible, and desired n verdict of
guilty only it the cvIJenco was deemed
sufficient to warrant such a conclusion.
The senator denounced Clarence Par
row's statement that the jurors' minds
had been poisoned against tho defend
ants In this caio. Nowhere, he de
ckled, could a fairer trial havo been
held titan in Boiso.
Attorneys Make Arguments to Jury
In San Francisco.
San Francisco, July 20. The Louis
Gla.s bribery case should be in tho
hands of the jury by 1 o'clock this after
noon. Francis J. Heney, for the peo
ple, and T. C. Coogan, for tho defense,
yesterday made each his opening argu
ment. At 10 o'clock this morning Dol
phin M. Delmaa will begin tho closing
addross for Glass. Popular prophecy Is
divided between a conviction and a dis
agreement. No one affects to forecast
an acquittal.
The chief sensation of tho trial mmo
at 1:20 o'clock, when tho prosecution
having closed its caso Mr. Delmaa crisp
ly announced: "So have we." This
determination to offer no evidence In
contradiction of thecircumstantial web
woven around Glass was a sudden and
complete surprise to everyone, most of
all to the prosecution, for the previous
day Delmas had casually, or ro It
twined, mentioned Rudolph Snrccklca
as "ono ot the witnesses wo shall call."
Heney, after stating frankly to tho
jury that the declination ot Second Vlco
President Zimmer, tho most important
individual witness for tho stato, to tes
tify had put it beyond tho power of Uio
prosecution to establish definitely tho
connection of Glass with tho crime of
bribing Supervisor diaries Doxton, do
voted himself to a vigorous exposition
ot tho circumstantial caso made out.
Revised Returns Show a Total of 03
Lives Lost.
San Francisco, July 20. A recast
of the returns from tho work of retcuo
shows that of the 245 person on tho
steamer Columbia, 162 have toen
saveu, wniio nvo bodies, have boon ro
overed and 88 aro repotted lost.
Of the entlro number of list, 30 wcro
men, iv women and. live wcro children.
Ot tho 101 passengers, 114 havo been
saved. Sixty-eight of these have been
taken to Astoria, eight havo urrivtd
here and the remainder are at Eureka
orfon their way to this city. Of the 08
men, 70 were saved and of tho 01 wo
men 42 were saved. Two of the seven
children survive. Of tho 64 members
of the crew, 38 are alive.
, Hansen Must Explain.
'8an Frnnclseo.-July 20. NotTun-
tll Captain Hansen and tho members
of tho San Pedro roach horo from
Eureka, whoro thoy nro now engaged
In a squabble with tho master of tho
Geo. W. Eldor over tho letter's clalirf
for salvage will Insncctors Holies
and Dulger begin tho Inquiry Into
tho causo ot tho wreck of tho steam
er Columbia. Tho Inspectors Intend
to get from Captain Hanson a full
statement of tho u flair, with parti
cular reforonco to tho chargo that
ho misunderstood tho signals given
by Captuln Do ran of tho Columbia.
Predicts Salonji's Defeat.
Victoria, h. C, July 20. Count
Yanaglsawa, of tho Japanese House
of Pours, says his government will
bo defeated soon by tho attltudo of
Premier SatonJI on tho difficulties
with tho United Stutcs, Ho expects
tho now government to bo formed
when tho Diet meets In December.
Admiral Yamamoto will bo at Us
head. Ho said Ahat tho Japaneso
aro much excited over tho San Fran
cisco riots.
Southern Pacific Anticipates Move ot
Railroad Commission.
Salem As a result of tho hcnrlng be
fore tho railroad commission ot the
complaint made upon the commission'
own motion, ngulust tho alleged Inade
quate passenger train setvieo of tho
Southern l'neltlc through Utu Willam
ette valley .from tho south, In nil ptob
ablllty an order will bo made requiting
tho eomatiy to run u stub passenger
train from Itoseburg to Portland on No.
12'a time when that train Is reported
an hour late at that station.
This order will bo made to satisfy
the demands ot tho traveling public for
a more satisfactory service through the
valley, especially by notthlound over
land No. 12, which, up to two weeks
ago, was from ono to six and eight
hours late. Doubtless in anticipation
of tho tiling of tills complaint, which
has Wen hold In abeyance by tho com
mission for several weeks, tho South
ern Pacific company put ort an extra
train which runs ns far south as Albany
and then doubles back as tho first sec
tion of No. 12.
Strangely enough this chango was
mado upon the same day tho complaint
was filed, without notice to 'ho com
mission and without tho tatter's know
ledge. Ever since this extra was put
into service, picking up tho heavy local
express and baggage shipments, No. 12
has ben on time and complaint has
ceased upon this score. The railroad
commission, however, Ixillcvca this
stub service should bo extended as far
south ns Itoseburg and an order to this
effect will probably bo mado. It Is
expected that the Southern Pacific will
endeavor to show that such an order Is
unnecessary, but, since no assurance Is
given that tho now train service will
bo mado permanent, tho order ot tho
commission will be a standing ono and
will mnko it so.
Crops In Harney Women
Work In Hayflelds.
Hums Haying Is now In full force
throughout Harney county, and the
meadows are yielding heuvy .crops.
With fow exceptions the alfalfa Holds
made an exceptional growth this year,
whllo tho natlvo grasses aro unusually
good. Men arc In strong demand for
this work at good wages, and oven
women aro making big money driving
mowers, rakes and stackers.
Tho grain crops aro also showing up
well. There was a favorablo rainfall
during June ami during tho critical
period there was no damaging frost, so
the entlro mason has been encouraging
for tho. farmer. The fall grain is well
along toward ripening and the spring
grain wheat, barley, ryo, etc lias a
strong growth, witli a heavy head.
It la really a pleasing sight to see
fields wherein tho sugebrtish stood at
the opening of last spring that are now
undulating waves of bending grain
promising a rich harvest.
The fruit lias all dono woll this year
and hero will bo more boriics, apples,
penis and apricots than over before in
the valley
Improvemerts Will Make It Leading
Indian School In Country.
Chemana Tho Chcmawu Indian
school is building a now brick hospital
at a cost of 110,078, tho contractor be
ing rred A. Krixon, of fculom. W. H.
Dnlrymplo, also of Balnm, has tho con
tract for the school's new brick bakory
at a ccxit of 14,000. Tho work on both
theso buildings is rapidly progressing
and It Is hoped to liave them ready for
occupancy tor the opening of the fall
term of the school.
Tho hospital will bo supplied with
tho most modern and sanitary equip
ment and the school's open-air mnl
tariuin will bo extended. Tho bakory
will be supplied with tho lutest Im
proved oven and appliances.
The stftarn and electrical engineering
department of tho school will also bo
Improved by additions to meet tho
growing needs of the institution. With
these improvement Chcmawu will
maintain lior rank as tho best equipped
jnuian manual training school not only
on the l'acitlo coast, but of tho wliolo
united states Indian service.
New Armament for O, A. O.
Corvallis Oregon Agricultural col
lege cadets will hereof tor bo armed with
Krag rifles ot tho 1808 put torn. They
will also have for drill purposes two
3.2-lnch breech loading stool flold
pieces, which will supplant two old
fashioned muzzle loading cannon that
have Llthcrto been In uso, Tho arms
are supplied by tho War department,
Two Acres Yield Him 81,260.
Eugone Mahlon Harlow Is doing
fairly well with his small chorrv orch
ard, in uplto of tho prophecy ot Homo
who maintained that tho cron of Jloya
Anns would bo very light this year,
Mr, Harlow, who has a scant two acres
in cherries, raised 12) tons from his
llttlo orchard.
Commission Prepares Regulations for
Roads Within State.
Salem As n result of the Iteming
conducted during tho foronoou of Tues
day, July 10, upon the subject of deot
and station accommodations and facil
ities, tho railroad commission has an
nounced tho adoption ot a full set ot
rules and regulations governing tho
sanitation, heating, lighting, etc., of
cars and dejwta and prescribing the
facilities to be. supplied In the trans,
initiation ot vasct)gcas within the
Tho order Is sweeping In effect, cov
ering allot the rultitnds operating lines
in tho stnto. Tho regulations, viola
tions ot which are subject to a forfeit
ure of from (100 to l 000, follow.
All pit'swigcr waiting rooms and pas
senger cars used In this statu slinll U
clean and supplied with pure drinking
water and so lighted, heated, ventilated
and equipped as to render the occu
pants of tiio same reasonably comfort
Suitable toilet rooms or buildings
shall bo provided and kept clean at
each regular station where nu agent Is
maintained, a separate toilet room or
building shall bo kept for the uso of
women, which shall ito marked ns such,
and which shall bu unlocked at all
times when, by these rules, the waiting
room Is required to be open. Toilet
rooms on all cars carrying xictigors
Shall bo kept clean and supplkd with
toilet paper.
Waiting rooms and ticket oil ices hav
ing an agent slinll be oin for tho nc
commodaUon of tho traveling publlo at
least 30 minutes beforo the schedule
time ot tho arrival of nil asscngvr
trains scheduled to stop at such station,
and shall Imj kept cpen altwr tho arrival
of such passenger train for such length
of tlmo as will afford tnasengvrs a rea
sonable oppoitunltv to transact their
business and lenvo the station. In tho
case of dolaycd trains, such waiting
rocms shall bo kept on until tho ac
tual arrival of such delayed trains.
Watting rooms at junctions shall lo
kept open whou necessary for tho ac
commodation ot passriigai waiting to
transfer from ono Hue to tho other.
Platforms shall bo kept lighted at
night when the waiting room Is by
these rules required to bo open.
No Clerk Seen Yet at Burns,
Hums Tho land department at
Washington notified tho laud otllco hem
tho latter port ot June that a clerk ami
stenographer liad been assigned to tho
olllco to relievo tho congestion ot busi
ness and that he would roort for duty
July 1, but lie has not shown up yet,
nor has tho olllco hmrd anything more
from him, and in thn meantime n large
amount of land business is hanging in
the air, with settlers very anxious to
mako final proofs, settle mutest ami
otherwise complete their entries.
Wheat Club, 83c; bluesttern,
valley, 80o; red, 80c.
Oats No. 1 whito, 1 217,27;
Hurley Feed, (21.G022 per ton;
brewing, nominal; rolled, $21,600
Corn Whole, 28; cracked, (20 per
Hay Vnlloy timothy, No. 1, (17
18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy
t2123; clover, fO; cheat, (0U
grain hay, (OQ10; alfalfa, (3H.
Ilutter Fancy croamory, 27$03Ou
pur ixHiml.
Poultry Average old hens, 12J4Q
lSe per pound; mixed chlckons, 12i$o;
spring chickens, 16010c; old roosters,
H0c; dressed chickens, 10017c; tur
keys, live, 12016c; turkeys, dressed,
cholco, nominal j geeso, llvo, 8011c;
ducks, 8014c.
Eggs Froncli ranch, candled, 220
23o per dozen.
Fruits Cherries, 8012Joa pound;
applet, $1.6002,26 per box; Bnltren
bergs, $3.60 per box; cantaloupes,
$2.603.60 por crato; poaches, COcQ
$1,26 per crate; raapborrles, $1,260
1.60 por crato; blackberries, 812)$o
por pound; loganberries, $1 por crato;
apricots, $1.6002 per crate.
Vegetables turnips, $1,76 per sack;
carrots, $2 per sack; beats, $2 er
sack; aspaingus, lua per pound; beans.
306o per pouDd; cabbago, 2)o per
pound; celery, 11 .20 per dozen; corn,
26036c per dozen; cucumbers, 6Oc0$l
K)r lxx; lottuco, head, 26o por dozen;
onions, 16020c por dozen; pons, 46c
per pound; radishes, 20c per dozen;
tomatoes, $101.25 perorate.
Potatoes New, ll02o por pound.
Veal Dressed, 6&8!o por iiound.
jlcef Dressed bulla, 'jyi&lo per
pound; cows, O0OUc; country steers,
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 80Oo por
pound; ordinary, 607cj spring Iambs,
Fork Dressed, fl8Jo per pound.
Hops 07J$o por pound, according
to quality.
Wool Eastern Oregon, nvorago best,
16022a per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 20022c, according to fine
nsss; mohair choice, 2030o a pound,
Haywood Attorney Says Sleunsnbora;
Murder Part of Conspiracy.
ltolso, Idaho, July 21. Forsaking
Ihn theory of vengeance as Orchard
motive for the murder of ex-Governor
Steunenl'org, K. I, ltlohardson argued
that Orchard was In tho oinploy of the
I'lnkerlon detective agency when he
killed Hhoimeiil-erg and that the mur
der was a iirt ol a conspiracy t" hang
This sudden denttiire was followed
by a tremendous denunclotlon ol Cap
tain James Mcl'arlaud mid Ihn Tinker
tons and passionate vlturmt'im of
Orchard, Governor Gooding, of Idaho,
Senator llorah and Governor l'elody,
of Colorado, In fact, all who hare acted
on the side ot tho prosecution ot liny
wood camo In ftra share of itlohaid
son's Hrorallon.
Mr. Itlchatdson, having spoken for
nearly nine hours, wound up by plead
ing with the jury not to convict Hay
wood on tho testimony of the solf-cou-leased
criminal, Orchaid, whose testi
mony, ho raid, had not leeii coirolwr
atcd by auy tmltmony standing by It,
self and unstipjiorted by Orvhatd, to
connect Haywood with any conspiracy
to commit crime. Mr. Itlchardson
charged the iMnkrrtnn detective agency
with a systematic idol to wvurn the
conviction of Haywood, Moyer and Pel-
lllMine as n means to tho desired el-
termination ot the Western, Fedeiatlou
ot Mlueis,
Cla renew' Durrow will commence his
urgumont In Haywood's behalf when
court meets this morning. It Is rx
looted that he will require two days to
closo for the defense.
Property Lots of S26O.000 Rstulls
From Poor Pressure.
Victoria, II. 0 July 21. The great
est lite In Victoria's history occurred
yesterday alteinoon, destroying tlvn
block and many detached buildings,
and involving a lowto! (260,000. Bull
ing In tho unused boiler shop of the de
funct Albion works, the fire. wlicd out
the shacks ol the tmiderlnln. From
Store street to Quadra, foufhlocka east
ward, between Herald and Chatham
and rioncor streets, scarcely anything
r cuticd.
Tho poor pleasure ol water K'eatly
hatidlcaped the llrcmtn, who, aided by
tho soldiers of the garrison and a IkmI
ot volunteers, fought dcsticratoly, pull
ing down many buildings In the pnlh
of the fire, which was brought under
control at 7 p. m. Dynamite was
brought In automobiles to blow up
buildings, Lut Flro Chief Watson would
not use It. Men, women and children
wcro hurriedly carrying out their l
lopglnes from tho houses) In the threat
ened district.
Tho nuinlKr of housei burned In the
destructive tire Is placed at 75, and the
Instiranro at alout (196,000. Thntotal
loss It estimated at (260,000. No dis
unities aro reported. The illco secur
ed blankets mid tents for the homo
less, but not one application foi shel
ter was received, all those burned out
Ixiltfg sheltered by friends and nt tho
hotols. The tenderloin was almost
completely wiped out. Threo chinches
were destroyed.
Inspector Turner Kills Rumor
They Were Rotten.
Fan Francisco, Jnly 21. Hlxteen
names were added yesterday to tho list
of survivors of tho Columbia-Han Pedro
collision. These 10 pissongers were In
Sost which landed nt rlheltnr covo,
3 boat also contaluedtwodcad bodies.
Tho list ot survivors now Include 100
names out of u reported total of 2fi7
jiersons on hoard. Three duul Ixxllcs
have boon recovered,
persons aro unaccounted for,
Local Inspectors llolles and llulger
today detailed Assistant Inspector
waruc turner to examine Iho lifeboat
from tho Columbia, which was picked
tip ot sen, tho report being circulated
that the wood In It was rotten.
Mr. Turnor reported that, whllo tho
boat Is not now, Its condition is portent.
"It Is built of solid oak," he said,
"and the wood is so hard that I could
not chip it on with a knife."
Qreat Cotton Strike Begins.
Moscow, July 2t. The strlko ot tho
men employed in tho cotton mills ot
tho Hnva Motosoff company at Oilecko
vozue, in Vladimir province, has as
sumed dangerous propottloris. Forty
thousand men aro out, Hoclal Demo
crats nro bringing about sympathetic
strikes and hundreds of thousands may
Iw Involved, The movomont is uccom-
panicd by vlolout political agitation.
Hevurnl big meetings woio hold In Ilia
suburbs yesterday, Troops woro sum
moned and hud to fire bofcro tho crowds
dispersed. Mnny woro arrested.
Cannot Convict Dr. McOee,
Ilolso, July 2. Dr. I. L. McQoo,
tho witness for tho defense of W. D,
Haywood, who was arrested on tin.
clmrgo of porJry was discharged from
custody yesterday by tho mnglstruto
ncioro whom tho preliminary hearing
was hold. Tho lustlco ruled thut the
ovidonco brought bv tho nrosnaiitimr
attorney was inaufllciant to warmnf
(holding McQee. ,
Hot Words Between Ulliccrs ol
Columbia ami San Pedro.
Captain Tells Why fU lUfussd Mori
l'assonr,or LKo Prsaervart
Stand Hard Test.
Kan rraurlscfl, July 27 The 9.
vvstlgatloii Into tho slnkli. f tkj
steamer Columbia, whereby, arond.
lug to tho latiMt figure, Nl lr
were- lost, was riNMimml today fer
Captain John lllimliighaiu, I nllM
Ktattts Supervising Inspector 03.
cers nnd member of tho crew (
both vtMMcIa were examined and 1
ileHiltlons of Captain Hansen of th
Han Pedro mid hi first ollleer rl.
The testimony brought out ise
statement from Captain Hermltta-luM
that It was the first tlmo he had etsr
known that llfoqiroservnr had ac
tual ly bxeii eftVctlro In savin ir
qualifying It by adding that in-opi
wr usually too frightened to dun
them correctly.
t'aiithlu HaitMMi. Ih his report d.
hIm! that Ins had Imh tinner. -rllT
cruel In refusing to take any ionf
survivors on hoard after bo had res
cued 78, Hiving as a reawin for bl
action that his own vomwl was in
shcIi a condition that It was danirr
mis to approach her, and therrfor
ordered the other biKits to k-e oS.
Chlsf ISniclneer Arthur V Wit-,
llama ttxtlflcd that tn Kan IV.tro.
did not lower all her boats le-iia
the vivssl was under-iiianniHl
Thn ntlsgnd action of Third OO
rer Hawse, of the Columbia, In re
fusing. In glve hi coal to a woman
was brought nut In tho tmrittnom of
Quartermaster Curran. Thn lattsr
testified that tlmre wero uurlthl
women In the boat, and when Haws
was aaked to give his roat to one af
them ho had refused, saying last
thn coat belonged to him The wo
men, said Curran, had been eiMH
for an hour before Hawse cowed
them up with a piece of sail.
Hawaii Interrupted thn proceed
ing by Interposing nn Indignant de
nial, nnd for n fnw momenta eonntw
denlaU flow back and forth betweea
thn two ottlrers. Hawse was plarl
on tho stand nnd testified that he
had o fie red his roat to MIm Maybellir
Watson, tho plucky Berkeley girl,
but she refilled It and asked him to
give It to another woman inoro des
titute than herself.
Consumed Fourtasn Days of Ac'uil
Trial UesUlsa ArRuments.
Hu Fraiielsco. July ST The ras
against Uuls (IUm, first vtesvprra-
Ident and general iimnaHr of th
I'Mclfto rliatos Telephone and Tele
graph ComtHiny, charnwil with tho
rrluio of bribing Huiiorvlsor CharM
lloxton In tho sum of 15.000 to vote
against tin ordluanco granting tho
Homo Telephone Company a rival
franchise In Han I'ranclsoo, went to
the jury lant evening after II da)
of actual trial nnd a day and n hK
of argument by Assistant District
Attorney Honey for tho people and
T O Coon anil Dolphin M. Del
maa for tho defetian.
Tin reading of Judgw Iwlor
chargo to the Jury ronuml ono
hour. At Its conclusion tho court
room was cleared, the Jury wit
given In chargo of two dspuiy
sherlffa nnd by them convoyed in a
tully-ho to tho I'alrmount hotel,
Haywood Case Finished,
llnlso, Idaho, July 27. Hrldenro
nnd argument I ut nn end iid this
morning tho Jury will bo left to de
cide what .penalty. If any, William I),
Haywood Vhall pay for participation
In 11 criminal conspiracy resulting In
tho assassination or ox-tlovorimr
Frank Htounenburg, with which lm
I chnrgvil. United Htntos Heimtor
William i:. llorah, engaged by tho
State of Idaho as special counsel for
tho prosecution, spoko tho last word
last night. This morning Judgo Fre
mont Wood will chargo mid Instruct
tho Jury, which, It Is expected, will
retlro to consider Its verdict ut about
II 'clock,
Ssvo 31,000,000 Yearly an Malls.
Chicago, July 27, Tho revenue de
rived from hauling thu United Hlates
mulls by tho railroads running west
from Chicago, fit. Imls, Bt. l'nul and
Minneapolis and tho Mlsourl river Is to
bo further reduced nnnrnxlmatclv (1.
000,000 11 year as tho Immediate result.
of tho reports; of 125 Inspectors, who
have been nt work for tho lost six
months determining whothcr Hie spsto
used In railway jostal cars by tho ov
ornmont was In oxcoss of simics sulll
ciont to accomplish tho work, Tho
rullroads have been notHlod.
Butts Plumbers Want More,
llutto, Mont., July 27. Tho local
riuinbors' unlpn struck toduy or (8
por day 0 eight hours. Tho men now
receive 17. Jlulldlnua oinrromktliiir (1.-
000,000 in valuo under construction uro
tlod up,