wm 7 mtr? UMWipa wm x ' f a , ivn.i, v-, ,"v .tjv--- The Townsite of BEND 1 iTf J ; n 1, I. UrV I I. i i fi I'll H U n t t lii i i I a y sj - J1 f A u s- Ai fc A yks VV Is M ' . III! I, I V . x . v X XV w y- U'i I i 1 1 1 t !- ii i il ii li I I i I . ' I I I I ' ' x x xv,;Nv ytt JX 5 7CXx VWXym S M I y Vxx'YcVxX r . I ywv '1111 11, Or the Deschutes River in Western Part of Crook County, Oregon. iftcr of the new Irrigation Development covering 250,000 ACRES OF RICH LAND At Gateway to the Great .i (V. I I mtm FIR -JP GREENWOOD ' At. Ar-',. , . ? i lii rn f J tj 1 i J J is u i t 7 HAWTHORN A V C. i J n u l t J 4 J it. i i $ i e-IRONWO OD'AVE. t r" i ' i i i i i" i l I I I l.l.l"? 14 Ii JUN 14 l) X h , rf 5 t, J 4 S t t l v f I 7 Li Ull DESCHUTES PINE Timber JLyfsJi L :-i The Town has Grown nltnoBt entirely hi two yent, tlic ws onicc (latli)t: uniyirom April H, 1904. IPER h ' AV E.. 4 rV KOA A V r-r Ilcnil linn excellent public nchooU nnd complete public wntcr worti. FOU INFORAUYlON INQUIFG OF Central Oregon Banking & Trust Company BEND, - OREQON YISITED BY CAPITALISTS. (Continued from page 1.) traffic it could handle.' and they left with tluy intention of hurrying the completion of the Oregon Trunk Line as rapidly as was pos sible. Besides Messrs. Nelson and Greg ory the party was composed of L. G. Gray, president and general manager of the Yukon & Pacific Tailway; H. P. DcVrccs, a promi nent Insurance man; George Danz, of Thompson & Banz, railway sup ly business; C. A. Cushing, real estate; D. A. Robinson, retired from active business but formerly largest grain elevator contractor in the United States, having built practically all the elevators on the line of the Great Northern. He has large timber interests in Wash ington. ROSLAND HAPPENINOS. (Continun'- 'on: page 1.) ere en and iiotio 1 by several, a it was a dark night and the driven bad a severe task to find romlt. Allen Trobee was unutually busy Fri day and Saturday limiting board trees and fulling. He was accompanied by V. II. Howard, George Dogue is having quite a run at the Kosland Stables and is doing quite a business hiring out turnouts and car riages to the dancers. K, Clauson lias moved on the ranch, close to Roilaud, recently vacated by UdmoBds. The Halcer girls from Prlneville are stopping with us, wijh n view to settling in the country. Turnalo Items. Ti'MA uo, Julj i ) Some liay is being cut in these paru. ' P.O. Minor and Mr. Staats of Bend passed through here today. J, II, Winter and Arnold Rreisel were at Sisters Sunday seeing the sights. Lawrence 'Smith returned home Satur day from a two weeks' visit at Vande vert's. Mrs. Eva Steele and daughter, Miss Anna, stopped in Turnalo yesterday, go to their hou'esteads near Sisters. Hirhiower & Smith had the miifor- tuac tv hrk their ttttf feed emjine one day last week and had to send to Portland for repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwillie of Tlcnd passed through today going to nnd. T. A. Jetucn is engaged at present bulldiug a house on his homettcad. I'. V. Swisher is helping hiirtf Why didn't I write last week? Well, I will tell you I JUST KOKCOT. A Letter from William Stephens. KKRLAND. July 9, 1907. Hditor Bui. letlu: A few lines to you from old ling land and will say I am having a fine visit with my relatives but shall be glad to get home to Dend again, for Hnghind in all its glory is no like independent little HeniJ to live in. It is very nasty weath er in l'.ngland, cold, rainy and blowing hard all the time up to the present. I and my wire arc going to London on Monday next to visit my brother and see London, and August jS wo sail on the largest vessel afloat, the Adriatic, for Oregon, and we will not stop until we get there. You know that I am reading The Hem! Bulletin evvry week and am keeping posted, for last night I had the pleaiure of reading of the sale of the fiend town- site which make mc feel liappy for all of us. I hope you all enjoyed the I'ourth nnd had a good time. I should try much have liked to be at the trout feast just to show what a splendid mechanic I am at eating, etc, for if I nay here much longer I shall challenge O'Kane to a measure around with the tax. line. Shall be in Ilend about the lait of Sep- tciuuci, w hiui K11111 rcgarus 10 an at home will clone. I remain, Yours moot renjKCtfully, WlU.IAM STKI'lfl'.XS, Citizen of U. S, A. TlmUr Ln., Act Junr j, ilri NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. !ml Office, The Italic, Oircon. Junc4, ISO? Motlcc l hereby (Wtn that In cotnptUnn with the prorUiontor the Actor Con(te of June;, f4. entitle.!, ''An ct for ih.' Mleef timber UnU ln,lheittnofCllforiil. ortron. NevwU, iml Wkahtncten Tefrttoty.- extewietl to all the ptmncMixisutrtby Act or Autu.l 4, t, 1'rr.l W VVIIauu oflTlneTllle, county ofCruok, aUIr el Ore(Hi, hon Juue 3, lyi. (lint In thlaoince hla aoofu alalinienl No 4I4 for the purthaac of lut 7. !fne!(ntwa)f ofe 1,1pm, r He. w m istul wilt offer proof to show that the land aouchl la more valuable for Ita Umber or atone thin lor crlcultursl uuriue, ami to eul ll.h hia claim to Ml.l latul Ufarr II. C. Kllla, I' h Commlaaloner.at hlaoSicTallleutl,Orsoa, on the 14th clay of beplcmber, f17. He name aa wltnetv loaeph N. Hunter, William II. Mlajll. Slatv II. Ilran. A. II. f.r.nl allof IKnJ, Orecon. Any anrl all feraona claiming ailreraely the aborc dractllri larxtaare renuealeJ to file their claitna in I hla office on or bcAirc the 11 14th day of beplember, loo;. Jill ail C. W, MOOKK. KffUlcr. Timber Land, Art June j, it, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, B, lAai Otict, The Dalle, Oregon. June 4, i7. Nolle I hereby gleen that In complUnce with IheprorlaloiiavTllK Act of Content of June 3. I87S. entitled, "An act for Ihe sale of limber Unda in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waihlagtoa Tenltory," aa extended to at) the public land state by Act of Auguit 4, iS?j. ItorenccA. McCauu of Ilend, county of Crook, atale'cf Oregon, has on July it, 1906, filed In this office her sworn atatt-ment No. vft for the purchase of the nwj And will offer proof to show that the land ought I wore valuable for ita Umber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatabliah her claim to said Jaud before II, C, Kill., U, li. CouimiMlouer, aC his office lu Deud, Oregon, 011 the lilh day ofAugmt, lyo? Hhe names s wilucaacs, lUrueat A. Ilrimu. liolnunW Morrill, both of bend, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the sbove-desnibed lauds are requeued to die taair ctalnu In ihla oScc en or bervrt aatd llth day of Auguat, lyjj, ' Jl Timber Land, Act June J, IS;, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Office. The ftallea, Oregon. June is, vri. Notice la hercliy given that In compliance with ineprnvMlonanririeAct or Congreaa or June t, lr.. entitle.). "All act fur the ale of tlmlcr lamia in me atate or Calllurnla, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlngton Tertltury," a extended tn alt ihr publk land itale by act of Auguat 4, iVj, John K, Hmythe of rtend, county of Crook, atate of Oregon, haaon January io, i7. ftlc.l In Ihla office hi worn atateincnt No, s?l for the Iiurchaae of the aeKw,W and lota Jnd4 of aec 19, and lot 1 of ae jo in ip 17 a, r 11 e w tu. And will offer proof to aliow thai the land sought la more valuable for It timber or tone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to csUMlth hit claim to aald land Ufore II. C. I'.llla, U 8 Commlaaiouer. at hla office In Ilend, Oregon, on the 14th day of KcpUinber, ivo; llenamea aa witoeaae. John II. Overturf, ulmer Niawouirrr. Sflelial I. frrfan,i. Inhn Httldl, Henry Tweet, all of Ilend, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely he above deacribed land ar. rmuatrcl In Ala. their claim in thla office on or before the aald 14th day of heptcmbcr, t'rj. jll'-at) C. W. MOOKIi. KegUtcr. Timber Iud, Act of June 1, S;. NOTICE FOR rUBLICAT'.CHS. V. S. Mnd Office, The IMUn, Oregon, June 6. 1907. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with thcprovlaiouaorihcAetof Congrcaat of June J, 1S7S, entitled "An act fur Ike sale of timber laud In the Ktatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to alt the Pubtlc Uud Htalta by act of August 4, iv, Mcllat C. Cop n of Bend, county of Crook, atate of Orccou, baaon, January 19, IJ07, filed in Ihui officeher aworn statement No. 377J for the purcbaac ohhe Xnejf and anwjl ofaec jj. tp ly s, ntc.w n And wilt offer proof to show that the laud ought is more valuable for lit timber or alone naii tor agricultural puriivaea, and 10 (ttabllah herds m to aad land liefi 11. iv Miiia. ti. u Coaimluloner.athlaollicelnllcud, Oregon, ou ...v .. wj w, ,r)KU4uvf , fyV7 Khe names as witness, W. H. Nichol, Hrink putterworth. Albert C Lucas, Joseph N, Hunter, William II. rflaaU, sll of ileud, Oreguu, Any and all peraous cUluine adversely the aluvcleacribed land are renic3rd to file their claim In this office ou or before said 14th day ol Heptcmbcr, 1997, Jlll-Slj C. W, MOOKK, KegUtcr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon, June m, Ivor. NMke I hereby given that Levi C Whlltf.1 of Ilend, (iftfon. ha filed not lev uf hi intention lu make final file-year prrmf In support ( hi eialm, via Homcalra.l Xulry No rests, made March 1;, lyu, for the lie K ,f a tj, tp il a, r it e, win, and that Mhl preur will lie made before It C Ittlia, l ft. CtHiiiHlaaloncr. at hi office in Ilend, Mrcgon. on Auguat ijlh, ly,7 lie name I lie following wltncaae Is pro,e hit cuniiiiuMua reaittenee uan, and cultivation uf, Iheland, vii. wiiium 11 Hiaai. josepti N. Hunter. IWgeuhi J Whllled, all of Ilend, Oiegon, John llloa. uf Mater, urcgon. nauv. uuii, ol uedmeud, Ore gon. jlll CM' MOOKK, Uegiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Interior, Mud Office at Lakevlew, Oregon, July i, 1907. Notice I hereby given that J. o. Dorrancv, Admr. of Hamnel II. Dorrance, of Printline, Ore-j-vn.lui filed notice ol lit Intention to mak final Ave-)earpiuufliiauport of hi claim, vU llomeatead Itnlry No. 11J7 made July j. lyo?, lor (he aS!(.aUaV aec it and nctnwl are 11, tli la, r y e m, And that m14 proof will be made before Ihe clerk of Croojf county, Clregnn, at hla office at iine.wie, uregon, on trie 10111 uay 01 AuguM, lie name the following nltuctm In prore hit iron in All of coulluiuiu retktence npuu. and cultlralfun ti.v b,im, via n. ii iiuuiuKancau, v i llngahead. Joaeph Taggart, George Aline igancad, W C llol iH,.in.i,iw.mi iiaii.iirurirAimr ail Koaltnd, Otcgon. Janus lllack of Ilend, Oregon. Timber Land, Act Jun J, lift. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 17. H. U.i.l omce, The Italic, Oreson, June 4, lynf. NMiee It tierehy given that In compriante with lh pro.l.lonanf Ihe Aet f Cutieta M June X IV. entitled, "An art fW the ulef iimUf lan.lt In Ihe atate nf California. llrriwH, Nevada, and Waahlngton Terrllnry ' aaeatrrHaaal la all the puMK huh titles uy Al ur Auguat 4, r-t, Chaunrey r. lurney of Bend, cmtnly of Croak, Mate nf (Heron, haon AHgual in. ivA. Wr.l In thl olfire hla worn alatemenl Nu saSl. fbr Ihr purena ef sn.i u.iw)4iiwr, ui tee 1. 111 , nit w m And will offer proof to thaw llul the land aought I more valuable for II timber or alnac than lor agricultural porpwa, nrnl u, rMaUl.h hll claim to mM tsml belute If. I' KWa. V- ft. Commtaaiwier. at hla nfltcc In Ilend. Diegen, vo, Ike nth day of Auguat. iy7 He iiamnatwlliieaa Mleharl J Msnlson. loepli N Hunter. William II. hlaaia, Itiomu a-amiMiler. all of Iknd, Hlvgwi. Joku Ma. Mater, Oiegon Anyandall tieraon claiming advery the above-deM-ilbed lamia ale trn,Hatl 10 file llieir claim lu thl office on or before aald ulli day of Augual, Vfj. Jl49 C W. MOOKII. Heglalrr. OI'PICIAL DIKKCTOKY. lU-ai I, N. WATKON. Keglttrr. 1'UIILIC IeiMrt NOT1CK TO HISTOUATION MP SAniit tu rtelllemciit and Knlrv mint ol the Interior, ftrnerat laml IliArv u'a.l. Ingtou, I). C , June it. .a. Ncllre It belt by giteu that Ihe publielaiHlt III Ihe following dr. acrlbeil area. teinHrrily withdrawn on July Jl. iyl. for foreatry purpua and adjoining the rreiuont National l'oit4. Oregon, snd not oth erwlae withdrawn, rracrvtd or aprirbiirlaled, will by authority orthcnecrctsryU the interior berntored tolhHiMic domalu on tteplcmbcr '. I'oj. and Ucome subject to tcltlriaciil on and .iter that date, but not 10 entry, fllluir or telrc- lion until ou and after October is, lyu?, under thcuaualrratricllantat the Dulled Htatc Laud Ofllcr at The Dalle, flrruuti. In Tuwm.Iii,, ,,,.,... 1, v,, npiiae leu ii"l, me aouinweal iiarterofriectloiieletcii(ii), luTownihlptwcn ty (to). Range leu f 10), hectloutoue (1), Iwo (11. three (1), eleven (11), twelve In). Ihlrleen (u)! fourteen ful. twenty thrrr fail. Iwriilv.rniir and thlrty-aW (J4); in Towiialilp twenty (to), aiauxetievcu li;, reciiououe i; 10 iwculy-lwu (l), IkiIIi incluthe. Ihe aouthcatt quarter of Dec Iweuly-aeveu (7) R'd Tljd BulUtita't, Irrigation !, .,, iii,iH.iiii tiiv aouil Ion twenty-five (s), Hectlom to thirty-four (u), both luclutive, and rtcctiuii thlrty-dx (6)j In Towuthlp twenty (to), Kaitge IweUefltl. theftouthwrat uuaftFrnflUl(n,. ...v. en ('), all of becllon tlxlecu (16), the weal half of Hcctlun aeculeru'(l7), Krcllunt eighteen (IS), nineteen f 19J, twenly (to), the wet half of Hec. t oiilweiily-oue, ii, hevtlous twenty-nine ImI, thirty joj and the aoulliwett rpisrlcr of Heel Ion thirty-one (jl), all houth and !!!, WilUmetle Meridian, Oregon. Warning I hereby given lhat no ntraon will he tarrmltic.k tu vain nt . cie any richt whatever under auv ariilemrni ,.r ii..- . -.... . i, 1 : .. .. . ' -..... w. utupaiioii.iH-giiii prior iu raeiiicinoer as, 1007, and all aiKh aellleineiit I hereby forbid,!,-,. i;i.n Dknett, Acting Comuiiaaroiier of the i.cneiai mhh uiuee, Aunroveui jkssk w. WiLiuix, Acting Kecrctary of the Intcrfor, Rolled Oarley for Sale. In the Johnson building on Wall street at Bend. 8tf Don't read your neighbor Bul letin. Subscribe for It yourself, It Itf better to take many injuries NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ih lulcrWr. Land Olfo at The Dalle. Orrguu, June j. Vrt Notice It hereby given that Latins June., guardian oflheealateurji.hu It Iimim. Intaue. w. ,.., in, i.iijiui,, ,in mm llfHIC HI lltr III trillion 111 make llvr-vrar iiriMifln mim.,,! r .i. claim, via lloinrtt.l Wntry Nu. tiaei im.l. Kept 5, lfur theat nwM',wi( neU an.) uwU .wofc. n.lp. to, raure 10 e . w In and thai aald proof will be made latforc the nunly clerk, at Wliicvlllc. Orren, un AHgutl iyj, rlheiiaiueaawllniaaiuprovelilrfintiiiuii realdeiiceuKu,andmlllvatIoiiortlie land, vlt, ,W ; "'vetl, (ic-urfie ltteaj of Hand, Oregon J:hlM"lKmiiy. and l'roucla II luvu of I'rlnet tile, Oreguu. ! C W Moore, Krglaler. NOTICEI-X)R PUBLICATIo'n." Ikrairinieiit of the Inltllor, lw Office sl The Dalle, Oregon, lutiej, lyajr. Nollre I. hereby given that Charlt A. Mall bur rough, of llcnd, Oregon, ha Aleil notice of hi liitculioii tu make riiiBl n.,..,., ,,..u.r 1.. aaal tlluHfl taf lild a.lalaii ! SI . - . a a l'l"lll l ISSSI (.S0SISS1. mTISI I S II I lit- all ST BIS KlllfU Jn vitv made Auguti 1, iyn, for the tvii; of tec 17'. nun 511aiMi.1pro.il wtuiw made Iwforc It, c Itlllt.U H ConunUaloiier, allil ofllie In Ilend. Oregon an Auguat 11. i. He names the fulluwing wllnrate to lirnve hi coutluuuu residence mum, and cultivation ill Ihe land, lo-avll Ovid W It Klley of Ilend, Ore gou Prank (Hat of Ktdmoiid, Oregon, James m.JX'J'JIH1. ,if,.''',l"l',w' "r, Wlllliin II. hlaaia of fiend, Oregon l'l- C W MOORIt, Kegltler UNITIID TATJ rreaklenl , Vtrr-PraaMetH .. . Ntrteiary wf IHt rWertaryafTrxatMry . . HesretaryolnVMTM rWrtary4TUi. iWerrtary ofNsvy . iwetetary of CtMnwetse... I'oatioa.ler tleeial.... Attorney Meneeat .. . recrttary of Agrlalluiv if4B141ajOCa, M VsftSfTMs) Chalk W. Pajikaat lAihu MuaS JWrk II I'Mttlr -. UmraK I'.nM W II. T C J. HtMptrt t)Kr Straus tlewfge V J. lrr -WU1U.H II M4 James Wiim HTATIt OniveiBsr HeerelaryofkUle. Tieaaurtr . Attorney Oenerat Hupl. PitMk Inalluetiun.. . male Illnler ... . . , talry and IW1 Csniml.attM,er U. . HerMlur - 0f ge K ChamUerlaio V.W tlett M A MmI A M CraoM J. II Ackrraata W. H. tluani7 W UHf W lulMB IkraiH Jr. IW I- llaiilet J W. K lilli 1 V A. Maori IH. far (T. 0 lli KVIiMTII JUDICIAL DlrVTKICT Judge Attorney Cengreaawen.. .. Sonewe Judjet 'nstStsttiiiaiM W. I. Ilradititw -.Frank MetHfee CROOK COUNTV Judge. ,.1.. 1. ".', "a-.w HhtiltY..., Treaiurcr.. AaeorWMM flchoof Hupt, Hurveyor...... Commlaa loners Tlie Pioneer Telegraph and Telephone Company Tclejjrams I'onvartleil to Any Port of the World. Direct Telephone Cominiinlcntlon with Portland, I'rlnevlllc and nil s Pacific Coast cities, Public Pay Stxttlohs In Bank UtiMliiir at Ilend, at I.ald law ami Powell liuttcs, MeMenxcr netvlce to ally part of Crook County south of Crooked viver, . W A IWM . Warren IIioks -- Pl.uk Plata . .. ., v Kiel .m,.-,..J. .a I ollette .... U. II. DinMwktl n.n.V, K. Mil artaad lit II luUy Tlllt COVHT.. CiactUT Cottar - Writ Monday i May ll.lrd Monday lu October. I'ariNATK OiukT-l'litt Momlsy In rocli moolli CoMI"toNKI.' CtiOkT - ira We.lnea.ltr In Jaiitutiy, Msrtb, May, Juty, 5e.lralr Slid November. iikxn Heiiooi, Di.iHpjr no. ii Dlrecton Clerk Teacher, ...M,MM,M,MM, iJohuhlel.il A. I,. ()o.klIIU W. H. Mchol C. H ilriiaon ( Mix Kulh I, K(M .Mr. I'. I' Hiullli (MUOUrluiiWM Mtyor U.Mlr.la. ... I ..M.....I Trcaturcr..,. Aldermen .,., CI TV 01' IIIWD M..M hA Ooo-lnlllK 11 C l!lll V. o Minor frt.CCaidy.ell O, H. lieiifiu John II. WeutiK ' ll, I'. J. McDouiM Millard Trlll(ll lj. II. OnciU YOU JVIII enjoy reailhiK The llentl Jlultctln, L' J ..Sy-AHKV K.NTKUTAIN " INSTRUCT you. Subscribe iiowt- It Qives the Newt