The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1907, Image 6

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CHAPTKll XXVIII. (Continued.)
Mr. Wylle, In the meanwhile, sat writ
ing at hit desk. Had he co thought. At
that moment, of ttie dead man who had.
through w many year of hi life, Mt
day by Jr at lht table, the man whom
morally, If not legally, he ld murdered?
No such thoughts troubled his seared
cond ice. No atom of supertltlon or
Imagination entered Into the composition
of that s.-hemlng brain. there been, would he not have frit
the deadly presence that wa about him?
The whltr, ghastly face, with gleaming
blsck eyes, that was looking In upon hltn
through the half-opened door at ht bck?
Thrt wa a double door to the library ;
It was In at the Inner green balled on
that swung nolaeleMly upon lt hinge,
that the face poor!.
W'.th her eye fixed Immovable on the
one object. she close It behind her: then
advanceo, crouching like a llxer. toward
her prey. Her step are nol"let; the
soft material of her drr nuke no run
lie: but If It did. the nolie of the ele
ment would drown It.
She U behind the chair; then ahe raise
her right hand, armed with the short,
thick atlek, and strikes him a heavy blow
upon .the head. With a ron he fall
from hl cailr, stunned. Quick a light
ning ho take from her dres the two
cord, each provided with n running
noose; one she slip over hli body and
fastens hit arms down to hit aides, with
the other sbe aecurej hi legs; then sb
put a gsg In hU mouth. ThU done, ahe
dashes aome water out of a carafe, that
stand upon the table. Into Ida face. raise
hla head, prop It up by meana of aome
big folio volumV from the shelves, take
a chair, and, sitting oppodte to him, wait
until she ahall revive.
At lat h. eye open, and fall upon
the livid, vindictive Taw that fronu him.
He doea not recognize her: but there la
murder In her looks! He ablvera, and
trie to rie. but he Is helpless.
"I am much changed alnec lstt we met,
James Wylie. am I not?" abe say, after
gloating for aome momenta over the agony
of bl silent tenor.
At that voice he starts, and shudder
more violently; he knowa now that he la
doomed. If ever a prayer U lu hi heart.
It la there now.
This meeting la an unexpected pie
tire, t it not?" Yoa huggej yourself with
tbe thought, doubtless, that you were rid
of me! lo you remember the wordi I
once spoke to you. In your oil? I told
you that If you played me fale. I would
bunt you down, If ypn Ced o the further
mott extremity of the world, and kill you '.
I haw come to keep my word!" and ahe
drew the long., glittering knife from her
belt. "I could have killed vou from be
bind, aome mlnut back, but 1 would not,
have you die Ignorant of the band that
truck the blow, nor suddenly and untor
tured. If I bad yoa awty from thl
place. I would kill you Inch by Inch.
There la not a torture that the Ingenuity
of cruelty could Invent, that I would not
iuSlcA. upon you : and even ilwn, I could
not psy you back all that you hnve made
me suff! Ypu tracked me well, did you
not? "Hut when you gloated ovtr your
cleverness, yqu forgot to calculate the
retribution! They liugb best who laugh
lat! The last laugh ibait be mine,
evoked by your dying agonic!"
Mr. Wylle awoke fro- her slumber
with a start a cry In her Mrs. and n
horror upon ber soul. She atarted up:
the wind waa atlll raging, the fire wa
burned down to ashes, and the candle all
but extinguished. A feeling that some
tblng bad happened to ber buabaud l
cd upon ber, and, taking 'ip tb flicker
ing candle, the burrleO out of the room,
and, aplte of her feara, ran trembling to
ward the library.
Aa fix neared the apot ah beard paala
of borribk laughter that curdled ber
blood. She dared not proceed, but, al
rnot dead with terror, ran and pulled the
rope that rang the alarm HI. and which
wa altuated not many yard from the
library door. Holding on to the rop.
he pulled with all the frantic power of
terror, until the clang, dang reverberated
through the Caitle, and waa beard, even
above the roar of tho wind and the water.
In the village below making men atart
from their bed, burry on their clothe,
and apeed toward (he Cantle, expecting
every moment to aee Jeta of flame iprlng
up from It, for what Ie but Are could
end forth aucb a aummona?
Aa two of the flibrnnen ran up the foot
path through th wood, a aomethlng
ruihed pat 'Deul "I"' 'Jirlek of ma
niac laughter; but Jt waa gone befar
they could tell what It wa. They pur
sued the ret of tbelr way with blanched
cbeeka and trembling limb, with the be
lief In tholr heart that they bad encoun
tered an evil aplrlt from the other world.
It wai an awful tight that awaited
tbem upon the floor of the library, upon
which the white-faced, ahadderlng er
vant looked down. A huddled maa of
blood-aaturated clothe, torn an rent aa
though by the talon of a wild beait,
containing what bad once been a human
form, but which waa now a abapeleu
Biau of battered fleafc and bone.
Kleonore' vengeance had been wolf
5 Ike; but the work of blood bad rendered
her dellrJoui, and before ber dreadful taak
waa nccomplUhd aha bad become a raving
All that night the wind raged fiercely,
tad dowa opon the coaat tba mighty wat
tg dtabad and boomed a though a bat
tery were being fired beneith them. A
fltherman who waa out with the tint grny
dawn found, huddled among the rock, a
woman' body, that the wave had cnit
np during the night. An hour afterward
It waa borne to what had jnce beeu John
Trevethlck'a hut now an empty hd
and laid there until such time a It could
Us burled.
Twleo had the ocean rejected Eleonoie
de 8olons; ami, by a strange fatality,
that same roof beneath which she bad
tain for dead a a child where Arthur
IVnrhyddyn had plighted hit troth to her
waa thu destined to be the last that
should cover her upon earth.
Tonstnnce regained one considerable
portion of her fortune thit which Wylle
had inherited, and which Mrs. Wylle re
funded In her wilt, dying a month after
her husband. The remainder, however,
had pasned away to other Inheritor. Iloth
the houe In Harley street and Hlllbor
otish Hall wrre among Contanee'a re
covered poMIon.
It wa a happy family gnmp that t
round the biasing Are In the drawing
reom of Htllborough Hall towards dusk
on ChrUtma eve. Mr. t!rlerin snoosed
In an easy chilr upon one side, while
Stafford, with hi arm clatplng his wife'a
wal.v. occupied the other.
"Why are you so thoughtful to-night,
darling?" he asked, pressing her toward
"I was thinking of poor Arthur Pen
rhyddyn." she answered, tloughtfully
nlmnt all nation for you?" Inqulte.d
'None. Why waa I advertiaed for?"
Stafford thrn briefly related to him the
murder of Wylle, th death of bis wife,
and a will she had tnado In hi favor.
"And Wylh then, wa murdered! He
was a bad man. And waa It never sus
pected who did the deed?"
"Never." answered Stafford, quickly,
for he fancied thnt bo detrcM an anxious
look In Arthur's faw. "So, you see, you
have not returned to llnghnd for noth
ing. IVnrhyddyn I only waiting for Us
owner. Of course, you will at once as.
sert you Identity?"
He paused for a moment, thoughtfully,
and then anwered. "Ye, t shall, it Is a
duty I owe to my father' memory; but I
could never take up my residence In tho
Castle. It has too many painful asso
ciation. The last of tut l'eurhyddyna
will be the only one who has eer desert
ed It wall."
'"Do not say the last," said Constance,
gently. "I hope one day to see you as
happy In a wife as I am in a husband,
and with little children to lilt the gloom
off the old Catle."
"You will never see that day, Mr.
Stafford." he answered, brnsuuely. "I
shall never marry agln."
When they were alone, he asked Staf
ford If he knew what had become of her.
The atuwer waa that nolbln hnd ever
been heard nt her from the time of bis
departure. He did not speak for mora
than an hour afterwards, but lapsed Into
gloomy silence.
He was somewhat reticent In regard to
hi adtenture since hU departure from
Kngland, briefly stating tha Immediately
after hi father' funeral he bad atarted
for Australia, whew he had made a living
by bodily labor; that lie had gone to th
digging, but had met with but moderate
sucits. "I felt that hard work was th
only way to restore the mulllhrluni of my
brain." he said, "and so l did It with a
will. Had It not been for that I should
haw died long ago."
He remained at the Hall until after tho
New Year They found him much chang
ed In mind aa well aa body. There waa
but little left of the gentle, dreamy youth
tub TiiniUT
."How strange It la that no tiding have
ever be-n received 01 mm : 1 wonuer it ,
he 1 still living?"
"I fear not," answered ber husband. "I
am sometime almost Inelind to believe
that, driven to despair, tlt poor fellow
laid violent bands upon lilnuelf."
"Oh. do not ssy that, Hdrard; It Is too
dreadful to think of."
Jutt then a servant entered the room to
announce that a gentleman desired to see
Mr. Stafford.
"What name?"
"He would not give It, air. He told me
that I waa merely to aay that he was an
old friend."
"Tell him I cannot ace any ono tbl
evening; be must call Rgaln."
"No, no, Edward; do not end such a
message," Interrupted Constance, rUIng
hastily. "You do not know who It may
be. Show the gentleman up, James; we
will see htm here."
The door again opened, and an athletic
looking man, apparently of some thirty
years of age, with a bronil complexion,
snd dark blue eye, entered the room. Con
atance turned away ber eager face, with
quite a disappointed look at the sight of
"May I Inijulre to what I am Indebted
for the honor of this vUlt, and whom I
have the pleasure of addresilng?" atked
Stafford, somewhat curtly, for be was
annoyed at being disturlx-d by a strange
visitor at such a coxy time.
"Then you bare forgotten me, Staf
ford?" said a voloe, whose accents were
till the same, however much the face
and form were altered.
The next Instant Stafford bad lxed
one band and Constance the other, and
Uncle Ilobert, starting out of bis doxe,
looked 011 In amazement.
"My dear Arthur, Is It Indeed you?"
was the cry from both.
"Arthur! What I y't don't mean to
say It's Arthur 1'enrbyddyu?" cried tho
old gentleman.
"Hut It 1. Mr. Orlerson," was the on
wer. with a warm grasp of the hand.
"Well, there Isn't a man upon the
face of the earth that I should be so re
joiced to aee as I am you," answered
Uncle Ilobert, cordially returning the pres
sure. "I have only Just arrived In England;
you are the onlyfrlend I have here, aud
I came to m you first. How happy and
coxy you look J"
He sighed as be spoke. Every eye
waa fixed upon him, with one thought
bow changed I Un guided by th voice, It
would have been impossible to have rec
ognized In tbe determined face and stal
wart figure before tbem tbe pale, melan
choly looking, fragile figured Arthut
Penrbyddyn of their memory.
"Have you not seen any of tb adver
tisement that bave for so long a time
been Inserted la tb leading paper of
whom they bad known, but In his plaot
was a stern nnd somewhst hard man. In
clined to gloominess ami taciturnity. Hut,
as time wore on, and they taew Mm let
ter, they discovered that this was only
tho outward crust, and that a kind, gentle
brart still beat beneath.
Towards the end of January be put In
hi claim for Penrbyddyn, and, bl Iden
tity bring beyond all doubt, It wa at
once admitted.
"I do not Hleve I could settle down
to the monotony of an KmclUb country
gentleman's life, after the bustle of th
last six years," he said ; "besides, amldt
the turmoil of lonilon. on can always
shake off black thoughts when they
One day, In tbe Strand, be met Je
rome, who wa niot cordially rejoiced to
see him. Fortune bad recently smiled
upon the gay artlU; be had had several
picture hung upon the Acndemy walls;
which had found liberal purchasers, and
btf was rising Into fame.
In the course of conversitlnn the name
of Parsons was mentioned, and Arthur
teamed that that gentleman, having been
found out In a disgraceful betting trans
action at the last lerby, had carried him
Mlf and bis talent over to tbe Continent
for the benefit of foreign nations.
It wa the first of March. A glorious
freah, mild morning, the sky a bright,
cloudless, sunny blue, the a mirror In
which waa reflected another htovrn. At
I lie window of the western turret of
Penrbjddyn Castle, where we first saw
bliu as a boy, sixteen years ago, sat
Arthur IVnrhyddyn, gazing thoughtfully
upon the landscape. Hut bis thoughts
were not with the object before hltn,
but with the dark, melancholy past, with
the shadow's of the grave. He had In bis
hand a mlnlnturo of Klwuore, and bl
eyes were dim with tears. He know
nothing of the strange rotrl'iutlro disease
(hat had dlaflgnrwl her; nothing pf her
last awful crime; nothing of her death.
Through tbe softening haze of time she
appiar to blm, craving forgiveness for
the sako of love. Deep down In the re-ci-ssea
of tils heart lingers the passion of
his youth, and no woman lias ever yet
superseded the Image of the beautiful
creature to whom be first gave bis love.
Will It ever be othcrwlwj Will the
portal of bl heart ever open to th pure,
ennobling affection of a true woman? Or
I (be ancient race of Penrbyddyn Indeed
"Doomed" to extinction? Deep In the
bosom of tbe future lies that problem,
which uo mortal presclcncs can fore
shadow. (Tne End.)
We ought to lead our child to the
rlgbt path, not by sorority, but by per
aunaloiL Meaandw,
osroi . -V"
Aulotiintlct Wntton HraUe,
A wriKon brnke which oiHTntt' ttil
tomntlrnlly luia bcon rrwntly mtmitil
by a Mliwliwlppl limn. Tho ordinary nr
rniigoniiMit of nttnclilng a foot lover !
Heath the driver' vat, ronnocHwc with
tho brake, la oiitltvly dispensed with.
Tho driver U not required to tmndlo
tin? brkr In any wny, the itlmplu halt
Inc of tlu Iwrwa onlr N'ltig noeoanary.
As hIiowii In tho Illustration, tho brnku
la pivoted i as tu conm In contact
with tho rim of tho nnr vfliwl. On
tho extreme outer end of the ahnfta la
it ertliiil pivoted lovor, ono cud of
which connects with n rod cxtcmllui?
to tho brake. The uitor end of thl
lover la connected by a strap or chain
to tint haructtt 011 the horso. Aa shown,
LavfcR at
Kmo otnATT.
tho top of tills lover la normally In
iidvanco of tho lever end. ObvloiMljr
n pulling jirvuro exerted by a back
ward movement of t!i luiraoi In atoji
plug will fureo tho brake against the
renr wheel. Tho driver In atopplnc bl
liorse In this way automatically
throw on tho brnke.
Coal ( llniillna Cropa,
Tho bureau of statistic recently sent
nut n ajwolnl Inquiry circular to ascer
tain thu vot of hauling farm crop to
shipping ilnt, nnd thu compiled re
sult rrprtfoiitluit rejillei from nenrly
'J,X" coimtli- In different parts of thu
t'nl tel Stntea Indicate that the unu
tlty of farm produce ntliiually hauled
amount to -iO,(Ns.ono tin. The cot
of hauling the anmo I estimated nt ap
proximately fS3.iOMHS), which la on
a vera co of 8W cent tier hundred
In general, tho hauling cost la to a
Inrxo extent deieiiiletit upon the raltii!
of the nrtlcle hauted, the more valu
able product taken to market oftoner
and In Mimlter load, and therefore at
n greater cost. Corn, wheat. Imy and
potatoe arc hauled at from 7 to 0
cent per lf" pounds; tobneco and hog
at 10 cent per K) pounds; cotton, HI
rents, nnd wool, -II cent.
I'rvr nf Ibr Hpurrow Hawk,
Tho sparrow hawk almost Invariably
catches a Hying bird for It meal, even
atrlkliiR down bird a largo na the
wood pigeon, though usually going 110
higher than a black bint. It doc not
exactly swoop llko tbe largor hawks,
yet It must hnru condition of clirtno
of Its own choosing. That I why thu
mnnll bin! usually mob It with Impu
11U7 when they aro numerous enough
to bewilder It. Once, however, I saw
a sparrow hawk tlmt had hoeii molest
til for some minute by a jierfect cloud
of green finches, dart nmong tbem ami
fcocuro n victim.
Tho other day I had ono of (hew
bird olntcd nut n tho ono which, n
few day earlier, had como closo to
the home toward dusk and caught a
but on tbe wing. That, however, I a
very unusual meal. Inilou New.
Tlie Cove as N SlaeMne,
A an Illustration of tho elllclency of
a good cow, n a mncblno for tho man
ufacture of milk and butter from grain,
tho record I given of n Holstcln cow
it the nge of 3 year, which, during ono
year produced milk amounting to 18,;
R7.1 pound, or over nlno ton of milk
containing "-"" pound of butter. Tho
net profit figured In mntntnlnlng such
a cow I stated to ho about I ISO (wr
Tiia mil Nfravrlicrrr.
0111 atlll head tho list its n first
early atrawberry of rnro morlt at tho
Ohio experiment station. He small
stocky plant fairly bubblo over with
bUHlnce and berries. Tho borrle run
small at tho closo of the Benson, but not
until after It ban produced an aston
ishingly heavy burden of fnilt of fair
Izo and mild, pleasant, good, though
not high, flavor
Asrrloultura lu 1'ranee,
Agriculture gives employment to 7,
800,000 persons In Franco, or ono-flfth
of the population.
For fltclilii Wheal,
To alack wheat before threshing
tlmt It M be dry when Unit -
conic. Is the desire, of cery farmer
who raise that cereal. Mr. 0. T.
I'rltchurd. of llitndolph. Clay county.
Mo tin 11 system that he h used for
a generation, and he never lost a bit of
wheat by ilniiipiictt In the ataeU. II
tin a great reputation tu hi home for
tills eln. of work, nnd he sin-nd
large, part of hi time In showing oth
er tiow to do It. lie glie a descrip
tion of hi method as follow:
"To stuck wheat or oat so stack
will not take water. Conimeuco tlm
stack or rick any way you wish. Hut
when yint liuvu the stack Ave or six
feet high. Just tvore llm ustinl way
of stacking, and do It from the center
to tho outer edge, Instead of from th
outer cilgu to tho center. When you
Ugln at the center to stack out, lay
two or three bundle so n to keep tlm
center highest, with a in1 slnut to
ward the outer edge. If at any time
tho outer edgu get too high, atif before-
you get there, and go bark to tho
center ami commence) again. He sure to
keep tbe enter highest, with a Fd
slant to tho outside.
"ThU way I Just about tbe same n
one shock on top of the other, only
more slant to the bundles,
"There I no slip or slide. It Is fast
and easy, and sure keep the stack dry.
If you are stacking the uual way. and
the stack should In-glu to slip. Just go
to tho center ntxl work out, mid e.
how quickly you stop tho slipping Mix
It up a little work from the center
iKtrt of tlm time. Try It."
Ttie I'csr aail Ilia Chirk,
That Immutable law r physic that
matter cannot Ih annihilated, or, vivo
er.i, created out of nothing, appear
to have some doubter even lu this day
of general education. The old query,
which weigh the mint, the egg or the
chicken that Is lutchrA from the egg, Is
a very good exntnpb of tills lack of
faith. To settle tho matter for the
hundredth time, exHrlmeuta were re
cently undertaken at one of tbe agri
cultural stations engaged In mltry
studies. It wa found that a fertile
egg during tho procciu of Incubation
lost a little over lit r out lu weight,
while the chirk hatched from mirh an
egg weighed .10 per ivnt leas than tho
.-eg tiefore Itictitxitloti. A sterile egg
revolving similar treatment lost not
quite Id er cent (11 weight. I
The Caraun Aiile,
The original trro of the Carson apple
wa obtalnod from an apple seolllng
tiurwery lu Obhi, owned by a family
naniisl Carson. It
excvltent n-cord for
p r o ductlvenem,
beauty and quality
In northern Ohio
for half 11 century
render It worthy
o f ex(url mental
planting through
out tho lake region and the New En
gland Stntes, both ror tho home or
chard and a a couuncrclol variety.
In commending thl variety William
A. Taylor, bureau of plant Industry,
give the following tl.-.Tlptlon : Ponil
oblate, sometime '
slightly conical;
size large; surface
lunooth, with occa
sional ruMct knobs
nnd patches; color
tin In vetlow. wash-
- a.
11I splashed nnd'
narrowly trlcd with bright crimson
dot ruther large, conspicuous, and pro
truding; cavity medium, regular, deep.
niMCled; stern of medium length and
rather slender; basin very largo, deep,
abrupt, furrowed and somutlmu rus-scti-d;
calyx segment converging; eye
largo, closed; skin thlu, tough; flesh
yellowish, with satiny luster when
fresh cut; texture fine, tender, Juicy;
core small, broad, oval, rlnsplug, near
ly closed; seed few, plump, medium
brown; flavor subacid, pleasant; quali
ty very good. Season November to
March In northern Ohio. Treo vigorous
and upright In habit, very productive
A AV.trit lor I'arm flruras.
The use of farm grove nro numer
ous. They add to thu beauty of tho
landscaiw by breaking thu monotony of
tho prairie, furnishing wood for varl
ouh use and for fuel, so wn need not
Iki deK)iiilent ukii tho coal trust. They
shelter our premise from tho cold
northern blast during winter, and In
summer, when tho thermometer I
playing about tho 100 degree mnrk, wo
linger In tholr cooling uliado with a
feeling of thankfulness.
I'eaehra anil I'luins,
Tho poach will not thrive on low
ground, but prefers nn elevated situa
tion alwny; plums prefer n stiff, damp
soil to n light ono. Therefore, plum
stocks aro often used for an orchard
of pcaclie wbero tho lattor aro to bo
planted lu low ground.
Neve Treatment for Idea,
Two hens, badly Infected, woro dip
ped In a bath of tolled older flowers,
twig and leaves, tho elder concoction
being mixed with somo soft soap. In
both Instance all the llco woro killed
and tho plumage In nowise damaged.
-"2 snU3j;Sr
"X9 sK" . Tu I 1
2 ?ri
"Don't take any notice, of the cisik,
Mnrla." "Hut, John, she' Just given
It."- Haltlmore American.
"Do you regard that mau'e argu
mrnta a sound?" "Yes," answered
Senator Sorghum; "tlmt and imlliliu
els'." Washington Star.
llr. Tiller You se, Ilia wind waa ao
tlervo that our yacht sail was turn lu
ribbons. Miss Llghtbead Ah! I sen -a
Mil of reiniiaiital llliutrntcd IIIU,
Kind Old (lent -What do you mean
by s-i lug your occupation's gone? Soul
weary tfamurl They've pulle.1 down
the houae I ue,l to Kmii sgaliut. Ally
She Hhe Is always talking about Imr
mlnct. iU. Did yos ever anything
iiutisual lw IhcmJ Hi Ye. I saw a
shoo button lu one iitieel Yonkers
At the I'slr. !Ut mo the luneh
basket, wlfay. Don't )ou se we are
sure to duo each other In this crowd!
TrnuslatHt from I'llegondo Hlaetlsr
for The Mtarary Digest.
"What do jwi Inletnl to do with your
autotHoWler Tliat di-aH't courern
me," answerid thu nerrus man. "The
questbiu Is, 'IVuat la my autonMWtlo gin
Ing to do with we?" Washington
"Dear, I will tiave to gel a new dreas
this fall, and they say eheck will tw
much In demand for costumes." l'v
never known a limn stneo I married
)ihi when thyr werew't." llaltlHwru
rh'liooliiMster (at end of object les
son) Now can any of you tell me what
Is water? Small ami (Imbby Urchin
Please, teactsT, water's what turn
black n-heti you puts your 'adds tu III
Dtmdca Advertleer.
Visitor Well, r.thel, ate you going
to paint picture I1V0 your fattier wlien
you grow up? Iltbel I should like to,
but mother say one arllt In the family
Is quite enough for any poor woman to
Hit up with, Judy.
Vicar's Wlfo (yuut!illiigly) Now
that you can't get about, ami aru nut
able to read, how do you manage to
txvupy the time? Old Man Well, muni,
sometime t site n ml thinks; ami then
again I Jiut sit. Puiicli.
Mother (at od of story) And an
ntigcl rarno ami fetched blm away,
dear. Dear (who Is going to a ;riy
that evening) Well, If nn angel sti.rutd
Itsinn to rati fr hw this aftenii.
plernw tell him I'm mil. The Taller.
Ascuim I notku you'ro wry attm
tlvo to Mis Itoxtoy. Have you ir
reive.) any eHiragMHeit? Hunter
I stxmld dy so. I retfelvr.1 ntltliorllai
live Information that she's worth at
least iMlf a million dollar. rUehangc,
A Question. At teacher' rotifer
i-nca In llurlln one of the school princi
pal row to prosiM the toast, "ling
live the tenchewr "On what?" In
quired a meager, pallid, yuuug assistant
Instructor, tu a hollow volco, llatixr'
Mr. Caller What Is your husband .
doing now? Mrs. Shlftleae He's got
a mathematical Job at present. Mr.
Caller MathemutlcM Job? Mrs. Shift
lee Yes, He's trying to flguro out
some way to live without working.
Chicago Now.
"Iteally it I'm afraid you over
heard what I cr said about you,"
stniiimcred tho gossip, who had been
caught reil-handed. "Perhaps I er
wos a bit too severe " "01 no," re
plied tho other woman, "you weren't
nearly a severe as you would li.uo
been If you knew what I think of you."
-Philadelphia Press.
Tho schoolmaster nskeil tho pupils t
"Suppose tu n family tliero pro llvo chil
dren, and mother has only four (xitalooJ
between them. Now she want to give
every child nn equal share. What I
he going to do?" Silence reigned In
tho room. Everytsidy calculated very
hard, till a little boy stood up nnd gave
tho unoxKctcd nnswer, "Mnah tho
potatoes, sir." Christian Iteglatcr.
"Sjienklng or aa-ommiMliitlng hotel
managers." remarked a traveler, "tha
best I over met win lu n certain Mid
land town. I reached tho hotel Into In
tho evening. Just before. 1 retired I
beard a cauipcrlng under tho lied and
snw a couplo of largo rat Jut escap
ing. I complained nt tho olllce. Tho
manager wn ns son-no a a summer
breeze. '.I'll mnku that nil right, sir,'
ho said. 'Johnson I Tako up a cat to
room 23 at onco I' "
Illusion, 1
Woman (expecting a call from hor
lovor) Oh, this waiting I somothlng
torrlblol I can't stand It, (To maid.)
Sophie, go otitstdo nnd ring the bull
Hirco or four times, hard I Translated
for Talcs from Meggondorfor Hlaattor.
Tho avorago man wastes too much
tlmt fooling aorry for himself,