The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1907, Image 4

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Some of the Things Wc Have in Stock
Canned Goods
Teas & Cdf fees
;..S. C. Caldwell's
Tgi i liiiawwM
f "For ever matt a square dealt n
sets and no more."
sufiscr.irTioK ratus:
One yttr
8li month)
Thrct moal
'IoTtlbly In ftdVincc.)
' I , -T--F34
FRIDAY, JULY 26, 19a;.
. Where can you find a. plcasdbtcr
or more healtbful cljmatq thnu that
of the Bend.cbuntry Shifi people
are dyinp 57, the-score roni heat in
the cities, bf.lhe i'ast, we; who are
fortunate., euouch to live in this
most delightful climate of Central
Oregon, gre chjoying the best of
fccalth aijd a sunstroke is unknown,
jvhile the heat of the mid-day sun
s n trifle unpleasant, It, it alwnys
pol and.ojfreihing in the ishade.
Jn the East a man tired out by the
dayjs labpr lies down and. .fries to
pleep and rest, but often issuable to
0 sovb'n account of the oppressive,
humid heat that lasts far, Jntq the
hipht Here each night 1 britJcS
.sleep to te tired atfdhonest vvbfk
f.r. witUirfeattHQsplicre 50 dellght- vhat bed covers are, need
ed during.the hottest time of the
year. Most pleasant and healthful,
indeed, is the climate of this favored
section. r"
4 A matter worthy of note is the
intention of several people Vre
about to engage in the le industry
next year. The bee is a valuable
ittle insect. It plays an important
part in agriculture. Not only does
t store up, in the form of honey, a
most delicious and healthful food,
bat, as it motes from flower to
flower it carries the pollen from one
blossom to another, thus .aiding in
the fertilisation of all flowcrp. this
is of much importance in. the pro
duction of fruit. The bee carries
the pollen from the male to the
female blossoms and thus makes
them capable of bearing fruit. Of
course this process of polleuiration
Is provided for in various ways by
nature, but the busy bee is Doe of
the best. Afauy swarms of bees in
this vicinity vill not only miake
honey mora plentiful, but it will
blso help to increase the yield of
, ' " 1
l To cap who tis not acquainted
yfith'tbe facts there is much that is
misleading, in the publications now
found in many newspapers relative
to the restoration to settlement and
&ntr' of timber lands in this section
When these lands were withdrawn
tbjee,or four years ago large tracts
pt tucj lunoerj-wuuarawn werisiuen
ownod- by private parties. Sine,
(be: withdrawal was not incorpoTf
Rtedv into the- bermauent resprvc,
these tracts arc still in private-ownership
and of course cannot te filed
upon, The advertisements mention
oil lands that were withdrawn in
cluding thoao lands owned by pri
vate individuals For instance, one
advertisement gives a large part of
township 21, ridge 10, as to be re
Stored to 'entry, when in 1 .act prac
tea'V Uiat entire tqwnsTiip is
twpd- V thc.Mueller'.fairober
Coaoariy of DaVenport, Zcv-ti For'
this reason there will not ,bc as
milch timber opened to the public
as tilauy suppose.
Hurt by dynamiti:
Madras Man Seriously Injurcll by
Premature Explosion.
L. IS. Baker was seriously in
jured yesterday afternodn by a pre
mature explosion of dynamite,
while blasting rock in powlea ditch
on the Deschutes river He was
brought to tbwn by Mr. Cowlcs
last night, and Jits injuries were
dressed bv Dsr. Snook and Lone.
and this morning it is reported that
he tested well, during the night and
is Rcttinc alone as hicely as could
be wished for,' says the Madras
Pioneer. . , ,
The stcpidehl was not due to care
lessness, Jjut, was the result of a
faulty fitit which. caused the ex
plosion before .those setting it qff
had ah .opportunity, to. net away.
Baker, U. S. Cowlcs and Fred Bur
den were blasting in the ditch
which Mri Cowies is constructing
fdr the double purpose of furnish
ing power for his mill and supply
ine water for irrigating his alfalfa
land below the mill. A hols had
been drilled into a basalt boulder
iu the ditch, and three st.cks of
dynamite were put in with 18 inches
of fuse attached, which should have
given ample time fdf them to get to
a safe place, but as Baker turned to
run, and befdre he bad taken more
than one or.two steps) the explo
sion occurred) blowing him several
feet into the air and riddling, the
lower portion of his body with rock
and gravel. Mr. Cowies and , Frejl
Burden, who were iq.wjr 12 feet
away, were both knocked down by
the explosion, but escaped., without
other injury. It is believed by
them that the fuse was faulty, and
that the spajk was,. transmitted
through it to the cap almost instan
taneously. , , , .....,
Baker's lo.wer limbs and the law
er port of bui.body were filled, with
gravel and small pieces of rock, and
one ankle was dislocated by the ex
plosion. His injuries arc very
painful, but the attending physical!
says no serious results are to be an
ticipated. When the explosion of;
cured, Baker had turned, to run and
to the fact that he had. his, back
turned to the explosion is due tile
fortunate escape of., aay. injury to
his eyes, as he was laterally, peppered
wita smallrock and gravel.
Increase lit Log Stum!ag4.
Census Bulletin No. 77, issued
by the Deriarlalent of Commerce
and Labor, contains the following
statement regarding the value of
Throughout the country the val
ue of log stumpage is increasing.
The average value per tliousaud
feet, board measure, for the United
States increased from, $2. 18 in 1900
to $2.59 in 1905, ari3ftof 41 cents,
or 18.8 percent. 1' This 4dvance in
the cost of stumpege' added,( Sn,
472,115 10 the total cdst"of say,niill
material and increased the value of
lumber, proportionately. The !
ttHSfit 13 due not to much to the
present shortage jra the supply of
lumber material 5i"the country as
a, whole as to the Met that the
hvailable supply of log stumpage
is rapiiHy being boufltyt up and
wilhdrrvn frtfln the c-'ket. On
Problems That Confront The Irrigator.
Cold v. Warm Water.
It Is the Kcncrnlly accented opin
ion of florists and gardeners that
walcrinn plants with very cold wat
cr is detrimental to gtowth, but no
one has .undertaken to state defi
nitely,, hqw cold the water may be
without producing, this result. It
is the common opinion, however,
that water applied to grccnhptise
platlts should not be much colder
than the air immediately about
thctn. Iu order to ascertain the
facts in the case more definitely the
Wisconsin station instituted n series
oftesits. The plants were grown
under glass, except as otherwise
Twelve cuttings of Colcus, a9
nearly alike in sire atld Vigor as
could be obtained, were divided in
to four lots and planted in sand.
They were watered wilh water at
35. 50. 65. ond 86 degrees F. In
13 days nil were rooted equally
well. They were potted, drf" and
the watering continued. Tiicrc was
no noticeable diflerencv in eroivth
and vigor between tiie. various lots
until 60 days after tthe cuttings
were taken, vhciilhc 86 degree lot
was slightly the highest. This ad
vantage was only temporary, how
ever, for in a few Uays the 50 dc-
nrv nml Ac ttpfri- lnt slictittv .
ceeded it in height. Ninety days
after the cuttings were taken the
35 degree Ib't was plainly checked,
but the other three were practically
equal. This test was repeated with
water al 2, 40, 70, and 100 de
grees. In this case it was difficult
to dis(;pvcr any influence due to
thatbapcraturc of the water used.
Transplanted tomato plants were
divided iuto four lots and watered
with water at 35, 50, 65 and 86 de
grees. The 63 degree lot made the
best growth ibroughout the testt
which lasted for 50 days. The 35
degree lot made the slowest growth
but was in no other respects inferi
or to the others. This test was re
peated with water at 32, 60 and 90
degrees. After 60 days the 32 de
gree lot was slightly the best .The
plants were the tallest, ripened
earliest, and the plants and fruit
weighed the most. This trial was
repeated with plants from seed
saved from the. fruits of the first
crop Plants from the 32 degree
lot were watered with water at 33
degrees, tbpse from the 60 degree
lot were watered with water at 70
degrees, and those from the 90 dc
gre,e lot with water at too degrees.
, In this case the too degree lot
yielded the larecst amount of fruit
and the .12 decree lot was next in
order, while the 70 degree lot yield
ed the least; but the difference is so
slight that the results may be con
sidered duplicates.
Seed was again saved from this
crop, planted, and different lots
watered with water at 33, 40, 70
and 100 degrees , Two months
from the date of Rowing there was
no difference bclwccn the lots that
ccnld be ascribed to the different
temperatures of tjic waters used.
In this case the 32 dcUree lot yield
ed more than the 70 degree lot, but
less thari'the i30 degree fot.
A thousand- seeds of forcing rad
ishes were sown iu each pf tbee
plats, and were watered with water
atifc, 45, and 70 degrees, respec
tively. The 32 degree lot was'ton
siderably slower in germinating
than the others. Iu this test 'the
yield of radishes was smallest in
average weight in the 33 degree
and largest iu the 70 degree lot, the
diflcrencc being, however, only lo
to 13 per cent. NIn a second test,
however, there was n noticeable
difference. Water at 33 degrees
gave decidedly the best results,
while 100 degrees gave the poorest.
Heatis watered with water at 32,
40, 70, and 100 degrees were equal
ly vigorous. Water at 33 degrees
and 40 degrees gave the best re
sults. Lettuce watered with water
at 32 degrees yielded slightly more
than other lots. ,
In ndditioti to the above, two
trials were made under outdoor
conditions. F.ightccu half-barrel
tubes were sunk iu the ground un
til the tup were level with the sur
face and filled with soil, All were
stiitablv drained. Nine were wat
ered with ice water; the other nine
with hydrant wutcr, which aver
aged about 75 degrees iu tempera
ture. The worm water produced
better results than the cold and the
difference ,was much more pro
nounced in the summer. Iu the
earlier part of the season both lots
were equally healthy and vigorous;
hut later, when the weather hail
become cooler add the criod of
most vigorous growth had passed,
the plants watered with ice water
appeared unhealthy.
Radishes and beans were planted
in three plats in the open ground;
one plat was watered with ice wat
er, one with hydrant water, and
one not watcrcllat all. Those wat
ered with ice . water yielded the
most and those not watered at all
the least, dlthough the rainfall dur
ing the season 'was regarded, as
nearly or quite sufficient for the de
velopment of crops well cared for.
The beans showed ho difference in
yield that could be attributed to
thb temperature of the water. The
yield from the unirrigatcd plat was
in this case also much smaller than
cither of the otlters.
In a number of these tests n rec
ord was made of the temperature of
me sou uciorc watering nnu a; in
tervals for several hours afterwards
The application of ice water of
course lowered the temperature of
the soil scverel degrees. It was
lound that with plants iu pots the
original temperature was not re
gained for several hours. The ap
plication of water at 40 degrees or
above, etc., was found to have no
effect of importance, the 'original
temperature being soon regained
after a rise or fall.
From the results of these and
numerous other trials not here not
ed the conclusion appears fully war
rantable that the growth of ordi
nary field and garden crops is not
affected by the temperature of auy
water ordinarily available for irri
gation purposes.
The temperature of the soil
about the roots of the plants so
quickly regains its original temper
ature that no check to growth is
likely to reiult.
It is concluded from the results
of the outdoor work that 110 harm
can result from using for irrigation
purposes water from the coldest
springs or wells, for the tempera
ture of the water from these sources
will not be less than 40 degrees in
nny case when token from the well
or spring, and by the means ordi-
narlY.empioyed iu irrigation would
bctnised ruuny degrees above this
point before reaching the roots of
tile plants. Farmers' Bulletin No.
93. ' r -.
i .y,., ujfn t ilia, j . -
the Pacific slope 'is still toibe, found
the cheapest high grade stumpage
in the country, though the values
in this region show substantial in
creases over 1900.
Practically all species of mer
chantable timber have increased in
stumpage value. Yellow pine,
which was the species most used at
botll'ccnsus, increased in value ier
thousand board feet from $1.12 to
i.6.i. White .pincincreased from
$3 66 to $).6S;X Douglas, fir( the
chief specieS"copvcr'ied itito lumber
iu the slates' of Wdslfington and
Oregon, from77c -to $ j.05; hem
lock, from $2156 tpjr3.x; oak, from
53.18 to $3.83; dpiuce', from $1.58
to $3.42. Redwcsd, found only in
California, advarictd in value from
I.06 to $1.55, orV-2 pc cent.
Booted the Anarchist
S Summit Prairie V iHmith, cirko
rastin town, the other iday, toldltof
an Interesting cxpcrlsncc he Lad
Mil TT"
the other day with an anarchist
who was haying for him. 'flip
man made the remark one day in
Smith's presence to tin effect that
any man who had more than $io,-
000 was a d u thief and ought to
be prosecuted and forced to dis
gorge. Mr. Smith, who is worth
several times that amount even if
he does wear khaki overalls like
any other farmer, wasn't feeling
well that day, being short of bauds,
and after paying the nirvji of an
archistic tendencies bid' wages,
promptly booted him off the ranch.
For Sale at a Bargain.
80 acres choice irrigated! land,
35 acres jii cultivation. All fenced,
Just sourli of Forked Horn Butte,
3 J. mjlcs Mm Redmond. "Address
W W JWhbtini,,, oK Columbia
St , Portland Oregoti.
Remember This One Thing
Whdi ,in ned of neat, clean,
plain and up-to-date commcr
cial printing, that
The Bulletin Job Office
Plirits just that kind-no other.
It vViil please us lo have an op
portunity to show yoii what' we
caii do. You will be pleased,
alSO: "!- "!- '-im "
When You Read a Newspaper
Why uot read a newsy newspaper one that
gives all the news? The Ihillctiu has that repu
tation, And furthermore, It Intends lo live up to its
It not only reports the news faithfully each
week, but it also bo's an irrigation department in
which much information is given of value to the
man who irrigates. If you study these articles
it may .save you many dollars 011 11 year's crop.
Can You Afford to Be Without The Bulletin?
A Bargain
The New Idea
Woman's, Magazine
.BothOiie Year for tinly $1,5 ,
Vnfct'NeWjJ(M Woman's Magazine containi'$er 100 paei each'
moniil of fahion,itlreiimaking, needlework and lioufoliold helps.
t Each number it beautifully illifMrn(cd and contain runo full-page
faihion plates lomcjn colore . ; , , y i, ,. fcv
viTkb two publicatione furnwli rcoili'ag for every memncr of Hit