The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1907, Image 2

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    HfTllaiWbkaJw 1
Heney Would Prove That Glass
Bribed Others Than Ooxton.
Char-go of Plans Made Necetsary Be
bause of Silence of Vice Prex-
Ident Zlmmer.
Sun Francisco, July 18. The trial ot
Louisuiass lor brloory reached n cru
cial stago Yesterday, when the prosecu
tion made its tint attempt to begin the
Introduction ot tho testimony ot 10 ot
mom supervisors other tlwn Itoxton
Uiat tliolr votes were bought by Theo
dore V. Halsey, acting under direction
of VIco President Glass, of tho Pacific
States Telephone A Telegraph company.
Such testimony is called "evidence of
Bltnilar offenses" and it is often admit
ted in criminal trials for tho nurnose
oi snowiug corrupt intent on tho part
of a defendant in the commission of
tho act for which he Is being tried.
Glass at the present tltno is being
tried for tho bribery of Box ton; the
prosecution contends that It has the
right to lay before tho Jury the inlerencc
of his guilt contained in tho proof of
his having bribed other supervisors,
like Boxton, against tho granting of a
rival franchise to tho Homo Telephone
company. The defense denies this
right, mainly on tho ground that tho
stato is not privileged to prove other1
Crimea in an offott to establish tho
crlmo on trial.
The argument of this point, conceded
to be of even moro than its original im
portance, slnco the defection of Second
Vice President Zlmmer from the ranks
of the prosecutor's witnesses, occupied
the last two hoars ot tho afternoon ses
sion and was in progress at adjourn
ment, mo jury was excused at the
commencement ot tho argument and
was taxen oy ututtia to a point near
the Temple Israel, later to bo returned
to its quarters at the Falimount hotel.
Cudworth and Fish Testify Against
Friends of Schmilx.
Devote Enllro Day to Arguments In
Haywood Case. ,
Boise, Idaho, July ID. A day of ar
gument on tho admissibility ot points
oi ovuiciico. lonoweu uto announcement
from tho defense that they luvd no fur
ther witnesses to offer in bclutltot Wil
liam 1). Haywood. Tho lurv una not
brought into court. Judco Wood havlmr
been Informed by counsel of their do.
clslon to rest without offer of tur
rebuttal. Clarence Itorrow spoVo for
an hour nud a half ot the morning ses
sion. Senator Borah replied In the
alternoon and was followed by K, F.
liiclintdson. Judge WckxI will prob
ably announce his decision today.
Tho point argued was tho proposition
tooxcludo from consideration by the
Jury tho evidence offeicd by the do
fenso to show, by proof of deportation
ot mlnners from and tho cmnlovtnont
of detectives in tho Cripple Creek dis
trict of Colorado, that a conspiracy wai
formjd among the mine onnrrs and tho
citizens of tho district to prevent the
employments ot members of tho West
ern Federation ot Miners. Tho posl
tlon taken by tho Haywood defense was
that Harry Orchard was employed by
tho Mitieowners' association throuirh
detectives to commit crimes which were
then chatged to tho Federation, and
puouc opinion aroused against the un
ion workers, and it there fori) followed
that, If Colorado evidence for tho state
was admitted, the defense had tho
right to show a countcr-consnlnicv.
Tho reply of tho state was that tho de
fense liad failed lecallv to connect its
caso in theso particulars and therefore
Its evidence morely confused that issue.
In tho absenco of tho Jury tho argu
ment gave ccunsel an opportunity to
take a wide ran go In commenting on
tho methods employed on both sides.
Mr. Dnrrow was lmpe.snnod and vitu
perative. Ho bitterly assailed Orchard
and tho Pinkertons.
Mr. Borah confined himself largely
to tho legality of the question ot admis
sibility. Ho snoke for an hour, force-
luuy reviewing trie evidence and alle
gations mado by tho defenso, which,
ho said, failed to show bv tho member
of tho alleged conspiracy between the
mlneowners and tho Pinkertons that
any such conspiracy existed.
l ' " ' ' " " n i - nt - i ii n .
Ledae Uncovered Accidentally Which
Promises Rich Deposits.
Alluny Mill City, the situ of the
CurtlfS I.uinUr company's big mills on
tho North Snntlam river, has I ecu
turned Into n mining town. Workmen
excavating to replace, tlio company
ru'ii', wiucn was uurueu recently, un
covered rich deposits of native and cur.
taunted copper ore. Tho ledge was
traced to a point on the opposite bank
ot tho river and started people pros
pecting all over the town and on all
sides. Tito oru Is reported voiv rloh
and great excitement prevails.
The discovery was mado at n ixilnt
uinviiy in wio tear oi wuvru tlio mimed
store stood lor jcats, and It seems mar
velous It was not found sooner. Tho
poisonous effects from diluklng water
at Mill City, which has been noticed
many times In the putt, is now attrib
uted to tho collier deposits In the
Mill City Is on tho Corvnllis A last.
em rulltoad, 35 miles east of Albany.
Rich Quicksilver Deposit.
Gold Hill A largo ledge ot rock has
Just been discovered a short distance
north of Gold Hill which is so rich In
quicksilver that a small piece or rock
when cnuhed will produce an amount
equal to what can be purchased lor 60
cents. Tho ledge crone out for a con.
sldonble distance and Is without doubt
the very best nroprwltlon ' thn kln.l
that has been discovered In recent
years. Tho mercury Is In a perfectly
natural state as It comes from tho rock,
so that It would apiear Uiat no tutt-oss
of reduction Is required except to crush
mo rucic ana allow tho metal to dr In
Strlklrg Telegraph Operators
cite National Chiefs.
Eon Francisco. July 10. Yesterday
San Francisco, July 18 -Charwa ,"" ,",::LT,f'" " jr"o,.m0i ,,K'
- isiik. iciruiniiui'ia si l na s: lanii in atw
flluk Sa I " .
were committees appointed and many
mat etlorts were made to bribe two
members of the Jury which tried and
convicted Mayor Schrnitx on Uie chargo
of extortion, wero laid beforo tho grand
jury jestenlay at a special session. The
jurymen involved in tho charges are
Jtoyal W. Cudworth and Charleti D.
Gish, both of whom gave their testi
mony. Mr. Cudworth and his wifo both told
the grand jury of the efforts that had
been mado to communicate with him
while he was locked up at the St. Fran
cis hotel with his fellow Jurors. Mr.
Gish gate testimony allowing efforts
had been made to reach him while tho
case was on trial.
The grand Jury also heard the evi
dence ot D. Co poll!, a teamster in the
employ of Mr. Cudworth. and of F.
Owings, whose story was corroborative.
The grand jury took tho matter under
Henry T. Scott, president of the Pa
clfle States Telephone company, who it
accused by Assistant District Attorney
Heney of seeking to mislead the prose
cution in regard to tho whereabouts of
T. V. Halsey and of being Instrumental
in preventing E. J. Zlmmer, vico presi
dent of tho company, from testifying In
uieu mss case, was called beforo the
Impromptu consultations hold, and dur
ing mo alternoon sevetal operators
waited on the three members of tho
oxecutlvo committee. M. J. Hetdv. 8.
J. Konenkamp, and J. M. Sullivan,
but absoluthto silence was maintained
as to the meeting or the trend of tl
It was evident from tho bearlm? of
the conferees that tho situation was
considered serious and there wero hints
of increasing friction among tho leaders
oi tlio striken. Tho exeoutlvo commit
tee came in for sevire criticism on nc.
count of its reported remarks deprecat
ing me caning oi mo strike and its ap
parent lack of sympathy for the local
It has been rumored persistently for
trie past few days that there was a ser
lous split between President Small and
his oxecutlvo cousmitteomen.
8mall Denies Friction Talk.
Oakland, Cal., July 18. After n
meeting of the telegraphers in Suntot
hall, West Oakland, today, Preildont
Small gavo out thefollowingstatoment:
"I expect to leave Oakland within
tho next -18 hours for Chicago, where I
will hold a conferenco with prominent
leadors on next Tuesday, and recom
mend that our executive board meet in
that clly on that day, Tho strike In
San Francisco and Oakland will contin
ue. The fact of tho matter It there are
not enough telegraphers to fill the po
sitions, and thtfro is no worry about
Cabinet Follows Old Custom,
Tokio, July 18. Although Korea Is
under an absolute monarchy, tho dem.
oncratic custom has existed since olden
days of demanding the retirement from
the throne of a sovereign whoeo conduct
endangers the national welfare. When
such an occasion arises, tho usage pro
alls that ail the cabinet ministers
shall appear before their ruler. One
ot them, acting as a spokesman, humb
ly states tho advisability of tho emper
or's retirement In favcr of a rightful
successor, yviien tms stato is reached,
the emperor Is bound to abdicate.
Halsey Pleads Not Guilty.
San Francisco, July 18. T. V. Hal
sey today, In Judge Dunne's court,
ploadod not guilty to ten indictments
charging bribery of supervisors as the
agent of the Pacific States Telephone
Mayor Taylor Takes Office.
San Francisco, July 10. Dr. Kdward
it. Xoylor, dean of Hustings Law col
lege and acting president of Cooper
Medlnil college, today received IiIh
commission as mayor of tho clly and
Kuwuy oi can rrancisco, llogartllng
mo jjiuna lor reionning mo city govern
ment, Mr. Taylor said "I Juno no
plans at present, n fact, tho whole
thing has como on mo so suddenly that
I havo not had timo to think about it
as yet. I intend to conduct tho govern
ment on a nonpartisan basis, but fur
ther than that I have no plans."
tqusl Pay for the Sexes.
St. Joseph, Mo , July 10. The thir
teenth biennial convention of tho Itetal!
Clerks' International union today Wt-
ou r. ii. uwway, oi uilcago, pros!
dent- Itosolutlone were adopted de
daring that women clerks should be
paid the same wages as male clerks
where they do tho eamo work. Tho
convonticn also will declare for an
eight-hour day. Prcsldont Conwuy de
nounced department si ores as n curio
to humanity, paying only starvation
wages to women employes.
Information on Book Buying.
Salem The Oregon I.lbrnrj commis
sion has met with fairly good success In
getting good books into the nubile and
school libraries ot tlio stato and has
now turned its attention to tuitablo
books for children, Tho commission
has found that many pooplecro perfect
ly at sea in tho selection of books for
children and has Issued a pamphlet giv
ing iiuei, autiioni and prices of many
good publicatlona. A short description
is also given ot each. Theso rwmnlilr In
will bo dlttributrd freo and a lino to
Cornelia Marvin, secretary of Oregon
Library commission. Salom. will brim-
one by return mail.
Fine Building Stone at Vale.
Vale Charles Ileg?, of Caldwell, one
ot tlio main ttono mason contractors of
this seitlon of Idaho and Oregon, has
taken up a stono claim ono mllo from
Vale. He ured this stono in tlio 1ml Id
Ingot the First National bank build
ing, and is uslnir it In tho Vain drmr
rwjio uuiiuing. ino stonecutters aro
now getting out the stono for Caldwoll'a
new tchoolhouse, for which Mr. lleggs
nas inc contract on the itono work.
Mr. Iteggs says this is tho best stono in
this part of Knstorn Oregon and West
ern Idaho and ho qxpects to ship it ox
Cherry Crop and Good Prices
Bring Proiperlty,
Albany Flvo tons of Koynl Aunchei
rles weie grown this season on two.
acre orchard owned bv Cvrus II. Walk.
er, near this city. Walker luia con
tracted to tell tho entire crop at 5 cents
per pound, realising an lucomoot WOO
on the two acres. This Is but one In
stance ot the remarkably largo cherry
yield In this trinity mid tho oMKrla.
tionolcliomcqiiuw in progress from
Albany will mean qultonn Item lltian
chilly for this city.
In wst years tho two nores of Itoval
Ann trees In the Walker iimlmr.l Ii.m
yielded about two tons annually, 'lhls
has mado the trees eiv- tmnlmliln. lmt
a yield of flvo tons, with tho present
price, makes cherry glow lug u must
noticeable profit yielding Industry.
A great many cherries aro l-olng ship
ped from Albany now. Tho Royal Ann
variety are boliur sent to tho iimn.uiiu
at Salem and Puyallup, Wash, Itepub
llcan, Kentish and lllng cherrjis me
IHIIIlg sent (Hint to tho Km,.
Ho and Astoria markets. A good many
cherrks aro being shlpied from this
city to tho vunoits iiolnla along tho Cor
vallls A Haitcm la ilread. lllmk tin.
publican cherries are now rlpo and lw
Ing marketed with (ho other varieties.
Royal Ann cherries are bringing & cents
Hr pound everywhere, and the other
varieties cents.
All cherries yield. 1 bountifully tills
year In this parj of tho state. There
are only live or six commpn-lnl nlmrr
orchards In this vlclultv. but evi-rv
farmhouse has Its orchard and nliiiont
every yard In Albany Its Kentish or
lllack Republican tree. Tho demand
for cherries lias also been stronger this
year than over beforo and oil rherrlea
lit for marketing will bo told. Tho
yield und demand this season liavn
demonstrated the feasibility cf the com
merclal growinirot chtrrlra In ihli vl.
elnlly and this year's experience will
probably lead to greater things hero In
this Industry.
Prosecution Offers Evidence to Rebut
Showing of Defense,
llolse, Idaho, July 17. In tlio tnl
tttgeri tit the ritno tigulntt Wlllim l
Haywood, tho prosecution put six wit
horse on the stand etirday to lehul
the evldeenco ot tho detente. They
tcstltlcd to conditions III the Coeur
d'Aleues III I81HI, mid to the iltiialiuii
In Colorado during tho strike period
of 11)0:1 and 11)01. Tho litiorlaiit wll
netises ot the day weio called to contra
dict the showing iiiiide by wltneeisrs tor
tho deloise for culling out the mllltla
ot Colorado other than a desire uhiii
tho mrt ot the mine uwuers to drive
inomlH-is of the Wtstoin holeiiitlcn ot
Miners from the mining district. One
witness llatly cntnidclted the evident
Int r duccd by the dileiise to show that
the explilon at the Vlndlcntor mine
was due to an accident.
While the big trial win going on In
the District couit, bofom Judge Fre
uioiit WikhI, an Interesting uflshoot ot
the case wns being heard by Jtitllee ot
the Peace Savage. W. II. Alter, the
depot agent, who was nrrestol charged
with lerjury, was brought before the
miglstrato for pielluilnnry lunrttik'.
Iho slate was icprosi-ntcd bv Prosnuit-
Ing Attorney Knebch, and tho prlminer
by Peter llreen, an attorney of llutle,
who has been as'oclatisl with Hay.
wood's counsel, having leu retained
by tho Mliinra' union ot lliitte to watuh
tho rase. Fred Miller, who was Orvh
aid's counsel at tho preliminary hear
ing nt CflMwtll, Immmllalely alter the
inurdei ot (lovrrnor NlciitionU'fi?. us-
slated Mr. Iticni,
A motion to dismiss will lxi nrune.1
litis afternoon. A Her was rolrasetl on
deoslt ot 2,o(K) IhuiiIs,
llawloy Declares Truth of Ottlu
ard's Story Proven,
Judge Wood Mulct Out Uvldsnct tt
Mlneownert' Coniplracy Point
Won fur I'rotscullon,
Dates for Tillamook Fair,
Tillamook It has been decided to
hold tho annual street carnival and
county fair In this city on August 22,
23 and 21. The fair this year will be
on a moro oxtonslvescalo than lostyea ,
with more substantial prires offered in
the stock show, which will bo mudo a
special featuro of the fair. As there
aro so many visitors and hemeseokors
Rush to Retorts Now On.
Albany The annual rush to summer
resorts Is now very unpaient In tills
part of tho stale. Newport receives
tho bulk of the exodus from tlila mtv
I.... 1 ... ""'p
urn. numuer or iccai peoplo aro spend
ing vncaMons at Cnscadla, Detroit and
othor mountain resorts. The west
bound Corvalllt A Kaitcrn trains aro
lunilcd dally and Ncvvriort Is said to be
experiencing tno higgwt rush In Its
Low Water Slept Navigation.
Albany ICIvor navigation on the
Upper Wlllametto hut been suspended
for tho summer, tho river now being
too low to permit aafo tralllc. Tho Ore-
gona made her last trip this week cud
no more boats will reuoli Albany until
tho fall rains bring tho rver up to a
greater depth.
Wheat Club, 80c; bluestem, 88
80c; valley, 80c; ml, Bio.
Oats No. 1 white, 27.OO028; gray,
Ilsrley Feed. 121.606122: browing
j . r -- -
Corn Whole,
per ton.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, fl7Q
18 r ton, Hastern Oregon timothy,
$2J23, clover, 10; cheat, IDQIO;
Vice President Starts East After Hit
Portland Barqutt.
Portland, July 17. Charles Warren
i-airiMiik, v'co pieldento
.State and griiorally conctl
candidate for the presldenry In 1008,
spent )-steruay in Ills com.
Ing was attended by iiomIiiio of artil
lery nor rataplan nt drums. 1 to was
here in a purely unolllclal rapaolty and
save fur tho Informal dinner tendered
hltn by tho Portland I'rnn rluli .1 ().
Nirvent Grill, tin ro was no nubile dem-
onrtratluu In his honor.
Tho livond citlten ot tho land was
Bwompanleil only by Private Hietary
King and took his dinners on iteming
a room at tho Portland hotel like any
ordinary private citlten.'
. Tlio Pre club had, Iho night before,
extended Mr. lalrlsvnks an Invitation
by telegraph to Ui tho irtleat of honur t
dinner, which Invitation ho arrcplod by
wire, and that dinner was tho feature
ot his visit and ono ot tho most sue
cessful affalis over held hero In eompll-
iiMiiw in it ii iinc man.
VIco President Falibanks liadniready
made himself en rannort with all tU
UlnersOy his uimfltctml ftlendliiirss,
lmt it remained for his addiess, which
wis entliely Iminomptii, to disprove
completely tho charge of frigidity ro
often mado against htm
While ho attempted no oratory, his
address was eloqucont In tlio highest
sense, ami lis sincerity was m mnmi
that nil his auditors were dccnlv Im.
no win leavo this morn I mi at H-.'m
over uio o. It. A N. for his homo In
lWe, Idaho, July 20. The fir l. U,
argiiincnt both (or the pnwuti-utv
defense of WlllUm ). lUrwixvl 1,
lieell IIiiiIIihI by Judge Woo. I, wIil St
division handixl down vesteiilny uitm.
il (roiiiwuisldriatloii by Iho jitiy ill
evldencn Uarlug on thenltegel ci,tr4i.
acy by uiliieiiwiirrsatiil others aglnit
thr Western I'cderatlnu of M urn.
Judge Wood deeldnl that the di time tl
llnywu.) had uiAiln mi legal ontii.t- lUo
ot thn Mlneowiieis' association, lU
I'ltlsons' nlllniiee, of Cojorsdo, an 1 IM
Pinkerloii agnnry with the tt
liijrlng a foundation toi the evldei--e is.
troduced by the defense to show tUt
tlw elwigti aKalnst Havwusl and bit t.
doleihlantu It the (Hilioiiin of a coMpli
aey to eitrrmlnate the I'mleralliHi
liiuiiiollately following the ami' once
iiieut ot this iIivIsWmi, aiguturit r m
uieiKed J. II, lliiwlrv. Iruihiiif cm.
sol for th stat-i, ske for two i on
and 16 minute o(ihnallcrmiirsma.
IhniiHiriiliigsosihii Imvlng been a4
louriitol to eivablo the Judge lo pirait
Ills decision,
Counsel for tho ihfeiue repmlc-Ur
Ititcrrtilitnl Mr. Hawlrv with nr,,ll.
and iibjfitlotis, lait tlipt nnly seeing
to sur nun to gieater ellort.
Ml llnwley concluded with thn sI.Ia.
i .1.- sr?.iC I ,,"",t "wl '' Iwlia-Mmwii rnoiul.
of heUnlteil ionivletaiidlhsl any Juryman nt
,Z ... ona" "" owniUHmUsiili1i.iin. e-.
nivtlng the iilH)lratorn with the blow.
lug up of the Hunker Hill A Sullivan
concentrator In I HOD and the eipl.HkMr
Isat the Vindicator mine In 1U08 alone
"sought only lo rid himself of an art
idraMiit duly to hit s'tnle."
t Mr. Itawlry will ronlliitin hit an-n.
iiieut toilay,
Judgi) Wooil has notified counsel r
the defense that he expects argumeat
fur thslr side to commence on MuixUy.
pouring into Tillamook on account ot Kraln hay, 1)10, alfalfa, fl.1(31i,
tho railroad building Into thu county,
evory effort will be nut forth by the
citizens to make this thu best fall ovor
held In Tillamook.
Acquitted of Land Fraud.
Eureka, Cal., July 10. A jury In
the roderal court this afternoon after
less than 10 minutes deliberation and
on tho first ballot found Georgo W.
Braco.Jformorlyof Eureka, new of Oak
land, nol guilty of conspiring to defraud
tho government out of valuable nuhlln
timber land In Trinity county.
Hundred dackles Desert.
Norfolk, Va.. July 10 Dnrlnirthn
nasi row woeM iuu desertions have
been listed and advertised from tho
battleship Minnesota, one of thn ,.
ships in Hamjiton Roads, Tho local
psllce were notified of 16 desertions
Deny Rates Ara Excettlvo
Salem A number of transcontinen
tal railroads havo filed witli the Inter
state Commcrco commission anawors to
tho complaint mado some timo ago by
tlio Oregon Railroad commission that
tho rates on denature! alcohol aro ex
cessive. Copies of tho answers havo
been served on tho Oreuon commission.
Tho answers vary aomowhat, but In
general they deny that tlio rates aro
oxcefslvo und aver that tho Oregon
commission has no authority to mako
rolled, f 2.1.60021.60 ter Indianapolis, making no stunt en route,.
na . . , . .a
,..., imtam, v-v, Cotaratin flrfi rtl.i.4...
Chicago, July 17. "Colorado Is the
most corrupt ttato In thu Union, It Is
overriden with graft l.yon tho wo
men, who aro possessed nt tho tight of
franchise, havo Uen reached bv mnmr.
iiiHTi'ffm. a iranon so cnint In
it. ...... i. i.. i...... 1 1... .1 - .
......v. in umwirixi iiy nil) peopll), 0
manor now Dad it it. Thmiiuhnut tlm
commonwealth vveallh overrides hourM-
ty ami tho popular will Is smetlurcd In
uoi ars.- juiigo lien II. I.lndsoy, D,n
vers uoiiingeient Juvenile court Judge,
wit In tho (Ireat Northern hottd ami ro.
cited a tlory ofa politically rot ton slate.
Artesian Well Gusher.
Baker City Artesian water, pure,
toft, clear, cold and flowinir in a stead v
stream, lias been diicovored by Androw
Lun on his place at North Powder, at a
depth of about 200 foot. Mr. Lun had
ueon uormg anout a week and was
greatly surprised whon he found water
at tills short distance bolow tho surface.
Ho will immediately sick two moro
wells to securo enough wuter for Irriga
tion purposes,
Apple Fair of Linn County.
Albany It has been dbTermlnod to
hold tho Linn county Applo fair one
woek beforo tho meotlnir of tho fitatn
Horticultural society in November.
Tliis will glvo local growers good oppor
tunity to collect a good exhibit to takj
to tho fruit fair in Portlund In connec
tion with the meotlnu of tho ituto so-
Hotter Creamory. 26eo27Mo nor
Poiiltrj Avoragu old hon, 16o per
pound, spring ohlckons, 17(7ol8oj old
roosters, 100120; dressed chickens, 10
17c: turkevs. live. Ho7il2ci drinr.l
choice, nominal; gecio, llvo, 10c;
Eggs Fresh ranch, candled, 2l25o
por dozen,
Frslts Cherries, 8 lOo por pound;
apples, l. 6002.26 box; storage Hplti
enbergs, 3.60 per box; cantaloupes,
2.60(S)3.60 per crate; peaches, 86cl
per cruto; raspberries, 11.2601.60;
blackberries. 8o?)12ko nor nonnd? In.
.-., . :, . - . i 'i -w
Kuiioernes, st.-.-o por cruto.
Vegetables Turnips, f 1.75 per sack;
carrots, 2.00 per sack; lioets, 2.00
per wick; asparagus, lOo pur pound;
beans, :i6c per pound; cabbage, 2Jij
per pound: celery, 11.25 tor doiuri! on.
cumbers, 60cl per Iwx; corn, 26
.'16c tier dozen i lultuce. head. 26n nnr
dozon; onions, 1620o per dozon; peas,
45o por pound; radishes, 20o per doz-
en; rliulierb, 31-io per pound; toma-
toes, $101.25 perorate.
Potatoca Now, 2o por jioiind,
Veal Drcseod, 6),8iic cr pound,
Jltef Droased bulls. au:?Hn i,
pound; cows, OQOo; country steors,
Mutlon Dressed, fancy, 80o pex
li.uu, uruuinry, O(o)o spring lambs,
OOOcpcr pound. '
Pork Dressed, 08)o per pound.
Hops 07Ko per pound, according
to quality.
,.)yp2'Ka'lorn 0rRon. average bosti
10022 per POltnd. accordlntr tn ulirlnU.
: --i. --- " - -'
ngoj yaiiey, xuqsxm, according to fine
Count Donl Finally Lotet.
Paris, July 17 Tlio appeal of Count
Donl do Cnttollano from tl .i..iuin..
of the court on November last granting
a divorce lo tho Countess Ilonl do Cat
tollone, foimcrly Mlts Anna (lould,
wiui dltmlsred tills afternoon and a
fliml decreo of dlvorco diily entered,
Attorneys for tho count made practical
ly no contest.
Livestock ExcharK Corventlon to
Consider I'ott Morten,
Kaims Clly. Mo.. Julv "0. f.iv.
ttock eoiiimlssloii flriiis In thn 16 pi in
olial market of tho eouritry, that ih
an annual lMtlnea estimated at WW,-
ivu.wo, were repnentnl here tUy
at tlio opiliig o the National Live
thxk r.xvhangaiHvlatn. The live
sUiek eonten represented Ineludcl near
Jy every elty of Imiwrlanra (rum lluf.
falo to Denver ami from Ht Paul to
Furt Worth. Twenty dolegntea ctme
from Chiengo.
Tlio Natlnilnl l'ielinm. la
thnclearliiu homo fur llm tmUn. i,.h.i
oxrhaiuren. dailies 0. Swift, of Kan.s.
Ulty, the president, said this morning
that the mortem question, ninnng other
thing, will Ui discussed and wild of it
In his annual addntt
"NViilloMuregirL thn faming of th
7.eent hog, wo rejoice that his memory
beam no taint ot -x moilem, and that
ho loft with us tho ever-welcoinu 7 en
seers and tho lowlv !....,. win. i.i
hlph-prleeil lleeee atwl slrung-sinellinr
Mr. Swift mild tint it t, ..
rhanges for vtan hml !,... n... 1...11 r...
shalls of oheap rldloulo und Iho bssia
ororltlelsinlsini either of itialhoor
Summer Qllxrard In Auttrla.
Vienna, July 17. A sudden oold
wave has struck Aiistrla.Iliinf.,rV .....1
condltloiiB aro prevailing- such as havo
not Ih'oii oxnerloncnd In inn ,r t,...
degrees reglstcrwlhoro yesterday. Tliero
s somo snow in tho mouiilaln districts.
Hummor vltltors uto tho hotels uru
Hiiowod in and tho railways ore not
Why Dreyfus Retired,
Paris, Julv 17 Tim Putri., ...vy 11,.
real reason for tho recent resignation
from tho army of Major A If rod Dreyfus
as k'caiiBo Ooiioral PJcqiuut, iho mln
Istor of war, rofused to glvo him tlio
rank of lieutenant colonel. fln..n.i
PJcquait tliaought it would bo Impolite
Cantda at IrrlRallon Fair.
Kaeramonto. Cal.. .tntv n v..,..i .
will send an exhibit of Irilgullnn pio
luita to tlio Interstate Jxh.sIIIoii to Ik
1. l U,l1c".y "t HeMwnlwr In
roi.nectlcn with (ho Notional Irtk-ntlou
'7' representative) of Albeiln
provlncocallclat hwdquarlors to ai
niiigofortholnttallatlouofM big dis
play. Ihooutloqkfvolntsto tho larg
est and moHt Important exposition of thu
kind our bed ! 11,.. uV., w
thousand dollars in trophies and prlzen
and Individual entries,
TeleRrsphors Will Arbitrate.
Han Francisco, July 20. Alter Indng
uii Just n month, the strlko of tho telo
Kraph operators In tho OaklnndnmlKait
Hanclsto olllces of tho Western Union
and Postal To eumnli ,-n,.,.,.i.M ...
HCtttlcil tills aftflriirnn. 'I'll.. i...
iilniott tiimiilinously voted to return to
work under tho tamo conditions mid
ixi.ur.isasprovollfil when thoy went
outtrlkonndtourbltrato tliolr giluv
anci and dlfforcnces, hi provided for
n the coinpromlso offer contained In
tho loiter from Cnlmmi n n ni.
June 20. " """' "'
Express Money HackaRo Stolon,
Columbia, fl. a.. .Tnit on it iu ...
.-.- I I ,. . l -"-.j vi i 9 IK-
Ssb - -raigzwar;
uewj uiojwir, cnoico, 20030c.