SCHMITZ IS DEPOSED Gallagher to Temporarily Occupy Mayor's Scat, SOON WILL YIELD TO ANOTHER OrlboryOraft Proaecullon la Now In Complete Control of Sin Fran cltco Government. ' rHsnKronolaco, Juno 1 A. Actinic un der Instruction from District Attorney YIIIImn Id tangdon, tlin ban id u( in. iwivlaor uliurtty aftsr 7 o'clock last .iliiht adopted a reeolutlon declaring Mayor KuKnt) K. hchmlt temporarily fJ unable to iei(orm III official duties and amiolnlliig Supervisor Jninrn I.. Galla gher noiliiK mayor. Tha Utter says lie will aaauiuo tlin mayoralty at once ami lin denies that ho ha made with tlio district aaltorney or with any one ole an agreement to resign at command, In order to tnaka way fur a reform mayor, whoso iiamo I yet to I announcM. Mr, IjttiKdmi, Asalatant Dlttrkt At torney Honey, Rudolph Bpreckola and tliolr liumcdUto associates In tlin bribery-graft prosecution aiu by thli move placed In actual rcntrul of tlin mnrilol mI situation. Tim I tboy will Iw allow. -d o to rrliialn without Itvnl contest by tlu convicted inaynr'a attorney I nor, inspected. Ill tlin plan of tlin prosecuting forve lo ask for tho resig nation In n few day ol some ono ol (be 1H iiervlor. Ibla fortltcomlng, act lug Mayor Gallagher will appoint to thn vcanry a inan named by tbu dl trlct attorney, Bo twioii na bo take -office. Gallagher will renin" from Um mayor' chair and hi rwtlgnatlon will lo aivep.ed. The lnrd, aclinic undai -older from the pre-m.-iitlon, will then rice I tlio now incmU'r ltd president pro iemi-oto and by vlrtun ol that olllco be "will at onco liecunio acting mayor. ODESSA IS STORM CENTER. Dlnolutlon of Douma It Halted With Joy by Reactionists. Odessa, Juno JR. Tbo now of the dissolution of tbo douma and the tin inner' manlfili) was received with JitillH'fnctlon by tlin Progressive hero, who bad not oxptcted tb abrogation of I hit laws so fat foiced from tbo got urn ini'iit, but protnked tbo blithe' enthus Inain fioin tbo Union of Trtio liusalaii, who today rvlebinled tbo rcnt with tlio sanction ofithc authorities. Accompanied by a Cos-nek land (be Tiuo Itiiimlau matched In profession to tbo cathedral, where a trw-clul ser vlru wan bold, Tbry carried huge litis. alan banner and bust of high govern, incut official. Tnero woronovxur- lse. Hlnco tlin dissolution of the douma tbo jkiIIcc liavo ai rested more than 300 ixTiKinr, Including three professors, tbo leader of the different Radical ortict md tovoral falinllos, IucIiuIIiik a nnin Iter of children. Governor General KaullMra summoned befaro him 11 Iiublla official and warned thoinagatnat commenting on the dissolution, other vine tliolr punishment would Ihj iui tension. Fir Dettroyt Montana Town, llutto, Juno 18. A pedal o tbo Miner from Harlowtown, Mont., taya; "I'lro which bioke out In Marshall's general stoio ha practically destroyed till village, llofore tho lire could Iw -controlled everything In tho bushiest ntrccta bad been burned except ono atoro and tbo railroad tiitlon. Tbo build ing destroyed Inoliulo tlio Loland bo. tel, lkmjamln Tur'or's general iUnp, a moat market, two saloon and n num. tier ol ctbor limine building, Tbo loci N eatlinnted at about $128,000, with small Inanrrtiioc." lea Dlocki St. Michael. Seattle, Wash., Juno 18. Ice, li itlll blocking St. Michael, Alii.ka. Tbo lHir-noiiKtHH on tbo III fntod ateamor Jlilo, trnuilerrvtl to tbo steamer Uma. tllla and Hont forward, Imvo boon lam). d on an Ico floo, and roporbj recelvcil totlny IndlcuUi they madun prccarloiia way over tbo Ico to 8t. Mlobaol. Tbo tmvelcra bound for that port, 61 In number, reached Hi. Mlchaol over tho Ico and thon lmulo way In a almllar manner far tho Ntonmor Kllu to go up tbo Yukon. Devlin Mutt Aid Japaneta. Ban Krunolnco, Juno 18, United Htatca Dlatrlot Attorney Devlin today jocolvod a letter from Attornoy Gonoral llonapiitto In lesponee to that which bo aent contalnlrg a report on tbo riot through" vfhlch a Japane.o iritaurant was dmnBRod, It Is reportod, howovor, that bo has boon Instructed to lend wbatovor asalitanco bo can to tbo Jap anoae, New Yorker Die of Heat. Now York, Juno 18, Flvo dentin and aovorol prostration, duo to tbo beat, wero reported yeatorday. Tha vreatbor bureau ehowed a temperature -si 00 at nooa. RUSSIA IS QUIET. Peoplo Rocalyo Nw of Ozar'a Ac tion In Hllonco, Ht. Puter-btirg, June 1H, Tbo dliuto lutlon of tbo aeeond douma vtitn receiv ed throughout HI, 1'eler-lnirg with or feet trampilllty, thank to tbo prrxnu tlonaty irieaaurM, and In no pltico In Itua-la, mo far a known, More Micro any icrlou dlnhirlxincc", Demonatiatluna among Bt. 1'eUr. burg workmen nro nnliclpntxl birnor row, but tbo nutborltle nio not alarm oil, Tboy prof oi to bo cb Icily appro hitimlvo over tbo txiblllly of rioting and racial eicoaaca In OiIwm and In Kiev mid other clllea where parly freb Ing run high. An outbreak of agrarian die-order In aavoral ir-lon (if tho cm plro la anticipated later, wbon tbopa. antry learn of tho dln-olutlon, but a ajilrft of ipilct ooiifldonco In tho ability of tbo government to bundle tho altua tlon prevail In administrative clrule. Now of tbo dlipolutlon reached tbo Bt. I'eteraburg wiper Uh Into foi their laal edition, but the public wa quick ly Informtxl through uitra and great ikwIoi net out by tlio policoatallatrcet corner, containing tlio ukao announc Ing tlin dlaaolutlon and the Imperial manifesto. WON'T RUSH STRIKE. Tlef;raphar Raatlra Oraat Cott to tiutlnatt That Would Follow. Now York, Juno 1H. The Commer cial Telegrapher' union lia not yet received an aruwer to tho demand on tbo Wo-lerii Union Telegraph computi), net-nnllng to l'naldent H. J. Kinall, of the union. After a meeting of the ex ecutive eommltteo tonight, Iratb l'rel dent Hmall and Brctary Tnaaurcr Itui-nll left tho city, Mr. Itu-iell re turning to Chicago. l'naldent Binall notlflp.1 all tho un ion 'cxlay that tbo ataterneut that tbo adjuitinrnt of grievance bad Iwell ot tMinnl wa untrue, and dlucted them to bold themaehe) In rendlneM for lin iorlant Information. I'reldent Bmall alto l-jued a itatc merit in which lie anld that local union all ovr tbo country were clamoring lor a atrlko, tut that thoy liml Ix-en nollflol that they rnu-t take no action without pormlMion from Uio natloual olllcer. lin added tint In view of the fact that a atrlko would lo coatly to bin I tic- in on tbrougbuut tho country, the liutlonal boatd of tlio union wa. anxlou to avert It if poulblc. JAPAN NEEDS MONEY. Thought That I hit Can Raited In Franca Now. l'arla, June 18. While political con Idcratluna of high order contributed to the negotiation of tbo new rianco-Jap nnono entente, there I no longer any doubt that the auUtnntlal quid pro quo given ny nanco wa tlio promlrv ol ac c to tlio French maikct for future Jnpnueiw loana. Jnm did net need n French guarantee for Corra and Forino an, but a Japaneio guaiantre for Indo China wa wurtb a great deal to France. Japan, aecoidlng to the conlblentlal ttatoment made by romo of her high- rat renrmcntatlVM in I.urcpo will iietol aomellilng llko live billion franc (f 1, 000,000,000) within tbo noxt fow year to convert her preicnt high rnto loana and to furnlab tbo capital nroeerary for luduiltlal and commercial devolopment In Manchuria. SCHMITZ MAY UPSET PLANS. It Ho Socurot Ball, Hchemo for Re organization May Oe Dalayad. Fan Fmncltco, Juno 18. A radical cbango in tbo executive branch of San Francl-co'a government la contingent on dmolopmciita In tbo cao pt Mayor Bchmltx, -who la tcmpoiarlly Incapacl bitod by lemon of Ida Impiltomncnt In tbo county jail. Tbo date for tbo patting of aentonco on Mayor Bcbmlta In tbu extortion meoa on which bo baa boon convicted baa Won act for Juno 27. l'rlor to that ditto bo cannot polbly proouio 111, according to tbo decision of Judgo Dunne, but tbo law provide that after judgment liaa been punted, tho mattor of allowing ball la discretionary with any inaglatrnto having jurltdlctlon. Cormcquoutly, If Judgment It pii"ol on tho ilalo act, Mayor Bcbmlti will have ground for a now application for bail. Confirm Report of Treaty. Pnrli, Juno 18, Tbo nows of tbo signing of treaties by Franco and Bpaln ami Grout llrltuln and Bpaln, mutually guaranteeing tbo integrity of their re apcctlvo countries and their inaiilar and colonial potaotaloiiB In tho Kaat Atlant ic and Mediterranean nml which wna ofllclally denied, waa fully confirmed today liy SI, notion, lrcnoh mlnlater of foreign uffalra. The fact that bo bad not, at tbo tlmo tho iiowb wtva flrtt publlahod, comtnunlcatod with tho power Intorcated, led to tho oitlolal donlal. Mexico Haa Oar Famine. Toircon, Mx Juno 18. Willard B. Mono, an olllolnl nf tho Amorlcan BmoltlngA Hoflnlng company, atatod yeatorday that mining and einoltlng In toretti in Moxloo are facing a crisis In tbo mattor of fuel and oro transportation. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL OhANQE OF POUTS. Oentral Moving of Foreign Repre tantatlvat of Uncle Sam, Wa-hlngt'iu, Juno 22. Feeling that hi iiKofuhi'F aa Ainerlciin conaul at Kan Balvador ba been Impaired, tlio Btato department baa decided to find another pout for John Jenkins. This olllco Ixuamo embroiled In the quarrel between Nicaragua and Hahudor, Bamuol K. Maglll, at prencnt Amorl can comml and Tamplco, Mexico, will It) tranferrrd to Ban Balvador, wbcro Mr. Jcnklna linn been atatloncd slnco 1HU0. Tbo appointment of l'orclval Doilgo, at preterit recretary of the Amer ican embay at Toklo, Japan, to fill tho new pott of mlnlater to Guatemala, leave a vacancy at Toklo, which will probably bo filled by tho transfer of 1'oter Auguatut Jay from tbo cinha-ay at ConaUntinoplo. Thla change In turn will afford an opportunity for tbo Mate department to reward I'hlllp M. lliotvn, at present secretary of the American legation at Guatemala and Homlurai, for rtl's rendered In bringing alwut the termin ation of the war bctwrtn tahador and Nicaragua, NO THROUQH ROUTE LIKELY. Intarttate Commlttlon Cannot Adjutt In Tim for Convention. Washington, June 10, The Inter itatn Comrntrvc coinmliulon wl,l tako no further atep looking to tlio ootab lUhinent of a through route for pa-rn-gor going to Brattle to attend the Christian F.ndenvor convention by way of Portland. Hflortt mado this week by CommUalonrr liino to ailjutt lb dlffoienrtf between tbo Ilarrlman and Hill Interests over thla through butl lira waa based on an Informal rcqueat, the matter being incident to freight dlscutilon, and tlie couimltnlon cannot take action unletm formal complaint It fllnl. If tuch complaint It filed now, however, tbncoiumlailon could not act In tlmo to benefit Chriatlan Kndeavor visitor, aa It would requite a beating and aigumciit, both of which consume tlmo. Clean Mtdal for Bravery Wellington, Juno 20. -A bronxo West Indian medal waa today aw anted by tbo Navy department to Hear Ad miral 1 low inn n II. McCalla, U. B. N., retired, for specially meritorious con duct other than In tattle. The medal waa hrttowed fur "rescuing crow from and In close proximity to binning hlw, after the (xittlo of Santiago, July 9, 1KVIH " McCalla, then commander of tho Marblehead, took bla slilpclcoo to tbo burning vessela of Cervora'a fleet and rracutiNl Knlib aallora at great risk of tho exploding magazines. Diplomat Not Reco;nlzd. Washington, June 22. BccreUry Itoot liat ihvllnol to grant tbo request of Dr. Angel Uigarto to ba recohed at the dopaitmcnt aa the diplomatic repre sentative of tho Ilouduran provisional government, which amounts to a refus al to tccognlze that government at this time. New Northwaat Pottmattera. Washington, Juno 21. Washington poatmattera appointed: Klk, living Miller, vice W. It. Kelaey,did; Ham mond, Mary 0. Dietrich, vice Gebbaid Dietrich, resigned. Oregon Clydo L. Trapp vlco K. M. Trapp, resigned j Itovebuig, II. J. Almar Candoll vice August llyny, reclgnnl. Sandt Cbarltton to Aitorla, Waablugton, Juno 21. At tbo re quest of the chamlier of commerce of Aatorla, Brnator Itourno eccured an or der from tho Navy department directing tho cruiser Charleston to bo In Astoria harbor on July 16, tbo day of Ylco President Falihauka' reception In that city. Portland Boy for Annapolis. Watblngtop, Juno 22. Henry W. lllagon, of Portland, will bo admitted to tbo naval academy at Annapolis, aa Iboappolnteo of Representative Jonea, of Washington, provided be paacea the examination, lit wtts appointed mid shipman laat week by Senator llourno New Northwest Pottmatters. Washington, June 22,Joscph J. F. Wnsur baa been appointed postmaster at Knglewood, Wath,, vice Mary Gard iner, resigned, and Ueorgo K. t'ayno appointed regular, and Frank Lackey lubatltuto rural frco delivery carrier, routo 2, at Hillsboro, Oregon, Northwott Postal Affairs, Washington, Juno 10. (.Mills 0. Disney has been appointed regu ar, Charles M, Dlzney substitute, rural froo dellvory carrier, routo 1, at Mad ras, Or. l)eulah J, Atbcrton has been appointed postmaster at Nnlln, Or., vlco w, W. Atlierton, resigned. National Bank for Corvalll Washington, Juno 20, The Denton National bank of Corvallls, Or., has boon authorized to begin buslnosa with a $60,000 cardtat. A. J. Johnson ia president and John F, Allen, cashier. LUMBER TRAFFIC ENORMOU8. Mors Than 150,000 Carloada of Saw td Timber from Northwaat. Washington, Juno 20. Official Waahington was given soma astonish ing statements when counsel argued Intra liisfnrn 4 tin Iritis pat salsa -t.i (..- .ViSWIV UUIVIU SMU MIIVM WtU VUIIHIIVIVU commission lor inoir clients in me cnno Involving tho through Joint rato via tho I'ortUtid gitoway, risked for by I'uget Bound inillmcn, on forctt products originating In Western Washington. Ofbclal Waahington and through It the nation learnod that Western Waahington and Western Oregon atone cut annually 17 per cent of tho entire output of sawed lumber In tbo United etatci; and that nearly 00 per cent of Mie shingles supplied to the Middle West come from the North PaclOt coast; that something llko 160.000 to 176,000 carloads of forist products an nually I the freight originating in tho two North Coast states; that the gigan tic railroad systems comprising tho Northern I'aciilo, Gtest Northern, Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy. Oregon Railway A Navigation company. South ern Pacific, Union Pacific and Oiegon Bboit Line have been utterly unable to move mote than ono-third of this offer ed traffic, and that onougb sawed lum bal and shingles lie In the mill yards In tho Noitli Coast to load to engine capacity thousand of train hauled by clgbt-dtlvor mountain "hogs." DROP ARMAMENT QUESTION. America Will Not Ralto It and Europe Oppottt It Washington, June 18. It can bo stAted on authority that Uie American delegates to The Hague conference wll not bring up for dltcusslon the question of limitation of armatnonts. That mat ter it regarded es a purely Kuropcan question at present and at the result of another year's work by Professor De Martens, at the various capitals of Ku ropo, ba been to thresh out pretty thoroughly the whole matter, and tnako evident tho fact tliat at Icaat four o the great powers are averse to the con aldetation of tbo disarmament question, tho Washington government regards itself ss lelleved from tho necessity of bringing this matter to the fore. It Is the opinion here, alto, Inst tho subject of limitation of armament will not now Ik broached by any ot the powers repioscntcd at Tho Hague con ference. Alaska Land Rsitorsd to Entry. Washington, Juno IS. lly suthorlty of tbo secretary of tbo Interior, there will become subject to settlement, on Bcptctnbet 30, and to entry on October 30, 1007, about 2,080,000 acres ot land In Alaska. Tho land restored was withdrawn on June 30, 1003 for tbo proposed Northon Day national forest. and la situated Immediately on the north shore of Norton Bound, north of Bt. Michael, and about 60 or 00 miles south of tho Aictlooliclo ,ln the Juneau land district. Many Will Loae Navy Joba. Washington, June 20. With the ap proach of the new fiscal year, when, ae coidlng to tho terms of tho naval per tcnnel act thorn must bo some heavy pruning In tho various commissioned grades In tho navy, more concern ia being expressed among the officers on duty nt tho department ever tho fact that up to ttils moment not nearly enough officers have applied for retire ment to meet tbo needs of tbo system upon which the law wot bated. There aro 24 vacancies to bo mado ubovo the grudo of junior lieutenant. Eastern Oregon Forest Withdrawn. Washington, Juno 18 About 001,. 700 acres of land now under temporary withdrawal for forestry pur pesos ad Joining Wcneha and Imnaha national foiosts, Oregon, in Wallowa and Union counties, will becomo subject to settle ment on September 30, but not to entry filing or selection until October 30. st tho land office at Ia Grando. New National Bank at Rltxvllle. Washington, Juno 18. Tbo Pioneer National bank, of Itltxvllle. Wash., bar boon authorized to begin business with a capital of $76,000, O. II, Groeno la the president, U. h. hhlpman vice pica blent, and W. H. Martin cathlor. Oregon Postal Charges. Waehlnetnn, Juno 18, On July 1 tbo nostoltlce at Seaside. Or., ia to bo raised to the presidential grade, and tho s dory of the pottmastor fixed at $1,41)0, Culdesac, Idaho, la raisod to $1,100. Nsw Northwest Pottmatters Washington, Juno 20. Postmasters appointed! Oregon Yalnaz, Alice L, Fplnk, vice J. W. Evans, resigned. Wa-hingtn Bluestam, Henry Lloyd, vlco O F. Mangos, removed. Enlarge Fort Wright Gnard Houta Washington, Juno 10, Tha secre tary ot wsr today alloted $16,000 for the enlargement of the guardhouse at Fort Wright, Wash. MUCH .EVIDENCE IN REBUTTAL. Main Reliance of Haywood Protec tion Is on Conspiracy. Dolso, June 17. Tlio announcement mails by tho prosecution in the Hay wood caso Saturday Uiat it would have lis testimony in chief concluded by or on Wednesday next, taken in connection with the fact that Micro Is to bo no oth er session until Tuesday, lias crested a fooling that the stato Is not going to present such a strong caso of corrobora tion rw wss anticipated. Tlio reason for Uilt feeling is probably twofold, that tbo law of conspiracy as laid down In this state Is not fully understood by i ne puunc and that tbo oxtonl to wlilcii tlio stato may rely upon rebuttal testi mony it not known. Tbo law aa laid down in tbo Corco ran caso Is very broad and It It under stood Its general principles apply in tills case, but that fact Is not grasped. For Instance, It has bn argued by some of tbo newspaper writers In their communications that the stato must corroborate Orchard's statement that Haywood sent him to kill Etennenbcrg. SCHMITZ MUST8TAY IN JAIL. Judge Hat No Discretion and Qtvss Sheriff Strict Orders. Ban Frannclsco, June 17. "No ball for Eugcno E. Bchmitx," the convicted mayor of Ban Francisco, was the ruling made by Judge Fiank II. Dunne, In the application made by the mayor's coun sel that bo bo given his liberty under bond pending sentence, which the court will pronounce on Juno 27. Judge Dunne adopted as his own the stand of Uio prosecution that In the eyes of the law tbo mayor It no different from any other person on whom tbo jury baa set tlio brand ot lelony. Ex-Judgo J. C. Campboll. tho may or's chief counsel, mado tho formal mo tion for tbo admittance ot his cltcn, to ball on the strength of an affidavit In which tho mayor sayt that, by reason of having been compelled to elve al most hit whole time and attention to hit trial for the last four weeks, public business requiring his attention bos been delayed and there is now a larco amount ol it pending and undetermined and requiring bis immodiato attention. RESUMES DESPOTIC POWER. Czar Dissolves Douma snd Chanegs Existing Laws. St. Petersburg, June 17. Emporor Nicholas affixevd bis signature Satur day to an Imperial ukaeo abollchingthe present douma and ordering that the elections of members to Its successor. which is to meet November 14. be held under the new election law, which pro vides agtlntt tbo "anbmergenco of the educated claseet by the uneducated manes." This action constitutes a virtual coup U'etai and overrides tlio fundamental laws solemnly proclaimed by bis males ty on tho ovo of Uio convocation of Co first douma, which declare that tho electoral law can never bo changed without tbo consent of parliament itseu. iius breacb ol tlie constitution is justified by Uie great law of necessi ty, tho advisers of tbo emperor holding u impossible under present conditions to secure r. pail lament capable of co operating Harmoniously witli Uie crown and rescuing Russia from ansichy and revolution. NO CONTEST ON BOND ISSUE. Union Psclfic Votes $100,000,000 for Improving Line. Bait Lake City, Juno 17. At a (pe dal stockholders' meeting of the Union Pacific Railroad company hero it waa decided to Iseuo $100,000,000 in new stock. Tho Issue ia for Uio purpose of meeting tho expenses ot improvements, piesent and prospective, along the lino of the Union Pacific. The exact voto on tho bond issue was 2,103,316 shares out of a total of 2, 080,000 shares. While tho poll was kept open for two hours as required by statute, the proceedings were merely perfunctory. It was explained by tbe officers of tbo company that the new stock issue ia not to bo sold immediate ly, but ia to be held foi the ledemptlon of $76,000,000 of convertible bonds. Strike Kills Havana Cigar Trade. Havana, Juuo 17. The clgarmakors' strike Is paralysing the Industry. Tho mos& iccent compilation ot statistics by experts shows a rapid decline slnco February 23, the date ot the beginning of the atrlko. The total number ot cigars exported in fivo months this year was 03.807,000, against 106,111,000 for tho corresponding months last year. The value ot the exports duiinr this period was $4,277,000, compared with $0,632,000 during tbe corresponding period fo 1000, when there were no labor troubles. Railroads Mutt Comply. !! Lincoln, Neb., June 17. Attorney General Thompson has filed an Injunc tion against four of the prinoipal rail road line in Nebraska to compel them toxnatntaln the two-cent faro and anti pass enaotraentta, now operative, and to put Into effect the commodity freight rate on July 0, NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Fona for Bflsy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWQ COFTTINENTS A Resume of the Leas Important but Not Less Interesting Events of tha Past Weak. 'A Seattle restaurant has declined to servo Japanese Daniel Otlrs, a Paris banker, han left $6,000,000 to the Fatteur Insti tute. Tho derailment of a work train near Detroit. Minn., resulted In tha death of two men. Tbe consul general of Guatemala to the United States says President Cabrera Is In tho best of health. Tbo trial of Louis Qlass. general manager of tho Pacific States Telo- pono Company, will start In a few days. Tho telegraphers' strike In San Francisco came as a surprise to East ern men who thought tho trouble all acttled. Many French soldiers havo de serted and joined tbe rebels In tha wlno-growlng district where rioting Is serious. Presidents of all western railroads havo a schemo whereby they hope to Inaugurate a 2 cent passenger rato on nil roads. Tho Standard Oil Company is se curing control of various railroads) which will giro them a continuous lino from ocean to ocean. Qrover Cleveland Is reported aa being III, but In no gravo danger. Tho Vandcrbllts have gained con trol ot several belt lines running out of Chicago. Bchmltx has set un a plea that ha la too 111 to be In jail and should ba released on ball. Prcaldcnt Cabrera, ot Guatemala, la reported to be dying. Blood pois oning Is given as the cause. Prince Pcscar. a member ot tho Italian nobility, was killed In an au- tomobllo accident near Kapha. A bill for a receiver of tho Waters Plorco Oil Company haa been filed In the Federal court at Sherman, Toxas. A number ot business houses on Van Ness avenue, San Francisco, have been destroyed by fire. Loss $260,000. Rioting In Southern Franco brought out tho troops and In tho clash that followed sovcrnl persons wero killed. Two of tho regular stages from Raymond. Cal.. to Wawona were held up and about $260 In money and considerable jewelry secured. Tho "Dlack Kid" is supposed to have dono tho work. Rutslan officials fear no ontbreakp aa a result ol tbe dissolution of the douma. France Is threatened with a revolt in the sonUi over Uio wine growing Indus try. Governor Hughes lias signed the bill grantiug a recount ot the New York mayoralty vote. Tho Adams Express company haa Just paid dividends to the extent of 200 per cent in bonds. Ruet has been gven another week to antwer indictments In connection with the United Railways bribery. Tbe ttsto hat Introduced letters) written by Haywood which Implicate him In the Bteunenberg murder. China Is grateful to the United SUtea for a reduction ot the indemnity grant ed at the close of the Boxer trouble. Bchmlts has notified Uie supervisors that he Is mayor and any action taken without his sanction will be fought. Uonjamin Ide Wheeler has declined tho presidency of a Massachusetts col lege In order to remain with the Unl- vortlty ot California, although tha Massachauetta position pays $6,000 per year more. Market quotations are to be posted on Union Paolflo trains. Denver Is full ot delegates to attend the land law convention. Tbe new Salvadorean revolution la not making much headway. Limitation ot armament will not come before The Hague conference. The wife ot ex-Governor Wells, ot Utah, haa been fatally hurt in an auto wreck. Baron Kaneko Is to succeed Aokl as Japanese ambassador to tho United States. A fire In a Boston garage destroyed between 36 and 40 automobiles, valued at $100,000. Prominent railroad surgeons believe that many wrecks might be averted il the employes weie retired upon leach I Ing 40 yean.