The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 21, 1907, Image 7

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Juillrlnl flattery,
"On what ground, lr," ttrrnly aiktd
lli Juilje, "do you iek tu trail your
duty Ha it cIlKrnV
On (lit) .round, your honor," rrixnii
til III man wlm luil lru iiiminniird a
Juror, "(tint I m Ofi yer olil and no
lonirr Ifgally liable lo Jury tervlrt."
"Vim limit look ll ljr Iwrnly year,
Ir," mIiI ih judge, "Iiut your eicuit U
ulNi'lrni, ainl, of I'liuruK, 1 hll nut "
va "Willi, your honor," Interrupted Hi
; other, "Intiimich your lionor put It
befor in In I tin lliht of my iluty
rlllii-ii, mil willing to wait my rlnlm
In eirlilpllull mnl will terrt with plrf
, i
.llllWAHti K. ItUIIION.-AMayer r 1 CTiemM.
! IiIiHIM'i4iiiI'i ni mien prloei Hul.l,
. . Ilrr,le.l,flllikl, Hllvr(1a-llM,t''lM0l
iW"il! l'inlit Inn. Ullli.( nlr ami
"I hill -rtr lilt xnluil eilllrallBii. Control ami Uw
f lll.wMk .lulled. jllllelu lMIW htr
t Hval llaaa.
Ill Men.
Mr. Joe Kerr I see tlm bunion
Irfiilk(' World h dltcuvcrvd that uo
cefiil people art iitually quite iIutuIiI
of tumor,
.Mr. Joo Kerr How Idlotlcl Why, it
,Vrmni win) U devoid of lillinor cnn't
' "lbly bo a succcisl YoiiUcraStatc
Shalt M Yr 3ht
A!ln'i font !', A itilr, ll inaiet tlfh'
or new ihiire I ety. It li rertain ruili'
.line, ralloui unit lint, llrxl, ortilUK lo 1. 1
Sold tir nil luiireliti. I'rlro no. 'ritlrfl' t
t Mailed rlllX. Aildieie Allen H.OIUule.1,
UIUjiw Ymk.
"What 1II1I )ou think of the apeakcr
last night."
-Oti, hU )roh wna almply magnlfi
Cf nt t It waa no exhaustive r
" Twos, rliV
"Yn, Im eiliniutrd everybody In lit
HI. Vil !'' ea all Mimi Iila-aiee
trraeriiiir run
' rurr.1 l.r lr. Kin
llw. I.1-, ill Arch Hi
ll ll.'a lilt, I
ii.mff,r. mi r.
tKrtll ah
lIMllfa. III. IklLKIlB..
"Your college irilticrn mint fine
leliiiriis "f American youth."
"Vn4, ntul e'rr. turning out good
men every day." -Pelican.
MiTICK-Thtfnlloiilli aniinunrera'lile era
IrnM leading buillieM luen and flrwl, eud art
well uill)r )imr tatflul l'lln 111 Hit
iMt rutiulii Juil lb 1'umIuou juu art look
In. Ir.
lliannlr I (( nil Ihamaikrl wiiat)mi ran
ronllarl lo r Jour rlntv Irn Italm a ilaf
Atuuilanrvul ami I'llra IINIOJ r aria
J 4)iuihl torn In ur will lur I'aiiU-u
hiokatif, WMliltiflon.
It Ctti) 11 C11 N li til E11I
BHWI Kit. Wtto Willi 0)1!
Portland Orejon
Tli ItvnirJr.
"You'ro not In love. Hobble. You
only think you are."
"Well, Ikjw tho dlckeua am I to find
out my mlMako If I am mistaken)"
"Oh, iimrry tho woman by all
mean." Home Note.
Contagious Wood Poison has trou,;ht inorcBudcrlnfr, lulscn'nml liumila
tloit into tho world tlinu nil other disease combined ; there is hardly nny
limit to its powers for evil, It is tho blackest ami vilest of nil disorders,
wrecking tlm lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it nnd often being
transmitted to innocent offspring, n blighting legacy of euffcring nud shame.
So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it
by using tho same table ware, toilet articles or clothing of one in whose
blood the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison
but a very deceptive 011c. Only thoso who have learned by bitter experience
know liv tho little tiorc ot ulcer, which usually makes its nppearauco first, of
tho milfcring which is to follow. It comes in the fonti of ulcerated mouth
nnd throat, unsightly copper colored jtpots, nwollcn glands in tho groin,
falling linlr, offeuslvo sores nud ulcers on tho body, nud in sevens cases the
finger nails drop off, tho bones become diseased, the nervous tiystcm. is nliat
tcrcil nud tho sufferer becomes nu object of pity to Ills fellow man, Kspecl
nllv is the treacherous nature of Contagious Wood Poison, nhown when the
infected person endeavors to combat tho poison with mercury and potash.
Thcso minerals will drive nwnynll outward tiyinptonitt of the troubles foi
n while, nnd tho victim is deceived into the belief that ho is cured. When,
howcvcr.tho treatment is leftoff hoflmlsthnt tho poisouhas only been driven
deeper1 into tho blood nud tho disease reappears, hud usually in worso form
because thcso strong minerals have not only failed to remove tho virus from
tho blood but have weakened tho entire system becauso of their destructive
nction. S. 8, S. is sho only real nud certain euro for Contagious Wood Pol
son. It is made of n combination of healing blood-purifyiug roots, herbs
and barks, tho best in Nature's great laboratory of forest nnd field, We
oiler a reward of ft. 000 for proof that 8, 3, S. contains n particle of mineral
8. 8. 8.
ever ttecu again, and ouspring is protected,
Writo for our epccinl book on Contagious Wood Poison, which fully ex
plains tho different otngcsof tho trouble, nnd outlines ncomplcto homo treat
ment for nil suffcrcraof this trouble. No charge is mado for this book, nud
If you wish special medical ndvico about coso or nny of its symptoms, out
physicians will bo glad to furnish that, too, without hurge,
Banking by Mai
On savings deoilt of dollar
or more, com toii ruled twice
every year. It I lint at easy
lo open ft Haying Account with
tu by Mail a If you lived naxt
door. Fond for our frno book
lot, "Hanking by Mall," and
learn full particulars. Address
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Wanhlncton Sis.
W'ralrrn Mriimii.
AproiMR of tlw itiuilirootu growth of
now ttMViia on Hut WYatrrn fruntlrr a
loromotlre cuclmrr n-Uti'a tho follow-
"Onn day I n Orlvlns my rnln
ncromi tlm prnlrlf whi-n auildnily a m
klilorablo town loomed ui nliMil wlirro
nothing had uliownl up tlir day before.
"'What town' thUy Miya I to uiy
"lllamrd If I know,' Mya Hill. 'It
tvnan't hero when wo went otrr tho
road ycnli'nlny.'
"Well, I alowrd down, and directly
we iulhil Into tho alatlon, where over
Ilr hundred wiile wrru waIIIds on
tu platfonu to tho first train cuiuo
'Tho conductor cam alone up front
and aaya to mot
"'Jim, Drat we know we'll bo run.
lilnjr, by name lintmrtant place, (let thl
town down on your lltt nnd I'll put a
brakeman out on tho rear platfonu to
watch out for town that prlug up
after tho train ceta by.'" Minneapolis
A dltU' Krliiwl nl the hlbril rlata. CollfRl.
IO.I-llmriil Xutla. Alt. Klwutltfti. Uyta
iiMluni, fall lnn nn rifplf mlr 14.
iltsO foil CAIAIOGUC
I. - .. ... -A
line roruana uicanu maniei uo.
Will Ultt'l loilir )uu faittrulatt ataml
lla I'aulltut larauil. Xwate. f.tiutl-l
ami l.tirauillo lilt, wliulfiai alll itUIL
IAMCS r. IIAIlKtR, rraa,
317 Marquam Hid.. I'mIUimI, Of tie
l'ii olil flioiiih to wr an In britl ioi of up
loilttt trrtilllic IVtl.iro liitnlilipj wild
ttjr fit i. Will nit yvur wanli.
111 nny lonn. a. . a, goes down 10 tne
very bottom of the trouble nnd bycleausiug
tho blood of every particle of tho virus nnd
nddiugricli, healthful qualities to this vital
fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder,
So thoroughly docs 3. 8, 8. cleanse tho
circulation that no signs ot the disease ore
Una I'IhpfiI Nrtrral l.nrf Orilrrt In
lm t.'llllfil NlHlra,
III 11 iilut way lla Imperial piveni
merit of Japiiii 1m lutm phtrltij: nhiim
lil( ordcrit In tho riuirki'U of the United
HIiiIcn which will help to km-p ottr In
iluntrli'H buy. I'nyiiM'iit for Iho riii
plli'H onliTitl will dlitrlbuUr III thl
country comic of tho capital which t'nlt
itl Htnli'H lim-iitora purliil with when
the) hqiiKht tho JitWlic! ImiiiiIk,
l-'runi 11 reliable noumt It In arver
taliieil that tho onlera now placed In
thl country by Japan for rntlroad mip
pile mid In tlm ruiirno of execution UK
Kreicaln In value tlm litr'c milu of $7,
(HKi.OO't. An order wa recently plnceil
with tlm I'lillcil Hlntcx Htii-I Corpora
titui for ni.iXXi totm of rail to Im dellv
ered In Iota of (t.Mio ton n month at
the ntntiihird prb-o of fl!X n ton.
'I'liino rail, with tho fnatiiiliw. will
coat tho liniwrlnl cuveriiment nlout .10
a Ion when they are delivered nt
llalny. They are lo I used In the
ciiiitlrurtloti of railroad In Mfliiehurhi
by JrtMiu,
Onler for .110 brldRoi have nlo re
ceiilly liceii phiceil with the t'nltol
Htale Kh-el IVirjwrntloti by the liiie
rial KouTiiment of Jnpnn, whlln from
the mtme aotin-e order for 000 car and
IIS loiimotlt-4 have nlvi U-en placed
In Atiierlniu ahoprv. All the equipment
1 up to dntn In HjM-innitloiia.
HurlnK the war Japan wan o anx
lou to obtain locuiuotlvifi nnd ran eulpmeut wa accepted.
Hut now the lxit that cnu tni inadu I
initio too jrioul to Mtlfy the rxactlnt;
dejiinnd for Hi" Kovernment work. A
mrpM of nccntx I atatlonetl at the ra
rlnu chop for the pun"! "f lnMat
WiK materlala and workmaunhlp and to
M that the apeclrlciitloii ure Ihol up
to In the lillliuteat detalL
llranular i:IIJa.
Trachoma, or granular eyelid. If
tlie dltcaao which the authorltle aro
atrlvlriK hard to ki-eji from Inhwii
Ins etahllaheil In thl country. It al
ready prevail hero to a ronxldcrnblo
extent, but It could ho overcome If
freah cae could bo excludiil; and It
li liecatmt many woutd-bo ImmlRranta
atlfTcr from It that they ar turned
bock from thctv alwrc uvery year.
It I a illm-rtnc which Millet chiefly
tin MMirot rlaaaos In KuroM wjHvlnl
ly In Ituaalii ami lolaud, and Itt aprend
throuKh euutaiclon I Incrvaacd by tho
dirty nud unhygienic nurroundlnR lu
which thcao pitrplo live,
Tho dlwiflM.' Ia extremely cont.iKloiw,
and If Introduced lulu n public whool
I likely to attack a very Inruo uumlier
of the pupil unleoN It 1 early rrcng
uUed nnd the tufTercnt aro excluded.
Tho Inilntuniatlou, which noon be
come chronic lu Its courac. Involve at
llrnt the uiiicou meinhrniio which line
the lid, but I almiiHt certain, If nc
hvtetl, to Hpretid to tho covering of tlm
eyeball. If the lid I examined It will
te ccn to he atudded on lla under sur
face with a number of llttlo round bod-
lea of a Kniylali-whlte color, embedded
In tho tlilckiiicd uiucou membrane
Tho upper IliU droop, no that the eyes
tire only half oxit. After n time tho
eyo Itnelf Uconic affected aud tho
cornefl KrowH opaque. Thl lead to
morv or le cimiplclo blludneNH,
The treatment of granular lid must
lw enersctlc, ntul leirun early, If relief
Is to bo hocd for, since tho dlsoatHt
I n prr;r-nlvi' one, which advance
Htcnillly to wnrrliiK nnd Imiuilrnient of
vUlon uiilcH chocked In time.
Tho treatment la 0110 calling for to
r.klll of tho pliyalclnu. IKmieittc rem
.lilt art) uaeleaa, ereti harmful, since
tho application of thorn cauw.11 danger.
hum delay nud postpones tho Institution
of acleutllk' luoaxurori of relief.
I'or the protection of 0 thorn It la vl
tally lniortaut tlmt tha HunYror from
granular lid should have his own toi
let iirtlclis--ruiiip, towels and even
wash basin which must on no account
bo mod by others. Tho towels nnd
handkerchief used by him ahould not
go Into tho common wash, and ahould
always bo thoroughly boiled for ten or
fifteen minutes and Ironed with as hot
11 n Iron as can bo used without scorch,
lug. It 1 only by tho oxcrclso of por
nlstcnl precautions of this sort that tha
other members of tho family can be
A Siunll TwrKet,
"Mo wilil bo would blow his bralna
out If I refused him."
"Did you accept lilinT"
"No, I know h wasn't a goott enough
shot to carry out his threat" Clovo
uiid Plain Denier,
Kortunn tellers nro fortuuo swcllors
for themselves,
Buy Hair
at Auction?
At any rate, you seem to be
(.citing rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "goinc, eolnc,
C-o-n-cl" Stop the auction
with Ayer's Hair Vleor. It
chccksfallinchair, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
"My hair rant eolaokatr I naartf lint It
II Ihil haff1 ma Inufli Imul Avar4
VIor I thutiht I would (Ira It a trial, I dl4
it and II rornaUttlf to'ja. Hit falllnr. 4
rniaaniT murinw v7 rapiaijf T ll.
Jk k
by J, O. A j9r C.. lrwall,
Alto maaaXMlarara f
ctiisur rtaocAt.
Chllr. SrrUa IrnmlKranta.
Tho Chilean government baa placol
$1(15.000 at the dlsponal of tho pretW
dent, to be expended In sccurlux lmml
grants for that republic.
Jly a Jud;root of the Kuprrmt Court
of I'rrtoyia, the old Hot law forbidding
native In the TraotTaal to aojulr land
tot brrn annullrd.
TI10 KI111I Volt Have Ahvnys ltouglit lins borno tlio rlgnn
luro of Clms. II. I'lctclicr, nnd lms been inmlo under I1I.1
Iicmouul MipervUlott for over ao years. Allow no 0110
to ilrecivu you lu thin. CotmtcrfcItH, Jinitatlniirt nud
JiiHt-nr;noil" uro lint I'xpcrlnioiit.H, anil cnilniiger tho
Itcalth of Clillilrcii Hxperleiico iigalust KxpcriiiienU
Cn.torln Is 11 anbstitiito for Castor Oil, L'aro
Rorie, Drops and Hootlilnir Syrupy, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opltim, Morphlno nor other IS'arcotio
HUliHtaucc. Its a no In Its K(aniutec. It destroys IVorait
and allayH l'everlslmoMH. It cures Dlarrhrvii anil "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teethiupr Troubles, cures Conxtlputlou
and l'lntiilcncy. It usaluillates tho Food reculato.s tho
Htornach nnd llowols, kIvIii healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's I'auacea Tho AIothcr't) l'ricud.
Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought
Soars tho
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ktpt Tally.
The Squire I saw you In church on
Sunday, George. Do you remember
what tbo sermon was about? Tbo
Keeper Yw, sir; about nu hour an' n
quarter Jong. Ally Slojior'a Half Holiday.
r-n,'f - n3;M!t-N 1
lmi-ym r
For cool cooking, less work and least fuel-expense use a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
the ideal stovo for summer. Does everything that any other
kind of stovo will do. Any decree of heat instantly. Made in
three sizes and fully warranted.
nearest agency for
The C-t -St
J&xybZamp i;,
throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con
structed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving
power; an ornament to any room, Hvery lamp warranted.
If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency.
Al In t.'l.rU III Jrr.
"I ttll you, Marl," ld Karmr IIek,
after tho vlaltor from the city had re
tired for lh nUht, "lt' doin t'ncle
Henry a power of good to get away from
llio rlty and com" out here nlirt he can
breathe tha frmli air. He tay It' all
right to talk about th comfort and con
vrnlrnrr of city life, and all that, but
you can't Irnprot on nature."
"I'm glml h thinks to," said Mr.
Heck, with a sniff. "lie mutt hart
chnzd hi mind since tlila morning.
Johnny tayt lie "tx-nt mlithty near tb
whole forenoon lu front of the looking
la up In hit room, pulling the balrs out
of bit ears."
llothrri will And Mr. WlntloVt rVxithlof
syrup Ibab it ramntr UitiMfrlbilrcblUrtJ
lurlug Iba tttlblug ftrloJ.
ICrrpInK L'p Apprnmneea,
The tall man In tht suit of fadn)
bltek nrnt Into the Grit clait reaurant
and seated hlmirlf at a tnUt In a far
I.lnierlng Ihrre a minute or two bt
ro itlffly and went to the caahler ili,
"If a crntleman can't be waited on
. promptly In tblt place," he tald, with a
frown, "there are plenty of other placet
Then he strolled leliurtly out, pick
ing bit teeth, and presently wended bit
way rjnobtruilvely to the 0-cent luncb
counter artfund the erne
I'allli Cure.
"Tommy," said his Sunday school
teacher, "your cold It much better tbae
when I saw you Ut."
"Yet'm," auiwered Tommy. "I curei
It by praylnV
"lly praying) I am glad to bear yoc
uy that."
"Vet'm. I atked lb fird to take ll
away from me and give It to Dick Hlngo,
and Dick's got It. all rlxht "
Slgnnturo of
I The Rood One.
"There Is but one good wife In tbli
town," said a clergyman In the courN
ot his sermon-the congregation looked
expectnnt "nnd every married ami
thlnks-he's got her," added the mlul
I ter.
At your dealer s, or write our
descriptive circular.
7 - . --, la the best lamp for
all-round household
use. Made of brass
Mica Axle Grease
-t labricant for txlc in tbt
world long wearing sad very sd
Makes a beary losd draw bit a
11M one, Citts half itei wear on
waon and team, snd InctraMS tfia
carnln; capacity of 7 oar ostfit.
Ask yosr dealer for Ilea Axli
Sllierla a I'erille Irfind.
Siberia, so far from being n country
of desolation. Is In nonio dlitrlcts as
green and fertile a land as Australia.
Probably tho Kuxslu tbomsclrcs haro
no very deflulto Ideas about tbo mar
velous fertility of this territory, which
occupies so large a space on the map
of Asia. The soil Is of great richness,
snd the crops, wherever tbo country lit
cultivated, ere of almost phenomenal
abundance, for the most part It baa
lain Idlo so long that Its productive
power Is almost Illimitable. The force
tracts are luxuriant, 4 ml the natural
Irrigation system magnificent. Titer
Is room In Siberia for million of colon
ists, and an abundant living for them
I.lTlnt; l'p o III Xante.
A teacher In a mission school In Rat
ton bad among bcr pupils a colored
boy named Italpb Waldo Emerson
Ixmgfcllow. As he was absent one
Sunday, sbe asked the class If any one
knew tbe reason for his absence.
"I reckon I do," said one small,
(rlou-looklng boy.
"What U the reason, Johnnie?"
"I guess he's home writing poetry,"
responded the boy, with a delighted
A Ila!.-.-llon.
Mttress llnve you bad any experi
ence with children? Urldget Nope,
but they have some wtd ran.
In a Pittsburg oXce building a system
of wathlng the air and removing all doit
bat been Introduced.
BtlM-t Coin, tlttwhcrc.
DR. 0. t. WRIGHT.
3424 St. Portland, Ore.
North Death. WatMa.ton. lb leading
itiort In tbe NortbwetL Now eptn.
nttbt on tbe edge ot tbt ocean
twarb. Ctrrtrlo IlirbU, ttetra
heal, hol tad eold iali water In
ererjr tth tub. futile balb, prl
tle bttb, and poMomrt In tbt
lullJInir. I'ftvMo dairy, prlvtlt
livery liable, prlvtlt veelblt
(trden, prlvtlt jHiullry ytrd.
Twotennla rourtt. four bowl.
In. alleji. mller ttttluc, toll,
bunebaek rldlna with prlvtt
tetehur. A beautiful lake In tht
hotel ground!, boat rldln. bll
llarUi. pool, pritai liolelorehei
tra. tuu platM, ltnolt. orebea.
trelle, e.reilent dtnelug f aril
Ion. Wrltt for rret Dotklet
Breaiers, Washington
C. Gee Wo
Tbt WtU-Krtown
Root tnd Hub
H.nud a III ititiy d root! tnj huti. tnd In that
study dlacorei a.i4 It Cl'lnc to tl vcfld bit won
darlul remedies.
Ma Mercury, Poliont or Drut Uied-lte Cure
Without Operation, or Without tbt Aid
ot a Knit.
He cutrtntees to Curt Catarrh, Ailhtnt, Lune,
Throat, KhturruuUm, Nerwmriett, Nervous Dttll-
Ity, Stomach. Lleer, Kidney Troubles; alio Lett
Manhood. Ftnult Weakness and AllftlvattDlteaita
Jutt Received from Peklnr. Chloa-Sale. Sura
tnd Reliable.
If you cannot call, wrltt lor tympton blank and drcu.
Ur. Indole 4 cent! In tnnpt,
162. Flrtt Si., Cor. Morilaon,
PorlUnd, Otecon
Fleut Menilon This Paper,
P. N.U.
No. 34- 07
TyrilKN wtlttuit tu adverilitrt pleat I
lutntlon thl taper.