" Unwelcome Visitors... Hverv houewifc knows what ti nuisance unwelcome visi tors ate They tnke up your time, your efforts nml your labor when our time is valuable nml your efforts should be oth erwise expended. Housewives who do not take the necessary precautions will soon be pcsterel by n host of unwelcome visitors. We mean the (.amnion house flv The only safe precaution is to f.t out your residence with Caldwell's Screen Doors and Screen Windows. lie has them in the various sires and made of Rood nint.jial. Hetter get ready for tliOM. unwelcome visitors. If you arc fencing, fence with Caldwell barb wire. His prices nre the just kind. AFutlLineofUp-to-DAto C p PrslfaWSall and Fresh Groceries. ...O. V.. ttiiU WC1J1 THE 13END liULLETliN "For every man n square dcnl, tu less and no more." . v ir ri is n. kowk hmtor SUBSCRIPTION RATIIS: Ontjtti . --. ... tix month. ............-....-....... Tbrrv month. ....-..... ... .. I 'InvardMf In ailTancc) . Ii. FRIDAY. JUNK t.t. 1937. CLCAN UP. i!u;b comj.laii.t has lecn lodte with The Bulletin regarding tin tMrty condition of Bend's streets am alleys. And the complaint is justi fied. Our streets and alleys art certainly in a dreadful condition, littered with tin cans, papers, sticks, broken boards, arid refuse ol all descriptions It is a condition Jhct, if not improved, will be a dis grace tp everyque who calls Bend their borne. The town could be kept much cleaner and consequently would present a far better appearance if ji jew ?imple precautions would be pbjeryed by if? citizen?. Pld pa pers, pasteboard boxes and the like should pevcr be scattered by any one and allowed to blow about, providing an excellent cause for runaways and giving the town a most unkempt appearance as they lodge in the xpmcrs of sidewalks and ngaiust the buildings. If, while engaged in your work, you should happen to drop waste paper pn the streets, do not consider your labors finished until that paper is ricked up and burned. Another nuisance is the prevalence of tin cans. Iustead of scattering these broadcast over the back yard and alley as one would sow a field to grain, a better way would be to keep them piled in one place or stored in a barrel or box. The im proved looks of the town will amply repay you for the little trouble in volved. Then, too, another cood plan is to thoroughly clean up, by the help of shovel and rake, your yard and alley each spring. It will only take a few minutes not to exceed an hour and everything will look so much better. Why not have a lit tle civic pride? This matter of cleaning up should certainly be attended to before the I'ourth. It would be a disgrace to the town to invite n large number of visitors to celebrate with us on tiiat day and leave the streets in their present condition. It has been suggested that each property owner rake up all the refuse around his property and the council see to it that the stuff is carted away. This is a matter that should be attended to by the city council at once. JJy all means clean up. ire many here who agree with Mr. Bruce in his statements. The firmly believe that future years will M:e much fruit produced here While nio.u orchards in this vicin ity are too joung to be bearing now. strawberries, currants, goose erries, and the different varieties of raspberries will bear prolificallv his year as they did last. The Mime result wjtl undoubtedly be ex perienced with the orchards when the trees reach the necessary age. The favorable cotrment bv Mr. Bruce, coming from an experienced man and one who has lived where conditions are very similar to thoc m this region, speaks well for the Hend country and will strcnghlcti die faith of those who arc now set ting out orchards and berry patches with the expectation of harvesting much fruit in the future. When Death enters a home and ruthl!ssly takes away the wife and mother, leaving motherless five small children at thp age when they need so much a mqthcr's love and care, it is difficult for finite man. with his limitations, to sec wherein is that wisdom which we have been taught to believe is exercised by the Omnipotent One in the ruling of His universe. To us who can see but a short distance beyond the present, it would seem that a moth er ought to be spared to nurse and fondle her little ones and lead them on into noble manhood and woman hood. How often, though, is the contrary the case and hearts arc lelt aching and little lives left lonely. In the slow development of the human race and in the grand, in scrutable scheme behind every life, there must be some sufficient rea son for it all Man can only pon der and wonder, with the hope of some day knowing why; meantime doing what he can to bind up the aching hearts and helping to ren der happy and useful the lives of the bereaved ones. tinlcrtoltiment Tonight at I). At. Mall. The musical and literary program heretofore advertised will be given tonight and it promises a pleasant evening's entertainment. Readings from several of the world s master pieces will be given by Ktv. Mitch ell, and these will be interspersed witu various songs by Utnd sing ers. Following the program, ice cream and cake will be served. Read The Bulletin's Irrigation Department. Wall Paper... V. II. Bruce, an experienced fruit grower from the Big Bend section of Washington, says that, this country will some day be a great berry and apple producer. lis reasons for this belief is the fact that he finds conditions of soil and climate here very similar to those at his old home, where mel ons and many varieties of tender fruits as well as the hardier kinds bear in great abundance. There Spend n pleasant half hour l- hiK over my wall paper Miilple at your own home sitting comfortably in your 1 easy chair by the very Iin'it anil iimlil 1 tin- exact unrounding where you ex pect llii-m to Jiang tliafs the way to wrlect wall paper. Kxamlne and com pare the beautiful design, cxijuMte tints ami rich color effects to your heart's content. l'ick out the exact pattern you wuut the one that really harmonizes with the furiiikhIiiK of your home and with .jour Ideals you see the whole line the ety latest designs the loveliest tints and richest color effects, including the im ported patterns in Moire, tapestry, color blends, ingrains, varnished tiles, sanitas, sanitile nml thelteautiful pressed leather effects of J,ln-o-all at prices ranging from 7 cents up. N, 1. Wkidkk, Ilend, Oregon. The crowd is coming to Bend to celebrate. Will you be with the crowd? !!!!?!!!Ll Remember This One Thing Alfalfa Growing. 1'nnn I rmtr' llxtllrtln No. ij, iilUhnl by (lie I S lKWiitiiiriilur.gtMiUuic l'Kltl'AKATtON Ol Till' SOU.. It is very imH)rtuut that especial attention be given to the prepara tion of the soil upon which it is proposed to sow alfalfa. Not being provided with creeping roots or Metns, the plants will not spread as is the case with such grasses ns Kentucky bltiegrass or Bermuda grass The individual plants be vOiue targer each eui by the in creasing siic of the crown, but bate spaces tu a field will not be filled in except as new sew! may be sown Furthermore, the young alfalfa plant is rjuite tender and is easily crowded aside or choked out by weeds or cheeked in its gtowth by lack of moisture or by other un favorable conditions. Fur these reasons it is highly dcsirnhle that n Ierfect stand be obtained by the original seeding. si'iTi.v or im.aj.t root). It is necessary that the soil should be fairly free from weeds, especially such as are known to in terfere cfotsly with nlfalfa. In cast the soil, from overcropping or natural sterility, is not Mifhccntly fertile, it will be necessary to add fertilizer 111 some form. It is, there tore, desirable to commence the preparation of the soil at least a year previous to sowing the alfalfa ed. The preceding crop should be one which requires cultivation such as corn, cotton qr roots. The rotation may such that it the alfalfa is sown in the fall there is time in the summer to plow the laud and allow it to lie fallow. The weeds may then be destroyed ns they germinate, by occasional harrow- tugs. Although alfalfa can obtain its supply of nitrogen from the nir when the plants arc well started, it is necessary that the soil should contain plenty cf this clement at the time of sowing, in order to start tue young plants with a vigorous growth. The fertilizer which will .iccomplish the purpose most quick ly and most satisfactorily is good barnyard manure free from weed seeds. It is letter to apply this to the laud at the time of growing the preceding crop, as the manure then lias time to decompose and become available. Barnyard manure not only supplies nitrogen and other elements, but it supplies humus to the soil, and thus places it in a bet ter physical condition. In place of supplying the elements of fertility by an application of manure the nitrogen and humus may be sup plied by growing a suitable legum inous crop, such as red clover or Canadian field peas iu the North, cowpeas or soy beans in the South. The foregoing may be summed up iu the statement that the soil should be fertile and free from weeds. 1'I.OWINC AND JIAKKOWING. The mechanical preparation of the soil immediately preceding sowing depends much on its condition. For best results the field should be preiiared as for a garden. There are localities in the western half of the United States wherc.thc soil is of such a nature that plowing is not necessary, especially if the field can be irrigated; but in the Kastcru states plowing, thorough harrowing and the use of the disk, roller, or plank, according to circumstances, is to be advised. Subsoiliug has been recommended, but this is usually unnecessary. In the dry regions, where the subsoil is compact, sub soiling will increase the water-holding capacity of the soil. If the soil is wet by rain after being prepared, and is then harrowed as soon as it can be worked, there should result an excellent seid bed to receive the alfalfa. It is not best to sow nlfalfa on freshly plowed land, fof a loose seed bed is unfavorable to young plants One or two good rains before seed ing improve the condition of the bed. It should, of course, be har rowed as soon as in condition after each rain, to keep it from baking before seeding. Alfalfa should not be sown on a field tliat has just had a green crop turned under. Time should be allowed for the pew ma terial to decay and for the acid to be worked out by one or two good rains. TIMR Toil SOWING. Iu the Northern states and in the irrigated regions of the West, alfal fa is usually sown in the spring In the Southern states sowing is genarally done iu the summer or fall or very early in the spring As has been pointed out, one of the greatest enemies ol young iillalfu In weeds, and sptiug m.wii ullnlfn is more likely to be choked out during the summer by weedy gusves, stub as crab grass, iluui Is that sown In the summer. Toward the northern limit of the nllalla licit, however, the seasons ate shorter and the plants may hoc 1o Mtflicteiitly started tosiuvivethe winter in case the seedlt'g is done iu the fall Furth ermore, the time of sowing is I kc ly to be iullticticeil by the rotation ofcrow practiced upon the fat m. Whete a spring crop can be grown and removed 111 time to allow sow ing the alfalfa iu the summer there is no loss of the use of soil, in the far North this does not give the al falfa sufficient tittle to prepare for winter In case uKiill.i must le sown in the spring in the Southern states, the sowing should be done as early as jxmible Fall sowing frequently fails in the South from untimely drough'. hi such cases the laud may be resceded iu early spring. A Few Irrigation Notes. Fred I,. Hnrtwcll of Topcnish, Wash., has the following sugges tions to make to irrigators, his let ter appearing iu The Pacific Homestead: 1 his spring I had occasion to put iu place a new flume and as us tial. 011 turning 111 the water, was greatly troubled by the leaking The usual method to stop this is to nut in a few shovclsful ol fine (lit t. hi this case there were some scams iu the sine warns 01 tue uiime which delied my efforts to calk them. Finally, I hit upon this plan. I simply rubbed the seams and cracks full of lard and it worked like a charm. The best part, too, is that it may be done while the water is still running. When I first began to plant in this country, I was greatly troubled by the soil packing over small seeds, such as carrots, alter irrigating, and 1 now find that it is better to irri gate the ground well first Then cultivate it with a harrow until it is mellow, waiting, of course until it is dry enough so that it is not muddy Then tho drills may be made and the seed planted as the soil will contain .sulh'-iciit moisture to germinate most seeds Of course there are some seeds which will grow anyway, but as n rule it is better to irrigate before planting. There seems to be a wide differ ence in the moisture requirements of different plants. In this locality I find that for cabbage, for instance, one may keep the ground really wet to advantage after the plants have attained good sie, while for melons the dust may be blowing. Iu irrigating it is my practice to place tubes iu the lateral fot taking out the water for each row. This prevents too much water running 111 one furrow. These tubes may be made by cutting common lath iu either two or three pieces and nailing four of these pieces together, When the water is running freely through a furrow I place a little stick in front the tube so that just enough water will pass to barely go through the furrow, hi this way it is possible to irrigate quite a steep grade without cutting away the soil I trust these few items may be of service to some beginners at I re member my own difficulties at the start. If jou ore going to celebrate and of course you ore yo will find Ilend the place in which to hurrah. 60 YEAnO' EXPERIENCE 'rTlli CnvniaHTn Ac. AnrCDS MnJIng tkatrti and dticrlptlon roar Qttlokl Mcarulii our utriuioit fraa -xhaUitr an Intention probably patuiiUM. Cuinmuiilea. tlontitrlotlrmnailtntlal. HANDBOOK on I'alaulf an( (rb liAMt umnnw t n ini tlnif last Atltfl. 1'auuu taktu iCrouifti iluuu A O). rsetlf IfitUtliotUi, without cbaris, la Ilia scitnmic si tnericim ijrfu cur. Varrni, ti A hndomlr Jlluitralxl wtklf. tuiullon of ahr iclantldft lourual. reari four roontlM, L Bold b all nawidMlart. When in nued of neat, clean, plain and up-to-date commer cial printing, that The Bulletin Job Office Prints just that kind-no olhcr. It will please us to have an op portunity to show you what we can do. You will he pleased, also. - - When You Read a Newspaper Why not read a newsy nowspaiKir one that' gives all the new? The Hnllctin has that repu tation. Ami furthermore, it intends to live up to its reputation. "' It not only reports the news faithfully each week, but it also has tin irrigation dcpartiiKiut iu which much information is given of value to the man who irrigates, If you study those article it may save you many dollars oil a year's crop. Can You Afford to Bo Without The Bulletin? ttw Wttwylil ra-j u "i s in4' w m A Bargain FOR OUR Subscribers The New Idea a$ Woman's Magazine AND HEBEND BULLETIN Both, One Year for Only $ 3 .75 The New Idea Woman's Manazine contains over 100 naoes each month of faihions, dressmaking, needlework and household helps, Each number is beautifully lllurtratou and contains nine full-page fashion plates, some in color, These two publications furnish reading for every member of the fceUWhoM.