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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1907)
, f i t T I I t t t i- NEWS OF THE WEEK In n EniuIensHiI rorm Jnr Our 25" ScJidcrt, 2s HUSSIA'H GRATITUDE. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINhOTS A lloiume of ttio Lai Important but Not Late Interesting Events of that Pt Wek. 'Pin French striker nrn returning lu work very slowly mill reluctantly. Tint preannl revolt In China lit ho nored in Imvu been organized In Japan. A terrorist bomb thrown nt l,ndz, Itusnln, killed .twit detective Mini wounded Mvn other. ex-l'resl-liny hi 'I'll tt iiNKnaalli who killed dent llurlllnn, of Mexico, (iilialn hounded hi HI to It. Three iii on mndu n Imlloon vnyngii from Washington, I) C, to 1 turrlH ImrK. I'". SOU hiIIi'h, In l',4 hour. Tho government will noon begin mill lo forcn llnrrlinnii to It'll m hut Iih known concerning thu Alton stock donl. An itarthiiinki In China In report mI to hnvn klllcil I.DOO people Mint Infl I In i ii in n il more destitute mill atarvlng. It In iilil Ihn Htaniliird Oil Com- tniiy I ho busy fighting ton court mill li'Klslatiire tlml It Iihh iio tlmo now for politic. Japanese residents of Toklo iln uintid Hint their Koveriiitient tnkti no tion regarding ttio diplomatic rola Hon with Chlnii mid thu United Htntc. John V. (lute who hint J lint re turned to Now York from tho South well, Miy tho damage; to whent doe not esceed 6 ptir cunt Cotton Ik flam aged woiiiHwhiit luori', on account of himvy rain. Thd iiuiiiii of tho Imliy I'rlnro of Hpnlu linn been entered on thu roll of ii regiment, ntiil ho wear tho number of It In Kohl pinned on IiIk Mil. A room In tho Imrrnck Ik r nerved for him n thu liiicut recruit ueu Victoria t doing well. Tho lloiiilurnii National Lottery Company, of Wilmington, Dol , mir coaanr of thu Louisiana lottery Com puny, Iiiik surrendered for doatruc Hon nil It book mul paraphernalia, paid fine ngKregntlng 1281.000. mild .it printing ilutit mul quit business, ItliUllll, thu noted tiiindll linn been ottered h pardon on condition thut lm leave Morocco it ml llvn awiiy from TuiiKler on h pension to liu paid him liy thu government. A friend of KiiIniiII proixiKiiii thnt hu niiiku n tour of thu llrltliili nml American music IiiiIIk. It U IkiIIkvi'iI thnt ItliUllll lav- sir Mitch n scheme, A wntoraMiut In Kentucky did ISO,' 000 damage. Kiirukl gnvo nnarly f.'iOO In tips to Ilia Uuiengu liulcl employe wlirre ho (topped. Ilnrrlnmii rntiunt borrow money abroad, owing to attacks uu lil roads at home. Minnesota mny form n lengun with other tntrii to light for slnto control of railroads. After n very fold nnd liaekwnnl cprliitf, tho Knatoru Htntc flnnll Imvo vrnrm wenllier, Lon('lioreiiirn to tho numlier of 1S, 000 returned to work on u foinpruiiiliu with tho teniiiililp roinpnnlen. All linemen emnloved hv tlio tele- plionn eompnny In Hun Krnnoliro hnve ntruck in y input liy with Hiu tclophoue uiurniorn. Ainsrlca't Aid lo Ilia tilarvlrifc Old Qreat Good. , HI. I'eterKlnirK, Juno 4. -Tlio Uti.mlmi fiiiiiliin couiiultti'ii lum iintlltixl Itn rep- ronoutiitlve in Loudon nnd New Vurk Hint Hi" tlinu Iiiik nrrlved to ceiimi nl tntloii for fnrelKii ulncrliitlon, hi Jtua- iln now Ii iiMo to enru tut livr own people. I'flncn IivolT Rnyi Hint nmlstnnco Kent to I'liiliind from (Irent llrltnlu nml tlio Uiiltml Hliiten lum dona llieitliiuildo k'ood nnd Iuik hccii u mlnlity wuiipou to turcu tlio Ituxliui Kovnriiiuiint to do lt duty. With tlio Intent Douiiiii niroir. iitloim, the rt !) (,'lvi-n iy tlio Ktnto totnli HT.OOO.dio, of whlrli 10,000,000 will ho iinviiieu id iiKiilliitf Ilia "Curvy lu Urn priulncn nnd nUnwhero. nnd In inuiii. tullilliK ontlliK plneeK, Tlienu entitle piuci'K ni pri-Kimt iiiiinlinr 3U,00U nml nro feeding S,n()0,U00 pcoplo. I'rlucii LvolT inlil tlio outlook for thu Imrvi'Kt In fcntrnl llumln win tlio inixt limiiiltlnj; of n (loti'ti yenrR iint. Tlmro linil leeu n plentiful rnlnfnll nml tvm jHirnturo liud heon oicellont for tlio ItrowliiK cropi. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL .j 8TF1IKEBHEAKEH USES QUN. COHUI I IUNS WILU SOON CHANGE DALLOON HIT UY LIQHTNINQ. Feat Italian Armr Captain Falli 700 Uotora Qia of Crowd. Itomo, Juno 4. A trnle Incident look plnra .In no I during n review of tlio troopt hy Jnjr Victor Ktnnnunl nnd (ueeii lleleim. A n pnrt of tint inniiouv era n mllltnry Imlloon wta tent up to n lirllil of 700 feet with CnpUIn Uillvolll III Hid cnr. A atorin which Imd heen comlUL' up hunt auddcnlv nnd tho thou. Minda of upeetntiiri worn horrlfloil to eo n llnah of lluhtnlne; atrlko thn lirtfj of the? Imlloon. Tliern waa nn rnurmoui liurat or llninea nml n terrific iletoiti Hon nml tlio cojlnptml Imlloon with Hi ilmililliiK cnr fell to tlio oarth, a mllo from thn arena of tlio review. Cruwda of people, nfoot nn.l In nuto. liiohllea nml other eonveyancea, rualied in tho illrectlou where tho Imlloon hnd fnlleii. C'nptnln t'lllvclll waa found nlhe, hut uiieunaeloua. Ho wna plnred lu nn nutiiinohiln nnd rualied to n lioa pltnl, whern ho died without regaining ruHwilouaueaa, Klni; Victor Kuinnuel and tlio mill tnry nullioritlea went to tlio hoajdtnl nfter tlio review lu Imjulro concerning Hie Injured man. Canadians Uay Japaneia Laborer Will Uoon Laave United blatei, Ottawa, Out, June 0 A report received at the department of trade nnd commerce from Alexander Mc Lean, Canada'a agent to Japan, gives a presi omnion that within a short time the United .Stales will have more ililliculty in ohtainiiiK labor from Ja pan iiiau it lias now lit keeping Jap auric laborers out. '1 here I a growing demand for Japaiieie laborers from almost all the countries of South America nml from Hawaii, which iiromUcK, with the de mand for men for the development of lorca ami .Maucnuria, to absorb the whole of Japan's supply of laborers. wiimii ine last lew iiioutlis Hie emi grant companies who deal with Jap anese labor as an exoort commodity have Idled contracts in Mexico for 10,000 laborers. PHtSIDENT UNDECIDED. HUHVfcYH IN OKEQON. Government to Map Hull Run, Ksrby and Uutter Crack Ifrgion. WnHhlngton, Juno 7 -Tho Hecro (nry of tho Interior Iiiik nnnrnved of tho plniiH for topogrnphlc nurvcyri In Oregon nnd tho allotment of fund, for carrying out tho hihiio. Thu work of thu Kciirioii contomplntcn tho imr voy of tho cojmtry tiurroiinillng tho noiirco of I'ortlnnd'M wntcr mipply In tho Hull Kim and Cnitcndo forciit ro mtvi'k, Including n pnrt of Mount llood, Tho RlirVL'y Will coviir nn nrn.-i of 1200 aijunro mile. Thin untlro country will ho gurvuyod nnd mnpped on n Inrgo scalo, tho t-ntlro work to com 17000. Another Ktirvl'V will bn mmln nt Ihii Kcrby country, weL of Grant' I'nna, lying In thn Hlsklyou forest ro- sorve, In Southern Oregon. Thin mirvoy will cover nhout 000 aqunro ml lea nnd cost IC0O0. A third tonogrniihlc survey will cover a trnct of tho country on tho south hank of tho Columbia Klver along tho Umntlllu Itlvur nnd Iluttvr Creek, west of 1'cndlcton. Tim Nn. tlonnl Government linn allotted $3C00 for this work nnd tho Ktnto will ex- penii 1 2 &00 nddltlonnl, under Statu Knglneer J. II. Lewis, Tho purposo of thin iturvey la to detcrmlno tho Ir rlgutlon posslbllltlei of this pnrtlcu- inr rt'Bion. NoOraxIng Fees for 1007. Wnahlngton, Juno 8. From cor respondence received nt tho Hurenu of Forestry, there appenra to be some tulsunderatandlni: ns to tho HAS TITIAN'S "HT JEROME" JiiiianoKo niercliniita who apenk both Hunlli nnd Lngliah nro slendily ox tending tlielr truiln In thu larger eltlea of tho west conat of Houth Aiuorlcn, In thn poorer district of Cliicitro real, pork mid mutton nro entirely out of tint market nnd only thn jniorer cuts of beef can bo readied by tho con aiumcra, Thu Kngllah govornmont has prom Jaed rollof for uvlctod Irish tenanta, mid nlan eilucntlon. In Toturn for tho re jection of thu Iriah bill by thu Nntlon nlUt convention nt Dublin. Pidegntea of thu rrourh snllnra Imvo advised thorn to return to work, pond ing a promised Hottlemont of tholr do iiuiuda. lu sidto of this, howovor, 3,000 strikers nt ilavro liavo voted to con tlnuo thu strike, Tho Dutch L'ovorninortt hns forbidden a iiioutlng of uiinroliiHts nt liottordum, Chlciigu conauiuors nro forced to pny nu nilvuiicj) of 1! cent n pound In tho jirico oi iieor. Itlehnrd Crokor, or-boss of Now York, la netlvo In Irolnnd, mid it is said ho -wuiii to ontor I'arilnmont. Mobs stoned tho hnuso of a Cathollo jirlost In Clovolnml for oiproailng son--tlmonts dlHjilonalng to thorn, Homo Is colcbrntlnpr the granting f -tho constitution, tho birthday of rone Tins X nnd tho doath of aarlbnldl. A Toxns pnssongor train was derailed, olthor by wrookorii or n broken rail, nnd ono man killed And teveral fatally Injured, St. Louis Msn Oot Priceless Old fainting for Mere Pittance, Ht. Louis. Juno 4 IMward Helta, of Kt. Loula, believes ho lina Identlded n minting ho luirclmxil n yenr ngo for lea thnn 100 n the famous "Ht. Jeronin" pnlnted lit-Titian nbout 1631. Nn truce of tho painting has been had since nbout IflW. Hells iiurclm.ed Ilia iilcliirn from Allison K. Htewnrt, a Ht. Irfiiiis mining engineer, In whom it was given In WOO by n pndro In tlio moun tains of llnndurna nfter Hlewnrt hnd given him n liberal olreriiii! of silver. Tho painting Itself ahows It Is very old. The canvas Is hnnd innilo and filled with red clay, nfter the customs of the llennlaannco period. Ht. IOula nrtlsts any tho painting bears soveral defects peculiar to Titian's work. They cstb mate thn vnluo of tho painting, If It Is tho Titian "Ht. Jerome," to bo nbout 1 00,000. Put Ties On S. P. Track Han J ixc, Cat., Juno 4. An attempt to wreck tlio early morning trnln be tween this city nnd I'mikIsco wns thwnrted yesterday by the fortunate discovery, shortly beforo S o'clock, of n large pllo of ties on tlio Southern Pa cific, track, nt n ixiint near Hantn Clnrn. Also a rail hnd been loosaned, mid hnd not tho discovery been umdo Just in time, n frightful wreck almoat certainly would hnvo reaulted. Olllcors nro busy In nu nttempt to run down tho criminal ami two nrrests have been m iulc, tho men In custody being tramps. Lawyers Ura;e Prosecution of Harrl man, but Commission Is Divided. Washington, Juno 5. Homo definita eoiieluaion la to bo reached during tho coming week in regnrd to tho courso toj bo taken by Hie Uovernumnt in tlio diKHtaitlon of tlio caaa developed by tho liitciatats Commerce Commission Investigation into tho llnrrlman rail road mergera, An lintKirtnnt confer ence la to be held to cunaider thu (jura tion nt tlio U'liltn 1 1 nil mi in tint week. which will bo ntt led by tho 1'resl- .rlKli(i of settlor to grnro stock on. dent, tlm member of the Interatato forest reserves created by tho I'ren- foiniiierce ('oinmUnluii, Mcaars. Kellogg ''nt on .Marcli z nnd 4 or this year, nnd Hovernnee, siecial couinel fori1"'10 Beoretnry of Agrlcultiiro Issued tint Cuuiiulaaiou, and Attorney General rder permitting nil pornonn who HonnKirte. hnd heretofore used tho range In tho At present Mr. lloosovclt Is undo-"ow,y created resorves to continue elded nUut what shnll bo done. llo,,,lu ' "' '""o during tho sonson of tin received ndvlro frmn somo sources ',307 without permit from tho I)e urglng that Mr. Ilnrrimnn bo nrow- l'rtinent nnd without pnyment of n euted, while other officials of tho (Jov K"xiK '. "xt season the rnngo eriiment have taken the iiositlon that '" "o new reserves will bo con iich n prosecution could not bo sue,"I,l',, ''' ,ne Dopnrtment nnd only cexfullv mrrini .(. H,. tnr ii... t Isticli stock can be Krnzed ns Is nutli- dciit has not git en nny indication ns to tXwA by tho Forest Service, At tho Opsns Fire on Unionists Who Were Following Him About. Han I'ranciseo. Juno 3 W. A 1 orgey, n strike breaker in tlio employ of tho United Itallro.vls, wns shot nnd fntnlly wounded nt Vnn Ness nvonuo lunl 'lurk street nt 11 o'clock Hnturdny night by Hpoclnl Officer W. J. Ulom berg, of tho llumano Hoeiety. Forgey pencil lira ou n crowd of striko sym pathizers who had rceognlrcd him and a companion as strlko-bronkiug carmen, nnd who had pursued tho two rnon for several blocks. Hlornbcri; took un tho chase, nttemnt- Ing to nrruat Forney, nnd returned the inner -a urn witn ratal results, liurlnc tho fusillade Thomas Htnek. structural ironworker, was shot In the . .. . . . - ----- - -- leg. i-orgcy is dying at tlio Central hmcrgeney Hospital. Tho cars of tho United Ilallroadi started nt 0 o'clock in tho morning nnd the serriee was continued until 8:30 at night. This time. It 1 said, will bo Krnuunny ciicnucu oy tna ena or next week, when full service, with tba ex ception of the owl runs, will havo been resumed. Tho owl car will not be placed in operation for some time. The Fillmoro-strcet extension was started yestordny, so that every line in the city rcconairucioi sinco too nro was run ning, 223 cars being operated, and, in cluding students, about 000 men were employed on them. travel, as heretofore, Increased yes terday, and tho receipts were .i - .. . . .. t- man on nny oiner uay sinco the strike begnn. Tho company is carrying more thnn Ifi0,000 passengers n day, nnd it is ucnevi-u uy mo omeiais mat this num ber will grow rapidly when tho hours of service are extended. REAL TRIAUS BEGUN Haywood Jury Is Completed and Oath Administered. INDICTMENT READ TO PBISSNEK Nearly All Farmers, Well Past Mlddla Age Defense Dissatisfied at Lack of Union Men. how he regnrda the cnae. It I believed he la not In favor of going any further Mith thu crusnda ngnlust Mr. Ilnrri mnn. aamu time, n nomlnnl grating fee will be collected nt n rnto yet to be fixed by tho Department, Hut for thu present season grating In the re Thn member of thn Intrratnto Comorv'" crt'ntVd ,nrch 2 nnd 4 wl!!.uo ns ireu ns ii too rnnRO was mill n part of tho open public domain. merce C'onimiaslon nru nlso divided on thn ipieatlnn of going after Mr, Ilnrri mnn for nlleged violation of thn anti trust law. Chairman Knapp is known to consider tho cnae ns developed agniuat Mr. Ilnrrimnn of such n char acter Hint It would bo n matter of great uncertainty ns to whether a conviction could bn hnd. These views arc believed to bn shnred by at least two other member of tho Commission, though they hnvo refused to stata their opinions. Investigating Japanese Hlots. Sail Francisco, June 6 United Slates District Attorney Kobert T. Devlin today took the testimony of three Japanese who were in the Jap anese rcitniirant ou Kolsoiu street when that place was wrecked by a nml) iccently. Their testimony was coiillictiiig nnd tangled, but did not lifter in essentials from that given by two white witnesses examined last Saturday Mr. Devlin expects to con clude his investigation tomorrow, Mr. Devlin is also investigating the reported importation of lanaiiese ns contract laborers. Ooldflald Men Organlxe. tloldlleld, Nov., Juno 4 Tho busi ness mvn nml mliirownor of Ooldfleld, to tho number of ISO men, Imvo per fected n permanent organization, to bo known ns thn Industrial Asaoclntlou of Nevada. Thn purpose, of tho organiza tion Is to insure tho industrial peace of tho stain nnd Its vnrlous camps. An executive committee with wldo powers wns elected. Tho roimnltteo will elect nn executive, who will bo given n lib eral salary, nnd dovoto his untlro timo to thn lift airs of tho nasoclntlon, Tho (Inldlluld branch is tho nucleus nnd nil the camps of tho stato will form aux iliaries. Sultan' Troop Mutiny, Tangier, Juno -L A sorlous mutiny of tho Hiiltnn's troop nt Cnsn lllancn lias broken out. Tho trouble nroso over thn mm-pnymont of tho men, Tho mutt nevrs attempted to secure goods lying in tho Customhouse, but tho authorities Hiicceoiled in provontlng this by paying thn man half of tho nmoiint duo them. Snow Falls In'Nuw York. Now York, 4. Snow fell in Now York Bundny. Tho flakes did not fall all tho wny to thn pnvomonts, but, com lug from n colder toninornturo, thoy swirled nbout tho tons of tho skyscrap ers, nnd bofnre dissolving nddod a nilil winter touoh to tho most romnrknble Juno thnt Now Yorkers havo known. American Born In Foro'gn Land. Home, Juno 4. Mrs. Grlscom, wife of Lloyd 0. Qrlseom. the Ameriean Am- baasador to Italy. gv birth to a mb MB T..M O V t HU. . I Censorship on Mall and New. New Orleans, June 6. Passengers arriving tonight on the steamer Atulcin from Central American points say mat what amounts to a censorship ou the mails has been put into effect in Guatemala. Under the new rule they say that all mail must pass through Guatemala City before tieing distributed. The passengers also say that newspaper-reading in public is now curtailed, and that foreign news papers arc frequently smuggled ashore from incoming vessels. Japan Is Misinformed. Washington, June A. Surprise was expressed here upon reading the To kio storv of Tamil's dissnlisfnelinn at the attitude of the United States In the race troubles nt San Francisco. Ollicials here can only conjecture that there has not been a nuhlication In Japan of all the official correspond- .... ...l.l.l. I. :. l.-i: I . viiic- wiuiii, ii ii iicncvcii, wuiiiu ia- vorably alfect public opinion toward the United States. Incraeso In Circulation. Washington, Juno fi Tho monthly circulation statement Issued Juno 1 by the Comptroller of tho Currency showa that nt tho close of business May 31, 1007, tho totnl circulation of National bank note wns $001,010,030, which Is nn increase for the year of 43,810,800, nun jor i no inonia or f.,u.u,Ylu. 8urvey New 8ectlon. Washington, Juno 4. Topographic work on tho Mount Hakor quadrangle nonr tho Cnnndlnn boundary In tho Wnahlngton forest reserve will soon be begun by llobert Muldrow, of tho Geo logical Survoy. New Rural Route. Washington Rural Route No. J lias been ordered established August 1 t Kcrby, Josephine County. Ore "n, serving 409 people and 110 faml mt. nhlsiiiimiiAstllmiMMMiML More Water for Panama Canal. Waahlngtou, Juno 5. In explanation of thn cabled report from Panama of thn extenalvo revision in engineering estimates for tho Qatun dam nnd lake, upon iiio sumciency or which tho sue res of tho cntlro project depends, the following stntement hns been issued by thn Isthmian Cnnnl Commission: "Do- tniled mirveys which hnvc been com pleted on the Isthmus show that the area of thn great (latun Iike will be 22X5 sipinre miles, or double tho estimate mndo in the minority or loek-eannl ro pnrt of tho board of consulting en gineers." Forest Guards for Norihwett. WnshlnL-ton, Juno 4. D. W. Meyers, J. W. Kelso, Clarence J. Ingram, Clar enco W. Jackson, O. C. Cottrell and (JeorKO Ii, Ford hnve been annotated forest minrd in tho Cascade foresL Other guards appointed arot L. D. Ham mock, Coquillo forest; Jesso Hewitt, Hisklvoii forest- Drlnff A BinTor.) Heppner forest; F. I. Pettlt, Fremont forest; Mnurieo Hamilton nnd John Know, Wnahlngton forest; J. 11. Rolen, W. J. ltynn nml C. W. Kay, Ynklma loresi. Captures Dritlsh Ssaler. Wnahlngton, Juno 7. Tho Secre tary of tho Treasury tins received n telegram from Cnptnln Alnaworth, of tho rovonuo cutter Rush, stating thnt ho hnd seized tho Rrltlah sealing schooner Chnrlottn O. Cox, which wns found lllcgnlly catching seals In Knlrwonther grounds, off Alnskn. Tho Rush also roportcd tho pres ence of Jnpnneao sealers In tho snmo vicinity with n largo number of seal skin on board. Tho Jnpnneso seni ors, howovor, nro not subject to selr uro outsldo of territorial waters. Abandon Garrisons. Washington. Juno 7. Secretary Tnft has briefly outlined his policy In regnrd to tho reduction of tho Knrrlsons In Westorn Army posts ns follows; "It Is not proposed to re- iinovo envniry from Fort Snolllng. So rnr ns mo envniry nt Forts Asslnl- uoino nnd Kcogh nro concornod. tho nbsoncn of troops In Cuba nnd tho necessity for concontrntlng sqund rons at Fort Asslnlbolno nnd Kcogh." FINES OIL COMPANY $1,023,000. Missouri Corporation Convicted of Violating Anti-trust Laws. Austin. Texas. Juno 3. A turv ha jounu mo naiers-rieree un Lomninv of Mlmouri guilty of violating the anti trust laws of Texas, convicted it of hav ing entered tho stato by fraud, fined it C 1,023,000 and granted the prayer of me siato tor ouster proeceuings. The defense has filed n motion for a new trial and the case will be taken to tho Federal courts. Tho state Died a petition with District Judge Ilrooks for ine appointment or a receiver, nlso an Injunction to restrain tho company from moving nny of its propcrtr from the stnte. The Judgo granted a temporary Injunction and net tbo receivership ucariug i or Juno o. Tho trial has consumed three weeks in tho District Court here and its con clusion is merely the beginning of a long legnl battle. At the outset of the proceedings tho defense attempted to secure a ebango of venue, but not suc ceeding in that, vainlv soupht to se cure a judgment by default In order to hasten their course to the Federal courts. Tho basis of tho controversy Is the provision of tho anti-trust laws of 1899 and 1903. HAYWOOD IS ILL. Many Wild Rumors Regarding Causa of Sudden Collapse. Ro'sc, Idaho, June 3, William D Haywood was seized with a sudden Ill ness early Saturday morning and was unable to appear in court. His trial on tho charge that be murdered ex-Qov- ernor Steunenberg was adjourned until Monday. Haywood responded quickly in iicmnieiii ami oy v:ju, wnen judge Wood ordered n recess of court until 1:30, it was believed that the prisoner would be able to attend an afternoon session. Ho did attempt to dress, but tho effort mndo him dizzy and ill, and he returned to bed. His counsel in formed tho court that he would surely bn able to be present Monday and an adjournment was taken until 11 o'clock today. RtSTORED TO PUBLIC DOMAIN. Holse, Idaho. June 4. Twelve men to try William D. Haywood for his life on the charge that be murdered ex-do- crnor Frank Steunenberg havo been chosen and bound by oath to honestly deal tbo law's justice between stato and prisoner. Haywood bas beard tbo in dictment charging him with the crime and today, after the state has recited it case and made promise of proof, the first chapter of tbo sickening tale of tbo Caldwell crime will bo retold. Tbo wearisome work of jury selec tion onded quickly and unexpectedly Monday morning. The court room hushed to sllcneo as tho 12 men rose In tbelr places and, facing tbo clerk' desk on the left, raised their right hands in solemn asseveration of their pledge to do exact justice by the accused. It was an Im pressive scene and there came another two hour later, when after tbe mid day reees Hnrwood listened to tba reading of tbe indictment airainst him self. Moycr, 1'ettibone and tiimpkin. Haywood had come to the court room whitened somewhat In color from his illness of Saturday, but as the clerk walked in front of the jury box and began reading tB5 indictment a little tide of blood came up along bis ntelc and spread over bis cheek. Hi wife and daughters sat at his side during the brief afternoon session at which tha indictment was read. Haywood talked. ith them nnd hlsVounsel after tbo statement was read and then, as bo rose to return to bis cell, smiled a friendly greeting at a friend sitting near the end of tbe bench. DINAN IR INDICTED. Accusad of Trying to Subvert Law by Seeing Prospective Jurors. San Francisco. June 4Tha praml jury late last evening fllod with Dis trict Attorney iangdon a formal com plaint against Chief of Police Jeremiah F. Dinan, charging him with wilful and corrupt misconduct in office in that bo subverted tbe law in endeavoring to secure tbe acquittal of a defendant without tbe knowledge of the District Attorney. Tbe defendant in the case was Mayor Schmitz and the investiga tion by tbe crand iurv crew out of tha accusation of Assistant District Attor ney irancis J. Honey that Dinan bad attempted to tamper with tbe tales men drawn for tbo Jury which Is to try tbo Mayor on a charge of extortion. uinan was accused by Mr. lleney oc having detailed some of his officers to interview prospective jurors in the in terest of Schmitz. Tbe chief practi cally admitted having detailed men to shndow some of tbo men on tho venire, but declared that he did so because bo wanted to ace that no improper porsoa got on the jury. STRIKE CALLED OFF, Yakima Land Not Needed for Irrlga Hon Project. Washington, Juno 4. Investigation and surveys under tho Yakima irriga tion project. Washlneton. havfni! reached n point whoro the following de scribed lnnds, withdrawn from entry Dcpicmuer js, ivw, is noj believed to bo essential to tho development of the rujeci, wio Decreiary or ine interior Alaska Forest Worthless. Washington, Juno 5. Request ha neon mnito oy mo rarest service for ro lenso from temporary withdrawal of 3.- BOfl.000 nerea of land at Norton Ray, Alnskn. Tho restoration to tho publio domain of this land will bo mndo be cause after careful examination tho Forest Rorvlcn hns found it unsuitnblo for National forest purposes. Nnw Acting Commissioner, Washington, Juno 7. John C. Capora of South Carollnn will bo ap pointed Commissioner of Internal Rovonuo nd tntorlm until Docombor 1, whon Ponrl Wight of Now Orleans will becomo Commlsslnnor. Mr. Cap ers Is tho mombor of tho Republican National Commlttoo from South Carolina. hns restored them to the public domain: K. T. 8 N., R. 23 K., all sections 10 to 30. inclusive: T. 0 N.. R. 23 K.. all sections 10 to 30, inclusive; T. 9 N., R, 23 K., nil sections 1 to 12, Inclusive! This land will not become aubieet to settlement, however, until 30 days after such date as tho Secretary of the In terior may prescribo by publication. Russian Priests Revolt. St. Petersburg, June 3. A special session of the Holy Synod wns hold 8nturday afternoon to try tho five priests who refrained from attending tho session of tho Douma nt which tho resolution congratulating tbo Emporor on his escape from the plot against his llfo was passed. Letters from the priests announcing their refusal to loave tho radical parties were read nnd caused Croat indicnatloa amonir thn old lino ecclesiastics. It is announced that sovere disciplinary methods will bo adopted. Pretender Wins Victory. Oran. Aleeria. June 3Advienn ta. eelved here from Morocco say that the troops of the pretender to the throne surrounded and annihilated the. HM tan's uncle, and two Kalds were killed and 300 women wers captured. Delegates of French Seamen Advlso Men to Return to Work. Paris, June 4. The extended strike of the seamen has virtualaly come to an end. with the capitulation of the strikers, who are expected to reiumo worx nt ine nome and colonial points immediately. Captain Lapere, one of the strikers' delegates, conveyed tho information to Minister of Marine Thomson at a late hour last night. Ha informed M. Thomson that tho strike committee assembled in Paris bad tele graphed tbe following messago to all ports: "Tbe delegates have been In confer ence with tbe Minister of Marine and tho naval committee of tbo Chamber of Deputies. Tbe Minister has aban doned tbe prosecution of deserters, and ho hns requested the navigation com panies to reinstate all the officers and men. The members of the naval com- mltteo assured the delegates that M. Thomson's proposition in tbe matter of pensions would be Improved. Tbo dele gates, therefore, immediately proposed that the strike cease." Chinese Robels Activo, London, Juno 4. According to a spe cial dispatch from Shanghai, the revolu tionists in tha districts surrounding Swatow and Amoy are murdering the officials, burning official building and occupying towns and villages. Tho Tnotal of Swatow, the dispatch adds. Is only roporttng losses suffered by tho revolutionists, fearing tbat tho sews ot their depredations would lead to foreign Interference. The dispatch also adds that tho market is overstocked with American piece goods and that 10,000 pieces are being resbipped to New York. Troops Held Ready, Marseilles, June 4. Tho steamer Inly, havinir on board a crew of blue jackets, was unable to leave port Sun day because the officers of the vessel refused to navigate her. ,A11 tbe troops, are confined to barracks ia readiness; to suppress disturbance.