at' When the Hair Falls Then It's time to net I No time to study, to rend, to experi ment! You want to save your lialr, and savo It quickly, tool So make up your tnlnd this very minute that If yourlialrg ever conies out you win use Aycr'i Hair Vlcor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair Mays In. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. Th bait hind of n, ttlmonll "Uolit (or over elaty yoara." HnitJ V UWnlwlll,lliM, itw m.aajaaittrara r 7 lAMlplIILLL yers ruis. cuuir rtcroiAL Haumd KIiiii, (lit rrcetilly accredited 'erilaii minuter at I'arl. la known tbiuiitlioiit IVraia aa a lyrical poet and martlrnl nlairr on In arcordlnn Sd-faR. MemM m Mm iilLLER Inatiatlr kill lit mi lMllrr by lit raraaa II la ttrr laiful ha ilroa,. Ml et all llr klMara II It a Mftmrr, Iwku n ufMit.t ui(rr Bl lay f Urlia, I4 t daaUra. Mada Ulnl. Well r'HMl I7 ir ! ll 1.111 Co., nalllla, Im. C. Gee Wo 7be Watl-Knon Nalubla CHINESE Hoc! iM llnb DOCTOR Hit nut a lift ilu-V U tool i M h.ili, iivt In thai Mr diKtt (! n4 ll tl""C M l U til drUlima4l. ha Mftcurx. IMimii or llru UmJ- tt Curat Wllhoul Uparallwi, or llhaul Ih. AI4 I aKnllf, l(a cwtnlHi la Cult CaUith, Ailhnu, Lunr. Thru). Khunuilini Htr.ttt Utltil t ''- liy. 3lom-h. Lit Ki !r IiiuMm alia Lil Mtr.hal fanulaWatiMllirvlAnriiirilabllfaKI A SURE CANCER CURE Jail HactlvaJ Irwti I'iklnr, China Salt, Kura mnii Htllahla, irYOU AHK AI'UCTFD DOMT DELAY. PULArS AKK OANoCKOUt II jreu cmi1 call. wtllaM irmiun Kaik aMdlcu- Ul. iMtola 4rarlitnilim(i. CONSULTATION FREE TMK C, CI!K WO CMINK3K MLDICIIIE CO. I63 "till 31 , C f Mbfilton, lwlUr,Oit(fl riaua MMln Thli P;ir. MAKE YOUR HOME TIES HAPPIER THE REMEDYi A. B. CHASE PLAYER-PIANO Poai not talargt tbt Initrumenl or ahangaatylaof cait) mtohanlim all below k ay board optralaa piano aelton aUtraot direct, and praelialy aa regular piano kaya do, iieuitng tbt lamt tiprtnlon aa tht arllit ran by band can bt tntlraly rtuorad from tbt piano In flvt luluutti'a lima, and that without tht uia ol a eorew drlvtr, Wrlto for Frea Booklot SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. IPOKANE. lUTIll PeTUND, Wuk, Wsik. f(a Easnaa mm WBmmmmw l 4H IIM firunlli. Tim most ruinnrknblo Imtnnct of rap id tftiiwth wn recorded by the l'rencli scnilniny In 171!ti. It win h lio 0 yunra of age, D fi't't (I (lichen In height. At tlii) gu of 0 III volet) changed; fit (I lila tM'itrd linil grown and hr appeared n man nf .'10. tin H)Heiucd grelt phjlw en I rtrr-ligth mill l-fitilil itilly lift I tiln nliiiuliliTit niiil enrry hng of grain weighing "00 IhiuihI. Ilia decline wn a rapid a IiIm Krmvtli. At H IiIk lut I r ntul heard wern gray, at 1M lm tottered III lilt wnlk, liln teeth fell out mill III hand liivnino pulaliil; nt II! lm died with evory outwnrd sign of extrumu old BKn. TT tllittilrait paHa'aj nf ltnaao. Tlirro tin IftH) api'de of ruai-n In ex Ulcmv, llioiiiili Krliupn not tuuru thun fifty clearly deMiied fiuiilllc. Of tluwo funilllcM only two urn of American birth, Tliero nro thouaninl of vnrltt-tli-ii, howeviir. mid of tin-no our enter prising roiw grower Imra contributed by fur tin' Inrgeat proportion. Tim cagvrly iwiiElit black ruo la Mill mi produced, though a New York tlnrlat lm a dark ml onu which In mhiid light hu tliu appearand) of black vrl ret. U Ctfip ii Cu (l tctkt ll til (ill Ciliiiff Mk. QnltUf Willi UlltilT POLAND CHINA HOGS I'lli ol.l iiio'iali la Mt an In tf) iowi nf up loilala bixllo l'r.tlrr futiililixl with atary l iuM Wrlla m jour wanU. A. L, SWACGAItr, AlllfNA, OH f CON PAINLESS TENTISTRY fcl'iift J"-' YaaCaUxikiK tXAMINATIONJ fHfC (laM reowm.ll llrMi Wrrk, r t)ih,l. r.i.. (I rulttr nillD.s aaci noil rmimf, ii. YALE DENTiaTO ii7X rirtmr..i i-uuiLihiJ, onr.noN 20-MULE-TEAM BORAX Soften Water, make the Skin Clear. remove iimpie anil uiackheadl, Whllenathollanda, fre the Scalp from Dandruff and make Daautiful Hair. All stln.-0-lta. Bamflaaiid o BUittSPJ iiiaaiiaiia. I'ACIiriO Ou .w UBBIAIIU, !. MM raah la lour pwkat, carina rem rortabla cowl waan mora milk, mora eraam and molt wonar Aik tor l.lll'a lllal Kir Ktllar, 11 roala laaa ao4 doaa mora, Hold br daalara. Ql , IS rli.i (all., 11.00. Mada br Caa. II l.lllr On., IWaltla, I'oitlind, Han rraactaro. . Outside Buying Killer NO HIGHER COMPLIMENT to 'Terrace Park" could bo aiked than the FACT that outsido people are buying lot In Portland' most beautiful and best new residence section. Here are the people who have bought the patt few days: Peter Ophus, S. T. Ness, Martin Hargenton, Charles Olcson and John Oleson, all from EUGENE, OREGON, one lot each; Grant Wade, Olex, Oregon, four lots; C. W. Shurte, T. B. Richardson, George A. Clough and E. J. NiUchke, ALL FROM ARLINGTON, OREGON, two lots -each; M. O. Clarke, Condon, Oregon, one lot; J. A. Sheridan, Seattle, one lot THEY KNOW A GOOD THING AND KNOW THEY WILL SOON TREBLE THEIR MONEY. Lots, $300 to $600, on easy terms. Write today for particulars. THE SPANTON COMPANY Opposite Chamber of Commerce 270 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon Nothing I Ate Agreed With Me MIIS. I.LN0RA HODLNIIAMLU. Mr, l'imrn lUxlenlminrr, II. K.I). 1, , Ihix OU, Kcrmrnvlllc, N C, write: "I aiitfcircl tvilli atomotli trouble find Inillgi'Ntloii for Miino tlmr, ami tiotliiiiK that I nto Kri'l ltli inn. I waa very not out unit fxM'rlrnc(M continual I fi-4lillK of unmOrtr.M and frr. I took iniiiiciiio irom mo uocior, uui u uiuina no kooiI, "I fouiiit In one of your I'crunn book a drrcrlptlon of my ajmptoina. I thon wruto to Dr. IlattuiHti for advice. lie mid I had catarrh of the ntomncli. I took lVnma anrl Manalln and followol III dlrrctlona nnd enn now ray that I fail a well it I over did. "Ihopo that nil nho are aMIcttd wltli Uio rama ayrnptoin nlll Uka IVruim, a It hni certainly cured me." The nbovo It only one of liunilrwli who liavn written alinllnr letter to Dr. IlartiiiAn. Juit one micli rn rm till en title I'eriinn to the candid coniidemtlon of oery one rlmlUrly a III let ed. If thin bo true of tlieteotiiuony of one person, what ought to Iki tha tiatlrnony of hundrrtli, ye thouinnd, of honeat, ln cere people. Wo have in cur flic gn-nt many other teitlmonlal. Ilranlllan, Tommy (lookliiK up from the paper tit I rvadlnc) l'a, what I a finan cier? l' (proudly) A financier, Tommy, I a man who understand the art of getting other eoilo' money. Somer villa Journal. , , . inn ruuidtiu iiib diiu maiitui uu. W b UI tnilt tnu rarlleulaia about Iti Uaullful I'aramle, Moiale, Snamalixl and Knrauiilo Tlla, wbolaaala and ratalL WlllatoJajr. JAMtS t. DANKtR. Pr.p. 217 Marqvant Hid. Pnland, Or a con Don't Push' Tho horse can draw tlio load without help, if you rcduco friction to almost nothing by applying MidaAxh Gi'eaise I to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever mada wears so long and saves so much horse power. Next time try Mica Axle GncAic. Standard Oil Co. lfyarola4 P. N.U. No. 32-07 w 1IJCN vrrltlnr; to dtrilatrpla ntniian tuia papar. People are "TERRACE uamj? nr. iML-mrj.-nLi'iiiuii kK-mmmmm I ullV MV W limit Slror llriitrn n I'arntr, Throvru from the tuck by tlto en kIiio of a rnat fro I a lit train, the body or n ktcer utriivk It. J, Goodwin of Mlddleburo, ICy., who w on a horan cloao by, mid knocked him and the liornfl Into the water of Cannon Creek, (ioodwln aud the hone both were drowned, (Ioodwln w.i driving acveral head of cnttlo to hi farm near four .Mile. A he renchrd tho rnllroid cronalng near Krriidale tho train fipiiroai-liwl at a rapid mlo of x-ed. Thu cattle were on the triuk mid the train plownl It way through the hunch. Mr. Ooodwln wa not on tho truck and aouuied to be out of harm' way. The heavy ongltia pIckM up one of tho ttevr. however, mil threw It high Into the air. It fell agalmt the horno on which itr. Goodwin waa riding and both were thrown ovr a high embank ment Into tho creek, which waa awolteu from rain. Tfwf Up to KiprrtAflnna. Aunt Jeruiba Aun hail Juat returned from a trip to Kjjpt, where ah had gone (a Hit cbitxroD of a pair of wealthy Hirer. "Did you are tlit ipblnx, auotlt" ak td her 'nelgbbori. "Land, yral" alio aald, "and brivretn you and uit I wa dretful dlaapp'lnted. It' Ilia ugtlrat, ornerleat lookin' thing I tvrr act eyea on. It hain't got no noie, and Ha tin la great thret cornered ilaba atlckin out from the alilea of ll bend. I uatd to think old I'lilp Van Awadall wa the bumbllrat critter tb Lord tver mndr, but he'r an Aolto Ilullvldere 'long aide of that there aplnk. If tb ugly thing wan on my land I'd aell out and more away, jiat to get abut of It-" Chi cago Tribune. After wahtng and drying bed com fortable and quilt, fold them evenly In a third of their width, roll a tight ly a poBilble and then beat them with a stick a piece of a broomitlck I good for thl and the hatting will toon be light and fluffy like new. Never Iron quilt, a the heat from the Iron will "kill" the batting. Not Suppoard o Knorr. flenorter (whipping out note book) There' ont or two tblngi I'd like to And out about tb cat now on trial. Do you Dignified Tarty t don't know any thing, air. I'm ont of tbt experta. All bat Thai. Mr. Ftrguaon That' tbt new girl tinging In tbt kitchen, I It) Sbi' a regular cuckoo. Mr. Kerguaon Ye, except that ht can't cook. Ntwipaper hereahouta hardly mention tbt mart centenarian, but wben a patrl ireb or a matriarch gtta to ISO, then com ment begin. Mexican Herald. C LA3SIFIED ADS OTICK Thalnllowlnr announrementi art fiom Iradlcc builntaa man and Hrmi, and are wall worlb your raralul laadlDf, Tb tut ruajr ronlalu uit tba proioaltlaa jou art look lug for. REAL ESTATE IIO.OO DOWN-110.00 MONTHLY itnd In for booklaldtirrlbln our moron teed I Imrilmant at Jomleson Park, a auburbol . r-pakah. I An Inveatment her tnjoji all the iteurltr and prolartlon ofTarr.1 bf a larlnn bank or lllelmuianeceomranr, but tbt rtlurm will nrl Irom 60 ptr etnt to 100 par ent on tbt iu- vtatiatnt. tet ui mall you full particular!! poilal raid will bring them. DAnCOGK A MOS3 Balllnf Asenti Spokane, Waahlnf ton National Dank, Ret. CAST GRIXNACRES Tne only ttaeti on the markri where you ran eontrarl to if II your riop. Ten train, a day. Abundant ol atr I'ttrt tlMOu per arrt raiy paymenlir-eoma In or wrltt fur partlcu- " IlKECIIKH A THOUI-80N Fpoktne, Waahlnston. 110 8taveni Wr. IIUY TlmUr Landi from owner bl'AKKll IIIIO.. H lWmird, Bpokan. Waih Coeur d'Alana ItatarraUon wltl open loom rholc land i& ml Ira from Fpokan. Cotur d'Altnt Kaaervailon Aitoey, 17-11 Kxcbanfa building, Kpokaut, Huh, ..., PARK" Lots Than Ilia Mrrenrr Froaa, "I think London I n lovely iiincu tot a honeymoon. Don't you. dear?" "Vca, darling," he replied In an ab utrnctcd manner, "I Khali itlway come here In tho future." Jtray Btorie, llothtrt will find Kn. WlruViw'i Boothlnt; Trunin h ! rmtdr totiMliribalrctiUii-j aurltif ibt Uatulug pt'Kxt- Sural Vm front Oar I'rlrnda. "Doubley bought a ho ran tho other day " "Yea, and be we horribly ttuck, waim't he J" i "Oh I you've ecn tho Iwrne tlfn?" "No, hut ho told mo he wa going to buy one from 'a friend who I in the burini.' "Philadelphia I'rena. HOWAIID r.. nUllTOM.-A.arT rl Cbemlat. laaTtlla. C4rAd& KDA.-tMM.ii Drlcl Clul.L Mlrar, 1-aJ. II i UoU, Wlrar, Jf l IMM, tXci XIm or toer, U CjaoMa laia. JialUna nalepa and fall iric Hat atnloa rfllun. cmtrl ih! Urn rlrtMkaalulwL lulaitrwai CutionaU Mar booal JIuK. Wronax I'ranaai at Iflnil, "Caroline, aren't you tver going to join tbt cburchr" "Of count I am, Aunt Ilachel, noma day. Hut you ought to know bettet than to aik me to do It when I'm right In the mldit of thla dratttd houat clean Ing." Shake Into Ytiir 3ho Allan'iToot 1'att. A ponJer. It makfi tlib4 I or new ibora frt eaiy It la a rrruin cure lor awraimr. cauoua inn noi,iirtitrnir.j( irri. Hold bf nil Unirrlilt. Prlr aw. Trlalpark tie mailed fllKK. Addttaa Allen U.Ulmatcd, , LeKor, York. I Tb erangt production of California amount to about 118,000.000 in value and tb gold production about $17,000,-000. A Summer Vacation in Your Kitchen Don't swelter this summerwith the tem perature at 110. Get a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove and have a cool kitchen. The NEW PERFEO10N Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove produces a wotkinc flame instantly. Dlue flame means highly concentrated heat, no soot, no dirt. Oil is always at a maintained level, ensuring a uniform flame. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. Tbt afjnvv IteybLamp L u of brass throughout and constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-civing power ; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OH. COMPANY, INCORPOUATEO a QE-wmp LWV Are always reported hen Portland Seed Co.s "Diamond Brand Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow bejt on this Coast. Our handsomely illustrated and descriptive .Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. Roses. Spray Pumps. f rtllUers. Incubators. At Ut tUak Na. W Tnaa. SXnaa. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Oregon . mmr. anklng by lall WE PAY INTEREST On raving deroalt of a dollar or more, compounded twlco every year. HI Juat a car to open . Saving Account with us by Mad If you lived next door. Fend for onr free book let, "Banking by Mall." and learn full particular. Addret Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and 'Washington Sts. T5 I The I reach government employs 17 US people In It Stare tobacro factories. The gren mnfnrllv r women. M j- ... . It lVnlve linn InT all-round house hold use. Made beautifully nickeled. Perfectly t-7evrBJiEZ3t i The Finest Gardens Brooders. Poultry and Bee Supplies. 260 Wa iW ban I MwUI caubc Cu. Baal Ha 20 1 ' a iiia SpoKane, Wovah "N r r f f ' "i Portland Property Will Soon Treble in Value 2SJE3KBSaaVE3SaValfCafJa,Y!aX3afJEX ri'i.'niH .y.VJmHt. a-