JvT M 1 DOOMED. I By WILLARD MacKENZIE vT? CHAPTER XVIII.-(Continued.) Mr. Parsons had been listening to the conversation, with a supercilious sneer upon hla face. "Oh, Mr, Jerome ia quite fright," he miIiI, In hW mull drawling manner. "She looked awfully frightened." Stafford felt greatly Inclined to dash Ma fist In the aea1(er'a face. Hut tbe cold perspiration was atartinic from every Kre, and he frit tick at heart aa he ask ed the question, "Did you speak to her?" "As I told you," continued Jerome, "I pressed forward aa soon aa I ww her, but the moment the set her ye upon roe, ahe hurried Into the carriage, and the old man after her. The servant banged the door, t ran up to the window, but It was pulled down In uty face, and the car riage alarted. Had I been a little more prepared for o suddenly meeting her, ahe would not bare escaped roe quite ao ?aslly." "Hut what could you have done?" ask ej Stafford. "Shown her up before all her aer Tanta." "Hut If ahe b really the peraon you be Here, I ahould suppose her friend would I quite willing to well remunerate you to lioah the matter up. "It la not money I want, but reTcnge," answered Jerome, aavagely. "Well. well, let us drop the subject." said Stafford, abruptly. "After all. It la nothing to me. Hut I with to apeak to you on a little matter of ouslnrss alone for a few minute. Can we not go Into your bedroom?" Aa aoon aa tbey were closeted atone. Stafford gave way to the agitation that ver-maatered him. "Jerome," he aald, with trembling voice and llpa, "I did not wlh those fellowa to know that I had any interest In the affair, but I have the deepest. Jerome, we have been friends now of some yrars standing, and I be Here we hare a sincere liking for each other at least, I can apeak for myaelf. Let me, then conjure you, If you have the smallest particle of respect for me, do not molest this lady: leave the affair In my hands. You do not know how much my happiness or misery depends upon the Issue." "Why, my dear fellow, what alls you V cried Jerome. "You don't mean to aay (hat this woman haa wound her tolls round you? If ao, the greatest favor I could do you would be to unmask her, end cur yon of such an infatuation." "Do not apeak of her In that way; I cannot endure to hear It," exclaimed Staf ford, passionately. "If you knew her aa I do, a being ao utterly opposed to the slle coquette by whom you were deceived, you would perceive, like myaelf, how Im possible It U that she ahould be the aame person. Now, listen to me. During the last two daya I have been using every means to trace the woman whom you knew aa Katie Doran." J,YouJ" ejaculated Jerome. , , ' 221jaQiXXt-lajjQlRZ9-Jbt& Intended "fokeep aecret until, at least, I bad ob tained some clue; but what I have heard In your etudlo renders auch aecrecy impos alble." Then Stafford went on to tell how be had discovered the picture of Circe to be In the possesion of Sir Launce I'enrbyddyn; bow be had made a aketch of It, and traced the picture dealer who had aold It. Jeromb listened to every word with the most profound astonishment, never once Interrupting the speaker. "Thla myatery I waa determined to smlve," Stafford continued. "Kven now there (s a strange, half-defined Idea float ing In my brain, at present too Inexplica ble to be spoken of; but It 'a a clue that J shall follow up. Trust to me, Jerome; you know I am not easily turned aside from any undertaking I once engage In; nnd I pledge you my honor that If the be the delinquent, which I will stake my soul ahe is not, you need not fear that I will shield ber." "There's my band upon the bargain," cried Jerome. "I am heartily sorry that you should take any Interest .'n this wom an, who Is Katie Doran aa sure aa you stand there. Hut since you wlah it, the matter shall be put aalda for a time; and now let ua go back to the boys." "No, not now," replied Stafford. "Who Is that fellow, Parsons, you Introduced me tot Where did you pick him up?" "Oh, I hare met him In different places, and, of late, be baa taken to coming here." Stafford left tbe house In a miserably depressed atate of mind. There was some thing terrible in tbese ever-accumulating proofs. Hrarely he fought against and cut out evtrj doubt; but the struggle was a sore one. CHAPTKR XIX. At eight o'clock that aame evening Wy lie was sitting with Mrs. Wylle. Dinner had Just been removed, and they were nlone. Tbe gentleman wore an air of su preme content; but the lady looked gloomy and ill at ease. "Hannah, my dear," aald Mr. Wylle, after a pause, "I have made a great dis covery to-day." "Indeed I" ahe aald, drearily, without lifting ber gate from tbe fire, whereon It bad been fixed during- tbe last ten min utes. "Supposing I were to tell you that Constance is twenty next birthday, In stead of nineteen, as everybody seems to appose T' , , "Impossible!" cried his wife, raising her . "I bar seen tbe data of ber cy birth over and over again In the family Hlble." "And I lure seen the parish register," answered her husband, triumphantly. "S1k was born on the first day of Decem ber, 1875; consequently, on the first day of December, l&KS, she will b twenty years of age." "The Hlble say she was born In 137(1," persisted the lady. "Hut If you remember, dear," argued Mr. Wylle, In his softest tone, "the Hlble now extant U not the original. When the flro broke out In Harley street the old Hlble was among the things burnrd; and Tom Grlersou did not replace It until some two or three years afterward. Con stance was then between eleven and twelve years old. lie himself Inserted that and other dates In the new book from memory; and you know Tom hail not much of a head for domrsttc matter. Some fancied coincidence probably mis led him." "And how came you to discover tnls?" "Well, the other dty I was running back In my memory to trace certain events, when an association of Ideas sud denly obtruded the picture of Constance a baby In arms at a time that, according to received data, she could not have been born. lrpon which, I traced Back the tUte of Arabella's marriage, and the time that elapsed before the child' birth Finding all my memorlra at fault with the a fore Mid data, I Immediately adopted the sim plest means of putting the question at rest by an examination of the registers, In which I found I waa right." "Do you think her uncle knows of thla?" "I do not think so, or he would have been certain to let It out In some Indirect wny he never can keep anything. No, I hope to come down upon them wtth tbe news like an avalanche. Constance Grler on will certainly not be married to a man of family by the first of December, and aa certainly will ahe forfeit her for tune If she Is not On the thirtieth of November, I'enrhyddyn will virtually be ours. On the first of December, the day afterwards, our share of old Tom Orler son's fortune will drop Into our mouths. Hut you do not em elated at this glo rious news." he aald, observing his wife's somber looks. "Hecause I cannot reconcile myself to tbe villainous means by which It will be gained," she answered, moodily. "The whole affair la a pure business transaction," he aald. Impatiently. "I am left by will ten thousand pounds, to be paid out of the mortgage money of certain estates; If tbe mortgage money Is not paid, I bave a fancy to bzj up those estate. Where Is the crrme In that? An other sum of money Is left tq,nt OK con dition that a, ceriltt young lady does not marry byu certain age. Ia It locum- -tent upon me to see that she does fulfill tbese conditions for tbe sake of not hav ing tbe money? I did not make the pro visions for the foreclose of the mortgage I did not tie the young lady down to marry such and such kind of person, with in such and such period. Then, why m I not entitled to seize upon the benefit which others have devised for me?" "AH this Is mere sophistry," answered his wife. "It may satisfy you who bave no time for thought, but It does not sat isfy me, wbo sit brooding here tbe live long day, with only my own dark thoughts for companions. During the last few days I have been depressed with a gloom I cannot shake off. 1 feel aa though something terrlM were about to happen. What baa become of that wom anMrs. Castleton?" she asked, sudden- "She waa at the office yesterday, to draw the last shilling of ber money." "Ileware of tbat woman," ahe aald, earnestly. "Hreak with her, If you can, before she worka you mischief. I bave never seen ber, and never wish to see her ; tut from what I bave beard from your l-ps, I can well understand tbe dangerous woman ahe is. Let her go ber ways whll you are safe; above all, do not provoke her vlndlctlvenrss, for you can never tell tbe lengths to which a woman's revenge will carry her." "Well, tbe Idiotic folly of some people Is past all understanding," be broke out, suddenly; "they are no more fit to be trusted with money than Infants; Indeed, I think It Is meritorious to take It away from them before tbey do themselves a mischief with It. Would you believe It? That girl Constance, after refusing Ar thur I'enrbyddyn, actually wrote, or caus ed to be written, an anonymous letter to him, saying tbat If all else failed, be could obtain tbe money to pay off the mortgage by applying to Groom and Fry, In lied ford How." "If tbat Is tbe case, you are powerless," said bis wife, "Am I?" be exclaimed, snarling like a dog. "Tbe letter is in my bands. Un fortunately, young I'enrbyddyn has read It. Hut whatever extremities I resort to, tbat money shall not be forthcoming." OIIAPTKR XX. There waa Illness at I'enrbyddyn Cas tle. Sir Launce, worn out, prostrated by anxieties, lay upon a sick bed and baa son bad been summoned to his side. Tbe doctors aald that there waa no immedi ate danger, but be must be kept quiet, and bis mind at ease. The night waa gathering In fast over tbe gray October sky, and the wind whis tled drearily through tbe large rooms and corridors of tbe old castle, as Arthur IVnrhyddyn sit nlone, unletting beside his father's bed. That strange, sudden dlapenrnnce of Mrs. Castleton had been a terrible blow; It Ind driven him nlmost Into it delirium: for liner hud be felt how omnipotent waa her Influence until now th.it she seemed lint to him forvrr. In titltt he sought to trneo her; In nln he sought to ntvomit for her disappearance. At limes, a thought crossed his brain, too terrible to dwell upon. Waa she one of thst rare, and did she 'rr that her love might work upon him only the fulfillment of a curse? lie remembered the extraordinary emotion she manifested during the recital. And once or twice a yet wilder nnd more Im probable Idea rose up amidst the phantas magoria of his mind, excited by a fancied resemblance that be traced In the pale, set features framed by the blnrk hair. Such thoughla must be a symptom of madness; he thought the crave could not gtre back Ita dead, and she lay burled In I'enrbyd dyn churchyard. These thoughts, for tbe hundredth time, were pasting through his brain. And brooding tints, there came Into his mind the thought to go nnd look nt that strange picture, which he had not seen since the day on which old Daniel had told him the legend. Casting a glance at the sleeper, he crept out of the room. Hi waa not aware of the removal of the painting, but his way to trie western tur ret lay through the picture gallery. And upon entrrlng It, one of the first objects his ryes fell upon was the portrait of Klonore de Solssotvs. It was a sudden shock to see that pale, dark face looking out from among the portraits of his ancestors. To his excited fancy, there was a look of triumph In bis eyes that seemed to say, "At last." Most ominous to his fatalistic creed was this circumstance. "For two hundred yenrV he thought, "It has lain amongst dust and rubbish, and now It Is brought down ami fixed here In the position that during all that time was Its right. What can It portend, but the speedy destruction of the race upon whom she put her male diet Ion?" He had no difficulty In guessing whose hands bad placed the picture there; no one but his father would have dared to thus brave Fate. And now he fell to scrutinising those features. Although they had been graven upon his boyish memory In unfading lines, he tried to clear his mind of fancies, and then to endeavor to discover how true or how false was Ita supposed resemblance to Mrs. Castleton. In expimslon, save the last time he saw her, there was no resemblance; there was a stern melan choly upon the countenance of the por trait, which found no counterpart upon that of the living woman. Hut Its con tour. Ita dark eyes and hair, were like so like, that It called up the dear Imago of his love with painful force. "Oh, where art thou, my beloved?" he exclaimed, passionately. "Why hast thou fl.l frnm mn) Came back come back I Thou art my fate, my destiny, whrther for goal or evil, and I am thine: ami were It the spirit of F.Ieonore de Solssons her self, returned to this world of woe to avenge ber wrongs, my love would b 'he samel" A long, lo- wsH'swept through the gal lerr'ns be spoke those words. It was only the wind, but to his over-excited Imagina tion It sounded like the cry of a depart ing spirit. He shuddered at the thought, and walked softly baek to hla father's room. Sir Launee was still sleeping, snd tbe nurse, whose place he had supplied for a short time, having returned, he was relieved of his watch. He felt oppressed and feverish, and putting on his hat, went out Into the open air. The cool, fresh breexe waa In vigorating, and tbe damp, leafy smell of the woods was grateful to him after tbe close atmosphere of ths sick chamber. .Scarcely heeding what direction he took, he walked on, deep In thought, until be approached the coast. Klght In front of blm stood John Trevethlck's cottsge. Tbe sight of this spot recalled to his mlpd that he had not seen tbe old fisher man for some years. He would look In upon tlie old man; be would be sure to find blm at home, as age prevented him now from leaving hi cottage. It waa now nearly dark; the last dim twilight was fading fast out of the cold gray sky, Tbe door of tbe cottage stood wide open, but there was no light within, nor any sign or sound of human life, II stood upon the threshold, and called "John Trevethlek V There was no answer. Hut he beard a slight rustle, as of a woman's dress, and tbe aound of breathing. Again he called "John Trevethlek, are you there?" A low, terrified female voice answered, "Who Is that?" "It I I, Arthur I'enrbyddyn," be an swered, quickly. "Wbo are your A faint cry waa hi answer. He sprang Into tbe but, saw a moving body before blm, stretched out his arms, and the next moment a woman'a bead was leaning up on his breast, and b soft voice whisper ing "Arthur." Kven now he could not credit the evi dence of his senses, it was so marvelous, so beyond all belief. Yet she lay upon his bosom, clinging around blm, tier breath upon hla cheek. Ah I he saw It all I She had repented of her flight she bad followed him down to Cornwall, He bore ber out Into the open air, that by tbe dim Ugbt be might feast his eyes upon ber face. There was still sufficient light "Even now," be cried, fondly pressing her to his heart, "I can scarcely believe that it is you. I fear to loose you, lest you should fly away from me like some vision of the night. How came you here was It to see me?" "Yes," she murmured, after a pause; "to seek you. What else should bring me' to this remote country? Do not ques tion me; do not ask for explanations lest I should again fly from you." A mist was rising from tb sea. Them was damp In the atmosphere, and tb wind blew aharply, and moaned dUmally, (To be continued.) ONP" Possibilities nt lteKrliiw. Fifty jonr have witnessed wonder ful change In most Industries, but none grontcr thnn hnvo been ninde In modern txv culture. In our grntidfnth era' tiny !ces were kept In nlrnw "skcivi," lost "gums," nml box hives. Af ter tolling through the Ions summer to Iny up n store) of sweets, tint cold tlnya of autumn saw the Ihvs consigned to tho sulphur pit. whle their combs of honey were mashed up nnd htmir In n muslin bag heron the tin to drip, I "strained" honey wns the result nnd sometimes thero wns n decided flnvor or hoe-bread nnd brimstone. Tim Interior of a beehive wns n sent ctl look until 18B2. when the senilis or Ungstnith, by tho Invention of the movable comb-hit e, broke the senl nml nllonol nmn to senn tlio wonderful pngvs. This was tlio first, tho revolu tionary step or modern tieo-cultim tho foundation or nil ubmtiont Im provement To-dny bt culture Is nlmost nn ox net sclenci. Thero I money In tlio business nml the question la often nsk- cd : "What nro tho prollls of txvkcep. . hue?"' They vnry fmiu less thnn noth ing (when tho bvs must lm fed, t I en u so the wenther I such Hint no crop 1ms Iwn tntliontl) to ntnouuts thnt nro fabulous. Ono colony, nnd Its Incn'nso, 4lf Italian yuo lis. Irallan tlruoe, In Trxim, stored 1,000 pounds of hon uitnt honey In ono wnson. Hut this Is decidedly exceptional. Fifty muml of comb honey or 100 of extracted would Ik consilient! n good nverngo yield. Tho Istter sells, nt wholesale, from 4 to 7 cents n iioutiil. nnd retail nt about 10 cents. Comb honey wholesales from 10 to in cents a pound, and rot&i'.i'nt atiout-W-ocnU n'jound. Hut nplculturo docs not llvei to Itseir nlone. It ha been provtsl, beyond tho shadow or a doubt, thnt many crop or rrults, vcgetnblea nnd grain nro greatly Improved, both In quantity nnd qunl Ity, by the agency or tho bee In brlmc line about irfect fertilization or the blossom. Souio flower remain nbso lutuly sterile unless pollen l conveyed to them by somo mochanlcnl moans rrom nome other blossom. In the sweet springtime when tho wldo-spreadlnx branches or the npplo tree nro nlmost hidden by mniwe or pink nnd white promise or ruturo rrultrulneas, many or u tlo not renllxo that nil or thin U'nuty, thla sweet jwrrume, the tiny drop or nectnr nestling nmouic the petal, nro a pnrt or nnturc' plnn ror securing tho nttendnnco or those marriage-priests tho bee. Indianapolis News. When t Hal Hasan, Several or tho State experiment atn- Hon hnvu shown by their test loss or fertility In bnrn and stable manure by the old methods of Imiulllng It. whlcli suggest the Importance or dally or weekly hnulltiK nnd spreading on the field. Tho latest experiment mnde by the Ohio stntlon prove thnt when mn nuro wn thrown Into the open barn yard and permitted, to Ho thero ror flvo month berore bcltis hauled to tho field It hnd a raluo or $2.40 icr ton. When drawn directly to the neia n fast a It was mnde tho valuo wn l.'l.as ier ton. When tho mnnuro wn sprinkled with ground phosphate rocK a fust ns It wn mnde In the ntnble, thus preventing nomo Ion of ammonia, tho vnluo waa $3.18 per ton. The clnlm I mado tbat at least one Miint nf tho valu? or the mnnuro la lost ns It I usually put on tho Innd with a fork nnd thnt tcu londs put on with a iimniiro snreader go n far nnd do nn much cood ns fifteen load put on In tho old-fuahlonwl, careless way. Clean slllk. t, utiffhteat dcifreo or filth in a milk enn will Injure tho milk, and it la is .n.in tn have nortlon of the former milk contained In the cans to bo left over, despite tho greatest care. First wash the cam in tepid water, to which a llttlo powdered borax ha been ad ded, and then ecaia tnem with Dolling water, addlns borax again. Itlnso with clean cold water, and place them where dust cannot reach thorn, norax may tie used freely with adrantago la all wa ter ue4 for tulIK pan rrSfcGW -vy xtrz rertlllsliisr fur Fruit, Tho sruvfliiK ,,f fnl,t '''l,",l'',, ,B,,or nt llio proper time, nnd conslderablti work is lnm liefon iIrliiK oxns. When uniworo I urn combined In kwu Insects nml pnrrtaltea In clunk tlio re sult hits kvn boiieuVlnl. ir the Inlnir nnd cost or rerllllxers must lw consid ered It In snrn to nssert thnt fruit gnmers tlrrho Inrcer protlta from rnsh U-rrles nml blncklierrles limn tunny of them deserve, ns It Is only when pick In nnd ImnoslltiK the cn' thnt tno nnl Inbor Is informed. After such cn nro harvested mime lMd receive but little enre nnd cullhnllon, and It la seldom Hint liinmirrs or fcrlllliern nn npplled, though Hit strnwlwrry la Indi ct! differently. HulerprlsliiK rmlt itmw ers mnltitnlu thnt It wtys to (live black Ifrry nnd rnplerry enne kixmI oultl vntlon, nml to npply fertlllxers Homi ly, na the liicn-nsr.1 cnp of Ifrrles mid .lgumu vine mon limn wiy Hie ri 'ti. During period of drought tne grnssjr niws of cntics must tinielr for moisture with Intruder, nnd It "Hen bnpiMMi thnt n dry Nrltl iet In Just nt the llino the lerrlr-t are ripening, nnd when innlstun Is greatly needed, When Hie soil Is clenr of grass nnd wcshIs, nml th surrace or the gnmnd loose, ths tn from lack or moisture la gruntly reduced. I'unltrr In I'rnnarlfnnU, On the basis or iHTun ciKrlence tho author or n rentisylvnnln bulletin discusses the reeding and can or poul try, nrtlnctnl lucuhntlim, the rnlslng of duck, turkeys nml geese, on the farm, poultry dlwnse, nnd relntetl question. A combination or fruit growing nml poultry rnlslng I civlnlly rceom mended, "Ux-ate your iultry !hiuo If lwislhle no that the runs will Ih In nn on-hnnl, The fowl will ileal--y 1$ Q MiIbiImi Worttr Italian 'urkr thousands of harmful Inserts, thus gn-atly benefiting the trves nnd Increas ing the pnMects ror rmlt, nml the fowls will gain grent comfort nnd teue fit by the protecting shnde or tho tree, l'liiiu treea and cherry trees nro rste clnlly benefited by the presence of thu fowl nbout their root. IVneb tree will grow most rapidly nnd sootiest give nn abundant shnde." Ilusslaa Karntvra Comlnar, A crowd of Itusnlnn farmers, the first of tht rlns or Immigrant to nrrhe lit l'hllndelphln In any considerable numbers, reschtil there nvently on the American liner Frlesland, rrom Liver pool. There were many who hail fought for their country agnlnut JnNin nml wbo still wore tho military i form In which they hnd breti dis charged. There wen In all MO or these much-sought-arter farmhand, nenrly all or rrbom an member or tin Greek orth odox church. Most or tho Immigrant left Inst night ror Illinois, Minnesota, Nebrnnkn mid tbo Dnkotns. Though lllltarato, they are Industrious and thrirty. The lender or the pnrty stated thnt, owing to the a)lltlml nml eco nomic crisis, 800,000 fsrmliinds will leave Ituwils this year ror tho United State, coming principally from the I (Helper ami Don districts, the richest farming districts of the country. Wash Tank and TaliU, A vegetnblo gnnleuer who prepare n good many vegetable ror market by first washing and then drying tins J vtitrramjc WAHiirn. devised the plnn llluslrated ror remov ing the soil nnd then draining. The lank I little more limn a water-tight box with a plug In tho bottom ror drolnnge. Tho shelf I nttnehed to tho box with a hinge, likewise tho legs, no that folding In smaller space Is jwssl. ble. I'ralrlo Farmer, Seals on lbs Kara, Scale should bo used In every houso and bnrn. There Is moro money In knowing thnn In guessing. Tho follow ing proverb should bo beetled : "De liver all thing by measure I nnd weight" Weigh the stock and grain and hay, a well aa fertlllxers, no aa to deal Justly and bo fairly doalt with. In selling live stock tbo weight I usu ally estimated by tlio drover or butcher who cornea to buy, and long practice on their part gives them a decided adran- tage over tbo seller. Among the ecullitr product or Man. churln, vthlfh nro becoming belter known to the outside world slum tho oMnliig or Hint country, I "ttlhl. silk,' (iroduivd by nil luwct immtM Aullientit pnruyll, vthli'h I he Umiii thu Moiigo. llnu tmk lenvcn In sotitliensliTti Mnn churln. The niimnil production for n few jettrs pnst I estimated at I0,(si,. 000 cocoon. In Hlmiitung this silk Is mntmfiii-turfd Into pongee. In humnu history n great river line sometlmrs formed n dividing Hun W. InevU peoples Mismslng quite different vhnrnctiTlsllcn. Dr. W. M. Lyons, Jr, hits discovered n similar phenomenon nffivtln squirrel In Horiieo. I to found eight different form of squir rel Inhabiting the northern nnd west ern parts of the great Inland, nnd ob sorted Hint largo rher proved nil effectual barrier In separating two dis tinct rare. Dip n thick piece of vthltn nbsorbeiit (blotting) pcr Into n solution of 1( (tart or oikIIo nold In Ksl imrts or alcohol; keep the Mier III the llquhl until It Is thoroughly saturated, and then dry by suspending In the nlr. Ani line Ink iot tttlllHit Nt rotootvil by llil iar. HiiMt. Imweter, Ink nit tilulug Iron I much mon rouimottly uwsl than aniline Ink. this NtKr will Ix found liidlsw'iHMhle for tho oftK-j when olieo IntrxMltli-ed. 1,'iigliH-er nro hsrueHsliig many of the water of the world to the use of man. A great project I under ny to catch the flood which rilli ttovtu Hi Western (Ihits, near Htwitxty, nnd to use the wnter ower In cotton mill nitd other rnctorle. The nlleys are of rocky formation, and. wllh dams the lower ends, enu N made Into tight reservoirs. Tlireo tnlleys will ln clHel In by dams n-"vtlely half a mile, a mile ami n mite mid a hair long. Tho automobile omnibus haa hrough! nbout a grent change In lulervlllngs communlrntlou In western France, l'n til very rrcrnlly thero wn no such communication except by ltor drawn vehicles, trolley Hue existing only In the larger cities. Now n movement I rapidly spreading for tht Introduction of aulobiuiao, running from town to town, and Hm-mi vehicle an proving to lo very oiutnf, and a great exten sion of tin system Is nutlelNted, tho topulntloli U-llig dense. In the desert or I slay, near I -a Joys, IVru, tliero nro thousands or crescent shnpetl sand iluties, formed by tho winds, ami slowly adtniiclng across tho level surface. I'rofcsaor Solon I, Hnllny, thu astronomer, measured otin dune, tlio )luts of wIhhu rremvuts) Here UK) feet npfllt. while the length round the convex side wn 477 feet. The width nt the widest pnrt of tho cn'sccut was more than I0 feet. Tho weight of the sand nmixug tho diiiiu wn.i estimated at rt.Otsl tons, yet It moved 13 feet til n year All tho dunes hnvo the sjitne form, nml nil hnvu their convex side toward tlio pruvnll lug south winds. Hum Vartmtm nf Islands, Them are many millions or cuhlo reet ill the forrsts or the I'lilllppltie that should Ixi cut In order to proicrly thin nut the dense growth ; ror Instance, wlieru there nro thrett or four Inn- growing on n space n-iulnil for one, thnt one so fretsl would put on mora wood ench yenr thnn the four together. The question n to whether KOO or .1,000 tree should reinnln on nil nrro I where tho real value or scientific for estry I shown. Then, too, thero nro ninny nioro million or cubic feet which reach maturity nnd pass off to decay, never thrilling lo thu woodman's nx. j Tliero nre, however, ery few com- piiinen ill inu i-iiiuppiiie projteriy cqulpttcd to hntidlo I a run log, ami without mnsler mechnulc, exKrt gnng hossc In fart, nit the skilled labor ro- ftilrl nnd without a full ntis-k of tho U'st supply mnlerlul, It would bo lint nrdou lo inuvu tho Inrge log which must be cut nml brought lo market if tho forests ure to bo properly exploited. A good price I paid In Hung Kong ror every stick or limber rrom tho rhlllf pine, nnd tho American lumbermen with modern mulhod can solve tho problem, nnd In no dnlnglicy will not only help to ed lira In tho adaptable Fili pino ns to practical things, but will In sure him cash wages, something un usual In Spanish diiyn. Caiupalatn It's and Vs. "Is It true," naked tlio Intcrvlowor, "that you hnvo tho political beo In your hat?" "No," said tho prominent man riage ly "but I have tbe campaign V In mjr pocket." For the prominent man know well tbat the fond hope or Ills friends were nn nothing to tho fund dopes of hla party. Judge. If a hoy earn ten cents, ho want It; he Isn't willing to truiit tho host msji alive.