THE BEND BULLETIN. 4t '- VOL. V DP.ND, OKI-CON, FRIDAY, JUNF, 7, 1907 NO. 12 I i ijt-l H: W Bocauso wo oro soiling tho samo and better I quality at a closer margin is a very good reason why you will find our storo tho best pluco to buy anything In tho lino of Groceries, Drygoods, Furnish ings, Shoes, Hardware,' Sash and Doors, Paints and Oils The PINE TREE STORE II. A. SATIIHR, I'ROPRIUTOR r A. Complete DRY At Hcnd, Oregon. RoukIi, Surfaced hnd Moulded -LUMBER- All Widths, Lengths INCH COMMON DIMENSION SJ.HPLAP 1 RUSTIC T. & C. FLOORING Reasonable HAIIU CKIWNO Lumber WINDOW JAMIIS UV,r,r,A ,1 I'riCCS WINDOW CASINO Dl,re f flood HKAI) BLOCKS . w wsl 1,00,1 O. G. BASK1IOARD k'bitt " (irudes STAIR TRF.ADS Tlic Lauds of )ry WATI-R TAIII.H n J ' P O. G. BATTINS J-' ,r Stock MOULDINGS "IC C. S. I. Co. I. II. D. PATKNT ROOKING FP.NCK PICKHTS "' SHINGLF.3 KTC, KTC. CUSTOM PEED, M.ILL IN CONNECTION. The Pilot Butte Development Company I BENDl 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Beid, - Oregon. V. P. MYERS LAND ATTORNEY fwtlvc yrara ipftUI prattle lfwie Itir V. fl. I,auu uiufv ui ikinmiiuc in vi uic iwciiui. Ali Central I'tmlll. Office, - I,A!M.AW, Oku. U. C. COB, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Ol'l'ICIt OVUR HANK Till Wlfibt eclepbone connection WAV TW.M'IIONK NO. 21 11UND - OHl'.OON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD DENTIST MINI), 0RF.G0N OOlcr In Jolmtoii IHilUmg, Wall Street Oftlcc I lour., 9 a. in. to 4 p,. in. Of Her rlinue No, y) KriUUiicc I'lionc No, 36 M. V. TURLEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon Ul'flCU IN JOHNSON tDO, ON WAM. T. DHND, dmjooti Stock of At Hcnd, Ore icon. mid Thicknesses J OREGON r; d. wickham Attorney - at - Law ori'ici: in vnk nuiuiiNO, IIHNI), ORHGON tyliuuml II. Kins V It. tluctlM, jr Julm K Koltuck King, Ouerin & Kollock ATTORNBYS-AT-LAVV orrii IU11L llHlklliiic Html, nrrgnu 61a McKay llhlg , ruillauj, Oirguu Hpvclal alttnllen slrrn to qut.llniii relating to Water, I,ii4 aim Crucial Corporalloii Mm, l'HACTICK N AM. I'HllHKAl, ANH STATU COUHT. Qcncrul Prnctlco J. II. IIANGR, ABS TRACTER of TITLES NOTARY PUM.IC Vtie Iniitraucr, I.lle luturancc, Hurtty 1'cunli, Heal lt.tatr, Coiivryaticliig ouJtnoN THE First National Bank of Prlnevlllc. Hstabllshed 1888, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $100,000.00 n I'. Atltn rrtiMmt Will Wwriwtlltr .. ..Vice ITcilileiit V. M. IiaKlnlu ........... Cathltr II. liaMwIu- ,i.. .,.....AMliUnt Ctihlcr WATER AT 450 FEET pound nt That Depth in the Redmond Well. PLENTY OP IT.C0M) AND PURE Pumping Maclilnory Is Ordered and Redmond Will Soon Possess an Excellent Wnter Supply Rhdmond, June 3. Pour hun dred nnd fifty feet deep with 30 feet of water that remained at that depth after being drawn out for three hour is the present record for the deep well at Redmond. Wnter was struct 011 Friday in n stratum of sand in which the drill ing has been proceeding since the 40 feet of magnetic or iron rock wns finished that we mentioned two weeks ago. It is tjiouglit tiiat there may be crevices or fissures at the top of the water sand and when casing is put in the water will rise to a considerable distance. There is nothing certain about this, how ever. The water is quite soft to the feeling, but when vc w.erc at the well on Saturday morning none had settled yet so that it was in shape for drinking. The depth of the well, 450-fcct, makes it 200 feet below the Des chutes river nnd 50 feet below Crooked river. Pumping machinery has been ordered mid a gasoline engine will be used for power. The plan of putting in a complete water system throughout the town is being con sidered, and it is very probable that this will be done. Colonel Ilclchcr says town lots will be advanced in price now 100 jict cent. 15. C. Park. AUTOMOUILFS ON STAOI! LINE Hcnd, Madras & Shantko Company to Uo Them on a Part of Its Route. The Ilcud, Madras & Shaniko Stage Company will soon introduce the use of automobiles on a section of its line between Hcnd aud Shan iko. Automobiles with a capacity of 11 passengers will be used to mid fro on the line between Forest and a point 12 miles north of Mad ras. This will do away with two of the present relays nnd will make travel over this section of 40 miles much faster than is now pos sible with horses. A stage from Priucvillc to connect with the auto mobiles at Forest will also be put on. The automobile service will be installed as soon as the machines can be gotten from Portland. By their aid Manager Wcnntidy says the company will laud passengers in Hcnd at 9 o'clock in the morn- May Oet New Mall Route. John T. Dizncy, mail contractor oh the Wurmspriugs route, is in re ceipt of nu inquiry from the postal department as to the effect upon his contract if the star route from Shnniko to Bend by wny of Mndrns is established. Prom this it is in ferred thnt the department contem plates establishing that service at an early date, as the inquiry would not otherwise have been made. Mr. Dizney states thnt the proposed change in his schedule will be en tirely satisfactory linger the present contract. Pioneer. Oppose Now Road. Steps are being taken by certain parties looking to the opening of a new road on a portion of the route between Bend nnd Roslaud. It Is proposed to branch the new line from tho present one at S.ttid Plat near the Donklc mail box, running cast and coming out on the old road near the Joe Williams place. The new road would be about 1 1 miles long. If it is opened the stage will travel over it. The object in this, according to the promoters, is to eliminate travel through the Dig Meadows, ns they claim the road there is so muddy during part of the year that the stage canudt make proper time. The move for a new road is be ing vigorously opposed by residents livint? along the present road .through the Big Meadows. They claim that with a little work the road can be made a good one for all the year. If the stage stops pass ing that way it will deprive many ranchers of mail facilities, and will be serving practically no one on the new road. Furthermore, they state that on the proposed road there would be no watering places between Bend and Rostand, which would be a great discomfort to travelers. They arc much opposed to the new project nnd art preparing a rcmon strancc thereto. MORE RURAL 'PHONES. New Une to Run North from Laldlaw to Redmond Tumalo News. Ti'malo, June $. Wc are glad to hear of the Kreat interest in the 1'arm cm & Merchant telephone Hue. At a meeting last week at taidlaw n new line Mia or;anUd and o new 'phone or dered. Thia line will tun north from taidlaw into the Ilaroei ami Allen vicin ity and then catt acrou the Dcichutca river at White Kock, and will talc in a good many on the cait aide. Other lmc ignitlcd their intention of coming in later and Mill carry the line to Redmond. Thia line, together with the proposed line from I.aiillaw to Sitter which the farmers are contemplating building during the fummcr, will a great con venience to everyone and at a very until coat. letter a tine will no doubt tic built from taidlaw to Ilend which will con nect the different line at Laldlaw, We don't teem to be left out after all. What' the matter with this for June weather. A turty couiud of a number of our neighbor were plcnioing and fishing at the river Sunday. Ceo. W. Winter wa a business visitor at Ilcud l'riday. Thomas Arnold aud Ilcrt Hod sou passed through here l'riday going to Hcnd for medicine for the latter' wife. Klwood Robert of Sister passed here Sunday homeward bound from Ilend. C, W. Thornlhwaitc wa in Tumalo Saturday going to Rend. Charles will return Wednesday nt he i working on the Gibson ditch in which he own an Interest. W.J. Ilightowcr and Cla.u Smith wetc in Tumalo Saturday, having come after their horse which strayed nway from their mill near Gist. A band of about 30 horse passed here Wednesday going to the vidley, I. It. and Cha. I,. Winter were down from the head of the Wittier & Jensen ditch Sunday. They report Tumclto creek the highest l'riday tjut there is any record of. Geo, V. Whucr'a strawberry vine thaw t-lgus of a good yield, as do also gooseberries and currant. Some bushes of gooseberrie, it would be safe to say, will yield five gallons to the bush. Dr. M. V. Turley and wife passed through here today going to Ilcud, Mr, Rcnson passed through Tumalo today curoute to Sisters, The P. II, I). Co, team passed here yes. terday with two loads of hay. Mrs. Smith nnd children ami sister, Mis Ilightowcr, moved from Bend to the llightower & Smith mill at the Mel via place four miles southwest of the Gist postofnee the first of the week, Mr, Horner played some nice phouo graph music over the 'phone to the neighbors last night. It was fine. Rolled Darley for Sate, In the Johnson building on Wall street at Bend. 8tf 60-INCH STAVE FLUME Will Be Built Across the Old River Bed. WORK TO COMMENCE AT ONCE Will Deliver Irrigation Water to Pow ell tiuttes Ranchers Crew Is at ' Work on Arnold Ditch. A telephone message Tuesday from C. M. Rcdficld, local superin tendent of the D. I. & P. Co., an nounced that work would be com menced soon on a 60-iuch in verted stave pipe or flume, to be built across the old river bed in the 1 Powell Duties region. The neces sary lumber has been ordered and the work will be started as soon as the lumber and men can get on the ground and other necessary ar rangements be made. The flume will be on the inverted syphon plan and will be laid on the bottom of the old river bed, part of the way being buried beneath the surface of the ground. This pipe will be the first work in an extension of the Central Oregon canal and will carry the water of that canal across the old river bed onto that part of the company's scg rcgation lying east of the old river and in the Powell Buttes region. The extension of this canal has been greatly desired by many set tlers for some time, aud will be good news to them. Construction on Arnold Ditch. The crew that is working on the extension of the Arnold ditch ie- ports that rapid progress is being made. The excavating and build ing of embankments will hereafter be confined largely to dirt work ouly, which insures fast work. The crew has just finished one section of the extension and have moved back to the headgatc, where a wing dam will be built in order to enable them to divert the neces sary head of water. The flume will also be repaired and extended a few rods that better service may be given. If no unforeseen accidents occur to retard the work, it is now con fidently expected water will be de livered this season onto lauds in the Fcrguson-McGillvray-Cqllihan neighborhood. THAT NEW WAOON ROAD Will Disown Matters Pertaining to Road to Connect with the C. & E. A,t the meeting of Lnidlaw Dcvcl- opemeut League called last Friday evening to consider the matter of the wagon road to connect with the Corvallls & Eastern, it was decid ed to call another meeting to be held nt Redmond ou Saturday, June 15, It is desired that delegates from all nearby towns be present at this meeting to agree upon what action shall be taken in rcgqrd to opening this road. Delegates ore desired from Prineville, Bend, Lnid law, Tumalo, Sisters, and Gist. But little developed at the Lnidlaw meeting aside from the fact that the league had received a communica tion from the railroad officials stat ing that they would be glad to meet a committee from this section and discuss the matter. Power Plant on Matoles. H. V. Gates has filed on a water right on the Matoles river, with the intention of installing a power plant there and generating electricity for the Princvillc Light & Water Com pany, which will supply "jujac for the whole county, J.t is no: known at present just when work on the new plant will begin, but tt will probably bs some time during the coming falL Review. NEWS NOTES FROM REDMOND Personal and Local CvenU In the Lives of Redmond Peoplj, Richmond, June y Strawherrie are ripening, Tltey look pretty good to us Karly "garden saw" I getting to be quite plentiful now, V. J. O'Connor, sale agent for the , I. & 1. irrigated lands, received a tele gram Wednesday directing him to with draw all land from sale. We can only conjecture the meaning but it seems like another rise in price. The Ladies' Aid ice cream social of last Wednesday night was a well attend ed and ery enjoyable affair, with a very agreeable net result to the ladies. Sev eral song, readings and recitations were very well 'eceivtd. Among other visi tors from a distance we noted the IJev. Taxcnerand the Sherwood boys, whom wc are always glad to Itave with us. M. K. Landes made a buslncs trip ti Madras l'riday and Saturday. A. J, Booth moved Thursday Into Ins new home northeast of town. It was a merry party that started liuiw Redmond Thursday morning for a day's outing at White Rock. It included Messrs. and Mesdames Immelee, Ken dall, Chris Ithrct, Gillespie and Park, besides Mrs. Carl, M. Kulesh, Miss Krugcr and quite an assortment of little I'.breU, Kendalls and Gillespie, makimi all told 11 persons, Resides these there were numerous baskets, hampers, fishing poles, and oilier necessaries. Xo bottled goods, however, aud no fresh meat. Wc did not start quite at sunrise as had been suggested, for we were all out to tlc social the night before and were up until midnight or later aud that would not have allowed time to warm the bed up. Wc reached White Rock about 9 o'clock though and proceeded to proceed. At the noon round-up we cooked a hundred trout to go with what we liad brought from home and proceeded to liave a bite to cat. At the evening round-up we had about yn fish to our credit, R. C Im melee leading in number with 73 as well as having the largest in site. We did not have our magnifying foot rule along, but with just an ordinary measuring stick they were well, a real good site. On getting back to town about 9 o'clock everybody was considerably tired, but happy and jolly and all voted they had had a real good time, fishing Is worth while and that we'll all go again some time. E. C. Park. Rostand and Dig Meadows Notes. Messrs. Woods, Taggert and Vande vert passed through here on a, cnlslng trip to the upper; timber,. 1'iih are biting fine and trout flies are numerous among the small willows clow to the river. Mr. IJva roindexter of Trinevllle vis ited Mrs. I'rank West for a few day list, week. Mr. Allen and Mrs. Vandevert hac returned from Rend and taken up ranch life again until school reopens iq tlc fall. Lot of people going thrqugU to tho Klamath country. We wi.l sure hear from there some day. The fruit In the Silver Lake valley has every prospect of an abundant yield, so a farmer from there told us, and lots of it goes to waste for want of a market, Some enterprising man could do well by bringing some of it this way. The hotel at Rosland under the new management is catering to the public in a way that speaks well for their efforts. Graver and Rert Caldwell brought n heavy load of freight for the store md Mr. Rourk's stock oompa.re4 favorably with any store in the country. I'rank West is tho prqiid possessor of several nice horses which he will break for driving and work. Don't let them break your ueck, Frank, A pretty sight Is flock of young wild geese ou Shonquest'a place. They have made their home there all spring and woo betide any one who would be hearties enough to take a shot at them, as ho considers them his special petn Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan made a busi new trip to the Meadows last Sunday. DllNDBK. Celebrate at Bead on July Fourth.