Blood Humors Commonly rente idmplea.bolli, tttrea, rcirma r tali rheum, of aniiia other form uf rut lion i tiut tiiiiiatlmee limy "lit In Hi eyttem. indicated hi feellnga of weeeliate, laniuor, tM of appetite, or veneral dcMlllr, without tsuilng tn n breaking out, Ilood'e Hartaparllla riptla tlietn, renoTatee, Mlatiglheiie anil tonee Ilia whole Britain, riil I It Hi leitlmonjf of thoutande annually Accept no tubitltuo, but Iniltt on baring Hood's Sarsaparilla In uiuel liquid fermor In rhiwnlattd tablet! atiuwoMSartntnbB. tuodutatfi. Nnl liMitreeeeil, Capital wan limiting a virtu of It chronic timidity. "Why," It nxclnluiNl to Ilia country, "I'm o (uriritl tlint I fwl tin ayiut tain of n panic." No liumedlntn rrnwtun being ovokeil, Cnpltnl prix-eeiled to net up it feariwmin scarecrow ami, gaging Intently upon the Mine, to throw n fit. Then', I totil you no," It remarket! In trutmiloui hut Militant tone. "I'm limine a panic. Jutt watch 1117 cou .tuition." ' Hut Ilia country hart seen fake- fit thru mi before. rbllsdclpbla I-edgor, Untie Allrn, ( of inn nho get a reputation for wlxlom i nul doing an talking," obarrr ad furl Allrn Hparka, "don't dare 10 talk t they're got too much to conceal." CATARRH AND SYSTEM.DISORDEREBl; Catanh It not merely an Inflammation of the tissues of Uie head tint) throat, nit tlio symptoms of nnjjlnfr noises In tlio earn, mucous dropping back Into tlio throat, continual lmwklntf and "pitting, etc., would iicem to Indi cate; It In a. Mood lit which tho entire circulation nnd tho nrcatet ruut of the nystcm nre Involved. Catarrh la due to the presence of an excess cf uric ncid In the blood. Tho Liver, Kidneys and Dowels t reriucutly be come torpid and dull In their nctlon and Inatead of carrying oil the refuse end waste of tho lody, leave it to sour and form uric ncid in the system. This Is taken up by tho blood nnd through Us circulation distributed to all part of the nyatcm. These impurities In tho blood irritate nnd Inflame the different membranes nnd tissues of the body, nnd the contracting of a cold will abut tho accretion nnd other disgusting nnd disagreeable symptom.1! of Catanh. An tho blood goes to nil parts of the body the ca tarrhal poison affects nit parts of the nystcm. Ihe head has a tight, full feeling, noae continually Mopped up, pains nbovc the eyes, Blight fever 'fjotucfl nnd goes, the ntomacit Is upset nnd tho entire nystcm disordered and X h.4 O.Urrh for .bout fin... tff J V'1 '"TV " '"in WMt0 J -are. and no man could t tlmo to try to cure Catanh with ftprays, V&lUVXr of latdnoTI0o,i V.l VM Inhalations, etc. Such treatment nliod. 1 than fxan h. B. ., and iloci not reach the blood, nnd can, therefore, &tFtrtt&xtlZEr?8l i nothing more than temporarily relievo mar it a, anon wuua waacuraj. mu un ch obotr thtnka lu mZiM'rVninrMmn.itttSi CatflrT" penitnnently tho blood must bo ' utarrh la , bloo.f diaaaaa, ana thoroughly purified nnd the pystem cleansed ?.0.y.l.'!'S.Kr.?i.?,.,l!' "S -"! of nil poisons, nnd nt the nanio tlmo V.M.. W ..W HIHI jora or 11.' m! ik strengthened nnd built up. Nothing equals M,XAloo, a. , 9, or this purtKjsc. It attacks the Aan 1 no apT Xloh. disease bottom S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE Huilivnici,. fc(tulw.klll 4111(1 ajlliklll .fjnv, every symptom disappears, tho constitution I1 built up mid vigorous boaltli rMtorctl. 9. H. !). nlso tonca up tho stomach nnd digestion and nets m a fine tonic to tho entire nyatcm. If you arc Buffering with Catanh begin tho use of H. S. S. nnd write us n ntntcment of your case nnd our physicians will lend you literature about Catanh, nnd glvo you special medical ndvlco Vrlthout charuc a. 3. S. Is for sale nt nil first clnsi dnig stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATtANTA, CA Are always reported when Seeds are planted. Why ? best on thu Coast, Our Annual teui all snout our f emitters, incuoators. A.k t 0.k N. ,4 In. SAnta. PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland, Ortfon CLASSIFIED ADS ' KOTICK-Tha following aniiouneamtntt ara lioin uauins oimnttt man and niuit, ana ara wall votlhj your rarafut traillnn Tit Hit tnay contain Juil tha piopotfllon you ata look Ins for. REAL ESTATE 110.00 DOWN-II0.00 MONTHLY irVndln torbooklttdatrrlbtnvnurKuarantaed .inrcttmaul at Jamicaon Talk, a tubuib ul Cln ifcioltiit USUn Invaitmaut hua tnjojt all tbsaaouilty wm a. it an miaolliin nttmrii ti a ttalHai l.aiib .- 14 'iwii iti't viivimi wg aa aaiiiika taaik ara Ilia Intuianr company, but tlia ralurnt will not from (0 par can I to 100 por cent ou Hi In Ivcilmant. It tit mall you full pattlcultrtl a poital card will bring- than, IIARROCK A HOtU fltlllnr Agtutt Spot ana, Wsthlni ton National Bank, iuf. EAST aRETNAORCS Th only trartt on tha maikat whera you ran contract to tall your (iron. Ten train a day, Abuudaneaol watar. 1'rlea 1160.00 par acre aaar payinnta-oouia In or write for partlou- "' SKKC1IKII A THOMPSON Spokane, Wuhlniton. HO 8tTM WK BUY Timber Land from ewnar Bi'AltKB 1IHO., 14 Barnard, Kpoiane, Wath. Coaur d'Altn nattrratlon will openiooni aholM land 25 mllti from Spokane. Cotur d'Altna Htitrratlon Aiaoor, 17-U Vsohang fcullio,pokaat. WmL " ajaraelhlNar Wronir Tti UI timidly cnterwl tlio office of tha old broker. "Wi'll, my loy," snltl the broker, wheeling In bl clmlr, "I upMo you hno ciiinn to apply for a position office boy?" "Y-yc. sir," replied, tlio lad, twitch. Ins hi hat nervously. "ll'inl I loir muiiy graiidmolhurs bsru you)" ".N'oiiu, air. Ilnth nro dead." "Willi, how often do you get th nitinipa In thu basvliall season!" "Norcr, air, I only Imvo tlio muiupi In th winter." "Htrnnge. Then what exntao do you inaka up whuu you with to take an afternoon off to mm a ball gnmJ" "Noun nt nil, air. I don't llko ba ball, and I bava ueTtr U'vit to a gum In my llf." The old broker cure a low whittle. "My lad," ho ciclalmul, "any Amer ican boy who doesn't llko bsschall mint b a freak. You'd Utter go tu a ilium muatiutn." Tnt Kplaaalnne IXaeded. "Tell tnr, confidentially, old chap bar you chani. for a 110,000 bill)" "I barf, prorlded you ran explain how you happu to La la potieielon ol a fl(V 000 bill." "I'm not. Tbal'a mora monry than I eter aaw In my lift. Hut I'd Ilk to bar you (tplaln to mt how you happen to b In pooMt.lon of 110,000 In cbnil" BLOOD DISEASED uhwihiuii ui mc iiuuuic xv tuio nt Its head, goes down to tho very of the trouble nnd makefi n complete nna lasting cure. H. H. H. removed every particle of the catarrhal poison from the iiiood, making tins vital nirram pure, ircsii nnd healthy. Then tho Inflamed mem branes begin to heal, the head is loosened ...t !.,.... I t..l...t.t..-...l .tlll....... The Finest Gardens Portland Seed Co i "Diamond Grand" Oecauie wo Mil you the kinds that grow handsomely Illustrated and descriptive beeds. Hants. Koses, spray rumps. uroooers, rouitty and uee supplies. ZbO V, tltt itm I awltl nuWf lu VMt Ha 30 Iraa kmm. Spohana), Wash lilMtiUMsiiai BRING VOUR TOOTH THOUBltS TO US Utter balnf tltawhtra. OR. D. C. WRIGHT, 34lf Wathlntlan St. Fwtland, Orttan Sutllat latUMaaltrrl- liUn nau WtUllM WtU Milt Mil ..-U1I for wvrk laamulhw-!. null. ? ana BtA ..' la tool. llUiluall tout aiaobU K. rr nub. , ft fit .1, Ill.rV aiicaio waoaiaisT OOUfAHT. tll-4-4 Mw rltta St., rarUtaa, On. MAKE EVERYDAY tUUJNl- no mMtcr how ;bwlthj w&tlr: tou cannot . tlford to be without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT vOR SLICKER raws' aioNOFTWirisH AiaVflat CU fttMVM If ft 4. CMi U ta ty wTO tAH . &MCS jfr a ajvrcj jmA . t-t ' i SM llw ajtCJV Wis ILT f' jiA rSrtSS J - Tglt ;lall llralnrr, Amonic tlio n-cont Invention for Ikiiin'IioIiI iim la n dlali ilrulnt-r, which hIiouIiI priii e wry uu'ful. A ahowti In tho llliiMtrn tlon, It I 11 dcrlco for b 1) I il I 11 g pinto, aiiwvra nnd other dlhc In n ixmltlou to allow tli'-m to ilrnln thoroiuhly. Tho driilnor com prim n wlro nick In which tho dlahM arn anin ixirtcd nnd n pan 11111 I.KAINIM. , ,,,, . ,Jrlpj Plnxonnlly ncrot tho frame nro apnn wlrn, n (onalderabli, iiuiiiImt of illalici Miijc Hum nniimiiKMhitod In n omi parnttrcly mnll apnro. A tho p.m wln touch thr dm lie only In onn pot, Ux-ro Is uottilnic tn pnrent thor ough clenntlnc tin) drnlnnxo bclmt jH-rfpct. Tho illalim may l wahml or ixirtlnlly wnahnl Ix-foro lxdng In erti"l In tho rack, or, a wnin prefer, thry ran tn) plneiM In the rack exactly n they come from the table and thou cli-flnml by jmnrlns bolllm; water over ttM'lll. Plrklrd Trout. ('loan tlio (Int. and Ui In wU ivn- tnr t liain ilprtln utiiii tXrv ntiil tuat nuliln i:..:.. : ' .. .. . : : ;r ; : uilill Trrj linn. Jinnu n inritii- n I wo (junrta of vliii'jrar, a iloicn hlaili of I mac, tho aamo nitmhor of whltr KJf Ira ami clon-a, ti tpaajaionfula of liuittnrvl, thru tallnfiuful of whiter iia;ar anil n pint of tho water In which Um flali was hollH. ltoll nil thla liquid onn-, then nklm It. Cut tho flah Into jilixx-a of uniform alx. Iet tho liquid set cold; put hack on tho atovo and when It holla drop the, Mall nnd tako fniiu tho fire Park In Jura filled to otcrflowltiK with tho apUvd rlneirar, m.-al,tlichtly ami put In a cuol place. Hard Soap, Tut torvther four tallona of holllnt; wntiT, six iiounibt of waahtne "Hlo and Uiroo iouiidi of unrdakeil lime. Set aaUl until clear, then drain off nnd (Hit over tho flru wth atz pounds of puro fat. Itoll for nhout two hours, or until It hotina to hnrden, tlilnnlnir, wU-n noo cfaary, with tho water that you haro drained off, ndillnc It when there la (lit inter of tla op holllnt; over. Try a little In n samvr and when thick onoush throw In n handful of anlt nnd rt'iuoro from tho flro. four Into a wot tuh, and vUind aaldo to harden, thou cut Into bar. Taplorn and llanana paaaft Hprluklo half n rup of toploon and two-third of n nip of sugar Into one pint of Mllnc water, add tin If n ten IHonful of anlt, ami ctok tu a douhlo holler, stirring occasionally. When tho taplocn la tra turn rent add tho Juloo of two lemon and tho whites of two ojtkh, U-aton until atlff. Bpnxtd oicr allcM imnanna nnd servo with crenin nnd ail tenr, or with n cnldUillod cuatnnt pre vlotialy made. Thla dlh may ho mnilo with cnnnol ionehoa or quince, ualnj; tho Jttlco of tho fruit Imrtend of water. Ilaunna Salad, llnve tho bnuniina very cold. Cut them Into miiiiII plen-a and mix with a drtwstni: mnilo of two toniqioonfuU of mImiI oil, one teaspooitful of vine far, one tenspoonful of Imiion Juloo and a quarter of n teaaiioonful ench of alt and whlto pepHT, Kill tho tmnnim skins aud set orer lettuce leave. Sprinkle a few halve of Kngllah will nuts and a little ctipcd parsley over tho top of the salad and serve Immedi ately. Cream ot Torn Sanp. Rlmmer one run of corn In three cup ful of water for nn hour. Then prraa through a sieve. Thicken threo cup ful of scalded milk with ono table- spoonful eflch ot butter nnd flour, add It to tho, corn pulp nnd Reason to tiuto, with salt nnd popper. Ut It get veo' hot, stir In half n cupful of crenm, n UHiro from tho tiro nnd add n beiiteii csk Jut before serving. If tho cream Im whipped It Is mora delicate. Chocolate Almond Illlaht. Dlssotvo ono lutckago of ntMpberry gelatin In a t pint of boiling wator. Strain when It begins to harden nnd proos tn one-half pound of chocolnto almonds. When Ann ttorro In collego tco glasses, with a siioonful of whlped cream over each glass and an almond on tho center of each. Spaulah Cream, Ooe-hslt box of gelatin, ono quart ot milk, tho yolks of throo eggs, ono small cup ot sugar. Bonk tho gelatin In tho udllc for an hour, then put It on tho fire nnd stir well as It boats. Add to milk nnd boat to tbo boiling point, stir ring nil tho tlmo. Strain with a mold and flavor with vanilla. I For the Children To succeed these days you musi tiavc plenty of erlf, cour age, strength. How is it with the children ? Arc they thin, pale, delicate P Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health In every way. Trie elilMren rtaeo) mtlMf htte f4 haallN anlM, tha b4elt ate In rrr etndl iln. A tla Ht.r al?M eenalM Ioru. S4 bt .tilt, rualllpalA-T bowtl. CorraM all lh.,e kr al.lnr .mill Ultllta do.., et Alt, 'a Hilt All Ttttubla,tar coaled. by t.a. Am OeM Ixtw.U, scaaa. Ala munrMlarcra r 9 Hits VIOOtL Cy G O ctttssv putocal Ilia Ilraaea. "Plcklehsm Is cvrUluly kind to bl folks." "Why, he told me he hadn't been bomo for year." "That'a IL" Clorcland Plain Denier. I j-eev H iesT " I P " aSW aB HS BaMHBiaaP B" "-saj"S ilSLd ' S ATTRACTING MANY OUTSIDE BUYERS who npprcciatc the fact that Port. . land property is the best investment that can be made. "Terrace Park" U ac tion, and when one can buy a lot tn thu addition from $300 to $600, where the values will soon treble, by paying a few dollars down and the rest on easy terms, it is no wonder that so many outside people are investing in Terrace Park. Write for particulars and invest in a sure thing on terms that you can easily meet. THE SPANTON COMPANY Opposite Chrftnber of Commerce POLAND CHINA HOGS Ilg oVI enough to ean to trc-d towa ot up todai breeding. I'edlgrv lurnUlitd with ettrjr 'lf eotJ. Write tae your m aula. A. L. SWAGGART, ATMtNA. ORtCON Oreen chryaaniberuuma were exhibited th other day at a iloacr abow In Kaaex, England. AM'ficlnblc PrcparfllionrorAa-slmHatliiiJlhcFTOdiWdneiJula-UiilhcSlomacirjanJlioH-cLscf Promotes DigcstioaChcctfuI' ncss and ResiContalns neither Oplum.Morphinc norflncraL NotNahcotic. jtoyttfcun-su&xLnTcaa tttrlmnm W3-rwMnwt A perfect ltcmcdy forCorwllpA llon, SourStonvich.Dlantwca Worms .Convukions .Ffewrish neas and Los 9 op Sleer aBataaiaaaaBaitttaaMaBa-aa fie Sinule Siruturo of "SEW YORK. iiianEiniJXMiini DCACT COPY or WRAPPER. PUTN A mmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmammmmKmMsmMmmmmmmmmjmm f Xyjyyit4'Sjiay lt Cater mere tjood brtshttr and fatter coter than aay ether dye, One 10c SMKkaajaj cater sM, wool aaet ceAtaei aauaHy M aa4 la (uarantacd ta fir perfect raauHe. nAak eleater. .f w r. aemt Met saia M tK BHaleje. Writ far re baUat h t kadi a3 aak cetera. StOeStOC WHJO COm vSaaWWa. rtaaaarV a , -r The longest hrldeo In the world la that crossing the Danube st Czerns rods, with a length of 12,70. feet, fol lowed next by tho Onlreston bsy bridge In Teifl with 11,107 feet The Klrtb of Forth bridge, near Queerwprlnr. la Bcotland, ranks eighth and the Urook- lyn brldgo ninth. Jnbnnr'a Allmenr, Tea." said Mr. lr"nr. "Johnny I ailing, but I'm not going to glre him any drug. I Ulleve th trouM la In hi 1 bone, and I am going to lak bin to a cottlroDotbltt," Mothar will find Mr. Wlntlow "nothing ' eyruptnab iiiimmi uiuteiorintircouaraj SuMog lb lthlug to&, Tboaa Ilotlomlraa Illffheraya. Trareler (In central Illlnola) How do you get to CornrllU? follow tits main road fa it 7 Village Poalmiater No; I wouldn't d'la you to do that. It will take you atnlgbt to China. I.o of It, bat Mrs. Gest Did you ever see so much wretched bsd taste at on time aa those decorations . Mrs. Allsow Never I I waa Just about to remark It Mrs. Newrltch (the hostess) How d'ye do, ladle? (Had to set you. Mrs. Ucxt snd Mrs. Allsow (in chorus) Wo wero Just remarking on the great amount of taste you display. PblledeJobla Press. PORTLAND'S "BLUE RIBBON" 270 Stark hlllJeJuMlIMm 3 "4 J IJ.l.edIl.l sfiTTsTcTiT?! Th common spinach la tba only plant that hi emigrated from New Zealand. Tho Kind You Uaro Always Bought, nnd which lias been In uso for ovor SO years, has homo tho slgnntnro of 0 and has hcoi mndo under his pcr- t&OcVr r so,ml puporvlslon slnco Its Infhncy. &CVX 'Ct6"Al Allow no onotodecoivoyouiu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" nro hut lixpcrhncnta that trltlo Avltu and cndnnt;cr tho health of Infiints and Children Iixpcrlcuco against liipcrlmcnt. What is CASTORIA Oastoria Is a harmless snhstltuto for Castor OU, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Horphino nor other Narcotlo ubstanco. Its ago Is Its guarantee It destroys "Worms and allays Povcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Courtlpatiou and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowoltt, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Pauuccu Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY9 Boars tlio C&a&XJUc&M The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years YucaiKT.uaoaMMKv.T? uuauvaTeicr, MtoTaaaerre. FADELESS DYES Banking by Mail WE PAY INTEREST On ravings deposit of a dollar or more, compounded trrlos every yesr. It Is lust as eaar to open a Savings Account with us by Msd as if you lived next door. Bend tor our frea book let, "Banking by Mall." and Icsrn full particulars. Address Oregon Trust 8c Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Waahlncton Sts. ADDITION Street, Portland, Oregon The Portland Tile and Mantel Cs. Will Iwglad toglte you parllculart about lu beautiful Ccramle. Moaale. namell and Lnrauttle Tile, wboleaal and retail. rtte totfay MUM C OARkrR. Prep. 317 Marquaai lll5f. Portland, Ortgea You can't uso cheap lumber In build ing a fortune. Signature of ?3 l