!y.. UK I H i ' ii F P i s. ., I r W".v h i ,H MS OFjE WEEK lu o Cnntfcnscil Torni Inr Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO COfmNENTS A Ratumo of the Lees Imjiortsnt but Not Leas Interesting Events of tlio Past Week. 1'lnlnntt U rovollng In tho novelty tf freedom, King Alfonio, of Spain, will on giigu In brooding fltio cnttlo, Socialists In Austria inndn ttt ntnutlal guilts on ti ru-ballot. Htolyplu give warning to dmirna nml condemns tho moro to uxpro lirlntu Inml. I'o u r Juror hnvn bonn secured (or tho trlnl of Mnyor Hchmltx nml an othor vonlro U ordered. Inspector Mol.oughllti, of tlm Chi eago pollco forco, linn resigned to got uwny from Investigations. JiuIro (Inynor of tho , Supremo Court, o( Now York, saya tho rail romU ruvo nut niformod In tho least. Oklahoma republican ilonounco tho work of tlutlr rotmtltutlon m it k -era nml wnnt tho election postponed. At (luayma. Mexico, 1,300 Chi iipiu tried to land forcibly from n British steamer In doflanco of quur--nntlno Inw. Coo liny pcoplo havo begun 110 Individual suits ngalnst tho South or n Pacific to com pi' I tho ronit to ll Inml In ohcdtancu to Iti government .grants, A Chicago grand Jury In Invent! gating charge Hint doctor nml mldwives rKiinrly paid tho author ities for tmnuinlty In performing criminal operation. Tho public utilities committee of 'Han rrnnaUco supervisors U oonld rlng it resolution ordering the United Railway to operate their linen or forfeit tlmlr frnnehlto. Secretary Garfield will visit tha Tloton Irrigation projixit. Be hoot director of Chicago rofuio to bo fired by Mnyor Ilusao. Klro nt Trinity collpge, llnrtford, did dnnmgo to tho amount of $16, O00. Donvnr mlllmon and woodworker! received an ndvatico of 10 per cent In wages. Councilman of l-ookport, N. Y., arc charged with huge boodllnK op erations, Ono ha contested. I'renldnnt Corey, tho deponed pron. Idrnt of tho United. State Sleol Cor poration, linn nold all hta ntock, I'olltloal bomwi of Now York hnvo surrendered completely nml Govern or Hughes' word goo without quo lion. Tho North American Baptist con vention at Jnmostown In opposed to n union with tho Southern and Na tional convontloiin. A Colorado court ban rocognlxoo" tho Ingallty of n contrart mnrrlngo by granting n dlvorco In tho caio. Tho rnnlract wai in ado In California In 1893, Tho ChlcnRO City Hallway Com pany hnn rofunod tha domamtn of Its timploye for bettor bourn, but con cedes tha ndvatico In wages asked 'Sot. Doiporadoca loosened n rnll on tho Snulhorn Pacific nonr Los Angeles, nltnchod a wire, and when tho Coait Lino Limited train nppronchod thoy dollberatoly pullod tho rnll nildo, causing n bnd wreck In which two men wuro killed nnd n dozun Injured. Tho wrecker worn concealed In tho tiruih nnd intido tholr oncapo. Ireland hnn rojoclod parliament' offor of n limited council, Flvo workman woro nccldontnlly lillled In n Pittsburg stool furnace. Thoro nro now four candidates for tlm pronldontlnl nomination Tnft, Fairbanks, Knox nml Canuou. Ban Frnnclico butldora nro ham pored by conntnntly rising wagon nnd bnnka nro restricting credit. I'nt Crowo hnn boon acquitted of robbing ntreot cars In Council niuffn, In., two yearn ngo. Tho victims imtd lio wns not tho mnn, Mnyor Ilusso of Chicago has trans forrod tho ontlro pollco forco of tho lower districts lu un oflort to onforco wxlstlng laws. Tho Rolso court has gone on n fishing trip whllo tho sheriff sum mons n now vonlro of 00 mon for Jury duty In tho Haywood case, John R, Hogoman, prosldent of tho Metropolitan I.lfo Insurnnco Company has beou Indlctod on seven charges of forgory nnd throo of per jury. Mnyor BclunlU Is nt liberty Undor ball bonds aggregating B0,000. A Qeorgla pnsienger train was wreck ed nnd 20 portions budly Injuenl. Bovontoon bodies of Bhrlntra killed in tho California wrook were burl ml nt Reading, fonn., tholr homo, MBAUTIUN UOUNU TU OOMH (tallrosd Man Predicts Auvart Fail inR Towards Nntlor' Cleveland, Ohio, May 21. 1'rrsl. dent Wllllnin II. Cnnnlff, nt tin) new York, Clilinu'i A Kt. 1-oilln ltiillroiul ooiiij'iiny, (Nickel I'luto) bellivefl In thu reifii.nt.or : 4i.iumn by tho nntlim nor h imu, but reimnlii tint present iiutiviticM hi Pionldt'iit K(XMvoit m pro ductive of harm to tho country in geno ml. lie think that rollrund rcgiila tlcn nhoiild l nocoinplUhed by IIImisI oonmirvntl-iii, elo 111 efficUi will bo fell by I lie pixiplo. "The N)inliilum Is nwliiglng In one dlicctloii now," will I'renldent Cnnnlfl toilny, "but It ran not (all to swing I iok, ami when It stvlngn Hick It is iMiuml to iwny a g'MHl deal In tho other direction. I do not menu by that that vie need four a lluniiclnl panto I but I do MH-tlll nllllplv Hint there Will In H retanling of tho proRrninlon o( tho lout five yenr loi which tho country will Do the worno off, " "Nation must hnvo their herocM. Ttesd Into history nnd ten where Canrar was IauiImI by bis pooplo one. dny and xtrliniM tho next wai rsllod at, Tho jireaidcnt hnn ntruek n key note Hint linn mot with ready imione on tho pnrt of tho opl(i, only It I not alnnys rune to Mlove thnt the apnrovnl of tlio UutnxtH I AMUroure that tlio inont good 1 to como to the IiIkuiwI number of Moplo, for the world often npplnud a mnn and later on dlncuvcr that hnt they approved Ims done tiicm no good. "It will not Imi long oto the whole situation will Ixtrelllod Into evon run nliiii again, but nut until after tho jx-n-iliiluiil lu bad It swing a little tho other way," FOLK HEAH8 QnAFT 8TOniE8, Mtmbsrs of Ksnsa City Pollct Force Urlng Tata to Qovernor. Kitniwi City, Mo., Mny 21. flover nor Jiweph W. Folk loft for Jefferson City today after n conference with the ln-nl pollco cutntnlMloiiotn, rvKnlln graft charge that lantrd until 1 o'clouk thl inornltig. He bml Imtnfew hours' sleep In it night and early today con tinued conUnlng with otsons from different walk of life, who made hltn noitinlutl witii rloti jdin-enof police corruption. Among his callers were ollcemeu and pollro drt4tlvM, who ate Mid to hnvo laid Imie numerous Ir regularities, evidently lu the hoe of gttlnlug Immunity fur thetmelvN. Oov ernor Folk's Investigation hnvo con vlncrtl him that thoro Is n very strong alliance existing U'twcrn the Metropol itan Htiret lUllwlny company and the polcn forro. A high ollleinl of tho K llecdppaitment Is authority for tho tstomeiit Hint within two year this alleged alllanro hn been encouraged by tho bead of the detrtmcut. Mayor lhnnlley hat reHtcdly inld thnt lo licemen hnvo been overtralous In wiv ing tho itrrvtatr coiiipnnlw, when pa sengern have N-en Injuietl In accident. It a charged tliat Imtead of biking stei promptly to relievo tho lufTerlngn of the injured, the policemen notify tho oUiui agents of tho company. HU8H RAILS TO FAR EAST. American Factories Duty With Hurry Orders for Japan. New York, May 21. America's In diutrlnl Invadon of tho Far Kntl Is now In lull swing, and Japan Is ouiing a golden stream Into thu United rllates for stool tall, cars nnd locomotive. Twolvo million dollars already havo been expended In this country for rnll rmiil supplies to Ik used in tho comt mo tion of Southern Manchuila railway, and It Is now learned thnt contracts In volving millions of dollar aro ponding. DelUerliit ol mils nro being made, and for tho noxt three months iteatnihlr ohsrtend by Japan will ply acroea tho Pacific bearing valuable cargoes ol steel and iron. Manchuria will bo strapped with American steel rolls from ifciluy to Mukden, und tho traveler will ildo In cats of American inunutaaturo nnd drawn by locomotive built In this country. Tliomuimls of dollar hnvo been spent in premium to American manufacturer for quick deliveries, for the Jnpnnrio Inslit that thce railroad mutt bo built and in full operation within two years. Japan's lopretontu tlvc woiu told to go ahead and get the railroad supplloa nt all costs. Burglars Crack Big Safe. Missoula, Mont., Mny 21. Cracks men slmMered tlio door to tlio tiens urer'a vault of MIhouIa county at an early hour this morning, but boforo they secured tho money they wero frightened nwny. Tlio tretuiurer'a olllco In tho court homo Is within 76 fcot of tho county jail. Tho explosion was heard by Uio prisoners In tho jail, but owing to tho fuot that tha deputies wero engaged In arresting sovoral huh nleloua ohnrnctrs, nobody In authority knew of tho nttoinptod burglary until Inter. Women Got $600 O0O Funds, Pittsburg, Mny 21. In a popular Bubaorlptlon nunwilgn of ten days, the members of the Young Woraon'a Chris tian aaaoolatlon of tills city have raised a building fund of over 1300,000, thoro by earning an ondowmonttundof 200, 000 from II, O, Frlck, NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITALJ bAW UMOWNbVILLE bHOOTINO, Editor of Mexico Paper Saw Negroes Kill linrlendir Natrous. Wnshlngton, Mny 23 Paulino I). Preclndo, editor of a Moxlcnn now paper lu llrownsvlllo, Tex., and nn eyu-wltnes to tho shooting of Frank Nntous, tho only mnn killed In tho affray there, wn on tho stand todny beforo tho Kotinto cornmlttco on mil itary affairs. Dramatically tolling his story In Hpnnlsh and having It Inter preted for tho committee, ho proved to bo tho most Important wltnoss during tho pronont hearing. When tho shooting bogan, Pro clado was sitting In tho court In tho rear of Tillman's saloon. According to his story today, Mr. Crlxell, who conducts a saloon across tho itrcct from Tillman's place, rushed In ex citedly and reported that tho "no groes wero out." Tho doors to Till man' saloon wero Immediately closed and barred and Nntous, tho bartender, started across tho court to bar thu gato which connected tho court with tho alley, Preclndo fol lowed, but boforo ho hnd emorgod from tho saloon In tho court ho snw flvo or six negro soldlors In uniform outer tha gate. They fired sovoral shots, nnd Nntous throw up his arms and, exclaiming In Hpnnlsh, "Oh, my Clod," fell on his back, lio was '-tiled Instantly. Another bullet grazed Preclado's hand and It bled profusely. Htlll nnothcr bullet paaacd through Preclado's coat and vest near thu left breast pocket and broko his glasses, which wero In a case In tho pockkt. Tho men Immed iately proceeded down tho alley, shooting as thoy went. Ho aworo positively tbo mon woro negro soldiers. FORAKER CONFUSES POLICE. Accuses Witness of Tellies; Different Stories Than Defore. Washington, Mny 22. Throe mombers of tho Hrownavlllo, Tex., pollco forco were questioned today In the Invcatlgntlon being conducted by tho Sennto Cornmlttco on Military Affairs. All testified concerning tho Incidents attending tho llrownsvlllo nffray and nil becamo sornowhat con fused undor cross-oxnmlnatlon by Kenntor Forakcr whon ho called at tention to discrepancies botwecn their atorlos today and thoio told on tho stand on a previous occasion. Policeman Vlctorlanlo Fernnndox testified that ho hoard tho shooting, and as ho ran downtown from h homo ho was summoned to tho Till man saloon, whero ho found tha bar- londor lying dead. Ho gavo It as his opinion thnt tho mnn had boon killed by negro soldiers, no saia no i seen no soldlors thnt night, ns most of tho shooting was over boforo he got down town. Benntor Fornker railed attention to tho testimony boforo tho cltUens' committee In llrownsvlllo two days after the affray, when Fornandox told a vivid story of having been chasod by two negro soldiers, who fired sovoral shot at litra. Manufacturers Want Tariff Revision. Now York. May 23. Tho Nntlonnl Association of Manufacturers of tho United States wont on record a In fnvor of a revision of tho tariff and tho negotiation of moro troatlos. Bomo debating precodod this vote on tbo report of tho cornmlttco on tarm and reciprocity. Tho commltteo based Its recommendations on a poll of tho 3,000 mombora of tho asso ciation. Of tho total number reply ing SS tier cont declared for Immed iate rnvlslon, whllo 20 por cont ex pressed a "stand-pal" aontimont. Ktght por cont believed that tho tlmo for rovlslon had not arrived Pugilist Pardoned by President. Washington, Mny 23. Tho De partment of Justice today prepared nnd trnnsmlU-d to the Whlto Houso for tho Presldonl'e slgnaturo, whon ho returns from his outing In Vir ginia, a warrant for tha pardon of John L. Lonnon, tho marine corps prlvnto who Is serving ono year's tm prlsonmont nt Governor's Island, N. v.. for dosertlon. l.onnon is a nopnow of John h. Sullivan, tho former pug ilist, whoso Intercession with tno president resulted lu clomoncy. "Woman In Blue" Arrested. Washington, May 2B. Mrs. Isa bella A. Cnso, who nttractod somo at tention a "Tho Woman in Dluo," who tried to boo tho President nt Oystor I)ny lust summer, nnd who has sine sought to soo tho Prosldont was nrrcbtod horo Inst ntcht on u chnrgo of Insanity nnd tnkon to tho Houso of Detention, ponding exami nation, Sho Is 40 yonra old. Coal Production In 1000. Washington, May 31, Tho total pro duction of coal In tho Unttod Stntea In 1000 wua 414,030,(581 short tons of 8,000 pounds, valued at 1512,010,744. Pennsylvania contribute! 200,640,084 short tons. West Virginia has sup planted Illinois us tho second coal pro ducing state. President Returns Home Washington. Mny 24. The Prosl dont and Mrs, Roosovolt, who havo boon enjoying six days' vacation at Pino Knot, tno country homo or Mrs. Roosovolt, arrived In this city at 8:46 Wodnesday night. ACT ON HAHRIMAN MEHQfcR. Commission Will Decide Suit Regard less of Court. Washington, May 24. It I not tha Intention of tho Intorstata Com merce Comrnlsilon to await tho re sult of tho proceedings to compol K. II, Ifurrlmnn to answer certain In quiries thnt were put to him In tha New York Investigation beforo tak ing action on tho gonoral subject of tho Investigation. In tho opinion of member of tho Commission, It may bo a year or moro beforo a final decision can be roachod regarding tbo refusal of Mr. Hnrrlinan to nnswer quoitlon. Tho proceeding will bo Instituted In Now York tho latter part of thl month, or tho first of next month, It Is expect ed that, If tho court upholds tho Commission, Mr. Harrlman wilt carry tho caso to higher courts. Should tho lower courts be adverse to tho Commission, It Is probnblo that It will carry tho matter up, In asmuch n a right of tho Commission Is Involved. , Tho caso would havri been brought enrller, but tho attorney of the Commission havo bean engaged on other work. Tho argument In the Standard Oil cases, which aro to tako place In Ht Paul, will occupy tho attention of Messrs. Kellogg nnd Sev erance, mid thoy will not bo nblo to tako up tho Harrlman matter until after theso aro finished. Without reference, however, to tho determi nation of that question, tho Commis sion will consider tho merits of tho goneral Inquiry Into tho Harrlman lines and reach Its conclusion on tho facts presented. Tho Indications are that a determination of tho case will bo reached In a fow weeks. CANNOT FINISH CRUISERS. Labor Union Troubles In 8anFran Cisco Responsible. """""" Washington, May 22. The Union Iron Works has Just given up the tnsk of completing tho cruiser Cali fornia, aa also building the South Dakota, a cruiser of similar type. Tho South Dakota Is now 97.4 com- pletod nnd work on bor Is being car ried on. It Is regarded at tho Navy Department that. In vlow of the labor troubles, tho completion of theso two cruisers marks tho end of naval construction at San Francisco for somo time. Tho reports to tbo Nary Depart ment from San Francisco show the California to bo 99.6 per cont com pleted. All that remains to bo done Is a little work in tho turrets, con aldcrnblo painting and finishing up of odds and ends. Tho California Is a sister ship to the West Virginia, which Is now tho flagship of tha Pa cific Coast fleet. Tho contract prlco of tho California Is 33,800,000. Her keel was laid May 7, 1902, and she was launched April 28, 1904. Northwest Postal Affairs. Washington, Mny 2C Postmast er appointed: Orcgou Mnyvllle, Laura K. Mc- Connoll, vlco M. 8. Thomas, ro- movod; Placer, Ruth W. Scovlll, vlco Molly Irwin, resigned. Wash ngton Columbus. Milan Robinson, vlco K. T. Stark, resigned; I'e-KM, Qeorgo II. Dodgo, vlco J. O. Dunlap, resigned: Piedmont, John J. Cunncn, vlco N. N. Dell, resigned. Rural freo delivery carriers ap pointed for Washington routes East Spoknno, routo 2, Frederick L. IIu gill carrier, 8. J. Payno substitute; Spoknno Bridge, routo 1, William K. Calloway carrier, Wallaco Oalloway, substltuto. Relief of Oreek Refugees. Washington, May 26. Tho Stnto Department rccolved tho following dispatch today: "Owing to great numbers of refu- goos nrrlvtng In Groeco from Bul garia and olsowhoro In Turkoy In Kuropo. tho Greek Chnmbor of Don- utlea boforo ndjournlng for tho Eas- tor holldnys, nuthorlrod a lonn or 10,000,000 franca for tho purpose of furnishing theso refugees with tho Implements, etc., necossnry to onable them to begin mo in tholr now homes." O'Brien Succeeds Wright. Washington, May 21. It waa an nounced nt tho Btato department today that Thomas J, O'llrlen, of Michigan, United Stated minister to Copenhagen, will boeonio nmbasnador to Japan In September upon the retirement of Luke K. Wright, who has given notice to the department that ho wishes to leave the I'servloo at that date. A successor to O'llrlen has not yet beon selected. " -- Rates on Petroleum Too High, Washington. May 23, Frolght rates on potroloum nnd its products from Ohio nnd Pennsylvania to St. Pnul, Omaha, Sioux City nnd Bloux Falls constituted tho subject ot a hearing boforo tho Intorstnto Com morco Commission. Tho complaint la that tha tariffs tn forco aro ex cesstvo and unreasonable. Two Deaths From Plsgue, Washington, May 23. A cablo grara from Honolulu to the Marine Hospital Sorvlco In this city, reports two doathi yostorday from plague and one new case of that dlaoase. CUT IN MAIL PAY, Government May Reduce the Com pensation of Railroads Chicflxo, May 20, Tlio recent action of tho Burlington In cutting tho rates on transcontinental mall to meet tho competition In sorvlco ami time of tho Hock Inland, la ha'Ing an Important bearing on tho question of mall com pensation generally. It I raid that tho voluntary reduc tion mule by tho Burlington Is being seriously constdetod by the postmaster goneral In determining whether tho to tal compensation received Inr tho rail road shall bo reduced between l&,000,- 000 and 10,000,000 annually. This fact becamo apparent, It Is stated, last Wednesday, vrlten a com mittee of prominent railroad men called on the postmaster general with a petition nuking him to rescind the order requiring the total tonnage car ried over a mall route for one week to be divided by men, instead of six, In arriving at tho average tonnage car ried. Such a division as the postmast er generil is insisting on will reduce the mall compensation nearly 14 per cent. Tho chairman of the committee was W. W. Baldwin, assistant to Picsldent Harris, of the Burlington. Baldwin was the man who conveyed to the form er postmaster general tho proposition of the Burlington to cut Its rates to meet the Rock island competition. The postmaster general Intimated that in view ot the voluntary reduction, It might bo difficult fur him to be con vinced that tho mall pay could not stand a general cuL PRI80N FOR SCHMIfZ. Prosecution Will File 70 Indictments and Put Him Behind Bars. Ban Francisco, May 20. The graft prosecution, now that it baa the assur ance of Ruef that be will tell the con filtto story of con option to the grand ury, hss turned its attention to Mayor Bcbmltx. Before the end of tbo week Assistant District Attorney Heney will aik the Judge to give Sohmltx Into the cuttody of a special elisor. In order to bring this about, tho prosecution will, If necessary, file 70 indictments agalnit Bchmltx. These Indictments will charge the mayor with having been a party to the pribcry ot the members cf tho board of supervisors In all the crooked deals in which they engaged. The testimony of Ruef Is explicit on tbtu poInL "Mayor Bchmltx knew what the en perviaora were doing and was a party to every deal," said Ruef. With 70 IndlctmenU against him. the mayor's ball will become prohibl tlve, and, If plana carry, he will be ordered Into the enstody of William J. Blggy, who Is at present Ruel'a jailor. I 03T CONTROL OF ZION. Vollva Deposed by Court as Success or of Dowts. Chicago, May 20. ZIon City was in a turmoil today when It became known that Jndge T. M. Landls, In the United Suttee Circuit court, had recognised Deacon John A. Lewis aa the legiti mate ancceraor of John Alexander Dowlo, tho dead founder of tho N'jrth Shore city, and haa thus practically outted Wilbur Glen Vollva from lead ership. Coupled with this sensational devel opment, It became known that, In stinging letters, three of Vollva'a sup porters have denounced him aa n dema gogue and a traitor. It Is rumored in ZIon City that It Vollva attempted to lead an exodus he could not securo a following ot more than a dozen persons. Edwin H. Conger Dead, Pasadena, May 20. Major Edwin II. Conger, former American ambassador to Mexico and minister to China dur ing the Boxer trouble, died nt the fam ily home In this city last Saturday. No hope for his recovery had been held out by tho attending physicians for tho past 24 hours. Dally for a week past Mr. Conger has grown weaker, and it was known that he had but a fow hours to live. Tlio family was at tho bedsldo when tho end came Chronic dysen tery was tlio direct cause of death. He was 04 years old. No Contempt Intended, Bole, May 20. Prosecuting Attor ney Koolsch has completed his Investi gation ot tho circumstances undor which Harry Orchard, principal wit ness for the state In the Steunenberg murder case, was Interviewed, and presented the District court with a re port exonerating from the charge of Improper motives all persons connected with the inoident. He found that the only motive Uat the newspaper men had, in interviewing Orchard was to ob tain news from him. Scurvy Rages In Russia, Bt. Petersburg, May 20. The report ot the medical inspector In tho famine district ot Bamaro and Ufa and In the Turgal Steppes, Aslatlo Russia, says a largo proportion ol those afRioted with scurvy are children. Blnce January 16, when scurvy first became menacing in Ufa province, the cases officially regis Utod have averaged 107 dally. The average now la several times greater. CRISIS IS REACHED San Franclrca Most Have Settle roent Willi Labor Mm, COMPLETE SUSPENSION OF WSRI All Building May Stop and 60,000 Man Become Idle Money Market Tightens. San Francisco, May Jl, A meet ing of the Builders' Exchange has been called for Wednesday, at whlck tlmo tho contractors ot the city who aro erecting tho structures now ris ing In tho ruins will discuss the question of stopping work until nor mal conditions are resumed. In caso such action Is taken 60,000 men will be thrown out of empIoyrnonL The car strike, tho other labor troubles, and a tightening money market hare brought the present sit uation about. Tho financial and In dustrial situation at the present mo ment Is enraver than it has boon sinco tbo big disaster. Every attempt will be mndo to Induce tho builders to continue work, but Prcsldont Kent, of the exchange, stated last night that many of the members ot tho as sociation bad expressed themselves In favor of stopping work until tbo situation could again be restored to tho normal. Loans are being called In and tho interest rate has been ad vanced from 6 and 6 to 7 and 8 per cent A statement has been promised to day from Honey and Spreckols, and this may servo to clarify tho situa tion. Tho resignation of the com mittee ot soven when Heney and Spreckols made their llnal refusal to co-opcrato has served to complicate matters. 8ENDS ARMY SOUTH. Nexlco Preparing for Trouble With Republic of Oualemaba. City of Mexico. May 21. Mexican troops aro being moved to tho Gau- tcmalan frontier over tho Pan-Amer ican Railroad, according to advices received yesterday. In what num bers or for what purpose these sol diers aro being moved southward is not known outside official circles. It was also learned that tbo War Department had countermanded the order dispatching tho Mexican gun boat Tamnlco to tho port of Baa Jose do Guatemala and there take on board Senor Gamboa. the Mexican Minister to Guatemala, who was to have gone to San Salvador, The Tarn- plco is still In tho harbor at sauna Cruz, but tbo Mexican Minister Is still In Guatemala City. An American business man now in tho city, who arrived from San Sal vador a few hours ago, says It la only a question of tlmo when President Flgucroa ot Salvador will be con fronted with a formidable revolu tion. An authority says conditions tn tho latter Republic are rapidly ap proaching tho chaotic stage now existing tn Guatemala. Open war prevails In Honduras among politi cal factions, each led by a Presiden tial aspirant. ENSIGN SHOOTS HIMSELF. Feared Cortmartial for Row With Santiago Police. Washington. May 21. Tho Navr Department today received a dls natch from Santiago. Cuba, stating that Ensign Alfred T. Brlsbln, who was In a difficulty with the ponce or Santiago about a fortnight ago with sailors from the Tacoma, had shot himself through tho lung and was In n serious condition. Ensign Drlshln Is In Santiago. The official Investigation ot the troublo with tho Santiago police ap pears to havo developed tho fact that. Brlsbln was drinking with the sail or, which would douktloss have re sulted In hla being court roartlaled. Brlsbln entered Annapolis Naval Acadomy from Pennsylvania In 1899 and graduated in 1903. He was born In Idaho. Reduced Rates Withdrawn. Tacoma. Max 21. Reduced rates ovor tho Northern Pacific Railway to Middle Westorn cities which wero to have beon made havo boon with drawn bocauso tho Interstate Com merce Commission has refused to ap provo the lower fare. It is not known wbother tho cheap tickets havo been taken oft the market tem porarily or for tho ontlro summer. Agents ot tho Orogon Short Lino and tho Union Pacific assert that they nro Instructed to soil transportation on the basts ot one tare plus $10 for tho round trip to all Middle Western points. Will Not Nurse Her Royal Babe. Madrid, May 21. Owing to the many duties requiring her attention! Queen Victoria has given up the Ides, ot nursing the Prince of the Asturias, and a nurso has been obtained fer him, from the province of Santa Andre. :