LL, LOCAL BITS. tl of friends Come to lluiul to htmr itcrenm. At law Dorothy Schoolcraft I,i(tluv win vUltlng Bend yctnlny. Have yon mn Uiom new nhoen Kt MrtiU'f? Thy nrc n fine lot Hint low priori. le I,.vl ctvHtii Mimrntoti, lt In th world. J. M. Mastkn. Rutland, OrvROtt. 'j-1 2 I.ott A tiwicliot'rt Hilda Mime where in Uend. Finder plcnw re tnru to Rev. Tavcimr. . Dr. Turley Ik hnvhiR h InrRe lni mid ImjtKV attel built tit the rear of hi lots on Iiouwood Ave It. V Kichitrdtoii will soon be gin the construction of n two Mory luuifcu, 3.xi6 fitct, on bbi fiu ni nl of lleud. Pie (ilnnt (or mile nt J. II. OnuiU'ri between Tenth mill Kiev tmth on Iron wood Ave. Any amount to suit coaiutiurn. ; 13 Huli O'Kauc bus Wen bntKgiNK about the "iiiottteaKe lifters" he Iim on hi homeetend tiortli of Red mutul it littr of youtiy; jiIr. ,1'. O. Minor and hi father, It. C, arc nH!iidiiiK tlie week on Mr. Minor's lioiiKNtcud .wulli of Heinl nd are building h home thereon. , Klmer Ntawouger wu lit Silver 1 take the flrt of tlw week, acting Nk witue.li for "Top" Woods, who madc-flnnl proof on n tiiulxr claim . T?h MttUjcct of Kev.-MilehcllN tedium next Sunday cveniuj; ut 8 o'clock will.be: "On what Uisi.1 can all ChrUUiau churchei Unite." TJic. Oregon State board of AriI- culture will hold its .17th niinual state fair at ti;rlcin on September 16 to 3i. Competition open to the world. Hugh O'Kauc bays that six fam ilica from North Dakota 'll soon arrive and take tip resilience on ditch land near hi homestead north of Kedtnoiid. ., , Mr. llrucc and w'ife from Wilbur, AVnuli., arc recent .conitir to this section. They have' retctj a small ucrcegc on the Spinning form 2 mile northeast bf Baud. !;. A. Griffin lias recently pur chased 80 nurcs of ditcl) laud, near ihc Richardson place on the Hear creek road and is clcarhig it and getting it ready to itlt Into crop. , II. C. Ellis and W. E. Gticrin, jr;, went to Priuct'lllc Monday on business connected with telephone matters. They will visit Htinis be fore they rctunl rind expected to be gons about twe? weeks. " Dr. Merrill and N. P: Smith arc attending u convention of thegrund jdA'cof tfie Knights of Pythias jVWIcff coWctied in Portland on the jrst. They ore delegates from Dcs chute IWrc No. 103. ti Is'rttyalfcr Kcenc and wifc.di JforV yjknd arrived here last wctty 16-iaUc this their future home. Mr. Ktfcue hnd W. II. Wilson have urt:hrisc'4 joa acres of ditch laud ucdr the ilaswcll-Gueriu ranch. j , v A. H. Grant has' made nrrangcv incuts with the Hood IUvcf yl'rtlit 'Orbwcrtt' Association 'fo'ifnildtc thoir fruit at Ilend. Orders for 'strawberries and other Iruit will be 'taken by the case and filled at their lowest prices !A. M. Drake is liavW.n covered ruborway built front lijk ihaiu resi dence to the nunc at'l'thfi south. ' h'c, structure is being jflrulc of pine hSps in the rough nntl Will harmon i i With the geucrnl architecture of the main building. A, letter received' by , Mrs. Hugh O'Kauc from Mrs, Paul iWnier, nee Belle Uoblsou, states that she dfrcs not at all like the Minnesota c'ituntcj that it has been a cold mid Very disagreeable spring- there. Bdth rilieatul Fohl hre hopinir to return eRie Second-Hand Feratore I have scented (juite 11 line of gecond-lmud furniture mid if you wnut to iwvt tuourfy and who of us do not? you should step in and txatuiuc what I 'lifer. Von may And juit what you want. The list Includes Chairs, Bodetcads, Mattresses, Bed Springs, j Tnbloc. Dressers, a Rood OrKan for $40, and Stoves. "V REMEMBER I HAVE FOR SALE Boiled Linseed Oil & Turpentine J. I. WEST, Bend, 0 r ego 11 The rainfall for the week nt Heml ha been 1.11 inches. New stock ol shoos Just arrived at Merrill's. Come in and sec them. ' Announcements lmvc been rc ceivml in Ilend of the marriage of Mr. Clunk Hull McNie to Mis Alda Johtivon on WeliieUy, May J 5, at Winona, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. McNie will be nt home after July 15 nt Kcutwood, La. Preparations for the Pourth arc Koiug steadily forwnnl and nil com mittoefc arc hard nt work. The first bitch of advertising nutter has botn printed nt The Hullctiu oflicc and is kIui distrlbutoil. Hvcry loyal citizen will help to ndvcrtic the event, which is Koiut; to he one of the biggest and best celebrations ever seen iu Central Oregon. News reaches Dcnd that Francis Marion was declared "not guilty" by the jury a I.akevicw before which he was tried on the charge of selling a team, harness and hack not belonging to him, the outfit be ing the property of "jiilly" Kobisou of llctid. It was impossible to get full particulars. The ulTair will be a heavy loto to Hobison, the value ol tlte outfit and expenses aggregat ing Kvcrnl hundred dollars. Hand was isitcd by quite n heverc electrical storm ami a heavy downpour of rain Tuesday after ;ioon. Two large pine. trees south of the P. H. D. afflce were struck by lightning and a clcuti strip ripped from the top to the .ground. The fuses to all c 'phones pu the local exchange excepting four were burned out, riswcrc also all the tang distance 'phones. The storm yds quit: extended m scope as it tjlso visited Pritlevlllc and burned out all the 'phones there except three, About rui inch of Water fell. Iill order td get a greater fall to the flume thai feeds his, irrigation wheel, Henry iiuster Is rtipvjng the wheel several yards dowi) stttam. The reinOral necessitates;, some hcAVy blasting hi order to dear a )yay for the flume: &i Halvorsen h lis had charge "tt.1' the blasting. thli UHgating wltccl is a clever connivance by which the force of the. water turn a'water wheel. The iNvafcf wheel furtilshe.1 the power, to keep an endless chain in operation' which carries a number of lat,ge tiu cups. As the chain revolves, the cups dip up water and carry it to the top of a derrick some 30 or 40 feet high where the vVater is dumped into a flume and carried by gfavity onto the Itustcr field on the .west side of the river. It is a first, rate irrigation plant on a small scale'.! ltaiia will cclelimte. Will you.' LIbks Tor tlntfTjIiiE. ,' v Indian Kuntier Pucks. "Kastcrn )H:k, wiuners.' Uwd, Oregon. lea.a The Bulletin's Irrigation D apartment. v " hi -Wn. P. DowKino, 8tf iMcNIe-Julitifon. Heortiii( the wedding ol Mr. Clmtlvs McNie to Misa Alda John )ii, the Wiuouu(Miuii ) Independ ent said, iu art: "The ceremony wns)erforuicd in the ftont jMirlor Iwy window U neath n liugtt wedding bell of wlat car not ion ud white kwetiK-as over which theitt was a iK-autilu, bower ufhoiilheru tnii.,x studded with iniuuture electrk lights. "The music for the occasion was renderwl by Heyrriitedt's oreliestr.i and ai they played the wedding march fiom Lohengrin, the bridni pvirty marched down stairs nnd into the front parlor, Rev. Thomas, Mr. McNie, the groom, and Kobert Shannon of Scaiilou, Minn., his bet man preceding the ushers, Harry Hrooks of Minneapolis, Sheldon Ihooks of Scaulon and Curl lohnsoii of Winona, a brother of the bride. "The bride wore a very handsome gown ol white satin trimmed iu duchess lace and wore a full tulle veil and carried a shower boquct of lillies of tl'ie valley. The maid of honor wore a gown of pink silk mull and carried a boquct of white swectpcas. The bridesmaids were nil nttircd in white net and wore pink satin sashes (aid carried bo il nets of pink swectpcas. "An informal, reception and a wedding supper followed the mar riage ceremony. .The bridal party were served in the dining room which was very prettily .decorated for the occasion, the general color scheme being pink and white. The bride's table yus decorated with a large center piece consisting of a mound ol pink bride's roses and white swectpcas. "The bride and groom are, both well known In Winona and hnyc.a very large circle ol friends tlpte who will extend congratulations, The bride is the younger daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. A. C. Johnson. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. McNie, and is resident manager of the Drooks-Scanlon Lumber com pany's business nt Kentwood, Ia.V ?--, - - - mi jtn VOR SAMt J1V It. A. SATllKR. Wall Paper". yMr Stwii-1 11 i,f.tm half hour look-' liiK w r my hII prr tatoelvn c j6mt own liotiM -tintiu romirmlty In rout r.i-y clmir lijr tit vufy H(liU tiA amkl Hip tkct Mir'rinmliiiK lif yot e iwft iIm-iii t. Iikiir th(' tb fy t" M'lct l iir. I'.samtiie ami etftot- rv ihr lirmitilul illni, x4)ulitr tint ami ririi colur nictt III Itcnrl'n fllVlll 1'irk 'nil iIk- rxaet nlUTn you want llir iM th.il rmilv liatlMiil?jr with th furnnllini;. of yfillf iKHIIf N'lil Willi JTOur idcaU yon -re (he wttolr line the rr lmri il ix'io lh liwlit tint and rnh-l rotor rffartii, iniluiluiK tint ini Hirin (Mitrrn in Moire, tannlry, color lilrnU, tii(ritn. VHrMlbn lilrv nntilla, Miii'ilf uo.l I'lrtwautiful rMl Iratlirr rrfrrt of l.iiio wall it' irice rriiiK'HK from 7 r- U up, N. 1. WkIKHK, Iten.l, Orejjoti. SBWIMC MACHINE. KOUtIR DEARIHa HIGH OIUOS. TC3ft iigMfc-- .. .it1 1 fMaraffa'y 'mSmBr.mzMKUfBt - aafafaaTBaatBar by buying this reliable, honest, high grade sew ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. . National Sewing Machine Co.. SAN FRANPISCO. CAL. PACTOUY AT nULVIDCNC. ILU TiTe Central Ore gon Banking Sb Trust Company IMCOtrOIUTKO 1904. Capital 525,000.00 Transacts d deneral Bank-' ing Business. Acts as Administrator, Ex ecutor or Trustee of Estates Issues Drafts nnd ' JBnnk Money Orders on all Foreign Countries. Interest on Tirrta Deposits . -1 , Safei Deposit boxes. Plre Insurance. Joliu Ktalillltl,rr!ilcnt I. H. SatThilt, Vlcc.fre.Mtfut Cssliler ami I HHtfPV, ORKGON Crook Couijjjr Realty Coj Kcal Estate Beaiht asd Sold. Life and Accident INSURANCE. ovric IM HULUCTIM utumo kBaD.oasotut h Tissel & Davis, Real Estate Agents and Locators Madras, OreRon. Handle Farm Laiids and Town Propery If I'ViVSjon't find what you want in Jha. irrigated. Iftlt, give thctu c call. They have improved farms at 10 to 5is per acre, B'EJE? THEM', AT v. T'.-! ' Madrai, W Oregon wjf f, ,. iCiw PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor I ntk supplied with all thcjlellcuciew of the season Itrm clwiK Rtititnint ITnc Udbms and Ueds All stages stop at the hotel door LIVELY AND FEED BARN SN CONNECTION flood Rigs : Reasonable Charges C. 0. BROWN Sfc COMPANY BEND, - OREGON UI'ALKftS IN ALL KINDS 01' . Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty II We buy or -ell youi laud no matter where .ituatcd. Wc can sup ply you with any class of land at any time Call on us or write for further partlculnM. . - -. . 7- -- . lUMilKK 1101 AXr I fllS IX IIOTKL OTEL OEND HUQM O'KANE, Prop. CORNER IlOM) AND (1 Oregon , Strk3 j MOST CKNTRALLY jpCATHX) HOTUL IN nEND. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. " 1 New House, New Fiirniturc, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms Always Reserved for Tr? -ierlt Trade. mdiitJL L. F. MOODY OUNPRAL commission and forwarding A1ERCHANT. SHANIKQ,- - OREOON Large, Commodious Warettoue. CeuigHaests SelJdlci Prompt attention paid to those who favor uic with 'their patronage Ja RALPH SHfeLDON t, 1t General ;Blacksmithing and .Wagon Repairaig HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Oar shori located opposite Baptist Church. ' m 1 r NEW DAILY SJTAGB Frorrj BEND to SHANIKO and AU IiilerIor Joints' New andUb-to-date Outfit opcciai Attention to i raveling" men : W-Vjr Trie liX. Scenic Rbii Iit'Central bfegotl , . ) v Best Eating Houses on Arty SU'tie Lin'c PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO EXPRESS aud BAGGAGEI FAST FREIGHT A SPECIM.TV' m. Fb Rates to Lnd Locators and Timber Men, address F. O. MINOR, Bend, Or., of W. J. BUCKLEY. AgU Shanlko, Dt 4 ,ff) x. ni'WOMEN6" Ilobqrtlna, tlvt hat v'ry tvoman moat ljtra- txrfect complexion, It torlnga that soft, amooth, Xrh. clear tint to tha cheek that onotea youthrulnew. It wilt brln beauty to thoso who lack It: It wilt retain tt ,(pr thojia -Aha already posses It, It vlft' ihahla you to successfully cortl vv (h - ravaKca ot weather ana time. Don't doubt don't, ar?ue. Just try Ttobertlne. Your druggist will glvo you a (reo sample. AU drug data keep Roberttne. '" $&&mm mm FL ANK BEISTLEi ENGnAVER and ELECTROTYPES J "" "" - IJMHimt KflTIH LULQ FAIR PRICE n n