The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 24, 1907, Image 4

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    .ri tf . V ' J W1'!PWW'' '"
ni. .a. jul. in Bun n k mi i n jin jiiTriiir-i ' (wifti) iiiirm iti if wjnlria'iii r- -n-m- n-L1 1r
w y ,
"IHir every man a
less and no more."
square deal, no
T TflffM
cnAKi.iis n.
subscription ratwsj
ra yon, ..
Invartablv l ada.)
. -lis
. J
FRIDAY, MAY 34, 1007.
n. ' '
At present there are four promi
nent candidates iu tbe field for the
republican presidential nomination
Taft, Itetrbmiks. Knox and Can
non. The reprtbUcau party wit
tuakt a dire mistake if it gives ih
nomination to either at the test
three. There is no doubt thai
they are men of ability. The
'trouble with' them is that they art
too closely identified with corpora
lion i"!eren with those interest
that have fought Roosevelt am
which Roosevelt has likewise fought
with all the Strength lie coultl com-
- Fairbanks ft known as a railroa.
man and hobnobs with railroai
lobbyists; Kuox is a corporation nt
torney.of high standing; and "TJnd
Joe" Cannon is the chief of th
fctaud-patters and will brook lit
Meddling with those sacred tariff
schedules which citable Amexicai
manufacturers to charge a higho
price for their goods in the home
uijirket than they obtain in foreign
countries. It was only recently that
a Bcndranchcr told The Bulletin
he could buy American barb wire
cheaper in Canada than he can
hrc Yet the sacred tariff should
not be toucuea. Again, trie trouble
vlth tb:se three men is that in their
-tnlads ijie bit: corporations are the
wbftV vtntrt? 4fii! liuctncc ic tliir
whole country and Business is their
god should be spelled with a cap
ital. The country today demands a
higher standard of statesmanship,
t& tli"-bartv that nuts forth a can.
lidate in (he next presidential race
who is imbued with those worn-out,
corporation-serving ideas, will bid
high for defeat The nation is now
looking for its political salvation,
not (p tbe old-school politicians, but
rather to that ciass of men repre
sented by Roosevelt, Taft, Hughes,
aFol!e(te, and IJolk men who can
ee that the government should be
conducted in the interests of the
wlioh people as against a favored
few; men who realize that political
righteousness is as essential to a
'nation's welfare .as standing armies
and powerful navies.
If the republican party seeks de
feat let it nominate a candidate
-who has fought Roosevelt and who
opposes Roosevelt's policies.
Thd;- announcement that the
Davenport brothers have purchased'
717 head of pure-btbd, Short' Horn;
uitjfe tir the fcavfcjporliStanlcy
ranch L welcome news for this sec
tion. Well bred tlockSs needed
here, especially good dairy cattle
lend. the Short IIorn are one of the
&vorlt b'fjSeds in tl,ic dairy line.
Wot only1 id it good '.news to know
'that well bred cattle are to be
brought in, but of eojual importance
Hs fti? statement by Mr. Davenport
thai it is their intention to build up
& large flqct of blooded sheep,' the
beginning of Yvhfcli they now have
'in is head of Cotswolds. The cat
'tie and sheep will undoubtedly be
added'to Inter by valuable horses,
'hogiand other live stock, making
this place one of the finest stock
ranches in the state. Such a ranch
"will be of great value to the com
munity for mile, 'inasmuch as it
-will furnistt a ' c&ista'ut supply of
pure-blooded stock!-Tor distribution
imong the ranchers wib cannot j
-nter into fancy stock breWintf "oh i
n lArce a scale but who. neverth'e-.
ess, desire-good blood iu the stockJkept
tiv ln raise. I
do raise.
T'li'S Pullet'n's Tuuialo correr-
potidcnl sets reminiscent this week
mul spenks'of tint wonderful devel
opment that lias taken place in
Western Crook county during the
lat six or seven yers. lie enum
erates the many advantages we err
jov hen. advantages thai ore so
often lacking iu a uevr country
daily mail stages, frural telephones,
churches and schools, a delightful
climate ' with uo biicsarrJa and
cyclones, and irrigating canal aw)
laterals all over the couutry To
ihese cam be added a fertile soil, a
nrogrecsivc mid ever iucretisiue
Papulation, and a most valuable
umber and fuel supply.. And when
vou have said this the half bat not
vet been told. The uinn who Has
ihc ability to see into the future a
-hort distance will tny itt the Iknd
"otuitrv "The future will see
levetopmctit hero that will surprie
veil the most sanguine. The one
hltig uecded is railroad transporta
".on. Within the Inst few months two
old men have been hurried to death
n Prineville, in both cases the
victims being so fur under the in
fluence of lipior that it was very
robable they were themselves re--ponwU'e
for setting tbe flames that
-auscd their death. The drink
Send bad demanded the last toll
ml made them pay tribute with
their lives. Should not thec two
incidents cause the young man to
stop and consider? The indulgence
m drink may bring many social
hours with "jolly good fellows,"
may make otic popular with "the
boys, and may befool one tnto the
belief that he is strcugtheuiug his
mauhood. But-it is all a hollow
mockery and .1 foolish delusion
The social cup may for a time sccra
l0 bring comradeship and manv
-.1 .t.: - t... -ti t.- r :. :-
uvu luniks, UUl Ull lUC UlUC II lb
exacting its toll from its victim
befuddling his mind, weakening
him physically, (Jcstroying his abil
ities, robbing his manhood, and, as
is so often the case, demanding the
last payment with the victim's life.
That is the life history of scores of
what were once promising young
men. Young mau, is the game
worth the caudle?
The heavy rains of Tuesday
afternoon and during the night will
be a great benefit 1o .the farmers.
The ground got a good soaking to
a depth of several incheo, the sun
came out warm after the rain and
all vegetation is literally "jumping"
out of the ground. The rain will
poslpoue the first irrigation for sev
eral weeks.
A Promise of What This Section Will
Some Day Enjoy.
II. V. Gates said while here that
if he ever establislidd a generating
station on the Descliiites or Matoles
it would mean vastly ttiore to the dis
trict than simply provldlugligbts for
this city, say3 the f'j'Jiicvillc Re
view. His plans contemplate fur
nishing "juice" (dr the whole
county, not only for Jight but for
power for the farmers of Haystack,
Redmond, Cline Falls, I.aidlaw,
and Beud districts, to say nothing
of Crooked river valley.
'. Farming by electrlcty is no new
'hing in the Kastern states, but so
far it is unheard of in Oregon. If
the big plant under contemplation
be established next year it will al
most revolutionize farming iu Cen
traj dregon. All plowing und har
rowing will be accorbplisjied by
electricity; the farmers, homes will
be brightened by it; and if is. not
altogether imrirc'bablfr that eveti, the
farmers' products Will, be brought
to town in horseless wagons. There
is 'Absolutely ritf limit to the uses to
wlp'ch electric "juice" iaay I ap
plied on tile farm, and. at a much
Use expetise than, horses may be
YouTiaO' better
Fortu at I'ed.
cletrat the
Problems That Confront The Irrigator.
Irrigation and Dry Farming
Add ma In-fore the FarmetV tnMitutc at
Meridian, Idaho, by Khun Nclaun,
perl In charge, of Irrigation and dry
tannine invMtigtfotM of the Tatted
State IlepRrtHtent of Agriculture in
Idaho, aftd IrrtgatHHihH nl tbe Idaho
AaxtUbK.v KMwrintont Station at
(CanUaaed goat taat wrtk.J
Soils of different texture behave
differently under irrigation. A
parous soil will allow water to pass
through it quickly nud much may
seu awav and le Mitirclv !om
Obliviously it is a wtiMe to utu
more water on such saiia than is
required to cover each particular
field. A deep retentive soil on ac
count of its large Mornec capacity
c.iti take up lurjjc amounts of water
and will require but few irrigations.
Soils that arc underlaid by an im
pervious formation are diflicult to
handle. If the soil is shallow its
-torngc capacity is limited. The
ue of much water on such soils
will catiHe watcr-logginc, as a result
of which the feeding area of the
roots U reduced. Since the water
cannot drain away it risca by capil
larity, bringing with it alkali, which
thus accumulates iu the surface soil.
Plowing or cultivating at a uniform
depth will, in certain soils, form a
compact layer which may retard
downward percolation to a greater
or lesser degree.
It is really surprising huw little of
the water applied is used by the
crop. Generally uot more ttinn
one-fourth i taken up by the
plants. There may be some run oflT.
Evaporation and percolation may
dispose of large amounts. The loss
by evaporation during sthc time
water is spread over fields is consid
erable. While the soil is wet on
the surface the loss may be as great
or even greater than the loss from
the surface of a ditch. The loss
from a wet soil, not shaded, is quite
large during irrigation and imme
diately after, bnt'nt the end of a
week it is quite insignificant as
compared with that from a water
In irrigating wc usually saturate
some part of tlte soil more or less
unless the soil be very porous
SurI'accscvaporatiou in the. course of
a few days disposes of much of this.
Downward percolation continues,
if unobstructed until, gravity .is
powerless to pull more down, what
remains is held there by capillarity.
when this noitit is reached the
movement of the soil moisture tends
upwards. It is a common expres
sion that plants use only ascending
moisture and that is nearly true lor
all growth is temporarily checked
as lone as the soil is in a state of
saturation and the activities of the
roots ure not resumed until the
water contents has been reduced to
about 60 per cent. Half air and
half water in the spaces in the soil,
or from 40 to 60 per cent of its
maximum capacity is the condition
bes't suited to plant growth.
As moisture is lost at the sur
face and as crops remove it more is
brought up from below. If capil
larity is strong moisture may be
brought up from a depth ol six feet
or more. However, capillarity is
not always rapid enough to keep
pace with the requirements of a
vigorously growing crop. Hence,
even though tbe moisture is abun
dant in the deeper soils irrigation
may be necessary.
It is obvious that water penetrates
only as deep as soil conditions per
mit and that capillarity acts upward
from no greater depth thnii
that to which water cau percolate.
A hardpati or soil of unusually firm
texture may check or retard the
course of thfc water downward.
Some of the evil effects of exces
sive use of water have already been
ruerred to. A lack of thriftiness
accotujpauied by a yellowish color
often is q sign of ipo much water
in the soil. I have seen small grain
irrigated too early iu the spring
effected in this way, and also alfulfa,
which previously had a healthy
green color. ,
Tl;e soil maVbe ipjured iu sev
dtal ways, 3'xcessivc percolation
n'ay remove plant food. The sur
face 'inav 1$ 'nfiddledS-nU' uH&esVr'.
ab!e cend'tieu, as ft . b dJOtci It to
again restore proper tilth. Satura
tion, if prolonged, tW injurious, be
cause It stop the elaboration of
plant food iu the soil uttri, further
more, induces the destruction of
that which the soil does contain.
If the drainage is defective alkali
may prove h aerious menace to the
ctoppuiK uf the laud. When such
dangers threaten, (economical um
of water and cultivation to Icbmii
evaporation are trevutatlve mean.
urea wlrtcli will to some, extant
ward off the impending ruin ol the
laud. Some under lraiuee i
necessary for the Military criu'di
ditiou of the soil, Oh the alknll
salts and the toxic substance given
off by plants should have uu .1 venue
of escape. Seepage from irrigated
laudN on high luveU may ruin bot
tom lauds, since the wits that tha-se
wntcis carry iu solution accumu
late as the w-utcr rises to the sur
face and evaporates.
The question of drainage on cer
tain irrigated lauds is tweomiut; seri
ous Ten per cent, of irrigated
lauds iu the West have al
ready twen ruined by alkali
To cope with this problem wc must
employ the preventative measure
already tinted. The only real
remedy is artificial drainage.
The essential thing iu irrigation'
is the distributing of water through
the soil in amounts suitable to tlte
needs of tlte crop. The things to
avoid are puddling of the surface
and waste, such u evaporation
from the wetted Mtrfateof the soil.
undue low by percolation ami runoff
during irrigation.
Flooding is undesirable lor many
reasons. It puddles the surface,
Savors excessive me, cannot be well
managed at night and occasions
much Invt by evaporation from the
soil. For these various reasons it
is best to employ the furrow system
whenever it is possible. Furrows
are always used for potatoes, sugar
beets and orchards, no matter what
is the character of the soil which
suggests the possibility of extend
ing their i to other crops as well.
Iu many localities the furrow sys
tem used successfully.
(.Mr. Taylor nnd Mr. Rogers
stated that they could irrigate by
means of furrows where the soil
was stirred, for there the soil subs,
but lor small grain tucy were
obliged to flood since the soil would
not absorb water. Doth had
the furrow pyhlcm successfully
elsewhere.) '
Many of the objections urged
against flooding do not hold good
for allalfa, which is well suited to
that method of handling water.
Tlic roots throughout the soil very
largely prevent puddling. Since it
shades the ground the surface docs
not bake and evaporation is very
much diminished. This prevention
of excessive evaporation at the sur
face guards against accumulation
of alkali. Iu starting alfalfa mark
ing out generally facilitates the first
irrigation. The furrows will aid
in the distribution of water in the
flooding which is to follow.
It goes without saying that fur
rows should be used iu orchards.
The number of furrows between
rows must be varied to suit the age
of the orchard and the character of
the soil. In a young orchard it is
important to supply all the roots
with moisture and always to keep a
furrow in advance of the roots as
they push out into the space inter
vening between rows. The roots
will then spread evenly. In setting
out an orchurd a furrow is made
close to each row for the first irri
gation. For the second irrigation
there should be a furrow on either
...Poland China Hogs -Black
Langhan Chickens
Day Old Chicks
I rice, 20 cent each. ,
If you are KQitvf (0 cafehtHn-r-ihit Jbt,
'coufne you are -yoi'VlIf flint Jicnd the
bli"o Iu whli-h to htrra'li
in THrrcnnnARD,
Jtltttiiiiioirr WHrh AmmIioI llupiitlri
of. Ik I'rult 'l'rir.
Ill the Hpplv unlmrtt:
Rprrgr ntKHit the taat week l Jul;
with Iftpdcaux, vuuibluwl with au ar
tenl'e, fur twind liwml of itMlllnr.
until, tuaaoek rautli, yeltow nwrkatl eat
rpltlar, fHuiiwM dhKaat, Me.
In tlte latter pirt of July look rot
jmni: rolonh uf th yellow necked
tittivniltara tonllug Krtntartottaly ou uu
ilentNkt itf kxmt. tut irtT Ittfrwted
brunch fttMto woruta are young and
Durliiir tlio luontha of July, August
aiMt ftWnttur ()i trunks awl target
llmba rovrrnl with whitewash or with
rartlhahl wlmln till Map wpry to jirw
nt tatfwra.
lMir Had UhInp.
The iM-ttp la to a In into admit alilileet
to tlicklino iii-iKta and lUaeaaM whlrti
attack 1I10 uifik. The iror.iniiu rut
fh car of tht apd on-hard will
thcrcruru ey rrvU fur tbe jieat
otvluird nlau, Tttnt wvlal (wat of tlt
Hr. the aiojr. whlt-h opium m In J una,
la trratiHl tt- apruylnt wrftti an araeulte
rltti kmMu-iiw emtiltan or with a d
eixHlwt of whit" Mlelior or awlyrttt
a HtlttHr r Mlrftm-e and Hour w
lime irliti a ittiwdcr imm.
Ylw aattitt irojfraini as for Ridf
ami ar andM lit Mw iihKtJ. Tin
nppta iMirer ontt eMlllug moth nllark
tld frwlt. TIm qulni currullo ranta
rrmtt lato May to July m U ruught
hy larrlug. .
IVfirh ami I'luiu.
AIxhu th tat tir'Aiunui wiainlua IIk
jx-aclt tivi fw tarr hmraa aud d
atray all Uiat nra fit.iutl.
V)Ui Utv i'luiu fuUuw Uh- July nnd
Anxuat iinifirati.uia given for borar In
apt awl jHtacit.
fitmirfnir Attnlm! ilia Witttl.
In regard to irtuiming llartlett jteai
trwa whero Ibo wlml U uttvtug from
L tint vroat. I do uui think run iin oittnbi
tb brat reaulta ly vultlug bark tin
grow lb tw tU i-l Mbb l ontt or twt
btttbt mutX balug Hie n-ai of lln Im
btngcr. au a liural Ken- Yurki-r tvrlt
or. tt will itrtamiy irault In au uu
balanetJil tw. The leadency uf lit
Mow of Mi will be o the rale of Ibt
ttt that la b-ft Ibe luuapal. U Ibe Irwet
Iu tlte utvtinnl nn tnit Itark annually,
in U lay inmi-lkv I vmU athlae tltal
liiiumliig iduHiM bit ilotH- In the tlor
tuant waHJii. lulling lint lower llruln
buck U tht or alx hud, thoae blgbet
u Utile attorter. wotklng lowanl h bad
or wliloh tdKMihl bo loft loutrer, follow
Ing tbe no urn ayoit-ui ymt alter year
'Ilin reeolt vtlll be u belter btitnCHl
free, a U-ltrr abatet irw ami h won
Itrutlnetlvo ttev at lie- age of ten in
llflt-tm joom I bail mu Ik brtHigbt about
by nny oilier eyeirtti of Irliinntiitt.
VoiiNK Till net TiiKt'llirr.
It U liutnrnl lor auuif laiya Itt makv
petit ttf oiilttinN on tin- farai. t'alvne.
eotta mid ImiiiIm erttwd nrwiiutl mull
boy, mul It U generally nttteotl thai
Httrli nnliunUi are thrifty. It atmt U
noticeable lliat llitt Imik Imilug aueti
Inrtiiftico over farm aiilmaU are the
1 Z.IBXt.r TO HTAY O.V nil! VAIIU.
Ai who iuuUo tlitt licit mull, aIiiiokI
't-i'"V ' "1 l' t-U'lil .i.i,wito ilow
ni'iMliiliilnihiKt Willi yoiiiiK iiiiliiinU uu
tint furm, mid muli lntriij;tloii nru
very.valtinblu to I1I111.
A-Kront deal drpfiitU 011 lliu pnrenlH.
If lliu "old uinn" yell nroiinil tlio burn
yard nud ketpn a lnli or two linudy
to vhni'U lliu niiliiuilt with wliuii lliey
ftrt In lilt wiiy Uui Imy U vury apt to
Imltato lilt father' t'xiuiiplu. Much
mru KPiicrnlly niiniilaln Unit fiirinliiu
,vloi'Mi't pny. '11ji HMiilt Im Hint lliu buy
gorit otT lit tuwu Iu limit up nomhiIIiIiik
that will piiy.-I'iinn, I'lnld and 1'lre
aide. , Trimlj unil Nt-iall I'rull,
IIoo tlio Hum Ihmiim frriiuciilly.
Oct out cnlitiiiKo plmitit for 11
.croji. .
Iiinilps of nil. KliuU jiiny now
Ah fimt uu t-iopH inaturo It H a kooi!
rulo 1 1 put In Koinclliliii; eUc.
,, Tlio winter kind of rndlnIi(M inny bv
cp.wu tho Intler pail of July.
I Sviru nettliij,' iimliiM uu oxcctllt'ut Hip
pdlt for pou vluox, limn bomiM mul to.
junto vluoit.
After Die idrnwhorry bod hits borne
hrrcl-opM It Ih limit to plow It up nnd
Jifatil fnte iiibbago.
Jli' "ii tlio lookout for tlio nu'bn fnii,'
Aijply tobiirco dim freely around tlm
jiIantH mid keep tli)ui well t-ullhiitcd,
ft Tn it i;ood pint) bt pliieli off jlii tor
ullnni Hli3tH of tlio blnekberrr hriiriv
'AlUK will ciiceu llio (,-TOWIII 11(14 (11110
lift rnilP-l f hrtllil Wit
TtH-rtt la no dmlt that ilu lir in
Hit every varloiy a a He ruiitrlu
iiiiwalaA whlt'li fariuera nn- niton Mitt
r dlfpoaltkm to Imiidk Ut lla let nd
xanlnie. Iu thla ftnuirt-tloii imtIihih
KtllM lirkHAA Id h.H.1 tulL.ll llf Itlltlt
oilier rlBe. yi-t lutervat In It U ld
watillng. Ti a wan whu Ima a four
) Mr-old ware a iwinnil trt.inr and
la ronaldprlug training her for a anddlr
lita-ae K. I. Mayo of MatUe any In Itu ,
nil Nttw Yorker:
'INt make au Ideal aaddle liorao of lih
Mara the Inquirer atxtuhl bare oui
lueuced at leaat tnu yvara ago, toil If
aha la. na he aaya. wry untaiule nud
he will Ih 11 little more nt.wnt Ihe de
Mred rreull ran be affnillalnNl miw
11m. nrat Ihliiit to lie attained la lo
make brr n good n aider, for a ahiw nt
had talking aadille horae la about tli.'
witrat Ititwg wit, ami ahe hih1 ba
taugltt tlMt the walk la a dlallnrt call
no uimh aa the ranter or ih gnllti
Ho ahuuM not be aallaged Until ho ran
get Iter where eke ran walk from live
to alx ".SI al llMl. Of riHirae If aim l
iwinrally 11 fuat wjlker tula van itt'lly
he areomidlabed, but aln ahnttkl uevet
e alktwrd to tr.t while tsklug twt
nralkMtg ext-rrlMt, tar It ta aa niurb 11
nilatktmeaiuir for a mare wili'tng i"
break tutu n trot oi for a trotting marr
lo brenk Into a run. 'I'm ainlm the
walking habit reUirea a aiminl iraiit
Inc Itttt nerafcMeul urartlrv. at all IIhmw
urging her lo walk ea Mid na itowuhh
without fatigue aud not making bet
laaaona loo long at a I line.
There are Ihret trolling gnlt-lheJoii
trot, about four mile an hour, acme
I'INB KJUm-t K NAUIU.K llOuak.
Nba. owned l.y t A Iiim.M-. MlcltKait
Ttttt horvo I tittr.n rrrn al-l awl vnv
bratl In KaMltuk Ta fualtton In IM
flclMra trrvania lb apaliUli Hl. Oul
at a, MlhU I hilly. imm Mlll arhtHt
nMVaiHfnIa Nabat f-iform. IHvnlr-tHM
I'atm. fUM alt4 KliaaM
tiling In be avoided ami alwnya to Ik
illnetHiragetl; the true trvi. Iu whk-h IIm
nuliuel inori-it naturally ami with frle
IkHiImM gall..MlH Ibe tblnl l knowt
na III l) lug trtil, or at apem! git II. n
true trot, of funrat.. la ibe irttt that Dili
mare mnai attain If be would Imve del
grromptiaketl in Ibe ttifforenl gall
W1111 Una U nrtmiilltbiHl-uml It It
niually aa mf na tin walklHC gall -11k
next la Ihf t-anler, or alow wallop, mat
I lie borat Mi.mkl go frooi ttm Hulk 01
trot either to lln t-anlw nt Mill of tin
rider. The right fort t MhhiIiI b
iiiiulo to go fofwnrft Ural. or. rnlhrr, 14
toko tint load. In training r, tbU gAll
tlm lwrne alnmM bo Uepi Well Iu hnml
by tlm bit mul wiilln Mng urgHl fur
ward Ih-iii1 IIh Ih-miI xlliriill) 111 ih oi
poalte dlnftlou fimii v,hhb lli. fore leg
U In trail, mul with n tcry llttto prne
licit tlm luirno will underetaiHt from tli
leaning of Urn limul what It wanleli
and atrlko nu t-ny, iininrnl fiiutfr, ift
nn nut mid out gallop U reiNill, hep
the linrao iimkce Ihc int leap fid war''
with forefoot wrll etcuiliil mul op
aeo Hint m' iiiiili-ralmiiU wlmt N re
fllllretljiha I1I111 hi head allglitly aud
urge bj; to mnku a(lll grcnlrr cfTort.
TU I'Hlarr In llnaJam.
rluiniunrlsliig tlio viuIoih ojilnlom.
now nudllile hi iniirltct rln-lea, Ilrtn-U 1
cf (liirvlln oblnliu llinti lewa of tbrj
futiirc.)u tioirdinii. "One, tiiiutinltug!
from I'arklngiuwii, la that a ahnn de-'
cllno Iu inluca la naaiired wbnimver Ibd
aummcr run of 'grnaa wlilowa" U cul
looae. jt la uu thla mipply Unit killed
aro hmikliig tliolr hoxt of illlpj; relhrir
Anotlicr vlow la Iu tlm pcriiiniiciiry ql
preaont prlcca, which tlm couutry op.
licnr. to Minrc. It la Imned uu light
atocka, urgent dciunnd nud llgurea that
Jiullciito 11 nuriiinl Niiiiiuirr rtui, Thcrji
m n ujirii eieuifiu lluil alnkea t repu
.trtttciu. 011 tlm 1 iitrlnlluitloii of the
ftiven rout hog, inalNtliig that If pack
prn nbmiiliiiicil Ihcir preaeut hnnd to
llioiitli ntfltuilii prices would juiup nj
reiita nt hiiiulnilwelglit. j'nrkcrH fi
vr lower pi-icca for liolli Jiogn nni
IJimliiet, .Hog product In now' eolllng
immceroUMly nour llu. limit or illnpoil
IIU11 of Hit coiisumui1 to pay." .
NreUa i'l Voiiiik .limifu.
Hprlng eown nlfnlfn nccda to ho run
,pvcr wllh n mower every threo or four
wecliH to keep Urn word down. The
cutler bur M1011I1I Im nut high, nud the
blowing ttlmulil Im ilouo only when tin)
iilfnlfu la dry mid thoro M no nppcur
jinco of rain. AtigiiHt miwii iilfnlfu iloi
not need to bo bmchcil tlio drat sunsoii.
Hlock Hlmuld bo kept off nlfnlfn until It
Ii n your old ut IciiHt, mul If It la denlr
nnio to mnliiliilu n ataii'l ou 11 ilcld tat
en 10 uriiMMi yearn
kept off until t htm
your H M rntlivll
Htock Khould bo
piiNKcd iin third
1 1
'1' 11.11. Sh 1. 1.. ,v. . ... Tit .
von a cvieuraiioirwilI'Dc'Ihe bent Ir
r . . ASayMBy?,