The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 24, 1907, Image 3

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a Comleiiscil Form for
Busy Readers,
A Returno of tho Less Important but
Not Lots Interesting Event'
of tho Putt Waak.
Tho United linllioads In Fan Fran
leo li to Im boycotted by nil union
President Cnlliotin dottle that tho
United llallrinds bribed lluef, KchinlU
4iml tho uxrvlor.
Cack In Poland shot down OB
workmen Imvaiiiw ono o( tholr comrade
win killed by roblMin.
lttiol I ml confessed to revolving 130,
-O00 a bribe (or securing a franchise
which wa now granted.
Ouncral Kurokl I holng Iwiiiiiioted
1y tnmiy army and navy olllcorn In
Washington nml New York,
Two ploti against the cxnr'n life hnvo
ton discovered, ono by tho terrorist
nd ono by tlm reactionist.
Flio hui destroyed tho plcra of the
Morgan line, Now York, owned by tho
Houthcrn I'dulttc. Tho lew li pineal lit
Omit Britain In niter grafter and
lias just lent tin entire braird of guard
lim ol a wurkhonse mid Itillruuiry to
prison lor brlbo taking.
Nowpaior men who Imvo recently
Interviewed llniry Orchard, Hi tho
Idaho penitentiary, declare ho li notn
.phyalcnl nml tnciiUI wrvk aa hm been
report nl.
Tho entlra Itusslan wheat ciop li
threatened with failure.
(Icnoral lion 1 1 In, exiled president of
Honduras, I protarliig to rcnow wnr
on tho lIoiidurn government.
Tho Unite mayoialty content hm
lioeii roinpllcited by tho discovery Hint
mntn on lwllot boieo hnvo been broken.
Homo ol tho new jMssengor car (or
-tho Union Pacific system will lmvo ldo
-dooi i instead ol In the end m nt pie
rnt, It I said tlmt Bitot will l nent to Han
Qtiontln, but not until niter ho hni
given the grand Jury nil tho nld posl
Tho United llnllroad Is having lei
troubfo In niwratlng Iti Ban Fianchco
can mid li gradually Increasing tho
Kmnk Wayne, who confessed to rob
blnK tho poHlollWo nl Hell wood, n sub
mb ol Portland, In been ami to Mo
Noll's lilind (or nine ear.
Harry Orchmd, chief witness (or tho
ittnto against Haywood, declares tlmt
lit confession against tho miner wm
obtained by threat mid proinliei.
An explosion of powder lit tho foot
of Ixwkout mountain, Tenn., caused
tho death of threo men and tho fntnl In
lury of tin co otliou. A railroad IiiIiIko
wm blown up nml much other ilmuitKO
ilono to property.
A itrlko of 000 men ho cloned the
Bingham iiurlter, noar Hull Uko City
Holclallst lmve iniulo great Kiln In
itho tint Auitrlnn election under unl
vcrrnl aurffngo.
The ipllt in tho Uuaslsn douma li
widening and a dlMolutlon would not
'be n surprise
Montnun olnlinnnt hnvo started null
(or vnlunblo city property In tho very
".heart of Ht. Louis,
Tho itilko In tho lumlier camp of
Western Montnn ha been settled nnd
the inon nro back nt work.
President Dins declares ho did not
announce himsolf In (nvor of a union
-of tho Central American ropubllci.
Ilallroada centering In Chicago nro
coiiBlderliigUiocatabllslnnentofn union
employment bureau to rcouro compo
font mi who nro vory icaico at pres
ent. A north bound parsongor train on tho
fiouUiern 1'nclflo wan run Into by two
llulit murine near UoddlllK and Olio
liriikciium killed. Thoro wa a punlo
mong tho piuuongore,
Tho National Cliilillnn Endeavor
convention will meet In Seattle In July.
Tho oommltteo on entertainment has
docldod colored delegates iilmll not bo
liouvod In tho muno hotel with tho
Becrelnry Hoot wya election funds
are ipont In education.
Tho Wyoming land (rand Ulnla have
'been set for Uio mlddlo of J uly.
Tim Uerman rololutag lias paaied a
nt!fT nirruanienb with UlO Unltod
Chief Wllklo, of tho Unllod Btatc
sooiot aervloo, aays ho la not watching
'tho Bolio trial nt tho oommand of I'ros
ildent RuoaevelU
No Check to Steady fltnam of Immi
gration to United Statu,
New York, May H. Tho flooding
tldu of IniiiilKintloti to American Nhoti-a
tiiiiN conaulivmly mi, uud new hlli water
mnrk (or tho Influx ol Kuropo's iiiIkiu
tory horded nro bclnic recordwl ovory
month In the Kirt of New York.
Already May bid (air to outstrip the
April rmoril, when 1.'I3,4&2 lininlurnnU
ikiiiiimI thniuKh Uio gateway of Now
York Into tho country. Flvo trani-AU
luntlc llnet hrotiKlit In over 5,000 yen
Innlny nnd olllolal nt Kill Inland ay
tlmt there nro no sign of coawtlon ot
thla Kurnpenn In van Ion.
Tho well aprlng ol Hilt human atream
He prlncliMlly In Houlhernand Mlddlo
Kuropo, whllo another but leoaer cur
rent I in IU aourco In the Bcaudlnnvlan
ami (lennnn atnti. Italy, Austria'
lltinitury nnd tho tower Ituailan now
aupply more than ono lial( of nil the
ImmlKrmit veeklng home In thlacoun
try. Kveir fourth nllen examined nt
Kill laUnd la IUllan, while every .filth
newcomer I from tho Austria.
A acoro ol yeai nso Uio headwaters
of (orelgn ImmlRratloii wcro In Ireland
and (lerniany. Hut now the aourco hnn
entliely rhnlin!. The Induttrlal fields
of the UnlUM HIaIm atlll ahaorb Hie
grraiter Mit nl tho foreign outpour, and
co vols I Uta Mnnonchuactla, Connec
ticut, Now Jersey, Now Yoik, Peniwyl
vaula, Illliiol mid Ohio II ml hotiiM
fur 70 per cent of tlm totnl numlr.
Clgantta Smokor Starts Olazo In Va
cant Mexican Shaft
City of Msxlco, May H. Ninety
men nro supported to liavo lost their
live In n (lie which atnrted In tho
Tenares copper mlno nt Velerdena, In
the aUtn of Duinngo, Insi i-rlday nigni.
Tlio lim Is atlll raging, and la said to
1m hoyond control.
Thfrty-llvo bodies havo boon recor
ered up to this time Bevcntwn min
ers nro known to nave iwipru. inn
Information 1ms lcen conveyed In a
dlijMtch to tho Aiuoclatod I'reM oilier
In Mexico City. Tho burning mlno lo
longs to Uio OuKxenhelmi.
The orlcln of Uio dm I supposed to
havo been duo to tho carleasncfia of a
miner, who wns smoking a clgaretU In
mi absndoned ahalU The dm had
gained grrnt headway l(oie It waa
dlxiv(rod by tho men In the near vi
cinity. Thoy (ound Uiat nil nvenum ol
rntpe tu tho aurfaco had been cut off.
Hoventeen, however, wero In good po
sition, nnd rrutde n ilnali and nched
tho outer nlr.
ltrwcultig pnrtle hnvo leen working
heroically, but only chnrrd nnd un
tecognlMble rt mains luivo thus fur
rownrded their effort.
Japanese Utaamer Brings Nawa of
Dad Disaster,
Vlotorln, II. 0., May 14,Advlcc
wero received by tho ateamor Itiojun
Mnru from Yokohama that as a rcault
of tho ncent Incnwsos In duty on nml
ting entering tho United Bute, the
guild which controlled Uio bulk of ex
ports of Jnpanroo mnttlng has been
broken up.
News of tho destruction of n Japan
io boat with the lo of 13 live ns n
reoult of Uio exnlonlon of n derelcct
mine of! Toymna wns brought by tho
Itlolun Mam. The fishermen mistook
tho mlno for nn oil drum and wero try-
inir to nick It up when it explode!
Tho Itlolun Mara renorU tlmt tea
shlmnonui to tho United HUtcs to com
inenco on tho next Inward simmer will
bo larger this year than during any
previous season.
Die Legal Fight Is On.
Denver, Colo., Mny H.Last week
tho attorneys for tho defendants In Uio
ciuo of otllcors of tho Lost Imlllon Hpnn-
lib Mlno coinpnny, chnrgod uy mo
l'ostolllco depntUuent with using tho
nuills to defraud, onterrxl a demurrer
to tho Indictment bofoio Unltod HtAte
District Judge It. K. Iewls. Argu
ments wcro mado by the attorneys ot
iwtfi aides and Judge Uwls Is expected
to glvo his decision early this week on
tho domurier. Thla Is tho first gun In
wliat promises to be a hard (ought
legnl tattle to show whcUiot or not tho
defondanta told tho truth In the glow
ing prospectus which thoy sont broad
oust through tho malls.
Selfish Policy In Kores,
Victoria. H.O.. May H, Tho steam-
ot Yangtso, which nrrlvod Irom Yoko-
hnmn. brines now tliat Maruuis no,
rt'shlont general In Korea, In a recent
speech nt Hcoul, robukod tho solllih
(Hlllcy OI Jlipnil lllino jiuriiin. miiKuuiu.
lloanld no policy uiai was entirely
solflsh was Hover aucccs(ul, nnd urged
Japan to lurthor tho lutoroata of other
countrlea In Korea as woll aa hor own.
News was also rocoWed that Chirm Is
about to send a numbor of military ca
dots from Notth China to Uio French
military school at Bt. Cyr for training.
Flvo Killed by Blast.
Ituiton, la May 14.--Boino unnown
persons sot on a cuarge ci aomo mgu
oxploalvo here undor Uio homo of
Bamuol Cook, a negro, carlv toilay,
blowing tho honso to ploccs and killing
Cook and (our othor negtooa sleeping In
s front room.
Supremo Court 8attls tho Wyomlna;
Wrangto Over Funda.
Washington, Mny 1C Tho Supremo
court of tho UnlUxl filatoi today doald
el tho controversy between tho Wyom
ing Agricultural college and the Uni
versity of Wyoming n to which of the
Institutions Is entitled to the national
government funds contributed to tho
atnto for Uio support ol an agricultural
college, In faror of the unlvcrlsty,
nfllrmlng tho verdict ol Hie Wyoming
Supremo court.
The caio was Instituted by the Agri
cultural college, located at Lander,
which net up'nclnlm (or 125,000 pnld
by tho national government (or tho year
1 t0ft. Tho atnto Hunrcmo court decided
In favor of tho university, which I lo
cated at Lnramlc, and which maintains
nn agricultural department under atnto
sanction, holding that Uio fund should
continue to so to tlmt Institution until
further legislation on the subject. Tho
opinion wn by Justice Moody, who
Held tlinl the government grant nro w
tho state and not to any tartlfulat In
stitution. Malcontents Qaln Points.
Washington, May 10. Oovornor
Frans, of Oklahoma, nnd tho dolesn-
Hon from Hint state, whonie In Wash
ington to confer wlUi Chairman Bhor
man and mombers of the Ilcpuhllcan
congrrsilo"nl commltteo regnrdlng tho
constitution ndopUM (or tho itato of
Oklnhomn, have received a telegram
nnnounclng an appeal from the perma
nent Injunction granted byJJJudgo Pen
coast nt Alvn, Okla. In Uio Woods
county cam, restraining Uio county offi
ce m from calling an election prior to
November, 1008.
Tlmbtr In Public Domain.
Washington, Mny 10. Lands here
tofore- withdrawn from entry by order
of tho prraldcnt for forest reservation
nurnof ct lmvo neon roatored to trie pub
lic domnln as (ollcwa: 008,600 ncrea
In the Itntnler and '.'50,000 aarr In tho
Washington forest, Washington; 355,
H40 acre In tho Caarado (oreatnnd
132,000 In tho lloppncr forest, Oregon;
244,080 ncrea In tho Medicine How (or-
out, Wyoming.
Warships 8tsy In Position.
Wnshlngton, May 17. Tlmt tho
American warship now In Central
American water will bo retained thoro
(or some tlmo wn indlcatod at the
Huilo department today. The MnilettA
I nt Puerto Cortex, Uio Pnducah nt
Point Harries nnd tho Yorktonn li tak
ing Minister Merry (rum Costa I tic to
Again Problna: Brownsville Affray,
Washington, Mny 10. The Inteatl
gallon by tho sennto commitUo on mil
itary uflalrn of tho llrownsvlllo shoot
ing affray, wns resumed tctlny. It Is
oxnectod that testimony will bo oflorvd
ngninat tho negto discharged soldier.
Ilmtofore tho toatlmony has been
mostly In favor of the negroes.
Northwast Postal Affairs.
Washington, May 14. Claudo K.
Itnttiaway lins been appointed regular,
Olaronco Hatluiway substitute rum!
carrier, routo 4, at Cheney, Wash.
Oregon postmasters appointed; Illy,
Ada Erb, vlco W. F. lteod, resigned;
Celllo, Ulrio O. Dodge, vice I. II. Th(-
for, resigned,
Successor to A, O. Edwards.
Washington, May 15. Arthur K,
McKatridpe, superintendent of the
Winnebago Indian school, has been
appolntod ngont at Umatilla, Or., to
succeed MjiIoi O. O. Kdwards, whoso
resignntlou has been ncceptod. lie Is
expected to tako cluirgo nt once.
Northwast Postal Affairs.
Washington, May 10. Clarence K.
Gar. has been nnpofntod regular, Lis-
xlo Gay, substitute, rural fieo dcllvory
enrrlor. route n. at Bnokane, wash.
Herman J. Grand has boon nnpolntcd
poetmaator nt Johnson, Wash., vlco
L. 8. Greer, resigned.
8per.lal Delivery Stamp Not Neadsd,
WaHhlngton, Mny 10. No special
delivery nontaso stumps will bo nccdod
after July 1 to lnsuro the Imuiodlato
delivery of n loiter. Tho atllxlng ot 10
conts extra postage and marking the
covering "Special Dollvory" will suf
Consul Manning Prepares to Sail.
Washington, May 14. I. N. Man
ning, of Portland, recently appointed
oonsul to Cartsgonn, in hero receiving
Instructions from tho State department
prior to his departure for his post. His
wlto and daughter accompany ltlm.
Cannot Enforco Higher Rates,
Washington, May 10. Tito Inter
stato Commerce commission today do
elded that whero two rates botweon tho
samo points aro In force, tho shipper
must be given the benoflt ot the lower.
Interstate Commission Dlssgrees
Harrlman Case.
Waahlnifton. May 18-Tho question
of bringing criminal prosecution against
K. II. Harrlrrmn and aulU to dissolve
the railroad combinations ho ha effect
ed must bo decided by President Itoose-
vclt. This Is a matter In wuicn no
ubordlnato will meddle. Tho president
must flguro out his own deductions nnd
nrsumo full resjionilblllty (or tho con
sciuences. Tho Interstate (Jommcrce oommirsion
Is dlvldcl Into (actions. Ono believes
that succceesful suite can bo maintain
ed to break the Harrlman combination
under tho Sherman antl-truit act,
which might permit subsequent crim
inal prosecution of Harrlman. Tho
other Is convinced tlmt legal prococd-
Inir for tho dissolution of tho combina
tions would prove an Ignoble (allure.
Commissioner Coming; Wast.
Washington, Mny 16. It la learned
Uiat Indian Commissioner Francis E.
Leunn. who Is soon to mako a trip to
tho Northwest, will visit Pendleton and
tho Umatilla leeenatlon and will make
an Invrtllgatlon ot conditions at me
headquarters of the agency and look
Into the charges Uiat lmvo been mado
against Superintendent O. O. Edwards,
which wero mado several months ago.
This Is takon to mean that the Indian
department Is not entirely satisfied
with Uio Investigation mode some time
since by Inspector Davis, who was sent
Uiere for tlmt purpose.
Immigration Commission to Sail.
Washington, May 17. When Iho
steamer Cunoplc satis from Boston on
Baludray next for maples, II will Have
on board member ot Uio Immigration
commission authorlted at the last tcv
alon of congress to mako an extensive
study of every phase of tho Immigra
tion question In UiU country and auioau
and to report Its finding to congress.
Whllo a part ot the ccmmiraicn win go
abroad, aomo of the members will re
main in this country to study the ques
tion. The commission will return by
way of Liverpool upon tho steamer Ce-
drlo August 20.
Portland Nasds It Badly.
Washington, May 14. In response
to an Inquiry from Senator Iloame,
District Attorney llrlstol states that
there Is great need for the establish
ment of a naturalisation bureau at
Portland, If the department is to adopt
the policy outlined a fow daysaeo look
ing to the elimination ol naturalization
and election frauds. Mr. Bourne will
put Uio matter to Uie attorney general
and strongly urge tho establishment of
such a bureau at Portland, of the de
partment decides to carry out tho plan
now in hand .J
Taft's Brothsr Visits President.
Washington, May 14. Henry W.
Taft, of Now York, a brother of the
secretary of war, talked with tho presi
dent today about the prospectlvo va-
tancy on Uio bench ol the United States
Circuit court (or the Beccnd district to
be caused by tho retirement of Judge
Wallace. Mr. Tail went also to uie
War department to seo his brother and
later returned to tho White House
with tho secretary, remaining thoro (or
some tlmo discussing political matters.
Mr. Taft declined to tay anything lor
Crest Arsa Open To Entry.
Washington. May 10. On July 27
thero will become subject toBotUomont,
but not to entry filing or selection nnttl
August 20, abont 365,840 acres within
Portland, Lakovlew, mo miles nnd
ltosehunt land districts, Oregon, and
surrounding tho Cascsdo national for-
eet reserve temporarily withdrawn as n
propoaed addition to that forest roservo
alwut 132,020 acres withdrawn (or pro
posed addtllon to tho lleppnor rorest
national within tho la Graudo and The
Dalles land districts will become subject
to settlement, entry filing or selections.
Grant Veterans Hold Reunion.
Washington, May 17. An Interest
ing fcuturo ot tho next Itopubllcan Na
tional convention will bo a reunion ot
tho delegates to tho nntlorul conven
tion in Chicago in 1880 who for 30 bal
lots supported General U. S. Grant
for tho pirshlency tor a third toriu.
Tho call for tho reunion lias been Is
Bued by Colonol A. M. Hughes, of Co
lumbia, Tenn., Uio only surviving
membor of tho Tennessee delegation to
that convention.
Barrett to Break Ground.
Washington, May 10. Tho president
today requested John Barrett to act aa
his representative at tho coiomony at'
tendlnir Iho breaking of uround nt Bo
nttlo on Juno 1. Mr. Barrett has Uie
matter undor'ndvlsoment.
Northvest Postal Affairs.
Washington, May 17. William II.
Thomas has boen appointed regular,
KHia M. Thomas substitute, rural free
delivery oar t lor, routo 2, at Bow, Wash.
Special Train Carrying Mystic Shrln
ars Wrecked In California.
SanlA Barbara, Gil,, May 13. Willie
hurrying northward ovor tho Coast line
ol Uie Southern Pacific railroad Satur
day afternoon, homoward bound, after
a week of fraternlxlng and flista in Los
Angeles, 145 Hhrlners of Ishmaoli tern-
file, of Buffalo, ami Itajah temple, of
tending, Pa., with their farallic and
(r lends wcro hurled Into the mid.- of
death when tlielr special train, running
60 mile an hour struck a dofoctlve
switch at Hcnda, a lonely station on
the sand wastes of Uie Pacific beach,
derailing the train, smashing tho coach
ca Into flinders, killing 32 almost in
stantly andjlnjurlng more than a acoro
of others. The bodies ot 21 Ha In the
morgues of Bsnta Barbara and 10 more
aro at San Luis Obispo. The Injured,
many of whom are terribly hurt and
will probably die, are in two sanitari
ums at San Luis Obispo.
Thero wns no warning of the im
pending calamity. The special plunged
upon the defective switch, and in an
Instant the big locomotive, bagsngo car,
diner and Pullmsn, coupled with it,
wore hurled together in a heap of
wreckage. The engine shot forward on
the broken track, tearing up tho rails
and Ues and twisting the huge iron
spans lntc (Ishhooks. The baggage car
bait burled Itself In tho sand on tho
light side of tho locomotive. It waa
smashed almost to kindling wood.
The dining car, in which wcro 32
people eating their noonday repast,
leaned Into Uie nlr and was thrown di
rectly on top of the demolished locomo
tive. Nearly every person in this coacn
was Instantly killed. Scores were scald
ed by steam escaping from disconnected
pipes In the kitchen ot the diner. The
terror and turmoil cf Uio scene wero in
doecrlbable. Many of those escaped
Instant death by tho drat impact were
crashed by the tear coaches hurled
upon tho wrecksgo. Othors, pinioned
In Uio debris, were roasted slive. The
wreckage caught flro from the coals of
the engine, but was extinguished in a
few minutes by Uie passengers who es
caped Injury.
Eastern Newspaper Man Disgusted to
Find Boise an Orderly Town.
Boise, May 13. Considerable disgust
Is expieesed by somo ot the newspaper
men who have come from distant points.
They appear to have thought thoy were
coming to an armed camp, whore sen
sations were likely to be constant, and
they havo been both surprised and dis
appcinted to find a community a quiet
as one In New England, and so perfect
ly composed that no one uninformed
would suspect anything ot great im
portance wns going on hero. Somo ot
them havo asked to bo recalled, and ex
pect to leave after the jury Is empan
eled. Sheriff Hodgln has gathered up 75
jurymen in tho country districts and
will fill out tho panel in town. He
keeps Uio names to himself closely,
and nothing Is known about Uio men
be has summoned.
Vcneruela Paying Off Debts.
Washington, May 13. The 8tato de
partment has received a dlsratch nom
Minister Kussell, at Caracas, vene
tuela. stating tlmt the payment to the
allied powers, Germany, Urcat Britain
and Italy, agreed upon under tho block-
ado several years ago, will be complet
ed about Jul v 1 . After Uiat date tno
only payments will be on account ot
Uie oxehangea in tho currency ol the
countries. The deferred claimants, the
United States, Mexico, Tho Nether
lands, Bweden and Belgium, will then
come In for settlement. Monthly pay
ments will bo mado to those countries
from Uio customs recelpui of Venezuela.
Volcanoes Are Mora Active.
Messina, Sicily, May 13. New cra
ters havo opened up In MounU Aetns
and Btromboll, wkoee eruptions aro in
creasing. The observatories of Messina
and Catania continue to register earth
shocks.. The alarm of tho population
of thla Island Is growing, especially
around Slount Aetna. A portion of the
main crater ot Btromboll has fallen in
It Beems to have affected tho sea, which
1 miieh saluted near the island. Sol-
ontista have expressed the opinion that
possibly a submarine crater may nave
Disaster In New Mexico.
El Paso, Tox May 13. Word has
lust been received here that Uie west
bound passenger train No. 7 on Uie
Southern Paclflo, which left here at
6:46 yesterday afternoon, lias been
wrecked at Lordaburg, N. M. Five
people ato said to havo boen killed and
many Injured. Partlculara liave not
yet Doen received. A wrecking train
with eoveral surgeons loft here for tho
scene of tho wreck. Lordsburg Is the
terminus of the first division ot the
Southern Poclfio west ot 1 Paso.
Want Tariff Deal With France.
Tarls, May 13. American msrehnnts
here, fearing a tariff war between
Franco and tho United States, have
forwarded to tho State department at
Washington a petition, asking tor the
Immediate appointment ot a tariff com
mission to come here and negotiate.
Supreme Conrt Says Act May B
Opinion Declares No Power ltQfvtn
by Constitution to Reclaim
Arid Land.
Washington, May H. The United
States Supreme court In Its decision in
tho Kansas-Colorado case today Inti
mates rather strongly that the National
reclamation act under which tho Feder
al government la spending upwards of
iju,uuu,uuu may do nnconsiuuiionai.
It is not so held in specific terms, but
tho constitutionality of this act Is In
question, and It would not be surprising
ii prlvste Interests which aro interfered
wlUi by government projects should
bring suit to restrain tho government
from diverting water (or irrigation pur
There Is really ono such suit ponding.
brought by ex-Senator Turner, of Wash
ington, on behalf o( an Atlzona com
pany that wante to restrain government
work on tho Colorado river, bo Uiat It
can use water to reclaim land in Cali
fornia. It Is entirely prolablo Uiat tho
Twin Falls company In Idaho may-
bring salt in Uie light of today's deci
sion, for there is prospect of a conflict
hotween tho government and private
enterprise along the Snako river.
In rendering tho decision in tno .Kan
sas-Colorado case, Justice Brewer, on
behalf ot the court, declared that con
gress ran only legislate In respect to
such matters as are specifically enume
rated In the constituUoa and that pow
er to legislate with respect to IrrlgaUon
of arid land was not one of the enume
rated powers granted by tho constitu
tion. The opinion holds, however, that
congress may legislate with respect to
irirgation of arid land within the terri
Even though the constitutionality ot
the national reclamation law may ulti
mately be sustained. If tho question is
ever raised, the court strongly Intimates)
that under the law there is no authori
ty for constructing government projects)
nnless Uie government owns a majority
of the land to bo reclaimed, holding
Uiat the government has poner to dis
pose ot and make rules respecting Its
own property. But, It is hold, "we do
not mean that its (congrces) legislation
can override state laws in respect to
the general subject ot reclamation."
This part of tho decision would seem
to affect tho government work now In
progress in Eastern Washington, whero
the government does not own a majori
ty ot tho land to be reclaimed, In fact,
is only a small owner. Should the con
t'tutionality of the reclamation act bo
later established, it Is inferred Irom
thla decision that the government may
later bo compelled to construct Ita
works in accordance with stato laws
and construct only projects the majori
ty ot whose area is public land.
Omaha Grain Men Make Gloomy Re
port After Trip.
Omaha. May H. A special train
fillod with a committee of 60 members
ot tho Omaha Grain exchange, which
has been making a tour ot Investigation.
ol the Kansas and Nebraska wheat
fields, returned Uils morning. Tho
concensus ot opinion follows:
Wheat, especially In tho southeastern
porUon of Nebraska, lias suffered about
10 per cent owing to.Uie influx ol green
bugs and continued drought. Sumner
county, Kansas will not mako over 40
percent. The bugs havo done great
damage to the fields which were exam
ined. Some members declare the en
tire crop ruined brtween Caldwell, on
tho Oklahoma line, and the Wichita,
district. The party agrees that the)
yield ot wheat will bo very light aa .
compared with former years.
Tho party covered tho districts ot
Kansas and Nebiaska which In the patfc.
have alnays raised bu inner crops, going;
as far south as the Oklahoma state line.
Railroad Blamed for Wreck.
Ban Luis Obispo, Cal., May H.
After two hours' deliberation the cor
oner's jury, holding an investigation o!
tho Southern Pacific wreck at ITonda,
Saturday afternoon, rendered a verdict
this afternoon that tho killed came to
tholr deaths by burns and injuries re
ceived, and that by the evldenco ot wit-
oosses tho wreck via caused by doiect
Ive equipment. All ot tho Injured In,
tho wreck are Improving orccpt Brake
man R. Fountain, whose back was se
verely injured aand whoso lowor limb
wero paralyxod.
Want S30O Per Month.
Panama, May H, As a result of
strike ot workers on the steam shovel,
only two shovels were worked today be
tween Bmo Blspo and Culobra. Th
s-hovol men demand $300 per month la
stead o! their present salary ot (210,