The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 24, 1907, Image 2

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Granting of Orchard Interview
Raises Judge's Ire,
Plan May Have Been to Prejudico
Jurymen Lawyers Think Gov
ernor' Action Untimely.
Boleo, Idaho, May 18. Judgo Wood
touched off soms fireworks just nt the
opening of court, and It became neces
pary to ask all prospective Jurymen to
leave Uic room whilo tho display con
tinued. It wu nil over repo'rs pub
lished In the morning paper of tho
newspaper men's Interview with Harry
Orchard tho day before. The States
man published the story sent out br
tho Associated Picas, ono from Its own
representative, and two signed state
ments from visiting newspaper men.
Judge Wood railed attention to Uio
publications immediately upon ascend
ing the bench. All were surprised.
When the Judgo had concluded, Mr.
Hawley spoke. Then Mr. Richardson
Bald ho would llko to fay what ho
thought of it, but was restrained by the
presence of the talesmen. These were
excused and then the whole matter was
aired for an hour. Tho Judgo finally
directed the county attorney to look the
matter up and eeo what, it anytbing,
could be dono. During the progress of
tho discussion he said there was a plain
remedy, if it was the intention to pre
judice Jurymen, Intimating ho would
cite all concerned for contempt if ho
thought that was the purpose.
Yesterday five peremptory challenges
were used. Of tho special venire of
100 only 34 are left.
Rival Submarine Boats Undergo
vera Test.
Newport, R. I., May 18. With all
hands well and contented, and with a
bountiful supply of fresh air, and with
records for submergence broken, the
submarined Octopus and Lake rose to
the surface of Narragansctt bay at 4
o'clock this afternoon, ending a test of
24 hours nnder water.
The Octopus rose first, and tho mem
bers of the naval trial board crowded
about her, as the conning tower batch
flew open. The members of the trial
board at once went below to see what
conditions existed on beard, and also
to test tho air supply. Samples of air
were bottled every two hours through
out the test for analysis by the board.
The Octopus blew out foul air only
twice during the 24 hours she was at
ilig bottom of the bay. It was com
puted that only one-flfty-fifth of her
air supply was exhausted and, if these
figures are correct, they tend to (how
that the boat could remain submerged
35 days, provided the food and fuel
supply were sufficient.
The Lake also stood the test well, al
though a leak was sprung in tho super
Would Follow Ruef's Lead and Con
fess, but Lawyers Restrain.
fian Francisco, May 18. Mayor
Bchmitz Is on the point of a nervous
collapse. He recognliea that the end
is at hand. Ruef has already exposed
lila part in the trolley bribery and tiro
Parkslde deal and in the next fow days
will continue tho exposure, showing
how the mayor figured in every corrupt
deal put through during his adminis
tration. The mayor realizes that two courses
are open to him. lie can either con
fess or hold out for a few weeks, when
be will be tried, convicted and sent to
the penitentiary. At present the mayor
is hesitating between the two courses.
Two of his attornoys want him to fight
It out and the third lias urged him to
Minister Conger Reported Dying.
Fasadena, Cul., May 18. Edwin
Conger, ex-United States minister to
China and recently resigned ambassa
dor to Mexico, is critically HI at his
home in this city. Dr. Conger csme to
Tasadena immediately after his return
from Mexico In 1003. Since then tie
has been slowly dying. The end may
como at any hour. Ex-Minister Congor
first came Into prominence as minister
to Brazil in 1807. He was In Pekln
during tho Boxer siege and conducted
the negotiations for the United States
after that city was captured.
Will Build Two Dreadnaughts.
London, May 18. Orders havo been
given to lay the keels of two battleships
of tho Dreadnought type, It lias been
understood that in case the proposal for
disarmament took definite shapo In
The Hague conference only one Dread
naught would be laid down. The or
der for two such ships is construed us
Great Britain's acknowledgement of
Germany's refusal to entertain the dis
armament question.
Tells Qraud Jury About Franchise
Oralt Doomed to Prison.
San Francisco, May 17. Abraham
Ruet mado good his declaration that ho
would, following his chango of pica to
guilty in tho oxtortlon cases against
him, turn state a evidence and assist
tho bribery graft prosecution In its cam
paign against munlolpal corruption,
Ruef, obeying a subpoena from tho
grand jury served upon him nt the Kill
more street prison house shortly before
3 o'clock yesterday, went in tho charge
of Spoical Agent Hums, Kllsor Higgy
and another guard to tho grand Jury
chambers In Native Sons' hall, where
ho took the witness stand and submit
ted to an examination tluit lasted from
3:20 p. in. until after 5 p. m.
When Uic ordeal was over, ho called
tho nowspnper men arcuiid him and
said that ho had promised tho grairt
Jury to dlvulgo nothing. District At
torney Lanydon and Assistant District
Attorney Hency refused to make any
rtatement whatever. From Mr. Hums
It was learned that the only matter on
which Ruet was questioned was tho al
leged bribing of Mayor Schmltt and 18
supervisors by tho United Railroads to
grant to that corporation a change in
its franchleo allowing tho electrifying
of its 250 m Ics of street railway sys
tem In this city.
Signs Agreement to Let Committee
of Citizens Name Officials.
San Francisco, May 17. Mayor
Schmltx last night signed an agreement
to be guided in his appointments dur
ing tho rest of his term by a committee
of seven. This commltteo Is composed
of representatives of local commercial
cVhtnlts from now on will be mayor
in name only. Ho willingly signed Uio
agreement, ru ho Is a nervous wreck
and unable to carry on the affairs of
the city.
Before concluding arrangements with
Scbmitz, the committee called upon F.
J. Heney, and explained Its plans. Mr.
Hcney said 11 would not conflict with
the graft prosecution.
Tho practical abdication of the mayor
will result In the appointment of a new
chief of police at once to restoru order
and a new works commissioner to clean
the city and repair tbe streets. Moro
drattic actions will then follow.
Examination of Talasmsn In Haywood
Case Reveals Prejudice.
Boise, Idaho, Msy 17. During the
one session of tho Haywood trial held
yesterday 11 talesmen were examined
beloro a satisfactory Juror was secured
to replace William Van Orsdale, the
grtcer, as No. 2 who was excused
Wednesday aflerncon on a peremptory
challenge frcra the state. As court ad
journed yesterday tho defense exorcised
its first challenge by relieving Allen
Pride, a farmer, as No. 5. Mr. Frldo
had testified daring his examination
that ho had invited to dinner tho dep
uty who Forvcd him with a Jury sum
mons. He and the deputy dlscutsed
the case for sorao time, their talk hing
ing particularly upon Harry Orchard,
who is to be the principal witness for
tho state. A talesman was called to
replace Frlde, but his examination was
deferred until today.
Will Prosecute Harrlman.
Washington, May 10. That the In
quiry conducted by the Interstate Com
merce commission into the conduct of
railroads controlled by K. II. Harrlman,
will result in Droecutions was plainly
shown by the publication today of tho
report and recommendations ol trans:
B. Kellogg and Charles A. Severance-,
counsel for tbe commission. Within a
shot time the commission will take up
this report, vote upon It snd transmit
to the department of Justice the evi
dence tending to show that the Harrl
man school of railroad financiering hai
operated in violation of tho Sherman
anti-trust laws and other statutes. The
publication of this Important report
caused a pronounced sensation. It
proved a decided shock to some of tho
members of the commission.
Eight Million In a Year.
Butte, Mont., May 17. At a meet
ing of the stockholders of the Anaconda
Copper Mining company, hold today at
the offices of the company In Anaconda,
all of tho old directors were re-olected.
The report of John D. Ryan, president
of the Anaconda Copper Mining com
pany, submitted to stockholders, shows
that Uie corporation for the year that
ended Dec. 31, 1000, earned a profit of
$8 842,000. The balance on Deo. 31,
1005, was 7,240,672, which, with the
profits for last year, amounted to a sur
plus of 110,083,241.
Will Cut Passenger Rates.
EL Paul, May 17. General reduc
tions in passenger rates to all points by
Iho Great Northern railroad will soon
bo announced, to become effective July
1. A. L. Craig, passenger t radio man
ager, states that the Great NorUiorn
will allow all points on Its system to
receive the benefit of the lowor rates
provided by the Minnesota and North
Dakota laws, 2 and 2tf cents.
Baker City Man Porfocts Scheme for
Dry Diggings.
Raker City J. U. Kvnna, of this
city, has Invented and patented a gold
saving machine for use In localities
whero luck of water or absence of grade
has prevented tho working of placer
depcsils. Mining men wlio liavo exam
lned tho machine aro enthusiastic In Its
It consists principally In a tablo
eight feet long and of width ranging to
Uio amount of work to bo done, which
lays on a slant of 33 degrees, and Is
given a vortical and nt tho raino time
lateral or "pan" motion by a rachet
arrangomenL In tho table aro cup-
shaped rllllw, water tight, ninl placed
at Intervals of 10 Inches. The dirt Is
thrown In at tho upper end of tho table,
and It perfectly dry, no water Is needed
to work It down over tho rlllloe. As
the dirt moves down tho table, tho
rillles catch all the gold or concen
trates. It tho gravel Is not dry, enough
water must bo used to keep It moving.
Mr. Evans states tliat tho machine
can be made largo enough to handlo
100 yards of dirt per day. The machine
Is now on exhibition In this city.
Cherry Msn to Hold Exhibit.
Salem Full of encouragement over
the crest success ol the effort of last
year, tho cherry producers of this sec
tion of the Wllllmelte valley havo do
dided to hold another cherry exhibit
this spring, June 10, 11 and IS, uiwn a
larger scale. Preliminary arrange
ments, such as tho appointing of com
mittees, liavo been made. It Is pro
pound to engage tho auditorium skating
link with its Immense floor area. In
conjunction with the cherry fair tho
women f the city will hold tho annual
roso csrnival and, sinco tho Nursery
men's association of the Northwest will
bo In annual convention hero at the
same time, the period promises to to
be an auspicious one.
Favora Manual Training.
Salem The teaching of manual
training in the public educational In
stitutions, in the opinion of Dr. J. W.
Kerr, of Logan, Utah, nowly elected
prrsldent of Oregon Agricultural col
lege, is now recognised as ono of tho
most important branches of tho mod
ern educational system. President
elect Kerr arrived hero a low days ago
and met with Governor Chamberlain
and State Superintendent Ackerman as
a special commltteo of the board of re
gents of Uio college, to decide upon
plana and equipment for the new ma
chinery hall, for which tho hut legis
lature set asldo an appropriation of
Infected Trtes Are Dsstroyed.
Oregon City Twelve hundred fruit
trees on tho Ladd tract near Mount
Pleasant are being destroyed, and a
stnmp puller Is being used to tako tip
tho trees, which nro diseased. Uio
trees aro on the property of Mrs. Lona
Rigler, corner Ninth and lackion
streets, aro being cut down and burned
by order of tho county authorities, who
are making a determined effort to stamp
out crchards that are Infested with
fault pest.
Eugene After Timber Lands.
Hugeno Tho Lano County Homo-
seekers' association, composed mainly
of Eugene citizens and business men,
havo sent their attorney, 8. D. Allen,
to San Francisco with about 100 appli
cations for the purchaso of the Southern
Pacific rsilrcsui lands which It Is
thought the company will bo forced to
sell at 12.60 per aero. The applica
tions cover some of the finest timber
lend in Uie world.
Push Good Roads Campaign.
La Grande The county court Is pros
ecuting Its good reads campaign with
vigor. Tbe county has now leen divid
ed into three general districts and each
of tho members of tho court will super
vise the construction and repair of tho
roads In his particular section. It Is
expected by this mono to get results
much better Uian genorally obtained
when toad work Is left entirely to dis
trict supervisors.
Parker Bros, Purchase Mill.
Albany Parker Bros,, who operated
a sawmill near Flalnvlew for several
years, havo purchased tho Hall sawmill
on Thomas creek, and will enlarge the
capacity of the plant. WIUi te pur
chase of the mill they secured control
of about 20,000,000 foot of timber and
will make the Industry an Important
ono In tho Santlam country. Tho mill
s situated six miles east of Sclo.
College Year Nesrlng End.
Albany Active preparations aro in
progress for the annual commencement
exorcises at Albany college. Wodnos
day, June 10, wilt ho commencement
day and tho week preceding will bo
HUM with various oxorciscs, commem
orations and idsllvlllcs. Sunday. Juno
10, will be baccalaureate Sunday and
tbe Junior oratorical contest will bo
held Monday evening, June 17.
itii nr
Grocers and Seedsmen Cannot Dis
pense Them After May 20.
Salem When Uio now law regulat
ing the sale and dispensing of poison
ous drugs, goods nud solutions of all
kinds goes Into effect, May 2A all gro
cers, seedsmen, etc., who havo been
dispensing anionic, strychnine, etc.,
and oUitr poisonous compounds to tho
trailo as rat, squirrel and bug exter
minators, will havo to go nut of the
business entirely and leave, this field
of pin tit oH'ti exclusively to registered
This, in effect, Is tho conclusion
which Attorney General Crawford ar
rived at lit an opinion loudcrod hi
response to a letter of inquiry for an
Interpretation of the now law from
District Attorney John II. McNary, of
tho Third Judicial district. Under
present conditions it is possible to ob
tain tolso!is of nearly any description
In the form ol compounds and solu
tions, oxolully prepared for tho ex
termination of rats and other vermin,
at seed and many grooory stores, where
no i coord Is requited to ho kepi, and It
Is luiosslb!o under theso conditions to
trace the sourvo of a polsouous druiz or
compound which may liave been ko-
curvd with murderous or suicidal In
tent Busy Tlma In Coos County.
Marshflold One who mado tho trip
down the Coqulllo to Randan last Aug
ust has Just gono over tho same cround
and tuprrtcs his surprise at tho gener
al development going on there. Many
new entcrplses have Ihhmi started in
that lltno. Threo largo sawmills ale-
going up and ono now ono Is In opera
tion. A ship yard Is busy, whero two
large rchooncis ato Mug built and the
keel is being laid for tho third. New
logging camps aro being opened, new
lands being put In cultivation and coul
mines long neglected aro being put In
readiness for working again.
Installing Fruit Cannery.
Albany Work Is progressing rapidly
on tho fruit canning plant at Browns
ville, which will bo the first Industry
of the kind Is Linn county. The can
nery Is !elng Installed In tho old tan
nery building near tho Southern Pacific
depot. Tho plant will bo ready for
operation this summer. Beans and to
matoes will be canned this season and
other vegetables vt III Ito added to the
output later. Bo mo marketable fruits
will also bo put up.
Fairbanks to Come In July.
Astoria Manager Whyto, of the
chamber f coommerce, has received a
letter from Vlco President Fairbanks In
which Uio latter says ho will arrive at
Astoria on elthor July 13, 14 or 16 to
attond a banquet to bo given In his
honor by tho citizens of Astoria.
Wheat Club, 8182c; bluestem, 84
85c; valley, 8081c; rod, 7080c.
Oats No 1 white, 20; gray, $28
Rye $1.461.50 per cwt.
Itarloy Feed, 122 per ton; brewing,
$23; rolled, 23.6O24.C0.
Corn Whole, $20; crsckod, $27 per
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $17018
per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $21
02.1; olover, $0; cheat, $D10; grain
hay, 010.
Fruits Strawberries, Oregon,
20o per pound; ripples, $12.60
box; gooseberries, lOo per pound.
Vegetables Turnips, $11.26
sock: carrots, $101.26 nor rack; beets,
$1.2&1.60 per sack; cauliflower, $1
1 .26 ier dozen ; lettuce, head, 3646c
per dozen; onions, 100120 per doz
en; radishes, zoo por itozen; asparagus,
78c per pound; rhubarb, 4o per
Onions Oregon, $2(33 per hundred.
Potatoes Oregon, $2 per sack; now
potatoes, 6J0o per ound; swcot jk
Utoos, Co per pound.
Butter ranoy creamery, 2W?)22Wc
per pound.
Butter Fat First grado cream, 21o
per pound; second grade cioam, 2c less
per pound.
Poultry Avorago old hens. Mo nor
pound; mixed chickens. iaxoj spring
fryrs and broilers, 22$25c; old
loosters, 010o; dressed chickens, 10
17o; turkoyi, llvo, 1316o; turkovs,
drossd, cholco, 18f20o, gocse, llvo,
Bo; young ducks, nominal; old ducks,
Eggs 18o per dozen.
Veal Dressed, 6X8o per pound,
Beef-Dressed hulls, 4040 )lr
pound; cows, 0Q7o; country stoors,
Mutton Dressed, fanoy, 1010o
per pound; ordlnnry, 00c; spring
lambs, with poltB, 001 Oo.
Pork Dressed, O0Oo por pound.
Hops 008 Jo por pound, according
to quality.
Wool Eastern Oregon averago best,
16lftj per pound, according to shrink-
ago; valley, zuzic, according to lino-
ness; mohair, cholco, 203Uc per
United Railway Officials and Employes
Refuse to Testify.
Ban FhiiioIkco, May 16, Tho Untied
Railroads has resorted to dcMmitti
means to block Francis J. Honey In
his efforts to fasten uon tho olllclnls
of Iho corporation tho bribery transac
tions to which tho uerlfurs have
conferred. Stanley Mown, one of tho
attorneys tor the corKirulluu, Informed
Mr. Heney today that the olllccr ami
employes of tho United Rallicnds In
tended to Ignore tho ruling of Judge
Coffov mid would refuse to testify be
fore tho grand Jury.
When the United Railroads people
first refused to testify, Mr. Heney cited
them before Judgo Coftey, who ordered
them to answer. Now the coiiKirntlou
has Instructed Its ollleeia nud employes
to Ignore the court's older.
When Mr. Hcney received tho ines
sago from Mr. Moon ho replied with
some heat that In suoh n contingency
ho would call iixm tho Judgo to punish
the witnesses for contempt, "and I wilt
not ask for a light fine, but for the
heaviest penally the law affoids," said
Mr. Honey.
"It Is ridiculous," said Mr. Heney,
"for those, people to contend that their
relations aro confidential and that they
cannot dlvulgo Iho company's affairs.
I only revret that thero Is not some
method of punishing tho attorneys who
advise their clients to dlsowy the law
in this way."
San Francisco Strests Ruled by Mob
and Police Powerless.
Han Francisco, May 15. Yesterday,
one week aftet thn luik street Willie,
which matkrd the present car strike ni
the bloodiest labor dlslurlstnce In the
history of Han Francisco, was tho woist
day of vlolrnco since that tragic event.
Tho forenoon passed with little disturb
ance, but throughout the hours of tho
afternoon from 11! to 7 o'clock, stones
flew on Mission atrret from Fifth to
Twenty-fourth, a dlstauro of about
three miles, and tho live of many pas
seugeis as wall as those of tho nonunion
operatives of the ton cars on llmt lino
weto almost constantly In danger.
Though nearly 100 policemen, a few of
thrill mounted, wrro stationed along
Mission street under the command of
Captains Anderson and Duke, violence
was not prevented and comparatively
few arrests were made. In nomo In
stances pascngcr narrowly wsped
girat Injury or death from (lying cob
blestones and brickbats. Several Ja
sengers mere assaulted by the crowds,
numerous strikebreakers wcie struck,
isinrs of glass were smashed and ier-
sons alighting from cars wero chased
and In sonio Instances knocked down
and beaten.
Good Process Made In Getting
for Haywood Case.
Ilolse, May lo. Hubstantial progress
toward tho formation of a Jury lo try
William 1). Haywood for the murder of
Fran Hleunenberg, twlru cIkskii as tho
chief oiecutlvu ol this state, wnj mado
yesterday, thn thlid day of tho dial,
Selection of talesmen halted, for three
bouts over chairs C and 0, but oneo
thoso seats had hcn tilled progress was
very rapid. At adjournment for tho
day counsel for tho defense had com
pleted tho eiamlnation and teinomr!ly
passed tho tenth talesman. They had
but two moro tooinmlno In chief and a
reservation to oiainlno, If they deslrn
to rxorclso tho right, two of thoso tem
porarily sissed, so that with rmsonablo
progross tho 12th talesman should bo
pained today In time to open the way
for Uio Hist peremptory cluillongo,
whoso oxorciso marks entry to tho final
stago of tho formation of tho Jury.
No Strike On Rio Grande.
Denver, May IB. Thero will be no
striko of tho trainmen of tho Denver A
Rio Grande railroad us a resutl of the
differences over tho wago icalc. A
oonfereuco lasting until lato lost night
wound up with an sgreomont between
tho trainmen's committee and olllclals
of tlio row that there would bo mutual
concessions and a caerful weighing of
tho claims of both sides until an un
derstanding fair to all was reached and
then a scuta based on this understand
ing will Imj signed at onto, It will ro-
qulro several days to sottlo tho details.
Canal Workers Quit Job.
Panama, May 16. Tho striko of tho
steam shovel workers, which began yes
terday, Uio mon demanding f!)00 pur
month Instead of their present salary
of f 210, continues today. This morn
ing only eight steam shovels wcro at
work, Colonel Qoethals Is endeavoring
to roplaco the strikers with mechanics
now om ploy od In Iho shops and It Is re
ported that ho has sont u cablegram to
Jackson Smith, tho momher of tho
canal commission to contruct for en
gineers In the United States,
Summer Already Begun.
Now York, Muy IB. Tho govern
ment thermometer at tho wcuthor bit
loau today registered 82 degrees and
tho first caso of heat prostration for tho
year was reported. Tho victim was a
Fallon San Francisco Boss Throws;
Himself on Mercy o! Court.
Still Declares Himself Innocent
Charge, but Changed Plea for
Sake of Family.
Han Francisco, May It). Abraham.
Rusf, letter known as Aim lltiof, the
acknowledged advlsorol Mayor rVihiulli,
nud oiiio the recognised dictator of
mimlclstl affairs In this city, pleaded
guilty to the rlurga of intuition In
Jmlgn Dunne's drpnrtmont of the Hupo-
ilor court yesterday aftcriiixin. Hen
trnco Mill I pionoiiurvd tioii hliu two-
weeks heneo.
Aflr ii private louference with his
fouranttoiheys In Judge Putum's cham
bers nud after they had withdrawn fioin,
his easo because of tho irsolutlou ho
had taken tuoliangn his pie slid avoid
trial, Ruef, to the uttrr astonishment
of the pnvHxjiiUon, arwo In court ami
announced In a dramatic address that
after long and curliest consideration
had determined to wllhdiaw his plea
of not guilty and enter a plea of guilty,
lie okrd that the Jury Im iIIsihIshiI
ami the tilal altatnltmrd.
Ruef read his statement from inaitu
crlpt which ho had prriwml In Iho
umriiro of his attorneys a few moment
before ludgn Dunnn's ehamlorso)ciml.
lie showed In his vol?, In thn repres
sion of his fare, In his ipilet and gl
utolrs attitude ami by Ilia tears that
ngaln and again otrrllownl his ryrs,
tho great emotion and thn utter humil
iation he suffered The athns of thr
some was communicated to Iho crowd
that thronged the courtroom.
Though Abraham Ruef has formally
ilrclaml hllmelf to bo guilty of tho
charge on which he wss ntout In li
tried, ho neveilhelrM proclaims his In
nocence. He ronfrsios thai he Is gulltr
of having connived at the corruption lit
municipal aflalis, but tin denies with.
all the emphasis a man In his unliappy
position ran command that he Is gulltr
of tho crlmo of eatortlon rlmrgol
against him. He declares) that his solo
motive In accusing hlmsnll In oiwn
court was to ravn tho lives of these who
an nmnwt and drarrst to him, his aged
father and moUier. his maiden slater
and a nlcro.
Posslble'durors In Hsywood Cass Re
veal New Prejjilica.
Ilolse, Idaho, May 10. Tho unex-leott-d
uncovering of a vein of prejudico
against Harry Orotund and his testimo
ny during tho fuithrr eiamtuatloii of
talesmen In tho KtctiriMiborg murder
cui yesterday led to tho first sharp
wrangle between cuuniol and Involved
tho name of President Roosevelt In an.
acrimonious discussion.
The Jury Ujx was finally tilled with
l'J talesmen subjected to oxumliistlon
and temporality passed by both sides at
U:40o'oltok In the allernoon and tho
court announced that It was In order for
ImiUi sides to exercise peremptory chal
lenges. Counsel for Haywood asked
for a fow moments' delay and for llvo
minutes they guthorrd around thn chair
of tho prisoner and cnuarted In earnest
consultation as to tholr course on tho
men occupying thn Jury Itox.
Tho state exorcised Its rhrht Hist and
excused William Van Gradate, a grocer,
who has occupied seat No. 2 since tho
opening day of the trial. George V,
Muw, a young farmer with some stroll if
objictlous to the nets of ceitelti ele
ments in the lalwr unions of tho coun
try, was then called to tho vacant tlco.
Tho state paisod him and ho was still
In the hands of the defonso when ad
journment houi was reached,
Tho trial will not be resumed untlt
2 o'clock this allernoon.
Carry Own Stevedores.
Now York, May 10. Today 100 men
from New Kugland wcro put to wtrlc
on South Rrooklyn pleis. Thol'rlnco
Kllcl Frederick anlvod from Kingston
with 60 negroes, who had heou added
to tho crow, that tlioy might do Uio
work of tho stevedores. The echoduled
sailing of steamers will bo mado on
tlmo, and, according to tho steamship
olllclals, with ncarlv full cargoes. Tho
steamship companion doularo they aro
moving ships with tho aid of nonunion
men. Tho strikors say thero is no
wavering In their ranks,
Drumhead Oourlmartlal Retained,
St. Petersburg, Mnv. 10 Tho noun.
ell of tho cmplro rejected tho bill which
was passed April 30 by tho lower houso
abclishlng Irluls by drumhead court,