The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 17, 1907, Image 7

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Feed Your Nerves
Upon rich, ittito, iiourlihliui blood by
taking. Hood's Haraanrllla, anil you
Will bo Ireo from tlxiao e ot tie-
Plr, llioie ipfiii'i night nml aniloui
dy. io Bloomy, (teattiltko feeling,
Illioit Hidden ilarl at mere notlilmi,
tliuin dyipcptlo jriiiploim mid bllndliitf
brailarlie, Hood' Harinpitrllla lint tlona
(tin (or many other - It will euro you,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Jin uiual It'i ii l1 form or in chocolated
tablet known Snrantnba. lOOdoiv f I,
Lf Wnnlftar If Ik lliinvrtiiiMin,
"I hear )ou bare boon irtlliif married,
Ardup. HUH blllinc nml malm r"
rH)ln only, llorley. Ther lillltn
will com on III flrat day of Hi month."
Tor Infinite nnd Children.
The Kind You llavo Always Bought
Hour tii
Tho Mmerlrk Vorlaljr,
Bom yenra ago Mini. I'm til Vlllnn,
Ijoudou correxudciit of tlm Journal
dm Dchata, went to l.lmerlck on III
occaalon of a errat Natlouallat incut
Irnr. On arriving nt the. lintel he stkerf for
room In tli" front of lint Ihihw. A
Mrtnnt tool him to a email dark room
looking on to nn Innrr courtyard. Mon
sieur Vlllar to lli window nml eatla
flcd hlmirlf that there w n mUtakc,
TliU I not tlm front of the Iwuiw,"
M he,
"Oh. yea, lr.M the Mrrant Mid. "It'i
tbo back of the front.'
Urublo to Do Even Housework Da
cauie of Kidney Trouble!.
Mr. Mnrirarot Kiniiinrlch, of Clin
ton Bt., Nnjwlron, ()., Hays: "For ilf.
Un year I aa n iiirot uffcirr from
kidney I limbic, My
lock pained me lent
My. Kvery turn or
mora routed alinrtt.
shooting pallia. My
ryrl(lit wa poor,
ilnrk ajioU apjx-flied
Ixifnio mo, and I hail
dlny ill. For ton
Info Trenernlea OrrrfloiTlnar,
TliroiiKli IngeuliMia method of taxing
rnllronris tlio troaaiirlra of wmio Htntc
nru to swollen that Hlalo oillcor art
purxli'tt to know what to do with Klnte
finiila. New Jitrwy' receipt from cor
poration linrn nlb-d Ha trenaiiry. Penn
sylvania, hud a aiirplua of IIO.OW.OOO
nml no ilolit to apeak of, Hack luxe re
eel Veil from railroads nml tlm collection
of n wnr claim of il,OOo,oX hnwt cii
aided Wlsconalii to pay extraordinary
etipeiuu, put filia.000 Into tlm Hint
teraiury ami cut the achool tax lory lo
"What do tliey rail IliU akyacraptr on
the left)" aaked (he atranrer.
"Tlial'e Hie Ilellaiir bullillnr." ill 1 1..
natlre, "ll' occupied almoat entirely by
"Ily doctoral Ami tliey rail It tb 'Ile-
llancer Well, well I"
Indian Woman Mine (lnnrr,
All Interesting character la nn old
Mexican Iiutlnn woumii, JIr. IliTinlnn
Kwrraa, who h rrcrntly mjIi) n mine
tienr llnwlhornn, Nrr., to an I'nutern
aymllcatP for 1K),000. For yenra lie
hna dn'Mnl In nien'a clothra ntnl cr
oiially worknl her rlnlm hcrodf, do
lnif vrnalilnc for proMctorii nmt inln
era In onler to cure msiiary money,
Hlie aay that ah now liiti-mla to real
ami enjoy tlu roiult of her lout year
of prhatlou nnd hardihlp.
TSPrP We Trust
lAMW Doctors
nnllili Nrw A boa I Klljah,
Tho vicar of Ht. Jolin'a (Jnlnbor
ouch, KiigUml, ) that recently the
acholnra In hi pnrUli wcro naked to
clre an account of the traiiiUtlon of
tlm prophet Klljah to henreu, nnd one
loy wro'e: "lilljab, tho prophet, ai
carrleil Into heatrn by a whirlwind,
nnd the children Mood up and cried,
'do up, thou !witdheadl Co up, thou
bald bead,' and before be went up be
dlrlded the lied He a."
llnWrit Oii.i I'liitilliiir,
A ivddliiK of llila description la fre
qiliHIIIy apolletl by hellllC Iimi wiM, tixi
dry ir lumpy. In friiKNl i)okt'ry. tho
brifid la winked in IhiIIIiik water for
Imlf nn hour, rupieexitl dry In h cloth,
nml I lull nil I lie lilinm urn IwiiIhii with
ii fork Mil ipillu miMMdli. .Mix with
llircn briHikfnNti'upfuU of the winked
eruila, n tcnciipful of eurrnnta, n ten-
aixNiiiful of cliiiinmnii, the dime of kIii
K'r, two tblii(Miiifiila of Hour, threo
tilblcnx)oiiflil of atiKrir. "He cf treacle,
two of drlppliiK, to i'gx be.iteii up,
nml n pint of aklm milk. Hllr nil
thoroughly, put Into puddlmt dlall.
I'lniv n lllllit drlpplmt of nhred aiiet
nil over tint top, mid lit oii'-u put tho
pilddliiK Into the oion. Hake alowly
for nn hour mid n Imlf. If tbl la
nicely mnde mid Imkisl, It will, when
cold, eat like cuke.
II you are sufTcrine from
impure blood, thin blood, de
bility, nervousness, exhaus
tion, you should bceln at once
with Aycr's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows It.loo. Askhlmaboutit.
Tno mill took ll for the eenJIIten of
I our llr nl btu. Ubira, tlitr Ii dAtif
ctltmor the boviU, ol,ii..yi (.ifrdueu i
ftbrl4 rauilpi li4rl. IHIMiuit, nan.
tt,dri,l, enl tltui I'ratentlnir Ilia Nf
.rfll limn doliir ! work. Afrt
1-IIU rn 1lr I'llll ArtKXI'r all IllltlUt.
Tbt 6o9 1 cuif eoe put al liMtlma.
K4a br 3. 0.i..fO, rwtll. Im
Ala uaaafaetarera r
1 IPVQ. Aotnewe
w w I O CQccxr iixtosal.
In Jamplntx fleer.
Utile Dlion, aged three, bad Juit
learned that famou nuraery rhyina,
"III diddle, illddle.1 and electrified bit
mother one night by exclalmlnc. bi
aioou rnnur in womier at the new
moon which had Jiut rlen.
"OOOoo-oo, mamma, Jut look I
"What la It, dear," nald he.
"Why," he aiuwered, In amazement
"that old row ha c"ii an' kicked I
piece rl'bt out of It.'
Apple UlrrliiKue.
I'eel nml "ire n hn If n fine ap
ple; put them In n iwrtvlnln-llmil dlah
and jxiur nrouud them n thin alrup
Hindu by boiling together emu mtniito
hnlf n cup of aiignr nml Imlf a cup of
water. Flnror atnuigly with lemon
mid let them boll lu the alrup until
partly lender; then wt cloeely cr
cred III tho oven, nnd let them Ix-como
Nrfectly tender, hut do not let them
brenk. Ilnnto thorn often with the alrup.
When done, cool ami wt nway for half
n day, until the Jelly In nml nrouinl
them la firm. Then cover with n del
lente meringue mid brown In the nren.
Orvdgu lightly with iKiwdcrvd augar
and rorvo n a deaeert.
A Nun fur aiek llama.
A youug New York woman la n train
t uuriMt for tick doga. or tome tlm tl
Clrrle Itaio.
Hepnrnto tlm yolk a and white of
four egg. Without Usttlug the white
turn them Into n eitnnll imn In which
I n bit of boiling Inrd. Fry the whlto
tborougbly on one aide. Mcnnwhllo
(eat the yolka light, adding hnlf n milt
rKn of nlt and n dnab of epK.'r.
Turn the beaten yolka Into n hot pan
and atlr until they are linn. Then add
two tnblejijHronful of nnely chopiK-d
ham, bacon or chlpin-d Nvf, Tnkc p
fried white with a large enkoturu
The only two treat Imronenn ranllali
that nerer hare been occupied by a for
flfti foe are Iudon and Ht. I'etenburg.
In China aod eome part ef India the
fintat Ira coat ouly 0 or 8 cent a pound.
aalllnar 111 Mraanre.
Aunt I'll urn wna preparing aoap for
dinner, when ono of the neighbor hap
txned In on n borrowing errand.
"Wby, Aunt Fllurn, lan't that an nn
umially largo aoup-kcttle" naked the
caller, with a cnlrualtlng glnncet at the
atorf) on ber paiaage aerotvi the kitchen.
"If you're juat looking at the kittle,
It doc eecai plumb nimble," inld Aunt
Fllura, calmly; "but when you cant
your looka on tho extent and pliabili
ty of my Knoch'a mouth, I reckon
'twon't look any too large, that kittle
I'rnprrla- Cenaneril.
"When Maxim Oorky dined with
mc," ld u literary New Yorker, "he
talked alwut the Ituaalan ccnaorablp.
"lie aald that In tho cour of the
Itux-JapDeM war be bid occnalon In
an article to describe the headquarter
of one of the grand duke. Ho wrote
of tbeao headquarter, among other
" 'And orer the dek of hla hlglineai'
tent la a large photograph of Marie la
Jauibe, tho Ixautlful ballet dancer.'
"Iteforo thla article could appear, tb
cenmr changed that acntenco to:
"'And orer the dek of hla blghneaa'a
tent la a large map of tbo theater of
The lltbtboaae at Corunna, Spalo, I
believed lo be the oldeat one now In uae.
It win erected durlnx the reign of Tra
jan, and rebuilt la 1C3L
Banking liy Mail
On raring depotiU ot dollar
or more, compounded twice)
every year. It I Jut ai ear
to open a Sarmg Account with
u by Mad m 11 you lired next
door. Send for our freo book
let, " by Mail," and
learn lull particular. Addrv
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washlncton Sta.
year I could not do honaowork, and for! h h teen a meml-er of the taff of Jrr, pile the wrmnblrd yolka uimiii It In
two yenra did not get out ot the homo, the New York Dog lloaptnl, where tb'a circle and aerre hot. Thla make n
very attractive-looking dbib.
llio kiuney o;rollon were lrnKUlaralck ieta of the wealthy aro nursed
and dictoi wero not helping me. back to health. Hhe often ha na many
Doan'a Kidney Fill lirought mo quick a hundred dog to enru for. It I
lellcf and nnnllj' cured me. They euved ,er duty to glre them their llledlcln
my life," am n other wnyi carry out tho doo
Bold hy all denier. BO cent n box. tor'a ordera exactly na a trained nurae
Fotcr.Mllbuin Co., IliifUlj, N.Y. would do for human patlonto.
I'ol llolilrra.'
I. very atyllah rako jmn hna a Itttlo
book on tlm aide by hum in of which It
can bo drawn from the oven. Hut In
caeo nil are not provided with theco
now ivRiia, there can txt hml Mt l;ol-
era' of felt. curlouly ahniiotl, o n
to reiHMiihle a rooater nml evwi de-o-rated
with feather atlteblng In Milk. Tho
' f,,lfln,1 M!tii tt fli w..u.t..w ...... uli.
over tbo edge of ot or Mtu. l'rkv,
10 cvnta.
(lluarit Htvrvl rmaitora,
Mvo wiit p.itil(K-n, one egg, half
.j cupful of migar. half tivieiHxniful of
mii, one iniM(-eXHNiiui 01 iiillior, I liro
Every part of the body In dependent on the Mood or nourishment nnd
utrcnRth. When thin life stream is flowing throunh the nystcm in a. stnte ol
jiuiuy nnii ricuncss wo nre nsaurcti ot iicricct nntl tinlntcrniptctt hcnUht
lcnimc Dliro blood ill liaturc'a fljfe-l?liarcl ncitnat tliae.-Ke Wlifn 1in-..,
the body h led on wenk, Impure or polluted blood, the aystciu is ilcprlvcd oi " cut tho i.itat.K In trli j ateam
m nirciiRui, uiscnse ncnus collect, nntilnc trouble Is man ilea ted in various, mil" nearly done. Itcuovu from tho
ways. I'ustular crutitions. tiiiutiles. raalieii nml llimtliTrroiie kMm itr.. n,i .i ivi,. i.. ...... i,v,, ...m.
nhow that the blood is in n feverish nnd diseased couutcloit as a rcault of too ! the aalt, then In tho augar, coating wk-Ii
iniich acid or the presence of come irritatlnff humor. Sorea nnd Ulccra are Vt rip thickly. IMoro In the pan with
..kiiranw .Muiui.i, iimioiiuiy iinuicr in wic uioow, nuu jutcumnusiu, ta
tarrh, hcrolula, Contawioua Ulood Poison, etc., nre nil deep-seated blood
ilitiordera that will continue to grow worse ns lonir ns tho tvoison remains.
Jhcse imtiuritics nnd poisons find their way into the blood in various ways.
Oltcn n bIurkIsIi, inactive condition of the nystcm, nnd torpid etate of the
itvcnucs of bodily waste, leaves tho refuse nnd waste matters to Four nnd
form uric nnd other ncids, which nre taken up by tho blood nnd distributed
IhrmiBhout tho circulation. Cominir in contact with contagious dinensca Is
nnothcr cause for the noisonine of tho blood wo nlan lm-ntlm tlm rKmia n,i
inlcrobca of Jitnlnria into our lunns, nnd when these Ret into the blood in
mifflcJcnt qunntity it becomes rt enrrier of disease Instead of health. Some
aucBounionunaiena to uiiicrtt bad blood, perhaps the Ureja of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them nnd they are
constantly annoyed nnd troubled with it. Had blood is tho pource of nil dis
case, and until this vital fluid is cleansed nnd purified the body is sure to
OUtTcr in Soma WAV. 1'or blood trouhle.inf nnvdi.irnrlri-tt Q I. tt. Iw.i.
urriaicdy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any
and all poisons, oupplica tho healthful properties it needs, nnd completely
ana permanently cures blood diseases of
every kind. The action of S. S. S. ia bo
thorough that hereditary taints nre removed
nnd weak, diseased blood mado rdrotiff and
healthy bo that discaso cannot remain. It
curca Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sorca
PURELY .VEGETABLE nml Ulccr3' Skin Diseases, Contagioua
" Blood Poison, etc., nnd docs not leave tho
nllchtcst trace of tho trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood is renewed and cleansed niter n course of S. S. S. It is nlso nature's
L'rcatcat tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs nnd barks, nnd is nbsolutcly
harmless to any part of the pyatein. S. S. S. ia for sale nt nil first clasa
fUMQ siorca, ojook on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write.
The; Finest Gardens
Aro always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand",
Seed are planted. Why ? Decausa we sell you the kinds that grow
best on this Coax. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
, Minui iciu an aooui our aeeas, nants, Koses, spray rumps.
rcmiuora, intuuiiurs, urooaers, rouury ana uea supplies.
f lAtak B Na. '00 w. tW ttrt a iMtlil ciuke r
PortUnd, Orofcfon r" " - poXan,4 Waeh.
the butter mid bake, it rich brown.
Ilnlihll I'lr.
Clenn nnd Joint two rabbit. Konk
lu milted wnter for two boura, wnali In
frcnli wnter and put Into n pie dish
with a handful of chopiicd parsley, an
onion with ten clove Muck Into It, n
dnnti of grated nutmeg, itepper nnd Halt
to tate. Pill the dlhh with hot water.
cover with a good piute and bake for
one and one-half bourn.
(ImbMra llreml.
Hcald two nip of mlUc, add two
lercl tearpooiw of augnr nnd one level
ten won of salt. When cool odd ono
half yoaat cako dlasolviM In oinlinlf
cup of lukewarm water, two cups of
whlto Hour nnd a Itttlo :non than threo
cup of gnitmm (lour. Cover oiii let
rbio; shnpo Into loavea, let rlw again,
and bnko thoroughly,
Crennt together one nnd one-half nip
of light brown ugur mid one-half cup
of butter. Add it half nip of hour
cream, ono egg beaten light, n tensoou
ful of baking Moda dlsm)lved lu n lit
tle bollliiK water, lemon tlnvorlng nnd
Hour to nmko n dough thnt can bo
rolled out. Itool Uilu and bnko.
Concord arp l'udtlliiir.
Allow two tableaiKoufula of rlco
flour, moistened with four tableiipoon
fula of cold wnter it ml four ttiblasHX)ii
ful of sugar. Htlr Into It ono iilnt of
bollliiB grnpo Julco. Stir until thick m
blanc mniigiv; iour Into mold, put on
lee, Servo with whlpiKtl cream.
One of the Important Duties of Physicians
and the Well-Informed of the World
is to learn na to tho relative standing and reliability of tbo leading manufactur
ers of medicinal agents, as tho most eminent physicians aro tho most careful as to
tho uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies proscribed by them, and it ia well
known to physicians and tho "Well-Informed generally that tho California Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of itfe correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to tho high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
in accorded to 'ucccasful and rcliablo houses only, and, therefore, that tho namo of tho
Company has become a guarantee of the exccllcnco of its remedy.
appeal to tho Well-Informed In every walk of life and aro essential to permanent suc
cess and creditabio standing, therefore wo wish to call tho attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to tho fact that it involves tho question of right
living with all tho term implies. With proper knowledge of what ia best each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and tho uso of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, bat
as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy mar bo invaluablo if taken at tho
proper timo, the California Fig Syrup Co, feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully tho subject and to supply tho ono perfect loxstivo remedy which has won
tho approval of physicians and tho world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and tho original method of manufac
ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co, only.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under tho namo of
Byrup of Figa and has attained to world-wido acceptance as tho most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure loxativo principles, obtained from Senna, aro well
known to physicians and tho Well-Informed of tho world to bo tho best of natural
laxatives, wo havo adopted tho mora elaborate namo of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as moro fully descriptivo of tho remedy, but doubtlessly it will always bo
called for by tho shorter namo of Syrup of Figa and to get its beneficial effects always
noto, when purchasing, tho full namo of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on tho front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
Figs or by tho full namo Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna ia tho ono loxativo remedy manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup
Co. and tho aarao heretofore known by tho name Syrup of Figa which has given sat
isfaction to millions. Tho genuino is for salo by nU leading druggists throughout tho
.United States in original packages of ono sizo only, the regular prico of which is fifty;
cents per bottle.
Every bottlo is sold under tho general guarantee of tho Company, filed with tho
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. 0., that tho remedy is not adulterated
or misbranded within tho meaning of tho Food and Drugs Act, Juno 30th, 190G.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, CaL
U.S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. T.
Calae mr (da brltMtr and faatce clr than ay other d. One 10c ptlt colors aJlV. avool sad cotton cquanV will aad la
tkaeontacd 10 K partart r..ullj. Aak dealer, or will oaad pott Hold M 10c Baxiac. Wrtta for fr booUct bow to dye.
MeacJi and oil tale. MOMtOC DRUG COw UoloavUlc. Mluouri.
'.end t'liddliiaT.
Two ounces of Hour, two ounces of
breadcrumb nnd two of suet ; mix with
&Vi ounces of grated eoeoanut, two
ounces of Bugar, tlm yolks of three eggs
nnd half a gill of in I Ik. Steam ouo
hour and servo with foamy sauco.
The deepest founding jet mad lo tht
ocean I aald to be In the AUrlch deep, l
lo the eaat ot New Zealand. Her the ta -
U 30,030 feet deep,
Mothara will And Mm. Wlnalow Soothlni
Syrup tbeb il remedr touaolorlhalrcbliaroa i
4 II ol n ao t r a lal rt I ti m kailciit I
SHtlHBJ MJ ova M-4) VMVU I
The new llelglan military lyitem, ea-
taiiiiaheU on toe tuml of voluntary con
acrlptlon, ba already proved a failure,
BU Vllua" Pane ana all Natron I)U4
rrmanenujr currj o nr. nilua'a urral
raiorar. Headftir FllKK trial bottUoi4
ctUM riuu
WkUrlMWtU Drill
Hulli iiaM(IIr for woi"
ia latnorinww
ln n4 iUhii.c
"crry i
lrx oct
piirmavrt.i 1
rrwatw. lJraii
con.rtt bunts rn
OOUrANT, int Ur
rten rptu4 f.
inj Ln :ifaB
Mrmananlljr currj br Dr. Klloa'a llral
HMlorar. rianarur 1 11KK lllrlal boltIaa.nJ
Iraallaa. Ur, IU IL Kilo. , UL, Ml Arcb BU, l'bUa,,l-a.
SeltiarUnd ha twenty-fir anowtho
eluU, with BOO members.
TtiA latrit rilalla rnnpArnin. IK AAnatm-
un ol the "(. Memo New York Air LJim Hall. I
road" will Us. found In the' Air Line Now," '
hlch nn to tu4 (rt ot tny vxpeiuo bjr writ
Portland, Oregon.
Price SSo and 50c
The Portland Tile and Mantel Co.
V lit be xlad to aire you particular about
lu U'aulitul Ceramic, Mcaalc, Enameled
aud tnfauitlo Tile, wboleaale and maiL
III today
317 Marquam Bide. Porlland, Or too
Utlor Coins Elitwhar.
3424 Wathlnston St. Portland, CVeioa
h Cttip it Cu h BcHt la tHi EhI
Dtllt iff shell Qultati Willi DsTtr