fcm.M-m.i..1.,, ,. , T a ww - LHHFlVlErLJ. ffi By WILLARD 0I1APTRR XIV. The nut morning did bring letter from Arthur, la which h expressed great urprlte and uneatlnest at tbe mltoar dage of hla prevloua one, more etpeclally on account of th Important communica tion which It had contained, of which he repeated the eubttance, and, aa far a he could remember, the language, and again naked Sir Launc whit step had better bo taken In retard to It. The eplitle then went on to itate that h had pro oted to Mlet Orierson, but that lady, having confessed to prior attachment, nd. having thrown herself jpon hi gen erality, he had at once withdrawn hli own pretention!. IVtplte the vital Interest thua Imper illed, Sir Iunce did fully approve of the course hl son had taken, and hit heart welled with pride at thlt Inttance of the young tnan'a ehlvalroue nobility of feel Inc. 8Ir tnnce at one communicated to Stafford the new which waa no newa to Mm-of Arthur' rupture with the Oder on, and the relief he felt at twine thin secured from any further visitation from Mr. Wylle. He had taken a treat fancy to the young artlat, and waa more free and social In hli manner toward him than he bad been to anj peroa 1nce many years. The weather wai glorkmt. and what with sketching the moat lorely scenery by day. And engaging In rdeaaant and Intellectual conversation by night, Stafford foand time (lid on with the mett delightful rapidity. About a week after hie arrlral. how ever, a drcumttauee occurred which caat a doom orer renrrurauyn ana an iia Inhabitant. Tbe September galea had Juat begun to rape with grett fierceness, and the eouthweat wind, so terrible upon til coaat, itrewed the rock with wreck. One dear, bright morning, while the wind blew furiesaly. and the aea ran mountain high. Sir Launco and Stafford had watked down upon the thore. While contemplating the aubtlme horror of the spectacle, they caught s'ght of a email craft, which appeared to be not more than three or four mile out, rising and falling upon the ware, and driving to ward the ahore with frightful rapidity Kir I-aunce took hla glass out of hi ticket, and by ita aid desirled her to be n Ashing amack belonging to lenrhyd dyn. Other hid aeen her alo ; and In a few moment the two gentlemen were joined by aeTrral curieut watcher, among whom waa Jenkins, the pottmter. "If nalph Trtvethlek' toil." be said; "It haa been oat diya beyond Ita time. They mutt be mad to think of pattlnt In during aach a gal, ami the attempt will 'cott them their lives. Look at herb they ?an no more keep her off the rock than they ran hold back the ware whh their amr Onward eaaae the fralt bark now tumbling (at a gulf, now rltbtg Mke a cork npon a mountain of water, and dart ing forward like an arrow betere the Wait of tho wind. At Ut came the craah I The boat wa veea to reel, eddy and !ak and then three men were battling with the water. Ha excited and ptty stricken wa Stafford with the accae. that had It not been for Sir Lannce. he woukl hare erat himtdf Into the bolltnf aarf la the rala hope of a? Ins them. There were aasae rope thrown oat. but all three tank. The next momtat. how ever, one of the bodies roe again, and. borne by a hue wave, wa haded Into a Llad of natural bat la, hallowed out of the Kranlt flooring of the he ten. In an In tint both Sir Iuc aad Stafford bad idunged knee-deep lata the batJa, and. regardtcet of another great war that dashed orer them, anj threatened to drag then away te tbe aea, rcseued the body of the drowning man, aad, aatidtt the cheer of the spectators, brought It safe to dry land. He wa Unmedlatly recognised a Ralph Trevethkk, tto eon of obi Jeha Trcvethlck. lie waa laientlMs. aad the blood flowed freely from a deep gth la the bead. Sir Lauaea aettt off to Itedsala for a doctor, and gare orders U thete who took charge of the body to seed to the Caatle for anything they might rt qulrc la the thtpe of rettontlr or coea forta for the poor fellow. While they ere tlttinr orer their dte ner a meeaeager arrlred at the Caatle from Halpa Trerethkk. who had eltgatly rallied, begging Sir fauBco M eoaae iUm to hlei, aa be had a coaifewloa ta aik which lay heavy a poo hi enlae. Vrapj4ag hiaaaelf ap, for the ereadag wa chOly. Sir iManee. arvMnnanled by Blalford, atarted of on tie two mile' walk to Kalph'a colUre. It wa the aame habitation to which the bodiea of a certain woman and child bad been conveyed aoste ten year bark, nd apon the aante bed upon which they had lain wa stretched the form of the dying taherman. "I am sorry to seo yea so Hi. lUlpb," aid Sir lAoacc. kindly Uate jom ev erythlng that yvu re-jalre ; If sot. do not (ear to a for It, and It It can be got. jvu shall have It." "Uefori the night's orer I shall want nothing bat few plank and a few fret of earth t" said the atheraaa, feebly Hut thank you all the same, Blr Launce. Ooat doser, I don't want father to hear sjrhat I have got to say," Jsir sat ijwa apoa the bsdaUe n . -. ti) MacKENZIC IP at the djrlng man's head, nd molatcncd hi lip with a Utile brandy. "IV) you remember," begtn Halph, In an almott Inaudible voice, "j storm ionic ten year back, when a woman and child was washed up and brought to thl very cot J Well, you wa told they wa burled 'In l'enrhjddyn churchyard, but no earth rover em. Ater you had gone, father ten into one of hi mail, vlld humor, and aald the ea would take vengeante on ua for robbing It of It dead that the bodies ahouldn't stay here, hut ahould be ratt back agln to the waier we stole 'em from. So I and ltlll carried 'em away a couple of miles cioivn the coast, for fear of their being waihed ur arln and found by any of your people, and laid 'em down In Sandy Cove for the ris ing tide to wash away. An 1 and thongh the woman wa dead enough, I believe there waa some life left In the child. I've often thought about It since with a feel ing that It wat wrong; but when they told me to-night that It waa you who palled m out of the water. L knew how wicked I had been, and I Call I couldn't die till I had eased my mind by telling you this." Sir Launc appeared much moved at the confession, and a stern, hard look gathered upon hit countenance. "Say you forgive me. Sir LaanceP gasped !Ulph. "I have many more ln npon my mind that I would like to tell, but "llelng a dying man. I freely forgive you, Halph Trevethkk.'' antwered Sir I.aunce. "Hut It waa a cruel, barbarous deed, that even aavagea would thrlnk - ---rs. - ' . --.. - - Dtarai crio.x from, so bratahilng I the effect of these! vHe superstltiMt.' Italtd) turned hit eye with aa aprral lag leek toward hi father and hit ton. Sir Ijiuace usMlertteed the apfwal, and answered. lWy (hall at suffer from your eosfeosioa. Rut let thlt be a want- tag te theta. aad M all here. If ever I hear ef any saore suck act. the who etMMait Ihesa thau att reaaalu e xay Ub4s another hour The graxwlfalher, whose half-crated brain eeaed te hare wholly cattapted under the dreadful etUralty that had feu ea upon hiss, t anted hit wild eye pa the tfeaker, aad atuttered vaeaatly. "Ooa't rob the ea of It dead, or 'twtll take veageaace ui-ea yeu and your. The eiaap of a drowniag hand will be a eurse to yea through life." There was aaother attentive rbteacr to the tUhrnaaa beside Sir leasee. Thl waa John Jenkins. "IXd you say you laid the bodies In Sandy Cover V he atked after a pause. lUlah made a alight Btoreasestt of af flrmatloa; tpeech was goae. After this. Jeakla sat hhraself down apa a barroL which terved the purpose of a sest l the seantUy faralthed bt, aad fell teto meditatia. l!p returatag to the Castle, the two cesUeexea separated for the alght, Staf ford retiring to his own a put meat Str Lauare to the library. He raag the beU. and ordered DanM to be teat to Mat 1st ateitalety. Hard aad eold at marble wat hit face, whs the old xaaa troed before "naalei." he said, "yon have been say servant ilace I can first remember, aad ervvd say father before me. but we mutt sow part. Te-atorrew roomlag you saatt leav-t the Cattle, and never cres kt thrrshold again. Tou hare lied to ate. ditobsyed ate, aad yielded up every feel lag of htuaaatty to a wild lar-erttltioe. Halah Trevethkk hat lost eeofetwed. en hi dytag bed. that the hodWa of the two uafertuaata ereaturet waosa I re-aaie! from a wreck tea years ago were throw halo the a srslo as sooa at I had Itft the hut. I left you to guard Ihesa, aad the next day you brought tae srerd that all effort t at restoration had proved abor tive, aad that oa that xoeralag they had bees buried la Tearhyddya churchyard. Too were therefore regnluat of aad aa aecoapl' & hshutaan act; and for this you leave say houte." Oaniel knew Sir Laaare Penrhyddya't iaexerahle nature too well to otter a tin gle word of expoitulalloB a fiat ooce gone forth wa never repealed by hlaa: and with a crashed look, ho tottered out of the room. Hy sanrUo the next morning, sobhtag and heart broken, ho had tamed hla bsucs ojoo Ponrhyddyn Cattls, and slowly and feebly wended hi way down the foot poth throoga tht dwarf woods. A few hoar UUr, Jenkins ralgit have I -VsrSs?c- . nk - --- ,Er . sjrty WKKKK&BWmEikmm&2i mjmmmtirjx f------------sssTsTK'xasTsVT sv -smbsjbi m-aasasau-"-m -. 'ajj'- "T-l"a BrT jiF "J fj!VjiBQSjBtiaaBk. "" J-BB5fcataaswB-tasr VasC 'JsBF Ji&kVi-'SIsbsbsbsIEtvT 3bbb w-SHBtsP,aCS----i' been een ascending the nme path. Upon nrrhtng at tho Caatle, he rvsjueslod to eo Sir 1. unco, nnd ii titVred Into hla prraemv. lie was clotetrd In the library during the greater irt of an hour. After he had departed, Sir I .nil nee tent a po llle memagv to reiuet A (en momenta' ronvcr-uUkm with Stafford. l.onc and IntctvntiiiR wai the confer ence between the two gentlemen, and fraught nith future result of vital Im portanre to mere than one personage of tht story. CIIAI-TKH XV. fortnight ha patted away. It I now the latter end of September. A tine, balmy evening, with no tott.-h of autum- the aaiuo plot during tlio year, audi na nal chill to warn us of the pfng away c-nrly -yna followed by Into rabbagis or of lumnirr. Through the on French tunitr-a may follow oulona; but tin window, that Wd Into the garden In the ,, mUX rch ana , rear of the little SwIm chalet at l'romp- ... ,,. .. , .... '.' ton aro .telling In the HrM faint .Uadow, l,h n "ur w fertll iw. One advitn of evening. Half reclining upon a couch I '" wUn m" Kn1en I that during Is Mrs. Cattleton: at her feet, her iwall, " -l-"7 acaaon atxue of the crop enn white Jewelcsl flBgcr nettling among hla ( bo wntrrvxl by tlio uto of the hot or hair, her hand daiped In hit, 1 Arthur, japrlnkler lnexerlcncM ern nlt-utld "Hut. after all," the nuirmured, "I am , Mt oxmvt mttitiletn inxVa. tho first only joir second Ke, and 1 cannot cnlTmrt ijUt tafro ,, wlMnt t0ll aimailt dure the thought that any woman .hould . ,., . ... , , . have ever lived In a corner of your heart before I rilled It all." "My darting." he cried, kitting the hand that he da aped, "no woman ever ha lived In the tmallest corner of my heart but jou." "Not Mlta Orler-Kinr "No," he antwered. emphatically; "to that I can truly pledge mvteif now, al . , - . ,j. . nirairm-rry win inrivo aim K LSBSif b7c!::,,,There,lw,eh;',;v7r - -fl "" -'"-'- too many obttade. There wa. reason ''mo . "ftm revolve no care which readere,! ueh a match In-po-albl;"'''-" ,h' P'nta liave bevn sot out. oth upon my Me." r tn 1 run the cultivator down tho "And what wa thatr a atked. eag- "Wi on ' twice, but It will pay well etly. for any extra labor that may lo ap- "Oh, a mere family reon nothing pUcti. bonerer. Tho largvat t-errles are that yra would uadrttaad." he antwered, grown from plants In single atnola, but eratlvely, "Oh ! but you mutt tell ," ahe cried. coaxlagly. "If yu do not. t thill think you are cvaoallng sometnlag from me, and It will stake m wretched. You will tell we, won't your" "Aaother time, dearett not now. It T " , JS5' -w-" TV ISasL-j- 51!$? is cm able. than be tbe next time I eome." Do you tbiak Mlta Orlersoa beauti ful" tht atked, a flee gaining thlt petal. "I tblok her wry amiable aad very beaatifal " he aMwered. warmly. "You talak Iter more beaatiful than ate. perhaps," the mnrtaared, her head till canted away from his. "My dodlng. what could pot toe thoughts lata that silly little Headr Aad da pistg her face botwee hi hajads, he drew rt towarsVt hits aad kitted tbe pouttag lipa aad the ewoltttvz eyes. In which the tears of wounded vanity were beciawiag lo gathor. "IJke an atea. you are fateiaated hy goldea locks." she said petal ally. "I am faseiaaled by ao loeka but thlae." he arartaared. klstlag her hair "I eaa seo ao twauty hi sagat httt what reaaladt ate of the. You. waosa hundred I matt have adored for who could y you without adoring your "Never, never P she aastrered. "I'a til I met you, I uever met the xaaa who could even touch my heart. Kvorybedj said I had ao heart; hat you have fouad one, hare you not? At sixteen, say frita.li married ate to an old ataa eM taough to be my graadfathor. Oh, it wat hldeoua. horrihlr aad the taaddered at the s emery. "Hot way did you eeaseat to ttveh a Meriaeer he asked. "Aht that wa beeaase ht those days I had aot fouad out that I had a heart." the aataered. taaltiar. "f wat pear aa orphaa. he, the old bub. wa rich; aad "You sold your yoaag life to hideout old age." added Arthur sadly. "You are aot the first who has thai reproached ate." she answered, in a toae at toexpresimes todeeaa. "Ilut, reaveoa- her, I wa little more than a child a vain, aad aaabltieui ose. I had kaowa poverty it was more lhn I could bear." "Havt yea ttW a dread tf poverty?" ho atkoi. aaxhratty. "Oh, yes. yet; that I Btver could en dare. I suffered from It when a child. aad tht horror of It ateatory a! Mi ejiart ' to as. Tbe world show at that meaty ' "..? . "". I w ""' "" woteo exnteace is a carve; iu If we gratp It out of the beaten path. It rant at sordid, aad cries out that wt havt sold eared ret," (To be continued.) Csvlaeee oa the tttasil Track. The Chinese, alarmed by the man ner In which the Indian and Cay km teas lisva rfrtrea tbelra ami At tK - ke. hsr. torestiMte.! eh- m..f., ..t com to tho condutloa that all that onto X !r!,culr, weU "Up'd t0 U needed to brlnx thdr. to the for.Ith, 5" r, Stt U mautt ,0fi ground again Is systematic advertising. Never punish a child for a fault to which jota nr oUlctod yoaxstit. i JJh&t ' amali rrwtt. eretjoHttly two crn war be hrtd on irvc satisfactory If the m-aon doc-a not become) too dry. Tho principal runrtll frulta arc- blackborTlea, atrawt-or-rlcn and ratplmrrlea, but cwdx,rrlt--. nirrant and graiw-s aro alo Includnt Tho mott profltablo frulta arv those that nxvlvo attention during tho entire year. Tlio atrawberry will thrive and the largest yield are obtained from tht matted row system. The first essential la to grt the young plant In the ground as toon as posdble, so a to a ford them aa opportunity to grow and make head way before the dry tea ton comr-t on. lllg-b winds and a dry soli will make quick work of young planta, The row ahould h Jutt wliVo enough apart to admit of the use of tho horse boo, and tho gnmrHl should to kept very looe around the plants In order to guard agaluat drought aa much aa possible. ralilvailnar the Garde. The majority of fanner give but lit tle attention to gardening. They regard the timde, boo and rake aa Implement which tarolvo too much tltuo and la bor. If a farmer dcslrva to grow a corp of any kind he prefer to do the work with a plow and cultivator, and In a wholesale manBer. Tula repugnance to uiliiff the swall tools. In order to grow n supply of wvctables, haa been the cause of depriving hundred of farmers of luxurlc that would have iwt but little If they had comldcrcd tbe value of the crop from a garden, and also the real coat coatparvd with n ervp of grain or itatw. Hut there are. however, soate farmer and their wives who know how a garden help to make a farm enjoyable, ami they are the oee who will now enjoy the work of planting the M-eda of the taany different kinds of vegetable, for there I ao portion of farm life to agreeable as that of itrepartag the ground In the spring for the ganles. There ha lvo bh advance la the system of gardevtng. While the hoe. rake aad spade atlll hold a place la the list of garden tool. yet they hare bcea per.-d-d mainly by the single and double wheeled boot and seed drill, which lave time and labor and w bkh can bo used for doing good work. fralt Treo rianllwa. lor fralt tree planting, when the tub-soil la day and apt to to watrr- igged, not only should It be wdl drain ed tint, but the bottom of the hot in which the tree am planted should hare placed la thean aoate coarse rubble, to art aa drainage also. Apart from act) material helping to keep the root out of the day below, It serves also to keep them fairly dry and aerated, and that 1 Terr lat porta at for the future health ef the trvea. In waking holes on tuch ground, threw out te fully three feet wide and twdre Inehet deep, lato each hole then put four laches of eld brick aad mortar material, or cilaker. or ether bard, coarse Material, well trodden aad leveled. L'rwo that put, If obtainable, piece of turf, upside down, then three Inches ef aot!, and plant the tree. In that way not ealy will the roots to kept near the lurfare aad to healthy, bat because the trees are on alight monads, they ran to fed each tumaer.with a mulch ef manure. Too much treebie ran not to taken In planting tms en tiff soil, to keep the rooU ceor the lurface. Beoaotaltlaa OarJea f pare. If you have early pea, aow thea In a block rather thaa In long drill. Aa soon aa they are harrcsted, piast. Kjuaah. Hubbard does well after early proa If water 1 ample. If tweet peai are grown, a row of onions may to grown on each aide ef the pea with out detriment to dther The evenrrvea fore tho petu bloom aad may to bar vested. Late cabbage may to set in the row of early onion aad make thatr growth after the ordoo harrest TT .Ws-SuWS-s..11' ana-' aaar . . xr .. wj.. IVedlnar Autum!, In the feeding of nuliiiula tho f (inn er, by hi kmwloilgo of tlio itlffcrvtuM between Itrsli-formlhit fooda nml tlioto that form frit, l ennlitod lo so etiintilim tlie illffertMit fiiHl na to prtirlilo for nil their wnnta. Knowlni; that llui "nl litimlnoMa" (n!tn4((Mioiit fmxla) p ro il uw tnusolo (lenn iudau) nnd milk, he (hould, In order to nllow for lieat nml fat "bitlniHM" tlio foods fur tlio puroo of nroldlng tiHi much of tlio one kind and not enough of tlio other. On nil nvcrnge, the ptvtMirtlou of iiltrtigonou food to the earUinneoous la na one to six (llioitgli tlio pmjuirtloii 'imy vary, necordltiic ti) drvumatniuva), or, rath er, tie (Imulil add tlx times na much of the cnrNmniHVMii nt ho doc of the nl tMgenou. The omilltlou. himever. nrfect the proportion, aa leas cnrNui I rrtjulrrd In autumer tlmn In winter, lietioe during the warm enon Ihe ni trogen may be Increnmil and the car Urn dlmlnlihcd; but. If the weather I very cold, the proirtlou of carbona ceous matter, on tlio contrary, hould be Increased, Ire4lrllna Krnal, Ono of the moat linrtniit frulla of the establUhment of the Mount Horn weather o!ervitory In tlio Sierra Ne vada near Iteim, Ner at an eletation of IO.SOO feet, la the ill km very of a rule by which the appearance of frost In the Truekeo and Carson valleys below may be predicted with positive aasurunce from twenty four to thirty -six hours in advance. Ily comparing relatlvo meteorological data for Kan Pranclsoo and Iteno at O.a.10 feet deration, athl Mount llosn, 1000 feet elevation, n comtant corre jwndenc I otnerved Utwren fall In pressure and fall In temperature, ena bling frost prvgnostlcatlona to be made with certainty. Tho station was estab lished originally with the Idea of gath ering Information which would be avail able In predicting the weather condi tions for the illitrict farther cait. wlna C-rn tor fixtder. The alio haa o-aetl advantage to dairymen In other countries where corn doc not mature. In Ihigland. where tht condition are unfavorable for the production of matured cnn of com. the farmers aow corn for fodder, ttore It In the alio, thru grow a crop of tur nips on the land, from which tliry took the fodder. The aanio tystem can to prartlcrd In thl country, but our farm era are content with one crop, ami thus do not ilerhe aa much fnxn the land at la possible to bo obtained. The la ml In Kngland la high, ami farmer pay high rent, but they do not hesltaln to um manure- and fertlllter freely, securing large crop In return. I.I ma fur Kanal, There I a fungiit which sometime attack carrot atnl turnip, rautlng de cay at tht root, or a mlwhapen growth, or a withering of the leave-t. TbU atay be prevented by a liberal sow lag ef alr-dakrd lime upon the ll. ' thirty or forty twshds -r acr and harrowing It la before the seed I sown, a the funga lives In the adl. llut It It ttttially Udter and cheaper to put, trie root crops on new land wncre thl fusgua baa never appeared. niraalatre. When farmer are busy In the spring they are liable to neglect many matters which ahould command thdr attention. Get tht Implements In readiness and sharpen the tool. The grlndttonei I a valuable adjunct to good farming. If thorough work la desired. It la do eatler to keep poultry than any other stock, aa labor aad proper management mutt be used te meet tuc cesa. !,esa capital may to required with poultry, but It must bo Judiciously expended, or a let ran result aa easily a from any other aource. Exiwrlence I of more value than capital In poultry raising. Tho food left over on the ground fer ment and decompose In a very hort time on a warm day, aad It therefore toeoroe one of the mala sources of gape In chicken and cholera In fowls. tilth la the summer season thou; 1 never to allowed. It I wdl to da away with trough entirely, fedlng only whole trains and scattering the food a much a possible. It la, perhaps, tho proper system to water tbe animal at regular periods, especially horse; but animals differ and may desire water at time when they do not receive It. To give all anl malt free acccoa to water It not con trary to the Batumi law, aa they are sometimes totter Judge of eating and drinking, ao far a they are concerned, than their owner. Rnailage should not cott the farmer over ft a ton, and fifty pound a day I a largo ration for a cow, Thlt U forty ration per ton, at 2V& cents a ration, and hence will provide for one cow for forty daya. There la no food that can to produced at a lower coat The en silage la not of Ittelf a complete food, aa the best result ar derived when hay and grain are also allowed; but It cheapen the coat of the whole and pro vide toccultnt food la winter, when Chang occur from grasae to tbe regu lar dry ratios of that season. tore I'retaAlee, Cnnndenllal I'rlend Didn't tht Idea tier occur lo you that you ought lo ut a part of your wealth In tudowlng a school tor juiiriialiiuW Wealthy Politician (with exceeding bit Itriiett) Not The Idea haa occurred to ine a lliniiMind time that I'd Ilk to endow a tclnxil for Id iiippreulon of Jourutlltni I Chicago Tribune. t'ersnatlve, Musical Critic 'I bat new star of vomt ha a giK)l enough voire, but the dottn't know how lo nit It, Coialc Opera Manager lliat only I how how little jou know about her voice. You ouilit to hear how inagiilf). rently the in use It when Ih boi offlrt It a lllllt latt In palug ber wtekl; m. ary. CLASSIFIED ADS MITU'K the Inlbittlng annnunreintnli ti I turn l t'llnj miiIiii mti tiwl nrtnt, ni ta.ll wnilliv ut rsftful letitllll lbs ll.l titll wnrlfiv Jiml estttul irtdllil Ih rutr er lii ler rutr eonlstu )utl Ih piuMlltun ou sit ltwt REAL ESTATE lltCOtlUWN IIOW MONTHLY (end In fnrttfkUit"et(llnniir guaranteed tntrtimtui i Jamltaon I'aik. tuUiibvl apelsMt. An Intettmtnt hei tnsrt !! tho eoctttltr tb"t weleellen nffffr-l j tttlnt Uat r llTetnanltnreioMitnir, (ml the ivtuitii lll nil Iihiu w r nui lo tw pel etui tin iti In. vetliutnl 11 ut mill von lull silleultlt a potltl ttiJ will trip Ibrm rutrn'ocic a mow Mllln A(nlt ifoWm. W stblniten Nttlsntl Pant, Ret. hast GHrxNAcrtra The rmlr tltett on the witli'l writ le jmt rta talorl U ll tour reoe tei IIIh lUr aUiexUneesI Wi I'tlee IICAoi -r tt ttr iyMtait cows In or ortlt ler i-suleu. IlKHCIIXtt A TIIUMI-BOK Ipoktae, Wtihlniten. IWIItvtat AnCADIA OncitARD TftACTS. IWOOstaoaln will bur iu a IVVM -h InfseelitMt W' ri.r. 4w, 4tal. Iirlttu simI esit ler jeMI etehaM lor ttt. Tin frail will rnti imi imelt atitr tbtl, petttl ciiJ will feting Iim Lost. AUCADU Ipottnt Wsthlaitea llfeu tit tfmlslUnf eett wlnttrt snl l lollt wket tt(ltt4r flow Ik er (Mtit-I, 0i. tntlMtntsrr toll. Inlitiol, rail, rltti ss-l tlelile tiiHtpeitsllea, tclltnl sttiktia, wrltelur bueiUt. UM MOUNO tJtXD CO, Lot Heilat Tebtms Cetinif Calllsral WK MfV Ttmtof ImIi (rem awnen trANKM MRU ,11 lwrnr..-et&. Wtih Coeor it'Aten HitlliHi will tNiiMti rbales ItnJ jt MiStt frRt l(kB tnest dAI luwivkiion Aitsex, IT II Kteiitt VuJlB Stiiie With e : : : HOLD UP! and conidcr Tr Or-tlLsljfK'r run rV.iiZlizi? OUitViXK. tUt AIL WATtfWMI UOTHING. hietlroflhefcnt irslfrt&aha-tB- UJuurlrtfW uUb reufle iuVrj ewrjraVrt III ITICKTBTSr J u 3ICMOrTrir.ri5H -. . -. M .11 rm A MUSICAL EDUCATION NOT NECESSARY THE REMEDY: A.B.CIIASEPUYER.PIANO Pots not tnlsri tbt tniirumtnt or thtnitttjltofeue, meehtalim all Utow lt;ttil, tpeitut pltao tellon sUtrtel dtrsel, st pttelMlr u teguttr pltno keji de, teeurlag the itmt ti proton at tht artltt esn bjr htadi ean Ueallrtly rentted frem Ibt pltno lq are mloultt't lltae, and thtt without tbt um ot a Kttw drlvtr, Wrlto for rroe Booklet SHERMAN, CUY & CO. JNIWE. Vuh. SUTTU. Vuk, roiruxB. Orrgoa p.au. M. i9-r Ty BKN wrlltsg to a4vrUtra pleoeel IT BseolUa lalt popsr. I ifil i J"tVD 'E 4s-s3&i' El7 kuMVPLnBaaafl Wumf'pWtaaraaaWtt Ml- i- L15