Ms. LOCAL Mr. nuil Mr. George O' Nell were llrud vinilorri during the week. New Mock ol sIiooh just arrived iiit Merrill's. Come in mill ee tlicm. K. C. Minor of Portland is vlult- k Imk lii ltfititl with hli l). lf. 0. Minor. , KoUtt Nolaud purchased a disc drill tlili wtwk for wwou III rrtitclr. The 1). M. handled the order. U I). Wiwit rcxirt.i thut it:itoeH which he planted Imt Noveinlwr nre imw coming up '" llc hfije. Mr. and Mrx. W. II. Seller will leave Saturday for their homsleml titnr Odelt and will hike tip their residence there. The kubjut ol lit v. Tavenor'it Hiriiion fur next Sunday evening will l "Decoration I toy Today mid Every Day." I'riiuk Olu-w is in Mend nearly every week with ptonpective btlyur.s hud ,wtt litre thiM week with futir who purchased euil of town. Dr. Merrill Ik liuviinr. mi addition built on to the rear of hi north Mure building whhih will 1m ued two kilciwn mid dining room. The member of the official IxiMttl of the M. It. church, nre r' tiiatU-d to attend a b'usiutiw meet lux to us Held nt Dr. Mcliorf on Monthly evening nt H p. in. Next TucMlny Curlylc Trijdctt mid family will leave for l'ortliviil, where Mrs. Triplctt will tHkc ticutuieut in n hospital. They ex pect to lm gone several mouth. Rev Mitchell, for the present, will fill the Prcibytcrian pulpit in llcud vacated hy Rev. George and Will preach on (he second and foutth'tiuudayMof each month in the evening. The next services Will be on May lG. A. II. Grant hai made arrange menu with the Hood- Kiver l'ruit Growers' Awocintlon 19 handle their fruit nt llcud. Orders for Strawberries unci other Irtiit wilt Ik: 'taken by the catfe and filled at their lowest price. ' MUm M. U. Nichol.1 of Portland. iMeuographcr for King, Gucrin & Koliock, came to lieud Ttieedity to help In the work that developed from the reorganization of the tele phone compniiieti. She left for Portland Thursday morning. '. Mr. and Mm. it. II. Mitlg nud baby daughter left for Portland Thursday morning, from which place Mrs. Mutxig mid daughter will go to the old home at Pitts, hurt;, Pa., for An extended vUit, Mr. Mutxig will Inter return to lieud. v Dr. J. S. Davie and W. I'. Hor. ton of Granville, X. D., left tlmt place yesterday with llcud as their destination. They will stop at bpokat-e, Seattle and Portland. Tlncy come to look the country over with a view of invitotlug and are old-time friends of Robert ' Nolaud and C. C. Close, living oast of Bend. devcu years ago Ralph Patterson, John Mnstcu and William Kverlug ham reached the Ucud country and filed on homesteads on the upjier river. This week they made final proof before CommtMia'ucr Ellh. They are wull pleated with their homuMeadK, believe tiYey' have a "good thing" in them mid intend to hold on. ' ' II. II, Keuyou) (Yuitataut ciwhiur of the ParnicM & Merchants State ."Hank of Granville, "N. I)., has been Visiting during the past week with Kolwrt NolutuanU family 011 their 'farm enjt of $cnd. , Mr. Kenyon came to look thlsicauutry over mid is very much pleased witji it mid thinks it has a great future before it. When he left Granville every thing was still frpXctlip'light'the'r k. Mr. Kcily b'h! 'was look-lug lor i bus'' acss faction. You Need Furniture... Of course you do. always acceptable and can the home. We have ti big rockers of all descriptions, chairs, dressers, bedsteads, stoves, pictures, etc. And tho ood part of it all is that our prices aro not tho robber kind. They are reasonable REMEMBER I HAVE FOR SALE Boiled Linseed Oil & Turpentine J. I. WEST, Arc you planning to celebrate in llcud?) Ice cream social Saturday even ing. Remember it. Have you seen those new shoos at Merrill's? They arc a fine lot ami low priced. It Is reported that an in flint at Madras has died from an attack of spinal meningitis. Max I.ueddcmanu nud Don P. Ilea of Madras were buiiucss callers in llcud yesterday. Pie pluut lor sale at J. II. Onelll's between Tenth mid Kiev 011th on Irotmood Ave. Any amount to suit costtitncrs. 9-13 Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Brock and Mies Jackie will leave lieud to morrow morning for Portland where they will make their home in the future. A large load of scrapers passed through town Wednesday to be umxI In lateral construction in the vicinity ol the Nolaud and Close farms cast of Hcud. The ladies of the Catholic church wilt give an ice cream social in the II. M. hall next Saturday evening. A number of fancy and kitchen aprons will also he.ou sale 'i'lie Ilend Library and Raiding Room will be open hereafter only as follows- On Tuesday and Sat urdays from 3 to s p. m., uud on Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 p. in. The dairy business i coming to the front more nud more Jn the Rig Meadows and Uoslaud country. John Mnsten reports that he has sold several De Laval cream separ ators, far which )ic is agent. There arc some eight or leu .now in use in that section. One of Andrew RobmSon's fine large, iwiy horses got dbwn in the stable Sunday night and in attempt ing to get up injured Itself .ho se verely that it would have died ami was killed to put It out of Its mis ery, it was 11 line animal and was wortli about 200. J.ast year Ralph Patterson Sowed some wheat and alfalfa together on Ills homestead on the river not fur from Rostand. The alfalfa grew well qud this year is again making it appearance looking strong and healthy. A few days ago Mr. Puttcrsou dug out one of the plants and was surprised to find a root growth of 30 indies. As water en n be found nt a depth of from five to six feet any place on the homestead, it is practically sure that the nlfnlfu will live utitil its roots penetrate deep enough to get the necessary moisture from "below. Heretofore it has been riuptiosed that tile alfalfa would be killed be fore its roots could reach lie mois ture. Mr. Patterson Is now practi cally sure that alfulfa grtfwltig will prove a great success ou lii:) ranch and states that he will seed n large acreage to it as rapidly as possible, his intention being to engage hi Vhe,' drtify lAisimisd In which ho has had considerable experience, A new piece of furniture Is be placed to advantage in line to choose from other useful and pretty Bend, Oregon Remember the ice cream social Saturday evening. It is reported that the 4). I. & P. Co.'s sales of laud now aggregate 43,000 acres. De Laval cream separators, best In the world. J. M. Mastiin, Uofllaud, Oregon. 9-12 Mrs. C. C. Close is enjoying a visit from her father, Mr. Hunt, from Granville, N. I). Miss Anna Steele will leave Mon day for Silver Lake to make final proof on n timber claim. Oliver 1'rickson, who was tried Ht this term of court for stealing a horse, was acquitted last week. Mrs. O. S. Crocker wilt leave llcud .Monday for a summer's visit nt the home of her parents In Port laud. Wc can furnish bonds to use in payment of ditch lauds nt loss, than regular price. P. I). I). Co., Mend, Oregon. Mrs. K. A. Sather and daugh ters Gladys and Marlon and Miss Corn will leave Sunday for an ex tended visit in Minnesota. The Dalles land office is now open to transact business. Receiver Aruetiou assumed the duties of his office last Monday nud Register Moore last Tuesday. 1 he lhillctiu had 11 news article last week abdut Win. P. Downing's Indian Runner ducks in which it credited each duck of the four with having laid 72 eggs In 77 days from February 1 td May 12. We had. no intention to misrepresent matters and make the public believe Mr.. Downing was counting his eggs before tlicy were laid The Bulletin was published dn May 10 and the last date , given in the article was, May ;i, The dates should have read from February 12 to May r.. UgKSl-orllatC.'ilnir. Indian llumtcr' Ducks, stcrn prize winners.- Wm. P. Downing, Iiepd, Oregon. 8tf Read The Bulletin's Irrigation Department. .' - m Uju.ii . am 1 Van Tassil k Davis, Real Estate Agents and Locators Mailtos, X(jrlAndlc Pariii.Latids and Town Ptotjerty. . .. ' IfOii don't fiutl vh'a ybti want in the irrftjatodxbelt, givi ' ' ' ., them rf call. They hare Improved farms at $10 to $15 per acre. SEE Tr4rW AT v Madras, r a3k.(aiS f ymt Aa r Liwt.iwWiAMiiOiVafciWiiixUMyU'mii'i IRftlUAl ION AND DV PAKMlNti (Oitiltmicl from paved hi J; page ) U the amount of available water that the hoil may hold at any one tlinr. For instance, in the Twin Falls Mil I found that one foot ol Noil when Saturated contained 5 'A iurhi'H of water, but that the nvHtl able amount that it could hold wu about one and a half inches. 1 1,, then, water beapplfcd for that Mtil nt the ratio of an inch and a half 1 yt niches wall Id be used for three w i soil However, in view of surface evaporation perhntH as much as five or six inches wou'd need to lie applied This would allow for Mime percolation. I I-lit-ve that sijc Inches is ample for average soils and in many instance, it is too much Ahere the soil is h-ss than three feet deep. The depth of water applied cn'n easily be as ccrtaiucd if the head of water used, the ucrcine being irrigated and the time be known. One second foot or fifty miners inches will cover one acre one inch deep in one hour There's NKWS in The Hulletin 'tolled Barley far Snlc. In the Johnson building on Wall street at Rend. 8tf You ought to read The Bulletin. It gives the NKWS lieud is going to celebrate the Fourth and don't you forget it. Wall Paper... Spend a plcawnt half hour look I111: over my ll iwtKr niile at your own home lttltij: cMnfortably in your ciwy chair by the cry lights mid amid tlir exact MUWtliiiUiigi where you ex ct them to liat);- tbat" the ay to elect ttull .ijwr. Kxamine ami com Kre the beautiful deaiu., rxqulnlte tint 'ami rich color cficcta to your heart's content. Pick out the exact pattern you w4nt the one that really harmouiics.nitli the furnUliliiK of your home ami with your ideal. you mc the whole lliic tl(e very latc.t ilclna tlic lovclict tints and richest color effects, including the im ported Mltcrnt in Moirr taptitry, color blend, ingrains, vumiilwd tiles, aanitns, sanltilc anil the beautiful pressed leather effects of at prices ranging from 7 cents up. N I. WmriiiR, nenil, Oregon. The Central Ore gon Banking (b Trust Company iNCoaroiATKO ifH, Capital $23,000.00 Tfnrisncts a Ocncral Bank ing Udslncss. Acts ds Administrator, I:x ccutor br Trustee of Ostates ifdes. Drafts and Dnrik'2 Money Orders ort nil Foreign Countries. v 7, r Interest on Tlfrfe Deposits Safe Deposit Boxes. Fire Ins' (irri rice. John Stctdl, l'rcsidcut ). It. Saw Hill, Vicc-PrMldciit and Cashier UKND, OREGON' Oregon v - Oregon tut diau.m PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, I'ropriotor Tabic supplied with all the delicacies of tBfc season First-clay liquipinmn All stages stop LIVifRY AND PSED Good Ufgs '. .. C. D. BROWN &, COMPANY : BEND, - OREGON j DI'ALKKS IN AI.1. KINDS Of ft Central Oregon Real Estate Timber and Desert Lands a Specialty We buy or 4cfl youi land no matter where situated. Wc can sup ply you with any class of land nt any time Call On us or write for ,. further pirtu.tjl.irs. flARtlHR Sirol- Ab Hatiis in IIOTKL, Hotel HUQH O'KANE, Prop, MOST (iUSTRAtLV I.OCATIJD HOTEL IN BEND. ' SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION.' ? . . New Houm;, New Ftlrniturc, Reasonable Rates. Good Rooms ; Always Rcscretl fo. Transient Trade. "- .U. h. F. (1ENERAL. Commission and forVvarding MERCHANT. fclllANIKO. - OREGON Urge, Cotdrdodkjiti Wareboose. CoasigaaCBte SoTititel Prqmpt attention paid to those who r . ' favor me with their patronage.. .....j t RALPH SHlEJUDON General Bldcksmithihg and Wagon Repairing HORSdHbEINQ A SPECIALTY Our shop is located , NEW DAILY STAGE Froni BEND to SHAN1KO and All Interior Points , New and Up-to-date Outfit Special Attention io TraVelihg Men The Most Scenic Route In Central Oregon s Best Eating Kousesx on Any Stage Line PROMPT ATTETlbN GIVEN iAHT FREIGHT 1 (.,: tfor Ratei toXaud locators, and Timber Men, address F. O. MINOR, fiend, Or., drV,' J. BtCKLEY. Agt., Shanlko, Or. t vi'- mUWOMEN rtobertlno alVw what verr wonian inwt dcalrca perfect completion It tirtniiH that aott, nto5tli. freilu clwr tint f th cheek that tljnote youthrulrtes It will brlnjr beauty to Uwm who lack Hi It wilt retain It (of. Udeo wht already tosscis It It ill enibW',oi. to Succwafully rompKtTli6-rviKi''f' VeHther and time. bon't doubt dbn. argue. JUst try It'oL'-itlne. Your CruguUt wilt slvo you a. free sample. All drU kIu keen Robertlne. Q&&MM r -vwj r ,., r t S.y.s Fine Rooltfs and Beds At the hotel door BARN IN CONNECTION Reasonable Charges fa Bend COHNKU nONII AWD Orkgos Strkkts ... u MOODY opposite Baptist Church. . 1 TO ERESaud BAGGAGE J A SPECIALTY I, 15IMIII FRANK IKEISTLE fHiM llU tijOvt4llHtI DtnA C010 lJDhillEliUlif FAIR PRICE Arc you t suUcfibt? fa