The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 17, 1907, Image 3

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In n Condensed Form lor Onr
Busy Readers,
A rUtumo of tha Leu Important but
Not Loos. IntoroatWip; Event
of tha Past Wask.
Mexico Iih withdrawn her demands
on Guatemala.
Tim llnirliimtt linen have nnlor for
110,(H)l) tuna ofidool roll for ilullvvry
In won.
Armed hniidlta nro iiqKirtcd to lm
committing lciliil totiM In several sec
tlons o( Culm.
The shipping tnist declare It will
novel give 111 to tliu striking Now York
An heir to thn throne linn hern Ixirn
In Hfxiltt and thoro It great rejoicing
'tliiiiughout tliti Intnl.
An wiraged mob at lliitln made an
iinsiicrearfiil attempt to lynch nn officer
who iliot nn escaping, prlsmier.
A Chicago )Iht oliilum thnt Clmrlr
II. Muyer, Implicated In tint KImiiuui
lung mtinlrr, U nn im-cunviet, having
nerved term In Juliet (or burirlary.
Tho Court of AimiiIi of New York
linn granted tlm attorney genernl thn
right to contest Mnvor MeChdlau'
-neat. Tint leoimut of tlm Imllot In now
oiMjtod to OOllllimlK-O limit.
K. II. Onr. chairman of Hit- Unite!
rltaU Hteol vnrpnrallun, ray If rail
road would use hoavler rail there
would bo fewer accident. TIih litmy
var now iimmI liy tho rond cniuu (to
quont breakage f mill.
Tlm death Hut In tho strainer l'ollotl
witik Ih placed lit 48.
From nn unknown source Princeton
university has rwoUcd n gift of 1 ,
200,000. Thoio In some iiisptolnii thnt nn ox
trt Jury fixer Is nt woik on th'o Hay
wood jury nt Holso,
Two volcanoes In Hlclly, Htrombnll
nml Ktn, mn In notlvn oiuptlnu, caus
ing tenor on nil shir.
Ono of Germany' IcmltnK paper
olltot Inlty predict war between Japan
nml the United State.
' An excursion of Oinnlin bulnra men
will inako a tour of tho Nurlhwrat.
Thero will 1)0 125 In tho party, which
will stall Juno -'.
P A auburWiu jinsenger train on the
Ilurllugtnii rosd hiii wrecked nix mile
out of Chisago. On panmngor was
killed nml n number Injured.
Colomilo nion nro endeavoring to
Imvn patent to several thousand acre
of Inrd sot nniiln Uoaua It Ih claimed
tho. lumber companion obtained iwrsc:
nlon Iniiululently.
Pas-eiigris nt New York winding to
cross tho in'caii nro carrying tholr own
baggage on Iwanl vrssol on account of
tho longshoremen strike Frolht l
piling up on tho dock nml thousand
of Ikixvs of citrus fruit hm Ihh'ii rulnisl.
Itumlnn Hoclnllita lira to hold a con
volition In Knglnnd.
Nino IIym nti rwK)rtcl lot In tho
tornndo which mopt Toum.
Union Unumleni of Ixm Ani;olM nro
-on utrlko and nil other orKunltntlona o(
Uioolty limy Join thuin.
Tho Impeilnl council of Myotlo
fllirlnon In In Mention nt I-oi AiikoIch.
fltNittlo U worklnu for tho next eon
(A now Irlih homo rulo bill Iim ben
lutiodiicod In iarlliimout. Abiolute
control of dopnilinunta U uruntod
liy tho bill.
A Bnn FrouclHoo iimulrto klllml nix
ixxiplo with n nhotKun. Ho doclnreo
they woro trying to tolon him for hli
In n colllilon botwoou n frolRht nnd
pnnnoiiKor train on Uio Mobllo fc Ohio
rulliuul nt l'oioy, II., olght ioron
woro Injurod.
Itutto Chlnoo chnrgo tho polloo with
buiKlnry. Tho Orloulnla any omcora
tiro In tho huhlt of vUUIiik Uiotr aUiroa
frequently nod helping theimolvefl nt
Uio point of a. nun. ,
A Now York grand Jury Ima Indlotcil
tho OIiIcjiko, Itook Ialitnd k 1'iwlllo, tho
Ontnrlo A Woatorn, tho OIiIouko, Mil
wuukco A Ht Tnul, nnd tho Woatorn
Trunalt oompnny for giving tno Ainori
can Sugar Helming company fright
A now revolt hna elnrtoil In Morocco.
Thoro nro atlll many KuMslan aoldlora
In Ooroa,
Tho National Tubcrculoala convontlon
la In Bcaalon In Wnahlngton.
Tho aid of 1'onnaylvanln oonalabnlary
haa boon iiakod to preaervo order at
rittsbureg, whoro n mochluliU' itilke
la on.
San Franclico Scono of Bloody Con
flict Ovar Car Strlko,
Han Frnnclcco, May H. Hlollng by
ittovteur striker nnd tholr filnuda and
ropatd (UHllladif of bullula from
trlkuhicakers yvatcrdny uiarkxl tho
llrat nttouipt to run cam on tho Unltod
IUIIkkuI alnco the atrlko began. Tho
movement of a freight car from ono
burn wa Uie signal for obstruction of
tho track by a mob and for a ahowor of
mlanllea aimed at those who opcrntod
tha car. After running only half n
block tho car waa taken back to Uio
Having thua mado n teal, the com
wiy nt 2:30 p. m. eetit n string of
siiven psraengercara out of the Turk
and Fillmore street barm, nianne-1 by
armeil atrikr bunkers. Their appear
ancn wa Uio signal for ronowod rioting.
Ilrlckbnta, paving stonea and all man
ner of mla-lca wero hurled at tho cars
by a pursuing mob of aevnral Uiousand.
Olio of thn guarda on Uio enra retaliated
with a shot, which hit Ita mark. Tha
aitniilton tho nira became nioio furlom
and tho guanls retiillnted with several
fuilllaihvi, which eauml tho death of
one nutiii wouiidtMl onn fatally and '
htm sorloutly. After running a few
blwks the cars woro returnel to Uio
Urn and tha nltempt toitjwralo the
line waa abandoned for tho day.
Union plukttM went among the mob,
lintilorlnu them not to throw stone?.
Ihey worn Jeered by union men and
sympathisers. Tho police with ono
lueepllcii did not oven draw their club.
Tlio police tilt lllllo to ciiecK uie
lawhwsneM. They attempted to dla
suado tho mob from violence, bat only
two nf them urnd fnico and Uiey did It
ho effectively that they cleared tho way
fur (lie cars for the time txlng. The
ml Ice artfittcil 13 of thn strikebreakers
for shooting, but mala no arreata
among tho mob.
That the many bloody events of yes
tenUy rimy Ihi reiMMtted with even more
IrngUi result was Uie fear expressed
lint night when it wna maile known
that the Unlto.1 Hallways' prog lam for
today lucliidea nuotticr nttempl to ro
mime tho o-xwatlon of Ita system. Tills
attempt, according to (lenornl Manngrr
Mullnlley, will bo made some tlmo In
the forenoon. Ho divllnetl to alato at
what hour or to discuss tho company's
plana in this respect.
fcnRlneer Lote Llfo In Saving Paaaen
Kra Prom Dottrucllon.
Itiltte, May 8. Tho North Coatt
Limited wit lound tmln of tho North
ern l'acltlo Itnllroad compnny w held
up willy ywttnUy morning by two
mnfkctl men nenr Weloh'n apur, aid
lug 18 mllea ett of llutto, nnd Kngl
neer Jamei Clow rhot ileud nnd Kite
man Jamea Hulllvnn ahot thrcugh Uic
nrm. Without making nn attempt to
blow up tho oxnroiw rnr, tut wub evi
dently liitendoii, tho two robber Jumih
el from tho cab nnd run down tho
mountain aldo, dlaappeikrlug In a gulch
ho vol I IiiiikIkxI ynnla from tho track.
On the tender of tho IcvouiolUo waa
found a tolecoo grip full of giant
powder, lntemkl for ue In blowing
up thu oxprrnHcnr.
Tho two bumllta thus far have man
nged to eludo nbout 16 olllcoia rewiring
tha mountalni! In tho vicinity of the
hold-up. Olllcera returning from the
apur atato thnt tho trull waa loat by the
nrlfon dotal on a road loading to Ilutto,
whero tho lmndlta bad cprlnkled n
quantttj of rwl peppor. Tho olllccw
lmvo n number of freth hounda In ro
aorvo and tho hunt will bo icon mod.
aiva Back Their Coal Lands.
Denver. May 8. -Through tho In
Htiuincntallty of olllclala of tho depart
ment of Justice hero, certain persona in
n statu further eaal have suricndercd to
Aaslstimt United BUitoH Attorney Oeno
ml Hiiioli tho palonts for nnd deeded
back to tho government voluntarily be
tween 1,000 and 2,000 acres of very
valuable coal lamia In ltoutt county,
Colorado, for which nearly 1100,000
had been offered them, tho probable,
value bolng two or Uiroo ttmea that
amount. Tlila wns done after careful
consultation with eminent counsol.
Train Crash In a For.
Wheeling, W. Vn.. May 8. In a
denso fog arly twlsy tho New York
Chicago ox pi ens No, 7, ujxin tho Haiti
moro A Ohio rallraulciuihod Into an
east bound fiolght tinln na lb was tnk
InuthoaldlnR ut Itoaby'H Hooks, SO
miles oast of hoio, killing four of tho
railroad inon, aorlouily Injuting throe
others, nnd slightly Injuring flvo pus
senuora. Tlio engine, buggngo, mall
and express earn woro domolichod, but
tno passenger coacuos auu mo aioepora
woro unlnjuroti.
3,000 Hodcarrlsra Join Slrlkera.
Chlcairo. May 8. Twc thousand hod
carriers und building laborora today
iolnod tho ntriko of tho brioklayora. A
speedy sottlomont It proillototl. Tho
total number of men now out Is about
Oonaervatlva Oamocrata Favor Him
for Presidential Candldata.
Wnihlnittoii. Mnv 0. A aonntorlal
aynillenlo linvlng for Ita object tho con
tml ( llm niixt DmncmrAtlc iintlunnl
rnnveiitlon la In proceta of formation.
Wllllnm J. iirynn luiguican ii a con
aplracy, for It la decidedly nntbllryan
In character, wiuitj tno wotK prciarn
tnrv to laiinrhlnu llin inovumenl thnt la
con torn phi led haa Iwen conducted with
well guarded mcrccy. Hoinetlilng Un
glble, howover, la likely to trnnaplro
In connection Willi Uio moTcmeiii wiui
In few ilnva. when the country will
bo let into boiiio of thoduUlla.
Hnmn nf tlm iilnrm of tho aenatorlal
ayndjeatoaro merely tcnatlvc, but at
thlt IIiiio tho mndldnto favored for tlio
nrtwlilontlil nam I nut Ion i Judue Oruv.
of Delawnrc Unleaa aomeUiIng un
foraeen hnppcna, It la tellovel that
Judge Gray will bo tha auro-enough
courervatlvo Democratic candidato for
presentation to tho national convention.
lis Goods Are Sold Abroad for Last
Than at Home.
Wnnhlnutnii. Mav B. Chorion K.
Keenf, of Now York, prialdcnt of the
Independent Watch Dealera' associa
tion, today conferred with Arsistant
Dlntrlct Attorney 1'urdr concernlnif an
investigation which tho department In
making inio l.a mewioiaui ui utmieu
"watch trust." Mr. Kccno prciontetl
In Mr. l'nnlv. lm pnld. evillonce con
cerning the operation of tho alleged
watch trust. Ho asserted that Amcrl
ran made watches could bo purchased
In various Kuropcan countries for much
!( than thev could lo lxiuitht in this
country, and that tho alleged watch
trust sold watches to lorvlgn dealers ai
a much less prlco than they quoted to
American dealera. Ho exhibited Atner
If.ti unlrliM wlilrli lin liml nurchoaed
abroad for less than ho could buy them
In tula country.
Will Visit Portland and 8attla on De
half of Hit Countryipen.
Washington, May 11. T. Taka
hashi. of BenUlo. bss Ucn in frequent
consuiliitlon with tho Jajuinesc ainUs
rador tho past low days icganllng tno
Japanese situation In tho far North
weit. Tho amlmsKador l greatly In
tintitt'l In Tttkahashi'a statement that
business men of Oregon and Washing
ton generally aro not hostllo to Japan
ese and haa promised to visit Seattlo
and Port'ond In a fow weeka for tho
purpose of making personal Investiga
tion. Tho exsct date of his trip can
not be fixed until tho ambassador haa
concluded thn ceromonlos In connection
with the entertainment of Ocnoral Ku
rokl and party In this city and James
town. Taksluuhl will psrticipato In
tho Kurokl reception hero and start for
homo In ubotit ten days via Now York
nnd lloiton.
May Savar Relations.
Washington, MayO. Although the
actual nows of the sovoianco of diplo
mats rotations of Guatemala nnd Mox
I co has not reached hero, otuoUls havo
no doubt thnt Mexico haa taken the
action that will roiult In giving to tho
Guatemalan minister In Mexico pass
ports for Ida wlUidrawal. Tho Amer
ican minister in Guatemala la now
preparing to return home, and tho
Amoilcnn ciiargo, rump nrown, sec
i clary to tho location has been In
structod to look after Mexico's Interests
In tho Guatemalan capital.
Exprats Rata Too High.
Washlm-ton. May 7, Tho Interstate
Commerce commission hss tendered ita
llistonlnlou In a case Involving tho
reasonableness of an express ruto. The
case won brought by the society of
American llorlits. who claimed tlutt tho
rate charged by tho United States Kx
press company on cut flowers from New
Jersey points to New York city was un
reasonable. This rate, until Jury, ivuo,
was 60 cents per hundred pounds, and
nt thnt tlmo was mined to fir Com
mlHtsloiicr Lniio. who delivered tho
opinion, holds that tho rate could-bo
reduced to uu cents.
Fine Berth for Wood.
VVmililiiaton. Mav 8. Tho order ns
signing various olllcois to command de
partmonst proposed by tho general Btnff
was issuod today by tho adjutant gon
oial of tho army. It provides that Ma
jor Geucial wood bush bo roiioved iroin
ttm nnnininiiil of tho I'lilllnnlne dlvlslou
nnd shall nssuino command of tho do
nnrtmont of tho rJist nt Governor's is
land, relieving Major Gonan.1 Grant,
who Is ordered to nssuino command of
tlio department ot tho Lakes at Chi
cago, tollovlng Hrlgadlor Gonorul
Tressnry Slstomsnt.
Washington, May 0, Today'a trens-
ury statement shows: Available cash
lialanco, 1255,288,070; gold coin and
bullion, 100,555,088; gold certificates,
Viceroy ThsnKs Amsrlca for Qlftt to
Relltvs Famine. '
Washington, May 10. A dlsp
rrcclvod today from Consul Ocnoral
Itoilgors nt Hhanghai aja;
"The viceroy of Liang Klang pro
vince roqustca mo to offer his sincere
thanks to tho American people and gov
eminent for magnificent gifts sent to
roliove the suffering Chinese of tho
Klanit I'eh fauiino district, In addi
tion to this requeat cf tho viceroy,
havo received similar expressions from
all the ranking Chlnww olllcluls of this
section of China."
HMicial ariangemcnls aro being made
by tho viceroy to ass let In tho landing
and handling of Uio cargo of the army
transiiort Hufford. The newt of tho
coming of tho Hufford haa spread
throughout the whole empire. The
I ted Crois todsy decided to remit $1,-
000 additional by coble at onco to Mr.
Itougeia for ismiue relief.
Railroads Are Craaturea of Nation,
Saya Judge Farra.
Washington, May 7. That tho Unit
ed Btataa iuu full power under the con
stitution to govern and control railroad
corporatlona is declared by Judge K. H.
ratTsr, ot .New Urlrans, in a letter ad
dressed to President Roosevelt. The
lollruvda, he aays, are crroturca of the
Nation. This fact places them under
the rule of Uie nation, and has Uio dual
result both of regulating Uie roads and
protecting them from an unjust exac
tion by Uio states. Tho roads can bo
lirotccted, ho pots, against the ptelu-
dlco of the local Jury by giving them
tho right to sue and bo sued In the fed
eral court. The national government
should provide tho manner and extent
thtough which the roads should bo tax
ed by Uie stated.
Investigate Artaslsn Walls.
Washington, Msy 8. Representative
Jones has Just received aasuiances from
tho director of tho United States geo
logical survey tliat tho request for an
investigation on artesian water poesl
bllltlcn in tho Yakima valley will be
complied with. The region specified is
Gold Creek valley, in tho vlclnty ot
township 12 north, range 24 east. From
a superficial Investigation of this region
it appears that artesian possibilities
aro excellent. Tho Investigation con
temptatod will dovclop all tho facts
Wants Experta for Land Office.
Washington, May 7. Commissioner
Iialllnger, of tho general land office,
has asked Secretary Garfield to assign
to duty in his bureau two ot the buil
nets experta who aro to bo engaged by
Uio secretary to auggest improved plans
for tho betterment of tho service of his
department, to assist In developing cer
tain reforms now in progress In his bu
reau In order Uiat particular attention
may be paid to tho divisions of mall
and tiles and accounts.
Northwest Postal Affairs.
Washington, Msy 8. rcstmosters
appointed: Oregon New Pino Creek,
Ilenjamln F. Griffith, vlco II. M. Flem
ing, resigned. Washington Lamar,
Alberts. Gros, vlco M. L. MoNelly,
resigned. John J. Itexek has been ap
pointed regular, Samuol P. Soulc, sub
stitute, ruial free dellvory carrier,
route 1; Hoy M. Cowles regular, Whit
ncy II. Cowles substitute, route S,
Wenatchee, Wash.
Cruiser Tacoma Leaves Santiago.
Washington, May 8. The cruiser
Tacoma, by ordoro of tho Navy depart
nient, haa left Santiago, the ecsno of
tho recent collision between tho ration)
of that ship and tho police and gono to
Uuanianamo, inua removing uio poesi
blllty ot further friction.
Surgeon Noble Sent to Canal.
Washington, May 0. Captain
Robert K. Noble, assistant surgeon, is
relieved from duty at Fort Casey to
iako effect upon arrival at that pout of
First Lieutenant John It. ltosloy, assist
ant surgeon, and will then topalr to
this city for duty with tho Isthmian
Canal commission.
Opens Actors' Fair at Now York,
Washington, May 8. At 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon tho president touch
ed a button at tho Wbllo House which
opened tho fair for tho bonotlt of tho
actors nt uio .ucuopoiitan opera iioubo
T -. I-
in nw turn
Awards Carrying Contract.
Wnahlngtou, May 8. Secretary Gar
Hold awnrdod the contraat for transpor
tation of supplies from Seattle to Heln
doer (stations and schools In Alaska for
the coming season to Captain Michael
Whlto, of Ballaid, Wash.
New Register at Halloy
WoBhluKton. May 7.Alvln MoMa
hon was today appointed register of Uio
Und oUSco at mlley, laano.
Harrlman Annuls Long- Contract With
Clark Railroad
Washington, May 0. Official infor
mation reached tho Interstate Commerco
commlialon today of tho cancellation
of a traffic agreement entered Into June
18, 1003, between tho Southern Pacific
and tho San Pedro, Los Angeles A Salt
Lnko railroad companies.
In the opinion of the commission the
abrogation of Uie agreement is of tfie
highest Importance. Tho facta con
corning it were developed at the recent
Inquiry Into tho relations or tho Houtri
era Pacific with other corporations. It
was the opinion of several Interstate
Commerce commissioners that the
agreement was In restraint of trade and
might subject tho officials who entered
into It to a prosecution under the Bhor
man anti-trust act.
Notification of the abrogation of the
agreement was received In a letter from
H. S. Lovett, of New York, general
counsol of the Southern Pacific com
pany. Mr. Lovott assigns as tho rea
son for tho action the enactment try the
California legislature of a law which
prohibits contracts restricting compe
tition. The agreement binds tho Salt Lake
mad not to cliango rotes within 09 years
without the consent of tho Southern
Pacific. Itcamo out at the Inquiry
that tho agreement extends beyond
Callforni and binds Uie Salt Lake road
to build no extentlont north of Salt
Lake parallol.
Witnsst Saw United Rallroada Official
Pay Qold to Ruef.
San Francisco, May 0. Sensational
testimony was given before the grand
unr today by United States treasury
officials, which laid baro the details of
Uio bribery of Abeltuef, Mayor bchmlti
and the members of the board of super
visors by the United Hailioods.
Through Uio testimony of Superintend
ent Leach of the mint, Assistant Treas
urer Julius Jacobs, of the Ban trancisco
sub treasury, and others, 1225,000 of
boodle waa traced Irom tho lianas oi uie
United Railroads to the city officials.
Several officials of the United Itilroaads
were alao called as witnesses, but In
voked their constitutional right and re
fused to testily.
Ono of the most startling pieces of
testimony was that of Mr. Leach, who
told the grand Jury that be personally
hod teen Thorn well Mullally, assistant
to the president of Uio Unltod Ilall
roads, nay $5,000 to ltuef. This was
only Uio beginning. Other witnesses
completed tho chain ot evidence, which,
it Is predicted, will roeuu in uie inuici
ment of some ot tho moat prominent
officials of tho local traction trust.
London Corporation Quarreling With
County Council.
T.nm!nn. Mnv A. Cltlzuna of London
aro anxious about tho safety of St.
Paul's cathedral. Tlio southwest tower
Is leaning several Inches out of perpen
dicular and largo cracks hava appeared
in uie sione wont.
A sharp conflict has arisen between
Uio City corporation nnd the London
County council regarding Uio stability
of the cathodral. Tho counoll proposes
to run a main sewer under tbo threat
ened tower, and this tho citizens resent
aa likely to hasten the ruin of tho en
tlimltnl. Lnnt Mnvor Tnsloar has
spoken vigorously on tbo neceesity of
saieguaruing umaon a nmieumi, wnuo
Sir Ileniamln linker, the most eminent
civil engineer In England, aay he la
prepared to pledge his professional rep
utation that the proposed sewer could
not In any way affect the cathedral.
A public meeting to protest against
Uie construction of tho sewer is being
arranged at tho Guildhall, where the
lord mayor will probably preside.
Will Not Give Up Lima.
City of Mexico, May 0. Guatemala
has refused to comply with the request
of tho Moxlcan government that Jote
Maria Lima and Colonel lVorc, charged
with complicity In tho assassination of
General Uarrillos, bo extradited. The
cabinet held a protracted session and,
it is said, debated tho advisability of
imiriniliiiinK-Koverlni illnlomatlo rota
tions with Guatemala. No ono would
talk, but Minister of Foreign Affalra
Marlscal said that tho position ot the
Moxlcan government may bo announced
Janan Hat Qet-Rlch-Qulck Fever.
Tsimlnn. Mav fl. Janan has causht
tho "go-rldi-qulck" fover, according to
a London motcliant who has Just re
turned from Japan, and who says that
unless the nation sobers down, specula
tlvo crises win ueoomo aa ouiuiuuu ui
Toklo na Uioy nro In Now York. Some
day ft Japanese Loiter will make a cor
nnr In rlrn Thn comruinlod and svndl
oatos floated during tho twolvo months
ending In January last represented tho
astonishing total capital of 1700,000,-
Attacked by Guatemala,
City of Mexico, May 0. Telegrams
from Sallna Crux tend to oonflrra a re
port Uat the Guatemalans attacked Uie
Mexican lluhthouseat Son Bert I. on Uie
west coast.
Violence Seems Certain In Sai
Francisco Labor War.
United Railways May Huddle Under
Eagle's Wing by Asking for
Federal Injunction.
Ean Francisco, May 7. An air of
nervous expectancy hangs over the city
of San Francisco. It is such a quiet,
suppressed sentiment as bespeak ap
proaching conflict. The situation Is
serious with a gravity born of uncer
tainty. Tho United Railroads pro
poses to resume the operation of its
line with non-union men. Two thou
sand union mn are en strike, and,
while neither lido will discuss the pos
sibility of violence, the situatlcn has
been carefully canvassed by the police,
the militia and tho officers of tho tegu
lar army.
Thoro is a settled feeling In the city
that the cart cannot bo operated with
out violence of eomo bort. Wherever
the subject waa discussed, the opinion
was expressed that trouble was Inevita
ble. While still hoping that no out
break will attend the running of Uie
cars, the authorities havo mado prepa
rations for any emergency. General
Funstou arrived last night and assumed
command of Uio department of Califor
nia. The militia armorits are being
guarded and tho police force has been
given emergency orders.
The situation is complicated by the
telephone strike and tho vast industrial
army made idle by Uie Ironworkers'
strike. Among tbo unions Uio feeling
prevails that the defeat ot Uio carmen
would be the heaviest blow tho unions
could receive.
Reports are current that, if trouble
attends the attempt of Mr. Calhoun to
run the ears, he will forco tho Issue up
on tbo government, either through a
request for a receiver or through Injunc
tion piocecdinga in the Federal court.
Union Pacific Official Says Road Will
Sell No Mora Coat.
Cheyonne, Wyo., May 7. "I look
for a greater coal famino next year than
over before, and the Union 10x1(10,
which has always taken caroof Uie peo
ple along its line, will no longer bo
ablo to do so on account of the Hepburn
bill," Is a statement attributed to W.
L. Park, general superintendent of tbo
Union Pacific railroad, by the Wyom
ing Tribune today.
"Tho small dealers," Mr. Park is
further reported to have raid, "haw
In a way depended upon tbo railroad for
the supply of coal to help them out.
and, unless they store their own coal
during the coming summer, they will
face a famine in tbo winter. Coal con
sumers along other lines whero a simi
lar arrangement has been maintained
by coal-carrying loads will meet tho
same emergency. The Union Paclflo
will store coal as usual this summer,
but will havo none to sell "
Wrecks Villages and Kilts People In
Northern Tsxat.
Fort Worth, Texas, May 7. A storm
of wind and rain, which waa general
throughout a considerable area In
Northern Texas and which at soma
places assumed the proportions of a tor
nado, according to meagor reports re
ceived here tonight, has resulted in the
loss ot at least threo lives, tho Injury ot
many other persons and great damago
to property and crops. .
Several villages wero wiped out, but
because of the prostration ot both tele
graph and telephone wires details ore
almost impossible to obtain. At De
port, ono of tho largest villages In La
mar county, 20 mllea from Paris, Uio
storm passed norUieast, cutting a path
about 200 yards wide.
Record Trip Around Horn.
Loa Angeles, May 7. A special to Uio
Herald from San Diego says that Uie
steamer President, ono of the vessels
afloat, now engaged In an effort to break
the existing record for a voyage around
Cape Horn, Is repotted to have passed
San Diego yesterday afternoon, tub
raeesago was received by wireless tele
graph and stated that tho President,
which left Philadelphia March 23,
would arrive at San Franolsco tonight
or Wednesday morning. It the esti
mate la correct Uie Persldent will roako
the trip In 40 days.
Relations Not Severed,
Mexloa City, May 7, Dlnlomatlo re
lations between Mexico and Guatema
la have not been severed. Tonight, Uie
sub-secrotary of foreign affairs, Josa
Alegarla, emphatically denied Uie re
port emanating from Washington to the
effect that Minister Gomba had bwo