The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 10, 1907, Image 7

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Spring Humors
Impure or effete matters accumulated
in the blood during the winter cause in lite
spring such disfiguring niul painful troubles
as boils, pimples, and other eruptions, also
Weakness, loss of appetite, that tired feeling.
The best medicine to take is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the
blood, and effects permanent cures by giving
healthy functional activity to the stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels and skin.
W.W uTjllTrm' V V,"V1, W; ..A'"-'- M'Vfor.1. Cloeavllle. N ll.aev.l
lhrr.m.Lr.iiV.irt,.iill.iiin?. llXl!iforin l.verf !' n I roiii'di-tehr proetretnl,
fio ! It ...rlln. l,t.V-. nr W.. In. Hui I fcv fmiiid Hriiar1lle
1 1. d( dniLl. or ).-itMl l u V null. . Iieliie rim from III Ural iloee, eoiuplelelr
it. 1 llimH'n . Uiioll, Mat, rvaluiva yowl lirellh end etreiialh. under tlm Pood and l)nirs Act, Juno 'M, 1WXI. No. 'Mi,
I,m nf itiurrlrun lleeerf.
"One of (ho oldest Iminnno lawa Id
lil country," rnilil K. J, Hnnford, "U
In force In Nevada. In tlint (cctloii of
tin' American itcacrt which llm In No
Vada traveler In dUtri'M tuny line Uin
limited iitwMiiKtr trnlm and compel
tin train crew to jlro tboui water to
itrlnk. The law make It n felon to
refine to comply with tint traveled
Mr. Hnnforil ild immcrou luatnncr
were known In the rnrllar day wbrn
: traveler took advantage of tlm protec
Ltlon thla law afforded, hut In recent
bear few Kron attempted to eroe
thi deaert riccpt by train. Kama
City Time.
TaVIa U o liumtril tram alder than
Ut. l'.ttriburr.
Nearly onefiflh of the atudant at
Bwlae ualteralllea art women.
dutllca Qto, E, Law, of Uraill, Ind ,
Has Married 1.400 Couples.
Juitlce (too, K. litw, of Uraill, I ml,.
lii fairly earned the tltlo "Tim Marry
Ini Mqnlrp," by which hn li known far
ami wide, having al
ready married imnn
1,400 couplet. Trn
years ro ho was de
uly county treasurer.
"At that time," Mid
JlltllcO IjW, "I MM
suffering from an an
noylnjt kidney trou
bio. My back ached,
my rnt wu broken at night, and the
ItnimaKt- ol t kidney raietlona weie
lim fiequenl and contained sediment.
Ihrrn boxes of Dunn's Kidney I'llli
cured mo In 1807. and for the rait
nine years I hava been frro from kidney
complaint and Utckarho."
Hold by all dealer. BO cenla a box.
K(torMllburn Co., Iluffalo, N. Y.
I ioort.Hr, tiabrt"
Tho ncrmnii l.mprca hna b-on hennl
to y that tho bnppleat Jrlud of her
life were the fow Meek following the
hlrth of each of her children, when alia
wan nlilit to retire from public duty and
enjoy her new trmmin.
It happened when tin- youngeat ton
of the (jfriiinn niynl fniully was an In
f n tit tlmt one of the Indira of tho houno
hold, ii'Hitt going Into the iiudacry hnat
lly, discovered tho emiircai kneeling bo
lilc hvr bnliy'a crndle.
I In' ninjeaty row hurriedly, nnd
cftUir'forwarU with her ejc full of
"No, ahe wild, midline unatendlly
Into the niixloiiA faro of tlie lady In
waltlnx, "nnthlne I tho matter. I
, waa only anylnc Kixnl'by, baby. You
know f hare to give htm up to-nior
row, and It It the lait nig lit"
HurrUa-a lll Lallfrr llr.
I.rery year In the Ituinnl country, In
India, a marriage lottery la held, cen
trally In October, Tho uamea of all
tho marriageable girl and of tht
young men who aro tired of bacbelot
life are written on fJIpt of paper and
thrown Into aeparata earth pot" One
of each kind la drawn at one time by
a local wImi man. The youth wboM
name la drawn out obtain a letter of
Introduction to the young woman whoM
name accompanlr hi, and then all
that remain for him to do la to atari
courtahlp. with all the ardor of which
he It capable. Such fortultoua court
ahlp might not appear tt tlmt alght to
promlte rcry well for future connubial
happlneej; but, nerertheleai, In tht
majority of caaea, everything turn out
very aatlifactory.
A man who ul (lot to thicken tht
gravy In the mt plra lit told at Oldham,
Holland, la now arrvlni a llirre montht'
Mnttoet la the Jail llitrt.
France produce mora than twice a
many potatora a tht United Htatre. Tii
attrai price a buthtl la "."Hi cent.
CrrMiit nt I'rn ft mi p.
0Hu oiio en n of Juno pen nnd turn
th 1'iitlrt t-utitcnta lutu the xiup kettl.
Add onu buy h'lif, n bliidu of mnce, a
half toimiKMiuful of unit, it iIoki'U ep
perconm nnd n pint of boiling water,
Hlmmcr aloMly for flftevn tulnutea,
working freijucntly with a wooilen
iKi-tlo or wlro itiito mnaher tlmt tlm
pea limy bo well broken. I'rcM
through n aleve, working It to get nil
th' pulp poMlhlo; then return to the
lire. In n iloiiMii Udler preparo n thin
nnuco with one large tnlilcKpM)nful of
butter, two Willi t tnbleapooufill of
Hour nnd onu pint of milk. With thl
gradually blend the k.'0 pulp, ndd more
eenitonliig If msvminry, nnd id miner for
ten tnlmttea lunger.
Otil-Tlmr fhoeulNte t'nkr.
One nip of brown mignr; one egg
)olk, lealen light: ontt cup of aweet
milk ; oiio-lmlf cup of grilled ehix-olnte;
one tennpoonfiil of baking aoiln; ono
cup of Hour; one tah!eooiiful of melt
il butter, nddiil lnt of nil. Ilnko In n
loaf-tlu, nnd cover with n boiled Icing.
Make thl of one cup of migar nnd
gill of water tolled until It threads.
I'our over the wclMteateii white of an
egg, nnd Kpivfld on the cuke.
A Wonderful Oil Stove
Entirely different
from all others. Em
bodies new ideas,
now principles.
Easily managed.
Reduces fuel ex
pense. Ready for
business at moment
of lighting. For
your summer cook
ing get a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
It heat I highly ecnnntntttJ, Doci not orctbttt the kitchen.
OH lwy at a maintained level. Three. !. Fully warranted.
It not at your dealer', writs our noarttt agency for deacrlptlvo
Nlrnmrtl Applra.
A dellclou nnd klmplo way to pre
pare winter npplea: peel, quarter nnd
.ore nix or eight apple; atenm or boll
until nl.iut half cooked ; take from tho
tire nnd let cool; mnko n tyrup of two
ctiji of augnr nnd hnlf n cup of water;
drop the apple Into the boiling, ayrup
for a few minute, or until tlry lioonio
clenr; let od and nerve wl:h cream.
llot.ton Cooking School Mac.txlne.
l.lMUld lla..
Take thnv part (by weight) of gum
ahellac nnd one part of India rubber.
DUaolvu In neparate reel In ether
(free from nlcuhol), applying a gentla
heat. When both are entirely dliaolved
mis them nnd put them In a tightly
corked bottle. Till variety of gluo la
known a marine glue, It retltta tho
action of liot and cold wnter and the
majority of hot alkali nud acid.
JRab Lamp B
" round houaahold uai
llit. frJXTJTA T m i the beat
Umpfor all-
round houeebold uie. Made
of braia throughout and beautifully nickeled. Per
fectly conttructed ; abtoluteiy ttte J unexcelled in
llght-glvlng power; an ornament to any room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer',
wrlto to our nearett agency.
The Finest i Garden
Are always reported when PottUnd Seed Co.' "Diamond Brand".
beeai aro puntoa. wny f uecause we sell you the kinds that grow
best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and deserlptlvo
Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps,
t-ertuuers, incubators, urooders, Poultry and uee supplies.
AikbtBMtN. 20U W 4)m tn Mltl wubf ,
. l Tim. VmU lC tk H 261 In m i""-,
PortUnd, Orotfen j -"- poKvn, Wih.
Vlralnla awrel l'otor,
Iloll the aweet jMtntoe for twenty
minute, removo from tho fire, peel and
cut them Into kIIccm. l'ut a layer of
u-ot potatoea, then cover with augnr
nnd cluunmon; continue thl until tho
tilth I full, making the lat layer of
migar. TIimi pour over tho top n tea
cupful of hot water In which ha been
melted n tnblcniKonful of butter, llako
In tho ovcu until brown.
Crn I'Ihui- C'uLr,
Two ouutv of tlour, quarter jKimid
com tlour, hnlf pound loaf vugar, four
ouuceN butter, ono dcHvit HjHxmfiil link
ing powder, four egg, ltont the butter
nud Mtigar to n croiim, then ndd tho egg
well beaten, one nt n time, ndd tho
Hour, baking powder nud com Hour;
Ik'uI five minute ; llnwir with almond
nr lemon; )iir Into a buttered tin aud
buko for ono hour,
IUkJ AmiI lluller.
Dellclou. I'aro tnrt applea, quarter,
euro and cook them iia for plain npplo
nuce. When cookiM awecten to taito
nnd to a gallon of muco ndd n cupful
of boiled elder. I'laco tho aauco In
croc!: In n modernte oven, nud bako un
covered for oevernl houm, or until It
hn thickened lutllclently, Stir occa
llttrshni-tlluiT Cnnfeellon.
One-half pound of Kngllth wnlnutN
chopped lino aud added to n pound of
jnanhmallowa cut up. Mix thcuo to
getner. tuko n puu or crenm nun wtup
It until (tiff, Htlr Into It tho nut and
innrthmallowH, uIho n quarter of a cup
of candled cherries chopped lino. Flnwir
with a fuw droji of vnnlllii. Sot on tho
tco"in hour or two before serving.
. AVlilt. Cuke.
One-quarter cup of butter, ono cup of
augnr, one-half cup of aweet milk, ono
una puo-nnir cupa or nour, aineii witn
oue touKX)iiful of baking powder, tho
whites of two egg, ('renin the buttor
and sugar, add tho milk, Hour nnd bak
lug powMurt laitly, bent tho egga to n
Btirc rrotu ana roiu iuio mo bailor.
Uako In two tins.
Donlh UliHlhttiH Flnarera.
i llent tho yolks of three cgg until
thick. (InuHinlly bent lit one-third of
a 'cup of sugar nnd n grntliig of lemon
rind. Then cut nnd fold In n scant
throe-fourths of n cup of tlour nnd tho
whltt) of ono ckk". boatoii dry. Shapo
with, a pastry bag nud plnlu tubo on
waxed paper, llako about tou tuluutos.
-m-na Relieves
ing Catarrh!
SSBSj itttH
"Without limitation I xntototlmnk
you for tho great relict I bnve found In
your nlimble medicine, I'cruna, and
will call the attention of all my Irlendt
auflerlng with catnrih totliat fact. Il
aldca I cheerfully recommend it to all
suffering with catarrh In any form.'
Mln Dorn llaydun, 810 Oth St., B. W.,
Waihlngton, I). 0.
A C of Spring Catarrh. I
Mr. N. I'. lAwlcr, 423 N. Brood
way, l'jttaburg, Kos., write: "Lrut
rprlng I caught a nevcro cold, which de
veloped into n aerlou cato of catatrh,
I felt weak and tick, and could neither
eat nor deep well.
"A member of our club who'had been
cured ol catatrh through tho use of re
run advlred mo to try it, and I did io
at once. I expected help, but nothing
like tho wonderful change lor the better
I observed altnott aa soon aa I tatted ,
taking it. In three day I folt much
better, and within two week I was in,
fine health, l'eiuna is a wonderful
How Did He Hide Itf I
"I t by the ppr that Mr. Sllckua, '
who waa rldlnr In the moking car, waa
Injured wbn hi train ran Into another
one a few morning ago. I feel sorry for
tilt young wife." )
"Ho do I. Hhe hadn't the leaat aurp
(in tliat Ita r A amoVfff." I
at. Vitot tits' and all Hrrrma DIJ'MM
u.....ii. m.,., h li.. Ultiufm
1 1 v ."''"":":7.:"."t tiM.-:,.i..
;... JfclU,T.r. rn'J I"T ..r.r ,. m-i -T' !."
With a brnvy lgh tho candidate threw
blmaflf on lb lounge In lb family alt
ting room.
"Maria." b eald, "the election Is going
agalnut mr. I am aore to be dfrated."
Tlifn," apoke hla wife, In a cold, metal
lic voice, "I don't grt the fine new bonnet
you were going to buy for m wben you
were elerted,"
"lly Hrge!" he exclaimed, brighten
ing up. "I hadn't thought of that."
Mother will find Hn. WlniloVa Soothln rcinnlr io on lor mair euuare J
lurlog Ibe Uetlilog H'IckI.
"x"oa haven't been bere half a mlnnte."
protrated the microbe on the dollar bill.
"Wbat' your hurry?"
"If I ahonld happen to meet you
CId," aald tbe Willing microbe, looking
wtb a glance of dldaln at the aarround
log. "I'll thank you not to peak to me."
"Ilecauie you're on a rank counterfeit
and haven't mom rnotigh to know it.
Oood-by." -Chicago Tribune.
Shake Mo Year Shot
AUm'a root-raw A KonJer. It makte tlcht
or ntw tho. (! ir It la a certain etii lor
awtatlng, caiioua ana not.tir4iarnine Jt,
Hold br all Iirurrtiti. I'rlre ZSe. Trtfrk.
aiemallrd rilKK. Addreaa Allen B.01SUU4,
uiuiw i or.
Cuetoaer fanlfflng) Wbat caute thl
itrong, peculiar odor?
Baleaglrl There ain't any one panic
ler emrll, mlater. ITiem'a tke cbeeae.
oext counter down. Chicago Tribune.
SmUiMim - TeaCeElweWn
Oold rmri., l. nrM Wnrk, pr
toutb.!); riMMklS. MUrw nilinrs
1RM Tint au.t i-unTtuMi, onrooM
Uru.htxK It Aalile.
Attorney (crou examining expert)
You beard the prevloua wltneaaea de
acrlbe tbe condition In which tbey found
tbe plaintiff Io thla ca after the acci
dent happened. In the light of tbelr evi
dence, what became of your theory?
Kipert Vltnra My dear air, their
testimony cannot be explained on any log
ical, aclentlfic ground, and It utterly at
variance with every reaaonable hypotbcela
aa determined by tbe law of average. An
alleged fact cannot atand for a moment
when It coDtllcta with an eatabllahed prin
ciple. Krtnre bumanum eat. Quod erat
For Ilrrrtklu-r Up the Bolt.
Station Agent Thla car la marked
"Farm Implement," but tbe content look
uaplcloualy like pckgr of dynamite.
freight Conductor Tbat'a what tbey
are, but the label la all right. Tbe farm
where tbe atuff I going I la West Virginia.
gltlraateMllIng article In big demand. Will
ray from 1140 to M per month. I'ermanent.
321 Hawthorne Ave, Portland, Oregon
There ia no satlsf taction keener.
than beno dry And cornfortable
trhen out In the hardest atorm.
. X. V X. JC
? tJX.
3 (MMUtxianQOBL
slmllallthcnxxJantlRrtuti llngUhtStoindisaadltowTJjcf
ness and IVst rontons odsv
Opium Karphlnc norl'liacnL
i i, ..i
3M .-
Aprrfcrl Rrnwdy fortbwSr
Hon . Sour S totaxh.ulurboa
IxSi&& Signature of
For Infants and Child r on.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
fVr At
ilnranteeil undBTtive ty$M
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Banking by
On ravlngi depoaiU of a dollar
or more, compounded twica
tvtty year. It I iuet a eaar
to open a Saving Account with
u by Mail a If you lived next
door. Fend for our frea book
let, "Ilankini; by Mall." and
learn lull particular. AddreM
Oregon Trust 8c
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
In Your Laundry Than any
other article with less labor
A't dealer. l-19-U-erkrt. lUtaple BomT.wllh
oa.tDl. i.clf tad torie. t'mda
WoaderfBi Hom
"Thl wsadtrftii CU
mi Doctor u ctJlt
trtat bmnt he cam
tole eotrft
Uob thai ar fvea ep
l ill. II cvr wl h
Uuw wood.rfDl Clil-
b.rt-, r-K-, bom
butt aa Tttall
bAt to eatlrtLr .
kaawri Io moillcftl al- iaBS&..
b la ibia coon.r ihron tb u. or um
hrmla rrmt-UM. Tbtt'.taatdcK' trknow
(bear rcnwdLa, wblcb
be ium aaemira lr la aie.reot dl-u4. 11
fnftrrji toe iraoalTb,athna.lruir.thi4
rb uouitura, arrrooa . aumacfi, livrr, klit
T. el&i bu bun.1rU of wiumoalalt.
CbAreee mod.r&ta. CaUarMlaeebim. l'tkltnta
oal or tbe dir writ t-r blanlt t.a.1 rlrcnlaxik
Tite C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1 UM rvt St, S. C. Cor. Merriaea
Mention paper Portland. Onsen
A Piano
Without a Player
A Buggy
Without a Horse
Hh-'a irBBBlHBBBBaBaBam'
Hi "'HBHaBHlaBaaBBBaVl
aMBjcAig..y i" - -"-ij7BBB
Ioea not enlarge the Initrument or
change atyle ol raei meebanlim all below
keyboard, operate piano action abetraet
direct, and preeltaly aa regular piano keya
do, aecurlnf tbe aaine expreulpn aa lb
artltt can by band) can he entirely removed
from the piano In Ave minute' time, and
that without the tue ol acrew driver.
Write tor Free Booklet
Wash. Wash. Grcfoa
P. KM.
Ne, 19-0?
UEW wrtilotf io4vriUrylM4
navntiua mi pr I