The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 03, 1907, Image 7

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The Evolution of
Household Remedies
Tho imxlorn piicnt mcdlaluo htiil
nets Ih tlio iihIiiiuI outgrowth o( tho
, old-tlmo household remodlta.
In tlin early history of tliU country,
MAM. MKIMCINKH. Herb tens, bit
trrs, laxative mid tonics, weta to ho
(omul In nlinoet ovcry house, com
JwumImI by tlin limmowllo, sometimes
Milslrtl by thoriiilhpesry or Ihn fam
ily ilootor Huclt rriuedlrri mt plum,
whlali vrss a I in mid ipnualn, illreoUed
In ttppln brandy. Hmitttliiitv n hop
tonlo, nmilo of ufilslu-y, hups nml bit
ter lurk, A xcuru or mom of popular,
liuine-umdo remedies wro thus com
ciitidcd, tlin formulae for wlilih wcro
jmmxl nlonic from hoima to lioowi,
omut liu wrllluu, sometimes verbally
The 'sitont medicine business It n
natural outgrowth from tlili whole
some, olil iliiiii custom, In Ihn begin
nlniti some pntotprUliiK doctor, tin
pressed by Uio usefulness of one of
lliMa hoimi-iunilo remedies', would Ittlto
It up, Improve It In many ways, iiinnu
factum It on n laiKO scale, adM-rllao It
mainly tlirotiKli almanacs for tlin Immn,
mid tliui It vroiihl bct-onio used orcr a
IViuiut was originally one of those
old time remedies. It wad tnl by the
Meiiuonltc., of I'ciiiisylvsnla, Morn It
wss offered In the pulillo (or sale. Dr.
Ilartiiimi, Till: OIlKllNL COM
I' OK Fi.ltUNA, ! of Men
nonito origin. First, h prescribed It
for lila neighbors ami hli pntleuti , Tim
sale of It lucrrAinl, and at Issl ho s
tabllahtNl b imtuufsetory nml furnished
It lo tho general drug Irado.
I'eiuna la uieful In a great many oil
mat lo ailment, inch a cough, colds,
oro throat, bronchitis, and cnUnlmi
dlsesses geneielly. TIIOUHANDH OK
UtfK OK I'l-.KNUA and Its value In
th treatment of Iheeo ailments, Thy
have Irarrml to trut ami believe In Dr,
llartman'a judgment, and to rely on
till remedy, I'eruua,
Heventmi wrtns In a hundred Id tb
Male of New York llrt to be orr mt
eoty years of air.
A man's heart brats 02,100 tlmn a
Tails a Plory of Awful 8uffrlna; and
Wondarful Hsllaf.
Mr. J, I). Johna'in, of 003 Writ
Hickman Kt., Columbia, Mo., sayai
"Following an operation two yraia
ago, dropsy aot In, and
my left aids was o
swollen tho doctor raid
lit would have to tap
out tlin writer. There
was constant pain and
a gurgling sensation
around tny heart, and
I could net raise my
arm nbovo my hral.
The kidney action was
dliotdorrd and iotuac-
m of the secretions too ftrousnU On
tho advlro of my husband I began using
Doan'a Kidney l'llli, HI net uilni; two
bo i fa my trouble ha not rrnpoaicd.
Thla la wonderful, after aufferiiie two
1 yrari."
Bold by all dealeri. 00 cenU n box,
VToiter.MHburn Co., lluffnlo, N. Y. I
When the blood la pure, Ircah nml healthy, tho nUIn will he nolt, nmooth
ami free from blemished, but when soma acid humor takes root In tho circu
lation Itn presence) in manifested by a pkin cnmtlon or disease. These,
humors get into the blood, Rcnerally because of an inactive or Bliiggish
condition of the members of the body whose duty it is to collect and catry
off the waste and refuse matter of the system. This unhealthy matter is left
to sour and ferment and soon tho circulation becomes charged with the acid
poison. Tho blood bee Ins to throw off tho humors and acids through the
jxrcs and glands of tho skin, producing Kczcma, Acne, Tetter, l'sodast,
t)alt Uhcum and skltt eruptions of various kinds, Kczcmn appears, usually
with a slight redness of tho skin followed by pustules from which there
flows ft sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense
It Is generally on the back, breast, face, arms and legs, though other parts
of the body may be affected. In Tetter the skin dries, cracks and bleeds:
the acid in thp blood dries up tho natural ojls of the skin, which are intruded
to keen it soft nnd pliant, causing n dry, feverish condition and giving it a
hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in tho
I suffered with r ossma for forty
years anU could flnd nothlna' '
ui nna nothlnsr to
vur n yniu x iriaa II. n.
x inaii H. H, II.
sly with, tha Tteh
ill pustulos wouli
Iflli tharA naura.l
asrsd it
and Imrnlnii pmtu
a.unssijr wun ins
form from
.i..,yi.. ;..v: .: .
tho skin and whan aerated oir sometimes causing baldness, Toison Oak
ttVtaTO5RM VS-V W.'h6: Si'l1.
lonr Tsars I wu
letad. liut
w lion I ussdH. H. H. I
Oict our. Thrs hai
'lisrs has paver bsaa
i uo troucis
JJtoolunan, lfoh,
fcccauso they do not roach tho blood. 8. 8. 8. goes down into the circulation
nnd forces out every particle of foreign matter and restores the blood to its
normal, pure condition, thereby permanently curing every form of akin
affection, JJook ou Skin Diseases and nuy medical advice desired neat free
to all who write, 8. 9, O. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Ilia llrat Ananmr,
Tim mrtkeet kind oC llttU boy
Joined a Huiiday achool clnaa In n Wrat
I'hlladelpliln churcli. Ho did not know
the other acliolnra and iipjR'aroil ner
roua, half-acarpil ami rrndy lo cry at
any tvond. Tho lenrlier, howeror,
trcatiil lilm kindly and tlio leamum pro
rrcded without any outburat. After a
short ivndliitf from tho llltilo the tench
e r bfKiin to ijueatlou (he pupils on their
laat li'inim and naked)
"WIid led tho chlldrvn of Israel Into
An no one niuwcreil alio looked from
Iniy to boy, At Inat her nam rcitcd on
tlin new hoy. He sturtrd guiltily ntid
snld, belwiH'll sobs I
"It wasn't mo, honest, tenoher. I
Jut moriil hern last week from Ohio."
I'hllndiiliilila Ix-ditor,
flMraf llnia in Jf.TV Ynrli,
The oldest bou In New York Htnto
Is altuntiil nt tho lower end of Htaten
lalaiid In Tottenrllla. It Is known ns
the "Hlllnpp houso," and was built lo
I WW. Tim I)uk of York presented
Captain Christopher Illllopp with a
tract of land on Htaten Island, where
on he built this atone mansion, which
still orerlook the waters of Itarltan.
That It was well built Its survlral dur
ing 'ZW years attestN. Ill It hnvo hern
mnny uolablo uiitliorliu, nnd hetv wns
hold the (ware auifurenco. Durinc the
rerolutlon lllllopp'a deacendnnts were
loynllats, and the famous jtencrnls of
tbo llrttUti were eutcrtalueU at tho old
CITP Vilntf nn 4 all Knrmi llli'uM
rllo -tmnllr mix! hr lr. Klmca Oil
J.W. Imwtr. entirrVuWKI1liUltl.'l
llttll.. Ill, IL ILUIIH. L Ml ih rL, i-i.uv,r.
lleitrnn Church 1.gtn(lm,
Queretnro was a town before tht
RpsnUh commrat and was mado a city
In MM. A leicrnd of Queretaro Is that
an Otomlte chief, JVrnaudo do Topis
by name, undertook to courert the city
to Christianity In a way that nocms
no el to ui, but was common euouch
to his day. He cmntt from Tula with
a challenne to the jwoplo of Queretaro
to a fair stand up tight If be won,
the jteople surrlrlnt; were to tx bnp-tlie-d.
The challrtiKn was accepted, but
while the nclit was In proRreis a dark
cloud came up ami tho Idea,! Ham
tlnito was seen In tho hcarens with a
fiery cross, whereupon tbo pcoplo of
Queretaro car up and wvre baptised.
They set up a stone cross to commem
orate tbo ercnt on the site of the pres
ent church of Kanta Cms. There li
scarcely a church In Metlro which hai
not a legent of this kind attached to IL
Moihsrt wilt and Mrs. WlnloV Kaothtai
Srruthb iliimxlr loUMluf U.lrehU(lrt)l
SuiIdc lb Ualhlnf ltluJ.
There art 253,430 mllrs of octan catlj
In use.
Aeceanled Kor.
"Your wife doesn't worry about you
when you are sick nearly so much now
as alio did when you war first mar
ried." "Nope."
"Hani to account for woman's tars.
rlea. lan't ItT
"Not In this case; I hare my Ufa
Insured now and I did not thin."
Houston Tost.
A "(JulM of Tuballnfs" has bsen form
ed In so Knrllib Kpl.copal church. Ill
Mprclal builnraa la to krtp bright thl
brata tas fliturts of lbs church.
At the iDTnimnt station I.ulea. la
Swedsu, eifrltnrnta are baltii mads to
secure rarltlifs of plaota not llkrly to U
Ipjureil br frost.
form ox pimples ana made Heads, whllo
Psorinnls comes in scaly patches on differ
ent parts of the body One of the worst
forms of kln trouble is Salt Rhcutn;
its favorito point of attack is the scalp,
"' iwm ..v.
BS..BJK.!i,"?f "?'?K Bia
The humor
i blood tli
tho trouble
dormant in the blood through the
Winter to break out and torment the
auffercrwlth the return of Spring. Thebest
treatment for all akin diseases is S. S. S.
It neutralizes the acids and removes the
humors no that the akin instead of being
Irritated nnd diseased, is nourished by a
supply of fresh, healthy blood. External
, applications of calves, washes, lotions, etc.,
whllo they nootho tho itching caused by
skin affections, can never cure the trouble
S In IT ,. f'Ml,tar,
My n firm whlto cubtHiiro In cold wa
ter for nti hour, thmi ImiII for ton mill
ule In mIIhI water, Drnlu nml whim
very cold stand It on Hid stem end and
open tho I chiv s, carefully, being suro
that tlii'in nro no purtlclca of grit or
oilier hiipurlty iNitwceu llii-m nml fill
Iiik tin- lutiirstl(ts with a stiilllng made
of a cup of cold chopixHl, txith-d or roast
chicken nml the luinic ipmntlty of Nill
r.l rice, half m miirh rlioppcd bam, a
llttlo butter nnd soMiimiliig to tnsto.
U'boii tho lenves nro well fllli-d with
this mUliirn cIomi tho cnhhsKe nnd tie
It up thclitly lit strotii; nnd conrN net
ting. IUiII Rcutly In anlteil wnler fur
nu hour nnd three-quarter. Take from
the wnter, remove tho nt-ttlm:, put tho
cnlibngt! on n henliil dlnii nnd i)iir n
will-se.iaoned whlto aauco orcr and
nroiiud It.
OranK tirii,ln(lr.
Cut, without ixllnc, two dozen or
nugea Into thin slUx-s nnd tnke out the
Ni-da. Mix with two lemon slliiil thin
nnd seeteil. Drain off tho Julco nnd ndd
cnoiicli cold wnler to mnkv thrco quarts
of the liquid. 1'ut Inl- n slono crock,
curer dowdy, nnd leave nil night In ft
cool place. Put over the lire and bring
nlonly to the loll nnd simmer until tho
Ih-cI I tender. When this point Is
reached stir In (he granulated sugar,
allowing n pound of this for every pint
of Juice. Hull until tho skin looks
clear, take from the fire, and, when
cool, turn Into glasww.
l.riniin Crfmn I'lr.
Doll one nnd a half ciiiw of milk nnd
stir Into It otio nnd n half tnblciooii
fills of cornstnrch, one-lmlf cuji of aug
nr, the Juice nnd grated rind of n lem
on, one tnhlesNiiiful of butter, nnd,
gradually, the l-itcii yolks of two eggn.
four Into an o.m cnist and hake.
Whon ilone spread with n mcrltiguo
mado of tho whites U-nten stiff with
a quarter-ciip of sugar. Ilnmn light
ly, then tnke from tho oren and allow
to cool very slowly.
Tno Mined l'l.
To ono cup of finely chopped meat
ndd two cups of chopped jippte, ono
lord teaspoon ench of cinnamon nml
ginger, one-lmlf level teaspoon each of
nllsplco and cloves, two level tenspoons
of salt, one cup of molasses, one cup of
stoned raisins, one cup of currants, ono
cup of tolled elder, tho grntcd rind nnd
Julco of ono lemon nnd four tnhlcsjuons
or any kind of rather ncld Jelly.
)Iail (lunar IlUenll,
Make a biscuit dough with 1 quart
or flour, . tcaspootifuls of taking pow
der, one-half toasixxinful of salt, 1 ta
hlcspoouful of butter, and Just enough
milk to make n sort dough. When
ready to roll out stir In quickly 1 cup
ful of maplo sugnr cut In plecei tho
alio of a pea. lloll out, cut Into small
biscuit nnd baku quickly III a hot oven.
Park C'Mle.
Ono pound of fat salt irk, chopped
fine, one plut of boiling watr poured
oer It, ono pound of ralniint, one-fourth
pound of citron, two cups sugar, ono
cup molasses, ono tnasjioonful of soda,
one tulilcspoouful each of clovo nnd
cnsaln, one nuttuog, stvcu cutis of Hour.
Slnko thrco loave-a, Takes no eggs or
butter and will keep Indefinitely,
Crnulterrr I'un.
Hlft two cups of Hour with thrco ten
sjNMiufuls of linking iowder nnd one
third tenspoouful of salt. Crciuu ono
tnlleti;)oouful of butter Into this. Iloiit
ono egg until thick, ndd one cup of milk
(or cream), the sifted Hour mixture
nnd ono cup of crnnberrlM. Fill but
tered cups half full and steam ono hour.
I.eruon l'uddlarr Save.
Ono and one-lialf cups of sugar,
three-quarters of n cup of butter, ono
egg (rosorvlng one white), one lemon
Julco and grated rind. Heat nil well
together and, whon ready to nerve, pour
one pint of Killing wntcr on tho mix
turo, then pour uwn tho rcoerved whlto
of egg nnd beat hard to a froth.
Krlrd t'ke.
One egg, beaten light; ono cup of
sugar, ono cup of sweat milk, ono tablo-
npoonful of butter, ono heaping tea'
sixxHiful of baking powder, a llttlo salt,
enough flour to make of the right con-
alsteucy to knead to a ioft dough. Cut
off bits of uniform alio and fry quickly,
l'olalo Orlddt Cakea.
Take ono cup of Hour sifted, add 1
tanBpoonful of taking powlor and halt
a tonspoonful of salt and 2 large pota
tows grated. Mako Into battor with
half a cup of milk and fry ou a hot,
well-givasod grlddlo.
X ltvllah.
1'or a rollsh with Halt or cold meats,
drain tho liquor from a cnti of toma
toes, chop tho pulp nnd mis with It ou
equal quantity of minced groou peppers
nud oulons. BeoBO't with salt and olive
to4MMM4444 I
The Proved Remedy
For Over SO Years.
Pl-Us 33e ooa &9
The iiumtx-r of cattle In Aritotloa Is
etlmsted at 23.000.000.
Nlnetr-fltbt per cent of the 0,000
blind of Japan eupport themielvcs br
practicing taatnAzr.
n M.1 trv-,1-Hr1T
j -CirasisasM sMew"ea)
eompetltlva aja and when of amplo tiaiacter it placae iU loituiuta poeeaaeor ta
tL. Loot rank, of lnformo& Qf ha Wor,A
A vaat fund o pereotval knowledge ta reallr aaeantial to the acKbrremtnt of
tba hlgbeet azcalUoca In anf field of human effort.
A Knowlodtfe of Formal, KnovIod of Fanetlona nd
Knowledge of Produota ara all of tha utrnoet Talua and in queetlone o!
Ufa and health when a trua and wholaaoma remedy la deeired It should ba rcmenv
Land tliat SfTup ol Figs and ElUlr ol Senna, manufactured br tKa California FI
Srrup Co is an ethical product which baa met with tna approval of tha moat em
inent physician and give universal aatUfaction, becaoee It la a remedy of
Known Quality. Known Excellence and Known Com
ponent Parte and baa won tha valuable petronajr of rollliooa of tha Well
Informed of tha world, who know of their own paisonal Vnowlcdga and from
actual uaa that It ta tna Erst and beet of family Usativca. for wUcl. no extra
vagant or unreasonable claim era made.
This valuable remedy ha been long and favorably
known under tha name of Syrup of Flgt end ha attained to
world-wide accepUnca aa the most eicaUent family laxative. A
It pure laxati vo principles, obtained from Sanna. are wall known
to phyalciana and the Well Inlormeo or ma woiw io o me
beat wo bavo adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of
Fig and Elixir of Senna r more fully descriptive of
the remedy, but doubtlessly It will always be caucd
forbythsshortei name of Syrup of Figa and to get
Us beneficial effect, always note, when purchasing.
the full name of tho Company California Fig
lircV whether you call tor ayrup or rigs
rfe3b. L.t...n c I tri
Celee mot (eee brlgMer and faster calere tksa aay etaer dre. Oee 10c stkse cetera sfik, weal aad cettaa eeaally weJI aad la
tvareMeed live perfect ,rells. Ask e1eslr.if we wl m aeat aaM at 10 pecaaj- Wrfca fee free eeeUet kaw to eVe.
leaUi ana ads caler. M0NKOC DRUG CO, Ualeaveae, Ml Henri.
Tot lattit details concerning tha ron'lrur
Hon ol the Chicago New Yolk Air Una Kail,
road" will be found In the Air Un Ncw.H
watch tan be had fie of any expense by writ
ing lit
Portland, Oregon.
Portland Oregon)
OolS. CrewB,t Utld Wotk, per
looih. sit rit.,Ji luiver ru liars
oo I ooid riuiDis, i.
WHtnBuf iourtaS", oriKaor
Ittlnat lelllng article In bis demand. Will
pay from IM to l- per month, t'ermaneut,
cprriaiTV cm imp. rrvuDiuv
331 llawthwnt Ave., Portiend, Orxea
CanHsialles af TTfallk.
lUu Harriet Curtis, tha golf cham
pion, st a dinner In Iloston praised
golfs effect on tho health.
"Msny persons," she said, "especial
ly women, bara 111 health becausa thy
never take any exerclw, and tbe'r
nerves weaken, and half their com
plaints are nervous, Imaginary ones,
that hard work would cure. I know
a doctor who baa a patient of this typo
a big, robust woman, who Is never
without a list of ailments as long as
ber arm.
The last time sh snt for the doc
tor bo lost patience with ber. As sh
was telling hi in bow sua was suffering
froa rheumatism, sora throat, nervous
Indigestion, bvsrtburn, pains In the
back of the head end what not, he In
terrupted her.
"'All,' he raid, In an admiring ton,
'wbat splendid health you must hare
In order to be shit to stand all tbeso
complaints.'" The Washington Star.
Ilotr Ike Karfaa-emaat Wae tlrokea.
Hbo (having uotblng else to say)
It's funny how wo orcr came to think
so much'of each other.
He Funny It's positively ridicu
lous I
The Mara to .earn.
"Do you know much about mental
"Yes," answered the expert, "by per
sonal experlenc on tho witness stand."
Washington BUr.
5gv- -
Personal Knowledgj
I. fT. srlnnln f-vrfor In Um cum!ntintT contMU of iKU
-- -,
Car-printed on the front of every package.
or oy ine iuu muii iffiui w, a"
and Elixir of Senna.
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES TiSf$u
Men's Shoes. SS to StO. liars' Shoes. SUItu SII.S5. Wumrn's
Shoo. SH to SJlO. Silases' a. Children's bho..Sv.VJ3 lo al.OO,
W. U. Douglas shoes are recognised by export Judges of footwear
to ho tho best in style, nt and wear produced In thU country. Kach
part of tha shoe and every detail of too making u louxed after
and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to
tlin or cost. If I could take you Into my lanre factories at
Urookton. Mass.. and show vou how carefullr W. L. Douslaa
shoes are made, you would then enderttand
near longer, and are of greater value than
r, I. DoasUt nsme ea4 ftitt Is tump! on the tollora. hl'b rcvtsKs llie wearer srsratt klsh
rlt tM fstwtoc llu. Tea Km Habslllale. fi4 bj lf.i hl ho dtlra iimUrV
Aro always reported when
Seeds are planted. Why
best on this Coast Our
. Annual tells all about our
rciuiueia, iinviMivn,
A K Dms Ms.
I T"s, IkivH.
Portland, Ororfer
Banking by Mail
On savings drpolli of dollar
or more, compounded twice
tvery yrar. It Is Just a easy
to open rt Havings Account with
us by Ma. I as If you lived next
door. Fend for our free book
let, "Banking by Mail," and
learn lull particulars. AdJrtsi
Oregon Trust Sc
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sta.
why they hold their shape,
any other makea.
w? feal
twaaf ISf
fit be
The Finest Gardens
Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Because we sell vou the kinds thii inw
handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
Seeds, Plants. Roses. Spray Fumes.
t(wucrj, runry sno race supplies.
!0 Wa atat tte t isadsl cauWr
Sic. Bok N. jt, baa aa nya.
Spokane), Wash,