The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 03, 1907, Image 3

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Jn a
Condensed Form for
Busy Readers,
A Reaumo of the Late Important but
Not Lata Interesting Events
of the Past Weak.
Rockefollcr linn given another 2,.
000,000 to Chicago university,
A long distance lmlloon flight from
HI. lml to Washington I to Ixj U
Jame llnrtlctt Hammond, president
at tlio Hammond Tyowrltcr company,
In Insane,
An attempt wo ado to wreck n n
netiger train on tlio Houtliorn railroad
near Harrlalmrg, N. u.
Ihtvlil Wilcox, former president of
tlio Delaware fl Hudson railroad com
xny, 1 1 n committal aulcldo,
A gntig ol oro thieves Itrut bean rap
tmcil at OoldlMd, Nov. Tlio hod 061
'pounds of high grado oro rachvd,
Postal authorities nfler Inupcrtlng
mtcol null ear expnti satisfaction and
no doubt nil new cam will hereafter Ira
made of steel.
Tlio Hnn Frnnrlsoo l.nW council ha
paanvl nwoliitlou condemning ltoom.
volt for Ilia itamt In tlio Moycr Petti
Ixmo-llaywood oaso.
AH signs seem to M)lnt to another
rcivultitloti In Guatemala In the near
fiitorn. One party hit gono o far n
'to form n irovUlonal government to Im
ready for rmergorx3lc.
ITIio British cabinet Iim offered a
isllght roiKviilon to IroUnil.
Ilarrlinan plana a. double track line
.IwlwtH'ii Tacoma ami Poittand,
A Mil for I'olltli autonomy liaa been
itiltoliiotxl In tlio Itnulan douma.
Tlio trcainrei of tlio Woona:kel, It.
I., electric company liaa cmbctslod
Lumber hniiillrra at tlio Vancouver,
II. 0., initial liavo koiio on atrlku fur a
George J. Gould favor rallied legls
Intlon, but does not llko Die Idtn of
2-crlt fare.
Tim fiont of an oljjl't-etory Chicago
'building collated without warning.
No ono wn hurt.
A largo Pittsburg pocking liotwe con
lalulrig a half million xumla of Icrd
burned. Tlio loaa ! 300.000.
Ktnyvrsant Fish, n director of tlio
'Gould nail, my tho coming crop will
1k a hard ono to imne, na tlio rot short
ago I n Miriou na otcr.
There will I hi a meeting attended by
delegat' from nil patta of the Uliltod
State hold In Washington early In
May to discus way mid mmni of erad
loatlng thi) white plnguo.
Tlio lthodo Irland legislature liaa nd
ouinrl without breaking the aouatorlal
Tlio attorrcny general of Kansoa baa
a oolieuio whclh ho bvllovcs will effort
Ively atop all liquor traltlc In his atate.
Eastern Montana I cxicrlenclng n
billiard. On Uio Flathead Indian res
crvntlon thero I over lx Inches of
Harrlrrnnn has plana for n now ter
minal in Chicago and propose to reach
It by a tunnel 22 miles long under tho
Tho government liaa been aiked to
tiiko ata hand In the lalxir trouble of
Uio Itlo (Iruiiilo railroad and provont a
Tho crows, nil Americans, of seven
ot um trains m mo Bonora railroad aro
In prison In Moxlco charged with tilling
vllng arms and ammunition Into that
Four mon buriuul to death, 260
bnrtips klllinl and 12 firemen Injured,
two of them seriously, nod u property
low of (200,000 Is tho result of a Now
York llro.
Governor Mugoon has signed a do
-crea granting umnesty to tho mombora
of the armed forces of CuUt who Imvo
lieon found guilty of committing offens
d during tlio recont revolution.
A ixirllumont hotmo Is to bo built by
Tho nonatorlal doadlook In WlHoonsin
-contlnueu unbroken.
It It said Thaw lawycra will ask for
: diango of vomio for Uio noxt trial.
Itusshvn Industry is bolng parnlyrod
by Uio continued strlko of tho en I lor a.
Tho aenatoridl deadlock in It hod e
Island Is praotlcally where It was 13
-woeks ago.
A resolution asking Hooeovolt to no
.eept another tern) has boon defeated by
Uio Pennsylvania legislature
Jamaslown Exposition to Open 00
Par Cent Completed.
Norfolk, W. Vn., April 113. Drapllo
the energetic effort of ofllclals and
workiupii, the JamtTiujwn Tercentennial
oikmUIoii will Ik) oxuitd thin week tin.
lendy, Many of Uie structure that
nro to have domestic and forolKn com
iiim-mImI Mvliltilta nml , ll.n
achievements In the Industrial art ar
I Incompluto. Yet the aunt of what ha
Imhiii done, a romjiured with llio un
flnlahod work, form a tatlifactory ro-
In tlio beauty of tlio water allow with
Ita aiimtliiii uathorlnit of forulKn llecui,
rppracnlliiK tlio moat formldablo tyipa
of ruival flKhtliiit iiiacliltica of nearly
evory xwrr in tlio world, and in an
opening piosrnin with 1'rcaldont Iloono
volt In tU lending role, with diplo
matic, military mid naval reprcpnta
tivai of itrral and amnll forelxn nation
participating, Uio public will have IU
The ground and building at the ex
THMltloti are about HO or cent flnlolicd.
Hoveral thousand of tho moat liniiortanl
building aro built mlldlr of brick,
conn-tit and Iron, and thca nro Intend
ih! to leinalii on tho ground a a nu
oleu of a great park. Kegardhiu of
the 'wrinAiienoo of the work, hoHever,
the nxlerlor of rnot of tho building
will bo ready when tlio expOfltlon la
formally ojcnpl on Friday neit.
Tho Jamcatown Trrrentennlul. wlien
couinletrd, will he. nlmoat all that la
Implied In the exprtwalon, "a world'
fair," but It will not atop theio. No
other exposition hat nttoinptol to abnw
the world tho life of thticolonltta, th
tiariU)ilM of the ploneor who oreiiJ
thurountry after clvllltatlon hal Iwrn
attalnol on tho aonboard, and the
achievement theeo jieoplc workixl from
tlio raw material. Twcnty-flvo atntc
will trace their hlatory from Uislr ear
lpt ilay to tho prtwent, arid tlio ex
hibil will Iki aheltertMl by bulldlnc.
The atato biilldlnga havo bten erouned
along tbu hlitorlo ahoro of Hampton
Itoada, and command an excellent view
of tho navlea of the world.
It I thia gieat naval difplay that
will prove tlio crowning glory of tho
exposition. Nothing llko It liaa ever
IxTure been attempted. Theiearo few
harboia In tho world that accomodate
o large an aaaernblago of warthlpa.
Tlie lleota will number, In ddltlon to
aeveral of Uio boat type of each of the
foreign naval power, tho Atlantic fleet
of the United Blalc navy, under corn
mand of Iteai1 Admiral Kam, which I
concedel to be the driest organltatlon
of fighting machine alhnl.
ThnaoAlof goternment aporiaonhlp
will Le aet upon the exposition by Uie
coming of tho president of tho United
Stale, arntnaaadoni and rnlnlitor of
foreign government, tho governor and
repricnlatlvm of slates and tcrritorlea
and delegations representing luipoitant
civic bodies.
Fruit SI'Khlly Injured In Nebraska but
Bnow Did Great Good.
Omnlut, Neb., April 2.1 Aa a ro
suit of unprecf dented weather that pre
vailed during tho greater part of tho
month of March, nml tho freeltng
weather and heavy snowfall of tho pnsl
few days, early fruits such as peaches,
plums, apricots, cherries and blackbor
rlon In this section Imvo been injured,
but tlio general opinion nmong those
who havo the bent uicana ot Information
la that tho damage Is not as great na
has been reported. Indeed, many are
of tho opinion that, whllo early fruits
havo len Injured and In romo In
stance) completely killed and poiilbly
oina of the later varieties have been
hint, tho benefits rranlting to the irrain
crops from tho snowstorm moro than
oltieta tho damage.
"Itoiiorta from nolnta nlonir tho lino
ol our rallrooil are not unfavorablo,"
aid O. W. Ixnnli, militant general
manager of tho Ilurllngton, today,
"Tho fruit In tho southern part ot
fieiiraiiKs, wiiipii ino unusual warm
weather In March had brought to an
advanced atato of development, Is re
ported to have been pretty badly dnm
aged, but llttlo or no damage Is report
ed from polnta north, Tho snow, how
ever, did n vat amount ol good to wint
er whml, and has put tlio ground In
fine condition for other farm crops."
Hllmllar reporta havo been received
at the goneral oflloos fo tlio Northwest
ern toad.
To Defend Harrlman Una.
Topcka, Kan., April 23, It was ru
mored here today that N. II. Loomls,
general solicitor for tho Union l'acltlo
miltoad In Kantian, was to bo mndo gen
eral councilor for all tho Harrlman
lines In before the Intoratato Com
rncrco oommisslon. Mr, Loomls today
admitted that sucli a plan was under
cousldornMon. In cane tho position Is
created, Mr. Iwinls will movo to Chi
cago, where ho will Imvo a largo corps
of assistants. Tho pool Hon in now in
railroad circles and Is made neoessary
by tlio pnneugo of Uie now rate law.
Pray for Pain In Ouba.
Havana, April 2!!. Prayers for ruin
wero onored In churches throughout
tho Island Bundny. No rain has fallen
In six menths, The country Is parched,
many cattle aro dying and forest drttt
are devastating vast areas.
Qovernment Extends Inquiry to Every
ProducIrK Uoctlon.
Wruihlngton, April 20. Tho inveatl
gallon of tho lumlxsr trurt is now In
full swing. It Is regarded by tho Im
ronu of coriKimlloris as tlio moat com
pruhenaivo and far reaching of uny ) .t
undeilaken. Tho informntion oblnlnod
will bo used by tho department of jus
tlco In protocoling tho truet, If audi no
tion la wnrmnlod.
A preliminary inquiry rrganling
price has ulnvuly been concluded.
HjHolitl agent nro now being sent to all
the prlnrlxil districts where lumber Is
produced to uncertain facts relative to
production arid tho restraint of compe
tition, I.very eectlon of tho country
will bo vlsltvd by these agents.
Dalit now collected show tho steady
and uniform advance In prices for nil
kinds of lumber during tho pact ten
your. Thero wna a remarkable In
crcuaoof cott price In 100(1. Tho fig
urea collected ahow that tho diminish
ing supply of timber i not nlono re-
rxnlhlo for tho gieul ndvanco in
uoinmlMionpr Hmlth will make n
sixtilal effort to a'cvrtuln why lumber
price wero no tluirply mlvanred In
11)00. It Is believed to Imvo In-cn tho
lotult of combination contrcl In viola
tion of tho Khermnn antl-truit law.
Canal Zona's Health Record.
Washington, April 20. Health con
dltton on tho rntial rono aro alxiut as
good now na they ever will bo, accord
Ing ton rejxirl from Colonel Gorgas,
chief ranltury ollk-ei, for tho month of
March, jimt received atthoofllces of the
Isthmian Canal commisaiun. Blncc
lust August the number of sick among
tlio employes has steadily declined un
til It l now 10. -10 men per 1,000 na
ngatnpt 33.72 In August. Among 4,600
Americans, white, employed tluro were
only two deaUis from dlaeaio during
Tafr Back at Work.
Washington, April 26. Secretary
tan yentcniay resumed Ills routine du
tie at tlio War department. Tho fact
that It was cabinet day made It ruvea
aary for him to cut short the tlmo al
lowed to caller. Ills doubtful it In
hs Washington experience tho secre
tary has had to detil with moro news
paper men than ho saw during the day.
They were mainly deilroua to learn
!uat whnt the mcrrtary intended to do
ii answer to the challenge which Sen
ator Foraker had Usuod In regard to the
contest in Ohio.
Immigration Commission Meets.
Washington, April 24. Thecommis
slon appointed in pursuance of the ac
tion of the lait iktmIou of congrers to
Invostlgnto condition In connection
with tho subject ot Immigration met
today. It is expected that a prelimi
nary Investigation of tho port of New
York and Ikwton will Im made, and at
terword either tlio full committeo or a
subcommittee will go abroad to extend
tho Inquiry In tho forolgn countries
from which moat of tho immigrants
No Hope of Aremnt.
Washington, April 26 Tho Control
American controversy is no nearer set
tlement today than it was yesterday,
according to a dispatch received today
at tho Otate department from Philip
Drown, the American charge ut Guate
mala, cabling from La Union, Salvador.
Mr. Ilrown stated Uutt tho deadlock was
still on, Ho held out no hope of an
early agreement.
How Roads May Da Made.
Washington, April 27. Senators
Fulton mid Hourno arc asking for the
assignment ot Samuel C. Lancnstein,
government load expert, to Oregon,
Washington and Idaho for ono ycai as
Instructor In nirxlom road building.
Samuel Hill, of tho Wathington Good
lloads nrsoclution, Is here, Interested
In tho pro'ecU
Roosevelt Coins; to Oyster Day,
Washington, April 24. President
Itoofovolt will leao Washington for his
summer homo at Oyster Ilay on June 2.
Tills is much earlier than has Wen his
practlro heretofore, but he feel that
public business Is lu such shape thnt he
can leave. The president Is to make
two speeches on ''Georgia Day' at tho
Jumettown exposition on Juno 10.
Ran Domingo Favors Treaty,
Washington, April 26, Mlnliter
Dawson, ut San Domingo, cables (lint
yesterday Uio ticaty with tho United
States was favorably rcportod to tho
sonatc. Its consideration was Intrusted
to throo senators, two ot whom filed a
repmt In Its favor, and tho third a re
port In opposition.
Stevens Talks With Roosevelt.
Washington, April 23 John F.
Stevens, formerly chief oiislneer and
chairman ot the Isthmian Canal coin-
mission, talked with the president to
day about conditions on the Isthmus,
He said It will tako bstweon six and
soven years to complote the canal,
Opinion of Senator Bourne Regarding
National Government.
Washington, April 24. "In my
opinion a great crlals now confronts
this country," raid Bcnnlor llourne In
an Interview given here today. "Tho
reactionaries nro determined, If possi
ble, to obtain control of tho govern
ment and use It for their own personal
advantago nud to the detriment of the
people. The true Itepubllcan policies.
as promulgated by Lincoln nnd enlarg
ed and exemplified by Itocaevelt, nro
tho rlghUi of man and Uio abrolute
sovereignty of tho people. The Issue
now before this country Is:
Miiaii tne advocator of the rishls
and liberties of Uie people and of tho
owcr and majesty of the government,
or sliall the onornlos of both prevail?
ino peopio must decido."
Want Republican Convention.
Washington, April 27. President
Hootevelt tolav diecused national pol
Itlc and somo ot tho business ot the
Itepubllcan national convention with
Its acting chairman, Harry S. Now,
who remained with tho president aomo
time. With tli nowrptcr men Mr.
Now would not talk politics. He said,
however, that four cities are already
In tho field for the honor of holding
tho next national convention of the
Itepubllcan paity, Invitations bavins
Leen received from Chicago, St. Louis.
Kansas City and Seattle A selection
will be made by the national comrnltUo
at its sJJcetlng hero in Dtcombcr.
Qorah Denies Rumors.
Washington, April 26. "I havo not
como to Washington to make an appeal
to the president or to the Department
of Justice," raid Senator ilorali, of Ida-
no, as no loll tho white Mouse today
after a brief call ujon the president.
This statement was made by the senat
or when his attention was called to re
porta that ho liod come Kat to Induce
tho otliclals here to call a halt upon the
Federal officials In his state In tho mat
ter of tho alleged Indictment of persons
charged with having been engaged In
timber land frauds.
Wilt Appraise Railroad.
Washington, April 23. John F.
Stevens, foimerly chief engineer and
chairman of the Isthmian Canal com
mission, Is to be employed by ono ot
the large Kastern railroad companies to
iiuiko n physical valuation or Its prop
erty. Mr. Stevens declined tonight to
nsmo tho railroad with which ho is to
become afilllatcd, but admitted that it
Is one of tho largo companies of the
East. He expects tc enter upon his
new duties soon.
Many Dead Latters.
Washington, April 27 All previous
records for a day's work In returning
letters to witters from the division of
dead letters wero eclipsed on Mondav
Uat when 20,308 letters wore returned.
Tho largest number heretofore returned
In a single day was 14,488 on March 28
last. Tho number of letters en hand
awaiting roturn has been reduced to
03,000. A llttlo over a month ago thero
wero over 200,000, ct such letters on
Coat Land Laws Codified.
Washington, April 23. A codlflca
Mon ot tho coal land laws, combined
with regulations for thoir administra
tion, was Usued today by Commissioner
Itallinger, of the United States land
ofllce. Tho lands aro classified accord
ing to vnluee and Information as to the
price at which the government will sell
each tract Is disseminated. Tlio prlco
arlea from $10 to f20an acre, accord
ing to accessibility.
Keeps Attorney General Posted.
Washington, April 25. District At
torney Ilulck went to Italtlmore today
nnd conferred with Attorney General
itonapnrte regarding the Itorah indict
merit, Idaho laud fraud and Haywood
Meyer case. When he returned to
Washington ho declined todlscuss what
took placo In llaltimoro.
Funston to Command California.
Washington. April 23. Brhradler
Gonoral Frederick Funston has been re
lieved ot the command of tho South
wMem division, to take effect upon
tlio expiration of his present leave 'of
nbaouco and will proceed to Pan Fran
olrco to tako command ot the depart
ment ot California.
Hero of Russo-Jspaneso War.
Washington, April 25, Daron Kuro
kl, second in oemmand of tho Japanese
forces In tho Japanese-Ilusslan war,
will land at Seattlo May 2 and come
Kaet via tho Oregon Short Line, It is
potslblo he will visit Portland on the
way. Ho Is hero to see Uie Jamestown
Not Forbidden to Go to Isthmus.
Washington, April 24, 8o far as the
Italian embassy In this olty has boon'
Informed, Italy has issued no decree
prohibiting hor subjects from going to
Panama m canal laborers.
Secretary Bonaparte May Reclaim Big
I Union Pacific Land Grant.
' Cheyenne, Wyo., April 22. A one
of the results of the recent Investiga
tions Mj Uio Intcratao Commerce com
mission Into Western land frauds, At
torney General IJonapnrto has under
consideration an attempt to force the
Union Pacific railroad to return to Uio
government all tho millions of acres
which remain unsold of the original
land grant. Of the great grant of moro
than 20,000,000 acres, the rosd yet
noids an area equal to the states of
Connecticut, lthodo Island and Dela
ware, and still havo nearly 600,000
acres left over. This immense body of
Isnd In Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado,
Wyoming and Utah, If returned to the
government, would immediately be
thrown open to settlement under the
homestead laws.
Immediately after the Interstate
Co mm err o commission's investigation
of the conditions which have made pos
sible the monopoly in coal land which
the Union Pacific lias maintained for
26 years, Commlsisoncr Prouty called
upon tne attorneys for the commission
to submit recommendations for reme
dial legislation or to suggest other
means of dealing with the monopoly.
Those recommendations are now In the
hands ot the attorney general.
"Deatroy the land monopoly ot the
union rociuc, u ino basis ol this re
Police Captain Tails of Blackmail fn
Tenderloin District.
Ssn Francisco, April 22. Captain ot
Police John Mooncy was on the stand
In tho grand jury room for two hours
tcilay, and when he left it was an
nounced that be had not completed the
story of police corruption, hot would
return tomorrow to finish tho recital.
Mr. Moonoy's testimony was sensa
tional in the extreme. The burden of
It was that corruption of the blackest
kind exists In tho drpaitment, and that
It exists by the fuuerance and encour
agement of Chief of Police Dlnan,
Mayor Schmltx, Abe Rucf and a cer
tain element In the lower courts. Mr.
Mooncy raid that all his eflorts to purge
the town of undesirables wero blocked
by tho men In authority, whose duty it
was to assist.
Mr. Moonvy charged that resorts In
Uie new tenderloin were protected at
regular rates. With his aeslttance Uio
grand fury has been put In possession
ot evidence which shows a depth ot do
gradation almost unbelievable. It has
been shown that Uie mayor and Ruef
have been partners In scrae ot the most
nefarious entcrprlies launched In any
Forbids Emigration and Sertoli
Man to Investigate.
Koine, April 22. Lcroy Tark, agent
for the Pansma Canal commissiou, who
was sent hero to Investigate means of
obtaining men for work upon the isth
mus, learns that tho Italian government
has received grave reports legarding the
hvglenlc, humanitarian and mora) con
ditions of tlio isthmus; that the govern
ment had forbidden further Immigra
tion ot Italians to Panama, and that a
government omcial had been sent to the
isthmus to investigate conditions. Mr.
Park did even-thing possible to place
Uie situation before the government and
to convince Uio offlclala here that the
men at work upon the canal earned 12
a day, wero woll fed, well housed and
humanely treated, adding that he be
lieved that 6,000 immigrants might
leave Italy for Panama Immediately
and that thousands ot others would
soon follow.
Many Governors to Attend,
Now York, April 22. Fifteen gov
ernors have accepted Uio Invitation to
name delegates to attend the national
conference on combinations and trusts
in Chicago, May 28-31. Tho accept
ances of the governors ot New York,
Iowa, Mlssouil, Michigan, Wisconsin
and Utah were received today. Tills
conference will discuss: Governmental
powers over corporations engaged in
Interstate commerce; the division of
power under the constitution between
the nation and the state, and similar
May Tie Up Street Cars.
San Francisco. April 22. San Fran
oisco is threatened with a bitter street
car strike on May 1, when tho present
agreomont between the mon and the
company will expire. The men now
receive up to 32 cents an hour for a ten
hour day. The men request a flat rate
of 3 n ilay for eight hours. Both aides
admit Utov expect a strike and ore pre
pared tor it. it ta known Uutt the
United Railways lias begun Uie lecrult
Ing ot strike breakore with whom to
supplant Its men when they go out.
Only Week's Supply of Coal,
Winnipeg, Man. April 22. More
than 15,000 coal miners are now In
volved in Uie strike in Alberta and
British Columbia. Wlhln a week, it
Is aaid, tho Canadian Paolfio will not
bo ablo to operate Its passenger trains
for lock of coal. Until navigation
1 pens thsre is no relief in sight.
president king
German Ambassador Carries Mes
sage on Hague Heeling.
Austria and Germany Refuse to Dis
cuss Limiting of Armament
Serious Rupture Feared.
Washington, April 23. A most Im
portant revelation in connection with
Karon von Sternberg, German ambassa
dor, and his visit to Germany at this
tlmo has been made by a diplomat la
this city. The diplomat In question 1
quoted as raying Uiat, although tho
purposed the German ambassador's
vacation a very brief one. by tho war
Is ostensibly to take a rest in his own
country, In reality it is concerned with
the present instability of German in
tematicnal politics. It was even said
that Baron von Sternberg was Uie bearer
ol an Important message to Emperor
William from President Roosevelt and
that thi action was being hidden under
the pretext of a vocation to his estates.
In connectloon with the German am
bassador's departure, It la hinted that
two other ambassadors mar find it na
ceeaary to postpone or rearrange their
plans for tho late spring and summer.
Thceo are Baron d Planches and M.
Jusserand. It turns out that the canto
ot this diplomatic turmoil Is the disar
mament queition at The Hague, as
proposed by England, and what may
happen in cose Germany and Austila
insist on not discussing the proposal.
This question concerns the United
States, bcraute II is believed and
Uie president's remarks lately teem to
confirm this view ot it that, If tho
powers persist in maintaining their
declslvo stand, it will cause a realign
ment of the nations and a serious rup
ture will occur between this country
and Germany It is with these possi
bilities in viow that the Italian and
French ambassadors will endeavor to
place before their respective govern
ments special reports containing sug-
Hitches are likely to occur In the
near future between England and Ger
many, and Franco and Germany. If
Italy persists in taking tides with Aus
tria and Germany at The Hague con
ference, It is stated, it will cause a
halt In the sympsthlea between herself
and England and France, and also this
Disease Is In Nearly Eviry Chines
Famine House.
Victoria, B. 0 April 23. Mall ad
vice fiom Shanghai tell of many pa
thetic incidents observed by committees
engaged in (amine relict work in Cen
tral China. Refugees and don wero
seen fighting for tbo flour spilled at
dintilbuting depot. Smallpox Is rav
aging the stricken areas. In nearly
every house there is smallpox or fever
and nothing to eat but the bark ot trees
and potato vine.
James Ware, of the Red Cross, writ
ing from Tsing Klang Pu, says he saw
bodies ot children laid out by Uie road
side to be devoured by the semi-wild
dogs of the plains, and dead men Mat
tered along the roadway.
Many famallee are tear Ing down their
houtes and selling the timbers ia pur
cliato food.
Hundreds aro employed repairing
roads and filling swamps, being paid
from 6 to 10 cr-' day.
British Delegates to Tho Hague.
Lcndon, April 23.- -Tho British dele
gates to the peace contoronce at Tho
Hague are. as vfollow: Sir
Grey, ex-lord Justice ot appeal and a
member oftho permanent couit of ar
bitration at The Hague; Sir Ernest
Satow, ex-British minister at Tokio
and Pekin and member of permanent
court of arbitration at The Hague:
Lord Reay, president of the Royal Asi
atic society and University college.
London, and a member ot the privy
council, and Sir Honry Howard, tho
British minister at The Haguo,
Wholesale Sheep Theft.
Butte, Mont., April 23. A Miner
specla from Billings states that John
Tllden and Chester Martin, two of tho
most prominent stockmen of Eastern
Montana, have been arrested on tho
chargo ot wholesale stock thefts. It la
alleged that the two men stole 426
wethers, driving the animals into tho
recesses of the Bull mountain district,
tar from their accustomed range.
Rains Flood Mobile City.
Mobile, April 23. From midnight
last night until this morning, Mobile
was visited by a torrent ot rain. Bo
great was tho downpour that streets in
many sections of the city were covered
with water tvo feet. Children were
unable to reach Uie schoolhousea and
the schools were dosed. The new
anion station m auirouaded by watar.