The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 19, 1907, Image 7

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J For the
W Children
'- I
To succeed theso days you
must have plenty of grit, cour
age, strcnatli. Mow is It with
the children? Arc they thin,
pale, delicate P Do not forget
Aycr's Sarsaparllla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health In every way.
. Tha f hJMrvn MnnM twulblf tiara im1
li.alin unl.ta lit iHtwtr htm In rtfr candl
IHn Al'iljlU'l 'r IluilhvM tfinitu.. tr.atli iuiifOMiliH fort! all
lb.,.!.? Kit Inn thiil laiatltariiiaaaei Ajar'a
I'llla All raiialabla, luiar tvalwl.
MatSckf J,C IrjrCo.. Lewall, Mat,
alae laaualaalurtra ml
Onlit from th
Tha electrolytic iccorcry of fold
from sen water In till a dream of
many Iliirojiotiii chemists. A, Nodrn
proposes to use as electrodes, sheet of
cwpiier unit Icml or lend nmt cnit Iron,
each about ouo-twcnty-llfth of an Inch
In thickness, And to surround Uienn
plates with Kiroiin ennrni bugs for cut
liH'thiK tliu coli! Hint full to ndlmre.
Tint lintlis, within reiich of tlio this,
1 would hnro n depth of two meter mid
it width of ten meter (nliotit tlitrtjr
throo fret). With cement partition
trvtiry forty found", n buttery of 100
Midi Imtlm could Ira nin together, nnd
It In calculated Hint tliU would furnUli
1M) gram of gold per dny of twelro
hours. In this time, JI,(KH) cubic meter
of water would Im treated, it current
of ft.WX) niiiurN nt ",(i volts IicIiik re
tilred. Tim annual tout Is estimated
nt tl3.noo, mill thf profits nrn ilguu-d
nt I'-'O.OW on a capital of $10,000.
JIOO Howard, I 100,
leant ml liters l al leat one drraded dlMiae
If SlUarad Illra,
Tim corporation tnuit be cr-r-mah.
edl" roared tlio cnndldate.
"Hold on," shouted a man In the gal
lery, "ou yourself aro n stockholder
In nt least three corporations that Z
know about."
Tito cnudlriate frowned darkly.
"Well," lm cried, "If there were no
lock holder there wouldn't be any cor
llm llaa M raillarrrn Not and III
Carafnllr llearrd lir farmer.
It In not many yonrn since n lieu was
Just n hen nnd nothing more, Hho had .Is
no pedigree, no nrlstoerntlc traditions
Pure Blood
certain if you tako Hood'a Sarsapnrilla.
TIiIh cn-cat nindlnlnn curcm Lhcwn nnintlrifm.
no exduslrents, no distinguishing faro-L. , , , , ,, . . ,,
Ilytralu or features. Tta .black hen of 'plmplos nnd boilu tliat appear nt nil Maoris;
ono season might Iw the progenitor of cures Bcroitiw orcn, rait riicuin or eczema;
the blnck and whlto Miockk-d imlh.t of adntitii itxolf anunllv wull to. nnd n!o ntiriM. dvn.
"I It," nbouted Uie man !a the mxt ywr and her Bmuddnuuhter of tho ' and nll Btomaol, troubles: Cuea rhotl-
nuitlfiin nnd cntnrrh; euros norvoua troubles,
dobility and that tired fooling.
jyenr nftcr Ixj of yellow or red .olorlujf.
lie It wan nil yry uncertain. They wen
"And If there were no corporation It vrn nil yery uncertain. They were
they couldn't be crunhed, could they?" Junt limply bamynrd fowls nnd not
With n withering dunce at tho man very much wa oxpcted of thorn. Stout
In the cnllcry tho candidate rciumed
lili nrjruimmt. Cleveland Plain Deal
er. flnad far m Cold.
Illnliop OliiKtcd of Colorndo was
ninklin; a Chrlntinaa nddrctt to tone
Dciivit ehlldrrii.
"lint henrtlly on ChrUtmaii day." the
blhop mild, iiiIIIiik. "Do full JuMlce
Th trwUrt ill liliir will U Tld to to turkey, to cranberry aauce, to plum
iiiii inn i ma i ii ivuiuni uiruim uimvc t.n.... n .1. 1 .1.1.
lUVlVciiiire hi lii U. loeurelnalllli I"'" """ w "" "" """ ""
llotflkrfpfm In Iimlun romilaln that
Uirlr (until Hilly n aliurter lime than tlxy
Aro illd, aud ipflid Icm for food and
lari. ami mat la (Miami. iiauiLaiarin mill I KIVO wnj 10 Kltlliony. lion I Cloat
CUI ! Ill Olllr lOllllla tUto knuwil Kl ttl rilir (Mirladnna .tnlntl.. Illra
mtllral traiari'llr- alanh UinaeoolliU' ,,r r "' ciinaimaa iinintlcN like a
tlonldl.A,rtiilrcaa ixmitnuilonal Irrat- Itnlrt Iniy I inutl to know. Thla bor
roant. llairafalanhruralalaaaiilnMriiallr, ' , , ... pi,r.i. tnnrnln. U I
aciin diiaciir uiiii tha iliiu-i and mucoui Mm one L.iiriinna morninc: jiy, i
lurlacaaonhaatiinia.llitratiriWatiuiliiK Ida wlih I had a cold 1' 'Whr akel hU
'fuuuaatlonolltiaillMaM, ami Klrlnc tha pa ,,,, ,n
Haul lrHlhbrlnilllli)C up Ilia oiuaiUullon liroilier. V-
aad aaalatluiriialuialu ilulnar In work. Tba colli, and If
iiruiiilalutafiataaoinuch laltnlu lla ciirallia ,,,,, ,,,
iwatalhat tiny inr Ona llundta.t Dollar! I tecI It, til
iMtirreapllhla Naved,
"Do your atnvt enra run on Bun
&TY' Inquired the girl from Hoaton.
''Not w you'd notlcw It," replied tho
Philadelphia girl. Clereland Plain
TirtED DA0K8.
llio kldnoyn Iiavo a erent woik to do
"in kteplnu tlio blood pure, When they
Krt out 01 order It
catica liaokache, liead
nolira, dlixliieaH, Inn
Rtior and dlfltn-MiiiK
unrlnary tniublm,
Keep the kldnoyn well
nnd all them) ti flor
in pi will boaavol you.
Mm, H. A. Moore,
proprietor of a rratau.
rant at Watorvlllo,
lo., aaya: "Ilefore
uiltiK IXan'a Kidney l'llla I suffered
rvviythlni: from kidney troulilo for a
hlt nrd n hall. I had wln In the
hack and head, and nlinott contlnuoua
In tho lolna and felt weary nll tha
time, A tow done ol Doan'a Kidney
i.iwaialhat tliar iinar una nunota.i ixjnara
liiranrcaaathatlllalUUicura. Hand for IUI
V,lXte..aUUV. J. CHEKKT S. C0,T0Udo,a
tola iir utusiiiia,7oo.
Ilall'a raially l'llla axa lb Ult
Thirty yeara la tha avrrnce ag of an
cxtrlcli and the annunj ylrld of a bird In
captivity la from two to four pound of
Mothara will flod Mn. WlniloVi IVxilhlni
;iu tba Uil rauitdr to Uh lot Ihalr cbUdran
auuag ma Mawiag iiioi.
Tkoa Impartad liapMaaii,
Era 80 you couldn't make up your
mind about accepting tho foreign noble
man? Why didn't you to coin?
Katharine I waa afraid the foreign
nobleman would keep the coin.
L Vital" Daara a4 all Harraoa I)taaaa
'Catmo mother anya to feed a
I had ono to-day, wouldn't
lid rrtnaaoli rurl kr vt. Klia'a
lMunr. IxiiiIM fllllK II trial bolUa and
mall aa. Iir. II. ILKIIaa, tL. ail Aro ML, IliUal-a.
Juan Uriah aad Lord llaaarn.
In ono of hla ikcIhm In the llouae
of Commona John Ilrlght quoted In a
aplrlt of banter and ridicule the well
known linen written by Ird John Man
ner In htn callow youth t
"Let wealth aud comuierce, laws and
tlalfar than Il7l"af.
When tho drunken tramp tried to
steal a vallie from the Kanta Fe train
nt Ilolllday a few nights ago be caused
a panic among the paaacngera. In the
quiet Interval tliat followed the firing
of tho first aliot a woman In the chair
car threw her arms around bor hus
band's neck and trailed :
"Ob, John. Ufa die together."
"Oh, shucks I" resjionded the proey
husband, "let's get down behind tbe
seat" ICaiuiaa City Journal.
Mat iMprraard.
"What did that rjtnll boy say when
you told ul in ho might grow up to bo
President of tho United HUtesT aald
one school trustee.
"It didn't seem to Impress htm," an
awercd the other. "He aald nearly
crerybody was being mentioned for
that petition nowadays." Washington
learning die.
Pills brouimt crcal relief, and I kent Hut leare us still our old nobility."
on Uklnetliem until In aahorUlme 1 1 lord John, who was preaent, Imme
was cored. I think Doan'a Kidney l'llla dlntely got up and pulrerlml the great
are wonuer til. , r.u.,y ,., ,,u,u..K . . u. ri.r 0 a ch, of ,,, th(( mt of
rorsaol.ynU denlem. oOcentaA'U- the foolish young man who wrote ,b, ,,,. Klnt (Jf0W of Hk ,',,.
hoi Jroatcr-Mllburn Co,, lluffalo. those lines than tho malignant old man dltr had been aeutenceil In Dresden to
N. V. who quoted them." twenty-one month Imprlaonmeot.
Paar Shntv far ha Hat.
First Diner (fo his friend) What's
the matter? You look worried .
Hecond DlnefWell, that fat man at
the next table ha sat down on my hat,
and now both his fat boys sre sitting
on his knee. Fllegendo lllaetter.
The General Condemnation of So-Called
Patent or Secret Medicines
o an injuriotu character, which tndnbjo In oxtrnvngnnt and nnfounded pretensloua
to ouro all nuuinor of ills, and tlio
National LcjtislQtion Enacted to Restrict Their Sale
hsTo calabliahcd znoro cloarly than could lmvo been accomplished in any other way
The Vavlue and Importance of Ethical Remedies.
Remedies -which physicians sanction for family use, as thor aet most Beneficially
and aro entlo yot prompt in effect, and called ethical, because thoy aro of
Known Excellence and Quality and of Known Component Parts.
To gain tho full confldonoo of tho Well-informed of tho world and tho approval
of tho most eminont physicians, it la essential that tho component parts be known to
and approved by thorn, and, thorcforo, tho California Pig Syrup Company has pub
lished for many yoars past in iU advertisements and upon overy packago s
full statomont thereof. Tho perfoot purity and uuiformlty of product which thoyj
demand in a laxativo remody of an ethical character are assured by tho California Fig .
Syrup Company's original method of manufacture, known to tho Company only. 1
fm.- .ut nlij AiTnlnat Mtmivltn annrnrwl liv nltwtnlfino. hilt tho Tirodnct '
of tho California Fig Syrup Company possesses tho advantago over all othor family
laxativos that it cleanses, sweetens and relievo) tlio internal organs on which it aoU,
without disturbing tho natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without
having to increase- the quantity from timo to tiino.
This Valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under tho namo ofl
Byrup of Pigs, and has attalnod to world-wide acceptanco as tho roost cxcellont of
family laxatives, nnd as iU puro laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
a a a . V II 1 -a if. 1 a A , X. alt.. l..u.aV ASF Matatwail
known to physicians anil tuo wcu-imormcu 01 uiq worm to uu iuu uww m uw
laxatives, we havo adopted tho moro olaborate namo of Syrnn of Pigs and Elixir M
of Senna, as moro fully desoriptivo of tho remedy, but doubtlessly it will always f
bo called for by tlio shorter name or ayrup 01 ivigsj ana to gei its uonuuciai eutwi,
always noto, when purchasing, tho full namo of tho Company California Fig Syrup
Co. plainly printed on tlio front of overy packago, whethor you simply oall for
Syrup of Figs, or by tho full namo, Syrup of Figs and Filixir of Sonna, as Syrup
of Flgo and Elixir of Senna is tho ono laxativo remody manufaoturod by tho Coll
foroia Fig Syrup Company, and tho samo horotoforo known by tho name, 8yrup of
Figs, which has given satisfaction to milllona. Tlio genuine Is for salo by all leading
druggists throughout tho United Statos iu original packagca of ono slto only, tho rcgu.
lar prico of which is fifty oonta por bottlo.
Every bottlo is sold under tho gonoral guarantoo of tho Company, filed with tha
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. 0., that tho remody is not adulteratod
or miabrondod within tho meanlug of tho Food and Drugs Aot, Juno 00th, 1900.
of t Ixin had to scratch for a llrliig and
to find roosting placra wheru best they
All this has been changed. The hen
Is now a cherished part of tho fanner's
llro stork and tho comfort and well bo
lug of heraolf and fiunlly are well look
ed aftor, Hpeclal accommodations aro
prorldW for her and much Intrrcst Is
token In hor rarlous form of dcrclop-im-ut.
Hhe I no longer n scrub; alio
lias a lltiifjso to which her owners point
with prldo and which Is registered Iu
books of authority.
Bbe must lire up to a standard, too,
If alio expect ercr to be rewarded by
being brought to a. show. If aho Is a
Plymouth Hock tho markings of her
gray feathers must follow an establish
ed model ; If aim Is n Cochin the feath
ers on her les must extend only to a
certain measure orer her toes; If she
U n black HpnnWti or a Ix-ghorn her
comb must hare w many notches and
no more, and no on throughout the ltat
of Wyandotte, llrahmaa, games, etc.
A display of theao aristocratic fowl
I an lmprealre siwctacle. Tbelr vo
calization, too, It may be remarked, la
a tiling to tm remembered. Fed and
cared for with an esjicclal rlew to their
rUtt to the city, they aro gorgeous to
beliold nnd once baring seen them the
observer can no longer think lightly
of the egg bo consumes at breakfast or
of the fried chicken whoso toothsome
new help to mitigate life's asperlUea.
It la right that tho hen should come
to town now and then to be looked at.
It la her duo that the public for which
aho does so much should come and ad
mire her. She and her tribe add vastly
to tho wealth and prosporlty of the
Btato and It la only fair that the debt
to bor should be rvcognltcd. When bor
week at tbe show Is orer she wlU go
homo and nettlo down to the steady
business of producing more eggs and
more prosperity, for In theso modern
days aho has nothing else to do, In
dUinnpoUs BUr.
8nrntnbo-Kor,hoiT whoprtftrmMleIn In Ut
k iini, iiw mu-iapiniiR h now put up in enow . n r.i ts.t.a. v
UUd lalMs elll K.ra.Ut. , "flfaa In the n.ual J "nSJrli'Jf ZjEgtiSmfU
llqulil form. Karaalaha hare MrntleaJlr the ami noah todo aad anlitlla halth m.ialt
curat I re properties aa the liquid forrn, beaplea aeeu- "Ho. Maal almMt a romplau braak
rr.0' r.'nrUener. f.Wri.? loaa bT arap- &3'te ff i'iS.SAillVJi.
prauon. urrasaro. or iea;ae. urnesiau or protuptlf pp,titi,. natural alaap, ptrfMt haalih.
atraoith to do all mt work."
bymalL CI. HuodC'o.. LuwtlUJIaaa. atraorth o do all mt work
Gcaiuhtked under tho Food and Drugs Act, Juno SO, 1000. No. 321.
"I'm surprised at you." said Jlgley,
"trying to borrow a dollar from thit
fellow Ilarduppe. You're surely not In
such owful need of money."
"So," replied Bhrude, "but I felt
euro Ilarduppe was. Anticipated bltn,
that's oil," Catholic Standard and
Juvenile Idea.
Little Johnny (In. cemetery) gay,
paw, why didn't the man who Is bur
ied here go to hcaren?
I'aw Perhaps, ho did, my con.
Little Johnny Hut It cays on bis
tombstone, Toace to bis ashes and It
must be a bot place where there's
oko. tVW
aT7aE',a'Vl ruaa
Colllalon ot Collnaloa.
The Judgo In this dlrorco suit there
ajecma to be some collusion between the
man and his wife,
Tbe Wife Collusion? No. It's Deed
collision erer since tbe ceremony!
PUUburg Oarette Times.
Elsie Oh 1 you better leave tboea
preaerrea alone. Jla said If abo caught
you at 'em again she'd dust your jacket.
Tommy I know, but I ain't wearln
any Jacket. I took It oft on purpose.
Catholic Standard and Times.
Tjoulsrille, Ky ,
San Franoisco, CaL
London, England.
Now TorS, N."E.
r.lar mar seaM b'lfhtar and taaOr color Ihsn any othar tfr. On
Ona IDe nackaaa caiara ahtL. waal and rettaa aawallv MraH aad la
saHi m le m sasari wiaaaj isr ! aaw i aa. i
II ttaaatablea Ilia Operation at tha
YaaTaTtaea of Amerlcai,
"One of the superstitions concerning
tbe so-called Illack Hand society," rv
tnarked Ernest Mllllkcu, a mine oper
ator of Heading, "U that there Is a
regularly organized predatory band
working In thla country. As a matter
of fact Illack Hand outrages are In
variably Individual enterprise. No
Italian community la free of tho pest.
Tbe Illack Hand letter writer la tbe
drone In tbe biro and Is known to er
cry Italian member of tho community.
Ills persistence Is accounted for by the
fact that prosperous fellow countrymen
are willing to pay him smaU sums
weekly for Immunity. The general
public knows him only when he feels
called upon to discipline a balky vic
"The strength of tho Illack Hand
Ilea In tho certain execution of Its
threats. Whaterer element of organ
isation exists comes Into play at this
point. Since tho man who makes tho
threat to ilynnmltu a house or kidnap
a child Is known he prorldes an alibi
In ndrance. Ho Is usually In communi
cation with somo othor fellow of his
breed located In another town. When
It bccoaira ueccssary to terrorlxo tho
Italians of hU own territory ho sends
for this man nnd Intrusts tho execu
tion of his orders to him. In tlio mean
tlmo ho slips out of town himself, per
il tips to do u favor In kind.
"Illack Hnnd Italians ha to a coun
terpart In Amorlcn In tho 'yeggmen,'
tho worst typo of thieving, murderous
tramps. There Is no organization of
yeggs, but they havo n community of
lutcrest, a codo of unwritten lows aud
n certain patter of speech that makes
them known to each other, A 'squeal
er' always gets short shrift Tho cer
tainty of sudden death makes them
keep their mouths shut when arrested
and thus convictions are hard to so-
curc," rittsburg Dispatch,
Catarrh is not merely an inflammation of the tissues of the head i
throat, as the symptoms of ringing noises in the cars, mucous dropping' back
into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., would seem to indi
cate; it is a blood disease in which the entire circulation and the greatet
part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess
of uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kldncy3 and Dowels frequently be
come torpid and dull in their action nnd instead of carrying oil the refuse:
nnd waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the aystem.
This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame
the different membranes and tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold will atatt the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. As tho blood goes to all parts of the body the ca
tarrhal poison affects nll parts of the system. The head has a tight, full
feeling, nose continually stopped np, pains above the eyes. Blight fevet
comes and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered aad
,1,, n.t.s ,. -v-a ... affected by this disease. It Is a waste ol
7.s(ihAreol&" time to try to enre Catarrh with sprays,
X could h? or VutanoTS5odaiI 'wasbc3. inhalations, etc Such treatment
suited. I then fceean a. sVs., and docs not reach the blood, nnd can, therefore,
?2S.l.ff,i0alllil8..ilinp.lJom5nt do nothing more than temporarily relieve
trota tue) flrst bottle, sua after ,. jr .a. ., . .. m- ..
taktorltAshortwhiiovraaenred. the discomfort of the trouble. To cure
Ji'weTucAonVAlyma'nAhlnk C4"!1 permanently the blood must be
Catarrh I hlood diaeaao, and thoroughlypurificd and thesystem cleansed
tTrxSrrhiSrS't'l'arfS.y! all .poisons and at the some time
Nobodr thinks mora of s. h. a. strengthened and built up. Nothing equals
lAaQ A UQ.
Xapeor, Mich.
S. S. S. for this rmroosc. It attacks the
disease at its head, goes down to the very
bottom of the trouble and makes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every
particle of the catarrhal poifon from the
blood, making this vital stream pnre, fresh
nnd healthy. Then the inflamed mem
branes begin to heal, the head is loosened
nnd cleared, thchawkinsr and snlttlnir cease.
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built up and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S. also tones up the stomach and digestion nnd acts as a
fine tonic to the entire system. If you arc suffering with Catarrh begin the
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of your case aud our physicians will
send you literature about Catarrh, and give you special medical advice,
without charge. S. S. S. is for Bale nt all first class drug stores.
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES -nSfSkc.
Men's lihoea. S)3 to 1.30, ltoTa Shoe. SV.1 to 0)1.115. Woiurn'a
Hho, antoSU.AO. MLaea'A Children' bhoM.ej.23 to ttl.OO.
Thomas Carlyle, "tho sago of Chel
sea," died without winning much per
sonal popularity, a fact, however,
which Is forgotten In admiration of his
genius. Cnrlylo exerted a greater In
fluence, on lirltlsu literature during
the middle of tho nlnoteonth century
out! on the religious aud political bc
Ilofa of hla tlmo than possibly any oth
or Ilrltlsh writer. Ho never wroto a
lino that ho did not bolleve, and In
regard to stylo ho certainly had no
superior. From tho ioalt!on of school
mnitcr In an obscure village this great
Scotsman roso to bo a leader In tho
world of letters. TMidon Standard.
led bvexiert Juilces ol to.
to bo the but in style, lit and wear produced in tliU country,
nart of tha shoo and every detail of tho maklo? Is looked at
and watched oror by skilled shoemakers, without regard to
tlmo or cost. It I could take yoa Into my lanra factories at
llrocktou, Mm, sod show you how carefully Y, L, Douglas
MS p
BaacXBas Zaaav
filfo?skwr AMaH
tlmo or coat. It I could take yoa Into my lsnro factories at
prta al wt.rtor abOM, Taaa Nu nuballtule, HoU trlh. t.lahcdaalYaverTwbr
oil (Mir ttiUll wanJwiray. CWaAw muultijn. V.lJ.ltO)UUJLH, llraakiau.Maai
shoes are made, you would than understand why they hold their shape, tit bette
Tear longer, and aro of greater t1u than any other makes.
iguta nauui ana pni. ca lumpw on ina Doiioiii. waicn l
W. t.1
xta tha waarer aaahut blca
1 The Finest Gardens
Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "DUmcnd BrarvJ"
Seeds are planted, Why? Because wo sell you the kinds that gray
best on this Coast Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
. Annual tens an scout our beeas, flints. Koses, spray Pumps.
reniiuers, incuoaiors, orooaera, t puury ana Dee aupwtes. x
AiafwBMaNa. 260 w. taa ttn a ajadat nub r ff(l
'' -. ..., ." 4ui rn - -. "
. . .. .i. . . 'V
Portland, Orton -g-", JoJtR, Wauah,